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Rajya Sabha: Official Report

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239 Thursday
No. 4 28 April, 2016
8 Vaisakha, 1938 (Saka)



Member Sworn (page 1)

Papers laid on the Table (pages 1-7)

Report of the Joint Committee on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2015
— Laid on the Table (page 7)

Evidence tendered before the Joint Committee on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2015 — Laid on the Table (page 7)

Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on

Chemicals and Fertilizers — Laid on the Table (pages 7-8)

Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance

— Laid on the Table (page 8)

Reports of the Public Accounts Committee — Laid on the Table (pages 8-9)

Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on

Social Justice and Empowerment — Laid on the Table (page 9)

Leave of Absence — Granted (page 10)


Price : ` 100.00
Motion for Extension of Time for Presentation of the Report of Select Committee
of Rajya Sabha on the Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill,
2016 — Adopted (page 10)

Statement by Minister —
Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Two Hundred
and Fifty-fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests — Laid
on the Table (pages 10-11)

Re. Demand to raise a discussion under Rule 167 — (pages 11-13)

Matters raised with permission —

Technical defects during trials for Rio Olympics causing loss to Odisha
athletes (pages 13-14)
Teaching Shaheed Bhagat Singh as terrorist in curriculum of Delhi
University (pages 14-16)
Minority status of Aligarh Muslim University (pages 16-25)
Transport turmoil in the National Capital (pages 25-27)
Plight of displaced families in Jharkhand due to industrialisation
(pages 27-28)
Unilateral decision of the Government in reducing interest rate on
Employees Provident Fund (pages 28-29)
Need to include Pal (Dhangar) community in the Scheduled Caste category
(pages 30-31)
Need to fix responsibility on brand ambassador for misleading advertisements
of products (pages 31-32)
Incident of fire in National Museum of Natural History in Delhi
(pages 33-36)

Oral Answers to Questions (pages 36-93)

Written Answers to Starred Questions (pages 93-107)

Written Answers to Unstarred Questions (pages 108-443)

Statement by Minister Correcting Answer to Question (page 443)

Website : http://rajyasabha.nic.in
E-mail : [email protected]
Thursday, the 28th April, 2016/8th Vaisakha, 1938 (Saka)

The House met at eleven of the clock,

MR. CHAIRMAN in the Chair.





I. Report and Accounts (2014-15) of the NCW, New Delhi and related papers

II. Report and Accounts (2014-15) of NIPCCD, New Delhi and related papers


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): Sir, I lay on the Table:—

I. (1) A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers, under
Section 14 of the National Commission for Women Act, 1990:—

(a) Annual Report and Accounts of the National Commission for Women
(NCW), New Delhi, for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's
Report on the Accounts.

(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Commission.

(2) Statement (in English and Hindi) giving reasons for the delay in laying
the papers mentioned at (1) above.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4570/16/16]

II. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers:—

(a) Annual Report and Accounts of the National Institute of Public

Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), New Delhi, for the year
2014-15, together with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts.

(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Institute.

(c) Statement by Government accepting the above Report.

(d) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4571/16/16]
2 Papers laid on [RAJYA SABHA] the Table

(MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair.)

Report (2014) on the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act, 1989 and related papers

सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ी (�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत): महोदय, मैं निम्नलिखित
प�ों की एक-एक �ति (अं�ेजी तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा पटल पर रखता हूं :—

(a) Annual Report on the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention
of Atrocities) Act, 1989, for the year 2014, under sub-section (4) of Section
21 of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities)
Act, 1989.
(b) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the paper mentioned at (a)
above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4534/16/16]

Notifications of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship


Table, under sub-section (3) of Section 37 of the Apprentices Act, 1961, a copy
each (in English and Hindi) of the following Notifications of the Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship:—
(1) G.S.R. 130 (E), dated the 29th January, 2016, publishing the Apprenticeship
(Amendment) Rules, 2016. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4446/16/16]
(2) G.S.R. 198 (E), dated the 26th February, 2016, publishing the Apprenticeship
(Second Amendment) Rules, 2016.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4549/16/16]

I. Report and Accounts (2014-15) of the North Eastern Handicrafts and

Handlooms Development Corporation Limited (NEHHDC), Guwahati and
related papers

II. Outcome Budget (2016-17) in respect of the Ministry of Development of

North Eastern Region


Papers Laid on [28 April, 2016] the Table 3

lay on the Table:—

I. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers, under sub-
section (1) (b) of Section 394 of the Companies Act, 2013:—

(a) Thirty-eighth Annual Report and Accounts of the North Eastern Handicrafts
and Handlooms Development Corporation Limited (NEHHDC), Guwahati,
for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts
and the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(b) Statement by Government accepting the above Report.

[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4691/16/16]

II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Outcome Budget for the year
2016-17, in respect of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4452/16/16]

Report and Accounts (2014-15) of various Companies and related papers



(1) A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers, under sub-
section (1) (b) of Section 394 of the Companies Act, 2013:—

(i) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the Hindustan Photo Films
Manufacturing Company Limited (HPF), Udhagamandalam, Tamil
Nadu, for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's Report on
the Accounts and the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India thereon.

(b) Statement by the Government accepting the above Report.

[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4832/16/16]

(ii) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam
Limited (BBUNL), Kolkata and its subsidiary, the Braithwaite Burn
and Jessop Construction Company Limited (BBJ), Kolkata, for the
year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts
and the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(b) Statement by Government accepting the above Report.

[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4540/16/16]
4 Papers laid on [RAJYA SABHA] the Table

(iii) (a) Sixty-Second Annual Report and Accounts of the HMT Limited,
Bangalore, for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's Report
on the Accounts and the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India thereon.
(b) Statement by the Government accepting the above Report.
(2) Statements (in English and Hindi) giving reasons for the delay in laying the
papers mentioned at (1) above.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4543/16/16]

Report and Accounts (2013-14 and 2014-15) of SSA, Panchkula, Haryana and
CTSA, Delhi and related papers

मानव संसाधन विकास मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी (�ी उपें � कुशवाहा): महोदय, मैं निम्नलिखि‍त
प�ों की एक-एक �ति (अं�ेजी तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा पटल पर रखता हूं :—

(i) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna
Parishad, implementing the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Panchkula,
Haryana, for the year 2013-14, together with the Auditor's Report on
the Accounts.
(b) Statement by Government accepting the above Report.
(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (i) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4833/16/16]
(ii) (a) Annual Report of the Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA),
Delhi, for the year 2014-15.
(b) Annual Accounts of the Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA),
Delhi, for the year 2014-15, and the Audit Report thereon.
(c) Review by Government on the working of the above Organisation.
(d) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (ii) (a) and (b) above.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4609/16/16]

Report and Accounts (2014-15) of various institutes and related papers

सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी (�ी कृष्ण पाल): महोदय, मैं
निम्नलिखि‍त प�ों की एक-एक �ति (अं�ेजी तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा पटल पर रखता हूं :

(i) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute
for the Physically Handicapped, New Delhi, for the year 2014-15, together
with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts.
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Institute.
Papers Laid on [28 April, 2016] the Table 5

(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (i) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4657/16/16]
(ii) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the National Institute for the
Orthopaedically Handicapped (NIOH), Kolkata, for the year 2014-15,
together with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts.
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Institute.
(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (ii) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4655/16/16]

I. Notifications of the Ministry of Human Resource Development

II. Report and Accounts (2014-15) of the School of Planning and Architecture
(SPA), Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh and School of Planning and Architecture
(SPA), New Delhi and related papers

मानव संसाधन विकास मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी [�ो. (डा.) राम शं कर कथे रिया]: महोदय,
मैं निम्नलिखि‍त प� सभा पटल पर रखता हूं :—

I. (i) A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following Notifications of
the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher
Education), under sub-section (2) of Section 43 of the Central Universities
Act, 2009, along with delay Statement:—
(1) No. 4, dated the 6th January 2014, regarding amendment of Statutes
2(4), 11 and 13 of the Central Universities Act, 2009.
(2) No. 112, dated the 30th March, 2015, relating to repeal of Statute
40 and making of Statute 41 of the Central University of Kerala.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4834/16/16]
(ii) A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Human Resource
Development (Department of Higher Education) Notification No. G.S.R.
117 (E), dated the 28th January, 2016, publishing the School of Planning
and Architecture (Procedure of Meeting of Council and Payment of
Allowances to Members) Rules, 2015, under sub-section (3) of Section
37 of the School of Planning and Architecture Act, 2014.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4364/16/16]
(iii) A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Human Resource
Development (Department of Higher Education) Notification No. NU,
EC CELL - 4/06, dated the 3rd March, 2016, regarding amendment of
the Statute No. 2(4) of the Nagaland University Act, 1989, under sub-
section (2) of Section 47 of the Nagaland University Act, 1989.
[Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4613/16/16]
6 Papers laid on [RAJYA SABHA] the Table

II. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers:—
(i) (a) Sixth Annual Report and Accounts of the School of Planning and
Architecture (SPA), Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, for the year 2014-
15, together with the Auditor's Report on the Accounts.
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above School.
(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (i) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4355/16/16]
(ii) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the School of Planning and
Architecture (SPA), New Delhi, for the year 2014-15, together with
the Auditor's Report on the Accounts.
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above School.
(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (ii) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4855/16/16]

Report and Accounts (2014-15) of the Central Electronics Limited (CEL), New
Delhi, and related papers


SCIENCES (SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY): Sir, I lay on the Table:—
(1) A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers, under sub-
section (1) (b) of Section 394 of the Companies Act, 2013:—
(a) Forty-first Annual Report and Accounts of the Central Electronics Limited
(CEL), New Delhi, for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor's
Report on the Accounts and the comments of the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India thereon.
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Company.
(2) Statement (in English and Hindi) giving reasons for the delay in laying the
papers mentioned at (1) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4551/16/16]

I. Report (2014-15) on the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 and related

II. Report and Accounts (2014-15) of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, New Delhi
and related papers

�ी कृष्ण पाल: महोदय, मैं निम्नलिखि‍त प�ों की एक-एक �ति (अं�ेजी तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा
पटल पर रखता हूं :—
Reports of Department-related... [28 April, 2016] ...Chemicals and Fertilizers 7

(i) (a) Annual Report on the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, for the year
2014, under sub-section (4) of Section 15A of the Protection of Civil
Rights Act, 1955.
(b) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the paper mentioned
at (i) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4544/16/16]
(ii) (a) Annual Report and Accounts of the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, New
Delhi, for the year 2014-15, together with the Auditor’s Report on the
(b) Review by Government on the working of the above Foundation.
(c) Statement giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned
at (ii) (a) above. [Placed in Library. See No. L.T. 4545/16/16]



SHRI BHUPENDER YADAV (Rajasthan): Sir, I lay on the Table, a copy

(in English and Hindi) of the Report of the Joint Committee on the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2015.



SHRI BHUPENDER YADAV (Rajasthan): Sir, I lay on the Table, a copy of

the Evidence tendered before the Joint Committee on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2015.



�ी नारायण लाल पं चारिया (राजस्थान): महोदय, मैं विभाग-संबंधित रसायन और उर्वरक

संबंधी संसदीय स्थायी समिति (2015-16) के निम्नलिखित �तिवेदनों की एक-एक �ति (अं�ेजी
तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा पटल पर रखता हूं :

(i) Twentieth Report on the subject ''Functioning of Autonomous Institutions -

Central Institute of Plastics Engineering Technology (CIPET) and Institute
of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT) of the Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers (Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals);
8 Reports of the [RAJYA SABHA] Public Accounts Committee

(ii) Twenty-first Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry of

Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Fertilizers); and
(iii) Twenty-second Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry
of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals);
(iv) Twenty-third Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Pharmaceuticals).



SHRI NARESH AGRAWAL (Uttar Pradesh): Sir, I lay on the Table, a copy
each (in English and Hindi) of the following Reports of the Department-related
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance (2015-16):—
(i) Twenty-eighth Report of the Committee on the subject 'The Benami
Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Bill, 2015' relating to the Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue);
(ii) Twenty-ninth Report of the Committee on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)'
of the Ministry of Finance (Departments of Economic Affairs, Expenditure,
Financial Services and Disinvestment);
(iii) Thirtieth Report of the Committee on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the
Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue);
(iv) Thirty-first Report of the Committee on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of
the Ministry of Planning;
(v) Thirty-second Report of the Committee on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)'
of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs; and
(vi) Thirty-third Report of the Committee on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of
the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.


SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Goa): Sir, I lay on the Table, a copy each (in English
and Hindi) of the following Reports of the Public Accounts Committee (2015-16):—
(i) Forty-third Report on the subject “Indira Awaas Yojana” based on C&AG
Report No. 37 of 2014;
(ii) Forty-fourth Report on the subject “Extra Avoidable Expenditure by ANURAG”
based on para 5.1 of the C&AG's Report No. 30 of 2013;
Reports of Department-related... [28 April, 2016] ...Justice and Empowerment 9

(iii) Forty-fifth Report on the subject “Performance of 100% Export Oriented

Unit (EOU) Scheme" based on C&AG Report No. 9 of 2015;
(iv) Forty-sixth Report on the subject “Implementation of Public Private Partnership
project at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai” based on C&AG
Report No. 15 of 2014;
(v) Forty-seventh Report on the subject "Hydrocarbon Production Sharing
Contracts” based on C&AG Report No. 19 of 2011-12 (Performance Audit)
and Report No. 24 of 2014;
(vi) Forty-eighth Report on the subject “Avoidable Expenditure on Service Tax
by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority” based on Para 6.1 of
the C&AG Report No. 18 of 2015;
(vii) Forty-ninth Report on Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/
Recommendations of the Committee contained in their Fourth Report (Sixteenth
Lok Sabha) on "Rail Link to Kashmir”; and
(viii) Fiftieth Report on Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/
Recommendations of the Committee contained in their Twenty-Third Report
(Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on "Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange
System (ICES 1.5)”.



