Jurnal 5
Jurnal 5
Jurnal 5
brain, coronavirus disease, COVID-19, CT, Neurologic involvement is well-recognized in COVID-19. This article reviews the
MRI, neuroimaging, spine neuroimaging manifestations of COVID-19 on CT and MRI, presenting cases from the
New York City metropolitan region encountered by the authors during the first surge
Submitted: Sep 22, 2020 of the pandemic. The most common neuroimaging manifestations are acute infarcts
Revision requested: Oct 6, 2020 with large clot burden and intracranial hemorrhage, including microhemorrhages.
Revision received: Oct 27, 2020 However, a wide range of additional imaging patterns occur, including leukoenceph-
Accepted: Nov 17, 2020 alopathy, global hypoxic injury, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, cytotoxic
First published online: Nov 25, 2020 lesions of the corpus callosum, olfactory bulb involvement, cranial nerve enhance-
ment, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The described CNS abnormalities largely repre-
C. F. E. Kirsch is a consultant and receives sent secondary involvement from immune activation that leads to a prothrombotic
royalties from Primal Pictures 3D Head and
state and cytokine storm; evidence for direct neuroinvasion is scant. Comorbidities
Neck Anatomy. S. Mohan is a consultant for
Northwest Biotherapeutics and has such as hypertension, complications of prolonged illness and hospitalization, and as-
received research grants from NovoCure sociated supportive treatments also contribute to the CNS involvement in COVID-19.
and Galileo CDS. The remaining authors Routine long-term neurologic follow-up may be warranted, given emerging evi-
declare that they have no disclosures dence of long-term microstructural and functional changes on brain imaging after
relevant to the subject matter of this article. COVID-19 recovery.
The neurologic sequelae of COVID-19 can be broadly grouped into four categories: di-
rect viral effects through neuroinvasion, parainfectious immune response to the virus that
manifests as coagulopathy or cytokine storm, postinfectious delayed immune response,
and complications of prolonged illness or hospitalization (Table 1).
The evidence for direct neuroinvasion by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is scant, with neuroinvasion
not yet confirmed on histopathologic studies to our knowledge. SARS-CoV-2, a novel corona-
virus, gains intracellular entry via the spike protein interaction with the angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor on the mammalian cell surface [3, 4]. The ACE2 protein is expressed
on multiple cell surfaces, including the intestinal epithelium, renal tubular cells, heart, endo-
thelium, respiratory epithelium, neuronal glial cells, circumventricular organs, arterial smooth
muscle, and endothelial cells [5]. The possibility of direct viral invasion into neuronal cells was
raised by reports of CSF testing positive for SARS-CoV2 infection on reverse transcriptase poly-
Department of Radiology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY.
Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital–Northwell Health, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell,
Moonis et al.
COVID-19 Neuroimaging Findings on CT and MRI New York, NY.
Moonis G, Filippi CG, Kirsch C, et al.
Department of Radiology, Northwell Health, Zucker Hofstra School of Medicine at Northwell, North Shore University
Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging Hospital, Hempstead, NY.
Review 4
Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylva-
nia, Philadelphia, PA.
doi.org/10.2214/AJR.20.24839 Department of Radiology, SUNY Downstate, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY.
suggesting possible retrograde transsynaptic spread of viral parti- Additional imaging patterns include leukoencephalop-
cles adherent to nasal mucosa through direct infection of olfacto- athy, ADEM, cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum,
ry epithelium and subsequent transport into the CNS through the olfactory bulb involvement, cranial nerve enhance-
olfactory nerve [11]. Indeed, nasal epithelial and goblet cells within ment, and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
the nasal mucosa show the highest expression of ACE2 among sites
Routine long-term neurologic follow-up may be war-
within the respiratory tree and may be important for efficient viral
ranted given emerging evidence of long-term micro-
transmission and early development of anosmia [12]. Aside from the
structural and functional changes on brain imaging af-
olfactory involvement, brain involvement in COVID-19 most likely
ter COVID-19 recovery.
represents secondary involvement from immune activation.
