Coping Strategies and Associated Factors Among Peo

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Desalegn et al.

BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 BMC Public Health

RESEARCH Open Access

Coping strategies and associated factors

among people with physical disabilities
for psychological distress in Ethiopia
Getachew Tesfaw Desalegn1*, Tadele Amare Zeleke1, Shegaye Shumet1, Yohannes Mirkena1, Tilahun Kassew1,
Dessie Abebaw Angaw2 and Endalamaw Salelew1

Background Coping strategies are frequently used among individuals with physical disabilities when they face
adversities. Low- and middle-income countries are not investigated coping styles among psychological distress
persons with disabilities despite the high prevalence of psychological distress. The aim of this study was to identify
coping strategies among people with physical disabilities for their psychological distress in Ethiopia has a crucial role
to improve the health status of persons with physical disabilities.
Methods An institution-based cross-sectional study was employed among individuals living with physical disabilities
at the University of Gondar staff and students from May to June 2021. All staff and students with physical disabilities
were screened for psychological distress (n = 269). The census sampling technique was used to select the study par-
ticipants for psychological distress. The Brief Cope with Problems Experienced (COPE-28) was used to assess coping
strategies. Bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were used to identify factors associated with coping
strategies. An odd ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) at P < 0.05 was computed to assess the strength of
the association.
Results The emotional-focused coping strategy was the most frequently used when dealing with psychological
distress among participants with physical disabilities. The most commonly used emotional-focused coping strategy
was spirituality. In the multivariate analyses; urban residence (β = 3.05, 95% CI: 0.98, 5.12), and stigma (β = 3.10, 95%
CI: 0.61, 2.83) were factors positively associated with emotion-focused coping strategy, and World Health Organiza-
tion Quality of Life (WHO QOL) (β = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.13, 0.22), and stigma (β = 1.11, 95% CI: 0.61, 2.83) were factors
significantly associated with problem-focused coping. Urban residence (β= -0.96, 95% CI: -1.69, -0.22) was negatively
associated with dysfunctional coping strategy, but WHO QOL (β = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.32, 0.38) was positively correlated
with dysfunctional coping.
Conclusion In this study revealed that spirituality is the most frequently used coping strategy among the study par-
ticipants. Urban residents, stigma, and WHO QOL significantly correlated with coping strategies among such patients.
The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and other concerned organizations may find the present findings useful
to strengthen the coping styles to minimize psychological distress among people with physical disabilities.
Keywords Coping strategy, Psychological distress, People with physical disabilities

Getachew Tesfaw Desalegn
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 2 of 10

