The Architects Registration Act

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PART I. Preliniinorv
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.

PART 11. Registration of.4rchilect.v

3. Establishment of Board.
4 Functions of the Board.
5. Registrar.
6. The rcgistcr.
7. Application for registration.
8. Rcgistrdtion.
9. Qualifications for registration.
10. Special registration.
I I. Tenlporaq rcgistrdtion.
12. Additional qualifications.
13. Corrections of register.
11. Entitlement to recover fces. ctc.
15. Prohibitions affecting non-registered architects.
16. Organizations.
17. Improper registration.

PART DI. Disciplir~e

18. Disciplinan Committee.

lThc inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 180A/20061
19. Disciplinary powers of the Board,
20. Appeals.
2 1. Rules made by Board.

PART IV. iCIisceNaneous

22. Evidential provisions.

23. Regulations.
23A. Minister may amend penalties, etc.. by order.

PART V. Transitional

24. Registration of persons practising as architects at the commence-

ment of this Act.

IThe lnclvdon of lhln page 1% aulhorlmd by L.N. IROAilW61



12 011987.
4 of 2005.

[2nd November, 1987.1

PART I. Preliminary
1. This Act may be cited as the Architects Registration Act. Shalltitle.

2.--41) In this Act-

"Board means the Architects Registration Board
established in accordance with section 3;

''Caribbean Community" means the Caribbean Community 4iz005

s. 2@).
established by Article 2 of the Revised Treaty of
Chaguaramas signed in the Bahamas on the 5th day of
July, 2001 and includes the CARICOM Single Market
and Economy;

"Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board;

"functions" includes duties and powers;

"Jamaica Institute of Architects" means the unincorporated

organization constituted on the 31 st day of March,
1978, under the name of the Jamaica Institution of
"Member State" means a Member State of the Caribbean yiL5
Community excluding an Associate Member within
the meaning of Article 231 of the Revised Treaty of
"practice of architecture" means the rendering or offering
to render for reward the services of an architect
registered under this Act;
[The inclusion of this p a p is ruthorired by L N . 180A110061

"register" means the register of architects kept by the

Registrar in accordance with the provisions of
section 6;
"registered architect" means a person registered as an
architect under this Act;

"Registrar" means the Registrar designated pursuant to

section 5;

"secretary" means the secretary of the Board.

4 2005 ( 2 ) For the purposes of this Act, a person is a national of
S. Z(d).
a Member State if that person is-
(a) a citizen ofthat state; or

(6) has a connection with that state of a kind which entitles

him to be regarded as belonging to or, if it be so
expressed, as being a native or resident of the state
for the purposes of the laws thereof relating to

PART11-Registration qf Architects

Establnshmnri 3 . 4 1 ) There shall be established for the purposes of this Act

01 Board
a body to be called the Architects Registration Board which
shall be a body corporate to which the provisions of section 28
of the Interpretation Act shall apply.
Fwst (2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall have effect
with respect to the constitution and procedures of the Board and
otherwise in relation thereto 0
Punnion\or 4.-31) The functions of the Board shall be-
the Board
(a) to register architects;
(h) to regulate the practice of architecture in Jamaica;
!The indudan of thia page is avthorlrod by L.N. 180A120061

(c) to ensure the maintenance of acceptable standards of

professional conduct by persons registered as architects
under this Act.
(2) The Board shall have power-
(a) to appoint examiners to conduct such examinations
in respect of persons applying for registration as
architects as may from time to time be necessary under
the provisions of this Act;
(b) to prescribe the procedure to be followed in respect of
disciplinary proceedings against architects in relation to
professional conduct; and
(c) to do all such things as may appear to it to be
necessary or desirable for carrying out its fhnctions
under this Act.

