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2 MELKAMU GO"A Bio/we/077/12



A fruit juice contains essential nutrient, mineral, antioxidant and vitamins for overall health.
However, food borne illness related to fruit and fruit product is increasing and very serious
problem in different part of Ethiopia .one of them is wolaita city So, the main objective of this
study will be to assess the bacteriological quality of both fresh fruit and commercially packed
fruit juices available for the consumers in wolaita city . This study analysis and evaluates the
bacteriological quality of some fresh and packed fruit juices available in wolaita city .In this
study the prevalence of E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus was detected for all fresh
fruit juices samples of this avocado was more dominated. Antibiotic susceptibility test for E. coli,
Salmonella isolates and Staphylococcusaureus revealed completely resistant (100%) to a VAN
and AMP. In general the study, especially exhibits the level of bacterial load found in both fresh
and packed juice samples will be unsatisfactory compared to gulf standards. This cause health
problems and possible vehicle of food borne outbreaks the community. Therefore, good quality
of water used; hygienic conditions related to washing of utensils, good personal and domestic
hygiene during fresh fruit juice preparation can improve the bacterial quality.
Table of Contents Page
1.1. Back ground and justification of the study.........................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of problem..........................................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective of the study.........................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. General Objective........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific objective.........................................................................................................................2
1.4. Significance of the study.....................................................................................................................2
1.5. Scope of the study...............................................................................................................................3
1.6. Limitation of the study........................................................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................................4
2.1 Fruit juice.............................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Packed fruit juice.................................................................................................................................4
2.3. Fresh fruit juice...................................................................................................................................5
2.4. Health benefit of fruit juice.................................................................................................................5
2.5 Health problem of fruit juice................................................................................................................5
3 MATERIAL AND METHODS..................................................................................................................6
3.1. Description of the study area..................................................................................................................6
3.2. Data collection method.......................................................................................................................6
3.2.1. Sampling technique......................................................................................................................6
3.2.2. Source of sample..........................................................................................................................6
3.2.3. Collection of samplesf.................................................................................................................6
3.3. Data analysis.......................................................................................................................................7

1.1. Back ground and justification of the study
Fruit juices are very popular among the people of all ages around the world (Rahman et al.,
2011).Fruit juice are flesh flavor which provides health benefit and are well consumed for their
nutritive value, mineral and vitamin content. However, fruit juices by their nature contain various
organisms and many of these microorganisms will be harmless bacteria such as saprophytic
(Rahman et al., 2011).

One possible source can be damaged surfaces, such as punctures, wounds, cuts and splits that
occur during growing or harvesting through which pathogenic organisms can enter fruits
(Tambekaret al., 2009). The disease agents spread by juice like drink not only harm large groups
of people but also sometimes result in serious disability and death (Rahman et al., 2011). The
practice of consuming fruit and vegetable juices cannot be stopped on unhygienic grounds or
prohibited from selling such items, since it is a source of their livelihood (Tambekar et al., 2009)
and(Olaniyi, 2013).

The total viable bacterial count in most of the fresh juice samples was higher than the
commercially packed juice, as the highest count was found as 2.4x10 4 cfu/ml and 3.2x103 cfu/ml
in fresh and packed juice, respectively(Rahman et al., 2011).Many scholars believe that
consumption of commercially packed juice is safe than the locally produced freshfruit juice
(Rahman et al., 2011;Rashed et al.,2013;Kader et al.,2014).

This might be the reason of using automated machine and also some preservatives during fruit
juice processing. But some preservatives of higher concentrations can be harmful for our
health.Despite of all these issues, large number of coliforms and staphylococcus count were
detected from commercially packed fruit juices in this current study(Kader et al.,2014).There are
generalized beliefs among scholars that, the most common food borne pathogenic bacteria are
Escherichia coli, Klebsiellaspp., Enterobacterspp., Staphylococcusspps. and coliform(Reddy et
al.,2009; Tambekar et al.,2009; Rashedet al.,2013).

In wolaita sodo city there is always a great demand both fresh fruite and packed fruit juices for
commericial, ceremony,consumer and hotel So, the study will be assess the bacteriological
quality of both fresh fruite and commercially packed fruit juices available in wolaita sodo city.
Considering the importance, this study has been undertaken to compare the quality of fresh fruit
and commercially fruit juices available in wolaita sodo city.