Introduction easily cope with psychological stress due to natural con-

Globally, more than one billion or 15% of the world’s ditions [20].
population are estimated to live with disabilities. About Different studies revealed that there are several cop-
80% of them lived in developing countries. It is more ing strategies among individuals with disabilities for their
prevalent among women than men. Individuals with psychological distress. These include; sought of social
physical disabilities affected forty-five million people support, problem-solving, physical exercise, avoidance,
worldwide of them 90% living in developing countries using social media, watching movies, and relationship
[1–3]. According to the World Bank and World Health with others [21–23]. Social support and problem-focused
Organization(WHO) report, there are fifteen million coping strategies play an important role to increase life
people with disabilities in Ethiopia [4]. Throughout the satisfaction and the personal growth of people with dis-
world, people with disabilities have poor health out- abilities [24].
comes, low education achievements, less financial partic- In Ethiopia, still unknown whether coping styles have
ipation, barriers in accessing services, and higher rates of an important impact on individuals with physical disabil-
poverty than people without disabilities [3, 5–7]. ities responding to psychological distress. As it is the first
Disability is the umbrella term for impairments, activ- research attempt in Ethiopia, it is supposed to bring fresh
ity limitations, and participation restrictions, referring to insight into the field and serve as the basis for future
negative aspects of the interaction between an individual researchers in the country. In Ethiopia, coping strategy
and that individual’s factors (environment and personal has not been studied among individuals with physical
factors) [8]. Thus problems are a complex phenomenon, disabilities living with psychological distress. Still, peo-
reflecting an interaction between a person’s body and the ple who are exposed to different mental health conditions
features of the society in which he/she lives [3, 9]. associated with their disabilities were investigated for
Coping is the ability to adjust, adapt and meet a chal- the status of the coping styles of their mental well-being
lenge successfully. It also entails contending or deal- with different psychological distress, very little attention
ing successfully with a challenging event [10]. Noted has been given to buffering psychological distress and
that coping means when one constantly changes her/ associated factors in people exposed to different stressful
his behavioral and thought effort that people adopt to events linked with their disability, which is the common
master, reduce or minimize stressful events in order to problem in developing countries, and Ethiopia context
manage some specific external demands that have been particular. Therefore, the current study conducted to
judged as tasking or exceeding the resources of the per- assess coping strategies and associated predictors among
son [11, 12]. Or it is the reduction of tension and restora- students and staff with physical disabilities at the Univer-
tion of equilibrium [13]. There are two most commonly sity of Gondar in northwest Ethiopia has a vital role to
widely used types of coping. Coping is directed at manag- overcome psychological distress by the participants and
ing or altering the problem causing the distress is prob- mental health professionals.
lem-focused and coping is directed that regulating the
emotional response to the problem is emotion-focused Methods and materials
[13, 14]. A spiritual-focused coping strategy is finding Study design and period
meaning and purpose in adversity through a strong rela- An institution-based cross-sectional study design was
tionship with God [15]. conducted among students and staff with physical dis-
The concept of positive coping has been associated abilities at the University of Gondar from May to June
with lower levels of psychological distress, whereas nega- 2021.
tive coping has been associated with higher levels of psy-
chological distress [16]. Study area
It plays both independent and interactive roles in influ- The University of Gondar was established in 1954, and
encing physical and mental health conditions [17]. People hence this is the oldest medical training institution in the
with disabilities are confronted by using different sup- country. The University has five campuses. As we got the
porting materials. These include; wheelchairs, artificial information from the Master card foundation and dis-
limbs, inaccessible to appropriate technology, and dif- ability directorate, on all campuses around 44 masters
ficulty in repairing, and maintaining accessible devices and 178 undergraduate students with physical disabilities
[18]. Coping strategies are important to improve social have been attending their classes. More than 71 individu-
and physical barriers to people with disabilities [19]. It is als with physical disabilities have been employed at the
different among females and males. Males have to control University of Gondar.
stress, either overcoming or fleeing it and females are not

