CPE5 Unit1
CPE5 Unit1
CPE5 Unit1
1.1. Introduction
The emphasis in this session is on the technical aspects of the project and on your
looking at existing BA projects for purposes of comparison. Mention need be
made that the style sheet you will be introduced to in this session, and therefore
advised to use in your project, has been agreed upon by members of the
department staff (your supervisors being among them). There are at least two
reasons for which the department has made such a decision: first, there seems to be
a need for standardisation of all BA projects and second, (but not less important,
for that matter), reader friendliness should be the concept which underlies all
your efforts to produce a good project.
All the information about the technical aspects of writing your BA project starts
from the assumption that you are able to use a computer or that you can instruct
the person who will do the word processing for you, which is going to make your
task somewhat harder.
1.2. Competences
On completion of UNIT ONE students will be able to identify and operate with
basic concepts related to writing scholarly/academic pieces of non-fiction, from a
stylistic and technical point of view.
1.4. Justification
Full justification, blocked paragraphs (not indented) and a blank line between
paragraphs are recommended. Again, if you want an example, these materials abide
by these instructions.
Use end of chapter notes or footnotes with numbers in the text and a numbered list at
the end of each chapter or at the bottom of the page. Do not forget to check the
existence of the numbers in the text, they tend to disappear in the process of writing
and give the reader a hard time making sense of your work.
b). For short items listed after bullets or numbers use the bullets/numbers icon and no
punctuation at line ends. Use either capitals or low case after bullets.
c). Appendices (if any) must be placed at the end of the project, after the list of
references (see below), with Appendix One and (after a blank line) the appendix
heading, if applicable.
d) Chapter numbers must be written as letters, e.g. Chapter One; section numbers
must be figures, e.g. 1.1.
f) For numbers in text (but not page or question references, measures or tabulated
numbers), write numbers up to ten as words (e.g. ‘ten’) and numbers from 11 on in
figures (e.g. ‘11’).
g) Use full-stops after: etc. and for e.g. i.e. (do not use suspension points ‘…’ = three
h) Use single spaces between sentences, i.e. do not double space after a full-stop,
question mark, etc.
Let’s remember
So far you have learnt about the use of:
font and font size, justification, bold and italic, margins and line spacing, page
numbers and notes, other bits and pieces
See Appendix One for an example of the use of the above.
Now that you have some knowledge of the style sheet, look at the example
in Appendix One and decide whether it meets the aforementioned
1.10. Referencing
One of the things you have to do in academic writing is to show how your ideas relate
to the ideas of other writers whose work you have read. Exactly which other writers to
refer to and how to do it is the most difficult part of this kind of writing. In this last
section of session two we will just deal with the practicalities: how to physically
present the evidence of your reading in your writing. Once you know what you are
expected to put in your project and in the reference list at the end of it, you will be
able to see what sorts of things you need to keep a record of as you read.
- direct quotation:
Valdman (1973: 15) suggests that ‘…perfectly controlled research that
answers significant and relevant questions in second-language learning is
an illusion’.
Valdman claims that it is highly difficult to do research that answers
relevant questions in the area of second-language learning for reasons
which (etc.) (1993:15)
- in both cases it is useful to give the year of publication and the page
number of the book/journal you got your information from. It is in the
reference list that the reader can trace the title and all the other details.
- references in the body of your text should be ordered either alphabetically
or chronologically:
Faerch and Kasper (1981), Godfrey (1980), Schachter (1974) and
Schachter and Celce-Murcia (1977) have all pointed to ‘avoidance
strategies’ as another form of covert grammatical error.
Schachter (1974), Schachter and Celce-Murcia (1977), Godfrey (1980)
and Faerch and Kasper (1981) have all pointed to ‘avoidance strategies’
as another form of covert grammatical error.
- if you take a quotation from a source other than the original, (secondary
quotation) show where you got it from:
According to Skehan (1978) (quoted/cited in Ellis, 1994) ‘……….’.
In the reference list therefore, you have to give the following information about:
Ellis, R. (1994). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford.
- first author’s first name (initials); when you write the second author start
with the initial
- the year of publication (in brackets)
- the title of the book, the edition you have used (if it is not the first/only
edition) (in italics)
- the city of publication and the publisher.
Schumann, J. and N. Stenson. (eds.) (1974) New Frontiers in Second
Language Learning. Rowley, Mass. Newbury House.
NB: 1. If the author(s) of the book is/are the editor(s), write (ed(s.)) after the names.
2. If an item in the reference list takes up more than one line, indent the second line
(one tab)
- an article in a journal: - author’s family name (in bold)
Look at the example in Appendix One and decide whether it meets the
requirements about referencing.
1.14. Summary:
The focus in Unit ONE was on the technicalities of word-processing your BA
1.15. End of UNIT TASK
After a thorough reading of the information detailed in this UNIT, take
some time to answer this question:
What new things have you learnt about the way in which your BA project needs to be
word processed?
List them here: