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Hotel Energy Efficiency RChedwal

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Energy Saving Potential Through Energy Conservation Building Code and

Advance Energy Efficiency Measures in Hotel Buildings of Jaipur City, India

Article in Energy and Buildings · January 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.01.066


65 1,435

4 authors, including:

Jyotirmay Mathur Shivraj Dhaka

Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur The Confederation of Indian Industry


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Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Energy and Buildings

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/enbuild

Energy saving potential through Energy Conservation Building Code

and advance energy efficiency measures in hotel buildings of Jaipur
City, India
Rajesh Chedwal, Jyotirmay Mathur ∗ , Ghanshyam Das Agarwal, Shivraj Dhaka
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Commercial buildings of conventional practices consume significant energy, especially hotel buildings.
Received 19 July 2014 Therefore, the study aims to estimate energy saving potential in three categories of hotels from Jaipur
Received in revised form 11 January 2015 city, India. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) and advance Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs)
Accepted 30 January 2015
beyond ECBC specifications were implemented such as building envelope, Heating, Ventilation and Air-
Available online 7 February 2015
Conditioning (HVAC) system and lighting system for estimating energy saving potential. Dynamic thermal
simulation tool was used for modeling and simulation of existing hotel buildings and simulation mod-
els were calibrated against actual energy consumption of study hotels. Implementation of ECBC to hotel
Hotel building
Energy efficiency
Category-1, Category-2 and Category-3 demonstrates energy savings of 37.2%, 18.42% and 25.82%, respec-
Energy Conservation Building Code tively with payback period of 2.39–6.41 years whereas application of advance EEMs in respective hotels
Advance energy efficiency measures led to increase in energy savings up to 61.75%, 53.92% and 54.61% in respective hotel category with pay-
back period of 4.22–5.11 years. Implementation of ECBC code to existing hotel buildings in Jaipur city
can save 27.9 GW h/year and with the use of advance EEMs, the city can save 67.04 GW h/year of energy.
This study concludes that there is significant energy saving potential in hotel buildings in India through
implementation of ECBC and other energy efficiency measures.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction thereby, it has drawn attention of building owners to reduce energy

bills [5].
Decades after the first energy crisis in 1970s, building energy Previous research reveals that air-conditioning system has large
efficiency has drawn attention for research all over the world. Build- energy saving potential in commercial buildings [6]. Tulsyan et al.
ings account for 30–40% of total energy usage, as well as emit 30% [7] carried out a study for six categories of commercial buildings
of CO2 worldwide [1]. Among all Asia Pacific Partnership (APP) from Jaipur city (India). The study demonstrated that enforcement
countries, Indian building sector consumes 169 million tons of oil of ECBC can conserves maximum 42% of energy. Study conducted
equivalent (Mtoe) or 47% of the total energy usage [2]. Share of by Asdrubali and Baldielli estimated that new buildings can reduce
electricity use in the building sector has increased from 14% in the 20–50% energy use by incorporating appropriate design interven-
1970 to nearly 33% in 2004–2005 [3]. Commercial building sector tions in the building envelope, lighting, and HVAC system [8].
of India accounts for 6.5% of total electricity consumption, and it Researchers carried out various studies worldwide to understand
is growing at a rate of 11–12% over the last few years [4]. Build- the impact of building energy codes on energy conservation. The
ing components such as Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning study performed by Chan et al. for more than 80 commercial build-
(HVAC) system, equipment, lighting and envelope affect building ings in Hong Kong presented that building energy code improved
energy consumption. HVAC system is a major consumer of energy energy efficiency and also reduced air pollution [9]. Enforcement of
in commercial buildings, especially in hotels and retail sector, and Chinese national building standard led 62% energy saving in public
building sections; and building code of United Kingdom revealed
energy savings up to 75% [10]. Dhaka et al. [11] conducted a study
for different climatic conditions of India to estimate energy savings
by application of ECBC code. The study demonstrated that combina-
∗ Corresponding author at: Centre for Energy and Environment & Department of
tion of EEMs recommended by ECBC could save about 40% energy as
Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, India. Tel.: +91 94142 50329;
fax: +91 14125 29078.
compared to energy consumed by buildings built with conventional
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Mathur). practices in India.

0378-7788/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 283


Cv RMSE coefficient of variance root mean square error

EPD equipment power density (W/m2 )
EPI energy performance index (kW h/m2 /year)
LPD lighting power density (W/m2 )
MBE mean bias error
Ue thermal transmittance of existing wall, roof and
glass (W/m2 ◦ C)
Uwall thermal transmittance of wall (W/m2 ◦ C)
URoof thermal transmittance of roof (W/m2 ◦ C)
UGlass thermal transmittance of glass (W/m2 ◦ C)
UECBC thermal transmittance of ECBC, wall and roof
(W/m2 ◦ C)
Uadvance thermal transmittance of advance construction,
wall and roof (W/m2 ◦ C)
Fig. 1. Monthly variations in mean outdoor DBT and relative humidity in Jaipur city.