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 3 of 10

Study population functioning and is considered to be one of the best pre-

All students and staff with physical disabilities were living dictors of mental health. It covered different levels of
at the University of Gondar during the study period. social support by measuring the number of people the
respondents feel close to, the interest and concern shown
Inclusion and exclusion by others. The Oslo-3, total scores were calculated by
All students and staff whose age ≥ 18 years and they are adding up the raw scores for each item. The score scale
living with physical disabilities were included in the study ranges from 3 to 14 and three broad categories: “poor
and all students who were on withdrawal and staff who social support” 3 to 8, “moderate support” 9–11, and
were on annual/maternal/sick leave were excluded. “strong support” 12–14 [36–38].
Stigma was assessed by using an eight items of stigma
Sampling technique scale for chronic illness (SSCI-8) [39]. It comprises eight
The census sampling technique was used to recruit the items rated on a five-point Likert scale from one (never)
study participants at the University of Gondar. A total to five (always). Total score range from eight to forty, with
of 269 study samples were identified and screened for a cutoff score greater than eight indicating the presence
psychological distress symptoms by using a Kessler psy- of stigma [40, 41].
chological distress scale (K-10). Those who scored ≥ 20 Substance related factors were assessed using WHO’s
were probable psychological distress. After the screening, Alcohol, smoking, and substance involvement screening
ninety-three participants with physical disabilities were test (ASSSIS), and its internal consistency was in a good
eligible to assess their coping strategies. range (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.80) with the sensitivity of
80%, and specificity of 71% [42].
Data sources and measurements Patients’ quality of life was assessed by using 26 items
Data were collected using an interviewer-administered of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. The question-
structured questionnaire, which contain several other naire consists of two parts. The first, part evaluates the
explanatory variables-including; socio-demographic individual’s overall perceptions of quality of life and the
factors (sex, marital status, education, occupation, person’s overall perception of health. The second part
residency), psychosocial factors (stigma, WHO QOL, evaluates the four domains: physical health, psychologi-
perceived social support, suicidal behaviors, WHO Dis- cal health, social, and environmental health. Domain
ability Assessment Schedule-2 (WHODAS-2), types scores are scaled in a positive direction (i.e. higher scores
of disabilities(visual, legs and others)s, clinical fac- correspond to a better quality of life). The QOL raw
tors( presence of chronic illnesses), and substance use scores are transformed into a range between 0 and 100.
factors(Alcohol and Khat). The following instruments The overall QOL is computed as the average of the score
were employed. The coping strategy was assessed by of the four domains. The higher mean score indicates
using the Brief-COPE scale. The scale has 28 items that better QOL and vice versa [43].
assess the degree to which a participant utilizes a spe- Suicidal ideation and attempts were measured accord-
cific coping strategy. The 28 items are being categorized ing to the WHO Composite International Diagnos-
into 14 coping strategies. The scale has three subscale; tic Interview (CIDI) questionnaires. If the participant
problem-focused, emotion-focused and avoidant coping. provided a “Yes” answer to the question, (“During their
Respondents rate items on a 4-point Likert scale, ranging disabilities, have you ever seriously thought about com-
from 1 “I have not been doing this at all” to 4 “I have been mitting or attempted suicide, respectively?” they were
doing this a lot.” It was used to assess coping styles for considered to have suicidal ideation or attempt, respec-
mental illness in our country [25–31]. In this study, cron- tively [44].
bach’s alpha was 0.857.
We measured functional impairment using the 12 Data processing and analysis
items WHODAS-2 having; six domains(cognition, self- The completed questionnaire was checked for complete-
care, getting along, life activities, mobility, and participa- ness and then was coded, recoded, and entered into
tions) that are reported the five-point Likert scale from Epi-info version seven statistical programs and then
0 = no difficulty to 4 = very severe difficulty based on the exported to SPSS version 21 for analyses. Both descrip-
severity of problems [32–34]. The instrument has been tive and analytical procedures were used. Descriptive
validated among disabilities in Ethiopian setting [35]. In statistics like frequency, percentage, mean and standard
this study, cronbach’s Alpha was 0.8. deviation (SD). After all variables fulfilled the chi-square
Social support was assessed using the Oslo 3-item (categorical variables), computed mean, independent
social support scale which was used in several stud- sample t-test, one way ANOVA and then checked their
ies. It provides a brief measure of social support and collinearity diagnostic, and independent from other

