Life Cycle Assessment of Low Power Solar Inverters (2.5 To 20 KW)
Life Cycle Assessment of Low Power Solar Inverters (2.5 To 20 KW)
Life Cycle Assessment of Low Power Solar Inverters (2.5 To 20 KW)
Laura Tschümperlin, Philippe Stolz, Rolf Frischknecht
commissioned by
Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
Title Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW)
Authors Laura Tschümperlin, Philippe Stolz, Franziska Wyss, Rolf Frischknecht
treeze Ltd., fair life cycle thinking
Kanzleistr. 4, CH-8610 Uster
Phone +41 44 940 61 91, Fax +41 44 940 61 94
[email protected]
Commissioner Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
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mation must not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of
treeze Ltd. or the customer. A provision of this report or of files and information from this
report on other websites is not permitted. Any other means of distribution, even in altered
forms, require the written consent. Any citation naming treeze Ltd. or the authors of this
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Version 174-Update Inverter_IEA PVPS_v1.1, 03.10.2016 15:37:00
Abbreviations and Acronyms
a year (annum)
CH Switzerland
GLO global average
GWP global warming potential
CED cumulative energy demand
LCA life cycle assessment
LCI life cycle inventory analysis
LCIA life cycle impact assessment
MJ megajoule
PM particulate matter
PV photovoltaic
RER Europe
tkm tonne kilometre (unit for transportation services)
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
The technology used in inverters changed significantly in the past decade, which is why
new life cycle inventories of solar inverters currently sold are established in this study.
Based on information provided by three leading European producers an average inverter
inventory was generated, which was then extrapolated to the following capacities:
2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW, and 20 kW. Extrapolation was done using a non-linear mass
versus power relationship as reported in scientific literature.
The new datasets are intended to replace the current ecoinvent inventory dataset on the
2.5 kW inverter.
The functional unit is one inverter (with a lifetime of 15 years). The inventories include
the energy used for production and mounting, all components of the inverter and their
upstream transportation, production processes, packaging and the disposal of packaging
material and of the product itself after the use phase.
The environmental impacts of the production and disposal of inverters are analysed re-
garding “climate change”, “human toxicity (cancer effects)”, “human toxicity (non-
cancer effects)”, “particulate matter”, “freshwater ecotoxicity” as well as “mineral,
fossil and renewable resource depletion” and the main contributors to the environmental
impacts of inverters are identified.
The printed board assembly causes the biggest environmental impacts, followed by the
individual electronic components and the metals (copper, aluminium). Environmental
impacts due to packaging, infrastructure, metal processing, transportation of raw mate-
rials and the treatment of different waste streams have negligible impacts. The energy
used during production and mounting is at maximum responsible for 1.5 % of the total
impact. Within the printed board assembly the integrated circuit, logic type, is the key
driver of the environmental impacts of the solar inverter. The environmental impacts of
the 2.5 kW inverter analysed in this study, which represents current technology, are
higher than of the 2.5 kW inverter analysed ten years ago.
When discussing and comparing the results, it should be taken into account that the data
availability was rather poor, requiring extrapolations and thus leading to considerable
uncertainties in the generated solar inverter inventories. Nevertheless, it is recommend-
ed to use the updated life cycle inventories of solar inverters since the data quality is
deemed more robust compared to the old 2.5 kW inverter.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Introduction 1
1 Introduction
Low power solar inverters transform direct electric current (DC) into alternating electric
current (AC) and transform the electricity to low-voltage (230 V), which then allows the
current to be fed into the grid (Jungbluth et al. 2012). Life cycle inventories of three
different types of solar inverters (500 W, 2‘500 W, 500 kW) are available in the KBOB
life cycle inventory database v2.2:2016 (KBOB et al. 2016). The data underlying these
inventories however was derived from equipment sold and installed ten and more years
ago. The technology used in inverters changed significantly since then. That is why,
new life cycle inventories of inverters currently sold were established.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Objective and Scope 2
2.1 Objective
The objective of this study is to compile life cycle inventories of different power scales
of solar inverters. Average life cycle inventories of low power solar inverters are
compiled based on information provided by three leading European producers. Based on
the data obtained, average life cycle inventories for inverters of 2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW
and 20 kW are generated. The life cycle inventory of the 500 W solar inverter has not
been updated because no manufacturer, which delivered data, produces a 500 W
inverter. The 500 kW inverter inventory is not updated because no data has been
provided for high power inverters. Furthermore, their composition differs too much
from low power inverters to allow extrapolation.
The environmental impacts caused by the solar inverters analysed in this study are
assessed and compared with the environmental impacts of the existing 2.5 kW inverter.