SHRIMATI WANSUK SYIEM (Meghalaya): Sir, I lay on the Table, a copy

each (in English and Hindi) of the following Reports of the Department related
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment (2015-16):—
(i) Twenty-seventh Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment (Department of Social Justice and
(ii) Twenty-eighth Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment (Department of Empowerment of Persons
with Disabilities); and
(iii) Twenty-ninth Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry of
Tribal Affairs; and
(iv) Thirtieth Report on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17)' of the Ministry of
Minority Affairs.

10 Statement by [RAJYA SABHA] Minister


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I have to inform Members that a letter has been
received from Shri M. P. Veerendra Kumar stating that he is unable to attend the
sittings of the House during the current session on health grounds. He has, therefore,
requested for grant of Leave of Absence for the current (239th) Session of the
Rajya Sabha.

Does he have the permission of the House for remaining absent from 26th April
to 13th May, 2016 during the current (239th) Session of the Rajya Sabha?

(No hon. Member dissented.)

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I hope the House agreed. Permission to remain

absent is granted.


BILL, 2016

SHRI BHUPENDER YADAV (Rajasthan): Sir, I move the following motion:

That the time appointed for presentation of the Report of the Select Committee
of Rajya Sabha on Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2016
be extended up to 6th May, 2016.

The question was put and the motion was adopted.


Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Two Hundred

and Fifty-fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests


a statement regarding Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the
Re. Demand to Raise A [28 April, 2016] ...Discussion Under Rele 167 11

Two Hundred and Fifty-fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing

Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests on Demands for
Grants (2015-16) of the Department of Space.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Now, Zero Hour ...(Interruptions)... No. It is Zero

Hour. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Dilip Kumar Tirkey. ...(Interruptions)... Now, please,
please. ...(Interruptions)... You all sit down. ...(Interruptions)... All of you resume
your seats. ...(Interruptions)... You also resume seat. ...(Interruptions)... What is
the problem.? ...(Interruptions)... If all of you stand up like this, what do I do?
...(Interruptions)... What is your problem? ...(Interruptions)... You please take your
seats. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY (Nomineted): Sir, I am not going to mention

that name. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Now, please. ...(Interruptions)... Let me listen.

...(Interruptions)... Now, please.....(Interruptions)... Mr. Ali Khan. ...(Interruptions)...
Why do you do it without any provocation? ...(Interruptions)... Go back to your seats.
...(Interruptions)... Mr. Mohd. Ali Khan, there is no provocation ...(Interruptions)...
Go back to your seat. ...(Interruptions)... Now, please.....(Interruptions)... You
sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you do this? ...(Interruptions)... Please sit
down. ...(Interruptions)... What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)... What happened
to you? ...(Interruptions)... Nothing happened here so that you should be agitated.
...(Interruptions)... Please sit down. Mr. Minister, please. ...(Interruptions)...

अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी तथा संसदीय कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी (�ी मुख्तार
अब्बास नकवी): सर, किसी भी ऑनरे बल मे म्बर को अपनी बात बोलने से रोकना ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Congress Members, please take your seats.

...(Interruptions)... Nothing happened here. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी: नियमों के वि�द्ध है ...(व्यवधान)... और निश्चि‍त तौर से माननीय

सदस्य का जो अधिकार है , उस अधिकार पर हमला है । ...(व्यवधान)... हम आपसे अनु रोध करें गे
कि आप माननीय सदस्य के अधिकारों का संरक्षण करें , उसकी रक्षा करें । ...(व्यवधान)... जो लोग
रोकना चाहते हैं ...(व्यवधान)... उनसे भी हमारा अनु रोध है कि उनकी बात सुनें। ...(व्यवधान)...
यह कोई तरीका नहीं है कि उनके खड़े होते ही आप विरोध करने लगें ...(व्यवधान)... या
disturb करें ।
12 Re. Demand to Raise A [RAJYA SABHA] ...Discussion Under Rele 167

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: This is Zero Hour time. ...(Interruptions)... I

have called Mr. Dilip Kumar Tirkey. ...(Interruptions)... You please sit down.
...(Interruptions)... This is Zero Hour time. ...(Interruptions)... I have called Dilip
Kumar Tirkey ...(Interruptions)... Why are you unnecessarily agitated? ...(Interruptions)...
You please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... I have called Mr. Dilip Kumar Tirkey.
...(Interruptions)... All of you sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Dilip Kumar
Tirkey. ...(Interruptions)... Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... What are you doing?
...(Interruptions)... You please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... This is time for Zero Hour.
...(Interruptions)... I have called Shri Dilip Kumar Tirkey. ...(Interruptions)... All of
you, please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Dr. Subramanian Swamy, ...(Interruptions)...
What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)... What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)... Dr.
Subramanian Swamy, please listen to me. You are a very hon. Member. But, I may
tell you that this is the time for Zero Hour. ...(Interruptions)... Please, what are you
doing? ...(Interruptions)... You are a very hon. Member, but this is the time for Zero
Hour. ...(Interruptions)... What are these people doing? ...(Interruptions)... Please allow
me to say something. ...(Interruptions)... This is the time for Zero Hour and I have
called hon. Member, Mr. Dilip Kumar Tirkey, to make his Zero Hour mention. You
are standing. What is your problem? Have you given a notice? ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, I have given a notice with regard to a


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No; no, under which rule? ...(Interruptions)... This
is the time for Zero Hour. ...(Interruptions)... What is your issue? ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, it is a matter of public importance.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That's right. But under which rule? ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Under rule 167. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Now, I understood. ...(Interruptions)... You

have given a notice under rule 167. ...(Interruptions)... Please let me deal with this
issue. ...(Interruptions)... Have you given a notice under rule 267 or 167?

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, under rule 167. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Rule 167 is a rule for discussion in the
House. ...(Interruptions)... If you have given a notice, there is a procedure for that.
Your notice will be considered by the hon. Chairman. If the hon. Chairman, in his
wisdom, accepts it, the House will be informed. You will also be informed when
the discussion has been slated for. And, when it is slated, you can make your point.
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 13

If you still want any further information, you can contact the hon. Chairman. Now,
please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Dilip Kumar Tirkey. ...(Interruptions)... All
of you, please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You have given a notice. You are right.
There is no problem. ...(Interruptions)... No, please. ...(Interruptions)... Shri Dilip
Kumar Tirkey.


Technical defects during trials for Rio Olympics causing loss to

Odisha athletes

�ी दिलीप कुमार तिर्की (ओडिशा): उपसभापति महोदय, मैं एक बहु त महत्वपूर्ण विषय
की ओर सदन का ध्यान दिलाना चाहता हूं । दिल्ली के जवाहरलाल नेहरू स्टेडियम में Sunday
को athletes के olympic qualifying event में जैसी लापरवाही दे खने को मिली है , वह बेहद
दु खदायी है । इस event में ओडिशा के दो athletes, अमिय कुमार मल्लि‍क और �ावणी नंदा ने
भाग लिया था। 100 मीटर men’s में olympic qualifying timing 10.16 सेकंड है , जबकि उसने
10.09 सेकंड में इसे complete किया है और women’s में olympic qualifying timing 11.32
सेकंड है , जबकि �ावणी नंदा ने 11.23 सेकंड में इसे complete किया है । महोदय, दु ख की बात
यह है कि power failure के कारण उनका record manually दर्ज किया गया, जबकि अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
स्तर पर सिर्फ electronic record को मान्यता दी जाती है । इसलिए नेशनल रिकॉर्ड बनाने के
बावजूद इन athletes की सारी मे हनत पर पानी फिर गया। सबसे है रत की बात तो यह है कि
स्टेडियम में power back-up की सुविधा होने के बावजूद उसका इस्तेमाल नहीं किया गया। अब
आगे इस event में इन athletes को मौका मिलेगा या नहीं, यह भी sure नहीं है । मौका मिलने
के बाद भी यह गांरटी नहीं है कि ये athletes हमे शा best performance करें गे। एक athlete
की performance बहु त सी बातों, जैसे health, weather, इत्यादि पर निर्भर करती है । इसलिए
यह जो lapse हु आ है , यह एक अपराध है । हर athlete का एक सपना होता है कि वह दे श को
ओलंपिक में represent करे । कितने अफसोस की बात है कि ये दो athletes qualify करने के बाद
भी ओलंपिक के लिए qualify नहीं कर सके। इसमें उनकी क्या गलती है ? इससे पता चलता है
कि हम खे लों को लेकर कितने गम्भीर हैं । महोदय, यह घटना न सिर्फ उन खि‍लाडि़यों का, बल्कि‍
पूरे खे ल जगत का मनोबल तोड़ने वाली और इताशा पैदा करने वाली है । मैं संसद के माध्यम
से सरकार से यह मांग करता हूं कि इस मामले में जांच कराई जाए, इस चूक की जवाबदे ही
तय की जाए और दोषियों पर कार्यवाही की जाए, ताकि आगे ऐसी घटना न हो। थैंक यू सर।

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (West Bengal): Sir, I associate myself with the
issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI A. U. SINGH DEO (Odisha): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue
raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI RANVIJAY SINGH JUDEV (Chhattisgarh): Sir, I also associate myself

with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
14 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

SHRI D. RAJA (Tamil Nadu): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised
by the hon. Member.

KUMARI SELJA (Haryana): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised
by the hon. Member.

SHRI MADHUSUDAN MISTRY (Gujarat): Sir, I also associate myself with the
issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Telangana): Sir, I also associate myself

with the issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI (Maharashtra): Sir, I also associate myself with the
issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH (Odisha): Sir, the whole House associates itself
with this.

�ी आलोक तिवारी (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी विशम्भर �साद निषाद (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

मीर मोहम्मद फ़ैयाज (जम्मू और कश्मीर): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: All right. Now, Shri K. C. Tyagi.

Teaching Shaheed Bhagat Singh as terrorist in

curriculum of Delhi University

�ी के. सी. त्यागी (बिहार): उपसभापति जी, मैं राष्ट्रीय महत्व के एक �श्न की तरफ
आपका ध्यान आकर्षित कराना चाहता हूं पिछले तीन दिन से शहीदे आज़म भगत सिंह का परिवार
दिल्ली में घर-घर जाकर भगत सिंह को 'आतंकवादी' न कहा जाए, ऐसा कह रहा है । जैसा
कि मानव संसाधन विकास मं �ालय, भारत सरकार के आर्थिक सहयोग से �काशित ''भारत का
स्वतं�ता संघर्ष'' नामक पुस्तक में उल्लेख है और गृह मं �ालय की सूची से भी अभी तक भगत
सिंह को 'आतंकवादी' के रूप में ही लिखा जाता है , पढ़ा जाता है और इसमंे उसका उल्लेख है ।
...(व्यवधान)... इस पुस्तक की दस लाख से ज्यादा �तियां बिक चुकी हैं । उपसभापति जी, पिछले
साल सांसदों के एक �तिनिधि मं डल में मुझे लाहौर जाने का अवसर �ाप्त हु आ था। लाहौर के
शदमन चौक पर भगत सिंह चौक बनाने को लेकर लाहौर के काफी नौजवान स‍ि�य हैं , जबकि
हमारे दे श में यह स्थि‍ति बनी हु ई है कि भगत सिंह और चं�शेखर आज़ाद आतंकवादी गतिविधियों
में संलग्न थे। इसी के साथ-साथ बंगाल के जो मे रे इधर के और उधर के साथी बैठे हैं , वे भी

† Transliteration in Urdu script.

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 15

appreciate करें गे कि चटगांव आर्मरी रे ड के बाद ही भारत में स्वतं�ता सं�ाम का आंदोलन तेज
हु आ था। इसके नायक सूर्यसेन को फांसी हु ई थी और कल्पना दत्ता, जो मे रे मि� चांद जोशी
की मदर भी थीं, मे रे दिल्ली के साथी जानते हैं कि उनकी मां को भी काले पानी की लंबी सजा
हु ई थी। उपसभापति जी, मे रा निवेदन है कि ऐसे �ांतिकारी, जिन्होंने अपना सर्वस्व दे श के लिए
बलिदान कर दिया, उनके बारे में पाठ्य�म में इस तरह की चीजें़ लिखा जाना गलत है । मे रा
दू सरा निवेदन यह है कि मैं ने पिछले स� में भी उसका जि� किया था, डा. मनमोहन सिंह जी
उस समय �धान मं �ी थे कि जहां से और जहां पर सरदार भगत सिंह ने बम फेंका था, उन
स्थानों को ऐतिहासिक धरोहर के रूप में सजाकर रखने का काम भी भारत सरकार को करना
चाहिए। यह इसलिए होना चाहिए, क्योंकि यह इतिहास है , जिसको पढ़कर नई पीढि़यां भारत दे श
पर और अपने इतिहास पर गर्व करती हैं । यह मुद्दा दोनों विभागों से जुड़ा हु आ है । यह एचआरडी
और गृह मं �ालय से जुडा हु आ मुद्दा है , इसलिए मैं चाहूं गा कि आप मं �ी महोदय को नंबर एक
तो यह आदे श दें कि गृह मं �ालय की काली सूची से भगत सिंह का नाम निकाला जाए, नंबर 2
दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के अंदर जो दस लाख किताबें बेची गई हैं , पढ़ाई गई हैं , उनमें भी संशोधन
किया जाए, नंबर 3 भगत सिंह और उनके साथियों ने जिस स्थान से केवल दिखाने के लिए
बम फेंके थे, किसी को मारने के लिए नहीं, उन स्थानों को दे श की धार्मिक धरोहरों के साथ,
ऐतिहासिक धरोहरों के साथ सं�ह करने का काम भारत सरकार करे ।

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (West Bengal): Sir, I associate myself with the
issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI SUKHENDU SEKHAR ROY (West Bengal): Sir, I also associate myself
with the issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI RANVIJAY SINGH JUDEV (Chhattisgarh): Sir, I also associate myself

with the issue raised by the hon. Member. ...(Interruptions)..