The study conducted for hot and dry climate of Ahmedabad Furthermore, study also integrates SPV system to enhance addi-
reported reduction in cooling load by 31% using ECBC code for enve- tional energy efficiency of hotel buildings.
lope design [12]. Jiang et al. [13] illustrated that advance design
in hotel building can save 50% of energy for each climate zone in 2. Methodology
USA. From last decade, significant amount of research has been car-
ried out for ground source based conditioning applications. Esen 2.1. Climatic conditions
et al. experimentally investigated space heating by ground energy
through designing slinky ground heat exchanger and the system The study was carried out in the Jaipur city (26.9◦ N, 75.8◦ E),
was successfully tested [14]. The study also compared ground- capital of Rajasthan. The city is defined under composite climatic
coupled and air-coupled heat pump system for space cooling; it zone of India. Extreme climatic conditions are the main characteris-
revealed that these systems can achieve COP of 4.26 and 3.85 tics of this climatic zone, low humidity in summer and high during
respectively [15]. monsoon. Relative humidity varies from 20% to 100%. Temperature
The hotel industry is one of the most energy and resource inten- is observed to be as high as 45 ◦ C during summer, thereby, resulting
sive branches of the tourism industry, and consumes substantial into high cooling load on the HVAC system. Therefore, the cooling
amount of energy for providing services and comfort to the guests. hours for a base temperature of 23 ◦ C are 1653 in a year. During
The hotel industry in Jaipur city is also growing at faster rate since winter, the dry bulb temperature is as low as 8 ◦ C resulting into
Jaipur is one of the most visited city by Indian and foreign tourists. 781 heating degree hours in a year at 23 ◦ C base temperature that
Hotel sector consumes substantial amount of energy for providing results into higher heating loads in winter. Fig. 1 shows the mean
comfort and services to its guests typically with an alarmingly low outdoor dry bulb temperature that varies from 15 ◦ C to 34 ◦ C and
level of energy efficiency [16]. Building design and air-conditioning mean relative humidity varies between 28% and 77%.
system parameters influence building energy performance. These
performance based compliance approaches often require complex 2.2. Data collection
computations to deal with large number of variables of building
components [17]. Quick assessment of building energy perfor- Energy consumption varies from one hotel building to another,
mance is possible using simulation tools since their applications and it gets affected mainly by HVAC system. HVAC system types
in practice are crucial for assessing building energy performance. depend upon building size, number of floor, building type and also
Mostly simulation tools are used to analyze building energy con- the use of building. Therefore, to estimate energy saving opportuni-
sumption, and also to estimate energy saving potential by applying ties in hotel sector, it is necessary to study the different parameters.
various EEMs [18]. There are around 589 hotel buildings in Jaipur city of various cat-
Therefore, dynamic thermal simulation tool is used to evaluate egories from non-star to five-star as per their service quality or
energy saving potential by implementing ECBC code and advance luxuriousness. Data of 79 hotels was collected through the ques-
EEMs for different categories of hotel buildings. The energy saving tionnaire that includes details of monthly energy consumption,
through integration of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) with distribution building envelope features, HVAC system properties, lighting and
networks (grid connected) could reduce the maximum demand other major energy consuming equipment.
charge and energy losses [19]. However, because of high initial
costs, requirement of large installation spaces and limited output 2.3. Selection of study hotel buildings
energy, SPV applications are not popular in local building devel-
opments [20]. Semi-transparent Building Integrated Photovoltaic Through the data analysis of 79 hotels, it was found that the
(BIPV) panels can generate electricity and can integrate with day energy consumption behavior of different categories of hotels
lighting that can enhance visual comfort, reduce peak electrical varies qualitatively and quantitatively. The categorization of hotels
and cooling demands, and conserve building energy expenditures in India (non-star to five-star) is based on certain parameters
[21,22]. defined by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, such as num-
The present study aims to assess energy saving potential ber of rooms, public areas, recreational facilities, luxury services,
by implementing ECBC code to building envelope, lighting, and eco-friendly practices, energy conservation practices, building
HVAC system for three different categories of hotel buildings. The architecture, air-conditioned area etc. There is a significant differ-
study also implements advance energy efficiency measures beyond ence among hotels of various categories due to change in size of
ECBC specifications to evaluate further energy saving potential. rooms, lighting, air-conditioning, luxurious level, and recreational
284 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

Table 1
Energy performance index for different category hotel buildings from Jaipur city.

Category of hotel No. of hotels in Jaipur city Sample size EPI (hotels in Jaipur) (kW h/year/m2 ) EPI (case study hotel) (kW h/year/m2 )

Min. Max. Average

Category 1 516 47 102 305 203 204

Category 2 42 16 123 338 208 230
Category 3 31 16 141 317 222 204

Fig. 2. Comparison of sample mean with Category-1 hotel building.

Fig. 3. Comparison of sample mean with Category-2 hotel building.

facilities including common areas such as banquet hall, restaurant, selection of representative hotel on above criterion in respective
laundry etc. The differences were identified on the basis of their category are shown in Figs. 2–4.
impact on energy consumption. Three categories were made as Cat- One hotel was chosen from each category hotel and ques-
egory 1, comprising of non-star and one-star hotels that have only tionnaire was designed to collect information of that particular
basic facilities; Category 2, comprising of two-star and three-star hotel including year of construction, monthly energy consumption,
hotels that have moderate luxurious and Category 3, comprising building envelope, lighting fixtures, major electrical equipments,
of four-star and five-star hotels that have almost all luxuries, large HVAC system (system type, make and model, system specifica-
room sizes and all common area facilities. Analysis also reveals that tions), thermostat set point temperature of the air-conditioner,
hotel buildings in Category 1 were having thick wall construction, schedules, occupancy etc. The collected data was further verified
small windows and HVAC systems of unitary type. The hotel build- through the architectural drawings, design documents and site
ings in Category 2 were mostly having column-beam structure, visits. The methodology may be used anywhere for finding sec-
walls constructed of single brick and rooms were equipped with toral impact of any policy intervention such as energy efficiency.
packaged air-conditioner units. The wall construction in Category The same has been mentioned in the manuscript.
3 hotels was also found to be of single brick type and cooling was
served by centralized chilled water based HVAC system.
The hotel building that has Energy Performance Index (EPI) 2.4. Study hotel description
closer to the mean EPI in the respective category was chosen as
a case study hotel building. The EPI is assumed to be having factors The three types of hotel buildings were chosen to estimate
such as technology age, maintenance practice of the hotel build- energy saving potential by implementing ECBC and advance EEMs.
ing. This was done to ensure that the selected hotel buildings are Thereby questionnaire was designed and used to collect specifica-
a representative hotel for a particular category. Details of the cho- tions such as envelope features, HVAC system information, lighting,
sen hotel and variation of key parameters are shown in Table 1. equipment, schedule etc. The study buildings are described in the
The selection of the hotel building was cross checked on the basis following sub-sections. Wall and roof construction for conventional
of connected load and no. of rooms available as compared to the construction practices of India is shown in Fig. 5 and also mentioned
mean of these parameters to their respective category. Details of in the Table 2.
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 285