Coagulopathy leading to thromboembolism is well described
in patients with COVID-19 and occurs in a higher fraction of pa-
tients with severe disease [13–19]. It is uncertain whether the hy- corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), which may result in
percoagulability results primarily from direct viral interactions diffuse hypoxemic injury to the brain, microhemorrhages, and
with the endothelium (endotheliopathy), even in the absence of delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy.
neuroinvasion, or an abnormal inflammatory response incited by
the virus. Nonetheless, strokes have been reported in young pa- Imaging Findings
tients with COVID-19 who did not have significant inflammatory Most patients with COVID-19 who undergo neuroimaging
symptoms, suggesting the importance of endotheliopathy in the show no specific imaging findings [25, 26]. For example, in a
pathogenesis of neurologic syndromes [13, 20]. study of 242 patients with COVID-19 who underwent brain CT or
Cytokine storm refers to a dysregulated and excessive immune MRI within 2 weeks of a positive RT-PCR test, the most common
response that can cause immune-mediated tissue damage [21]. A finding was nonspecific white matter microangiopathy, with
hyperinflammatory syndrome akin to secondary hemophagocytic acute or subacute infarct present in 5.4% and hemorrhage pres-
lymphohistiocytosis with monocyte activation has been described ent in 4.5% [25]. Table 2 summarizes representative studies de-
in COVID-19 [10, 22, 23]. Proinflammatory cytokines can result in scribing the neuroimaging findings of COVID-19.
endothelial dysfunction, vascular damage, and activation of coag-
ulation cascade, promoting a hypercoagulable state [24]. Thromboembolic Manifestations
The sequelae of treatment of COVID-19 also contribute to neu- In the early surge phase of the pandemic, acute thromboem-
roimaging findings. Severely affected patients may have extend- bolic infarcts were the most commonly seen intracranial mani-
ed stays in the ICU with prolonged intubation including extra- festations in patients with COVID-19 who had positive findings
on neuroimaging studies [27, 28]. Acute stroke was a strong prog- blood pressure, commonly occur in the critical care setting [46].
nostic indicator of poor outcome [27]. In addition, in a case con- In addition, disseminated intravascular coagulation, related to cy-
trol study of 41 patients with COVID-19 and 82 control patients tokine storm, is common in severe COVID-19 and may cause intra-
who underwent stroke alert imaging, COVID-19 was an indepen- cranial hemorrhage [47]. Patients with COVID-19 and severe acute
dent risk factor for acute ischemic stroke [29]. One study identi- respiratory distress syndrome may be treated with continuous
fied 54 strokes in 3334 patients hospitalized at a single institu- venovenous ECMO; the resulting hematologic alterations may
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tion between March 1 and April 17, 2020; 31 (3.7%) strokes in 829 contribute to intracranial bleeds, including microhemorrhages
patients in the ICU and 23 (0.9%) strokes in 2505 patients not in in the corpus callosum [48] (Fig. 4). Anticoagulation started for
the ICU [16]. Cerebral thromboembolic event may be the first pre- deep venous thrombus prevention can also predispose to hem-
sentation of COVID-19 [13, 30]. For example, one study described orrhage. Patients with severe COVID-19 may develop acute kid-
five patients 50 years old or younger with COVID-19 who present- ney injury and require dialysis, which may cause rapid changes in
ed with large vessel occlusion stroke [13]. Thromboembolic epi- blood pressure, cerebral edema, microembolization, and micro-
sodes may coincide with increased d-dimer levels and inflamma- hemorrhages [49–51]. Finally, hemorrhagic posterior reversible
tory markers. For example, case reports describe an association encephalopathy syndrome has been described in COVID-19 [52].
between stroke in COVID-19 and antiphospholipid antibod- A series of 11 patients had microhemorrhages associated
ies [31–34]. The commonly observed patterns of acute cerebral with COVID-19 [53]. The microhemorrhages occurred predom-
thromboembolic disease are large vessel occlusion with territori- inantly in the juxtacortical and callosal white matter (Fig. 5).
