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Prelims - Midterms

a. Avalanche and hailstorms
What are the 2 natural hazards that
b. The pacific ring of fire and typhoon belt
challenge the Philippine economy and Answer: B
c. Strong wind and dry soil conditions
healthcare system?
d. Sulfur springs and rotten egg odor
Answer: C

a. Ignore the symptoms
b. Non-compliance with the doctor’s advice
Which approach to childhood illness is
c. May seek divine intervention for Illness
most common in Filipino families?
d. Consult for prescription medicines

Answer: D

a. Children can roam free with unschooling as Rationale:

the best way of learning life skills
b. To provide apprenticeship at the family
What is the goal of child-rearing in the business
Filipino family? c. To prepare the child to leave home at 18
years old
d. To prepare the child for a role in the

Answer: B

a. Birth to 21 years old

The scope of pediatrics in the Philippines b. 28 weeks AOG to less than 19 years old
is: c. 3 months old to 10 years old
d. 1 year old to 18 years old

a. Healthcare professionals
Nowadays, the greater majority of the
b. Traditional birth attendants
newborn deliveries in the Philippines is Answer: A?
c. Others
attended by:
d. Nobody
According to Rubel in 1960 “syndromes
a. Folk illnesses
from which members of a particular group
b. Factitious illnesses
laim to suffer, and for which, their culture Answer: A
c. hypochondriasis
provides an etiology, diagnosis, preventive
d. Neurasthenia
measures and regimens of healing.” are:
Answer: C
a. The population is aging ● Population pyramid
If the population pyramid of a particular b. The working population is robust ○ Has a wide base that indicates
nation as a wide base, it indicates that: c. The population is very young population is very young
d. The dependent population is few ○ Ages 0-14 and 65+ constitute the
dependent population
○ Median age of working population is 23
years old
The Garantisadong Pambata or GP
program is celebrated twice a year, 1 week
a. ~Reinforces breastfeeding for 0-6 months old Answer: A, B, C

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in April and 1 week in October. What is it b. ~Vitamin A supplementation, deworming, catch
all about? Check all that apply. up immunization
c. ~Introduction of complementary food in a
timely way
d. Screening the newborns for Inborn Errors of
e. Parent education about using medicinal
plants (sampung halamang gamot)
Answer: D
a. Convulsion ● Danger signs: red flag
Which of the following is not a danger b. Inability to drink or breastfeed ○ Unable to drink/breastfeed
sign? c. Lethargy/unconsciousness ○ Convulsions
d. Difficulty of breathing ○ Vomits everything
○ Difficulty to awaken
A 7-day old baby girl was brought to your
clinic because of a fever of 1 day with
temperature ranging from 37.0-38.1℃.
Patient was delivered via Normal
Spontaneous delivery at the lying – in
clinic. Apparently, there were no
complications to the delivery, attached
a. Co-trimoxazole Answer:
well, fully breastfed and because of this
b. Ampicillin
she was discharged the following day.
c. Gentamicin Rationale:
However, the mother noted the baby
d. Ceftriaxone ● Mag co-tri ako if i-ask
started to have cough and watery nasal
discharge 3 days prior and was noted to
have grunting soon thereafter. Mother
noted that the baby does not feed and the
respiratory rate is at 61 cpm with noted
nasal flaring. The most appropriate
Answer: C
a. Co-trimoxazole
A young infant with skin pustules or red b. Amoxicillin Rationale:
umbilicus is best treated with c. Flucloxacillin ● Treat skin pustules and red umbilicus with
d. Ceftriaxone Cephalexin and Flucloxacilin for 7 days
● Refer if child has penicillin allergy
Answer: A
● Signs
Good attachment Poor Attachment
More areola visible Baby sucking on the
above than below nipple, not the areola
a. areola should be less visible
baby’s mouth
The following are signs of good b. mouth wide open
attachment, EXCEPT: c. Chin touching the breast Mouth wide open Cheeks drawn in
d. Lower lip turned outward Lower lip turned Smacking or clicking
outwards sounds
Chin touching breast Chin not touching
Slow, deep sucks and Rapid shallow sucks
swallowing sounds

