Dilip Final
Dilip Final
Dilip Final
Submitted By:
Dilip Singh
Faculty of Management
Pokhara University
April, 2021
I hereby declare that the project work report entitled "Liquidity Position Analysis of
Standard Chartered Bank Nepal” submitted for the BBA is my original work and
the Project Work Report has not formed the basis for the award of any degree,
diploma, or other similar titles.
Dilip Singh
April, 2021
First of all I would like to thank Pokhara University for including this project report in
our BBA 6th semester program. This gives us chance for gaining practical knowledge
to boost our research skills.
I express my sincere honor and special sense of gratitude to the program director of
Apollo International College Mr.Bimal Gautam for his generous guidance,
thoughtful encouragement and brilliant insight throughout this research work.
Also I owe great intellectual debt for support and immense contribution to
administrative of Standard Chartered Bank. I am thankful to all those writers and
researchers whose materials and methods has been review wherever necessary during
the study period as a reference.
Dilip Singh
April, 2021
Ltd: Limited
.i.e.: That is
▼: Decrement
▲: Increment
3rd: Third
6th: Sixth
BONAFIDE CERTIFICATED...................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................v
Tables Pages..................v
CHAPTER- 1................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER-2................................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................5
2.1 Meaning of Literature Review................................................................................5
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................9
3.1 Meaning of Research Methodology........................................................................9
CHAPTER- 4..............................................................................................................13
4.1 Data presentation, analysis and interpretation....................................................13
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION...........................................................................18
5.1 Summary of the Study..........................................................................................18
5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................ 19
Appendix -1..................................................................................................................ix
Appendix- 2.................................................................................................................xx
A bank is a financial institution that accepts the deposit from the public and
creates credits.
Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited has been in operations in
Nepal since 1987 when it was initially registered as a joint venture operation.
Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited is banking and financial services
company in Nepal and a subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC.
Standard Chartered gives the Bank a unique opportunity to provide
truly international banking services in Nepal. Standard Chartered Bank Nepal
Limited headquarter is located at New Baneshwor. Today the Bank is an integral part
of Standard Chartered Group having and ownership of 70.21% in the company
with 29.79% shares owned by the Nepalese public. The Bank enjoys the status of the
largest international bank currently operating in Nepal. With fifteen points of
representation, twenty-three ATMs across the country and with more than four
hundred fifty local staff, Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited is in a position
to serve its clients and customers through and extensive domestic network. In
addition, the global network of Standard Chartered Group gives the Bank a unique
opportunity to provide truly international banking services in Nepal.
Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited offers a full range of
banking products and services to a wide range of clients and customers encompassing
individual, mid-market, local corporate, multinationals, large public sector companies,
government corporations, airlines, hotels as well as the DO segment comprising of
embassies, aid agencies, NGOs and INGOs.
The directors of the bank are high personalities with vast experience in
business and the financial sectors the board comprises the following directors.
Table 1.1: BOD of Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited
S.N Board Members Post
1 Mr. Zarin Daruwala Chairman
2 Ms. Karen De Alwis Director
3 Mr. Krishna Kumar Pradhan Director
4 Mr. Bharat Kunwar Director
5 Mr. Anirvan Ghosh Dastidar Director
The study is useful for making comparison with other competitors.
It can also be used as a base performance evaluation.
To Enrich Library Assets
The study Enriches or enhance the library assets. Library assets
include books, articles, thesis, documents etc. The piece of research article is
kept in the library which will increase number of articles.
2.3 Review of Related Studies
There are so many related studies conducted by previous researches
relating this topic. But, it is quite impossible to review all these studies. Therefore,
only three related studies are reviewed.
One study on “A Study on Liquidity Analysis of Everest Bank Ltd and Prime
Commercial Bank Ltd” (2015) by Ranjana Awal had the following objectives and
Objectives of the Study
To study the financial performance of the sampled banks.
To examine the return over equity and relation between debt and
To analyze the liquidity position of the banks.
To evaluate the bank’s efficiency in utilizing assets
To provide recommendations for the improvement of the future
performance of sample banks based on findings the study.
Major Findings
Current Ratio of EBL and PCBL looks satisfactory level. Both the Current
Assets and Current Liabilities are in increasing trend during the study
Cash and bank balance to Current Assets ratio of both banks shows the
increasing trend of the ratio during the study period of FY 2009/10to FY
2011/12 and its declining in the year FY 2012/13.
Total investment to total deposit ratio during the study period of both
banks have increment their investment out of deposit which is very good
mobilization of deposit.