5. The Minister shall designate, by general notice, a person to Rwstrar.

be the Registrar of Architects who shall also be secretary of the

6.-41) The Board shall cause the Registrar to keep a register lhcre~tsw
(to be known as the Register of Architects) of the names,
addresses, qualifications and such other particulars as may be
prescribed of all persons who are registered as architects
pursuant to this Act.
(2) The register shall be open to inspection by any
member of the public at all reasonable times and a copy of the
register shall be published in the Gmtte by the Registrar
fly at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed.

7.-(1) Every application for registration as an architect r\p~licaticm

under this Act shall be inthe prescribed form signed by the ' ""@": , , : :
applicant and delivered to the Registrar and shall set out the
grounds on which the applicant claims to be entitled to
IThe Ineluslon of thB page 1, authorized by L.N. 180A120061

(2) The Board may require such evidence of identity

or such verification of any matter alleged by the applicant
or such further information relating to the application as it
thinks requisite.

(3) Every application under this section shall be

accompanied by the prescribed fee.
Reglstmtion. 8.-(1) If the Board is satisfied in relation to any application
for registration that-

(a) the provisions of section 7 have been complied with;


(b) the applicant is qualified for registration under the

provisions of this section and section 9 or 24,
the Board shall register the applicant as an architect and shall
notify the applicant in writing accordingly and shall direct the
Registrar to issue to him in the prescribed form a certificate of
(2) For the purposes of registration under this Act,
the Board may require any applicant to submit to such
examination relating to his competence as an architect as
the Board thinks necessary.
(3) If the Board is not satisfied as to the eligibility of
the applicant to be registered under this Act it shall refuse to
register the applicant and shall notify him in writing accordingly
and shall inform him of the right of appeal conferred by section
20. (3
(4) Every person registered as an architect under this
Act shall be entitled to cany on the practice of architecture in
Jamaica and to demand and recover any reasonable charges for
services rendered by him as an architect.
[The inrlu8lon of this pase is mlhorbed by L.N. 180N10061

9. Every person shall be entitled to be registered as an @talifiea-

tions for
architect under this Act who satisfies the Board- registratiun.

(a) that he is a national of Jamaica or of another Member 4,200s

S 3(a)
(6) that he is of good character and reputation; and
(c) that he hlfils the following requirements, namely-
(i) that he is a member of, or holds a certificate
granted by an institution, or other body re-
cognized by the Board as having competence to
approve qualification as an architect; or 412005
S. 3(h)[ii).
(ii) that he has had at least two years practical ex- 4mos
S. 3(h)(iii).
perience in architectural work under the
supervision of a registered architect (at least one
year of which was in a Member State) and has
passed such examinations as may be required by
the Board.

10.-41) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any Special

person who comes within any of the categories of persons
specified in the Second Schedule may, on application to the Second
Board in the prescribed manner and on payment of the
prescribed fee, be specially registered to cany on the practice of
architecture for such time and on such conditions as the Board
may with the approval to the Minister specify.
(2) The Minister may, after consultat.ion with the Board,
by order amend the Second Schedule so as to add to or remove
any of the categories of persons specified therein.
(3) Notwithstanding the removal of any category of
C. persons from the Second Schedule, any person who
at the time of such removal is registered pursuant to sub-
section (1) within that category shall, subject to the provisions
of subsection (I), continue to be specially registered until the
expiration of the period for which he was specially
lThe inclvaion o f this page is aulhorhd by L.N. I8OA120061

(4) The Registrar shall enter in a separate part of the

register the names of all persons specially registered under
this section.

(5) The Registrar shall issue to every person specially

registered under this section a certificate of registration in
the prescribed form which, to the extent specified therein, shall
entitle that person to practise as a registered architect. -
Temporary 11.-(1) Where the Board is satisfied, upon the application of
any person, that that person-

412005 (a) is not a national of a Member State;

S. *a).

(6) is or will be temporarily visiting Jamaica for the

purpose of practising the profession of architecture at
an institution or place in Jamaica in the capacity of a
teacher or a research student or as the holder of a
fellowship or other study programme or under a foreign
nssistance programme or in such other circumstances
as the Board may approve; and

(c) possesses sufficient knowledge and experience for the

efficient practice of architecture in the capacity

the Board shall, on receipt of the prescribed fee, grant temporary

registration to that person.