1.2. Statement of problem

Currently food borne illness related to fruit and fruit product such as juice is alarmingly increase
and very serious problem in different part of Ethiopia including wolaita sodo. The problem is
some people and children peel the barrel of fruit by using mouth this cause of infection bacterial
,some merchant sold expired packed fruit juice, no well-organized product of fruit juice in
wolait sodo city due to lack of knowledge and in adequate resource .

Still, there are several reports of illnesses due to the food borne diseases associated with the
consumption of fruit juices at several places around the wolaita sodo city. In a various way fruit
juice could be contaminated with bacteria. Harmful bacteria could enter the fruit juice process
control, poor standard hygiene and sanitation process, and also pre-harvest and post-harvest
source of pathogenic bacteria on fresh fruit juice are now difficult problem in wolaita sodo.
Therefore, this investigation will be fill gab through bacteriological analysis of fruit juice and
establish necessary precaution and protection against pathogenic bacteria.

1.3. Objective of the study

1.3.1. General Objective
 To analysis and evaluate bacteriological quality of locally prepared fresh fruit juice and
commercially prepared packed fruit juice sold in wolaita sodo city

1.3.2. Specific objective

 To determine bacteriological quality of locally prepared fresh fruit juice.
 To assess the bacteriological quality of commercially prepared packed fruit juice.
 To identify which type species of bacteria affect fruite juice
 To asses which type of fruite easily affected by bacterial

1.4. Significance of the study

Today pathogenic bacterial contamination fruit juice is increasing problem in different part of
Ethiopia, similar to this there contamination of the packed and fresh fruit juice bacterial quality
in wolaita sodo city. Therefore, the study will be play crucial role in to evaluate and analysis
pathogenic bacteria from fruit juice which affect people of wolaita sodo city. Additionally, the

study provide base information on the extent of fruit juice product quality for human
consumption and it will be show direction of reducing severity of pathogenic bacterial infection.
Generally, this study will be important in order to: Recommend remedial action for identified
problems. Provide information for further study and identify which juice types are easily

1.5. Scope of the study

The study will be conduct in laboratory experiment so the study will be delimitate only in
laboratory that will be conducted in Microbiology laboratory, Department of biology of wolaita
sodo university.

1.6. Limitation of the study

The limitation of this study is shortage of finance, consumption of the time, lack of laboratory
material, lack of the internet access or shortage of computer access. lack of study other cause of
infection like virus and fungus

2.1 Fruit juice
Fruit juice is fruit or vegetable based beverage. Juices are defined as that product made from the
liquid portion obtained from the edible part of the fruit or vegetable. Fruit juice is juice obtained
directly from fruit and Fruit juices are well recognized for their nutritive value, mineral, and
vitamin content. Juice is defined in the most general sense as the extractable fluid contents of
cells or tissues (Bates and Crandall, 2001).It is the aqueous liquid expressed or extracted from
one or more fruits or vegetables, purees of the edible portions of one or more fruits or vegetables,
or any concentrates of such liquid or puree (FDA, 2002).Juices can legally have only small
amounts of sugar added (up to 4%) along with a small number of other additives used to protect
or stabilize the commercial product, such as the Vitamin C that is added to apple juice to stop it
turning brown and protect the natural antioxidants present( Any additives
used need to be declared on the ingredients statement on the label this only in the case of
commercially produced fruit juice. Fruit juices are regarded as the most preferred non alcoholic
beverage consumed by millions of people of all age groups throughout the world which may be
prepared simply by squeezing the edible part of mature fruit or by extracting with water(Kader et

2.2 Packed fruit juice

Packed juice is manufactured by juice industry worldwide and is consumed in relatively high
quantity in many countries. Industrially produces juice are unfermented drink obtained from
sound, ripe fruit with or without parts. They may be produced from different fruit such as apple,
mango, peach, avocado and the like. When fruit and vegetables are processed commercially into
juice, the juice processors have a number of problems to overcome. In order to address these
issues, fruit and vegetable juices are concentrated by the removal of water at low temperatures,
under vacuum. This leads to the production of fruit and vegetable concentrates, which can be
stored, shipped and blended economically anywhere in the world. However, in order to turn
these concentrates back into juice and juice based beverages, water needs to be added back to the
concentrates to turn them back into the juices they were made from. The resulting juices are
called “Reconstituted” as they have been reconstituted back to their original form.