The bank could invest the liquid to various sectors maintaining minimum
balance according to NRB.
The analysis of cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio shows the ratio
is fairly good and have liquid assets enough to pay paid up capital.
The next study on “Comparative Analysis of Liquidity Position of Banks: A Study
on Some Selected Conventional and Islamic Banks in Bangladesh” (2013) by
Sabrina Akhter had the following objectives and findings.
Objectives of the Study
To evaluate the liquidity position of selected banks in Bangladesh.
To carry out a comparative study of liquidity position of selected banks
with some parameters used for judgment.
Major Findings
Overall liquidity positions of the Islamic banks are better than
conventional banks.
If we consider the short term and long term liquidity position of
selected banks, we have found that in both terms Islamic banks are
more efficient than conventional banks.
However the total amount of liquidity is higher for conventional bank
as we have chosen country’s largest conventional banks. These bank’s
total assets and liabilities are higher than the Islamic banks. Although
in this analysis we have found the Islamic bank’s liquidity position is
more organized than that of the conventional banks.
From simple regression analysis we can see that ROA exerts great
impact over liquidity of Islamic bank and for conventional bank the
most influential indicator is P/E ratio.
From multiple regression analysis it is apparent that ROA and P/E
collectively exert great influence over liquidity of Islamic bank
whereas ROA and ROE together exerts immense control over liquidity
of conventional bank.
So from overall findings from regression analysis it can be articulated
that profitability ratios exercise enormous impact over liquidity for
both types of bank.
Another study on “Liquidity Position Analysis of AB Bank Ltd. & Southeast Bank
Ltd” (2016) by Rakibul Hossen had the following objectives and findings.
Major Findings
Overall performance of both the bank in terms of liquidity is been in a
regular trend with significant volatility.
It is noted that in cash position ration AB bank has greater volatility
throughout the past five years and Southeast bank has a deep down in year
2014 regarding short-term deposit ratio.
All the indicators determine that Southeast bank has a greater liquidity
position than AB Bank Ltd in both Asset-based and Liability-based
liquidity indicators.
3.1 Meaning of Research Methodology
Research Methodology refers to various sequential steps to adopt by a
researcher in studying a problem with certain objectives in view. It is the systematic
methods of analysis applied to a field of study. It allows readers to critically evaluate
a study’s overall validity and reliability.
Out of all these research designs, this project report uses exploratory and descriptive
research design, which is used to studying the subject of research in detail and to
explain the facts and features related to the research problem.
Primary data
Secondary data
The analysis of the study is based on the nature of secondary data. Under the study
secondary data are collected from financial statements of the banks like profit and loss
account and balance sheet.
Primary sources
Secondary sources
Out of these two sources, the analysis of study is based on secondary source, so these
data are obtained from internet.
Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Quota Sampling
Judgment Sampling
Snowball Sampling
This report is based on judgment sampling which is one of the types of non-
probability sampling. Many banks are there in Nepal but out of them Standard
Chartered Bank Nepal is selected.
Data processing is the conversion of raw data into useable and desired form.
This includes sorting, grouping, and tabulating
3.7 Data Analysis Tools
Tools used to arrange and classify the data with the purpose of generating
useful information is data analysis. The data in this report are analyzed by using the
financial and simple mathematical tools.
Financial Tools
Current Assets
Current ratio = Current Liabilities
Cash∧cash equivalent
Cash ratio =
Current Liabilities
Working capital=Current Assets -Current Liabilities
Interest Revenue
Working capital turnover=
Working capital
Mathematical Tools
Table 4.1.1
Current ratio
Years Calculated Values Change in values Percentage change in values
2016 0.73:1 0.13▼ 15.11%▼
2017 0.94:1 0.21▲ 28.76%▲
2018 1.13:1 0.19▲ 20.21%▲
2019 1.04:1 0.09▼ 7.96%▼
2020 0.74:1 0.30▼ 28.85%▼
Source: Financial Statements (2016-2020)
This table shows that the bank has current ratio in 2016, 2019 and 2020
decreased by 15.11% , 7.96% and 15.11% respectively and in 2017 and 2018 the
current ratio has increased by 28.76% and 20.21% respectively.
The positive current ratio means that the greater the company's liquidity i.e.
the better able to meet current obligations using liquid assets. Whereas a negative
current ratio means that a company is not able to meet current obligations using
liquid assets.
From the above analysis it is obvious that the performance of the bank is not
satisfactory. The bank should increase cash balance and/or current assets and reduce
loans and/or current liabilities.
The data after calculation have been shown in the bar diagram given bellow.
