Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer
1.Bus Topology
First, open the cisco packet tracer desktop and select
the devices.
Select switches from network devices and place three
switches on the drawing area.
Connecting switches with each other by copper cross-
over cable. You can easily find it on toolbox connection
In the toolbox go to the end devices section and choose
desktop computer. Then, add these desktop computer to your
Go to the connections toolbox and choose the copper
straight through cable for connecting each computer to
corresponding switches.
Assign IP addresses to computers.
Verify the connection by pinging the IP address of any
2. Star Topology
We have taken a switch and linked it to six end devices.
Link every device with the switch.
Provide the IP address to each device.
Verify the connection by pinging the IP address of any
3. Ring Topology
Select PCs from End devices and place four PCs it on
drawing area.
Now, draw four Switch Devices from the tools menu using
the same process you used while drawing computers.
Connection between a Computer and Switch via Straight-
Through Cable.
Connection among Switches using Cross-Over Cable.
Provide the IP address to each device.
Verify the connection by pinging the IP address of any
4.Mesh Topology
Select PCs from End devices and place four PCs it on
drawing area.
Now, draw four Switch Devices from the tools menu using
the same process you used while drawing computers.
Connection between a Computer and Switch via Straight-
Through Cable.
Connection among Switches using Cross-Over Cable.
Connect them accordingly as to construct mesh topology.
Provide the IP address to each device.
Verify the connection by pinging the IP address of any
5.Hybrid Topology
Select switches from network devices and place it on
drawing area.
Now, place the PCs in the drawing area.
Link the PCs with switches through copper straight-
through cable.
Connect the switches with cross-over cable.
Contruction of Hybrid Topology.
Contruction of Hybrid Topology with Bus Topology and
Ring Topology.
Provide the IP address to each devices.
Verify the connection by pinging the IP address of any
6. Router Configuration:
Specifies the correct IP addresses and route settings,
etc. Host configuration: Sets up a network connection
on a host computer/laptop by logging the default
network settings, such as IP addressing, proxy, network
name and ID/password, to enable network connection
and communication.
Take two routers, two switches and four end devices.
Connected switches with routers.
Link every devices with the switch.
Provide the IP address to each device.
Transfer message from one device to another and check
the Table for Validation.
Now to check whether the connections are correct or not try to
ping any devices.