Fig. 4. Comparison of sample mean with Category-3 hotel building.

Fig. 5. Roof and wall construction of existing, ECBC and advance measure.

2.4.1. Hotel – Category 1 guest rooms. The hotel building is equipped with PTAC system of
Mostly the hotels in this category are constructed by conven- Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) type. Major equipments used in the
tional construction practices of India. The subject hotel is facing hotel include four lifts, water-lifting pumps, electric geysers mostly
west and has low window to wall ratio with use of single clear in each room, refrigerators in kitchen as well as equipments used
glazing. Fig. 6 shows actual hotel building (a), typical floor plan (b) in the rooms and office. The lighting fixtures used in the building
and simulation model of subject hotel(c). The building is having one are old FTL fixtures (magnetic choke based), Compact Fluorescent
basement, one ground floor, and three guest floors. The basement Lamps (CFL) etc.
is used as banquet hall, and ground floor has office, banquet hall
and kitchen. Remaining of the three floors have twenty two guest
rooms. All the rooms, banquet hall, and office are equipped with 2.4.3. Hotel – Category 3
Package Terminal Air-Conditioner (PTAC) system; most of them The selected hotel building in this category has large windows
have energy star labels for energy efficiency as certified by Bureau in East and West façade, non-glazed wall in the remaining facades.
of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India. Other major equipment includes The study hotel has one basement, ground floor, and nine floors
water-lifting pumps, electric geysers in each room, refrigerators in including service floor, facility floor, and the remaining are guest
kitchen, office equipment, etc. The lighting fixtures include tube floors. Fig. 8 shows actual hotel building (a), typical floor plan (b)
lights having magnetic choke, Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and simulation model (c).
and few LED lighting fixtures. Lower basement is utilized for working of HVAC system equip-
ment and parking facilities; ground floor has reception, banquet
2.4.2. Hotel – Category 2 hall, and guest rooms. The remaining four floors have one confer-
The selected hotel building under this category faces east and ence room and guest rooms. The hotel building is having Constant
it has two basements, ground floor, and three guest floors. Fig. 7 Air Volume (CAV) type air distribution and chiller load is 85 TR (tons
shows actual hotel building (a), typical floor plan (b) and simu- of refrigeration). Other major equipments include four lifts, water-
lation model of study hotel (c). Roof is mostly covered by HVAC lifting pumps, electric geysers in each room, and refrigerators in
equipment; lower basement is used for parking; upper basement kitchen and office equipments. Electrical resistance based heaters
is used for office purposes and service floor and ground floor is kept are used for space heating whereas electric geysers are used for
for banquet hall. Rests of the three floors of the hotel have thirty five water heating.
286 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

Fig. 6. Category-1 hotel (a), typical floor plan (b) and simulation model of hotel (c).

Fig. 7. Category-2 hotel (a), typical floor plan (b) and simulation model of hotel (c).

Fig. 8. Category-3 hotel (a), typical floor plan (b) and simulation model of hotel (c).

2.5. Modeling, simulation and calibration (International Performance Measurement and Verification Proto-
col) Option-D guidelines [23].
Dynamic thermal simulation tool eQUEST-3.64 was used for Among various options of IPMVP Option-A is used in retrofitting
modeling and simulation of subject hotel buildings. The data was cases where either performance factors or operational factors can
collected through utility bill records, architectural drawings, site be spot or short-term measured during the baseline and post instal-
surveys, and direct measurements of specific equipment installed lation periods, whereas, option-B is used for retrofitting either
in the building. Field observation and study of design documents for performance factors (e.g., end-use capacity, demand, power) or
building input parameters, such as building envelope, occupancy operational factors (lighting operational hours, cooling ton-hours)
schedule, cooling fan schedule, lighting schedule, miscellaneous that can be measured at system level. Option-C encompasses
equipment schedule, temperature etc. were used for modeling whole-facility/main-meter verification procedures, which give
of subject hotel buildings, and simulation was performed for the retrofit performance verification for those projects in which whole-
subject buildings. Mismatch was observed between actual energy facility baseline and post-installation measurements are available.
consumption and energy consumption resulted from simulation Option-D is appropriate for complex projects, where multi-
outputs. Calibration was done as per requirements of IPMVP ple energy efficiency measures are to be implemented or where
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 287

tracking complex building operation conditions are necessary.