Table 4.1.2
Cash Ratio
Years Calculated Values Change in values Percentage change in values
2016 0.17:1 0.22▼ 56.41%▼
2017 0.32:1 0.15▲ 88.23%▲
2018 0.44:1 0.12▲ 37.50%▲
2019 0.58:1 0.44▲ 31.81%▲
2020 0.33:1 0.25▼ 43.10%▼
Source: Financial Statements (2016-2020)
This table shows that the bank has cash ratio in 2016 decreased by 56.41%
and in 2020 the cash ratio has decreased by 43.10%.Whereas in 2017, 2018 and 2019
the cash ratio has increased by 88.23% , 37.5% and 31.81% respectively.
To increased cash ratio indicate that the company can easily pay off its
debt. Whereas decreased cash ratio indicates that the company needs more than just
its cash reserves to pay off its current debt.
The analysis shows that the trend is fluctuating of cash ratio. The company
should increase cash reserve and reduce current liabilities.
The data after calculation have been shown in the bar diagram given bellow.
Table 4.1.3
Working Capital
Years Calculated Values Change in values Percentage change in values
2016 15,641,752,453▼ 8,535,222,174▼ 120.10%▲
2017 3,870,917,794▼ 11,770,834,659 ▼ 75.25%▼
2018 9,193,744,693▲ 5,322,826,899 ▲ 137.50%▼
2019 3,214,752,838▲ 5,978,991,855▼ 65.03%▲
2020 36,360,823,443▼ 33,146,070,605▼ 1031.06%▼
Source: Financial Statements (2016-2020)
This table shows that the bank has working capital in 2016 and 2019
increased by 120.10% and 65.03% respectively and in 2017 the working capital has
decreased by 72.25% whereas in 2018 the working capital has increased by 137.50%,
and in 2020 the working capital has decreased by 1031.03%.
The positive working capital means that the company has enough current
assets to meet all of its short-term financial obligations. Whereas negative working
capital means that company's current assets are less than its current liabilities.
From the above analysis it is clear that the trend is fluctuating of working
capital. The company should increase current assets and reduce current liabilities.
The data after calculation have been shown in the bar diagram given bellow.
The positive working capital turnover means measures how effective a business is at
generating sales for every dollar of working capital put to use. A higher working
capital turnover ratio is better, and indicates that a company is able to generate a
larger amount of sales.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Current ratio of recent Five years shows that the Standard Chartered Bank
is not in satisfactory position.
Cash ratio of recent Five years shows that the Standard Chartered Bank is
in fluctuating trend.
Working capital of recent Five years shows that the Standard Chartered
Bank has fluctuating trend.
The calculated values reflects that the financial situation of Standard
Chartered Bank. Relating to profitability positions. It can be concluded that
performance of bank is not satisfactory and is in fluctuating trend.
Thus, study presents the details and depth information about the
organization in its first chapter. Standard Chartered Bank Nepal has been in
operations in Nepal since 1987 when it was initially registered as a joint venture
operation. It is one of the leading as a commercial bank in Nepal. The study brings the
banks' objectives and its vision. In fact, all the necessary information about Standard
Chartered Bank has been collected for this study in the very beginning.
After that the study talks about the Literature Review done for this
report. It includes the reviewing of previous work relating to the topic. This report
includes the three related studies of "A Study on Liquidity Analysis of Everest Bank
Ltd. and Prime Commercial Bank Ltd.” (2015) by Ranjana Awal, "Comparative
Analysis of Liquidity Position of banks: A study on same selected conventional and
Islamic Bank in Bangladesh” (2013) by Sabrina Akhter, "Liquidity Position
Analysis of AB Bank Ltd. & Southeast Bank Ltd" (2016) by Rakibul Hossen with
their objectives and findings to support this study.
Lastly, the fourth chapter revolves around the data presentation, analysis
and findings of the study. In this chapter, tables are used to present and analyzed the
data and the liquidity position of the bank. Various ratios like current ratio, cash ratio
and working capital have been computed to analyze the financial conditions of the
bank relating to liquidity management.
5.2 Conclusion
The overall results are not satisfactory and are in fluctuating trend. But,
in some cases Standard Chartered Bank Nepal should take certain steps to improve
the banks' current financial condition. Therefore, some recommendations are being
put forward for its improvement along with its development of the company. Based
on the analysis of data and findings, the following conclusions are made.