�ी अली अनवर अंसारी (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी आलोक तिवारी (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी विशम्भर �साद निषाद (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Yes, the entire House is one with this.
...(Interruptions)... The whole House agree.

अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी तथा संसदीय कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी
(�ी मु ख्तार अब्बास नक़वी): उपसभापति जी, माननीय त्यागी जी ने बहु त ही गम्भीर और
े नशील मुद्दा उठाया है । शहीदे आज़म सरदार भगत सिंह हम सब के आदर्श हैं और उन्होंने
दे श को आजाद कराने के लिए जो कुर्बानी दी है , निश्चि‍त तौर से हर भारतवासी नतमस्तक होकर
उनकी कुर्बानी को, उनके जुनून को, उनके जज्बे को सलाम करता है । जिस मुद्दे पर त्यागी जी
ने कहा कि कुछ पुस्तकों में या कुछ अन्य जगहों पर उनको आतंकवादी दिखाया गया है , हम
उस बात से बिल्कुल सहमत नहीं हैं , उनकी निन्दा भी करते हैं और हम उस विभाग के मं �ी
और विभाग से इस संबंध में आवश्यक कदम उठाने के लिए कहें गे।
16 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

�ी सत्य�त चतुर्वेदी (मध्य �दे श): हम जानना चाहें गे कि यह किस व्यक्ति‍ ने लिखा है ?

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Yes, yes. Ensure that from such books it is removed
and also inquire how it happened.

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: Sir, I will convey the feelings of the House
to the concerned Minister. ...(Interruptions)..

�ी सत्य�त चतुर्वेदी: जिस व्यक्ति‍ ने यह लिखा है उस आदमी के वि�द्ध कार्यवाही होनी

चािहए ...(व्यवधान)... जिसने शहीदों को 'आतंकवादी' बताया है ...(व्यवधान)... क्या उस व्यक्ति‍
के खि‍लाफ कार्यवाही होगी? ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. ..(Interruptions).. Now, please sit down.

Chaudhary Munvvar Saleem.

Minority status of Aligarh Muslim University

चौधरी मुनव्वर सलीम (उत्तर �दे श):

''चश्मे सैय्यद निगरां हैं कि फिर उट्ठे शायद

कोई दीवाना अलीगढ़ के बयाबानों से।''

उपसभापति महोदय, मैं एक ऐसे इदारे का दर्द लेकर खड़ा हु आ हूं , जो हिन्दुस्तान की
तारीख भी है और हिन्दुस्तान की तरबीयत का एक बेहतरीन मरकज भी है । मे री मुराद अलीगढ़
मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी से है ।

उपसभापति जी, अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी का ख्वाब मरहू म सर सैयद ने 1877 में दे खा
था, लेकिन उसको वे पूरा नहीं कर सके। 1920 में अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी एक बिल के जरिए
ि‍�टिश पार्लियामें ट ने बनाई। उस वक्त हिन्दुस्तानी मुसलमानों से 30 लाख रूपये और 5 एकड़
जमीन का मुतालबा था, जबकि हिन्दुस्तानी मुसलमानों ने इकट्ठा करके 500 एकड़ जमीन और
37 लाख रूपया दिया और उस इदारे को शुरू कर दिया गया। उस इदारे ने बहु त सारे नायाब
हीरे पैदा किए। कुछ लोगों ने उसे मजहब के आईने में दे खा।

उपसभापति महोदय, मैं आपसे कहना चाहता हूं और आपके जरिए सरकार से कहना चाहता
हूं कि अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी वह इदारा है , जहां अगर ईद के दिन काली शेरवा‍िनयों से
अरास्ता स्टुडें ट दिखाई दे ते हैं , तो ईद-ए-गुलाबी, यानी होली के दिन रं ग में सराबोर लोग भी
दिखाई दे ते हैं । अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी वह इदारा है , जहां जो पहले �ेजुएशन करने वाले
छा� थे, वे राजा महें � सिंह थे। अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी वह इदारा है , जहा ं आज भी 50
फीसदी से ज्यादा मे डिकल कॉलेज में बहु संख्यक समाज के लोग पढ़ते हैं , लेकिन अगर उसका
अक्लि‍यती किरदार खत्म करने की कोशिश की जाए, तो यह दु र्भाग्यशाली होगा। माननीय
उपसभापति जी, 1965 में एक दु र्भाग्यशाली घटना हु ई थी, उसके बाद अलीगढ़ तहरीक के नाम
से एक तहरीक चली, जिसमें हिन्दुस्तान शामिल हु आ और उस तहरीक के सबसे मजबूत और
कद्दावर नेता का नाम मोहम्मद अाज़म खान था। उन्होंने लम्बी जेल काटी और उसके बाद जय
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 17

�काश जी के नेतृत्व में एक नये सूर्य का उदय हु आ और उस वक्त के बहु त सारे लोग इस सदन
में बैठे हैं । आदरणीय सु�मण्यम स्वामी जी जैसे लोग, जिन्होंने अपने घोषणा प� में यह वायदा
किया था कि हम अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी का अक्लि‍यती किरदार बहाल करें गे, लेकिन 1981
में �ीमती इंदिरा गांधी ने उसे बहाल किया। उसमंे एक लेक्युना था, उस लेक्युना में अलीगढ़
की तहरीक के सारे लोगों को एतराज रहा और वही कारण बना कि उसके अंदर अदालत का
हस्तेक्षप हु आ। मैं इस सदन से मांग करता हूं कि अगर आप दे श को शिक्षि‍त करना चाहते हो,
दे श के अनपढ़ लोगों को पढ़ाना चाहते हो, अगर उन लोगों को पढ़ाना चाहते हो, जिनके लिए
जस्टि‍स सच्चर ने कहा कि इनकी तालीमी हालत दलितों से भी बदतर है , तो अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म
यूनिवर्सिटी को अदालती विवादों से बाहर निकाल कर इस संसद के फ्लोर पर एक नई िजन्दगी
दो और उसके अक्लि‍यती किरदार की रक्षा करो। चूंकि अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी का हिन्दुस्तान
की जंगे आज़ादी में ऐसा तारीखी रोल रहा है , जब गांधी जी ने कहा कि अं�ेजी लिबास जलाओ,
तो अलीगढ़ के स्टुडें ट़स ने अं�ेजी लिबास का पहाड़ बना दिया था और भारत की आजादी के
आंदोलन में साथ दिया था। मैं दलगत सियायत से ऊपर उठ करके आप सबसे करबद्ध अपील
करता हूं कि अलीगढ़ मुस्लि‍म यूनिवर्सिटी के अक्लि‍यती किरदार को अदालत की जगह संसद
के फ्लोर पर तय किया जाए।

† Transliteration in Urdu script.

18 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

विपक्ष के ने ता (�ी गुलाम नबी आज़ाद): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी मोती लाल वोरा (छत्तीसगढ़): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी के. रहमान खान (आं� �दे श): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

† Transliteration in Urdu script.

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 19

�ी डी. राजा (तमिलनाडु ): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी के. सी. त्यागी (बिहार): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी सतीश चं� मि�ा (उत्तर �दे श): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी नरे श अ�वाल (उत्तर �दे श): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी �मोद तिवारी (उत्तर �दे श): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

मीर मोहम्मद फैयाद (जम्मू और कश्मीर): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी अली अनवर अंसारी (बिहार): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी पी. एल. पुनिया (उत्तर �दे श): सर, मैं माननीय सदस्य के उल्लेख से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

SOME HON. MEMBERS: Sir, we also associate ourselves with the Zero Hour
Mention made by the hon. Member.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. ...(Interruptions)... Yes, yes. ...(Interruptions)...

The names of all those who associate themselves will be added. All right. Shri
Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY (Nominated): Sir, since I cannot stop him, so

let me correct the record. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What happened?

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: He mentioned my name.


† Transliteration in Urdu script.

20 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Shri Munvvar Saleem, did you mention his name?


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, I have no objection

to a minority institution being in this country because ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: One point. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: I am mentioning the correction to what he

said. ...(Interruptions)..

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Did he mention your name?

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: He said all that. ...(Interruptions)...


DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: So, I am mentioning that I have no objection

to a minority educational institution. That is the Constitutional right. However, Article
27 and several other Articles prohibit the State from financing a minority institution.
...(Interruptions)... Wait a minute. You don't know the Constitution. You know only
the * . ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI V. HANUMANTHA RAO: Sir, it should be removed. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, please. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you provoke

unnecessary? ...(Interruptions)... That is expunged. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: You don't know the Constitution. You know
the ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: It is expunged. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you

provoke? ...(Interruptions)... That is expunged. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you
provoke? ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: What did I say? ...(Interruptions).. Why are

they interrupting? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You finish. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Why are they interrupting? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay, you have made your point. ...(Interruptions)...

* Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 21

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, let me clarify. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Now, you go back. ...(Interruptions)... One

of you go back and say what you want to say. ...(Interruptions)... One of you go
back and say what you want to say. ...(Interruptions)... You may go and say it from
your seat. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (West Bengal): Sir, what about our Zero Hour
mentions? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Go to your seat. ...(Interruptions)... One of you

say what you want....(Interruptions)... You have made your point. ...(Interruptions)...
You have already made your point. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, what point? ...(Interruptions)... Let them

not interrupt me. ...(Interruptions)... They are making all kinds of allegations. I can
also make allegations. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Go back to your seats. ...(Interruptions)... What

is your problem? ...(Interruptions)... Go back to your seats and speak. Why do you
do like this? ...(Interruptions)... Let me tell you, coming to the well and shouting
is wrong. ...(Interruptions)... What do you want? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, we are making a point and
not shouting. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Seelam, I will have to name you. Sit down.
...(Interruptions)... I am only telling you, go back to your places and say what
you want to say, so that I understand. You all shout and I don’t know why you
are shouting! ...(Interruptions)... What is your point? ...(Interruptions)... I have
only two ears. ...(Interruptions)... You are unnecessarily spoiling the Zero Hour.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, it is Zero Hour now. The clock is ticking
away. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I agree with you. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Subramanian

Swamy, you have made your point. I heard you. Now, sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
Your point is over. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: No, Sir. I have to clarify. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You have said what you wanted to say. Now you
may take your seat. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: I am saying it now. I am only quoting the

Indian Constitutional right. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI V. HANUMANTHA RAO: Sir, he should withdraw... ...(Interruptions)...

22 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: Sir, he must withdraw his remarks. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: This is a deliberate attempt to subvert the Zero

Hour. I am not in agreement with that. ...(Interruptions)... यह बात तो आप बोल
चुके हैं । ...(व्यवधान)... If there is any...(Interruptions)... Why are you doing this?
...(Interruptions)... What is your complaint? I don’t understand that. ...(Interruptions)...
Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, tell me what the problem is. ...(Interruptions)...


the problem is this new gift of the BJP. ...(Interruptions)... The problem is the new
gift of the BJP. ...(Interruptions)... The problem is not on this side. This new gift
which the BJP has given will not allow the Parliament to function. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What is the objectionable thing? Tell me.


अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी तथा संसदीय कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी
(�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी): सर, �ॉब्लम यह नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)... �ॉब्लम यह है कि आपको
स्वामी जी की बात ...(व्यवधान)... यह अलग बात है कि उनका चेहरा मुझे लगता है कि

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, call the next name. He has already made his
point. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: One of you please tell me what the objectionable
thing is. I am ready to deal with that. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: जब, वे खड़े होते हैं तो ...(व्यवधान)... मुझे लगता है कि वे क्या
कहना चाहते हैं , आप उसे पहले शालीनता से सुन लीजिए। ...(व्यवधान)... आप भी नारे लगाते
हैं , तो हमने आपको कभी नहीं रोका। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I am requesting all hon. Members, one of you tell
me what the objectionable thing is. Tell me what it is. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, let me tell you. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Let others sit. Others may sit ...(Interruptions)...
What is the objectionable thing? ...(Interruptions)..