(2) The Board may, upon application and payment of

the prescribed fee, grant temporary registration to any
4 2005
person, not ordinarily resident in a Member State and not being
s 4W
a person to whom the provisions of subsection (1) applies, who
satisfies the Board that he is or will be temporarily visiting
Jamaica for the purpose of practising the profession of
architecture and is otherwise qualified under paragraphs (6) and
(c) of section 9

(3) A temporary certificate of registration shall entitle the

holder to practise the profession of architecture in such
institution or place or in such circumstances and for such period
in the first instance or any subsequent instance (not exceeding in
the first instance two years) and subject to such terms and
conditions as may be specified in the certificate at the direction
of the Board.
(4) The names, addresses, qualifications and such
other particulars as may be prescribed of all persons to
whom temporary certificates of registration are issued
under this section shall be entered in a separate part of the
(5) The Board may, from time to time, in its discretion,
extend the period or vary the terms and conditions specified in
any temporary certificate of registration.
(6) The Board shall have power to cancel, without notice,
any temporary certificate of registration.
(7) During the period specified in any t e m p ~ . ~ ~ y
certificate of registration or an:: extensioi> thereof, the holder
shall, unless the certificate has been cancelled, be deemed for
the purposes of this Act to be a registered architect.
12. Every person registered under this Act who, subse- Additional
quent to his registration, obtains any degree, qualification ,ions,
or other designation relevant to the practice of architecture,
shall be entitled, on payment of the prescribed fee, to have such
degree, qualification or designation inserted in the register in
substitution for or in addition to those previously entered.

13.--(1) It shall be the duty of the Registrar--

(a) to remove from the register any entry which the
Board, pursuant to this Act, directs him to remove;
( b ) to restore to the register any entry which the Board,
pursuant to ihis Act, directs him to restore;
IThe inelusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. 180U20061

(c) to correct, in accordance with the Board's direction,

any entry in the register which the Board directs him to
correct as being in the opinion of the Board, an entry
which was incorrectly made;
(d) to remove from the register, with the approval of
the Board, the name of any person who has died or
who, not being a national of Jamaica or of any other
Member State, has, for a period of at least one year,
ceased to be ordinarily resident in Jamaica or who has
been issued with a temporary certificate of registration
which has expired or has been cancelled or who, in
accordance with any of the provisions of this Act,
ceases to be a registered architect,
( e ) to make, from time to time, any necessary altera-
tions in any of the particulars mentioned in sub-
section (1) of section 6.

(2) If the Registrar-

(a) sends by post to any person registered under this Act a
registered letter, addressed to him at his address
appearing in the register, enquiring whether he has
ceased to practise as an architect, or has changed his
address and receives no reply to that letter within three
months from the date of posting; and
( h ) upon the expiration of the period aforesaid sends in
like manner to that person a similar letter and receives
no reply to either letter with three months of the date of
the second posting,
the Board may direct the Registrar to remove from the regis-

ter the name of that person.

(3) The Board may direct the Registrar to restore to

the register any name removed therefrom pursuant to this
(The lnclvrlon of this page Is authorized by L N . 180AR0061
14.-(1) No person other than a registered architect shall be khtitlement
tO T d C O V X
entitled to recover in any action any fee, charge, gratuity, hes,e,,,

remuneration or other reward for services rendered or offered as

a professionally qualified architect.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall prevent any person
from taking any action mentioned in that subsection in respect of
C anything lawhlly done while such person was a registered

15.-(1) Subject to section 16, with effect from such date as zt':p
the Minister may, by order, specify, no person unless he is a
registered architect shall, in Jamaica- registered

(a) carry on the practice of architecture;