Answer: C
● Stage 1 No Symptoms, Generalized

What is the Clinical stage of a HIV+ child a. Stage 1

who has Unexplained Moderate b. Stage 2
malnutrition, oral thrush, Pulmonary TB c. Stage 3
and TB lymphadenopathy? d. Stage 4

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Answer: D

SR, a 4 year old girl from Palawan, came to a. Quinine

your clinic because of fever, convulsions b. Chloroquine
and stiff neck. Which of the following c. Primaquine
anti-malarial drugs is most appropriate? d. Artemether + Lumefantrine Co-Artem R

NAC, is a 5 year old boy, who came to your

clinic because of 3 days of high grade
Answer: D
fever associated with cough and colds.
Meron daw s’yang chest indrawing
When he came to your clinic, he was
So severe eme
irritable and lethargic. His respiratory rate
a. Give the 1st dose of Ceftriaxone
was 40 cpm and temperature was 39℃.
b. Treat the fever with Paracetamol
There was noted alar flaring and chest in
c. Start Salbutamol nebulizations for wheeze
drawing. Upon auscultation, you heard
d. Follow up in 2 days
wheezing. You note that his lips were dry
and when offered beverage, he refused
and instead preferred to sleep. The
following may be used to treat this patient,

Answer: C??
BA, 3 year old girl has been having fever,
loose stools and vomiting for the past 2
days. Mother noted that one day prior to
consult, there were already blood in the a. Give ORS for the 1st 4 hours
stools. Patient is restless, irritable, with b. Give Zinc supplements
sunken eyes. When offered Oral c. Give Anti-diarrheal drugs
rehydration solution, the patient drinks d. Continue feeding
eagerly. The following are the
recommended treatment for this patient

The amount of ORS to give during the 1st a. 1000mL Answer: C

4 hours for a 5 year old patient who b. 1400 mL Rationale:
weighs 20 kilos and is diagnosed as acute c. 1600 mL ● 1st 4 hours: (20ml/kg x wt in kg) x # of hours
gastroenteritis with some dehydration: d. 2000 mL ● (20 x 20) x 4 = 1600 mL
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Answer: A

a. Dry the ear by wicking

If patient presents with draining from the
b. Refer urgently to the hospital
ear and discharge is reported for 14 days,
c. Give appropriate IV antibiotics
or more, the treatment include/s:
d. All of the above

Combination of the processes by which a Answer: B

a. RDA
living organism receives and utilizes the Rationale:
b. Nutrition
material necessary for its growth, ● Proper diet
c. Proper diet
maintenance of its functions and repair of ○ one that adequately meets the needs of
d. Metabolic rate
its component parts. the growing child
Answer: A
● RDA - Represent estimates of requirements
a. Kcal that will maintain and good nutrition for all
Defined as the amount of heat necessary healthy people
b. BMR
to raise the temperature of one kg of water ● BMR - Total daily expenditure of calories in
c. RDA
from 14.5 - 15.5℃ relation to age and weight
d. Estimation of energy needs
● Estimation of energy needs - greater
surface area, greater activity and growth

