Lesson Plan Grade 7sarah
Lesson Plan Grade 7sarah
Lesson Plan Grade 7sarah
Grade 7
Prepared by: Sarah Jane Doling
I Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students must have:
a. identified the sequence of personal recount;
b. interpreted the meaning of personal recount; and
c. created their own personal recount;
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Listening to a Personal Recount
Skills to be developed: writing the correct sequence of personal recount
Values Integration: distinguish the importance of personal recount.
References: Essential English Worktext in Literature and Language
Materials: laptop, speaker, strips of papers and cartolina
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
a.1. Prayer
a.2. Setting of order in class
a.3. Checking of attendance
B. Pre Development Activities
b.1. Review
“ The teacher will ask students about “Our lesson last meeting was all
the previous topic.” about……”
Very good!
b.2. Motivation
“ So, what do you think is our topic for “ Our topic for today is all about
today?” personal recount”
Personal Recount
Retells an activity that the writer
has been personally involved in.
it can be an anecdote, a diary, a
journal, or a personal letter.
Writing a personal recount
requires you to retell an activity or
event that happened in your own
Recount paragraph
is paragraph which retells past
events or experience for the
purpose of informing or
entertaining. This could include
personal events, factual incidents
or imaginary incidents.
Guide questions:
“To Bali”
3. Did the first paragraph sets the
scene of the reader?
“Yes maam, because the time,
place, and the person involved
were being written at the first
part of the paragraph. “
4. Give examples of words that has
to do with time. -When I was 2nd grade of senior
high school
-First day
-Second day
-Last day
-In the evening
5. What is the conclusion that wraps The last day, we spent our time
up the topic. ? in Sangeh. We could enjoy the
green and shady forest. There
were so many monkies. We
could make a close interaction
with them. After that, we went to
Sukowati market for shopping.
That was my lovely time. I
bought some Bali T-Shirt and
(see attachment) souvenirs.
C Developmental Activity
c.1. Practice/ Drill
C.2. Generalization
“ The importance of writing a
personal recount is to remember
“The teacher will ask students about of what you have done before.
their learnings from today’s lesson.
C.3. Enrichment
IV. Evaluation
V. Assessment
The teacher will let the students read in advance for the next topic.