Variable Negative GM Technique For RF LC VCO With Very Large Tuning Range
Variable Negative GM Technique For RF LC VCO With Very Large Tuning Range
Variable Negative GM Technique For RF LC VCO With Very Large Tuning Range
L- -1 L _ __ _ l
noise fluctuations between different bands can be
- - - - - - -
decreased close to the intrinsic level. Fig. 1 A negative Gm view of the RF LC VCO.
I. INTRODUCTION A negative Gm view of the RF LC VCO is
illustrated in Fig.l. The VCO consists of two parts: the
The design of RF LC VCO has been extensively LC tank and the active circuit. In Fig. 1 gtan, represents the
discussed in papers during the past a few years. In recent tank loss and -gactive is the effective negative conductance
researches, the VCO tends to work under lower supply of the active devices that compensates the losses in the
voltage [I]-[2], in higher frequency band [3]-[4] or with tank. For fully integrated LC VCO, gtak is dominantly
larger tuning range [5]-[6]. For example, VCO with very contributed by inductor. By using simple inductor model,
large tuning range is required for digital broadcast gt,k can be expressed as:
satellite television application (925MHz 21 75MHz)
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gtank will vary a lot due to the big changes of the working tuning range. A possible way to solve these problems is
frequency. Therefore, the VCO start up condition will be adjusting the negative Gm of the active devices when gtank
obviously different at different frequency bands and the changes at different frequency bands. RF LC VCOs are
oscillation swing will also vary consequently. usually realized by using switched capacitor technique for
band selection as shown in Fig.3. The control bits of the
600 switched capacitor determine the specific frequency band.
The proposed idea is that in different frequency bands the
negative Gm of the active circuits are simultaneously
40 I
changed by the switched capacitor control bits.
2 4 5
freq. (CHz)
L g.p
Fig.2 I/gtar of the LC tank versus oscillation frequency
when sweeping the tank capacitor value. (a) (b) (c)
x<2:0> y<2:0>
B3 B2 Bl BO
Vcont B<3:0>: <0000> <1111>
(a) (b)
From the analysis in previous part, the key factor In equation (4), 1i and Cox are process parameters.
that leads to the variations of VCO start up condition, The designers can only control the gm0 by changing the
VCO oscillation swing and phase noise is that gta,k varies device size and bias current. A possible VCO core
with oscillation frequency obviously due to very large topology to realize such an idea is shown in Fig.5, in
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which the active circuit of Fig.4 (b) is used as the swing of the VCO at low frequency band versus the total
negative conductance. As shown in Fig.5, two identical bias current. For the line with the dot symbol, only one
groups of active circuits are used. They are respectively group of active circuit in Fig.5 is working and for the line
controlled by the MOS switches x<3> and y<3>, which with the triangle symbol, both groups of the active circuit
equivalently realizes programming the device size. The in Fig.5 are working.
bias current for each group can also be independently
programmed by x<2:0> and y<2:0>, respectively. Besides,
the active circuit in Fig.5 can be realized by Fig.4 (a) and
(c) by applying the same idea.
(MPl MP4) in Fig. orthedthre bands.I h
lbias (mA
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ones in Fig.8 (b) is quite small, which is attributed to the
2.50 .
optimization of the VCO by the variable negative Gm
2.25. ... A-High
band technique.
-X-Middle band
........ -o -Low band
; 1.75.
¢ 1.50 ...............? ......................... For the design of narrow band VCO the variations of
X 1.25. VCO start up condition, oscillation swing and phase noise
1.00. performance are usually omitted, but these issues become
un-negligible when the tuning range or frequency span of
VCO extends a lot. The key factor that leads to these
U.U*. * ''' '':'' problems is that the equivalent LC tank parallel
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Vcon (V) conductance varies obviously due to big frequency
(a) changes. A variable negative Gm technique is proposed in
this paper to solve these problems. The proposed
technique provides two ways to optimize the negative Gm
of the VCO: programming both the device size and bias
current simultaneously. Simulation results prove that by
I using this technique the VCO start up condition at
different frequency bands can be independently optimized.
.5 The variations of the VCO oscillation swing can be
effectively reduced and the phase noise fluctuations
between different bands can be decreased close to the
intrinsic level.
Vcon (V) The authors wish to thank Intel for the sponsorship
(b) of this research project.
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