a. 11% proteins, 35% fats, 60% carbohydrates

In general the average distribution of
b. 35% fats, 11% carbohydrates, 60% fats Answer: A
calories would be:
c. 60% carbohydrates, 11% fats, 35% proteins
Reliable index of caloric needs of most a. Calories Answer: C
healthy children and early months of life, b. Basal Metabolic Rate Rationale:
when growth is rapid tends to be good and c. Appetite ● Calories - amount of heat which food can
caloric intake is increased: d. Nutritional Status supply
Answer: B
a. Fats Rationale:
Building blocks of the body. Made up of ● Carbohydrates - Account for the greatest
b. Proteins
20-22 amino acids and depends on the rate percentage of calories in the infant diet
c. Minerals
of growth. ● Fats- linoleic not synthesized, must be
d. Carbohydrates
supplied in the diet
● Minerals - necessary for maintenance of life
Answer: C
● Sucking
Maintained for as long as 18-24 months, a. Breastfeeding ○ stimulates afferent nerve endings
and a normal infant with a normal healthy b. Let down or milk ejection reflex sending impulses to hypothalamus
mother (even a malnourished mother) may c. Lactation ● Let down or milk ejection reflex
breast-feed up to 2 years: d. Sucking ○ makes use of oxytocin that is secreted
from the posterior pituitary and causes
contraction of the myoepithelial cells in
the mammary gland
Answer: A
Deep yellow fluid containing more protein ● Foremilk - First milk expressed during
(mostly globulin), more vitamins a. Colostrum nursing period. Clear, thin and bluish
(especially Vitamin A), more salt (sodium b. Foremilk reflecting its low fat and high water content
and potassium), more immune bodies c. Hindmilk ● Hindmilk - Last milk obtained at the end of
(IgA) but less fat and sugar that mature d. Whey: Casein Ratio feeding, thick and cream-white reflecting its
milk. higher fat content (highest in the day, lowest
at night
● Whey:Casein ratio - protein (Breastmilk:
60:40, Cow’s milk- 20:80)
a. Lack of motivation of mother to breast-feed
leading to inadequate mother-infant
interactions Answer: C
An example substitute contraindication of b. Milk formula is easily sucked from the nipple
breastfeeding: of the bottle Rationale:
c. Mother acquired syphilis shortly before
d. Anxiety, fear and uncertainty in the mother

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Answer: B
A breast milk fed to an infant obtained a. Infant feeding ● Milk feeding - every 3 hrs, 4 hrs, 6 hrs etc
from a lactating women other than the b. Wet nursing ● Infant feeding - for growth and development
mother and must be free of ace, c. Milk feeding (first month of life- milk, 4-6th month- solid
tuberculosis or syphilis: d. Supplementary feeding food introduced)
● Supplementary feeding - Artificial feeding
alternates or replaces breastfeeding
Answer: A
Rationale: Four main ingredients:
Wearing food must have the four main a. True ● Staple
ingredients b. False ● Protein source
● Energy supplement in the form of oil
● Vitamin and mineral source
Answer: A
a. BCG vaccine Rationale:
b. Tetanus toxoid vaccine ● Live attenuated: MMR VRO BGC
Live attenuated vaccine
c. Meningococcal vaccine ○ Measles, Mumps, Rubella
d. Typhoid vaccine ○ Varicella, Rotavirus, Oral Polio
a. Oral Answer: D
Varicella vaccine is given through this b. Intradermal Rationale:
route: c. Intramuscular ● Inactivated- usually given via IM
d. Subcutaneous ● Live - either SQ, PO or ID
Answer: D
Rationale: NIP included vaccines:
a. BCG ● Monovalent Hepa B
All of the following are included in the ● Pentavalent vaccine (DTwP-HiB-Hepa B)
b. Hepa B
National Immunization Program of the ● Bivalent OPV
c. OPV
Philippines, EXCEPT: ● IPV
d. Dengvaxia
● MR
● Td
a. Oral
b. Intradermal
BCG vaccine is given through this route: Answer: B
c. Intramuscular
d. Subcutaneous
Answer: C
a. Given subcutaneously Rationale:
b. Given at birth ● Inactivated - given via IM
True regarding DPT vaccine: ● given at min age of 6 weeks
c. Consists of 3 doses with 4 weeks interval
d. No need for booster dose ● primary series- 3 doses, 4 wks interval
● Booster series- 3 doses (12-23 mos, 4-7 yrs,
9-15 yrs)
a. 1 month old Answer: B
Measles vaccine can be given as early as b. 6 months old Rationale:
___ during outbreaks: c. 9 months old ● Given at 9 mos but can be at 6 mos in cases
d. 3 months old of outbreaks
a. Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) only Answer: C
Infants born to HbsAg (+) mother should b. Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) only Rationale:
be given: c. Both HBV and HBIG ● for infants born to HbsAg(+) mothers: give
d. Neither HBV nor HBIG HBV and HBIG (0.5ml) within 12 hrs of life
Answer: C
Sheldon is a 3 year old boy who was a. 3 doses given 1 month apart
previously unvaccinated with b. 3 doses given 2 months apart Rationale:
Pneumococcal vaccine. You recommend c. 2 doses given 2 months apart ● PCV: 10 and 13 may be given as young as 6
giving PCV with the following dose: d. 1 dose only wks (IM)
● Unvaccinated:

