Directivedamcanalsafety Dec11 2018
Directivedamcanalsafety Dec11 2018
Directivedamcanalsafety Dec11 2018
1. Part 1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Application ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Submission of documents ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Retention of records ............................................................................................................................... 7
2. Part 2 – Applications and Authorization ....................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Information required for new dam or canal ............................................................................................ 7
2.2 Information required for other authorizations ........................................................................................ 9
2.3 Information required for Environmental Impact Assessment .............................................................. 10
2.4 Acceptance by Director ........................................................................................................................ 12
3. Part 3 – Consequence Classification............................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Consequence classification for a dam or canal ..................................................................................... 12
3.2 Requirements in determining consequence classification .................................................................... 12
3.3 Review and re-assessment of consequence classification .................................................................... 13
3.4 Director’s acceptance of consequence classification............................................................................ 14
3.5 Transition for existing dams and canals ............................................................................................... 14
4. Part 4 - Safety Management.......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Safety management plan....................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Review and update of safety management plan ................................................................................... 16
4.3 Resources to support safety management plan ..................................................................................... 16
4.4 Public safety ......................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Safety deficiencies ................................................................................................................................ 16
5. Part 5 – Investigations, Design, Construction, Assessments and Evaluations .......................................... 18
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5.1 Definitions of design and construction in this Part............................................................................... 18
5.2 Scope of site investigations .................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 When site investigation required .......................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Site investigation report ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.5 Dam or canal design requirements ....................................................................................................... 20
5.6 Target stability criteria and selected factors of safety must be justified............................................... 20
5.7 Seismic analysis.................................................................................................................................... 22
5.8 Deformation analysis ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.9 Seepage analysis ................................................................................................................................... 23
5.10 Design of temporary structures............................................................................................................. 23
5.11 Foundation preparation ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.12 Erosion control ..................................................................................................................................... 24
5.13 Pre-construction requirements .............................................................................................................. 24
5.14 Construction ......................................................................................................................................... 25
5.15 Construction quality assurance plan ..................................................................................................... 25
5.16 Construction quality control plan ......................................................................................................... 26
5.17 Construction completion report ............................................................................................................ 27
5.18 Requirement to undertake assessments/evaluations ............................................................................. 28
5.19 Engineering inspection ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.20 Annual performance review .................................................................................................................. 29
5.21 Safety review ........................................................................................................................................ 31
5.22 Risk assessment .................................................................................................................................... 32
6. Part 6 – Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance .................................................................................... 33
6.1 Operation, maintenance and surveillance manual ................................................................................ 33
6.2 Submission and notification to Director ............................................................................................... 34
6.3 Documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 34
7. Part 7 – Emergency Management ................................................................................................................ 35
7.1 Emergency management plan............................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Emergency contact information............................................................................................................ 36
7.3 Requirement to update emergency management plan .......................................................................... 36
7.4 Testing, exercises and validation of emergency management plan ...................................................... 37
8. Part 8 – Notifications to Director ................................................................................................................. 37
8.1 Notification of dam or canal information ............................................................................................. 37
8.2 Notification of safety incident .............................................................................................................. 38
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9. Part 9 – Decommissioning, Closure, Abandonment, etc............................................................................. 38
9.1 Plan for cessation/resumption of dam or canal ..................................................................................... 38
9.2 Notification to Director prior to cessation/resumption ......................................................................... 40
9.3 Obligations of dam/canal owner ........................................................................................................... 40
9.4 Deviation from cessation/resumption plan ........................................................................................... 41
9.5 Post-implementation report following cessation/resumption ............................................................... 41
9.6 Plan for decommissioning, closure and abandonment ......................................................................... 42
9.7 Notification to Director prior to decommissioning, closure, abandonment ......................................... 44
9.8 Obligations of dam/canal owner for decommissioning, closure, abandonment ................................... 44
9.9 Deviation from decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan ...................................................... 45
9.10 Completion reports of decommissioning, closure, abandonment ......................................................... 46
9.11 Removal of structures from inventory .................................................................................................. 47
Schedule 1 – Determining Consequence Classification ...................................................................................... 48
Schedule 2 – Form of Master Lists ....................................................................................................................... 50
1. Part 1 General
1.1 Definitions
(1) All definitions in the Water (Ministerial) Regulation and in section 1 of the Water Act apply except
where expressly defined in this Directive.
(2) In this Directive:
(a) “abandonment” means a dam or canal that is permanently removed from service and not
maintained for later return to service;
(b) “accepted consequence classification” means the consequence classification of a dam or canal
that is accepted by the Director pursuant to section 2.4;
(c) “accountable executive” means an individual who:
(i) is employed or retained by a dam/canal owner; and
(ii) has overall authority, including financial authority, for the safety management of the
dam or canal;
