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To analyse antibiotic use for respiratory tract infecions among children below 5 years in Kampalaslum

Specific objectives

 To determine the demograhic attributes of the children below 5 years living in Katanga
 To identify the health seeking for respiratory tract infections behaviour of the children below 5
years living in Katanga slum
 To identify the factors influencing the aforementioned health seeking behaviour for respiratory
tract infections of he children below yaers leaving in Katanga slum
To develop specifc recommendations for antiiotic use for respiratory tract infections among
children below 5 years living in Katanga slum
Innovation and Project impact
Improper drug utiliation occupies a special place of the major pubic helath concerns globally
especially among children below 5 yaers of age being vulnarable to irrational drug use with
severe consequences.Respiratory tract infections fom the largest public haelth buden worldwild
especially in subsaharan Africa. Dspite all this, fewstudies hae been carried out analyzing
antibiotic use in Uganda.
The findings of this study willgreatly contribute to our understanding of the different antibiotic
use practices for respiratoy tract infections in Katanga slum for children below 5 years. The
results can be used to form interventions and prevention strategies for proper antibiotic use for
RTIs in the study population and also be key in the fight against antimicrobial resistance and
promotion of good antimicrobal stewardship. We also hope that this study will form a basis for
further study in future in this area
research design and method
This study will be a community survey with qualitative and quantitative approach with an
analytic component withthe target population being parents\guardians with children less than 5
years of age that have reveived antibiotics for respiratory tract infections ot more taan 2 weeks
prior to thae study date.Members of the study focus group discusios and key informat
interviews will be elected from clinicians and dispensers from dug shops, clinics in Ktanga slum.A
study questionnair will be used to collect data fro a sampe of 500 children using systemativc
samoplingto identify households to collect data from.W'ell walk randomly through the village
until the desired numbe of households is met. From each household well select one parent-child
pair that will meet the study criteria. If a household has no children below5yaers, we will
consider the next household in that direction, if a household has more than one child under 5
yaers, we will seslec randomly from the the children by drawing lots at the home
project timeline

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