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○ 7-11mos: 3 doses, 1 mo. apart (1st 2
doses), 3rd dose 2mos or at/after 1st
○ 12-23mos: 10 and 13 (2 doses, 2
mos apart)
○ 2-5 yo: give 1 dose

a. 4 weeks of life Answer: B

Rotavirus vaccine can be given as early b. 6 weeks of life Rationale: Rotavirus
as: c. 10 weeks of life ● PO, early as 6 wks, 2 doses interval of 4 wks
d. 14 weeks of life between doses
a. 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
Penny is a 10 year old female who is b. 2 doses of MMR vaccine
unvaccinated all her life. She should be c. 5 doses of Tdap vaccine Answer: E
given the following vaccines: d. 2 doses of Varicella Vaccine
e. All statements are correct
a. 3 years old
Blood pressure monitoring is routinely b. 7 years old
Answer: A
done at the age of: c. 12 years old
d. 18 years old

Answer: C
CR dapat 100-160; RR dapat <60

a. Has urinated and passed one stool

Baby Boy JK, 32 hours of life, term,
b. Has documented infant satiety
delivered through Normal Spontaneous
c. Has the vital signs: Cr: 180 bpm; RT: 68;
delivery, is now ready for discharge. All of
Temp: 36.8
the following are part of the minimum
d. Uncomplicated antepartum, intrapartum and
criteria for newborns, except:
postpartum course

a. Complete history taking and risk screening Answer: D

Ji Soo, 15 years old, female, came for the
b. Request for urinalysis
first time to your clinic for a wellness Rationale:
c. Educate on how to do self-breast examination
check-up. As her pediatrician, you should
d. Perform Pap smear during the visit regardless ● Pap smear is only requested for sexually
do all of the following except: active females
of sexual activity
Answer: A

a. She is not laughing with mother in a playful

Marie Cutie, is 7 month old female infant
brought to your clinic. She is active with
b. She is not able to walk alone
normal vital signs. Which of the following
c. She is unable to remove gloves/socks
scenarios would you consider to be a Red
d. She is not able to speak 3 words with
flag for her age and development:

a. Majority of the sexual offenders are people

that they know and trust
b. Sexual abuse usually occurs when a child is
Which of the following is true in regards to
left alone with an older person
protecting the children against abuse and Answer: A
c. If a child seems uncomfortable with a
particular adult, ask why
d. Physical signs of abuse are commonly seen
in children

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Answer: B
Danerie James, 9 month old infant is a. 50,000 IU for one dose ● Vitamin A supplementation
brought by his mother for a well-baby b. 100,000 IU for one dose ○ Infants 6-11 mos.
check-up and measles immunization. What c. 200,000 IU for one dose ■ 100,000 iU
is the dose if Vitamin A should be given? d. 200,000 IU every 6 months ■ 1 dose usually at 9 mos
○ Children 12-59 mons
■ 200,000 IU
■ 1 capsule every 6 mos

a. Before 24 hours of life Answer: C

A live, term baby boy was delivered via
b. 5 days after delivery Rationale:
NSD. When should the Newborn screening
c. 2 days after delivery ● NBS Act of 2004 (RA 9288)
be performed?
d. 7 days after delivery ● After 24 hrs, not later than 3 days

