De-Dusting Plants For EAF
De-Dusting Plants For EAF
De-Dusting Plants For EAF
separation of the larger particles occurs here in order is maintained by the de-dusting plant. Nevertheless its
to avoid undesired sediments along the pipelines efficiency is limited by unexpected pressure increases in
after the chamber) the furnace, due principally to sliding of the scrap, a
Temp °C
* expressed in equivalents of NO2 r Table 1 Dedusting efficiency data using pulse jet and QT
** expressed in equivalents of C
(1): Pb particulates + gas
(2): Cd+Hg+Ti particulates + gas
(3): As+Se+Te particulates + gas
(4): Sb, Cr, Co, Cu, Sn, Mn, Ni, V, Zn particulates + gas
dusting system and the performance improvements are quenching tower is good, it is difficult to guarantee the
excellent. Optimisation of the QT has meant several plant achievement dioxin maxima of 0.1ng/Nm3 continuously.
improvements that ensure the off-gas inlet QT Further improvements can be obtained by injecting a
Injection is via nozzles before the filter and after the without changing the main fans.
cyclone, typically between 150 and 500 mg/Nm3. Also, as the maximum inlet temperature of a QT is
It can be seen from Figure 7 that the tendency of dioxin 1,000°C, versus 600°C in an FDC, this results in a shorter
r Fig.9 Substitution of an
FDC (a) by a QT (b) in an
existing installation
For the efficient cleaning of EAF off-gas, a combination of
thermal treatment, as post combustion of the primary
off-gas, fast cooling in a quenching tower, and absorbent-
injection, enables the dioxin concentration to be reduced
to levels below the specified limits. The technology for
minimising the dioxin present in off-gas described in this
paper is the most efficient and economic solution and
features the latest state of the art technology. MS
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