(d) “as low as reasonably practicable” means a level at which it can be demonstrated that the time,
costs, and efforts required to further reduce residual risks would be grossly disproportionate to
the incremental reduction in residual risk that would be consequently gained;
(e) “cessation/resumption plan” means a plan that is prepared under section 9 and
(i) in the case of a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of high,
very high or extreme, is comprised of two separate plans being:
(A) a cessation plan; and
(B) a resumption plan; and
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(ii) in the case of a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of
significant, may be comprised either as specified in clause (i) or as a single composite
document, as a qualified professional determines necessary and appropriate, having
regard to the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal;
(f) “closure” means a process of modifying and establishing a configuration for a dam or canal
with the objective of achieving long-term physical, chemical, ecological, and social stability,
and a sustainable, environmentally appropriate after-use;
(g) “decommissioning” means complete removal or breach of a dam or canal so that the structures
can no longer retain, store, or divert water, including water containing another substance such
as fluid waste or flowable tailings that may pose safety or environmental concerns;
(h) “designer-of-record” means a qualified professional who:
(i) possesses the requisite knowledge and skills and has at least 15 years of appropriate
experience in design, construction, performance analysis and operations of dam and
canal structures;
(ii) is retained by a dam/canal owner; and
(iii) is responsible for the overall design of the structures in a dam or canal including:
(A) detailed analysis and design of structures;
(B) preparation of design reports and construction drawings;
(C) establishment of quantifiable performance objectives for structures;
(D) assessment of performance of the structures during construction;
(E) verification that structures are functioning consistent with their design intent;
(i) “emergency drill” means a review undertaken by a dam/canal owner and persons responsible
for operating a dam or canal, to test procedures and skills under an emergency management
(j) “engineer-of-record” means a qualified professional who:
(i) possesses the requisite knowledge and skills and has at least 15 years of appropriate
experience in design, construction, performance analysis and operations of dam and
canal structures;
(ii) is employed or retained by a dam/canal owner; and
(iii) is responsible to provide technical direction regarding the safety of a dam or canal,
(A) assessing conformance of the dam or canal with design, specifications,
regulations and standards;
(B) confirming that the operation, maintenance and surveillance of the dam or
canal is carried out in accordance with its design and the operation,
maintenance and surveillance manual;
(C) supporting assessment of the safety performance of the dam or canal with
reference to the quantifiable performance objectives;
(D) supporting changes in design or operation to maintain the safety of the dam
or canal;
(E) supporting the safety manager and designer-of-record in identifying safety
deficiencies and assessing risks associated with the safety of the dam or
canal; and
(F) maintaining and submitting construction quality, performance, and dam
safety documentation to the safety manager;
(k) “functional exercise” means an event that:
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(i) simulates an emergency situation involving a dam or canal;
(ii) involves a dam/canal owner, persons responsible for operating a dam or canal,
persons who are directly affected by a dam or canal, and persons who are assigned
responsibilities under an emergency management plan;
(iii) takes place in locations at which the parties referred to in clause (ii) would likely be
present immediately before, during and after an emergency situation;
(iv) involves time constraints as part of the simulation; and
(v) is used to review, test, and clarify roles, responsibilities, procedures and other
information under an emergency management plan;
(l) “incremental consequences of failure” means the risk to factors at risk, if there is a failure, that
is above and beyond the risk to factors at risk from the same event or conditions but without a
(m) “major repair” means a planned repair or rehabilitation to a dam or canal that is not part of
routine maintenance and that is required to address an outstanding safety deficiency or critical
safety deficiency;
(n) “master deficiencies list” means:
(i) a consolidated list of all safety deficiencies and critical safety deficiencies that have
been identified, wherein each deficiency has been prioritized in relation to other
deficiencies based upon:
(A) the degree of potential the deficiency has to develop into a critical safety
deficiency; and
(B) the nature and level of risks posed by the deficiency; and
(ii) is in a form consistent with Table 1 of Schedule 2 attached to and forming part of this
(o) “master non-conformances list” means:
(i) a consolidated list of all non-conformances that have been identified, wherein each
non-conformance has been prioritized in relation to other non-conformances based
(A) the degree of potential the non-conformance has to develop into a safety
deficiency; and
(B) the nature and level of risks posed by the non-conformance; and
(ii) is in a form consistent with Table 2 of Schedule 2 attached to and forming part of this
(p) “non-conformance” means a non-compliance with the Act, the Regulation, this Directive, or
an authorization;
(q) “orientation workshop” means an event that is arranged jointly between a dam/canal owner,
and persons who are directly affected by a dam or canal, and persons who are assigned
responsibilities under an emergency management plan, to review an emergency management
(r) “operations manager” means a qualified individual who
(i) is employed or retained by a dam/canal owner;
(ii) is responsible for the safe operation, maintenance and surveillance of a dam or canal,
(A) implementing components of the operation, maintenance and surveillance
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(B) communicating with the safety manager when technical input to the operation,
maintenance and surveillance manual is required;
(C) securing resources required for the safe operation, maintenance and
surveillance of all structures;
(D) addressing identified safety deficiencies, critical safety deficiencies and non-
(E) implementing recommended measures to manage and mitigate risks;
(F) reporting to the accountable executive regarding the condition and status of
identified safety deficiencies, critical safety deficiencies and non-
(iii) possesses the requisite knowledge and skills to perform their responsibilities and has
at least 10 years of related experience;
(s) “post-construction period” means the time period between:
(i) the completion of construction of a dam or canal; and
(ii) when the first safety review is undertaken for that dam or canal;
(t) “quantifiable performance objectives” means measurable indicators, including numerical
values and allowable limits, that are used to judge the acceptability of the safety performance
of a dam or canal throughout its lifecycle;
(u) “Regulation” means the Water (Ministerial) Regulation AR 205/98, as amended;
(v) “safety incident” means an operation or action at or in connection with a dam or canal that has
the potential to create a hazardous condition or to be or become a hazard to factors at risk and
(i) controlled or uncontrolled release or controlled breach of stored contents due to
improper operation, overtopping, excessive seepage or piping, regardless of whether
downstream flooding occurs;
(ii) the inability of mechanical, electrical, electronic or other equipment to perform the
safety functions for which it was intended; and
(iii) an action, omission or event that results in a non-conformance;
(w) “safety manager” means a qualified professional who:
(i) is retained by a dam/canal owner;
(ii) is responsible for oversight of safety management of a dam or canal including:
(A) planning safety management;
(B) tracking and reporting on dam safety regulatory requirements;
(C) securing resources for required safety assessments and safety evaluations;
(D) knowledge of best practices in safety;
(E) supporting assessment of the safety performance of a dam or canal with
reference to quantifiable performance objectives;
(F) tracking non-conformances, safety deficiencies and critical safety deficiencies;
(G) assessing risks posed by non-conformances, safety deficiencies and critical
safety deficiencies;
(H) communicating risks to the accountable executive; and
(iii) possesses the requisite knowledge and skills to perform their responsibilities and has
at least 15 years of related experience;
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(x) “significant change”, in reference to the operations, maintenance or surveillance of a dam or
canal, includes an operation, maintenance or surveillance activity that temporarily or
permanently deviates from the latest version of the operation, maintenance and surveillance
(y) “tabletop exercise” means a simulated event that
(i) takes place in a conference room or similar environment;
(ii) involves a dam/canal owner, persons responsible for operating a cam or canal,
persons who are directly affected by a dam or canal, and persons who are assigned
responsibilities under an emergency management plan; and
(iii) is used to review and clarify the roles, responsibilities and response actions required
of persons who are assigned responsibilities under an emergency management plan;
1.2 Application
(1) If there is any conflict between this Directive and the Act or the Regulation, the Act or the
Regulation prevails over the Directive.
