Java 2020 1

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Roll No. ..........................

Total Pages : 03

BCA/M-20 1904
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question

from each Unit. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

Compulsory Question

1. (i) Explain JVM and Java Byte Code. 4

(ii) Explain polymorphism, its advantages and types. 4
(iii) Explain how to import a package. 4
(iv) Explain component and containers. Also explain
various types of containers. 4

Unit I

2. (a) Explain various features of Java. 6

(b) Explain the concept of switch statement with the
help of an example. 10

3. (a) Explain the concept of console I/O. How many

ways are there to get information from user and to
display output in Java ? 8

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(b) Write a program to print the prime numbers between
two given numbers. 8

Unit II

4. (a) Explain static members in detail by using appropriate

example. 8
(b) Explain various string operations by using example.

5. (a) Explain Abstract class by using example. What are

the characteristics of abstract classes ? 8
(b) Write a program to overload constructors. 8

Unit III

6. (a) Explain the purpose of super keyword by using

appropriate example. 8
(b) Explain hierarchical inheritance with example. 8

7. What is a package ? Explain various types of packages.

Also explain various steps to add a class in the user
defined package in Java by using example. 16

Unit IV

8. (a) What is the use of throws keyword In Java ? Explain

with example. 8

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(b) Explain the concept of Exception handling using
Multiple Catch block with example. 8

9. Write short notes on the following :

(i) Applet Tag 6
(ii) Layout Managers and its types. 10

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