al infarcts, branch vessel occlusion, small vessel occlusion, small The distribution is similar to that of microhemorrhage in criti-
vessel infarcts, watershed infarcts, and extensive bilateral mul- cal illness microangiopathy, in which hypoxia-induced disrup-
tivessel infarcts [26, 28, 35, 36] (Figs. 1 and 2). tion of the blood-brain barrier causes extravasation of eryth-
Patients with COVID-19 and acute thromboembolic infarct rocytes or disseminated intravascular coagulation [54, 55]. It is
may have a high clot burden with thrombotic manifestations also possible that the microhemorrhages represent a virus-in-
elsewhere in the body, including cervical carotid artery, vertebral duced thrombotic microangiopathy in which the viral infec-
artery, and subclavian artery thrombosis; pulmonary embolism; tion triggers a systemic microvascular aggregation of platelets
and lower extremity venous thromboembolism (Fig. 1). Com- and platelet fibrin thrombi, leading to microvascular occlusion,
pared with the common reports of cerebral arterial thrombotic thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and
events, there are very limited reports of cerebral venous throm- brain ischemia [56–58].
bosis in COVID-19 [37–41] (Fig. 3). One of these reports described In summary, patients with COVID-19 commonly have acute
three fatal cases of COVID-19–related superficial and deep cere- hemorrhages in different intracranial compartments related to
bral venous thrombosis [41]. Finally, one report describes a pa- a combination of factors, including COVID-19 coagulopathy, dis-
tient with COVID-19 who had a normal MRA but exhibited a CNS seminated intravascular coagulation, and cytokine storm. Effects
vasculitislike pattern with multifocal ischemia in the hemispheric of treatments such as thromboprophylaxis, hemodialysis, and
deep white matter, middle cerebellar peduncles, cerebellar hemi- ECMO may also contribute to the hemorrhages. Critical illness
spheres, and corpus callosum [42]. microangiopathy and virus-induced thrombotic microangiopa-
In summary, thromboembolic infarcts are common in patients thy are additional factors contributing to microhemorrhages.
with COVID-19 who have an abnormal neuroimaging examina-
tion. These include acute large vessel, small vessel, and water- Leukoencephalopathy
shed infarcts. Venous infarcts are uncommon. White matter changes may occur in patients with prolonged
ICU stays for COVID-19 [53, 59] (Fig. 6). For example, the previous-
Hemorrhages ly noted report of 11 patients with COVID-19 and microhemor-
Intracranial hemorrhage is commonly observed on neuroimag- rhages also described an associated diffuse leukoencephalopa-
ing examinations in patients with COVID-19 [43, 44]. Patients with thy in these patients. This leukoencephalopathy manifested as
COVID-19 may present with lobar hemorrhage, microhemorrhag- symmetric confluent white matter hyperintensity on T2-weight-
es, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or subdural hemorrhage. These in- ed sequences and restricted diffusion, with relative sparing of
tracranial hemorrhages in COVID-19 likely result from a complex in- juxtacortical and infratentorial white matter [53]. The findings, al-
terplay of an underlying prothrombotic state, cytokine storm, and though nonspecific, may represent a delayed posthypoxic phe-
treatment-related complications. ACE2 plays a role in autoregula- nomenon. The previously described thrombotic microangiop-
tion in addition to regulation of hormones and the sympathoad- athy that may lead to microhemorrhages in COVID-19 may also
renal system [45]. Blood vessel dysregulation in COVID-19 could uncommonly produce white matter lesions [60].