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(iii) the principal dimensions of structures;
(iv) the capacities of structures;
(v) the surface areas at the maximum normal reservoir or pond levels;
(vi) the normal operating ranges and live storage capacity;
(vii) the normal operating reservoir or pond volume; and
(viii) the volume between the maximum and minimum normal reservoir or pond levels;
(b) a proposed consequence classification that has been determined in accordance with this
(c) site characterization information, including:
(i) site investigation reports;
(ii) details regarding the physical characteristics of the reservoir or pond;
(iii) details regarding the suitability of the in-situ and borrow materials for use as
construction materials; and
(iv) details regarding potential challenges or issues that could impact design and safety of
the structures during their lifecycle;
(d) details regarding the design of structures, including:
(i) design base memorandum;
(ii) alternate assessments of various design concepts, technical options and locations to
demonstrate the selection of best available technology;
(iii) inflow and earthquake design;
(iv) seepage analysis, control and drainage provisions;
(v) stability analysis and factors of safety;
(vi) freeboard requirements;
(vii) details of gaps in knowledge and understanding related to the design, including steps to
address these gaps;
(viii) potential challenges/ issues that could impact the design of the proposed structure and
potential mitigation measures;
(ix) details regarding performance monitoring, including:
(A) quantifiable performance objectives during construction;
(B) quantifiable performance objectives during the post-construction period;
(C) quantifiable performance objectives during other phases of the lifecycle of
(D) an instrumentation and monitoring program;
(E) details regarding the expected performance of the structures under usual and
unusual loading conditions, and the ability of the structures to withstand those
conditions, including challenges and mitigation measures;
(x) a final design report;
(xi) final construction drawings and specifications; and
(xii) anticipated quantities of materials that will be used to construct structures;
(e) details regarding the construction of structures, including:
(i) a schedule of planned construction activities;
(ii) protocols for the management of design changes that will require authorization;
(iii) details for construction quality assurance and quality control;
(iv) details regarding site preparation, including:
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(A) site clearing and grubbing;
(B) construction and operation of any temporary structures that will be required during
construction of the dam or canal;
(C) excavations, slope stabilization, foundation preparation and materials;
(v) details on activities that will take place as part of construction, including:
(A) placing impervious lining;
(B) erosion protection efforts;
(C) installation of instrumentation, mechanical and electrical equipment;
(D) performance monitoring; and
(E) testing and commissioning; and
(vi) a construction completion report;
(f) details regarding emergency management, including:
(i) potential accidents, malfunctions and any other incidents that could occur and could
impact the safety of the structures during construction;
(ii) proposed measures to manage or mitigate the impacts resulting from the accidents and
malfunctions; and
(iii) risk management and emergency management plans;
(g) details regarding first filling, including:
(i) the approach that will be used in filling the reservoir or depositing tailings, as the case
may be;
(ii) how debris will be managed during reservoir filling or tailings deposition;
(iii) efforts that will be taken for shoreline stabilization during reservoir filling or tailings
(iv) a copy of the operation, maintenance and surveillance manual;
(v) performance monitoring, including quantifiable performance objectives during
operation under usual and unusual loading conditions;
(vi) expected fluctuations in the reservoir;
(vii) the approach that will be used to manage the reservoir in unusual conditions;
(viii) a copy of the emergency management plan; and
(ix) a copy of the safety management plan;
(h) details regarding decommissioning and closure of structures, including:
(i) details for the decommissioning and closure of any temporary structures that will be
constructed and any associated reclamation;
(ii) a preliminary outline of how decommissioning and closure of permanent structures will
be undertaken in the future;
(iii) an assessment of potential challenges, accidents, malfunctions or incidents that could
impact the safety of structures during decommissioning and closure; and
(v) a summary of measures for mitigating the risks identified in clause (iii).
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(a) a detailed assessment of the need and objectives of repairs or rehabilitation, investigations,
decommissioning, closure, long-term cessation or limited operation;
(b) details regarding the project and planned activities; and
(c) details regarding design as outlined in section 2.1(1)(d);
(d) details regarding construction, as outlined in subsection 2.1(1)(e); and
(e) in the case of an authorization for decommissioning, closure or abandonment, a copy of the
decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan referred to in Part 9 of this Directive.
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(B) characteristics and geotechnical properties of the in-situ and construction materials
and an assessment of their suitability for use as construction materials;
(iii) information regarding the proposed design of structures, including:
(A) principal dimensions of the structures and related works;
(B) anticipated quantities of materials required for construction;
(C) seepage control and drainage provisions;
(D) stability under usual and unusual loading conditions;
(E) freeboard requirements;
(F) expected performance of the structures during and after extreme weather events,
including the ability of the structures to withstand those events and potential
challenges arising from those events;
(G) potential challenges that could impact the safety of the proposed structures; and
(H) proposed measures to mitigate challenges identified under clauses (F) and (G);
(iv) a description of construction activities, including:
(A) site clearing and grubbing;
(B) construction and operation of any temporary structures required for construction;
(C) excavation and stockpiling of suitable material, including drilling, blasting, sorting
and screening in rock quarries, and moisture conditioning of impervious material;
(D) excavations, slope stabilization and foundation preparation;
(E) construction of the structures;
(F) placing impervious lining and erosion protection;
(G) installation of instrumentation, mechanical and electrical equipment;
(H) testing and commissioning; and
(I) removal of temporary construction facilities;
(v) a description of activities during operation of structures including:
(A) the approach that will be used in filling the reservoir or depositing tailings, as the case
may be;
(B) how debris will be managed during reservoir filling or tailings deposition;
(C) efforts that will be taken for shoreline stabilization during reservoir filling or tailings
(D) the operation, maintenance and surveillance needs for safe operation of the structures;
(E) expected fluctuations in the reservoir; and
(F) the approach that will be used to manage the reservoir in usual and unusual
(vi) a description of activities during decommissioning and closure, including:
(A) decommissioning and closure of any temporary structures that are constructed and
associated reclamation;
(B) a preliminary outline of how decommissioning and closure of permanent structures
will be undertaken in the future; and
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2.4 Acceptance by Director
(1) If, in the opinion of the Director, the information submitted by the dam/canal owner under sections
2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 has been developed in accordance with this Directive and applicable best practices,
the Director shall:
(a) complete a technical review of the information submitted by the dam/canal owner;
(b) determine if the information is acceptable to the Director; and
(c) determine and prescribe, in writing, any safety requirements that should form part of the
authorization that has been applied for.
(2) If, in the opinion of the Director, the information submitted by the dam/canal owner under sections
2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 has not been developed in accordance with this Directive or applicable best practices:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit any and all additional information required by the Director in
writing; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating that
the information that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been developed in accordance
with the Directive and applicable best practices.
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(c) a quantitative assessment that consists of:
(i) a detailed breach inundation study that includes failure mode evaluation, computerized
dam-break and hydraulic-routing models, detailed hydrological estimates and high-quality
input data; and
(ii) detailed scientific analyses and assessments of environmental and economic losses.
(5) A quantitative assessment referred to in subsection (4) may be required by the Director when, in the
opinion of the Director:
(a) a qualitative or semi-qualitative assessment does not result in a consequence classification that
is acceptable to the Director;
(b) a dam/canal owner would face a substantial economic burden in complying with the legal
requirements related to a consequence classification that is determined by way of a qualitative
(c) evaluation of the impacts of a failure are not apparent, such as a large dam or reservoir located a
long distance upstream from a development that may not be located in an apparent flood plain;
(d) details of breach inundation information are required for input to emergency management such
as flood wave routing and arrival times, duration and quantity of flooding from the breach and
inundation mapping.
(6) If a dam or canal contains or is expected to contain flowable tailings, a breach inundation study
must consider the effects of flowable tailings being entrained in the outflow.
(7) If different consequence classifications are determined for various works, the highest consequence
classification amongst those determined shall be the consequence classification for safety
management of that dam or canal.
(8) When more than one dam or canal is located along the perimeter of a reservoir, the highest
consequence classification determined for any one of those dams or canals shall apply for safety
management of all dams and canals along the perimeter of that reservoir.