Answer: B

a. Immunization must be updated

Vee is a 9 year old girl, came to your clinic
b. Nutrition is not a problem for this age group
because the mother wants to know what
c. Inform that accidents are common for this age
are the things she should watch out for
Vee. You advise the mother the following,
d. Encourage participation in sports and skills

Answer: A
● Albendazole
a. Mebendazole, 500 mg as single dose ○ 12-24 mos
Mavi, is a 2 year old boy came to you for b. Metronidazole, 500 mg as single dose ■ 200 mg single dose every 6 mos
deworming. Your drug of choice? c. Mebendazole 250 mg as single dose ○ 24 mos and above
d. Metronidazole 250 mg as single dose ■ 400 mg single dose every 6 mos
● Mebendazole
○ 12 mos and above - 500 mg single
dose every 6 mos

Answer: B
Cong T. Vie, is 1 month old boy, came to
your clinic for a well-baby check up. a. 1 month after birth Rationale:
Mother said that this is her first time in b. 3 months after birth ● NB Hearing screening 2009
Manila and she delivered her baby outside c. 5 months after birth ○ RA 9709
of the hospital. Up until what age should a d. 7 months after birth ○ Section 7: Infants not born in the
child be screened for hearing? hospital should be screened within the
first 3 months after birth

a. Physiologic changes
b. Neurologic development
Adolescence is characterized by: Answer: C
c. Both
d. none

Answer: A
a. Social structure Rationale:
The setting that fosters the transition from b. Puberty ● Social structure - setting that fosters the
childhood to adulthood is: c. Hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator transition from childhood to adulthood
d. Sleep ● Puberty is the biological transition from
childhood to adulthood
● GnRH - associated with onset of puberty

a. They wear black clothing very often, Answer: B

compared with non-adolescents.
b. Growth spurt begins distally with enlarged Rationale:
Early adolescents may have an awkward
hands and feet ● C - may be on both genders to, walang
appearance because:
c. Females in adrenarche grow facial hair and specified gender sa lec ni doc
armpit hair ● Males stop growing at SMR 3-4 and
d. Males stop growing at SMR 2-3 Females at SMR 2-3

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a. weight
50-65% of the total body ____ accumulates b. height
Answer: D
during puberty. c. water
d. calcium
a. Pruning of rarely synaptic connections in the
cortical gray matter Answer: A
What happens during Structural Brain b. Diffuse shrinking of cerebral white matter Rationale:
Development in adolescence? volume ● Cerebral white matter increases until mid to
c. Both late adolescence
d. None
a. Elongation of the optic globe may result in
b. Larger size of the optic globe may result in
What change can be reasonably expected
hyperopia Answer: A
in the visual acuity of some adolescents?
c. Development of cataracts as the lens
increases in volume
d. Vision improves from 20/200 to 20/20 OU
a. Lying, truancy, trespassing
The hallmark of adolescent development b. Separation from the parents
Answer: B
is: c. Concrete operational thought
d. Acne
Answer: A
a. Increased blood volume and hematocrit Rationale:
b. Cardiac murmur ● Improved aerobic capacity
Which of the following contributes to
c. Enlarged larynx and pharynx ○ Increase in heart size
improves aerobic capacity in adolescents?
d. Shouting at their parents during conflict ○ Increase in blood volume and hematocrit
situations ○ Increase in blood pressure
○ Increase in lung vital capacity
Answer: A
a. It is a risk assessment tool in adolescence Rationale:
b. It assigns patients to early middle or late ● HEADSS
What is the function of the HEADSSS adolescne category ○ Tool for assessment of mental and physical
questionnaire? c. It tests ability to attract partners health risks in adolescents
d. It detects pharmacologic tolerance or ○ Home, Education, Activity, Diet,
withdrawal to substance used illegally Substances, Sexuality,
a. Uninvolved parenting
The parenting strategy that is most b. Corporal punishment
Answer: C
associated with positive outcome is c. Authoritative parenting
d. Laissez-faire parenting
a. It is non-directive, neutral communication
b. It presents the genetic contribution to health &
Which of the following is TRUE about
specific risks of transmission of a trait Answer: C
genetic counseling?
c. both
d. none
a. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Reciprocal translocation of the
b. Eye color
Philadelphia chromosome t (9:22), Answer: C
c. Chronic myeloid leukemia
(q34:q11) is associated with
d. Familial adenomatous polyposis
Advanced parental age is an indication for a. 45 years old and above Answer: C
genetic counseling. It is a paternal age of b. 40 years old and above Rationale:
40 years old and above and/or maternal c.
age of _____. d.
35 years old and above
30 years old and above