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 4 of 10

Variable Inflation factors (VIF was less than 2 and tol- stigmatized due with physical disabilities, and 55.9%
erance greater than 0.2 and less than 0.989) and simple (n = 52) had intermediate social support. A small num-
linear and multiple linear regression analysis stepwise ber of n = 17(18.3%) and n = 20(21.5%) respondents were
methods employed to identify factors associated with chewed khat and suicidal ideation, respectively. The
coping strategies whose P-values were < 0.2 level. Finally, mean and the standard deviation of the overall WHO
the variables that had an independent association with QOL and WHODAS-2 were 39.1 ± 12.5 and 24.35 ± 8.25,
coping strategies were declared based on 95% CI and respectively. The mean and SD of psychological distress
P-value < 0.05. Model fitness was checked by using were 26.52(5.87) (Table 2).
Adjusted R square from 0.43 to 0.89 at f-test 0.0001 to
0.05). An adjusted unstandardized β coefficient was used Coping strategies
to describe the association with coping strategy. The two most common coping strategies were “Giving up
trying to deal with it,” and “Using alcohol or other drugs
Results to help me get throw it.” were reported to be used ‘a lot’
Socio‑demographic characteristics of participants by n = 60; 64.5% and 60.2% (n = 56) participants, respec-
The mean age of the respondents was 24.67 ± 5.48 years. tively. The least frequently used coping strategies were
Out of the participants, 87.1% (n = 81) were single, and accepting the reality of the fact and taking action from
91.4% (n = 85) were Orthodox Christian followers. The 28 item of brief COPE (Table 3). Table 4: illustrates that a
majority of the study population, n = 81(87.1%) degree brief COPE 28 item is comprised of 14 subscales, each of
and above educational holders, nearly 90% (n = 81) were
students and more than two-thirds of the study popu-
lation got ≤ 3799 Ethiopian birrs, and more than 50% Table 2 Distribution of psychosocial and health related
(n = 52) of participants were rural resident (Table 1). characteristics among individuals with physical disabilities at the
University of Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021(N = 93)
Psychosocial and health‑related characteristics Variables Categories Frequency Percent
of respondents
Of the participants, more than 50% (n = 49) had vis- Types of physical Visual 49 52.7
disability Both legs 29 31.2
ual impairment, and one in three of the respondents
had both legs disability. Nine in ten participants were Othersa 15 16.1
Chronic illness Yes 11 11.8
No 82 88.2
Stigma Yes 81 87.1
Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics among individuals No 12 12.9
with physical disabilities at the University of Gondar, Northwest
Perceived social Poor 11 11.8
Ethiopia, 2021(N = 93) support Intermediate 52 55.9
Variables Categories Frequency Percent Good 30 32.3

Age Mean (SD) 24.69(5.48) Physical domain Mean (SD) 83.52(17.3)

Sex Male 49 52.7 Psychological Mean (SD) 73.89(16.17)

Female 44 47.3
Social domain Mean (SD) 32.6(10.33)
Marital status Single 81 87.1
Environmental Mean (SD) 97.74(19.30)
Othersa 12 12.9 domain
Religion Orthodox 85 91.4 Overall WHO QOL Mean (SD) 39.1(12.5)
Othersb 8 8.6 Suicidal thought Yes 20 21.5
Education Degree and above 81 87.1 No 73 78.5
Othersc 12 12.9 Suicidal attempt Yes 8 8.6
Occupation Student 81 87.1 No 85 91.4
Employee 12 12.9 Alcohol Yes 17 18.3
Income ≤ 3799 60 64.5 No 76 81.7
> 3799 33 35.5 Khat Yes 17 18.3
Residency Rural 52 55.9 No 76 81.7
Urban 41 44.1 Psychological Mean (SD) 26.52(5.87)
a distress
Others = married, separated, widowed
Others = protestant and Muslim WHODAS-2 Mean (SD) 24.35(8.25)
c a
Others = primary education and secondary education Others = hands, and both hand and legs

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 5 of 10

which assesses the degree to which a respondent utilized Relationship between factors and coping strategy
a specific coping strategy. Each of the fourteen scales is Sub-sample tests were formed based on the samples of
comprised of two items; total scores on each scale range categorical variables by using independent sample t-test,
from 2 (minimum) to 8 (maximum). Higher scores indi- one-way ANOVA and post hoc pair-wise comparisons
cate increased utilization of that specific coping strategy. were employed to examine if a significant differences
In this subscale, the spiritual coping style has been the existed as the function of the variables. The independent
most frequently used coping strategy among the respond- sample t-test between female (mean = 14.68; SD = 4.66)
ents with physical disabilities. Table 5; illustrates the pos- and male (M = 12.65; SD = 5.13) produced a statisti-
sible score of coping strategy, the sample mean coping cal mean difference in the emotional-coping strat-
strategy score of 41.15(SD = 11.34). The mean score of egy (t[90]=-1.99, p < 0.05), rural resident (M = 11.73;
the sample can be understood as lower. The mean and SD = 4.7) and urban resident (M = 16;SD = 4.2) yielded a
SD score of problem-focused, emotion-focused, and statistical mean difference on emotional-coping strategy
dysfunctional coping strategies were 11.46(SD = 3.26), (t[89]=-4.5, p < 0.0001). Stigma (M = 14.22; SD = 4.72)
13.61(SD = 5), and 15.28(SD = 4.53), respectively. and no stigma (M = 9.5; SD = 4.5) a statistical mean