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: आप ही की भाषा बोलते हैं । ...(व्यवधान)... उस भाषा का जवाब

हम दे सकते हैं , लेकिन ...(व्यवधान)... किसी को अपनी बात रखने से रोकना ...(व्यवधान)...
के खिलाफ भी है और नैतिकता के भी खिलाफ है । ...(व्यवधान)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, I will tell you. ...(Interruptions)... In the process
of making a clarification, Dr. Swamy needlessly, provocatively has brought in a
reference to the Constitution of a European country...(Interruptions)... This is needless.
...(Interruptions)... Sir, this is deliberate. ...(Interruptions)...
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 23

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I have expunged it already. ...(Interruptions)... I

have expunged it already. ...(Interruptions)... Now, please sit down. I have expunged
it already.....(Interruptions)... I expunged it then and there. ...(Interruptions)... Go
back to your seats.

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): सर, आप हमारी बात भी सुनिए। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Now, please sit down. Let me deal with the problem.
...(Interruptions)... Mr. Jairam Ramesh ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Ask him
to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You listen to me. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You ask
him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You listen to me. ...(Interruptions)...

KUMARI SELJA: He should sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You ask
him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

KUMARI SELJA: He must sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Congress Members do not listen to me.

...(Interruptions)... I am sorry. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, you ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You listen to me. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, you ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You listen to me. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, you ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You cannot direct me like that. ...(Interruptions)...

You cannot direct me like that. ...(Interruptions)... See, you are shouting on nothing
because I have expunged it then and there. ...(Interruptions)... Why are you shouting?
...(Interruptions)... It is non-existent. ...(Interruptions)... I don't know. ...(Interruptions)...
I have expunged it then and there. ...(Interruptions)... It is nowhere. ...(Interruptions)...
It cannot be reported; it cannot come in the channel because I have expunged it
then and there. ...(Interruptions)... Why are you shouting? ...(Interruptions)...
24 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH: Sir, you ask him to sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay, you ask him. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI ANAND SHARMA (Himachal Pradesh): Sir, I have a point of order. Please
listen to me. ...(Interruptions)... Please listen to me. ...(Interruptions)... My point of
order is, under the rules of this House, Members have a right to give notice for
Zero Hour. ...(Interruptions)... On Zero Hour notices, permission to raise the matter
is given by the hon. Chairman. This is the list.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You say I have got it.
SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Now, Sir, that is the right of the hon. Member to
raise the issue if it has been allowed. Can any other Member then interfere or seek
clarification? ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: If a Member mentions the name of another
Member of the House or makes allegation or otherwise, that Member has the
right. ...(Interruptions)... That is what happened. ...(Interruptions)... That is a
point. ...(Interruptions)... He has a right. ...(Interruptions)... He has a right to
explain. ...(Interruptions)... He has a right to explain because his name was taken.
...(Interruptions)... Why did you do that?
SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Sir, we had no objection. Since the hon. Member
had taken his name, we had no objection to clear that particular point made by the
hon. Member. But it was totally out of context what he has done. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That I have expunged. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Sir, it is only his second day in Rajya Sabha. In
two days, you have expunged twice. Since there are 365 days, how many times are
you going to expunge his words? ...(Interruptions)... Though this man has aged, he
doesn't know the difference between the street words and parliament words because
he doesn't allow his hair to grey so that he could learn something. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI ANAND SHARMA: He is vitiating the environment. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Zero Hour to continue; Shri Ananda Bhaskar
Rapolu. ...(Interruptions)...
�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: सर, ऑनरे बल LOP ने जो बात कही है , मुझे लगता है कि वह
ठीक नहीं है । आपने नियमों के तहत उनको बोलने के लिए अलाऊ किया। ...(व्यवधान)... आपके
अलाऊ करने पर वे बोलने के लिए खड़े हु ए। उसके बाद उनको बोलने से रोका जा रहा है ।
...(व्यवधान)... सर, इस सदन में कितनी बार �धान मं �ी जी के खि‍लाफ नारे बाजी होती है ।...
(व्यवधान)... अगर आप यह चीज करें गे, तो यह निश्चि‍त तौर से ठीक नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)...
आप जिस स्कूल में पढ़ने गए हैं , हम लोग वहां के हे डमास्टर रहे हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

DR. K. P. RAMALINGAM: Sir, other parties are also here. ...(Interruptions)...

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 25

This House is not for BJP and Congress. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Subramanian Swamy, you explained

and I understood. ...(Interruptions)... Your point is very clear; I understood it.
...(Interruptions)... Now you sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, I understand that* is unparliamentary.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You don't say that. ...(Interruptions)... You cannot bring
unnecessary things. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you do that? ...(Interruptions)... That is
expunged. Nothing will go on record. Dr. Subramanian Swamy is unnecessarily provoking.
Nothing will go on record. ...(Interruptions)... I will have to take action against you.
Don't do that. ...(Interruptions)... Why do you mention another country? ...(Interruptions)...
Dr. Subramanian Swamy is unnecessarily provoking. Don't do this. ...(Interruptions)...


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)... You sit down
now. You don't say anything more. You are provoking. Sit down. Dr. Subramanian
Swamy is provoking. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. What he says will not go on
record. ...(Interruptions)... Nothing is going on record. ...(Interruptions)... I said that
whatever he says will not go on record. ...(Interruptions)...


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Nothing is going on record. You sit down.

...(Interruptions)... It is over. You mentioned; that is enough. Dr. Subramanian
Swamy, sit down. ...(Interruptions)... That is not going on record. What do you want?
...(Interruptions)... What Dr. Subramanian Swamy says will not go on record because
he has already explained his position. The Chair has understood the position. Number
two, whatever I expunged should not be reported by the media. ...(Interruptions)...

Now, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu to make his Zero Hour mention.

Transport turmoil in the National Capital

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Telangana): Mr. Deputy Chairman,

Sir, I seek the attention of the House, the Union Government and the enlightened
citizens of the nation on the prevalent transport turmoil in the National Capital.
...(Interruptions)... National Capital is the place of representative population of the
total population of the nation. The National Capital's transport turmoil reflects on the
image of the country creating division between haves and have-nots. ...(Interruptions)...

* Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

** Not recorded.
26 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

[Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu]

That type of situation is now prevalent in New Delhi, the National Capital of India,
which is creating division between wealthy and the poor, haves and have-nots.
...(Interruptions)... This has resulted in exorbitant and huge number of registration
of the vehicles of odd and even numbers in Delhi and surrounding Haryana and
Uttar Pradesh. ...(Interruptions)... This type of situation is creating inequalities and
may also raise the tensions within the society. ...(Interruptions)... This situation was
experimented in Latin America and China. In Beijing, during Olympics, they tried to
have the road rationing and the odd-even facility of road-rationing in Beijing, which
has been reported to be a failure. ...(Interruptions)... All the international reports talk
about the failure of the road rationing, road spacing and odd-even facility and have
termed it as a failure. ...(Interruptions)... The Delhi Government, which is behaving
just as the...(Interruptions)...emperor who is not bothered about the difficulties and
the pathetic condition of the people of Delhi. ...(Interruptions)... They are treating
all the people as wealthy and they have forgotten that...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Dr. Subramanian Swamy, I am requesting you to

take your seat. ...(Interruptions)... Dr. Subramanian Swamy, what you are saying is
not going on record. You sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: ...the poorer and the middle-class

population of the National Capital ...(Interruptions)...


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Dr. Subramanian Swamy, what you are saying is
not going on record. You sit down. It is not going on record. ...(Interruptions)... Now,
it is not going on record. You can meet me. Now you sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: There is need to evolve a national-level

policy and guide all the other States...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Dr. Subramanian Swamy, you sit down.

...(Interruptions)... Now, it is not going on record. ...(Interruptions)... Come and meet
me in the Chamber. Now sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
Now, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: Mr. Deputy Chairman, in the din, in

this pandemonium, in that situation of...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No need; I have already expunged all the unnecessary
words. So, nothing will be reported. Media will also not report. ...(Interruptions)...

*Not recorded.
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 27

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: Stop this odd-even and road rationing,
otherwise, this type of arrangement will damage the image of the nation.
...(Interruptions)... They can take the guidance from the Union Government. Thank
you very much.

SHRI PALVAI GOVARDHAN REDDY (Telangana): Sir, I associate myself with

the issue raised by the hon. Member.

Plight of displaced families in Jharkhand due to industrialisation

�ी संजीव कुमार (झारखं ड): महोदय, विस्थापन झारखं ड की बहु त बड़ी समस्या है जिसके
कारण झारखं ड के संथाल आदिवासी एवं मूलवासी तबाह होने के कगार पर है । कई दशकों से
औद्योगिकीरण, कोयला एवं खनि‍ज खनन, डै म बनाने, power plant लगाने इत्यादि के नाम पर
झारखं ड में हजारों एकड़ जमीन का अधि�हण होता चला आ रहा है एवं रय्यतों को जमीन के
बदले नौकरी एवं मुआवजे के नाम पर ठगी एवं धोखाधड़ी का शिकार‍ बनाया जा रहा है । फर्जी
लोगों को नौकरी एवं मुआवजे का फायदा दिया गया है , जबकि रय्यत ठके जाते रहे हैं । जमीन
अधि�हण कानू न का बराबर दु �पयोग होता रहा है । जहां जरूरत नहीं है या जरूरत से ज्यादा
जमीन है , विि‍भन्न सरकारी कम्पनियों द्वारा दशकों के रय्यतों की जमीन का अधि�हण किए जाने
का खे ल कभी नहीं �का और झारखं ड का जल, जंगल, जमीन तबाह होता रहा, लोग विस्थापित
होते रहे । आज आलम यह है कि लाखों लाख विस्थापित जो बीसीसीएल, सीसीएल, ईसीएल,
एनटीपीसी, एमपीएल, डीबीसी आदि संस्थाओं द्वारा ठगे गए हैं , उसके विरोध में पूरे झारखं ड में
आंदोलन जारी है । धनबाद के बलियापुर के सीमापाथर गांव में डीबीसी के खि‍लाफ विस्थापित
लोग हजारों की संख्या में करीब महीने से आंदोलन कर रहे हैं , जिसके संबंध में मैं सदन को
पिछले स� में अवगत करा चुका हूं । अब वहां सैकड़ों की संख्या में लोग आत्मदाह करने की
धमकी दे रहे हैं ।

महोदय, मैं इस सदन में संज्ञान में यह बात लाना चाहता हूं कि सरकार को झारखं ड के
सभी विस्थापितों की समस्याओं को समझकर उनका शी� समाधान करना चाहिए, अन्यथा वह
दिन दू र नहीं कि झारखं ड के सभी विस्थापित आंदोलनकारी एक बैनर के तले आकर सरकार
के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोलने और उ� होने के लिए मजबूर हो जाएंगे।

महोदय, दू सरी बात जो मैं सदन को बताना चाहता हूं वह यह है कि हाल ही में राज्य
सरकार ने जिस स्थानीय नीति की घोषणा की है , वह झारखं ड में विस्थापित समस्या को बढ़ावा
दे गी और राज्य के संथाल आदिवासी एवं मूलवासी तबाही के कगार पर पहुं च जाएंगे, उनके बच्चों
को राज्य में छोटी सी नौकरी के लिए भी महरूम होना पडे ़गा। इन लोगों का जल, जंगल, जमीन,
जो औद्योगिकीकरण के नाम पर बरबाद होता आया है , बिल्कुल तबाह हो जाएगा। सरकार जान-
बूझकर इस नीति को लागू कर रही है , ताकि राजनीतिक फायदा उठाकर संथाल आदिवासी एवं
मूलवासी को नौकरी एवं उनके अन्य अधिकारों से वंचित कर उन्हें राज्य से पालयन करने को
मजबूर किया जा सके, क्योंकि इन्हीं सब गलत नीतियों के कारण अब तक झारखं ड से करीब
एक-तिहाई हिस्सा दू सरे राज्यों में जा चुका है जिनकी हालत दू सरे राज्यों में जानवर से बदतर है ।

महोदय, मैं सरकार से मांग करता हूं कि कें� सरकार इसमें हस्तक्षेप करे और इस गलत
नीति को लागू होने से रोके, बहु त-बहु त धन्यवाद।
28 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

�ी अालोक तिवारी (उत्तर �दे श): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ीमती कहकशां परवीन (बिहार): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करती हूं ।

�ी �ेम चन्द गुप्ता (झारखं ड): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी के. सी. त्यागी (बिहार): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी दिलीप कुमार तिर्की (अोडिशा): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी रवि �काश वर्मा (उत्तर �दे श): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी हरिवंश (बिहार): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी गुलाम रसूल बलियावी (बिहार): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को
संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी अली अनवर अंसारी (बिहार): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध
करता हूं ।

�ी राजाराम (उत्तर �दे श): महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं ।

Unilateral decision of the Government in reducing interest rate on

Employees Provident Fund

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (West Bengal): Thank you, Mr. Deputy Chairman,
Sir. Finally, after three days, I got a chance to speak because of ongoing pandemonium.
...(Interruptions)... There were more spoilsports than business transacted. That is the
ultimate tragedy in this temple of Parliament. Anyway, Sir, I rise to draw the attention
of the Government to the unilateral, undemocratic action by the Finance Ministry in
unilaterally reducing the rate of interest on the Employees Provident Fund, completely
ignoring the unanimous decision of the tripartite body of EPFO, of which no less
than a person like the Union Labour Minister is the Chairman. That Committee

† Transliteration in Urdu script.