Moreover, the most relevant processes and materials contributing to the environmental
impacts of the low power solar inverter are identified.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Objective and Scope 3
common power output. The average inventories presented in this study have been
compiled extrapolating the three inverters of the three manufacturers to a common
power scale, which has then been extrapolated again to the power outputs of 2.5 kW,
5 kW, 10 kW and 20 kW. Extrapolation of the inverter mass (M) as a function of its
power output (P) was done using the following formula for generators proposed by
Caduff et al. (2011):
M = a * Pb ,
where a = varying for the generation of the average inverter depending on the
manufacturer’s inverter model weight, a = 6.03 for the extrapolation of the average
inverter to the different power outputs, and b = 0.68.
Extrapolation using this formula reflects a non-linear mass versus power relationship.
The specific mass of inverters per power output in general decreases with an increasing
nominal AC power (Jungbluth et al. 2012).
The life cycle inventories are embedded in the KBOB life cycle inventory database
v2.2:2016 (KBOB et al. 2016), which is based on ecoinvent data v2.2, and the analyses
were performed with SimaPro v8.0.6 (PRé Consultants 2015).
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Inventories 4
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Inventories 5
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Inventories 6
Tab. 3.2: Life cycle inventories of manufacture and disposal of solar inverters of 2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW
and 20 kW
inverter, 2.5 inverter, 5 inverter, inverter,
kW, kW, 10 kW, 20 kW,
Name GeneralComment
average, at average, average, average,
plant at plant at plant at plant
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Inventories 7
Tab. 3.2: Life cycle inventories of manufacture and disposal of solar inverters of 2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW
and 20 kW (continued)
inverter, 2.5 inverter, 5 inverter, inverter,
kW, kW, 10 kW, 20 kW,
Name GeneralComment
average, at average, average, average,
plant at plant at plant at plant
steel product manufacturing, average metal (3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
RER 0 kg 1.92E-2 3.08E-2 4.93E-2 7.90E-2 1 1.34
working by a European producer;
(1,1,1,1,1,5,BU:3); Calculation, based on annual
infrastructure metal working factory RER 1 unit 1.10E-8 1.76E-8 2.82E-8 4.51E-8 1 3.05 production of electronic component production plant;
taken from the ecoinvent v2.2 inverter dataset;
(1,1,1,1,1,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
packaging corrugated board, mixed fibre, single wall, at plant RER 0 kg 6.60E-1 1.06E+0 1.69E+0 2.71E+0 1 1.21
by a European producer;
(3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
folding boxboard, FBB, at plant RER 0 kg 1.16E+0 1.85E+0 2.97E+0 4.75E+0 1 1.34
by a European producer;
(3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
packaging film, LDPE, at plant RER 0 kg 1.15E-2 1.84E-2 2.95E-2 4.73E-2 1 1.34
by a European producer;
(4,5,na,na,na,na,BU:2); Standard distance 60km incl.
transport transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 6.76E-1 1.08E+0 1.74E+0 2.78E+0 1 2.09
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 2.25E+0 3.61E+0 5.79E+0 9.27E+0 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na,BU:2); Standard distances 200km;
transport, transoceanic freight ship OCE 0 tkm 2.03E+1 3.25E+1 5.21E+1 8.34E+1 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na,BU:2); Estimation: 18000km;
emission air,
Heat, waste - - MJ 3.80E+1 6.09E+1 9.75E+1 1.56E+2 1 1.22 (2,3,1,1,1,5,BU:1.05); Calculation;
(3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
technosphere tap water, at user RER 0 kg 1.99E+1 3.18E+1 5.10E+1 8.17E+1 1 1.34
by a European producer;
resource, in (3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
Water, unspecified natural origin, DE - - m3 3.78E-2 6.06E-2 9.71E-2 1.56E-1 1 1.34
water by a European producer;
treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater (3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
disposal CH 0 m3 1.99E-2 3.18E-2 5.10E-2 8.17E-2 1 1.34
treatment, class 3 by a European producer;
disposal, packaging cardboard, 19.6% water, to (2,3,1,5,1,5,BU:1.05); disposal of the packaging
CH 0 kg 1.82E+0 2.91E+0 4.66E+0 7.47E+0 1 1.25
municipal incineration materials;
disposal, polyethylene, 0.4% water, to municipal (2,3,1,5,1,5,BU:1.05); disposal of the packaging
CH 0 kg 1.15E-2 1.84E-2 2.95E-2 4.73E-2 1 1.25
incineration materials;
(2,3,1,5,1,5,BU:1.05); Data from three European inverter
disposal, treatment of printed wiring boards GLO 0 kg 1.22E+0 1.96E+0 3.14E+0 5.02E+0 1 1.25
manufacturers ; recycled after use;
disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to (3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
CH 0 kg 2.43E-1 3.89E-1 6.23E-1 9.98E-1 1 1.34
municipal incineration by a European producer;
disposal, hazardous waste, 25% water, to (3,4,1,3,3,5,BU:1.05); data on the production of an inverter
CH 0 kg 1.28E-2 2.06E-2 3.30E-2 5.28E-2 1 1.34
hazardous waste incineration by a European producer;
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 8
4.1 Overview
This chapter contains the environmental impact assessment results and highlights the
main drivers of the environmental impacts of inverters. The impacts are grouped into
seven categories, namely the “printed board assembly (printed board including all
mounted components)”, the metals “copper”, “aluminium” and “steel”, “other individu-
al components (including all components besides the metals not being attached to the
printed board)”, “energy” and “others”. Environmental impacts due to packaging, infra-
structure, metal processing, transportation of raw materials and the treatment of differ-
ent waste streams are aggregated to the category “others” since their individual contri-
butions are small. The energy used during production is at maximum responsible for
1.5 % of the total impact and shown separately.