Table 3 Frequency of 28 items coping strategies among participants with physical disabilities for psychological distress symptoms at
the University of Gondar northwest Ethiopia, 2021 (N = 93)
Items Mean Not at A little bit A medium A lot
(SD) All

Problem focused coping strategies 11.46(3.26)

Thinking hard about what steps to take 2.13(0.78) 6(6.5) 5(5.4) 53(57) 29(31.2)
Trying to come up with a strategy 2.00(0.86) 1(1.1) 31(33.3) 28(30.1) 33(35.5)
Trying to get advice or help from other people about what to do 1.41(1.20) 27(29) 29(31.2) 9(9.7) 28(30.1)
Taking action to make the situation better 0.43(0.76) 64(68.8) 22(23.7) 3(3.2) 4(4.3)
Getting help from other people 2.15(1.04) 6(6.5) 26(28) 9(9.7) 52(55.9)
Concentrating my efforts on doing something about the situation I’m in 1.44(1.23) 28(30.1) 27(29) 7(7.5) 31(33.3)
Getting emotional support from others 2.00(0.89) 3(3.2) 27(29) 30(32.3) 33(35.5)
Emotion focused coping strategies 13.61(5)
Trying to find comfort in spiritual beliefs 1.20(0.97) 28(30.1) 26(28) 31(33.3) 8(8.6)
Praying or meditating 1.65(1.07) 11(11.8) 42(45.2) 9(9.7) 31(33.3)
Looking for something good 1.12(0.91) 30(32.3) 26(28) 33(35.5) 4(4.3)
Accepting the reality of the fact 0.38(0.64) 65(69.9) 22(23.7) 5(5.4) 1(1.1)
Getting comfort and understanding 1.41(0.73) 8(8.86) 46(49.5) 32(34.4) 7(7.5)
Trying to see it in a different light to make it seem more positive 1.66(0.71) 6(6.5) 27(29) 53(57) 7(7.5)
Learning to live with it 1.77(0.96) 3(3.2) 46(49.5) 13(14) 31(33.3)
Making jokes about it 1.51(0.75) 4(4.3) 48(51.6) 31(33.3) 10(10.8)
Making fun of the situation 0.60(0.83) 54(58.1) 26(28) 9(9.7) 4(4.3)
Avoidance coping strategies 15.28(4.53)
Watching TV, reading, daydreaming, or sleeping to think less 1.65(1.22) 29(31.2) 4(4.3) 31(33.3) 29(31.2)
Turning to work or other activities to take my mind of things 0.57(0.83) 56(60.2) 26(28) 6(6.5) 5(5.4)
Expressing my negative feelings 1.71(0.75) 5(5.4) 28(30.1) 49(52.7) 11(11.8)
Saying things to let my unpleasant feelings escape 1.75(1.07) 5(5.4) 46(49.5) 9(9.7) 33(35.5)
Saying to myself “this isn’t real 0.91(0.81) 29(31.2) 49(52.7) 9(9.7) 6(6.5)
Giving up trying to deal with it 2.32(0.97) 3(3.2) 24(25.8) 6(6.5) 60(64.5)
Giving up the attempt to cope 1.69(0.96) 4(4.3) 49(52.7) 12(12.9) 28(30.1
Refusing to believe that it has happened 1.02(0.82) 23(24.7) 52(55.9) 11(11.8) 7(7.5)
Blaming myself for things 1.53(0.73) 3(3.2) 48(51.6) 32(34.4) 10(10.8)
Criticizing myself 1.72(1.20) 24(25.8) 8(8.6) 27(29) 34(36.6)
Using alcohol to help me get through it 2.24(1.01) 5(5.4) 24(25.8) 8(8.6) 56(60.2)
Using alcohol to make myself feel better 1.15(0.91) 29(31.2) 24(25.8) 37(39.8) 3(3.2)