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(3) A dam/canal owner may at any time undertake a re-assessment of a consequence classification and
may submit the re-assessed consequence classification to the Director in accordance with section
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4. Part 4 - Safety Management
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(5) When required by the Director in writing, a dam/canal owner must submit, in writing, a copy of the
safety management plan to the Director within the time frame specified by the Director.
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(c) develop and implement measures to mitigate and manage risks posed by the deficiency.
(2) Upon identifying a critical safety deficiency, a dam/canal owner must:
(a) promptly document the deficiency in writing including, at a minimum, all of the following
(i) the nature of the critical safety deficiency;
(ii) its location;
(iii) the time and date that it was identified;
(iv) its priority rating; and
(v) its status;
(b) promptly enter the deficiency into the master deficiencies list;
(c) notify the Director, in writing, of the critical safety deficiency, including all of the information
outlined in clause (a), as soon as possible;
(d) develop and implement measures to mitigate and manage risks posed by the critical safety
deficiency, immediately;
(e) communicate risks to persons who are directly affected by a dam or canal, as soon as possible;
(f) no later than 60 days after the critical safety deficiency is identified, submit a record to the
Director, in writing, outlining the measures referred to in clause (d).
(3) If, in the opinion of the Director, the measures submitted by the dam/canal owner under subsection
2(f) are appropriate for the circumstances, a dam/canal owner shall:
(a) implement the measures, as may be amended by the Director, and as accepted in writing by the
Director; and
(b) implement any additional directions that are made in writing by the Director.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the measures submitted by the dam/canal owner under subsection
2(f) are not appropriate for the circumstances:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the measures to address the
Director’s concerns; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating that
the measures submitted by the dam/canal owner are appropriate for the circumstances.
(5) A dam/canal owner must:
(a) maintain a master deficiencies list at all times;
(b) undertake ongoing surveillance of each safety deficiency, in a form and frequency that is
commensurate with the level of risk presented by each deficiency;
(c) develop and implement measures to mitigate and manage risks posed by safety deficiencies and
critical safety deficiencies with regard to the master deficiencies list, so that the residual risks of
all deficiencies are kept as low as reasonably practicable; and
(d) make funding and other resources available to effectively implement the measures referred to in
clause (c).
(6) A dam/canal owner must not remove a safety deficiency from the master deficiencies list unless:
(a) all relevant measures to mitigate and manage risks posed by the deficiency have been
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(b) an independent qualified professional has determined and documented that the hazardous
condition which originally gave rise to the deficiency either
(i) no longer exists; or
(ii) no longer has the potential to develop into a critical safety deficiency over time; and
(c) the determination of the independent qualified professional referred to in clause (b) has been
(i) submitted, in writing, to the Director; and
(ii) accepted, in writing, by the Director.
(7) A dam/canal owner must not remove a critical safety deficiency from the master deficiencies list
(a) all relevant measures to mitigate and manage risks posed by the deficiency have been
(b) an independent qualified professional has determined, documented and certified that the
hazardous condition which originally gave rise to the deficiency:
(i) no longer has the potential to lead to imminent failure; or
(ii) no longer exists; and
(c) the determination of the independent qualified professional referred to in clause (b) has been
(i) submitted, in writing, to the Director; and
(ii) accepted, in writing, by the Director.
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(b) be performed with a level of effort that is commensurate with the risk to factors at risk posed by
the dam or canal;
(c) have a level of accuracy that is commensurate with the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam
or canal;
(d) have a scope that is consistent with
(i) the local geological regime; and
(ii) local industry best practices for structures of similar size and complexity;
(e) minimize the use of assumptions regarding the foundation conditions and strength parameters,
particularly those associated with the identified plausible failure modes of structures; and
(f) identify and characterize the main factors that critically affect the safe performance of
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(b) includes, at a minimum, all of the following information:
(i) a project location map;
(ii) a site geology map;
(iii) a reservoir/pond geology map;
(iv) a plan of all investigation boreholes, test pits, test trenches, and/or in situ testing
(v) logs of all investigation boreholes, test pits, and test trenches, including classification of
both bedrock and soil encountered and depths to water table, if applicable, with dates of
measurement recorded;
(vi) where exploration is taken to bedrock, a top of bedrock contour map;
(vii) a geologic structure map, including identification of major faults;
(viii) geological cross-sections and profiles that
(A) show correlation of soil and bedrock units together with significant features including
water levels, zones where water losses were observed, faults, shear zones, foliations,
jointing, and solution zones; and
(B) emphasize geologic structure and show depths of primary and secondary weathering,
and are superimposed with outlines of the principal structures and the depth of
foundation excavation proposed or actually completed;
(ix) results of all laboratory tests and in situ field tests;
(x) a detailed geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical characterization of the site
conditions based on the results of the field and laboratory investigations.
5.6 Target stability criteria and selected factors of safety must be justified
(1) A dam/canal owner must demonstrate that the target stability criteria and selected factors of safety
used in the design of structures for a dam or canal:
(a) are consistent with local industry and best practices;
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(b) are supported by a comprehensive risk management system;
(c) have been selected with oversight by independent qualified professionals; and
(d) are justifiable having regard to, at a minimum, all of the following:
(i) potential variability in material properties;
(ii) site and subsurface conditions;
(iii) modes of failure;
(iv) accumulated experience with a particular soil or rock mass;
(v) variable construction and operating conditions;
(vi) soil response and its variation with confining stress and stress level;
(vii) time-dependent, deformation-dependent and stress-path-dependent processes that may
affect the critical material properties such as the operational pore pressures and shear
(viii) strain-incompatibility of different materials and its foundation; and
(ix) the ability and practicality of implementing an effective risk management system to
reduce or mitigate the residual risks associated with the uncertainties of the selected
factors over the lifecycle of the structures.
(2) If a dam or canal will be incrementally constructed over several years, the comprehensive risk
management system referred to in subsection (1)(b) must, at a minimum, incorporate an
observational method.
(3) If an observational method is to be used to assess the behaviour and safety performance of a dam or
canal, a dam/canal owner must:
(a) exercise due diligence in ensuring there is continuous communication among those responsible
for design, construction and operation of the dam or canal such that observations made during
construction and/or operation of the dam or canal inform whether and how changes are required
to the design of the dam or canal;
(b) design, install and use instrumentation to enable effective monitoring and evaluation of the
measured behavior of the dam or canal against the quantifiable performance objectives
established for that dam or canal; and
(c) develop practical contingency measures.
(4) A dam/canal owner must not use an observational method for a dam or canal:
(a) that has a design which cannot be altered during construction;
(b) for which there are no practical contingency measures available; or
(c) that has a mode of failure that could occur in such a way that there is insufficient time to
implement contingency measures when a hazardous condition arises.
(5) A dam/canal owner must not use minimum factors of safety when:
(a) an observational method cannot be used for the dam or canal;
(b) there are uncertainties in the material properties;
(c) there is sensitive strain-weakening soil behaviour;
(d) complex geological conditions cannot be fully defined for design;
(e) potential changes to soil properties or loading conditions can occur with time; or
(f) closure of the dam or canal is proposed.
