Test 8a
Test 8a
Test 8a
1 Complete the conditional sentences with will and the 3 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
You can see all/many animals when you go to a large
0 A: Will you tidy your room? nature reserve and 1all/some the animals in these places
have a lot of space. 2No/None of the animals live in cages
B: I will tidy (tidy) it if you make (make) pizza.
and 3many/all of them have lots of freedom. 4Many/None
1 A: Will you help me with my English? animals live like they do in the wild but 5some/no animal
B: I (help) you if you (lend) me your is ever hungry. 6Most/Many people work to keep 7some/
bike. all the animals and visitors safe in these parks. Visitors
will see 8many/most different kinds of animals. Naturally,
2 A: Will you collect me from the station?
there are 9no/some safety rules to follow so that 10many/
B: I (collect) you if you (call) me from all visitors are safe and no one gets hurt. 11Some/All
the train. animals live in safari parks because they are endangered
3 A: Will you walk to the park with me? species. 12Many/Most visitors enjoy seeing them.
5 you – go to their website → you – find more information
32 Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 Matura Choices Pre-Intermediate
Reading Listening
1 Read the text. Match the headings (a–e) with the 2 9 Listen to an interview about ‘The Big
paragraphs (1–5). Five’ animals. Answer the questions.
Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 Matura Choices Pre-Intermediate