F(6.3) + Cm (12.7) + P(114.3) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm (12.7) + P(101.6) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm (12.7) + P(101.6) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(101.6) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm (12.7) + P(76.2) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm (12.7) + P(88.9) + existing

Then, simulated building models are used to estimate energy sav-
ings with the help of calibration against actual energy bills of the

Advance envelope construction

particular case study building as per the Option-D of IPMVP proto-
col, therefore, Option-D was used in the study. The option-D of the

C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6) + P

C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6) + P

C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6) + P

protocol suggests error limits, which are used for calibration of sim-
ulation models. Eqs. (1)–(5) describes the calculation of error limits.

Note: F – finish; Cm – cement plaster; B – brick; Cc – concrete; P – polystyrene; BP – building paper felt; Bd – insulation bed; G – glass; C – coating; A – air; P – planitherm (low E); SC – shading coefficient.
Eqs. (2), (4) and (5) show the calculation of mean monthly utility
bills monthly error (ERRmonth ), Mean Bias Error (MBE) and Coeffi-
cient of Variance Root Mean Square Error (CVRMSE), respectively
(M − S)month
ERRmonth (%) = × 100 (1)
ERRmonth = (2)
F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(63.5) + existing
F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(76.2) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(76.2) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(88.9) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(76.2) + existing

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + P(76.2) + existing

Amonth = (3)

(M − S)hr
C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6)

C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6)

C + G(6) + A(12) + G(6)

MBE(%) = 
× 100 (4)
ECBC construction


CV RMSEmonth = × 100 (5)
where, M and S indicate the measured and simulated kW h and
Nmonth represent the number of utility bills in a year.
Permissible error limits ensures how well the model predicts
whole-building energy usage. Lower the values of ERR, MBE and
UExisting (W/m2 ◦ C)

CvRMSE, demonstrate better calibration of simulation model [23].

For the purpose of calibration and reduction in the mismatch
between simulated and actual energy consumption, input param-
eters were examined from the point of possible deviation to the





values taken in the simulation model.

As per the IPMVP protocol, calibration was performed through
a series of alterations to simulated building model such as U-value
of wall, U-value of roof, shading coefficient of glass, and through
Conventional construction (outside to inside)

these alterations following major possibilities were identified for

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) +B(101.6) + Cm(12.7) + BP

Envelope construction for existing, ECBC and advance measures for three category hotel buildings.

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + Cc(152.4) + Cm(12.7)

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + B(203) + Cm(12.7)

F(6.3) + Cm(12.7) + Cc(127) +Cm(12.7)

Cm(12.7) + Cc(152.4) + Cm(12.7) + BP

Cm(12.7) + B(101.6) + Cm(12.7) + Bd

(a) U-value of wall and roof

G(6) + A(12) + G(6), Clear SC-0.63

G(6) + A(12) + G(6), Blue SC-0.65

The wall and roof of hotel buildings were initially modeled

on the basis of details of wall and roof construction avail-
able in architectural drawings. The thickness of cement plaster
G(8 mm), Blue SC-0.49

was however not available in architectural drawing and it was

assumed to be 12.7 mm as per common practices. Later, it was
identified through interviewing few architects and construction
agencies that common practice of cement plaster ranges from
All thickness in mm [F(6.3) means ‘Finish thickness 6.3 mm’].

12.7 mm to 25.4 mm for wall as well as roof. Therefore, for cal-

ibration purpose, U-value of wall was altered through varying
thickness of cement plaster at both sides of wall. For example for
hotel building 1, cement plaster of thickness 12.7 mm was con-
sidered in pre-calibrated model; then the thickness was altered
Envelope component

in steps of 2 mm up to 25.4 mm. This change resulted into alter-

ation in the U-value of wall assembly between 1.97 W/m2 ◦ C
and 2.16 W/m2 ◦ C while U-value of roof assembly got varied
between 1.78 W/m2 ◦ C and 1.92 W/m2 ◦ C.
(b) Shading coefficient of glass







Analysis of product catalogs of building glass manufacturers

showed that the shading coefficient for nearly similar looking
glass could vary over a significant range. For example, in case
of hotel Category 1, through matching of shade, a glass shading
Hotel category

coefficient of 0.49 was used in pre-calibrated model. Whereas

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

catalogs revealed that similar shade could also offer a shading

coefficient in the range of 0.46–0.54 [24]. Therefore, in the cal-
Table 2

ibration process variation of shading coefficient of glass in the


range was considered in a step of 0.01. Variations in U-value of

288 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

Fig. 9. Correlation between connected load and energy consumption for Category-1 (a), Category-2 (b) and Category-3 (c) hotel buildings.

wall and roof, shading coefficient of glass were examined simul- • Thermal properties of door taken equivalent to wooden door
taneously. For the combination of wall U-value 2.14 W/m2 ◦ C, since it is conventional practice to use wooden doors in hotel
roof U-value 1.85 W/m2 ◦ C and glass shading coefficient 0.47, buildings.
the model was found to be showing least mismatch. Similar pro- • During questionnaire survey, lighting load was recorded (number
cess was followed for Category 2 and Category 3 hotel building of lighting fixtures, wattage and lighting fixture type) for a typical
models. floor only and it was assumed that lighting load is similar to other
(c) Thermostat settings and schedules floors since typical floor of the hotel building mostly have lighting
After modifying the envelope properties as explained above, fixtures similar to other floors.
as next level of calibration, operating schedules of cooling fan • COP of particular air-conditioning system is assumed as per the
and lighting were modified along with variation in occupancy system specifications.
pattern and thermostat set point. On the basis of onsite mea- • For GSHP system, study assumed standard practices followed
surement, it was found that the temperature maintained in worldwide. A vertical piping network is assumed due to limi-
most of the spaces was different from the set point mentioned tations of availability of apace.
in the questionnaire. The observed thermostat set point infor- • Equipment specifications like capacity, efficiency etc. considered
mation was used in the model for calibration. Similarly the in the study are assumed from the system specification available
occupancy, lighting and fan schedules were observed on site at the facility.
and recorded data was used for model calibration. • Schedules are assumed as per the site visit/observations.