Maternal >35 y.o
Paternal >40 y.o
a. 23, X
The normal karyotype of a somatic cell in a b. 46, XX
Answer: B
female patient is: 40XX c. 23, Y
d. 46, XY
Answer: B
a. Linkage analysis ● Array comparative genomic hybridization
Which type of genetic testing is used in b. DNA-based testing ○ Patient’s DNA sequence is compared
genealogy and ethnicity studies? c. Array comparative genomic hybridization with standard control DNA
d. Mutation analysis ● Mutation analysis
○ Mutation sometimes occur in the
noncoding intronic regions

a. Variant of Unknown Significance (VUS)

When detected by genetic testing, it does b. Genes involved in drug metabolism
not prove that it is the cause of the c. 3 copies of chromosome 21 Answer: A
patient’s disorder. d. TSHR and TSHB genes in patients with
congenital hypothyroidism

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a. a well-constructed genogram
Providing accurate information about a b. genetic testing
Answer: C
known heritable train can be done by: c. both
d. none
a. Predictive testing
Which type of genetic testing is sought
b. incidental findings
after by patients who want personalized Answer: A
c. RT-PCR swab
healthcare strategies:
d. human genome project
a. Dominant or recessive
b. Oligogenic
Mendelian disorder can be described as: Answer: A
c. Both
d. None
Many childhood conditions are caused by a. Poisoning
single-gene mutations that encode b. progressive symptoms, with overlapping
specific proteins. Which of the following symptoms in relatives
are red flags for inborn errors of c. Glucose 95-100 mg/dL

metabolism? d. Gigantism
a. Hemodialysis to remove accumulated noxious
When newborn screening results reveal an compounds
inborn error of metabolism, confirmatory b. Insert IV to administer fluids and electrolytes
Answer: C
testing is done. If this is still positive, what c. Special dietary changes should be tailored to
is the next step? the pathophysiology of the condition
d. Liver of kidney transplantation
Dietary phenylalanine that the body did
not utilize for protein synthesis is normally a. SAM and cysteine
degraded by the tyrosine pathway. b. FAH and Vitamin C
Deficiency of which enzyme and its c. PAH and tetrahydrobiopterin Answer: C
cofactor causes accumulation of d. Branched chain alpha ketoacid
phenylalanine in the brain and body dehydrogenase and Vitamin B1
Symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea,
hypoglycemia and jaundice developed in a a. Maple urine disease
newborn on the 1st hour of life, after b. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
Answer: D
ingestion of breast milk. Consider sepsis c. G6PD deficiency
neonatorum as well as which differential d. Galactosemia
a. 7 days after delivery
A live term baby boy was delivered via
b. 5 days after delivery
NSD. When should the Newborn Screening Answer: C
c. after 24 hours of life
eb performed?
d. 1 month after delivery
a. Isovaleric acidemia
The urine of affected newborns smells like b. Diabetic ketoacidosis
Answer: A
sweaty feet. c. Albinism
d. Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
a. Right for name and be born week
What right of a child is violated if a 7 year
b. Right to education
old boy was obliged to attend school Answer: D
c. Right to a balanced diet, clothing and shelter
activities during weekends?
d. Right to recreation and activities
a. Let her stay with her uncle since they are
F.P. 5 years old, female was orphaned. Her
blood related
Uncle who is a drug addict is the only
b. She may be turned over to DSWD for custody Answer: B
nearest kin available to take her. The best
c. Let the child decide where she wants to stay
option for the custody of F.P. will be:
d. None of the above
Answer: A
a. The teacher for school filling
b. The parents for passport application
The following has the right to request and
c. The court for identification of the child’s
access a copy of birth record of the child
d. The social worker in-charge of the child’s