potentially cause the vessels to become susceptible to changes in
blood pressure. Hemorrhagic transformation is a well-recognized Global Hypoxic Injury
phenomenon in preexisting acute infarcts and has been observed Along with the previously noted possible delayed posthypoxic
in COVID-19 [43]. Finally, patients with severe COVID-19 may have leukoencephalopathy that may occur in COVID-19, global hypox-
underlying comorbidities, such as hypertension, that are indepen- ic injury may occur in the acute setting. In one series global hy-
dent risk factors for intracranial hemorrhage. poxic injury in two of 3218 hospitalized patients during a 6-week
A range of disease-related complications and interventions period [27]. Global hypoxic injury was observed typically mani-
may further contribute to intracranial hemorrhage in COVID-19. fests on MRI as restricted diffusion of the basal ganglia, thalami,
For example, blood pressure changes, including elevations in hippocampi, and cortex [61]. Globus pallidus necrosis has been
TABLE 2: Imaging Features From Representative Studies of Neuroimaging Findings in Patients With COVID-19
Moonis et al.
PCR negative, 5;
Callosal microhemor- PCR negative, 1
Although isolated involvement of the globus pallidus is unusu-
Note—Values are provided as reported in the referenced articles. Dash indicates not reported. ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, U.S. = United States, NYC = New
protein, 4
al, it has been described previously in global hypoxic injury [63].
York City, CLOCC = cytotoxic lesion of the corpus callosum, MRV = MR venogram, PRES = posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, MS = multiple sclerosis, AHNE = acute hemorrhagic necrotizing
TABLE 2: Imaging Features From Representative Studies of Neuroimaging Findings in Patients With COVID-19 (continued)
Transvers sinus
encephalitis in 18% of 153 patients with neurologic symptoms
rhage, 4/7
identified over a 3-week period during the first phase of the ep-
idemic. Table 3 summarizes reported cases of encephalitis in
COVID-19. The radiologic presentations of such cases are myri-
ad. For example, one report described enhancement in the lep-
No. (%) of Findings
the thalami and medial temporal lobes [65, 67]. Acute necrotiz-
ing encephalopathy has been reported with other viral illnesses,
including SARS and influenza, and may relate to intracranial cyto-
Juxtacortical microhemorrhages, 5/7
Leukoencephalopathy, 3
Encephalitis [AHNE, 1]
an RT-PCR test from the CSF that was positive for SARS CoV-2 in-
fection [6, 7]. On the other hand, one study attributed hyperin-
Hemorrhage, 33
12 (44)
Brain MRI
CT, 9/33
Other studies [70, 71], along with the ENCOVID study [69], de-
had neurologic
white matter and gray matter of the cortex, thalamus, and basal
ganglia may also be involved [72]. Acute hemorrhagic leukoen-
Dogra [43], U.S. (NYC)
form of ADEM and has been reported in COVID-19 [73, 74]. On im-
aging, acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis exhibits confluent
Moonis et al.
TABLE 3: Case Reports or Series of Patients With COVID-19 With Presumed Encephalitis
First Author Naso
[Reference], No. of pharyngeal
Country Diagnosis Cases Age (y) Sex Clinical Imaging RT-PCR Other Tests
Helms [2], Encephalopathy 49 NA NA Agitation, 40; confusion, 26; corticospinal MRI, 13; Positive in all CSF analysis, 7; no pleocytosis, 7;
France tract signs, 39; dysexecutive syndrome enhancement in leptomeninge- patients raised protein, 1; matched
at discharge, 15; neurologic disorders, al spaces, 8; bilateral frontotem- oligoclonal bands, 2; RT-PCR
including transient ischemic attack, poral hypoperfusion, 11/11; negative, 7
partial epilepsy, and mild cognitive acute ischemic stroke, 2; EEG, 8: diffuse bifrontal slowing
impairment, 7 subacute ischemic stroke, 1
Moriguchi [6], Encephalitis 1 24 M Generalized seizures, reduced conscious- MRI: DWI abnormality in right Negative CSF: positive RT-PCR
Japan ness, and meningism 9 days after temporal lobe
nonspecific symptoms
Zhou [7], China Encephalitis 1 56 NA COVID-19 pneumonia NA NA CSF: sequencing showing
Paniz-Mondolfi Acute encephalo 1 74 M Two falls at home with fever, confusion, CT: no acute change Positive Electron microscopy of brain tissue:
[9], United pathy and agitation viral particles in endothelial cells
States and neurons of frontal lobe
Dixon [65], Acute necrotizing 1 59 F Aplastic anemia with seizures and CT: diffuse swelling of brainstem Positive —