2.6. Approaches for energy conservation

The simulated building models of hotel categories demonstrated
errors such as ERR, MBE, and Cv RMSE within permissible limits of Climate of India has been divided into five climatic zones namely
±15%, ±5% and ±10%, respectively as prescribed in Option-D. While composite, hot & dry, warm & humid, cold and temperate as per the
carrying out the modeling and simulation, following assumptions ECBC [27]. Present study considers Jaipur city that is defined under
were taken into consideration such as: composite climatic zone and evaluates energy saving potential
considering two approaches. First approach is proposed to imple-
ment ECBC code and second approach is proposed to implement
• Study assumed wall and roof properties as per the conventional advance measures which have specifications beyond ECBC. Along
construction practices of India as shown in Table 2. Since, the with these measures, Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) was also integrated
commercial buildings in India have a typical wall and roof con- to those buildings having advance EEMs. Table 3 shows specifica-
struction and there are various studies carried out in India which tions of envelope, lighting and air-conditioning system of prevailing
consider this U-value of wall and roof [25,26]. or existing conditions, ECBC and advance EEMs.
• Glazing properties considered as per the conventional practices
followed in India. SHGC and U-value of the single clear glass (con- 2.6.1. Implementation of ECBC
ventional practices) is shown in Table 2 [25,26]. The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) of India was
• Study has not considered infiltration and exhaust rate for all three developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency of Government of India
subject study hotels. to improve energy efficiency in buildings. The code is adopted
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 289

Table 3
HVAC system type, system performance, and lighting load in three category hotels.

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Existing ECBC Advance measures Existing ECBC Advance measures Existing ECBC Advance measures

System type Unitary Unitary GSHP PTAC PTAC GSHP Water cooled chiller Water cooled chiller GSHP
COP 2.8–3.3 3.3 5.9 3.88 3.88 5.9 4.2 5.8 5.9
LPD (W/m2 ) 15.18 10.8 6.9 15.46 10.8 6.9 13.14 10.8 6.9

by several states, including Rajasthan and hence is applicable to Specification of building envelope (roof, walls and glazing),
the buildings of Jaipur city. Scope of the code covers commer- lighting and HVAC system for existing, specifications for the cases
cial buildings or buildings that have a connected load of 100 kW of meeting ECBC requirements and cases of adopting advance
or greater or a contract demand of 120 kVA or greater. ECBC sets Energy Efficiency Measures are mentioned in Tables 2 and 3 and
minimum energy efficiency standards for design and construction Fig. 5. These specifications were used in the models of respective
through specifying requirements for building components, systems buildings to evaluate energy savings in three categories of hotel
and sub-systems. Summary of recommendations of the code are buildings. Building envelope properties, such as Uwall and Uroof for
presented below: the advance EEM cases were referred from the study carried out by
Jiang et al. [13].
• Building envelope specifies requirement of insulation in walls; The study considered Shading Coefficient (0.20) and UGlass
insulation, and reflectance requirement in roof; overall heat (1.66 W/m2 ◦ C) as suggested by The Energy and Resource Institute,
transmission, solar heat gain coefficients and visible light trans- India (TERI) [25] in advance EEM cases, that can be easily imple-
mittance for window assemblies. All these are defined with mented by replacing glass in existing opening.
reference to the five climatic zones of the country. The lighting load (LPD) was assumed to be 6.9 W/m2 as sug-
• Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning section of the code gested by TERI [26]. Liu and Hong carried out a study on Ground
describes the minimum efficiency levels for HVAC system and Source Heat Pump (GSHP) with COP of 5.9 has been referred by pool
equipment of different types, their control procedure, use of addi- of researchers and is also used in the present study for analysis of
tional energy saving features such as economizers, variable speed advance EEM [28]. Existing HVAC systems for three hotel buildings
drives for fans/blowers, piping and duct work insulation etc. were proposed to be replaced by GSHP for additional energy con-
• Service hot water requirements specifying minimum efficiency servation. Ground loop heat exchanger with a vertical borehole of
of heating equipment and mandating use of solar water heating depth 50–200 m and spacing of 2–4 m and 150 mm of pipe diam-
for 20% requirement. eter was considered in the present study. Availability of space for
• Lighting efficiency through specifying maximum permissible this change was examined in the studied hotel buildings before
lighting power density for different types of buildings and areas inclusion in this study. Thermal conductivity, diffusivity and heat
within buildings along with operation and control of lighting. capacity of soil in Jaipur city are 0.52 W/m K, 0.57 m2 /s and heat
• Electrical equipments section of the code specifies limits for capacity 0.91 kJ/kg K were measured on site, using TPS 500 ther-
transformer losses, power cable losses, motor efficiencies, and mal analyzer instrument. These values were required for modeling
limit for power factor. GSHP in this study.