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 6 of 10

Table 4 Mean (SD) of 14 subscale coping strategies among residence, stigma and WHO QOL were factors signifi-
participants with physical disabilities for psychological distress cantly associated with coping strategies P-value less than
symptoms at the University of Gondar northwest Ethiopia, 2021 0.05.
(N = 93) In the multiple linear regression analyses; urban resi-
Items Mean SD dence β = 3.05(0.98–5.12), and stigma β = 3.01(1.80–
7.64) were positively associated with an emotion-focused
Spiritual coping 4.56 1.89
coping strategy. Stigma β = 1.11(0.61–2.83), and WHO
Active coping 4 1.54
QOL β = 0.18(0.13–0.22) were factors positively asso-
Self-distraction 3.83 1.27
ciated with a problem-focused coping strategy. Urban
Self-blaming 3.42 1.72
residence β=-0.96(-1.69-0.22) was negatively associ-
Planning 3.3 1.16
ated with dysfunctional coping strategy, but WHO QOL
Emotional support 3.05 1.28
β = 0.35(0.32–0.38) was positively associated with dys-
Positive reframing 3.05 1.65 functional coping strategy (Table 6).
Instrumental support 2.8 1.68
Acceptance 2.77 1.48
Denial 2.61 2 Discussions
Venting 2.56 1.11 Coping is the expending conscious effort to solve per-
Behavioral 2 1.27 sonal and interpersonal problems and seeking to master,
Humor 1.7 1.23 minimize or tolerate psychological distress associated
Substance use 0.8 1.21
with persons with physical disabilities. Persons with
disabilities include those who have long-term physical,
mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments whose inter-
action with various barriers may hinder their full and
Table 5 Descriptive statistics of coping domains among
effective participation in society on an equal basis with
participants with physical disabilities for psychological distress
symptoms at the University of Gondar northwest Ethiopia, 2021 others.
(N = 93) In this study, the overall mean coping strategy score
was lower than the mean value of the total mean score
Coping domains N Mean SD
of coping, but the subscale of emotional-focused coping
Emotional-focused 93 13.61 5 was the highest coping strategy mean score compared
Problem-focused 93 11.46 3.26 with the subscale of problem-focused and avoidant cop-
Dysfunctional coping 93 15.28 4.53 ing strategies. In contrast of this study, the study did in
Coping strategy 93 41.15 11.34 India understanding coping with distress due to physical
disabilities revealed that a problem-focused coping strat-
egy significantly reduced the level of psychological dis-
difference on emotional-coping (t[14] =-3.2) at p < 0.02). tress [45].
The independent sample t-test between stigma (M = 11.8; Dysfunctional/avoidance coping strategies were neg-
SD = 3.18) and no stigma (M = 9.17; SD = 2.9) produced atively impacted psychological distress with partici-
a statistical mean difference on problem-coping strat- pants with physical disabilities, which was supported by
egy (t[15] =-2.7; p < 0.001). Finally, independent sample another study on physical disabilities [46]. There are posi-
t-test between female (M = 16.29; SD = 4.37) and male tive and negative coping mechanisms used by individuals
(M = 14.37; SD = 4.5) yielded a statistical mean difference with physical challenges [47].
on dysfunctional coping (t[90]=-2.09; p < 0.04). In this study, spiritual coping was the most frequently
used coping style among study participants which was
Factors associated with coping strategy consistent with coping strategies among Poland students
In simple linear regression; sex, residence, stigma, with physical disabilities revealing that beliefs about one-
income, suicidal attempt, alcohol use, psychological self, the world, and basic hope to contribute to explaining
distress, WHO QOL, and WHODAS-2 were factors variations in the nature and strength of persons coping
nominated further multiple linear regression analysis strategies [48]. In the present study, spirituality is the
model because these predictors have satisfied prelimi- most frequently used coping strategy among the partici-
nary assumptions to become candidate factors with cop- pants from the emotional-focused subscale. Which was
ing strategy at P < 0.2 in simple linear regression. After supported by another study in Ethiopia, spiritual coping
controlling potential confounding factors in multiple was the most frequently used coping strategy among psy-
linear regression analysis, findings showed that urban chologically distressed women [49]. Spirituality coping
mechanism was significantly predictive of good mental