(b) take or use, in relation to himself, the designation
"architect" either alone or in conjunction with any
other words or initials in such manner as to imply that
he is qualified to carry on the practice of architecture in
(c) take or use, in relation to himself, any designation, title,
name, initials or description indicating or implying that
he is entitled to carry on the practice of architecture in
(2) A person shall be deemed to cany on the practice of
architecture if he practices any branch of the profession of
architecture or if, by verbal claim, sign, advertisement, letter-
head, card or in any other way, represents himself to be an
architect or, through the use of some other title, implies that he
r\ is an architect or that he is registered under this Act or holds
himself out as being able to perform or does perform any
architectural service or work.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, a person not being a
registered architect, does not cany on the practice of architecture
by reason only that-
[Theinclusion of this page Is suthorlvd by L.N. 180A120061
(u) he does so in the course of his duties as an employee of
a registered architect;
( h ) being an engineer or land surveyor registered under
such laws as may, for the time being, provide for the
registration of engineers or land surveyors, he engages
in such architectural work as may be incidental to his
practice as an engineer or land surveyor, as the case
may be;
( ~ L&i5
j au i a p ! c y ~ 3~ ' ! fh ~G~~:srvnent,
who does not
Sccund fall within the provisions of the Second Scheduio, 11c
does so in the course of his duties as such an employee.

(4) Any person who contravenes the of

subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate-
(a) in the case of a first offence to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months;
(b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to a fine
not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months.

Organizations. 16. No organization shall be entitled to be registered under

this Act.

Improper 17. If any person who is registered as an architect has, in the

opinion of the Board, improperly obtained such registration, the
Board shall have power- / 7
(a) where such registration was obtained on the basis (A
of any statement, information or document sup-
plied by that person which he knew at the time to
be false, to cancel such registration and to refuse
to grant registration on any subsequent applica-
( h ) where such registration was obtained on any basis
other than that specified in paragraph (a),to require the
person registered to submit, within a period of three
months of being so required or such longer period as
the Board may permit, a new application in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and, if he fails to do so,
to cancel such registration.

18.-(1) The Board shall appoint, from among persons who D~rciplinilr?
are registered architects but who are not members of the Board,
a Disciplinary Committee consisting of such number of persons,
not being less than five nor more than seven, as the Board thinks
(2) The provisions of the Third Sclledule shall have ihrrd
effect with respect to the constitution of the Disciplinary
Committee and otherwise in relation thereto
(3) The Disciplinary Committee shall investigate and
hear evidence in relation to any matter concerning the conduct
of a registered architect and shall report its findings and recom-
mendations to the Board.
(4) The Board may make rules for regulating the
presentation, hearing and determination of matters by the
Disciplinary Committee and for reports to the Board.

19.-{I) On receipt of a report from the Disciplinary

Committee, if the Board finds any person registered under this
powers of

(a) to have procured registration under this Act, as a result

of any misleading, false or fraudulent misrepresenta-
tion; or
( 6 ) to be guilty of dishonesty, negligence or incompetence;
[The inelvrion of this page Is authorized by L.N. 180A110061

(c) to be guilty of disgraceful or improper conduct in a

professional respect,
the Board may-
(i) censure or reprimand such person;
(ii) suspend such person from the practice of
architecture for a period not exceeding two
(iii) impose such conditions as the Board
may specify concerning the practice of
architecture of such person;
(iv) declare that such person is, in its opinion,
unfit to be registered as an architect under
this Act and may give a written order to the
Registrar to cancel the registration of such
person and the Registrar shall comply with
the order forthwith and send a true copy of
the order to the person by registered post to
the last known address of such person.

(2) Any person, whose registration has been cancelled or

who has been suspended by the Board, or upon whom the Board
has imposed specific conditions and who, after such cancellation
or during such suspension or while such conditions remain in
force, practices the profession of architecture or does so in
violation of the conditions imposed by the Board, as the case
may be, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on
summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate, to a fine not
4!2005 exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or to both
such fine and imprisonment.