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a. Any person under 18 years of age or those Answer: A

over but cannot fully take care of themselves.
b. Any person under 19 years of age or those Rationale:
According to R.A. 7610 a child is a:
over but cannot fully take care of themselves ● RA 7610 - Special protection of children
c. Any person under 18 years of age only against child abuse, exploitation, and
d. None of the above discrimination act

a. A healthy newborn to be discharged in the

hospital with his mother an father
b. A 10 year old girl who do not want to attend
her ballet class because she is not in the
Who among the following should be
placed under Special protection of
c. A 25 year old man with cerebral palsy who Answer: C
Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation
lives with his 74 year old grandmother in the
and Discrimination Act?
squatter’s area.
d. A 16 year old boy who ran to his brother’s
house after a quarrel with his mother about
his school grades
a. First is to know the children’s rights
b. Contextualize the rights of the child to the
The following are the steps in the UNCRC
present setting
(rights of the child) implementation in the Answer: D
c. Consciously keeping the rights alive in
hospital setting:
everyday practice
d. All of the above
This category of right refers to all those a. Survival rights
that the child needs in order to become a b. Development rights
Answer: B
mentally spiritually and emotionally c. Protection rights
healthy person. d. Participation right
This category of right refers to all those
a. Survival rights
that the child needs to be able to be one
b. Developmental rights
with a group and to be a part in Answer: D
c. Protection rights
decision-making concerning his or her
d. Participation rights
welfare and development.
This category of right refers to all those
a. Survival rights
that the child needs in order to live. In the
b. Development rights
hospital environment, survival is giving Answer: A
c. Protection rights
safe, efficacious and cost-effective
d. Participation rights
medical care at the appropriate time.
This category of right refers to all those
that the child needs to be protected from
abuse, neglect and exploitation to all
forms, whether physical, mental, a. Survival rights
emotional or sexual. Prtection rights b. Development rights
Answer: C
include the right to preservation of c. Protection rights
identity; to family reunification; against d. Participation rights
illicit transfer and non-return; to protection
froma buse, neglect and sexual
Combination of processes by which a
a. Metabolism
living organism receives and utilizes the
b. Development
material necessary for its growth, Answer: D
c. RDA
maintenance of its functions and repair of
d. Nutrition
its component parts.
a. Oral
b. Intradermal
BCG vaccine is given through this route Answer: B
c. Intramuscular
d. Subcutaneous
Answer: B
In a 5 year old who is previously a. 3 doses, 1 month apart
unvaccinated witn Pneumococcal vaccine. b. 2 doses, 2 months apart Rationale:
You recommend giving PCV with the c. 2 doses, 6 months apart ● Not sure if b or d
following dose schedule: d. 1 dose only ● If PCV 10 - 2 doses, 2 mos apart
● PCV 13 - 1 dose
A 3 months old baby delivered at home by
a. up to 6 months after birth
traditional birth attendant outside of a
b. up to 3 months after birth
hospital is brought to the OPD for the first Answer: B
c. up to 2 months after birth
ever check-up. Up until what age should a
d. at birth, prior to discharge from the hospital
child be screened for hearing?

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