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(6) When minimum factors of safety must not be used, in accordance with subsection (3), or any other
reason, a dam/canal owner must use either:
(a) higher factors of safety; or
(b) lower bound shear strength parameters.
(7) A dam/canal owner must apply stringent target stability criteria to shear surfaces that:
(a) could directly cause a release of the contained materials in dam or canal;
(b) could damage adjacent infrastructure; or
(c) could cause either (a) or (b) by retrogression starting from a smaller shear surface.
(8) The stringency applied to target stability criteria for shear surfaces may be reduced when:
(a) the shear surface is small or shallow; and
(b) where worker safety and the overall function of the dam or canal will not be compromised.
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(a) is site-specific;
(b) incorporates best available practices and technology; and
(c) incorporates, at a minimum, determination of yield accelerations, determination of one-
dimensional equivalent-linear site response and Newmark deformation analysis.
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(e) stability analyses of the temporary structures under design usual and unusual loading
(f) seepage analyses of the temporary structures and details on seepage control during construction,
including the use of pumping;
(g) an operation, maintenance and surveillance manual for the temporary structure;
(h) an emergency management plan for the temporary structure; and
(i) the removal of the temporary structures that are used to control or divert water during
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5.14 Construction
(1) A dam/canal owner must construct a dam or canal in conformity with all designs, plans and
specifications that have been accepted as part of applicable authorizations.
(2) If it is believed, expected or determined that the construction of a dam or canal will deviate in any
way from the designs, plans and specifications referred to in subsection (1), the dam/canal owner
(a) promptly notify the Director in writing; and
(b) outline in writing the steps that are proposed to be taken to address the deviation.
(3) If, in the opinion of the Director, the steps submitted by the dam/canal owner under subsection (2)
are acceptable to the Director, a dam/canal owner shall implement the steps as accepted in writing
by the Director.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the steps submitted by the dam/canal owner under subsection (3)
are not acceptable to the Director:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the steps that were
submitted by the dam/canal owner; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the steps that were submitted by the dam/canal owner have been developed in accordance
with the Directive and applicable best practices.
(5) No aspect of construction that directly or indirectly relates to the deviation referred to in
subsection (2) may commence except in accordance with the acceptance in writing by the
Director under subsection (3).
(6) Nothing in this section derogates or abrogates from an obligation on a dam/canal owner to obtain
any authorization that is required in relation to deviations in the construction of a dam or canal.
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(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the construction quality assurance plan submitted by the
dam/canal owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall
implement the construction quality assurance plan as accepted in writing by the Director.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the construction quality assurance plan submitted by the
dam/canal owner has not been developed in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used in developing the construction
quality assurance plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the construction quality assurance plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has
been developed in accordance with this Directive.
(6) For a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of low or significant, a
dam/canal owner must:
(a) have a qualified professional determine whether, and to what extent, elements of a
construction quality assurance plan are required for the dam or canal, having regard to the
risk to factors at risk posed by that dam or canal; and
(b) if a qualified professional determines under clause (a) that elements of a construction quality
assurance plan are required, have a qualified professional incorporate such elements into the
construction quality control plan for that dam or canal.
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(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used in developing the construction
quality control plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the construction quality control plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has
been developed in accordance with this Directive.
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(E) strength testing; and
(F) if applicable, geo-synthetic materials testing;
(xi) an assessment of the adequacy of the frequencies and results of testing referred to in
clause (x);
(xii) photographs documenting the progress of construction and the final conditions, with
accompanying information about key observations that were made during
(xiii) record drawings of the as-built conditions;
(xiv) a formal statement indicating that the structures were constructed in accordance with
the designs, plans and specifications that were accepted as part of applicable
authorizations, and their intent;
(xv) details of site and foundation preparation and mapping of foundation materials;
(xvi) surveyed plans and representative cross-sections;
(xvii) locations, types and depths of instrumentation, and a discussion on the rationale and
basis for any significant changes in the as-built information relative to original design
(xviii) the start date and end date of construction;
(xix) a summary of weather during construction, including weather-related shutdowns;
(xx) dates of site visits and inspections by a qualified professional during construction;
(xxi) field reviews by a qualified professional.
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5.19 Engineering inspection
(1) A dam/canal owner must undertake an engineering inspection of a dam or canal at least once
every twelve months unless:
(a) an annual performance review of that dam or canal has been undertaken during the previous
twelve months; or
(b) a safety review of that dam or canal has been undertaken during the previous twelve months.
(2) An engineering inspection must:
(a) be prepared by a qualified professional;
(b) have a scope and a level of detail that is commensurate with
(i) the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
(ii) the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal;
(c) be performed based on current industry standards and best practices;
(d) include a detailed engineering inspection to examine and document the condition of the
(e) include a review and assessment of instrumentation monitoring data used to monitor
performance of the structures;
(f) assess behaviour of the structures by reviewing and comparing any anomalies with previous
inspections, previous instrumentation monitoring, and existing safety deficiencies and
critical safety deficiencies; and
(g) recommend appropriate measures to mitigate and manage the risks of any safety deficiencies
and critical safety deficiencies that are identified.
(3) A dam/canal owner must submit the annual engineering inspection, in writing, to the Director
not less than 90 days after the annual engineering inspection has been completed if a new safety
deficiency is found.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the annual engineering inspection submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall
implement measures outlined in the annual engineering inspection as accepted in writing by the
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the annual engineering inspection submitted by the dam/canal
owner has not been developed in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the engineering
inspection that was submitted by the dam/canal owner to address the Director’s concerns;
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the annual engineering inspection that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been
developed in accordance with this Directive.
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(b) the dam or canal is in the post-construction period;
(c) at least one critical safety deficiency has been identified for the dam or canal; or
(d) required in writing by the Director.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), an annual performance review is not required for a dam or
canal if a safety review for that dam or canal has been undertaken during the previous twelve
(3) An annual performance review must be performed and documented by:
(a) the designer of record, if the dam or canal is under construction or rehabilitation or is in the
post-construction period; or
(b) a qualified professional, if the dam or canal is in any other stage of its lifecycle.
(4) An annual performance review must:
(a) have a scope and a level of detail that is commensurate with
(i) the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
(ii) the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal;
(b) be performed based on current industry standards and best practices;
(c) include a detailed engineering inspection to examine and document the condition of the
(d) include a detailed review, analysis and assessment of instrumentation monitoring data used
to monitor performance of the structures;
(e) assess performance of the structures by reviewing and comparing any observed anomalies
with established quantifiable performance objectives and previously documented
performance and inspections of the structures; and
(f) make recommendations for appropriate measures to monitor, mitigate and manage the
risks posed by identified safety deficiencies and critical safety deficiencies, including
(i) a detailed review and re-adjustment of established quantifiable performance
objectives; and
(ii) a detailed review and re-adjustment of the design of the structures.