United encephalitis reduced level of consciousness, 10 days MRI: symmetric hemorrhagic
Kingdom after onset of fever lesions in the brainstem,
amygdalae, putamen, and
thalamic nuclei
Wong [66], Rhombencephalitis 1 40 M Ataxia, diplopia, oscillopsia, and bilateral MRI: hyperintense lesion in right Positive CSF: normal cell count and protein;
United facial weakness 13 days after onset of inferior cerebellar peduncle CSF RT-PCR not performed
Kingdom fever and SOB extending to involve a small
portion of the upper cord with
associated microhemorrhage
Poyiadji [67], Acute necrotizing 1 Late 50s F Cough, fever, and altered mental status CT: symmetric hypoattenuation Positive CSF: bacterial culture negative
United States encephalitis in bilateral medial thalami after 3 days
MRI: T2-weighted FLAIR RT-PCR not performed; tests for
hyperintensity in bilateral HSV, VZV, and WNV, negative
medial temporal lobes, thalami,
subinsular regions with
hemorrhage and rim enhance-
ment on contrast-enhanced
Note—Dash indicates not reported. RT-PCR = reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, NA = not available, EEG = electroencephalogram, SOB = shortness of breath, HSV = herpes simplex virus, VZV =
varicella-zoster virus, WNV = West Nile virus.
In summary, meningitis and encephalitis are uncommon in pa- and tract in 19% (7/37) of patients on MRI, with subtle contrast
tients with COVID-19 and neurologic symptoms or syndromes. enhancement in two of these patients [26]. Another study report-
Cases described as encephalitis have a myriad of clinical and ra- ed significantly higher signal intensity on olfactory bulb normal-
diologic presentations. Reported cases have not been routinely ized T2-weighted FLAIR in 12 patients with COVID-19 than in 12
confirmed by histopathology, such that the term “encephalitis” is age-matched control patients [86]; in addition, four patients with
being used to describe neurologic involvement according to clin- COVID-19, but none of the control patients, showed intraneural
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ical or radiologic manifestations, without regard to the etiologic T2-weighted hyperintensity on the contrast-enhanced 3D FLAIR
or pathogenetic basis. Whether these cases represent direct viral sequence. Additional studies describe edema within the olfacto-
invasion or a sequela of cytokine storm is unclear. ry bulbs and tracts and increased signal on T2-weighted FLAIR
in the right gyrus rectus [87, 88]. Olfactory bulb atrophy after
Cytotoxic Lesions of the Corpus Callosum COVID-19–induced anosmia has also been described in patients
Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum have been described with prolonged postinfectious anosmia, suggesting persistent
in both adults [26, 77–81] and children [82–84] with COVID-19. For olfactory bulb damage [89].
example, one study reported this finding in 14.8% (4/27) of chil-
dren with multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with Cranial Nerve Enhancement
COVID-19 [84]. CSF examination was performed in two of these Aside from olfactory bulb and nerve involvement, additional
children and showed a lack of CSF pleocytosis and a CSF RT-PCR cranial neuropathies reported in COVID-19 include optic neuri-
that was negative for SARS-CoV-2 infection. These lesions like- tis, oculomotor nerve enhancement, and Miller Fisher syndrome
ly relate to inflammatory damage from the coincident cytokine [90–92] (Fig. 11). Miller Fisher syndrome, also known as Miller Fish-
storm and high level of cytokine and glutamate receptors in the er variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome, is an acute peripheral neu-
corpus callosum, particularly in the splenium [78]. Table 4 sum- ropathy that can develop after exposure to infectious pathogens,
marizes case reports of this finding. including viruses, and is characterized by a triad of ophthalmo-
plegia, ataxia, and areflexia. Miller Fisher syndrome in COVID-19
Olfactory Bulb Involvement may appear as hyperintensity on T2-weighted MRI, enlargement,
Anosmia is a clinical marker for COVID-19, although the imag- and enhancement of the cranial nerves [93]. It is unclear wheth-
ing correlates are not well described [85]. One study reported in- er the cranial nerve enhancement in COVID-19 is the result of im-
creased T2-weighted signal abnormality in the olfactory bulbs mune-mediated injury or viral neurotropism.