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 29

headed by the Union Labour Minister made an interim decision on the interest rate
to be given at the rate of 8.8 per cent on EPF with clear indication that in view of
the availability of more funds generated by the Employees Provident Fund, the rate
of interest will be more, which will be finally reconciled by the end of the financial
year. That is why, interim decision of 8.8 per cent was made. But, unfortunately,
not to speak of further raising it, the Finance Ministry cut it down to 8.7 per cent.
Here, the amount is not important. This money wholly belongs to the workers. Even
the employers' contribution is a deferred wage to the workers to be paid through
employers' contribution in the Provident Fund. That is the position. That Fund is run
by a tripartite Committee representing workers, employers and the Government, and
of which the Labour Minister is the Chairman. Their unanimous decision should not
be tinkered with by sheer exercise of the Executive authority of the Government of
India. That is a wrong and undemocratic position, and it led to huge loss to the four
crore workers. That is their own money. There is no Government contribution in the
Provident Fund. The money is wholly cut out of their salary and deposited as their
social security accumulation. The Government must not have any business in tinkering
on that democratic decision. And it is a part of the overall project of the Government of
India to do away with the Provident Fund system altogether. As a part of their project
-- yesterday also I raised it -- of ensuring ease of doing business, they are proposing
to make EPF optional. They unreasonably taxed the EPF withdrawal and they had to
roll it back ultimately in view of the angry protests made by the workers. ...(Time bell
rings)... They again did it ..(Interruptions).. by imposing restrictions ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Your time is over. Now, Dr. Sanjay Sinh.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: The Government must reconcile its decision and
review ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Your time is over. ...(Interruptions)... You have made
your point. ..(Interruptions).. That's enough. ...(Interruptions)... Now, Dr. Sanjay Sinh.

SHRI D. RAJA (Tamil Nadu): Sir, I associate myself with the issue raised by
the hon. Member.

SHRI PRAFUL PATEL (Maharashtra): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue
raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI ALI ANWAR ANSARI (Bihar): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue
raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI C. P. NARAYANAN (Kerala): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue
raised by the hon. Member.
30 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

Need to include Pal (Dhangar) community in the

Scheduled Caste category

डा. संजय सिंह (असम): उपसभापति महोदय, दे श भर में पाल, कुरूबा, धनगर, गडे रिया,
रबारी नाम से जानी जाने वाली भेड़पालक जाति है । अनेक �माणों से और साक्ष्यों के आधार पर
गडे रिया, कुरबा, रबारी ये सभी कु�वंशी हैं । इस जाति की जागृति एवं विकास के लिए राष्ट्रीय
और उत्तर �दे श स्तर पर कई संगठन कार्यरत रहे , ि‍जसका मुख्य उद्देश्य संविधान की अनु सूची
में अनु सूचित जाति �मांक 27वें पर इस जाति को दर्ज किया गया है , परन्तु आज तक तमाम
आन्दोलनों के बाद भी विशेषकर उत्तर �दे श में अनु सूचित जाति �माण प� जारी नहीं‍ किया
जाता है ।

एक सामान्य परिचय के अनु सार जम्मू कश्मीर, हिमाचल �दे श, पंजाब, हरियाणा, दिल्ली,
उत्तराखं ड, उत्तर �दे श में इन्हें बकरबाल, गद्दी, पाल, बघेल, गडरिया, धनगर, नीखर, चंदेल,
रोहतेला, दु बेला, परिहार आदि नामों से जाना जाता है । आबादी के हिसाब से धनगर (गडरिया
समुदाय) सम्पूर्ण भारत में पूरब से पश्चि‍म, उत्तर से दक्षि‍ण तक भारत की सम्पूर्ण जनसंख्या का
13.6 पतिशत है । उत्तर �दे श में यह �तिशत लगभग 8.5 �तिशत है ।

15 अगस्त, 1947 से पहले जो जातियां सामाजिक एवं शैक्षणिक रूप से अति पिछडी थीं,
उन्हें समाज की मुख्य धारा में लाने के लिए संविधान के अनु च्छेद 330, 332, 335 की धाराएं
15(4), 16(4) के तहत अनु सूचित जाति में लाया गया था। उसमें धनगर जाति कें�ीय गजट के
�मांक 27 पर दर्ज हैं ।

भेड़-बकरी पालक की सभी जातियों को अं�ेजी में shepherd कहा जाता है । अं�ेजी के
shepherd शब्द का हिन्दी अनु वाद गडरिया होता है । �ख्यात समाजशा�ी �ी जे. एच. ह्यूटन की
पुस्तक ''कास्ट इन इंडिया'' में भारत में जाति �था पृष्ठ संख्या 284 पर Dhangar a shepherd
caste in western India का हिन्दी अनु वाद धनगर भारत में गडरियों की एक जाति लिखा है ।
धनगर शब्द जाति बोधक है , जबकि गडरिया शब्द व्यवसाय बोधक है । धनगर व्यवसाय से गडरिया
हो सकता है , लेकिन जाति से धनगर ही है ।

समय-समय पर �दे श स्तर पर तथा जिला स्तर पर तमाम तरह के आंदोलन चलाए गए,
परन्तु धनगर समुदाय (पाल) को संविधान के तहत निर्धारित अनु सूचित जाति का �माण प� आज
भी जारी नहीं किया जाता है । पाल समाज को अनु सूचित जाति में कानू नी तौर पर शामिल किए
जाने तथा अनु सूचित जाति का �माण प� तहसील स्तर से जारी किए जाने के संदर्भ में समय-
समय पर उत्तर �दे श में कई आंदोलन चलाए गए, परन्तु किसी भी सरकार ने इसे गम्भीरता
से नहीं लिया। इसी �म में दिनांक 4 दिसम्बर, 2011 को �तापगढ़ में फैजाबाद और इलाहाबाद
मं डल के सभी जिलों से पाल समाज के लोगों द्वारा एक बड़ा आंदोलन किया गया था, जिसमें
35,000 लोग एक� हु ए थे।

भारत सरकार द्वारा गठित पिछड़ावर्ग आयोग की रिपोर्ट सन् 1955 खं ड 2 के पृष्ठ संख्या-
27, 51, 61, 66, 117 पर गडरिया धनगर का ट्रेडिशनल आक्यूपेशन शेफर्ड लिखा है । इसमें पृष्ठ
संख्या 194 पर अनु सूचित जाति की सूची में �मांक 27 पर धनगर लिखा है ।
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 31

छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य अनु सूचित जनजाति आयोग द्वारा गडरिया धनगर जाति �तिवेदन जुलाई,
2006 की रिपोर्ट में आयोग के अध्यक्ष �ी तारा सिंह राठिया ने अध्याय 9 में धनगर एवं गडरिया
जाति में किसी �कार का अंतर नहीं रखा है । धनगर की मूल जाति गडरिया ही है , इस बात
की पुष्टि‍ हो गयी है ।

अत: मैं सदन के माध्यम से सरकार से मांग करता हूं कि पाल समुदाय को अनु सूचित जाति
में शामिल करने का स्पष्ट आदे श जारी करने का कष्ट करें ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time over. Shri Naresh Agrawal. ...(Interruptions)...

Yes. ...(Interruptions)... All the names may be added. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी सत्य�त चतुर्वेदी (मध्य �दे श): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने
को इससे सम्बद्ध करता हूं ।

�ीमती रजनी पाटिल (महाराष्ट्र): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने
को इससे सम्बद्ध करती हूं ।

�ी राम कुमार कश्यप (हरियाणा): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं
अपने को इससे सम्बद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी हु सैन दलवई (महाराष्ट्र): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने को
इससे सम्बद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने
को इससे सम्बद्ध करता हूं ।

SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, I also associate

myself with the matter raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Goa): Sir, I also associate myself with the matter
raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI MADHUSUDAN MISTRY (Gujarat): Sir, I associate myself with the

matter raised by the hon. Member.

Need to fix responsibility on brand ambassador for misleading

advertisements of products

�ी नरे श अ�वाल (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, brand ambassador बनने का एक नया
फैशन चला है । �ीमन्, मैं हर रोज टी.वी. पर और अखबारों में दे खता हूं कि कुछ फिल्मी हस्ति‍यों
के नाम पर, कुछ प्लेयर्स के नाम पर और कुछ लोग धर्म के नाम पर आस्था रखते हैं और वे
लोग brand ambassador बनकर तमाम एेसे products का विज्ञापन करने लगते हैं । Product
तो छोड़ दीजिए, ये तमाम लोग real estate में चले गए और celebrity हो गए। उन्होंने विज्ञापन
दे ना शुरू कर दिया और जनता उनके �म में फंस गई तथा उस product को खरीदना शुरू
32 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

[�ी नरे श अ�वाल]

कर दिया। आज बड़ी विकट स्थि‍ति हो गई है । जो रिटायर हो गए हैं , मैं उनको दे खता हूं । एक
डॉक्टर आॅर्थो के हैं । वे कहते हैं कि कैसा भी जोड़ों का दर्द हो, कैसा भी शरीर का दर्द हो, हम
तुरंत ठीक कर दंे गे। मे डिकल साइंस उसको सही नहीं मानता है , लेकिन विज्ञापन और हमारे
celebrities इसको सही मानते हैं । हम आपको बहु त से नाम बता दें गे। अब तो सरकार भी brand
ambassador बनाने लगी है , गुजरात सरकार, भारत सरकार। मैं तो सिद्धू जी से कहूं गा कि वे
इस हाउस में आए हैं , वे भी कम से कम इस चीज से थोड़ा बचे रहें गे। एक brand ambassador
के नाम पर महें � सिंह धोनी को जनता का कितना विरोध सहना पड़ा। पूरे नोएडा में उनके
खिलाफ एक रिवोल्ट हो गया कि उन्होंने तमाम बिल्डर्स के मकान बिकवा दिए, जिन्होंने पैसा
तो ले लिया, लेकिन मकान नहीं दिया। तमाम ऐसे विज्ञापन मे डिकल की ऐसी दवाइयों के नाम
पर बड़े -बडे ़ फिल्मी हीरो, मैं यहां नाम लंूगा कि सलमान खान एक दवा बेचते हैं कि रिवाइटल
ले लो, शरीर के अंदर किसी विटामिन की कमी नहीं रहे गी। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ीमती जया बच्चन (उत्तर �दे श): आप फिल्मी मत बोलिए।

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: �ीमन्, मैं यह कह रहा था ...(व्यवधान)... उसमें पान मसाला है । पूरे
विश्व में कानू न है कि अगर कोई fraud करता है , तो celebrity को भी उतना ही दोषी माना
जाएगा। हिन्दुस्तान में ऐसा कानू न नहीं है । अभी एक पार्लियामें टरी कमे टी थी, उस कमे टी ने एक
रिपोर्ट दी है । उस रिपोर्ट में कहा है कि जितना दोषी �ोड्यूसर होगा, उतना ही दोषी celebrity
भी होगा। �ीमन्, यह रिपोर्ट सरकार के सामने आ गई है । दे श की जनता यह चाहती है कि
एक सख्त कानू न बने, जिससे हम ठगे हु ए महसूस न हों। मैं चाहता हूं कि सरकार को इस ओर
ध्यान दे ना चाहिए और इस पर रोक लगानी चािहए। मे रे पास बहु त से नाम हैं कि कौन-कौन
celebrity किस-किस चीज का विज्ञापन कर रहे हैं । मैं यहां उनके नाम नहीं लेना चाहूं गा, लेकिन
मैं आपके माध्यम से सरकार से मांग करता हूं कि इस दे श में जो हो रहा है , हर आदमी अपनी
जगह स्वतं� है , जो चाहे जो करे । अखबार में रोज विज्ञापन, कहीं जापानी तेल...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time over. ...(Interruptions)... Time over.

...(Interruptions)... Time over. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI K. T. S. TULSI (Nominated): Sir, I associate myself with the matter

raised by the hon. Member.

�ी हु सैन दलवई (महाराष्ट्र): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने को
इससे सम्बद्ध करता हूं ।

�ीमती कहकशां परवीन (बिहार): महोदय, माननीय सदस्य ने जो विषय उठाया है , मैं अपने
को इससे सम्बद्ध करती हूं ।

SHRI K. PARASARAN (Nominated): Sir, I too associate myself with the matter
raised by the hon. Member.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Shri Vijay Goel – not present. Shri Anil Desai.
Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 33

Incident of fire in National Museum of Natural History in Delhi

SHRI ANIL DESAI (Maharashtra): Thank you, Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir.
My submission to the House is regarding devastating fire in National Museum of
Natural History in New Delhi. It is very unfortunate that a huge blaze gutted India’s
Museum of Natural History in New Delhi this week. It destroyed not only six floors
of the FICCI building but it also caused immense destruction of possibly countless
collections of country’s flora and fauna. Whatever we lost cannot be retrieved, nor
the loss can be quantified in rupees.

The Natural History Museum is a national treasure. It is not that we lost one
of the natural museums but the fact is that the Museum is the first and only natural
history Museum in India. In addition to the flora and fauna collections, it also
displays several fossils; one of which is the femur bone of a dinosaur belonging to
the Sauropod group.

Sir, everywhere in the world, people treasure their museums and look after them
with great care and make sure that there are adequate firefighting equipments on
hand to deal with any contingency. So, when we see a news report that casually
says that a Museum in the Delhi was gutted in fire, you have to wonder what kind
of people we are. Why was there no foolproof fire safety arrangement? What is the
responsibility of the Director of the Museum and the concerned Ministry that is
finally responsible for the safety of the natural and historical valuables?

