C2 DataTypes Variables PCC

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1. String
What is a string?
 String is a series of characters. String is always in
Ex: “Hello world” or ‘Hello world’
String Methods:
 String method is an action that Python can perform on a
piece of data. When using method remember to use the dot
(), it will tell python to do the method
Ex: print(“hello world”.title())
Output: Hello World
 Some methods:
title() – title form a string
upper() – make a string become uppercase
lower() – make a string become lowercase
Combining and Concatenation:
 To combine two or many variables together, use symbol (+)
to concatenate them.
Ex: Concatenate a name
last_name = “nguyen”
first_name = “tuan minh”
full_name = last_name + “” + first_name
Output: nguyen tuan minh
* use method title() to complete the string
Adding whitespaces, Tabs and Newlines:
 What is whitespace in programming? Whitespace is refer to a
nonprinting character
 Why we need to organize whitespace? To make the output is
easier to read
 Someway to adding whitespaces:
\n – adding tab
\t – new line
\n\t – newline then adding tab
Ex: A nice output
print(“Venus\nMecury”) print(“\tVenus\n\tMecury”)
Output: Output:
Venus Venus
Mecury Mecury
Stripping Whitespaces:
 Why we need to strip whitespaces? Sometime, whitespaces
cause bug, sometime it make the output look not good
 3 strip methods:
rstrip() – strip the whitespace in the right of the string
lstrip() – strip the whitespace in the left of the string
strip() – strip all the whitespaces in both side
Ex: Strip the text
text = “ whitespace cause problems ”
text_Strip = text.strip()
text_RStrip = text.rstrip()
text_LStrip = text.lstrip()
“Whitespaces cause problems”
“ Whitespaces cause problems”
“Whitespaces cause problems ”

Debug – Avoiding Syntax Errors with Strings:

 What is a Syntax Error? A Syntax Error occurs when Python
doesn’t recognize a section of your program as valid
Python code.
Ex: Use different type of quote
message = ‘Minh’s shirt is great!’
Syntax Error; invalid syntax

2. Number
 What is integer? It is the simplest thing in Python. Number
like: 2, 3, 6, 842948,... are integers
 What can we do with number in python:
Plus +
Minus -
Divine /
Multiply *
Exponet **
Mod %
 What is a float number? A float number is a number with a
decimal point. 0.1 or 73.4 is float number
 Do the same math with integer. Sometime the output will be
like this: 0.300000004 with many zeros, just skip those
Debug – Avoiding Type Error with the str() Function:
 What is a Type Error? Python can’t recognize the kind of
information you are using
 A string can only concatenate with a string, it can’t
concatenate with a integer
 To change a integer into a string, use str()
Ex: A gift for Linda
age = 23
message = “Welcome the age of ”+ age “, Linda”
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
TypeError: Can’t convert ‘int’ object to str implicitly

 The important of comments in coding: Comment makes the
program easier to understand, it will make many beneficial
when you work as a team. Always remember to make comments.
 What is comment in python? Comment in python simply a note
 Comment in Python always start with (#)
 Tips when making comment: make it meaningful, as short and
clear as possible, use English to write comment

Ex: Comment help me a lot!

# user can input anything and we will use string methods to
treat thems
print(“This is a comment”)
This is a comment
4. The Zen of Python:

Always remember this when coding, make code beautiful, make your code
simple, make your code friendly, make your code readable

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