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 7 of 10

Table 6 Simple and multiple linear regression of coping health [50]. It has also been found to act as a resource for
strategies and associated factors among respondents with coping for people with physical disabilities [51]. There
physical disabilities for psychological distress at University of were many studies that supported spirituality was a good
Gondar, northwest Ethiopia, 2021(N = 93) coping mechanism for psychological distress among
Characteristics Mean (SD) Crude B(95% CI) Adjusted B(95% CI) respondents with physical disabilities [52–54]. Spiritual-
ity influences people’s ability to cope with stresses which
Emotional focused subscale of coping
practices are related to greater life satisfaction, happiness,
Age -0.13(-0.31, 0.06) -0.06(-0.23, 0.11)
positive affect, and other showing of well-being [55].
Male 12.65(5.13) Ref
In the present study, the remarkable findings were
  Female 14.68(4.66) 2.03(0.01, 4.06) 0.48(-1.55, 2.50) obtained. The relationship between coping and psycho-
Residence logical distress is not direct relation, but they might be
  Rural 11.73(4.80) Ref importantly influenced by other factors [56]. Stigma was
  Urban 16(4.2) 4.27(2.38, 6.15) 3.05(0.98, 5.12)** positively associated with the emotional and problem-
Income focused coping strategies subscale. Stigma contributes to
  ≤ 3799 13.08(4.86) 1.49(-0.64, 3.63) 0.91(-1.01, 2.88) the discrimination and exclusion experienced by people
  > 3799 14.58(5.17) Ref with disabilities in all aspects of their lives due to lack of
Stigma awareness and understanding regarding causes of dis-
  Yes 14.22(4.72) 4.72(1.80, 7.64) 3.10(0.22, 6.00)* ability, misconceptions about cause of disabilities often
  No 9.5(4.98) Ref result from cultural and religious beliefs [57, 58]. Disabil-
Suicide attempt ity has its stigma pervasive in every society, but in parts
  Yes 19(1.41) -2.75(-6.39, 0.89) -2.48(-5.80, 0.85)
of Africa and Asia, discrimination towards people with
  No 13.49(4.98) Ref
physical disabilities can be particularly oppressive. This
in turn their coping styles like emotions or to solve prob-
  Yes 10.57(5.27) 3.7(1.13, 6.26) 2.07(-0.46, 4.60)
lems were associated with disability [59]. The ability to
  No 14.29(4.7) Ref
Problem-focused subscale of coping
use a positive coping strategy was connected with lower
self-stigma, while negative coping strategies associated
  Male 10.9(3.7) Ref with increased stigma [60].
  Female 12.1(2.64) 1.19(-0.31, 2.52) 0.47(-0.69, 1.61) In the current study, quality of life among respond-
Residence ents with physical disabilities was positively correlated
  Rural 10.94(3.4) Ref with problem-focused and avoidant/dysfunctional cop-
  Urban 12.12(3.0) 1.18(-0.16, 2.51) -0.8(-2.02, 0.40) ing strategy subscales. Coping style can play a role in
Stigma health-related quality of life associated with people with
  Yes 11.8(3.2) 2.63(0.70, 4.57) 1.11(0.61, 2.83)* physical disabilities [46]. Quality of life was positively
  No 9.17(2.89) Ref associated with coping style items; such as support and
Suicide attempt venting, positive reframing and acceptance, active cop-
  Yes 13.25(3.41) -1.96(-4.32, 0.41) -0.45(-2.39, 1.50) ing, and self-distraction, in contrast, denial, humor, reli-
  No 11.29(3.21) Ref gion, and self-blaming were negatively associated with
Psychological distress 0.08(-0.03, 0.20) -0.07(-0.09, 0.1)
quality of life [61]. Coping styles correlated negatively
WHODAS-2 0.05(-0.02, 0.13) -0.01(-0.07, 0.07)
with all quality of life domains except the mental health
WHO QOL 0.18(0.14, 2.17) 0.18(0.13, 0.22)**
domain among persons with physical disabilities [62].
Dysfunctional coping subscale of coping
The quality of life and coping strategies are positively
associated; supposed to be adaptive coping strategies
  Male 14.37(4.52) Ref
  Female 16.3(4.37) 1.92(0.09, 3.80) 0.14(-0.54, 0.83)
[63] and improving the quality of life among adolescents
with physical disabilities may focus on the reduction of
  Rural 14.19(4.23) Ref life stress by increasing the variety of social and personal
  Urban 16.66(4.57) 2.47(0.64, 4.29) -0.96(-1.69, -0.22)* resources [64].
Stigma Another significant factor in this study, being living in
  Yes 15.69(4.53) 3.19(0.47, 5.91) -0.14(-1.14, 0.86) the urban was correlated with emotional-focused and
  No 12.5(3.58) Ref avoidant coping styles. Those who are living in urban
Psychological distress 0.11(-0.04, 0.27) -0.01(-0.06, 0.04) were higher mean value of coping strategies than rural
WHO QOL 0.34(0.31, 6.37) 0.35(0.32, 0.38)** residents [65]. In urban adolescents have many options
*=P < 0.05, **=P < 0.001 to solve the problem or cope with stress [65]. Rural resi-
dents was lower severity of physical distress and greater