2.6.3. Assessment of energy saving potential

The present study considered the implementation of rec-
There are total 589 hotels in Jaipur city out of which 516 are Cat-
ommendations of ECBC on existing hotel buildings through
egory 1, 42 are Category 2 and 31 are Category 3 hotels. Connected
modifications in envelope properties such as U-value for the wall,
load and energy consumption data for 15% of Category 1, 73% of
roof and glazing, and also SHGC of glazing, to comply with the ECBC
Category 2 and 60% of Category 3 hotels were collected through
recommended values. The envelope was proposed to be insulated
the questionnaire. A correlation was established between the con-
by polystyrene foam at exposed surface (over deck in case of roof)
nected load and annual energy consumption from the collected
and single clear glass was replaced by double glazed tinted glass as
data to estimate the energy consumption of the remaining hotel
shown in Fig. 5 as well as Table 2. The existing glass was considered
buildings. Fig. 9 demonstrate the correlation between connected
to be replaced by Double Glazed Unit (DGU) for shading coefficient
load and energy consumption for Category 1 (a), Category 2 (b) and
0.29 and U-value of1.8 W/m2 ◦ C. The lighting load was reduced by
Category 3 (c) hotel buildings. The present study also estimated the
replacing existing fixtures with high efficiency lighting fixtures,
number of hotels coming in the next five years along with energy
and occupancy sensors to meet ECBC recommends for lighting.
saving potential with existing growth trends. The total number of
The HVAC system was considered for replacement by HVAC system
hotels would be 798 in the year 2018 and out of this 641 would
meeting the efficiency level of ECBC for corresponding equipment
be of Category 1, 106 would be of Category 2 and 51 would be of
Category 3 hotels as shown in Fig. 10.

2.6.2. Implementation of advance energy efficiency measures 2.6.4. Method for economic analysis
Advancement of technologies for air-conditioning system, new Present study was also carried out economic analysis for
building materials and energy efficient lighting fixtures have retrofitting of HVAC, wall, roof, glazing and lighting fixtures. Hotel
offered opportunities to conserve energy more than prevailing building in Category 1 has total 30 air-conditioning units out of
practice as well as efficiency levels specified in buildings codes. which 14 units with total of approximately 20 TR are non-star and
Therefore, further to examining implementation of ECBC, advance one-star rating. Therefore, 14 HVAC units of low COP were replaced
EEMs referred from the recent studies carried out worldwide, were by energy efficient units to meet ECBC compliance requirement.
also examined for adoption in all the three selected hotel buildings. Hotel building under Category 2 was already equipped with high
Advance controls for integration of daylight, very high energy effi- system COP as recommended by ECBC code; therefore the system
ciency lighting fixtures etc. are some of the major possibilities that was not replaced. HVAC system in Category 3 hotel building
have been examined through the cases of selected hotel buildings. was replaced by system with COP recommended by ECBC and
290 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

actual energy consumption for Category 1 hotel building. During

winter, energy consumption of Package Terminal Air-Conditioners
(PTAC) system was found to be very low as demonstrated by
Fig. 12 (monthly and annual energy consumption). The miscella-
neous equipments like water-lifting pumps, kitchen refrigerators,
lift, office equipments etc. were not labeled for energy efficiency.
CFL and LED are installed in the subject building. The average COP
of the air-conditioners was assumed to be 2.8, since the air condi-
tioners were having low star ratings; it also leads to higher energy

3.1.2. Category 2 hotel building

Fig. 10. Growth of hotels in Jaipur city for next five years.
Simulation model of subject building was calibrated on the basis
of monthly energy bills for one year. The yearly energy consump-
tion of the hotel was 403.2 MW h, while the energy consumption of
the simulated model after calibration was found to be 406.9 MW h.
Fig. 11 shows the simulated and actual energy consumption of the
subject hotel building. It was observed both simulated and mea-
sured consumption were close to each other and have shown errors
within permissible limits.
The HVAC system was packaged Variable Refrigerant Flow
(VRF), which was having high COP. Since the hotel building is new,
therefore, energy efficient electrical equipments and lighting fix-
tures are installed. Fig. 13 illustrates monthly and annual energy
consumption for three-star category hotel building. The COP of the
VRF system was considered to be 3.88 as per system specifications.

Fig. 11. Simulated and actual energy consumption for three categories of hotel 3.1.3. Category 3 hotel building
buildings. The subject hotel building was calibrated on the basis of mea-
sured energy bills. The actual annual energy consumption was
corresponding saving was evaluated. The cost of unitary system, 826.6 MW h, while the energy consumption from the simulation
package system and chiller was considered as $730, $865 and was 820.5 MW h. Calibration error limits were found within per-
$770 per TR respectively, as per the prevailing prices in Indian missible limits, it means minimal difference in energy consumption
market and discussions with HVAC consultants such as Prasheetan was observed as shown in Fig. 11. Fluorescent tube lights, CFL and
Aircon, Jaipur. A salvage value of $77 was assumed for each old LED were different kind of lighting fixtures installed in the sub-
split unit, reference for which was one building where salvage ject hotel building. Fig. 14 shows the monthly and annual energy
had taken place recently. Wall and roofs were proposed to be consumption for the study hotel.
made ECBC compliant through applying polystyrene insulation
with cement plaster and finish at the outside surface which is 3.2. Energy saving potential
conventional practice in Jaipur city. The single glazed glass in
the model of Category 1 hotel building was replaced by double In the present study, two approaches of energy conservation
glazed units; whereas, reflective coating was applied to models of were considered. Firstly, buildings meet prescriptive requirements
window glass for Category 2 and Category 3, as these hotels have of ECBC, and secondly, advance energy efficiency measures beyond
already installed double glazed units but have high solar heat gain ECBC specifications were adopted for the three categories of hotel
coefficient, while analyzing implementation and payback analysis. buildings. The three types of hotel buildings were having dif-
The inefficient lighting fixtures were replaced by LED lighting ferent energy consumption pattern due to difference in building
fixtures along with use of daylight sensors. The cost of polystyrene area, building design, orientation, window to wall ratio, building
insulation and lighting fixtures were taken from local vendors. characteristic, HVAC systems, equipment load, lighting loads and
operating parameters.
3. Results and discussions
3.2.1. ECBC implementation and energy saving potential
3.1. Calibration of simulation models Energy saving potential of 37.20% was found through implemen-
tation of ECBC in Category 1 hotel building. Results of this study are
Three hotel building models were calibrated as per the IPMVP in agreement with a similar study carried out by Tulsyan et al. [7]
protocol under Option-D. Calibration was performed based on mea- that claimed savings up to 34.4% by application of ECBC in commer-
sured monthly energy consumption of each category hotel building. cial buildings of different types including hotel buildings. Ayoub
The ERR, MBE and Cv RMSE errors suggested by the protocol were et al. carried out a study on energy consumption and conservation
found to be well within permissible limits of ±15%, ±5% and ±10%, practices in Qatar in commercial buildings and found savings of
respectively, as shown in Fig. 11 and also mentioned in Table 4. 7.5% by redesign of building envelope alone [29]. This energy sav-
ing is also of the same order as found in the present study. Table 5
3.1.1. Category 1 hotel building illustrates the energy savings by implementing ECBC for all three
The subject hotel building was calibrated on the basis of monthly category hotels.
energy bills for one year. The actual energy consumption for a year
was 157.1 MW h, while the energy consumption from the simu- 3.2.2. Advance efficiency measures and energy saving potential
lation model was 154.8 MW h. Fig. 11 shows the simulated and • Hotel Category 1
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 291