(3) The Board may reinstate any person whose

registration has been cancelled and may order that the name of
such person be restored to the register.
[The indudon of this page is authorized by L.N. 18OA120061

2 0 . 4 1 ) Any person that is dissatisfied with any determina- Appeals.

tion of the Board in relation to an application for registration
under this Act or with any order of the Board based on a report
made by the Disciplinary Committee may appeal from that
determination or order to a Judge in Chambers.

(2) On any such appeal, the facts may be proved by
affidavit unless the Judge orders otherwise.
(3) The appeal shall be instituted and notice thereof
given to the Board not later than ninety days or such longer
period as a Judge may, in any case, allow, aRer the
determination or order of the Board has been communicated in
writing to the appellant.
(4) In deciding an appeal, the Judge may substitute his
own opinion for the opinion of the Board upon any matter and
may, in his own discretion, order the Board to take any action
for which it is empowered under this Act.

21. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, make Rulesmade
by Board.
rules in relation to the promotion by the Board, in the public
interest, of acceptable standards of professional conduct among
registered architects and, without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing, such rules may prescribe a code of professional
conduct to be observed by all registered architects and may
make provisions with respect to any other thing prescribed by
regulations for the purposes of this Act.

22. A certificate of registration purporting to be issued by the Evidential

Registrar shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and before
all persons of the facts therein certified without hrther or other
proof thereof
lThe inrluslon of this page Is suthoriad by I..IV. 180A110061

Regulations. 23. The Minister may, after consultation with the Board,
make regulations generally for giving effect to the purposes and
provis,ions of this Act and, in particular but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations in relation
to all or any of the following matters-
(a) prescribing the qualifications and requirements which
shall be a pre-requisite for registration under this
Act; 0
(b) prescribing the form of and method of keeping the
(c) prescribing the forms of applications, certificates and
other documents required under this Act;
(d) prescribing the fees payable to the Board in respect of
any application, examination or registration under this
Act or any alteration of or addition to the register or
certificate or copy thereof issued pursuant to this Act;
(e) providing for the issue of certificates and seals to
registered architects;
V) providing for examinations to be conducted for the
purposes of registration under this Act and prescribing
the subject matter of such examinations, the standards
required to be attained by successful candidates and the
manner in which and times when such examinations
will be conducted;
(R) regulating the procedure of the Board;
(h) providing for the service of documents under or for the
purpose of any provision of this Act;
( i ) providing for the surrender of seals and certificates; ('3
0) providing for the stamping of drawings, plans or other
documents by registered architects;
(k) providing for such other matters as may be required for
the efficient discharge by the Board of its duties and
functions under this Act.
!The inclusion of this age is authorized by L.N. 180Ai20061

23A. The Minister may, by order subject to affirmative Minista

resolution, amend or vary any penalty or tine under this Act. ~~~~~*
etc., by
S. I5

24.-(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, on Registration
application made to the Board within one year from the 2nd day
of November, 1987, or such longer period as the Minister may, architoctsat
by order, prescribe, a person who does not possess the require- .
th corn-

ments specified in section 9, shall be entitled to be registered as ofthis ~ c t .

an architect under this Act, if he satisfies the Board that he-
(a) is a citizen of Jamaica or is ordinarily resident in
(6) has passed such examinations as may be required or
approved by the Board;
(c) has had less than ten years of such experience in
architectural work as the Board may approve; and
(4 is a fit and proper person to be registered as an
(2) For the purpose of determining whether a person satisfies
the requirements of subsection (I), the Board may conduct such
investigation as it considers necessary relating to the
competence and experience of the applicant in architectural
work to which his application relates and may require the
applicant to undergo written or oral examination to establish that
-7 competence.