(5) A dam/canal owner must submit the annual performance review to the Director, in writing, not
less than 90 days after the annual performance review has been completed.
(6) If, in the opinion of the Director, the annual performance review submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall
implement measures outlined in the annual performance review as accepted in writing by the
(7) If, in the opinion of the Director, the annual performance review submitted by the dam/canal
owner has not been determined in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used in assessing the performance of
the dam or canal; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the annual performance review that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been
developed in accordance with this Directive.
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5.21 Safety review
(1) A dam/canal owner must undertake a safety review of a dam or canal at least:
(a) every 5 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of very
high or extreme;
(b) every 7 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of high;
(c) every 10 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of
(2) Unless otherwise required in writing by the Director, a safety review is not required for a dam
or canal that is:
(a) under construction;
(b) under rehabilitation;
(c) is in the post-construction period.
(3) A safety review must:
(a) be prepared by an independent qualified professional;
(b) have a scope and a level of detail that is commensurate with
(i) the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
(ii) the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal;
(c) be performed based on current industry standards and best practices;
(d) include a detailed engineering inspection to examine and document the condition of the
(e) include a review and assessment of the consequence classification of the structures,
including, if applicable, any cascade impacts;
(f) include a review of site investigations information of the structures;
(g) include a review of the design and construction information of the structures;
(h) include a review and assessment of all available instrumentation monitoring and
information surveillance data;
(i) include an analysis and assessment of design of the structures including:
(i) hydrology and hydraulics;
(ii) stability under applicable usual and unusual loading; and
(iii) flow control equipment functionality and capacity;
(j) include a review and assessment of the adequacy of the operation, maintenance and
surveillance manual;
(k) include a review and assessment of the adequacy of the emergency management plan;
(l) include a review of measures to manage the contents
(i) stored in the reservoir or pond of the dam; or
(ii) conveyed by the canal;
(m) include a review and assessment of the adequacy of the safety management plan currently
in place;
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(n) include a review of previously identified safety deficiencies and non-conformances, and an
assessment of the adequacy of the measures that have been taken by the dam/canal owner
to mitigate and manage the risks posed by deficiencies;
(o) identify safety deficiencies and non-conformances of the structures;
(p) identify credible potential failure modes related to the deficiencies referred to in clause (l);
(q) recommend appropriate measures to monitor, mitigate and manage the risks posed by the
deficiencies referred to in clause (l).
(4) A dam/canal owner must submit the safety review to the Director, in writing, not less than 90
days after the safety review has been completed.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the safety review submitted by the dam/canal owner has been
developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall implement measures
outlined in the safety review as authorized in writing by the Director.
(6) If, in the opinion of the Director, the safety review submitted by the dam/canal owner has not
been determined in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used in assessing the safety of the dam
or canal; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the safety review that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been developed in
accordance with this Directive.
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(g) using qualitative or semi-quantitative methods and current safety standards and best
practices, assess the level of residual risk related to the identified credible failure modes of
the structures;
(h) determine appropriate risk categories, using sound engineering principles and judgments;
(i) confirm that the ongoing residual risks related to the credible failure modes of the
structures are tolerable, based on
(i) current safety standards and best practices; and
(ii) the risk matrix used for the assessment, or the criteria used for determining
tolerability of risk;
(j) should the structures not meet the adopted tolerable residual risk criteria, recommend
appropriate risk management or mitigation measures that should be taken to keep the
residual risks as low as reasonably practicable until the structures meet the adopted
residual risk criteria.
(4) A dam/canal owner must submit the risk assessment to the Director, in writing, not less than
90 days after the risk assessment has been completed.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the risk assessment submitted by the dam/canal owner has
been developed in accordance with this Directive. a dam/canal owner shall implement
measures outlined in the risk assessment as authorized in writing by the Director.
(6) If, in the opinion of the Director, the risk assessment submitted by the dam/canal owner has
not been determined in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used to assess the risk; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of demonstrating
that the risk assessment that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been developed in
accordance with this Directive.
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(i) management of the contents of the dam or canal;
(ii) routine operation, maintenance, instrumentation monitoring, and inspections;
(iii) operation, maintenance, instrumentation monitoring, and inspections during
(A) extreme weather; and
(B) during other unusual or special conditions;
(iv) testing of flow control equipment;
(v) testing of the emergency preparedness plan and the emergency response plan; and
(vi) communication and reporting, including incident reporting.
(3) A dam/canal owner must review and update the operation, maintenance and surveillance manual:
(a) throughout the lifecycle;
(b) when there is a major repair or significant change to the operation, maintenance or
surveillance of the dam or canal, including cessation, suspension, decommission or closure;
(c) when required by the Director in writing; and
(d) in any event, at a minimum:
(i) every 5 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of
very high or extreme
(ii) every 7 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of
high; and
(iii) every 10 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of
(4) If a dam or canal has an accepted consequence classification of low, the dam/canal owner must:
(a) have a qualified professional determine whether an operation, maintenance and surveillance
manual is required, having regard to the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal;
(b) if a qualified professional determines under clause (a) that a manual is required, develop an
operation, maintenance and surveillance manual in accordance with subsection (2).
6.3 Documentation
(1) A dam/canal owner must document, using best practices, all activities called for under an
operation, maintenance and surveillance manual, including all of the following activities:
(a) the first fill of the reservoir, if applicable;
(b) tailings deposition and tailings management, if applicable;
(c) routine operation, maintenance, instrumentation monitoring, and inspections;
(d) operation, maintenance, instrumentation monitoring, and inspections during
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(i) extreme weather; and
(ii) during other unusual or special conditions;
(e) testing of flow control equipment;
(f) testing and exercises of emergency preparedness and response plans; and
(g) communication and reporting, including incident reporting.
(2) A dam/canal owner must retain all documentation referred to in subsection (1) for the lifecycle
of the dam or canal.
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(c) at the request in writing of the Director, any other components of the emergency
management plan.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the emergency preparedness plan submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall:
(a) upon receiving acceptance in writing by the Director, communicate to persons who are
directly affected by a dam or canal any information from the emergency preparedness
plan that is relevant to them, in accordance with any instructions made by the Director in
writing; and
(b) inform all individuals who have responsibilities under the emergency management plan,
in writing, of the location of that emergency management plan.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the emergency preparedness plan submitted by the dam/canal
owner has not been determined in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the emergency
management plan to address the Director’s concerns; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of
demonstrating that the emergency preparedness plan that was submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive.
(6) When requested in writing by the Director, a dam/canal owner must submit a copy of an
emergency management plan in the time frame specified by the Director.
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(c) in any event, at a minimum:
(i) every 5 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification
of very high or extreme
(ii) every 7 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification
of high; and
(iii) every 10 years for a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification
of significant.