Table 4
Error limits for calibrated simulation models.

Hotel type Constructed area (m2 ) Actual annual Simulated ERRmonth (%) MBE CV RMSE Remark
energy annual energy
consumption consumption
(MW h/year) (MW h/year)

Category 1 760 157.1 154.89 −6.7 −1.4 4.87 Model is calibrated

Category 2 1793 403.2 406.9 6.83 0.93 3.24 Model is calibrated
Category 3 4056 826.6 820.5 8.9 −0.73 2.55 Model is calibrated

Fig. 12. Monthly and annual energy consumption for Category-1 hotel building.

Fig. 13. Monthly and annual energy consumption for Category-2 hotel building.

Fig. 14. Monthly and annual energy consumption for Category-3 hotel building.
292 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

Table 5
Energy consumption and various energy efficiency measures in three category hotel buildings.

Category of hotel Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Actual energy consumption (MWh/year) 154.89 406.98 820.50

Energy efficiency measures (MW h/year) ECBC Advance measures ECBC Advance measures ECBC Advance measures

HVAC 129.31 96.75 406.98 283.91 737.70 590.88

HVAC + wall 122.26 89.40 381.01 256.74 712.49 565.89
HVAC + wall + roof 111.56 85.59 373.14 250.09 703.11 554.83
HVAC + wall + roof + glazing 110.84 74.18 366.15 242.22 664.11 476.47
HVAC + envelope + lighting 97.27 59.25 332.03 187.54 608.68 372.44

Total energy saving (%) 37.20 61.75 18.42 53.92 25.82 54.61

Table 6
Reduction in energy performance index for various energy efficiency measures.

Hotel type Built up area Energy EPI EPI EPI

(m2 ) consumption Existing ECBC Advanced EEM
(MW h/year) (kW h/m2 /year) (kW h/m2 /year) (kW h/m2 /year)

Category 1 760 154.89 203.8 127.9 77.96

Category 2 1793 406.98 226.9 185.1 104.6
Category 3 4056 820.50 202.2 150.0 91.8

Table 7
Annual energy saving potential in existing hotel buildings, Jaipur city.

Type of hotel No. hotels up to Annual energy Annual energy consumption Annual energy consumption
2013 consumption for ECBC (GW h/year) with advance EEMs
(GW h/year) (GW h/year)

Category 1 516 13.9 8.7 5.3

Category 2 42 20.5 16.7 9.4
Category 3 31 73.4 54.4 33.3

Total 589 107.8 79.9 48.07

Table 8
Annual energy saving potential in hotel buildings of Jaipur city by 2018.

Hotel type Hotels up to Annual energy ECBC, annual Advance EEMs, Advance
2018 consumption energy annual energy EEMs + lighting, annual
(GW h/year) consumption consumption energy consumption
(GW h/year) (GW h/year) (GW h/year)

Category 1 641 17.30 10.86 6.62 5.22

Category 2 106 51.62 42.11 23.79 19.86
Category 3 51 120.76 89.58 54.81 47.19

Total 798 189.69 142.56 85.22 72.27

Table 9
Economic analysis for existing, ECBC and GSHP system.

System type HVAC capacity (TR) COPExisting System COP Retrofit cost ($) Yearly energy Payback
retrofitted saving ($/year) (Years)

HVACECBC 3.3 13,522 1997 6.77

Category 1 Unitary 40 2.8
GSHP 5.9 46,153 8460 5.45

Not retrofitted – – – –
Category 2 PTAC 110 3.88
GSHP 5.9 126,923 17,820 7.12

HVACECBC 5.4 123,077 13,240 9.29

Category 3 Chiller 160 4.2
GSHP 5.9 184,615 31,286 5.90

Table 10
Economic analysis for retrofitting conventional building envelope by ECBC.