Since this study compiled inventories of low power solar inverters, the results are com-
pared to the environmental impacts of the old 2.5 kW inverter. The main drivers for
each impact category of the new average inverter are for all inverter capacities the same,
due to the extrapolation made from one average inverter.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 9
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.1: Greenhouse gas emissions of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters, quantified
in kg CO2-eq (IPCC 2013,Chapter 8).
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 10
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
0 10 20 30 40 50
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.2: Impacts of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters on human toxicity, cancer
effects, quantified in µ-CTUh.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 11
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.3: Impacts of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters on human toxicity, non-
cancer effects, quantified in µ-CTUh.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 12
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.4: Impacts of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters on particulate matter, quanti-
fied in kg PM2.5 eq.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 13
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.5: Impacts of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters on freshwater ecotoxicity,
quantified in CTUe.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment 14
Inverter, 20 kW
Inverter, 10 kW
Inverter, 5 kW
Printed board assembly Copper Aluminium Steel Other individual components Energy Other
Fig. 4.6: Impacts of manufacture and disposal of low power solar inverters on mineral, fossil and re-
newable resource depletion, quantified in kg Sb eq.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Data quality and uncertainty 15
Personal communication, European manufacturer of solar inverters, 16.08.2016
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.
Acknowledgement 16
We gratefully acknowledge the kind support of Susanne Schidler, Technikum Wien, in
the data collection for the life cycle assessment of solar inverters.
Caduff et al. 2011 Caduff M., Huijbregts M. A. J., Althaus H.-J. and Hendriks A. J.
(2011) Power-Law Relationships for Estimating Mass, Fuel Con-
sumption and Costs of Energy Conversion Equipments. In: Envi-
ronmental Science & Technology, 45(2), pp. 751-754.
European Commission et al. 2012 European Commission, Joint Research Centre and Institute for
Environment and Sustainability (2012) Characterisation factors of
the ILCD Recommended Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods.
Database and Supporting Information. First Edition. Publication
Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
IPCC 2013 IPCC (2013) The IPCC fifth Assessment Report - Climate Change
2013: the Physical Science Basis. Working Group I, IPCC Secre-
tariat, Geneva, Switzerland.
Jungbluth et al. 2012 Jungbluth N., Stucki M., Flury K., Frischknecht R. and Buesser S.
(2012) Life Cycle Inventories of Photovoltaics. ESU-services Ltd.,
Uster, CH, retrieved from:
KBOB et al. 2016 KBOB, eco-bau and IPB (2016) KBOB-Empfehlung 2009/1:2016:
Ökobilanzdaten im Baubereich, Stand Juli 2016. Koordinations-
konferenz der Bau- und Liegenschaftsorgane der öffentlichen
Bauherren c/o BBL Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik, retrieved
PRé Consultants 2015 PRé Consultants (2015) SimaPro 8.0.6, Amersfoort, NL.
Stolz et al. 2016 Stolz P., Frischknecht R., Wyss F. and de Wild Scholten M. (2016)
PEF screening report of electricity from photovoltaic panels in the
context of the EU Product Environmental Footprint Category
Rules (PEFCR) Pilots, version 2.0. treeze Ltd. commissioned by
the Technical Secretariat of the PEF Pilot "Photovoltaic Electricity
Generation", Uster, Switzerland.
Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW) treeze Ltd.