(2) A dam/canal owner must submit to the Director, in writing, a copy of the updated emergency
preparedness plan no later than 60 days after the emergency management plan has been
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the dam/canal owner must,
(a) as soon as possible, submit to the Director, in writing, a statement that information
regarding the dam/canal has changed; and
(b) no later than 90 days after the change has occurred, submit to the Director, in writing, the
updated information in the manner instructed by the Director.
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(iii) a reservoir/pond geology map;
(iv) details regarding the intended duration of the cessation, suspension, restriction or
limitation of operation of the dam or canal;
(v) a detailed description of the activities that are planned as part of
(A) the cessation, suspension, restriction or limitation of operation of the dam or
canal; and
(B) the resumption of operation of the dam or canal;
(vi) a detailed description of measures that will be taken to manage the contents of the
dam or canal;
(vii) a review and assessment of how the activities referred to in clause (v) will impact
the consequence classification of the dam or canal;
(viii) a review and assessment of how the activities referred to in clause (v) will impact
the safety of the dam or canal, the scope of which must include:
(A) review of design and construction of the structures;
(B) review and assessment of all available instrumentation monitoring and
surveillance data;
(C) analysis and assessment of the design of the structures including
1. stability under applicable usual and unusual loading;
2. hydrology and hydraulics; and
3. flow control equipment functionality and capacity;
(D) review and identification of safety deficiencies, critical safety deficiencies and
non-conformances; and
(E) review and identification of credible potential failure modes related to the
safety deficiencies and critical safety deficiencies;
(ix) a comprehensive assessment of risks to the safety of the structures that are
presented by the activities referred to in clause (v); and
(x) a detailed description of measures that will be taken to mitigate and manage the
risks referred to in clause (ix) including:
(A) measures to address safety deficiencies, critical safety deficiencies and non-
(B) measures for monitoring, maintenance and surveillance of the structures; and
(C) measures, policies and procedures for emergency management of the
structures; and
(xi) the safety management plan for dam or canal;
(3) A dam/canal owner must submit the cessation/resumption plan to the Director, in writing,
prior to
(a) the cessation, suspension, restriction or limitation of the operation of the dam or canal;
(b) the resumption of operation of the dam or canal.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the cessation/resumption plan submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall
implement the cessation/resumption plan as accepted in writing by the Director.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the cessation/resumption plan submitted by the dam/canal
owner has not been developed in accordance with this Directive:
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(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the methodology,
assumptions, data sources, and references that were used in developing the
cessation/resumption plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of
demonstrating that the cessation/resumption plan that was submitted by the dam/canal
owner has been developed in accordance with the Directive.
(6) If a dam/canal owner intends to cease, suspend, restrict, limit the operation or resume the
operation, as contemplated under subsection (1), of a dam or canal that has an accepted
consequence classification of low, then the dam/canal owner must:
(a) have a qualified professional determine whether a cessation/resumption plan is required;
(b) if a qualified professional determines a plan is necessary under clause (a), develop and
submit a cessation/resumption plan in accordance with this section.
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(d) in accordance with a cessation/resumption plan that has been accepted by the Director, if a
cessation/resumption plan is required under this Directive; and
(e) in accordance with any additional requirements prescribed in writing by the Director.
(2) A dam/canal owner must resume the operation of a dam or canal:
(a) in a safe manner at all times;
(b) in accordance with the terms and conditions of all applicable authorizations;
(c) in accordance with the Regulation and this Directive;
(d) in accordance with a cessation/resumption plan that has been accepted by the Director, if a
cessation/resumption plan is required under this Directive;
(e) under the supervision of a qualified professional, if a cessation/resumption plan is required
under this Directive; and
(f) in accordance with any additional requirements prescribed in writing by the Director.
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(a) develop a post-implementation report no later than 60 days after a cessation/resumption
plan has been implemented; and
(b) submit the post-implementation report to the Director, in writing, no later than 30 days after
the post-implementation report has been developed.
(2) A post-implementation report referred to in subsection (1) must:
(a) be prepared by a qualified professional;
(b) be certified by a qualified professional; and
(c) have a scope and level of accuracy that is commensurate with
(i) the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
(ii) the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal.
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(f) outline the stages of work that will be involved in decommissioning, closure and
(g) provide details of the activities planned for each stage referred to in clause (f), including:
(i) design of works for each stage including all of the following information:
(A) analysis and design of full or partial removal of the structures;
(B) method and means to dewater or stabilize the reservoir or pond along with
breach, removal, or abandonment of the structures;
(C) analysis and assessment of the stability of the remaining permanent structures
under applicable usual and unusual loading conditions;
(D) amount and effects of consolidation of the reservoir or pond contents;
(E) analysis and assessment of seepage monitoring and control measures for the
remaining permanent structures, including phreatic surface and internal drainage
system within the final configuration of the structures;
(F) hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation of the proposed final configuration of the
structures during the probable maximum flood or other inflow design flood; and
(G) flow control equipment functionality and discharge capacity;
(ii) short-term and long-term quantifiable performance objectives;
(iii) short-term and long-term performance monitoring and surveillance; and
(iv) periodic safety assessments and safety evaluations;
(h) provide a detailed description of the measures that will be taken to safely manage the
contents of the dam or canal during the activities referred to in clause (g);
(i) include a review and assessment of how the activities referred to in clause (g) will impact
the consequence classification of the dam or canal;
(j) include a comprehensive assessment of risks to the safety of the structures posed by the
activities referred to in clause (g);
(k) provide a detailed description of the measures that will be taken to mitigate and manage the
risks posed by the activities referred to in clause (g), including;
(i) measures for performance monitoring, maintenance and surveillance of the
(ii) measures to address safety deficiencies, critical safety deficiencies and non-
conformances; and
(iii) measures, policies and procedures for emergency management of the structures; and
(l) provide a detailed description of short-term and long-term safety and risk management and
mitigation measures after completion of activities referred to in clause (g).
(3) A dam/canal owner must submit a decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan to the
Director, in writing, in order to obtain authorization for any decommissioning, closure or
abandonment activities.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan
submitted by the dam/canal owner has been developed in accordance with this Directive and
applicable best practices:
(a) the Director shall complete a technical review of the plan that was submitted by the
dam/canal owner;
(b) the Director shall determine if the plan submitted by the dam/canal owner is acceptable to
the Director; and
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(c) the Director shall determine and prescribe in writing any safety requirements that should
form part of an authorization for the decommissioning, closure and abandonment of the
dam or canal.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Director, the decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan
submitted by the dam/canal owner has not been developed in accordance with this Directive
or applicable best practices:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit all additional information required by the Director;
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of
demonstrating that the plan that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has been
developed in accordance with the Directive and applicable best practices.
(6) For a dam or canal that has an accepted consequence classification of low, a dam/canal owner
(a) have a qualified professional determine whether a decommissioning, closure and
abandonment plan is required for that dam or canal; and
(b) if a qualified professional determines under clause (a) that a plan is required,
(i) develop a decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan that is:
(A) prepared by a qualified professional;
(B) certified by a qualified professional;
(C) based industry standards and best practices;
(D) supported by local practices; and
(E) has a scope and level of accuracy that is commensurate with
1. the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
2. the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal; and
(ii) submit that decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan to the Director in
accordance with this section.