Category of Area (m2 ) Insulation Rate ($/m2 ) Cost of retrofit Energy saving Payback period
hotel building thickness (mm) ($) ($/year) (Years)

Category 1 515.8 63.5 12.0 6201 916 6.8

Wall Category 2 1223.1 76.2 13.5 16,501 2276 7.2
Category 3 2736.2 76.2 13.5 36,915 3659 10.1

Category 1 190.2 76.2 13.5 2565 841 3.05

Roof Category 2 434.9 88.9 15.8 6859 2325 2.95
Category 3 697.0 76.2 13.5 9396 1911 4.92

Category 1 104.2 6–12-6 82.8 8623 841 10.25

Glass Category 2 193.1 Coating 20.7 3996 2325 1.72
Category 3 944.8 Coating 20.7 19,550 5850 3.34
R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295 293

Table 11
Economics analysis for retrofitting building envelope by advance envelope measures.

Category of Area (m2 ) Insulation Rate ($/m2 ) Cost of retrofit Energy saving Payback period
hotel building thickness (mm) ($) ($/year) (Years)

Category 1 515.8 76.2 13.5 6958 901 7.72

Wall Category 2 1223.1 101.6 17.2 21,033 2033 10.35
Category 3 2736.2 101.6 17.2 47,056 3604 13.06

Category 1 190.2 101.6 894.2 3271 1017 3.2

Roof Category 2 434.9 114.3 969.4 8108 2844 2.9
Category 3 697 88.9 820.0 10,991 1595 6.9

Category 1 104.2 6–12-6 890.6 8623 692 12.4

Glass Category 2 193.1 Coating 222.6 3996 1135 3.5
Category 3 944.8 Coating 222.6 19,550 11,301 1.73

Table 12
Type and no. of lighting fixtures in existing buildings.

FTL-12 FTL-8 FTL-5 CFL LED Total no of lights

Category 1 40 0 0 6 0 46
Category 2 28 10 15 100 40 193
Category 3 20 0 60 88 40 208

Table 13
Economics analysis for retrofitting of lighting fixtures by LED lighting fixtures.

LPD (W/m2 ) Measure No. of LED light Cost of LED light ($) Energy saving ($/year) Payback period (Years)

ECBC 43 744 4289 0.17

Category 1 15.18
Advance 67 1159 2153 0.53

ECBC 76 1315 5066 0.26

Category 2 15.46
Advance 118 2042 7886 0.26

ECBC 116 2008 5104 0.39

Category 3 13.14
Advance 180 3115 15,004 0.20

Table 14
Overall payback period for ECBC and advance measures.

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Cost of retrofit ($) 31,655 28,671 190,946

ECBC Energy savings ($/year) 8884 11,992 29,764
Payback period (years) 3.56 2.39 6.41

Cost of retrofit ($) 66,164 162,102 265,327

Advance measures Energy savings ($/year) 13,223 31,718 62,790
Payback period (years) 5.0 5.11 4.22

In the existing conditions, PTAC systems are installed in the building envelope and low LPD lighting, there exists an energy
banquet hall, offices, and the guest rooms. Most of the air con- saving potential of 54.61%. The EPI of existing hotel building was
ditioners are not having good efficiency levels. With use of 202.2 kW h/m2 /year and EPI after implementing advanced EEM to
GSHP of 5.9 COP replacing existing systems of 2.8 COP, advance this hotel building can be reduced to 91.8 kW h/m2 /year as shown
design specification for building envelope and low LPD the energy in Table 6.
saving potential was found to be 61.75%. The EPI of existing
hotel building was 203.8 kW h/m2 /year and EPI after implemen- 3.2.3. Energy saving potential for hotels in Jaipur city
tation of advanced EEM to this hotel building was reduced to The annual energy consumption of existing hotel build-
77.96 kW h/m2 /year as shown in Table 6. ings in Jaipur city was estimated to be 107.8 GW h/year. With
• Hotel Category 2 implementation of ECBC and advance measures the annual energy
The existing HVAC system in the hotel of catgory-2 is of PTAC consumption would reduce to 79.9 GW h/year and 48.07 GW h/year
type. The COP of existing PTAC system is 3.88, while the COP of respectively as shown in Table 7. The study also projects that,
GSHP system was considered to be 5.9. The energy saving was in 2018, total hotel buildings in Jaipur city would increase from
significant (53.92%) with combination of advance building enve- 516 to 798 thereby annual energy consumption would touch
lope, retrofitting of existing HVAC system by GSHP and low LPD 189.69 GW h. Projected energy consumption would get reduced
lighting. The EPI of existing system was 226.9 kW h/m2 /year and to 142.56 GW h and 85.22 GW h in 2018 for ECBC and advance
EPI after implementing advanced EEM to this hotel building can measures respectively for hotel buildings coming in next five
be reduced to 104.6 kW h/m2 /year as shown in Table 6. years, projected energy consumption is also shown in Table 8. E.
• Hotel Category 3 Mata et al. The modeling shows that the energy demand of the
The HVAC system in this hotel is water-cooled chiller, having Spanish building stock could be reduced by 55% and the associated
COP of 4.2. In this model, it was proposed to replace existing by CO2 emissions reduced by 65% by implementing all the ECMs [30].
GSHP system. This study proposed that if existing water-cooled Therefore, enforcement of building code and adoption of advance
chiller was replaced by GSHP system, with the advance design of technologies are very important for the hotel industry in Jaipur
294 R. Chedwal et al. / Energy and Buildings 92 (2015) 282–295

city. It also highlights importance of similar studies and policy revising the requirements in the next version of the Energy Conser-
intervention across the country, which may include development vation Building Code.
of enforcement and enabling mechanisms.

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