[The inelusbn or lhia page 18 svthorlled by L.N. I8OAR006[

FIRST SCHEDULE (Section 3(2))

~~,,~tit,,ti~,, 1.-{I) The Board shall consist of members of whom-

ofihe Board.
S.16 (a).
(a) one member shall be the president of the Jamaica Institute of
Architects who shall be a member ex @cia; and

(h) eight members (hereinafter referred to as "appointed members")

shall be appointed by the Minister as f o l l o w c 0
(i) five registered architects, who shall he nominated by the
Jamaica Institute of Architects;
(ii) one other registered architect;
(iii) two persons, not being registered architects
(2) The appointment of each member of the Board shall be for a
period not exceeding two years and any such member shall be eligible for

Chairman. 2.-41) The Board shall elect one of its members to be Chairman and any
such member shall be eligible for reelection as Chairman from time to time.
(2) The Chairman shall, so long as he remains a member of the Board,
hold office until his successor is elected.
(3) An election of Chairman, other than the first such election, shall be
held at the first meeting of the Board held after the 1st day of January in each
(4) The Chainnan of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the
Board and if at any meeting of the Board the Chairman is absent or unable to
act, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect from among
themselves a member to act as Chairman in respect of that meeting.

Members. 3. If any member of the B o d is, f a whatever reason, unable to perform his
4/2WS functions as a member of the Board for a period in excess of three months, the
s. Wb). Minister may appoint any person to act in the place of such member provided
that such appointment shall be made in such manner and from among such
persons as would be required in the case of a substantive appointment.

Resignations. 4 . 4 1 ) Any member of the Board may at any time resign his ofice by
instrument in writing addressed to the Minister and transmitted through the
Chairman and ftom the date specified therein or, if no date is specified, the date
(The inelu&m d L.N. IBOAf20061
of thla pabe b ~ ~ l h o r i z eby
of rcccipt by thc Ministcr of such instmmcnt such mcmbcr shall cease to bc a
member of the Board.
(2) The Chairman may at any time resign his office as Chairman by
instrument in writing addressed to the Minister and such resignation shall
take effect from the date specified therein or. if no date is specified; the date
of receipt by thc Minister of such instmment.
(3) The Minister. on receipt of-the resignation of the Chairman. as
aforesaid, stall as soon as possible thereafier notify the Registrar who shall
wnvcnc a spccial meeting of thc Board for thc purpose of electing a new

5. If any vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board such vacancy F ~ I I ~ of

shall be filled by the appointment of another member who shall, wancie..
subject to the provisions of this Schedule, hold office for the remainder
of the period for which the previous member was appointed.

6. The names of all members of the Board as first ~0nSlit~ted and Publication
every change in membership thereof shall be published in the Gazette. of member-
ship in
7 . 4 1 ) The seal of the Board shall be kept in the custody of the Chairman seat"f
or secretary thcrcof and shall bc affixed to instnuncnts prnuant to a resolution Board.
of the Board.
(2) The seal of the Board shall be authenticated by the signature
of the Chairman or any person performing the duties of Chairman and
shall be officially and judicially noticed.
(3) All documents, other than those required by law to be under
seal, made by and all decisions of the Board may be signfled under the
hand of the Chairman or any other member authorized to act in that
behalf or, with the approval of the Board, by the secretary.

8.41) The Board shall meet at such time as may be necessary or expedient Meetings.
for the transaction of its business and such meetings shall be held at such places
7 and times and on such days as the Board may determine.
(2) The Chairman may at any time call a special meeting of the
Board and shall call a special meeting within seven days of the receipt
of a written request for that purpose addressed to him by any three
members of the Board.
(3) The quorum of the Board shall be determined by the Board
but shall be not less than one-half of the membership.
[The Inrludon of this page is s u t h o r h d by L.N. 180Al20061

(4) The decisions of the Board shall be by a majority of votes

and, in addition to an original vote, the person presiding at any meeting
shall have a casting vote in any case in which the voting is equal.
(5) Minutes in proper form of each meeting of the Board shall
be kept by the secretary.
(6) The validity of the proceedings of the Boad shall not be
affected by virtue of any vacancy among the members thereof or any
defect in the appointment of a member thereof.
(7) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule or any regulations,
the Board may regulate its own proceedings.