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(a) clearly define the purpose, objectives and goals of the decommissioning, closure or
abandonment in relation to:
(i) public safety;
(ii) risk to factors at risk;
(iii) liability;
(iv) change in use or function of the dam or canal;
(v) risk management and mitigation; and
(vi) reclamation;
(b) identify all major issues and concerns regarding the decommissioning, closure or
abandonment of the dam or canal, including economic, social, management, legal,
administrative, technical, and environmental issues and concerns; and
(c) plan the stages of work for decommissioning, closure or abandonment of the dam or
canal, and the activities to be undertaken in each of those stages, using approaches and
criteria that are commensurate with
(i) the risk to factors at risk posed by the dam or canal; and
(ii) the complexity of the structures of the dam or canal.
(2) A dam/canal owner must undertake decommissioning, closure or abandonment a dam or
(a) in a safe manner at all times;
(b) in accordance with the terms and conditions of all applicable authorizations;
(c) in accordance with the Regulation and this Directive;
(d) in accordance with a decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan that has been
accepted by the Director, if a decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan is
required under this Directive;
(e) under the supervision of a qualified professional, if a decommissioning, closure and
abandonment plan is required under this Directive;
(f) in accordance with any additional requirements prescribed in writing by the Director; and
(g) in such a way that, after decommissioning, closure or abandonment of the dam or canal
has been completed, the final configuration of any remaining permanent structures
(i) does not impound a reservoir;
(ii) is sufficient to pass a design storm event, based on the risk to factors at risk posed
by the structures, without restricting the flow of water and without backing up
(iii) is not susceptible to clogging from sedimentation or debris; and
(iv) demonstrates long-term stability, including in respect of erosion control and
sediment transportation control.
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(a) a statement that the dam/canal owner has reason to believe that there will be a deviation
from a decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan that has been accepted by the
(b) details regarding the nature and scope of that deviation with reference to the
decommissioning, closure and abandonment plan that has been accepted by the Director;
(c) details regarding the measures that the dam/canal owner proposes to take to mitigate or
manage the risks posed by the deviation.
(2) If, in the opinion of the Director, the measures submitted by the dam/canal owner under
subsection (1) are acceptable to the Director, a dam/canal owner shall implement the
measures as accepted in writing by the Director.
(3) If, in the opinion of the Director, the measures submitted by the dam/canal owner under
subsection (1) are not acceptable to the Director:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the measures that
were submitted by the dam/canal owner; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of
demonstrating that the measures that were submitted by the dam/canal owner have been
developed in accordance with the Directive and applicable best practices.
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(v) a summary of measures taken to address identified non-conformances;
(vi) design details, including drawings and specifications, for the final configuration
of the remaining permanent structures;
(vii) a description of how removal or abandonment activities were conducted;
(viii) a description of unexpected conditions that were encountered;
(ix) photographs documenting construction or demolition progress and final
conditions of the remaining permanent structures,
(x) a description of the chemical and geotechnical nature of the remaining permanent
contents of the reservoir;
(xi) a summary of the performance of the underdrainage system and the quantity and
characteristics of seepage;
(xii) details of any grading and soil stabilization, including contour maps and cross
sections of the final configuration of the remaining permanent structures; and
(xiii) an assessment of the consequence classification of the remaining permanent
(f) provide a risk assessment;
(g) provide a detailed description of short-term and long-term requirements in respect of
performance monitoring, surveillance, and safety assessments and safety evaluations, to
manage and mitigate residual risks posed by any remaining permanent structures;
(h) include a certification that the final configuration of the remaining permanent structures
conforms to all applicable legal requirements, including requirements under the Act, the
Regulation and this Directive; and
(i) include a certification that there is an extremely low probability that the final
configuration of the remaining permanent structures will revert to a condition that does
not conform to all applicable legal requirements, including requirements under the Act,
the Regulation and this Directive.
(3) If, in the opinion of the Director, the completion report submitted by the dam/canal owner
has been developed in accordance with this Directive, a dam/canal owner shall implement
completion report as accepted in writing by the Director.
(4) If, in the opinion of the Director, the completion report submitted by the dam/canal owner
has not been developed in accordance with this Directive:
(a) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information regarding the completion report
to address the Director’s concerns; and/or
(b) the dam/canal owner must submit additional information for the purposes of
demonstrating that the completion report that was submitted by the dam/canal owner has
been developed in accordance with the Directive.
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Schedule 1 – Determining Consequence Classification
1. Definitions
(1) In this Schedule,
(a) “category” means, in relation to the incremental consequences of failure, one of the following:
(i) loss of life;
(ii) environmental and cultural values;
(iii) infrastructure, economics and other property.
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Significant Temporary Low potential No significant loss or damage Low economic losses
only1 for loss of life to: affecting limited
infrastructure and
a) Important fisheries residential buildings,
b) important wildlife
public transportation or
c) Rare or endangered services or commercial
species, facilities, or some
d) Unique landscapes, or destruction or damage to
e) Sites of cultural locations used
significance. occasionally and
irregularly for temporary
Restoration or compensation in purposes.
kind for losses and damages
highly possible.
High Permanent2 10 or fewer Significant loss or damage to: High economic losses
affecting infrastructure,
a) important fisheries public transportation or
b) important wildlife
services or commercial
c) rare or endangered facilities, or some
species, or destruction or severe
d) unique landscapes damage to scattered
e) sites of cultural residential buildings.
Restoration or compensation in
kind for losses and damages
highly possible.
Very High Permanent2 100 or fewer Significant loss or damage to: Very high economic losses
affecting important
a) critical fisheries infrastructure, public
b) critical wildlife
transportation or services
c) rare or endangered or commercial facilities, or
species, or some destruction or severe
d) unique landscapes damage to residential
e) sites of cultural areas.
Restoration or compensation in
kind for losses and damages
possible but impractical.
Extreme Permanent2 More than 100 Major loss or damage to: Extremely high economic
losses affecting critical
a) critical fisheries infrastructure, public
b) critical wildlife
transportation or services
c) rare or endangered or commercial facilities, or
species, or some destruction or
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d) unique landscapes damage to residential
e) sites of cultural areas.
Restoration or compensation in
kind for losses and damages is
Comments should also address whether or not the previously identified deficiencies be still considered as dam
safety deficiencies. If previously identified deficiencies have been addressed by the owner, comment whether or
not the deficiencies have been addressed comprehensively and should be removed from the deficiency tracking
Comments should address whether or not the previously identified non-conformances be still considered as non-
conformances or dam safety deficiencies. If previously identified non-conformances have been addressed by the
owner, comment whether or not the non-conformances have been addressed comprehensively and should be
removed from the deficiency tracking list.
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© 2018 Government of Alberta