Fault Detection - Abstarct

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Earth and line Fault detection system in transmission

line using Bluetooth


1. Introduction

2. Working and Design principle

3. Circuit description

a. Power supply

b. Atmega328 microcontroller

c. LCD

d. Electromagnetic relay

e. Buzzer driver

f. Current detector

g. HC-05 Bluetooth module

4. Conclusion

5. Code

Energy leakage is one of the major problems that the corporation faces in

recent times. Bringing this leakage under control is next to impossible with

the electrical transmission lines running millions of miles across the country.

Only way to solve this problem is to come up with a mechanism that can

detect the fault in electricity transmission line automatically and intimate the

authorities with a specific location. Through this project you will develop a

device that uses sensors to sense the incoming & outgoing values and detect

anomalies. And, the system will be integrated with the Bluetooth mechanism,

to intimate the responsible people real time with the location information and

scale of leakage in a LCD. There are many courses of faults in power

transmission leading to power outages, if not properly managed.

Design and working principle

To attain our concept, need to use Atmega328p controller, Relays, current

sensor, buzzer, LCD and tower. The project representing cable length in KMs

and fault creation is made by a set of switches at every known KM to cross

check the accuracy of the same. The voltage drop across the feeder resistor is

given to an ADC which develops a precise digital data which the programmed
microcontroller would display the same in Kilo meters. The fault occurring at

what distance and which phase is displayed on a 16X2 LCD interfaced with the

microcontroller. If any fault occurs either in line fault or in ground fault ,

distance will show on Lcd ant load cutoff automatically from the lines and a

notification will sent to a mobile phone using Bluetooth.

1. Line to line and ground fault detection using low voltage cables. The

transformer secondary will be star connected so that it will have a set of

three phase lines. To analyze the fault, here we use a small circuitry

called post unit which is mounted on various points in the line. When

there is short circuit between R-Y, Y-B phases then ADC get more than

zero analog value at channel AD6 & AD7 where relay is in NO condition

and load is stop running. The main unit also consists of set of sensors

that give the status of line at that point and it accepts the information

received from the post units. It sends information to the authorities of

power provider about the fault including its type and location if it finds

the line faulty and cutoffs the loads automatically from the lines and a

notification will sent to a mobile phone using Bluetooth.

2. Over load detection using Current transformer as a current sensor.

The current transformers operating principle is based on the law of

electromagnetic induction. This is a circuit designed to detect over

current. In this section a special type of CT is used to detect very low

current. The output of this CT is an AC voltage proportional to the Load

current. The CT voltage varies with load current. That output got

rectified and compared by a op-amp and given to the microcontroller.


– Devices are enabled by wireless communication.

– Coverage area is large compared to the existing system.

– Less number of components and manual observation. So, it is

economically reliable and low cost.


– Used in transmission line.

– Used in textile mills.

– Used in food industry.

Apparatus required

1. Atmega328p – 1

2. Current transformer – 3
3. Micro switches -3

4. Lm393 op-amp - 2

5. RYB cable – 1meter each

6. Bulb holders – 6

7. Led bulb – 3watt – 3

8. 100watt bulb – 1

9. Buzzer – 1

10. 100 uf capacitor – 6

11. 10k resistor- 13

12. 10k preset – 3

13. Bc547 – 4

14. Relay 12v/7amp – 3

15. Diode in 4007 – 6

16. Bluetooth module – hc-05 – 1

17. LCD 16/2 – 1

18. Led – 2

19. 12v adaptor - 1

Block diagram

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