And it is almost terrorising to imagine the gravity of loss had this incident
happened during peak hours when hundreds of visitors, including school children,
visit this museum as part of their subject. Nowadays it has become a common
phenomenon that fire accidents take place in Government buildings, particularly during
summer season, either due to short circuit or negligence of the people working in
those buildings. If fire equipment is installed, in many cases it does not work. The
same thing happened in the FICCI building.

Therefore, I urge upon the Government to issue strict instructions to the CPWD
and other agencies which are in charge of Government buildings and other owners
of private buildings to put in place fire equipment and remove encroachments in and
around the buildings to avoid such fire accidents. Thank you, Sir.


associate myself with the mention made by the hon. Member.

SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, I associate myself

with the mention made by the hon. Member.
34 Matters raised [RAJYA SABHA] with permission

SHRI JAIRAM RAMESH (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, I associate myself with the
mention made by the hon. Member.

KUMARI SELJA (Haryana): Sir, I associate myself with the mention made by
the hon. Member.

�ी �मोद तिवारी (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी पी. एल. पुनिया (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

�ी अनिल माधव दवे (मध्य �दे श): उपसभापति जी, मैं स्वयं को इससे संबद्ध करता हूं ।

SHRI RANVIJAY SINGH JUDEV (Chhattisgarh): Sir, I associate myself with

the mention made by the hon. Member.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: All of you have associated yourselves with it.
Now, Shri Pavan Kumar Varma.

अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी तथा संसदीय कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी
(�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी): उपसभापति जी, जीरो ऑवर में डा. सु�मण्यम स्वामी का भी नाम
है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That may be another one. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: No, no. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That may be another list. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी: नहीं सर, उनका इसमें नाम है । ...(व्यवधान)... जीरो ऑवर में
...(व्यवधान)... क्या बात कर रहे हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)... चेयर की तरफ से न्याय होना चाहिए।
...(व्यवधान)... इसमें नाम है । ...(व्यवधान)...। don't know why लास्ट मोमें ट पर नाम कैसे चेंज
हो जाएगा? ...(व्यवधान)... इसमें नाम दिया है । ...(व्यवधान)... लास्ट मोमें ट पर नाम कैसे चेंज
हो जाएगा? ...(व्यवधान)... His name is here. सर, इस तरह का भेदभाव क्यों? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): नक़वी जी, आप हमारे लिए तो कभी भी खडे ़ नहीं हु ए।

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: His name is in the list. यह ...(व्यवधान)...

Sir, his name is in the list. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)... That
is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)... That is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: सर, ...(व्यवधान)... हमें चेयर से यह उम्मीद नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)...
हमें उम्मीद है कि चेयर न्याय करे गी। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)...

Matters raised [28 April, 2016] with permission 35

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: ऑनरे बल मैम्बर अपनी बात कहना चाहते हैं और उनको जीरो ऑवर
एक्सेप्ट हु आ है । ...(व्यवधान)... यह नहीं है कि जीरो ऑवर एक्सेप्ट नहीं हु आ है । ...(व्यवधान)...
उनका जीरो ऑवर एक्सेप्टेड है । ...(व्यवधान)... लिस्ट में उनका नाम है । ...(व्यवधान)... आप लिस्ट
से कैसे डिलीट कर रहे हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)... मे म्बर का अधिकार रोका जा रहा है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. That is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: उनकी मे डेन स्पीच है ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)... A

Minister should not make such complaints. ...(Interruptions)... Ministers should not
make such complaints. ...(Interruptions)... They should find out the position and then

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: Sir, I am reminding you, I am requesting

you that the factual position is that the name of Mr. Subramanian Swamy is in the
list. ...(Interruptions)... क्यों बिना बताए लिस्ट से हट गया? ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I know the factual position better than you.
...(Interruptions)... Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... I am standing...(Interruptions)...
Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... I will allow him. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Minister,
I know the factual position better than you. That is number one. Number two, a
Minister should not stand up and raise it. ...(Interruptions)... You can approach the
Chairman and get the latest position and then say that. That is the way. Now, in
any case, I called out Mr. Pavan Kumar Varma. If you or Mr. Subramanian Swamy
has any complaint, you can certainly approach the Chairman. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: Sir, I am not complaining. ...(Interruptions)...

I am only reminding you that his name is in the list. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: But that is not the final list. ...(Interruptions)... I
have the final list. ...(Interruptions)... I know the latest position. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: Sir, it is all right. ...(Interruptions)... हम

आपको रिमाइंड करा रहे ...(व्यवधान)... हम आपको रिमाइंड करा रहे हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: There is a communication gap. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: आपने एकदम अटें डेस ...(व्यवधान)... उनका नाम ड्रॉप कर
दिया। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: There is a communication gap between the

Minister and me. ...(Interruptions)... That is all. ...(Interruptions)... We will sort it
out. ...(Interruptions)...
36 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

12.00 Noon

SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI: Sir, there is no communication gap.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: We will sort it out. ...(Interruptions)... It is a

communication gap. We will sort it out. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI PAVAN KUMAR VARMA (Bihar): Mr. Deputy Chairman, it is very

unfortunate. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Deputy Chairman, I know that the time is short
but I am not going to rush through without consideration of what I am raising.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Only one minute. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI PAVAN KUMAR VARMA: Sir, why should I suffer because of the
Minister’s intervention? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Only one minute. ...(Interruptions)... you say it.

SHRI PAVAN KUMAR VARMA: What is this, Sir? ...(Interruptions)... Anyway

let me raise it. ...(Interruptions)... Let me raise it. ...(Interruptions)... Sir, in March,
the Government of Nepal has signed multiple agreements with China for providing...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time is over. It is time for Question Hour. Time
is over. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, he should be allowed to raise it tomorrow.


(MR. CHAIRMAN in the Chair)


MR. CHAIRMAN: Question Hour. ...(Interruptions)... Question No.46. Mr. Ramdas

Athawale. ...(Interruptions)... Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... This is Question Hour.
...(Interruptions)... Question No 46. Questioner is not here. Is there any supplementary?

*46. [The questioner (SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE) was absent.]

UN help for Women and Child Development Schemes

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has received any financial help from United Nations
or UNESCO for women and child development schemes in the country;
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 37

(b) the details of funds released for different women and child development
schemes during last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise; and

(c) whether Government has formulated any monitoring system for executing
these schemes and if so the details thereof?


SANJAY GANDHI): (a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) Ministry of Women and Child Development has received assistance from
UN Organization only once in the last three years under the programme funded by
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented by the
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). The programme
envisaged giving training to the self-help groups in areas that could promote income

(b) The project was implemented in five districts of UP and two districts of
Bihar. The funds released to NABARD in the last three years is as under:

Year Amount Released in `

2012-2013 9,22,79,733
2013-2014 11,25,00,000
2014-2015 4,50,00,000
2015-2016 6,90,54,761
Total 31,88,34,494

In view of the extremely slow progress of the project, the Ministry closed the
same w.e.f. 31.01.2015.

(c) For monitoring and execution of the project, the Government had set up
Monitoring Committees at the National, State and District levels.

SHRI K. T. S. TULSI: Sir, I want to ask a question. It is about the United Nations
help for women and children. The question really is that there are 1.2 million children
who die before reaching the age of five. There are 5.9 million children who die world
over but 20 per cent of the global infant mortality takes place in India. WHO has
been helping but we are unable to make the immunisation programme of Pneumococcal
Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) as part of the universal immunisation programme or the
Mission Indradhanush. It costs about ` 1,600 to ` 3,200 per dose. We are the largest
recipient of loans from the World Bank amounting to 102.1 billion dollars between 1945
and 2015. The largest borrower from the World Bank is also the State of Tamil Nadu.
38 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

I want to ask whether for promoting gender equality, education laws, policy plans and
addressing the obstacles in the way of HIV and AIDS, particularly in the context of
children, will the Government make it part of the universal immunisation programme?

SHRIMATI MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI: Sir, the entire question asked by the
hon. Member does not pertain to my Ministry at all. It pertains to the Health Ministry.

�ीमती कहकशां परवीन: सभापति‍ महोदय, मैं आपके माध्यम से माननीया मं �ी जी से यह

कहना चाहती हूँ िक माननीया मं �ी महोदया ने इस �श्न का जो उत्तर िदया है , उसमें उन्होंने
बताया है िक राष्ट्रीय कृिष एवं �ामीण िवकास बैंक द्वारा कार्यािन्वत कार्य�म के अंतर्गत संयुक्त
राष्ट्र संगठन से िपछले तीन वर्ष में केवल एक बार ही सहायता �ाप्त हु ई है और परि‍योजना को
उत्तर �दे श के पांच िजलों और िबहार के दो िजलों में चलाया गया था, लेिकन परि‍योजना की
धीमी गति‍ के कारण इसको बंद कर िदया गया। मैं माननीया मं �ी जी से यह जानना चाहती हूँ
िक धीमी गति‍ को तेज करने के िलए इनके द्वारा क्या कदम उठाए गए थे और इस परि‍योजना
को बंद करने से पहले राज्य सरकार के साथ बैठ कर बातें हु ई थीं या नहीं?

SHRIMATI MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI: Sir, the Priyadarshini Programme

borrowed money for just five places in Uttar Pradesh and two in Bihar. When our
Government came in, I did a review of this and we found that धीमी गति‍ तो दू र की
बात, there was absolutely no work on the ground. The idea was to train women
to be self-sufficient to start Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and to train them in ways
that they would be able to carry on their lives with more economic security. None
of this had been done. An amount of ` 31 crore had already been spent out of
` 100 crore with absolutely no effect on the ground. Yes, we consulted the State
Governments. We called in all the NGOs. We had meeting after meeting with the
bank people. We consulted NABARD. We did a ground level survey. We found that
many of the NGOs have been chosen for reasons other than ability to work on the
ground. The entire project had very little to do with women and more to do with
the people who own the NGOs. Therefore, we took this decision of the money that
was wasted was wasted, the rest be returned.

SHRIMATI RAJANI PATIL: Sir, the reply given by the hon. Minister is totally
contradictory and misleading to the House. If we see the reply, it says, "In view
of the extremely slow progress of the project, the Ministry closed the same." Again
in para (c) the Minister says, "For monitoring and execution of the project, the
Government had set up Monitoring Committee at the National, State and District
levels." How could a closed project be monitored and on what basis? They are
monitoring only five districts. How can a national level committee be constituted?

SHRIMATI MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI: Sir, five districts were chosen by the
Government before us. The Monitoring Committee was constituted by the previous
Government. When we came to power we took a review of the Monitoring Committee,
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 39

all the NGOs and every beneficiary. There was an intensive study done so that we
did not do anything that would disturb a good programme. But it wasn't a good
programme. It was a very bad programme that brought no relief to the women and
to the district. It didn't improve anybody's lives. Therefore, we have decided that
since it was a national money it should be closed.


Reluctance in sharing of information under RTI

*47. SHRI SALIM ANSARI: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether according to a study conducted by Commonwealth Human Rights

Initiative, Government Ministries/Departments are reluctant and unwilling to share
even basic data under the Right to Information Act;

(b) if so, the details of the study conducted and the response of Government

(c) whether Ministries/Departments are refusing the Central Information

Commission (CIC) to divulge even basic data on a number of RTI applicants; and

(d) if so, what steps are being taken to strengthen the procedure so as to
minimize the trend of rejecting or evading information to RTI applicants?


MINISTER’S OFFICE (DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) to (d) A Statement is laid on
the Table of the House.


(a) to (c) The report of the Common-Wealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)
is available on its website. This report analyses the trends of the implementation
of the Right to Information Act (RTI) based on the Annual Report—2014-15 of
the Central Information Commission (CIC). Some of the key findings of this report
inter-alia include the following:
(i) 75.27% of 2030 registered public authorities submitted their annual returns
to the CIC in 2014-15.
(ii) Total of 7,55,247 RTI applications were received by reporting public authorities
in 2014-15, which is about 79,000 less than RTI applications received in
(iii) The CIC imposed penalties of ` 7.39 lakh in 2014-15 as compared to
` 19.25 lakh in 2013-14.
40 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

As per the Annual Report of the CIC, 75.27% of the Public Authorities have
filed their Annual Returns to the CIC for 2014-15, which is higher than the figure
of 72.54% for 2013-14, indicating an improved compliance over the previous year.

As per Section 25(1) of the Right to Information Act the Central Information
Commission shall, after the end of the year, prepare a report on the implementation
of the provisions of this Act during that year and forward a copy thereof to the
appropriate Government.

The Act further says that each Ministry or Department shall collect and provide
all such information to the CIC required to prepare the annual report. The CIC
has, from time to time, issued letters to various defaulting Public Authorities for
submission of quarterly returns.

(d) The RTI Act, 2005 provides for imposition of penalty on the Public
Information Officer for malafidely denying or knowingly giving incorrect, incomplete
or misleading information or for destroying information that was the subject matter
of the request or obstructing in any manner in furnishing the information within the
prescribed time period.

In addition, the Government has taken several steps to strengthen the regime of
RTI Act, which inter-alia includes the following:

(i) An RTI online web portal www.rtionline.gov.in was launched to facilitate

online filing of RTI applications and appeals with the facility of online
payment of RTI fees. 100 Central public authorities were aligned with the
portal by April, 2014. However, from May 2014 onwards, 393 more Central
public authorities have been aligned to the portal taking to number to 493.