Annual Reports
Standard Chartered (2014-2018)
Carsesco and Gatner (1986) "Page 30, Business Research Method" Asmita
Hart (1998) "Page 34, Business Research Method" Sukunda Pustak Bhawan
Walliman (2006) "Page 35, Business Research Method" Sukunda Pustak Bhawan
Unpublished Report
Rakibul Hossen (2016) "Liquidity Position Analysis of AB Bank Ltd. & Southeast
Bank Ltd"
Ranjana Awal (2015) "A Study on Liquidity Analysis of Everest Bank Ltd. and
Prime Commercial Bank Ltd"
Appendix -1
Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Accounts
Appendix- 2
Calculation of Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Working Capital of fiscal year
(2074BS/2016AD) to (2077BS/2020AD)
Total Current Assets= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank + Balance
with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice + loans,
Advances and Bills Purchased + Other Assets
= Rs 42,019,804,840
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 57,661,557,293
Current Ratio=
= 0.73:1
Cash∧Cash Equivalent
Cash Ratio=
Total Current Liabilities
Cash and Cash Equivalent= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank +
Balance with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice
= Rs 10,041,992,183
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 57,661,557,293
Cash Ratio=
= 0.17:1
Total Current Assets= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank + Balance
with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice + loans,
Advances and Bills Purchased + Other Assets
= Rs 42,019,804,840
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 57,661,557,293
Working Capital=42019804840-57661557293
= Rs (15,641,752,453)
Here ,
= (0.1544) times
Total Current Assets= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank + Balance
with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice + loans,
Advances and Bills Purchased + Other Assets
= Rs 61,673,654,584
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 65,544,572,378
Current Ratio=
= 0.94:1
Cash∧Cash Equivalent
Cash Ratio=
Total Current Liabilities
Cash and Cash Equivalent= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank +
Balance with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice
= Rs 21,551,865,965
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 65,544,572,378
Cash Ratio=
= 0.32:1
Total Current Assets= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank + Balance
with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice + loans,
Advances and Bills Purchased + Other Assets
= Rs 61,673,654,584
Total Current Liabilities= Loans and Borrowings + Deposit Liability + Bills Payables
+ Proposed Dividend + Income Tax Liability + Other Liabilities
= Rs 65,544,572,378
= Rs (3,870,917,794)
Here ,
= (0.7907) times
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
= Rs 79,179,118,047
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= Rs 69,985,373,354
Current Ratio=
= 1.13:1
Cash∧Cash Equivalent
Cash Ratio=
Total Current Liabilities
Cash and cash Equivalent= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank
+ Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions
= 22048328040+3982461794+4831200000+9208507
= Rs 30,871,198,341
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= Rs 69,985,373,354
Cash Ratio=
= 0.44:1
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
= Rs 79,179,118,047
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= Rs 69,985,373,354
= Rs 9,193,744,693
Here ,
Intrest revenue=4940674786
= 0.5374 Times
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
= 81,509,485,836
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= 50840120+0+7531527432+0+0+2057365446
= 78,294,732,998
= 1.04:1
Cash∧Cash Equivalent
Cash Ratio=
Total Current Liabilities
Cash and Cash Equivalent= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank +
Balance with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice
= 39244049170+1985450188+4210500000+41753153
= 4,54,817,522,511
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= 78,294,732,998
= 0.58:1
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
= 81,509,485,836
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= 50840120+0+7531527432+0+0+2057365446
= 78,294,732,998
= 81,509,485,836- 78,294,732,998
= 3214752838
Here ,
= 2.0219 Times
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
= 103,155,954,632
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= 139,516,778,075
= 103,155,954,632/139,516,778,075
= 0.74:1
Cash∧Cash Equivalent
Cash Ratio=
Total Current Liabilities
Cash and Cash Equivalent= Cash balance + Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank +
Balance with Banks/Financial Institutions + Money at Call and Short Notice
= 39244049170+1985450188+0+4210500000
= 45439999358
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
= 139,516,778,075
= 45439999358/139,516,778,075
= 0.33:1
Total Current Assets= Cash and Cash Equivalent + Due from Nepal Rastra Bank +
Placement with Banks/Financial Institutions + Derivative Financial Institutions +
Other Trading Assets + Loan and Advance to B/FIs + Loan and Advance to
Customers + Current Tax Assets + Other Assets
Total Current Liabilities= Due to Bank and Financial Institutions + Due to Nepal
Rastra Bank + Derivative Financial Instruments + Deposit from Customers +
Borrowing + Current Tax Liabilities + Other Liabilities
Working Capital= Total current Assets- total current Liabilities
= 103,155,954,632-139,516,778,075
Here ,
=(0.0002) times