TABLE 4: Case Reports or Series Showing Cytotoxic Lesions of the Corpus Callosum (CLOCC)
First Author No. of Sex
[Reference] Cases Age (y) (No.) Country Clinical CSF Diagnosis of COVID-19
Klironomos 1 NA NA Sweden NA NA NA
Agarwal [77] 1 41 F U.S. Respiratory failure, internuclear NA “SARS-CoV-2 positive
ophthalmoplegia, and paralysis interstitial pneumonia”
with unequal pupils
Rasmussen [78] 1 66 F U.S. Deterioration 8 days after initial Not performed NP RT-PCR positive
symptoms of fever, followed by
respiratory symptoms
Forestier [79] 1 55 M France Acute onset of headache, dizziness, Mild proteinorrhachia NP swab positive
and impaired consciousness; MRI (no pleocytosis)
performed 3 days after symptom
Moreau [80] 1 26 M Belgium Acute confusion and dry cough for CSF studies negative, Serum IgG positive
2 days normal
Edjlali [81] 2 49, 51 M (2) France Acute encephalopathy, 2 NA NP swab positive (2)
Lin [82] 1 13 F U.S. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, CSF studies negative; RT-PCR positive;
dizziness, auditory hallucinations CSF RT-PCR negative; serum IgG positive
and urinary retention; diagnosed increased CSF IgM by
Gaur [83] 2 9, 12 M (2) UK Fever, headache, vomiting, Not performed, 2 Positive serum IgG;
abdominal pain, diarrhea, 1; BAL fluid RT-PCR positive
altered mental state, fever, and
lethargy, 1
Abdel-Mannan 4 8–15 M (2); F UK Encephalopathy (4) CSF studies negative, 2; Respiratory RT-PCR positive,
[84] (2) CSF RT-PCR negative, 2 4; serum IgG positive, 2
Note—NA = not available, F = female, U.S. = United States, NP = nasopharyngeal, RT-PCR = reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, M = male, MIS-C =
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, UK = United Kingdom, BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage.
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(Figures begin on next page)
Fig. 1—Large vessel occlusion with large infarct. 64-year-old man with history of prostate cancer presented to emergency department (ED) with abdominal pain,
fever, and cough for 1 day. While in ED, he developed dysarthria and right-sided weakness. Unenhanced CT was normal.
A and B, Sagittal images from concurrent CTA revealed occluded left internal carotid artery (ICA) at its origin (arrow, A) and lack of flow in left middle cerebral artery
(MCA) and anterior cerebral artery territory (B). Inferior images of CTA showed left main pulmonary artery embolus (not shown).
C, Digital subtraction angiogram shows large left MCA thrombus (arrow) in addition to smaller thrombus in proximal ICA. Patient underwent mechanical
thrombectomy with thrombolysis in cerebral infarction grade 2b reperfusion. His hospital course was complicated by hemorrhagic transformation of left MCA infarct
and brainstem herniation.
Fig. 3—Venous sinus thrombosis and venous infarct. 35-year-old woman, who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
on reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction test, presented with increasing right temporooccipital
headache for 1 week.
A, Unenhanced CT shows low attenuation and hemorrhage (arrow) in right temporal lobe.
B–D, Brain MR images (B and C) show hemorrhagic lesion (arrow, B) on gradient-recalled echo image;
predominant T2-weighted prolongation (arrow, C) on FLAIR, and no reduced diffusivity on DWI (not shown),
consistent with acute venous infarct secondary to thrombosis of right transverse and sigmoid sinus, as also
shown on MR venogram (arrow, D).