(ii) RTI online portal has provided the facility to citizens for filing applications
and first appeals in Hindi language from February, 2016.

(iii) The Government has conducted training and capacity building programs for
Public Information Officers and First Appellate Authorities through State
Government Training Institutes for effective implementation of the RTI Act.
In the year 2015-16, ` 1.66 crores has been released.

(iv) In the year 2015-16, funds for six regional conferences and 34 State level
workshops has been released for awareness generation on various provisions
of the Act.

(v) Ministries/Departments and Other Public Authorities are proactively working

towards suo-motu disclosure and more information is put on their websites
so as to reduce the need for filing RTI applications.
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 41

It is pertinent to mention that the Government has not entrusted any study to
the CHRI on the implementation of the RTI Act.

�ी सािलम अन्सारी: माननीय उपसभापति‍ महोदय, मैं माननीय मं �ी जी से पूछना चाहता

हूं िक मं �ालय और सरकारी पीएसयू का आवेदकों को गुप्त सूचनाएं दे ने के िलए अलग-अलग
मापदं ड है , जबिक नेताजी सुभाष चं� बोस की सभी गुप्त फाइलें सार्वज‍िनक कर दी गई हैं । मैं
माननीय मं �ी जी से यह जानना चाहूं गा िक secret, confidential and top secret दस्तावेज़ों
को वर्गीकृत करने के िलए क्या िनयम हैं ?

DR. JITENDRA SINGH: Mr. Chairman, Sir, the question pertains to the
Commonwealth Human Rights initiative. उसके संदर्भ में �श्न िकया गया है िक Chief
Central Information Commission को जो िरपोर्ट जाती है , आदरणीय सदस्य ने िजस िरपोर्ट को
क्वोट िकया है , उनके अनु सार शायद वह उस समय-रे खा के अधीन नहीं गई। मैं इसमें यह स्पष्ट
करना चाहूं गा िक Central Information Commission की एक �किया होती है । पहले public
authorities की ओर से annual basis पर िरपोटर्स जाती थीं, लेिकन अब उसे quarterly basis
पर कर िदया गया है । ये सारी इन्फॉर्में शन Central Information Commission के पास रहती
है और Central Information Commission का मूल िवचार है , the Government to ensure
transparency. मेरे ख़याल से, the greatest evidence of the Government's commitment for
ensuring transparency lies in the fact that for the first time in the history of the RTI,
in the last ten years, this Government has filled up all the ten posts of the Information
Commissioners which never happened earlier, शायद इसी कारण pendency भी रहती थी।
Not only that in the Department of Personnel itself we have a Grievance Cell. Now
we have started monitoring on a weekly basis, and even on the basis of the figures
which I calculated last evening, in the five working days, our disposal of grievances
has gone up to, as much as 84 per cent. We are personally calling complainants at
random to verify the level of satisfaction. यह कहना उिचत नहीं होगा िक इसमें िकसी तरह
की पारदर्शि‍ता में कमी है , बल्कि‍ मैं आपको बताना चाहूं गा िक इसका िरस्पांस बढ़ गया है । एक
क्षण और लेकर मैं इसमें एक बात यह भी जोड़ना चाहूं गा िक जब से यह सरकार सत्ता में आई,
उससे पहले on an average the number of grievances recorded was two lakhs and now
it is six lakhs, यानी यह काम तीन गुना बढ़ गया है । The hon. Chairman will be interested
to hear and appreciate; this is for your kind consideration, Sir. एक प�कार ने यह कहा
िक क्या मोदी सरकार के आने से िशकायतें बढ़ गई हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: No, that could be discussed separately. You reply to the question.

डा. िजतें� िसंह: सर, एक िमनट, तो हमने आप ही की �ेरणा से ग़ािलब के शब्दों में यह
उत्तर िदया—
"जब तवक्को ही उठ गई 'ग़ािलब'
क्यूँ िकसी का िगला करे कोई।"

तो कहने का अर्थ यह है िक िगला वहां उठ गया, जहां तवक्को होती है । ...(व्यवधान)...

Our response has increased and, therefore, the number of grievances has increased
and the pendency has reduced.
42 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

�ी सािलम अन्सारी: माननीय सभापति‍ जी, मे रा जो क्वेश्चन है , उसका जवाब तो मं �ी जी

ने िदया नहीं। वे ग़ािलब का शेर सुना रहे हैं । बहरहाल, ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शेखर: क्वेश्चन क्या पूछा गया था? ...(व्यवधान)... सी�ेट फाइल कैसे ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: आप बैठ जाइए। ...(व्यवधान)... प्लीज़ आप बैठ जाइए। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर: आप कुछ और बता रहे हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: नहीं, नहीं। ...(व्यवधान)... यह सवाल आपका नहीं है । सवाल उनको सवाल
पूछने दीिजए। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर: सर, तो िफर हम लोग यहां िकसलि‍ए बैठे हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: नहीं, नहीं। आप उनको सवाल करने दीिजए। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर: तो हम यहां िकसलि‍ए बैठे हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)... जब सही जवाब आएगा
तभी तो ...(व्यवधान)... जब सही जवाब नहीं आएगा तो ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: प्लीज़ ...(व्यवधान)... आप उनको दू सरा �श्न पूछने दीिजए।

�ी सािलम अन्सारी: माननीय सभापति‍ जी, माननीय मं �ी जी से मे रा यह दू सरा सवाल है ।

िपछले कुछ वर्षों में RTI के कार्यकर्ताओं की हत्या कर दी गई है । मैं माननीय मं �ी जी से यह
जानना चाहता हूँ िक िपछले तीन वर्षों में RTI के िकतने कार्यकर्ताओं की हत्या की गई और
सरकार RTI कार्यकर्ताओं की सुरक्षा के िलए क्या कदम उठा रही है तथा क्या उनके परि‍वार
को कुछ मुआवजा दे ने पर भी िवचार हो रहा है या नहीं?

डा. िजतें� िसंह: सभापति‍ महोदय, वैसे तो इसका सीधा-सीधा इस �श्न के साथ संबन्ध नहीं
है िक िकतनी हत्याएँ की गई हैं । आपका �श्न RTI के साथ संबन्धि‍त था और उसका संबन्ध एक
अलग कानू न के साथ है । उसको लेकर Whistle Blowers’ Bill इत्यािद भी इस सदन के जे़रे
ग़ौर है । वह अभी कमे टी के पास गया हु आ है । उसके साथ मैं इसे नहीं जोड़ँ गूा, परन्तु आपका
जो िपछला �श्न था, शायद उसका पर्याप्त उत्तर नहीं िदया गया, मैं आंकड़ों के आधार पर उत्तर
दे रहा हूँ । आज evidence-based era है । There has been a reduction of 79,000 in the
number of RTIs filed over the last two years and जब यह सरकार सत्ता में आई थी,
तो हमारे पास 36,000 appeals and complaints थी, शायद आपको उसका demarcation पता
होगा। Today, we talk in figures. अब यह नहीं कह सकते िक मं �ी नहीं जानता, मैं जानता
हूँ । I have the figures. You can counter those figures ...(Interruptions)... So, 39,000
was the cumulative figure. ...(Interruptions)... It was the cumulative figure because
of the lack of promptness on the part of the Information Commission, which we
have activated and, as a result of which, this disposal has been expedited and even
the number of RTIs has gone down.

�ी राजीव शुक्ल: सभापति‍ महोदय, RTI पूरी तरह लागू हो, लोग उसका फायदा उठाएँ। इस
कानू न को लागू करने के पीछे भी बुिनयादी मं शा यही थी िक आम आदमी की जो िशकायतें और
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 43

समस्याएँ हैं , उनका िनराकरण हो सके। मैं इन सब के साथ सहमत हूँ िक इसको और अच्छी
तरह लागू िकया जाए। लेिकन सर, मैं एक सवाल मं �ी जी से पूछना चाहता हूँ िक क्या उनको
संज्ञान है िक इसका जबर्दस्त िमसयूज़ भी हो रहा है और लोग जमकर इसका गलत फायदा
भी उठा रहे हैं ? लोगों ने तो कार्ड छपा रखे हैं , जैसे कोई designation हो- ‘RTI Activist’. इस
तरह से लोगों को ब्लैकमे ल भी िकया जाता है , बड़े फायदे िलए जाते हैं , पैसे कमाए जा रहे हैं ।
यह सब रोकने के िलए वे क्या काम कर रहे हैं िक इस तरह की जो गतिविधि‍यां या हरकतें हैं ,
उनको रोका जा सके और कानू न की जो असली मं शा है , उसको पूरा िकया जा सके?

डा. िजतें� िसंह: सभापति‍ महोदय, आदरणीय सदस्य की िचन्ता उिचत है और इस िवषय
का संज्ञान भी िलया गया है । I am glad that across the lines, सबको इसकी िचन्ता है । हमारे
पास इस समय जो िनयम हैं , उनके अनु सार कुछे क पेनज्टीज़ रखी गई हैं , िजनमें अिधक से
अिधक 25,000 तक का जुर्माना इत्यािद है , परन्तु आपकी बात हमारे ध्यान में आती है िक शायद
कुछ और �ावधान इसमें लाने की गुंजाइश रहती हो, िजसके ऊपर आगे चलकर िचन्ता की जा
सकती है और उसका संज्ञान िलया जा सकता है ।

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: माननीय सभापति‍ जी, मैं आपके माध्यम से माननीय मं �ी जी से खास
तौर पर कहना चाहूँ गा िक यह सत्य है िक यह कानू न अमे िरका के दबाव में िहन्दुस्तान में लागू
हु आ। तो मैं पहले यह जानना चाहूँ गा िक हमारे पड़ोस के जो दे श हैं , पािकस्तान, बंगलादे श,
नेपाल और �ीलंका, क्या वहां यह कानू न लागू है या नहीं? दू सरा..

MR. CHAIRMAN: This is not fair. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: अगर यह उन दे शों में लागू है —मैं इस कारण यह पूछना चाहता हूँ , मे रा
कहना है िक मैं ने जान-बूझकर शुरू में जो कहा िक अमे िरका के दबाव में इस दे श में यह कानू न..

MR. CHAIRMAN: Don’t say that. ...(Interruptions)... That is not fair.


�ी जयराम रमे श: सर, यह िबल्कुल गलत बात है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: आप कौन होते हैं बोलने वाले? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी जयराम रमे श: यह िबल्कुल गलत बात है । ...(व्यवधान)... यह िबल्कुल गलत बात है ।


�ी नरे श अ�वाल: आप कौन होते हैं बोलने वाले? ...(व्यवधान)... आप मं �ी नहीं हैं ।
...(व्यवधान)... क्या आप अब मं �ी हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Nareshji, one minute. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: ये कौन हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)... ये कोई िमनि‍स्टर हैं ? ...(व्यवधान)... इन्हें
गलतफहमी है िक ये िमनि‍स्टर हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Nareshji, let me handle this. ...(Interruptions)...

44 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: जनता ने िनकाल कर फें क िदया और अभी भी ये िमनि‍स्टर हैं ?


MR. CHAIRMAN: Nareshji, the law was made by this Parliament and let us
leave it at that.

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: सर, मैं तो पूछ रहा हूँ , मे रा यह मानना है , हो सकता है िक मैं गलत
हूँ , लेिकन मैं ने पूछा िक िहन्दुस्तान के पड़ोस के इन दे शों में यह लागू है या नहीं है ? जैसा िक
राजीव शुक्ल जी ने कहा िक RTI और PIL, ये दोनों इस दे श के िलए बहु त बड़ी समस्या हो गए
हैं और इसके अंतर्गत तमाम िवभाग छू टे हैं , लेिकन जो नहीं भी छू टे हैं , उनमें से कुछ िवभागों
ने भारत सरकार को िलख कर भेजा है िक हमें भी RTI से मुक्त िकया जाए, क्योंिक दे श के
तमाम सी�ेट्स RTI के माध्यम से लीक हो रहे हैं । अगर यह बात सही है , तो यह कौन-कौन
से िवभाग ने िलखा है ?

डा. िजतें� िसंह: सभापति‍ महोदय, आदरणीय सदस्य के ध्यान में होगा िक जब यह �ावधान
लाया गया था, तब सदन की ओर से सर्वसम्मति‍ से लाया गया था। जैसा िक आपने कहा और
शायद इसके पीछे there must have been a noble intention of right to information िक
�त्येक नागरि‍क को जानकारी का अिधकार रहे । उसका िकस �कार से सही उपयोग हो, इसके
ऊपर �ि�या बनाई जा सकती है और समय-समय पर review भी की जा सकती है । उसके
अितरि‍क्त कुछे क ऐसे क्षे� हैं , िजनके िलए यह �ावधान रखा गया है िक उसकी जानकारी
उपलब्ध नहीं कराई जाएगी। इसके तहत सेक्शन (8) के अंतर्गत sovereignty and integrity है
और सेक्शन (24) के अंतर्गत securities issues आते हैं । इस �कार सरकार ने अपनी ओर से
इसमें कुछे क मापदं ड रखे हैं िक कौन-सी जानकारी दी जानी चािहए और कौन-सी जानकारी
नहीं दी जानी चािहए, परं तु जहां तक इसके िमसयूज का संबंध है , उसके ऊपर िवचार करने
की गुंजाइश हो सकती है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: सर, मैं ने पूछा था िक यह पड़ोस के दे शों में लागू है या नहीं है ?