Cummillees 9.-(1) The Board may appoint such committees as it may think fit and may
delegate to any such committee the power and authority to cany out on its
behalf such duties as the Board may determine, so, however, that no such
committee shall have the power to make rules.
(2) The constitution of each committee appointed as aforesaid shall be
determined by the Board.

Liability of 10.-(1) No member of the Board shall be personally liable for any act or
R o d default of the Board done or omitted to be done in good faith in the course of
the operations of the Board.
(2) Where any member of the Board is exempt from liability by
reason only of the provisions of this paragmph, the Board shall be liable to
the extent that it would be if the member were a servant or agent of the

ti^^. 11. There shall be paid from the funds of the Board to the Chairman
and other members of the Board such remuneration whether by way of
honorariwq salary or fees and such allowances as the Minister may

E X C ~ S ~ M O ~ 12. The office of Chairman or member of the Board shall not be ~q

ChapterVof a public office for thc purposc of Chaptcr V of the Constitution of

Auditors. 13. The Board shall appoint auditors who shall audit the accounts
of the Board and submit an annual report to the Chairman who shall
forthwith transmit the report to the Minister.
lThe lnclualon of this page Is authorlrrd by L.N. 180A110061


Categories of Persons who may he specially regislered as architects

1. Any person holding the position' or performing the duties of City

Architect of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation.

2. Any person holding the position or performing the duties of

Superintendent of Roads and Woks of any Parish Council.

3. Employees in thc servicc of the Govemmcnt who are engaged in

an architectural capacity and who satisfy the Board that they possess
the knowledge, experience or qualification necessary for the practice
of architecture in that service.

4. Persons on the permanent staff of the University of the West

Indies or other institution in Jamaica approved by the Minister and who
are engaged in a teaching or research capacity in architectural work or
any branch thereof.

THIRD SCHEDULE (Section 18 (2))

The Disciplinary Committee

1. The members of the Disciplinaq Committee shall, sub.iect to the
provisions of this Schedule, hold ofice for such period not exceeding two years
as the Board may determine and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

2.--(I) The Board shall appoint one of the members of the Committee to be
the Chairman thereof.
(2) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside at all meetings of
the Committee and if at any meeting he is absent or unable to act, the
members present and constituting a quorum shall elect from among
themselves a member to act as Chainnan in respect of that meeting.

3. The Board may appoint any person who would be eligible for
appointment as a member of the Committee in accordance with subsection (1)
of section 18 to act temporarily in the place of any member of the Committee
who. for whatever reason. is unable to perform his functions as a member of the
[The inrlurion of this page is authorized by L.N. 180A120061

&---(I) Any member of the Committee may at any time resign his office by
instlument in writing addressed to the Chairman of the Board and from the date
specified therein or, if no date is specified, the date of the receipt by the
Chairman of the Board of such instrument such mcmber shall cease to he a
member of the Committee.
(2) The Chairman of the Committee may at any time re@ his office
as Chairman by instrument in writing addressed to the C h a i i a n of the Board
and from the date specified therein or, if no date is specified. the date of the
receipt by thc Chairman of the Board of such instnnncnt such Chairman shall
cease to be Chairman of the Committee.

5. The Board may at any time revoke the appointment of the Chair
man or any other member of the Committee.

6. The names of all members of the Committee as first constituted

and evcly change in membership thereof shall he published in thc

7.--(I) The Committee shall meet at such times as may be necessary or

expedient for the transaction of business and such meetings shall be held at
such places and times and on such days as the Committee shall determine.
(2) The quorum of the Committee shall be such number as is
two less than the full complement of the Committee.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule and to any mles
made by the Board, the Committee shall have power to regulate its
own proceedings.
(4) The validity of any proceedings of the Committee shall not
be affected by any vacancy among the members thereof or by any
defect in the appointment of any member thcreof

IThe lnclurlon of t h l ~page 18 authorized by L.N. 180A/20061

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