Fig. 5—Watershed infarcts and microhemorrhages. 68-year-old man presenting with fever and respiratory distress, with positive reverse transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2 infection, was intubated and admitted to ICU. Brain MRI was performed after 5 weeks of hospitalization.
A, DWI shows rings of high signal intensity with corresponding central high signal and intermediate signal intensity on ADC map (not shown), compatible with
subacute-to-chronic infarcts in bilateral centrum semiovale watershed territories.
B and C, Susceptibility-weighted imaging at supraventricular (B) and ventricular (C) levels shows patchy, linear, and nodular low signal intensity at gray-white junctions
in centrum semiovale (arrow, B) and in corpus callosum (arrow, C). There was no abnormal enhancement after contrast administration.
Fig. 6—Diffuse posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy with microhemorrhages. 65-year-old man with history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension was admitted for
COVID-19–related hypoxic respiratory failure and had prolonged hospital course complicated by pneumonia and acute kidney injury requiring peritoneal dialysis.
Patient was transferred to neurology ICU for left extremity shaking, at which time MRI was performed (1 month after admission).
A, Axial FLAIR image shows diffuse white matter hyperintensity.
B, DWI shows slowed diffusion in white matter.
C, Susceptibility-weighted image shows microhemorrhages (arrows) in putamen and splenium of corpus callosum.
Fig. 7—Hemorrhagic necrosis of globus pallidus. 69-year-old man with COVID-19 with prolonged intubations had poor neurologic status after removal of all sedation.
A, Axial FLAIR image shows increased signal (arrows) in bilateral globus pallidi.
B, DWI shows restricted diffusion in area designated in A.
C, Susceptibility-weighted image shows low signal compatible with blood products.
Fig. 9—Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis lesion within spinal cord. 44-year-old man was admitted with first presentation of conus myelitis (paraparesis, bladder
and bowel dysfunction), left eye visual deficits, dysarthria, ataxia, and possible lethargy. He tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, although he had no respiratory
symptoms on admission.
A, Sagittal STIR image of thoracic spine shows multifocal cord lesions (arrows), one of which at conus showed mild enhancement (not shown).
B and C, Subsequently performed brain FLAIR MRI (B) and DWI (C) show multiple small hyperintense periventricular and juxtacortical lesions (arrows) on T2-weighted
FLAIR imaging with one enhancing lesion in left parietal lobe (not shown), suggestive of multifocal demyelinating disorder. DWI showed only T2-weighted shine-
through effect without restricted diffusion on ADC maps (not shown).
Fig. 10—Possible acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. 45-year-old woman with COVID-19 required intubation. Stroke code was initiated 2 days after extubation for
left arm numbness. Her hospital course was complicated by acute kidney injury requiring intermittent hemodialysis.
A, Axial FLAIR image shows lesion to be predominantly in white matter with some gray matter involvement.
B, Susceptibility-weighted image shows blood products manifested by low signal (arrow).
C, Contrast-enhanced MRI shows patchy enhancement. DWI (not shown) showed T2-weighted shine-through effect without restricted diffusion.
Fig. 11—Leptomeningitis and cranial nerve enhancement. Fig. 12—Guillain-Barré syndrome.
23-year-old woman with asthma and COVID-19 had A, Thoracic sagittal STIR image of 62-year-old woman with COVID-19 and ascending paraparesis
encephalopathy with mental status change, decreased verbal shows lower thoracic intramedullary cord hyperintensity (arrow). Gadolinium was not administered
output, and difficulty talking. Axial contrast-enhanced T1- owing to renal failure.
weighted MRI shows enhancement along optic nerve tracts B, 27-year-old woman with COVID-19 and complex disease course including acute respiratory
(white arrows) and basal cisterns (black arrows). Enhancement distress syndrome and cytokine storm presented with subacute onset of flaccid quadriplegia.
was also noted in cisternal segments of cranial nerve V (not Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI shows smooth enhancement of cauda equina nerve
shown). roots (arrow) consistent with Guillain-Barré syndrome.