2.3. Fresh fruit juice

The term” fresh juices” should any be applied to those juice that are made in front of you. If the
juice is pasteurized or, contain juice concentrate or store juice(Not from concentrate), then it is
not fresh juice( Not From concentrate juice can only be used to describe
juice that has no undergone concentration or dilution droning processing. NFC help to retain
some characteristics of fresh juice

2.4. Health benefit of fruit juice

Fruit provides important nutrients for overall health, yet most people fall short of meeting their
daily recommended goals. As a complement to whole fruit, 100% fruit juice can be a convenient,
delicious and nutritious way to squeeze more fruit into the day. Fruit juice are crucial dietary
component that can help reduce risk of numerous chronic disease which, in many case, have
been shown to initiated by long term inflammation. The high potassium and low sodium
characteristic of most juices help maintain a healthy blood pressure, furthermore the lack or near
absence of fat in fruit juices is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The fortification of juices
with calcium (Andon, 1996) and phytosterol (Devaraj et al, 2004) provide some supplemental
bone and cardiovascular benefits. Recently, several reviews have summarized the health benefits
of fruit polyphenols (Spencer, 2010; Chong et al, 2010; GonzalezGallego et al, 2010; Hardcastle
et al, 2010). Vitamins have a special role since they are essential for life and most are not
produced by the body. Many juice phytochemicals, polyphenols, carotenoids and limonoids may
influence mechanisms relevant for cancer prevention. Generally Fruit juices contain nutrients,
minerals, trace elements, vitamins and phytochemicals that have been shown to have many
health benefits, and also important in dental health, body weight, skin health and other like.

2.5 Health problem of fruit juice

The disease agents spread by juice like drink not only harm large groups of people but also
sometimes result in serious disability and death (Rahman at el., 2011). Health problem of fruit
juice is happen in various ways such as when its contaminated with micro organism,more
consumed, less consumed, contamination with pathogenic bacteria.Because juice is convenient,
it is easy to drink too much of it. Here is why drinking too much juice can be a problem Juice has
calories. Too much may give your child more calories than he or she needs. That may contribute
to overweight.


3.1. Description of the study area

The study about bacteriology evaluate and analysis affect fresh fruit and packed fruit juice will

be conduct in wolaita sodo city in wolaita sodo university.It is a town and separate woreda in

south central ethiopia.the administerative center of the southern nations,nationalities,and peoples

regional states in Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It is located about 328 km away from

Addis Ababa at laltitude 6°54'N and longitude 37°45' E with an elevation between 1600 and

2100 above sea level. Average Temperature range from 17.7cͦ to 22.1c°(Wolaita sodo city

Administration office .general information about the city).

3.2. Data collection method

3.2.1. Sampling technique

A random sampling technique will be use to take the representative of fruit juice.

3.2.2. Source of sample

Locally product fresh fruit juice of sample will purchase from market. commercially prepared

packed fruit juice of sample where purchased from super market and mango fresh fruit will take

from wolaita sodo university .

3.2.3. Collection of samplesf

The total of twelve(12) sample will purchase, which is four (4) fresh juice sample( Papaya and

Avocado) will collected from ibu Hotel found in wolaita sodo city and other four(8)

commercially packed juice(Mango, pinapple,Orange and white grape) were collected from super

market found in the center of wolaita sodo city.

3.3. Data analysis

After completion of data collection, each measurement of different variables will be record

according to the work flow.

3.4 Variable

Dependent variable

Bacteriology analysis and evaluate fresh fruit and packed fresh fruit juice in wolaita sodo city.

Independent variable

 Harvesting and handling

 Storage temperature

 Fungus infection

 Moisture and dryness

 Insect and other animals

Budget and work plan

4.1. Work plan

Activity October November

Week 1
Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3
Topic selection X

Literature review X
Proposal write up X
Data collection X
Data analysis X
First draft X
Second draft X
Final submission X


Item Quantity Unit price


Birr Birr
1 Printing 30 3 90
2 Photo Copy 20 3 60

3 Flash 1 250
4 Binder 1 30 30
Total 430


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