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Desalegn et al. BMC Public Health (2023) 23:20 Page 8 of 10

satisfaction than their counterparts from large cities [66]. Availability of data and materials
The dataset during and/or analyzed during the current study available from
Patients living with chronic medical diseases in Poland, the corresponding author on reasonable requests.
and those who were living in rural areas had a low lev-
els of psychological distress due to their social interaction Declarations
and spirituality [66].
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ethical approval and ethical clearance were obtained from the Institutional
Limitations Review Board (IRB) and the ethical clearance committee of the University of
One of the most limitations of this study is social desir- Gondar. Ref. No. 1914/04/2020. Participants were informed about the aim
ability bias. Despite a new qualitative study in Ethiopia, of study and advantage of study; confidentiality, there is no risk of being
participants and they have full right to stop in the middle of the interview.
it has a small sample size of psychological distress among The risk and the benefit of the study were clearly explained to the partici-
participants with physical disabilities. Moreover, other pants through the information sheet before obtaining their consent. Written
limitation is that it was not possible to explain the cause informed consent was obtained from each study participant prior to participa-
tion. All methods were carried out in accordance with 1964 declaration of
and effect relationship between psychological distress Helsinki.
and coping strategies due to the cross-sectional nature of
the study. The prospective study could help to elucidate Consent for publication
Not applicable.
whether coping styles predispose persons with physical
disabilities or the consequence of psychological distress. Competing interests
None declared.
Conclusion Author details
In summary, this is the first study on coping strategies 1
Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Uni-
for psychological distress among respondents with physi- versity of Gondar, P. O. Box: 196, Northwest Gondar, Ethiopia. 2 Department
of Epidemiology and Biostatics Institute of Public Health, College of Medicine
cal disabilities at University of Gondar. Spiritual coping and Health Science, University of Gondar, Northwest Gondar, Ethiopia.
was the most frequently used coping strategy. The urban
residence and stigma were positively correlated with emo- Received: 8 July 2022 Accepted: 15 December 2022
tional-focused coping strategies. Stigma and WHO QOL
were factors significantly associated with problem-focused
coping strategy and WHO QOL was positively corre-
lated with avoidance coping style, but the urban residence References
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