MR. CHAIRMAN: That is a separate matter.

DR. JITENDRA SINGH: Sir, actually, I am assigned only to talk about the
Government of India, not for the Government of Sri Lanka.

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: चेयरमै न सर, हमारे बाकी सािथयों ने भी कुछ भावना व्यक्त की है । हम
भी सरकार में थे और दोनों सदनों ने RTI एक्ट को पास िकया। पारदर्शि‍ता के िलए हम सब
सहमत हैं और होना भी चािहए। एक बदलते हु ए युग में और आज के वातावरण में पारदर्शि‍ता
महत्वपूर्ण है , लेिकन साथ-साथ यह भी दे खना जरूरी है िक इसका दु रुपयोग न हो, जैसा िक
सभी सािथयों ने कहा िक इसका दु रुपयोग हो रहा है ।

सर, मुझे मालूम है िक सरकारी अिधकारी जब िनर्णय लेने की �ि�या में बैठते हैं , तो उनके
िदमाग में िनर्णय क्या लेना है , वह तो बाद की बात होती है , RTI के तहत उसमें से क्या िनकलेगा,
यह बात उनके िदमाग में पहले गूंजती है , बाद में वह िनर्णय लेने की कोिशश करता है । इस
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 45

तरह से objectivity खत्म हो गई है । इसके बारे में कई बार चर्चा सरकार के भीतर भी होती है ,
मुझे मालूम है । मैं यह नहीं कहना चाहूं गा िक मे री िकनसे बात हु ई, लेिकन सभी के मन में इसके
बारे में िचंता है िक हमने यह कानू न बहु त जल्दबाजी में बना िदया। ...(व्यवधान)... इसके बारे
में भी कहीं न कहीं चर्चा हु ई है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: आपका सवाल क्या है ?

�ी �फुल्ल पटेल: चेयरमैन सर, मैं सरकार से यह पूछना चाहता हूँ िक जब आपने यहां
पर कई लोगों की भावना सुनी है , तो क्या इस कानू न में कुछ बदलाव करें गे, क्योंिक इसमें कोई
locus नहीं है ? कोई भी आदमी दस रुपए भरकर कोई भी जानकारी �ाप्त कर सकता है । चाहे
वह कोई पनवाड़ी हो या कोई चायवाला हो, वह भी इस दे श की िमसाइल िकसने बनायी, यह
जान सकता है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: What is the question?

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: मैं ने उस भावना से नहीं पूछा। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: What is your question?

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: अगर गलती से बोला गया है ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: We don't need a lecture on this.

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: सर, अगर गलती से बोला गया है ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: What is your question? Please ask your question; no deviation.

SHRI PRAFUL PATEL: There is no disrespect to the hon. Prime Minister. It is

an honour. But, he has become the Prime Minister. ...(Interruptions)...Now, he has
to answer somebody else. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Is that your question?

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: जी नहीं, सर।

MR. CHAIRMAN: Then, please ask your question.

�ी �फुल्ल पटे ल: सर, आज कोई भी व्यक्ति‍‍ इसका सहारा लेकर अगर िमसाइल �ो�ाम के
बारे में , िकसी और बड़ी बात के बारे में , िकसी इंटरनेशनल िरलेशन्स के बारे में या िकसी सी�ेट
document के बारे में जानकारी चाहता है , then there must be some restriction. The locus
of person has to be known...(Interruptions)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Is that a suggestion or a question?

SHRI PRAFUL PATEL: So, my question is: Is the Government willing to

consider bringing amendment to the RTI Act, so that it becomes more objective
and practical?
46 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

DR. JITENDRA SINGH: Mr. Chairman, Sir, the hon. Member's concern is well
taken. This will be kept in mind. And, to the earlier observation made by him
that this might cut down the initiative of officer, I would say that the Government
is equally concerned. I think, this is evident from the fact that the Prevention of
Corruption (Amendment) Act, 1988 that has been brought in by the Government
includes section 17 to replace section 6(a) of the DSP Act wherein the permission
to proceed against an officer was sought only in case of Joint Secretary and above.
Now, this will be mandatory for all officers. So, we are equally concerned that there
should not be anything done which cuts down or intimidates or causes unnecessary
harassment to any officer or reduces his initiative.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Now, Question No. 48.

More Kendriya Vidyalayas and JNVs in Odisha


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the existing number of the Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) and Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) is adequate to meet the growing demand of such schools
in the country, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether Government proposes to establish more KVs and JNVs particularly
in the tribal, far-flung and left wing extremist affected areas of Odisha, if so, the
details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(c) the number of KVs and JNVs approved and set up during the last three
years and the current year?


SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) and (b) The Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) are opened primarily to cater to
the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees
including Defence and Para–Military Personnel by providing a common programme of
education. Proposals for opening of new Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) are considered
only if sponsored by Ministries or Departments of the Government of India/State
Governments/Union Territories Administrations and Organization of employees belonging
to the eligible categories thereby committing resources for setting up a new KV as
well as on the availability of necessary sanction of the Government.
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 47

As per prescribed norms for the opening of new KVs under Civil/Defence Sector,
the concerned sponsoring authority is liable to provide suitable and sufficient rent
free temporary accommodation for setting up of the newly sanctioned KV to make
the school functional till the construction of permanent building by the Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) on the land to be provided by the sponsoring agency,
free of cost. The identified and demarcated land is also required to be transferred
by the State Government/District Authority to KVS.

The Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme provides for opening of one Navodaya Vidyalaya
in each district of the country. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) have been
sanctioned in 576 districts located in 36 States/UTs (except Tamil Nadu). Apart from
above, the Government of India has sanctioned 20 additional JNVs in the districts
having large concentration of SC/ST population, and 2 more JNVs in the State of
Manipur as a special case. Opening of new JNVs is a continuous process which
depends on the willingness of the concerned State Government to make available
requisite suitable land free of cost for construction of school buildings and required
temporary accommodation (free of rent) to start the Vidyalaya. Actual sanction and
opening of new JNV depends on the availability of funds and approval by Competent
Authority. The State/UTs wise details of functional KVs and JNVs are given in
Statement-I (See below).

54 new KVs were sanctioned under Civil Sector in the country in March,
2014 including 6 in the State of Odisha. Out of these, 34 KVs including 2 KVs at
(i) Hinjilicut in Distt. Ganjam and (ii) Sambalpur No. 2 in Distt. Sambalpur in the
State of Odisha have been opened and made functional. The details of the 34 KVs
opened and made functional are given in Statement-II (See below).

Out of 35 districts worst affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE), 52 KVs

are functioning in 24 districts in 7 States of the country. Out of these, 3 KVs at
(i) Sunabeda (ii) Koraput and (iii) Malkangiri are functioning in the State of Odisha.

33 JNVs are functioning in 30 worst affected LWE districts of the country

including 3 JNVs at (i) Koraput (ii) Malkangiri-I and (iii) Malkangiri-II in the State
of Odisha.

(c) During last three years and the current year, 61 KVs have been approved
and 40 KVs have been set up so far whereas two JNVs have been approved and
set up during the same period.
48 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions


State/UT-wise datails of 1124 Kendriya Vidyalayas and 591 Jawahar Navodaya

functioning in the country
Sl.No. Name of State/UT Number of KVs Number of JNVs
1. Andaman and Nicobar (UT) 02 02
2. Andhra Pradesh 30 15
3. Arunachal Pradesh 15 16
4. Assam 55 27
5. Bihar 47 39
6. Chandigarh 05 01
7. Chhattisgarh 28 17
8. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 01 01
9. Daman and Diu 01 02
10. Delhi 44 02
11. Goa 05 02
12. Gujarat 44 23
13. Haryana 27 20
14. Himachal Pradesh 24 12
15. Jammu and Kashmir 37 17
16. Jharkhand 32 24
17. Karnataka 45 28
18. Kerala 36 14
19. Lakshadweep 01 01
20. Madhya Pradesh 94 50
21. Maharashtra 57 33
22. Manipur 08 11
23. Meghalaya 07 08
24. Mizoram 04 07
25. Nagaland 05 11
26. Odisha 55 31
27. Puducherry 04 04
28. Punjab 49 21
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 49

Sl.No. Name of State/UT Number of KVs Number of JNVs

29. Rajasthan 68 34
30. Sikkim 02 04
31. Tamil Nadu 42 00*
32. Telangana 31 09
33. Tripura 09 04
34. Uttar Pradesh 109 70
35. Uttarakhand 43 13
36. West Bengal 58 18
Total 1124 591
* The State of Tamil Nadu has not yet accepted the JNV scheme.


Details of 34 KVs opened and made functional

Sl.No. Name of proposal State Name of District

1. Hardoi Uttar Pradesh Hardoi
2. Mahabubabad Telangana Warangal
3. Miryalguda Telangana Nalgonda
4. Sector-28 Rohini Delhi Rohini (North West)
5. Chamrajnagar Karnataka Chamrajnagar
6. Gangrani Uttar Pradesh Kushinagar
7. Tenali Andhra Pradesh Guntur
8. Sasaram Distt. Rohtas Bihar Rohtas
9. Shivgarh, Rae Barielly Uttar Pradesh Rae Bareily
10. Janjgir, Distt. Janjgir Champa Chhattisgarh Janjgir Champa
11. Jalore Rajasthan Jalore
12. Jaisindhar Rajasthan Barmer
13. Hanumangarh Rajasthan Hanumangarh
14. Shrawasti Uttar Pradesh Shrawasti
15. Akampat Manipur East Imphal
16. Hinjilicut Odisha Ganjam
50 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

Sl.No. Name of proposal State Name of District

17. Mandya Karnataka Mandya
18. Ziro, Hapoli Arunachal Predesh Lower Subansiri
19. Kasrawad Madhya Pradesh Khargone
20. Haveri Karnataka Haveri
21. Chikodi Karnataka Belgaum
22. Sambalpur No. 2 Odisha Sambalpur
23. Siricila, Distt. Karim Nagar Telangana Karim Nagar
24. Bundi, Distt. Bundi Rajasthan Bundi
25. Jhajha District Jamui Bihar Jamui
26. Narayanpur, Distt. Narayanpur Chhattisgarh Narayanpur
27. Saloh (Santokhgarh), Distt. Una Himachal Pradesh Una
28. Dausa, Distt. Dausa Rajasthan Dausa
29. Jharasangam Distt. Medak Telangana Medak
30. Udupi Karnataka Udupi
31. Kottayam, Kudurthy Kerala Kottayam
32. Bodhan Town, Distt. Nizamabad Telangana Nizamabad
33. Golden Rock, SR, Tiruchirapally Tamil Nadu Tiruchirapally
34. Rajampeta. Distt. Kadapa Andhra Pradesh Kadappa

SHRI RANJIB BISWAL: Sir, through you, I would like to draw the attention
of the Government that Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha has a large concentration
of Scheduled Caste population and it has seen rapid industrialization also. Sir, over
the years, there is a major port there; there is a major oil refinery there; there are
a number of industries there. The district administration has sent a proposal to set
up a Kendriya Vidyalaya there which has been long-pending. I would like to know
from the hon. Minister, since there are a number of Central Government offices
there, what she is doing about the proposal and what action she has taken on it.

SHRIMATI SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI: Sir, I would like to bring to the notice
of the hon. Member that on the 3rd February, 2016, the district administration has
written to us stating that they do not have 10 acres of land to set up a Kendriya
Vidyalaya and hence, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is now communicating
with them to understand how we can facilitate this demand in the district. Hence,
I would, Sir, through you, impress upon the hon. Member to use his good offices
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 51

to engage with the district administration and, in fact, help us fulfill this desire of
the citizens of the district.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Now, your second question.

SHRI RANJIB BISWAL: Sir, the Minister has given me the responsibility. I will
come back to her in one month’s time. But, I need an assurance that she will work
on that. My second question is that there are a number of seats lying vacant in the
Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Schools where the local students are not allowed
to take admission. Sir, I would like to request the Minister to make a provision so
that the local students are given an opportunity to get admission or a reservation
of 50 per cent is given to the local people so that the students can get admission.

MR. CHAIRMAN: That is not your question.

SHRIMATI SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI: Sir, I would only say to the hon. Member
as I am sure every Member in this House and the other House is aware that we
have increased the quota for every hon. Member of Parliament now to, at least,
give entrance into Kendriya Vidyalayas. But the challenge with regard to Navodaya
Vidyalayas is this that the students who get admitted into Navodaya Vidyalaya have
to do so through an entrance exam because we want to give preference to students
from rural India and, especially, those from weaker sections of the society. Hence,
we ensure that all the seats that are demarcated for students in Navodaya Vidyalaya
are actually 100 per cent filled.

DR. K. P. RAMALINGAM: Sir, in the Minister’s statement, the third paragraph

says, “Opening of one Navodaya Vidyalaya in each district of the country. Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) have been sanctioned in 576 districts located in 36 States/
UTs (except Tamil Nadu).” Why is it? Why has the Government of India omitted
Tamil Nadu? Can the Minister explain in detail whether the State Government has
rejected it or not accepted it or why it has happened?

SHRIMATI SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI: Sir, I would like to, through you, bring
to the attention of the hon. Member that the State Government has not accepted
setting up of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas within the State. That is the position
that has been unchanged with regard to the State till now in its communication with
the Government of India.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Now, Shri D. Raja.

SHRI D. RAJA: Sir, I wanted to put the same question.

MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. Shrimati Jharna Das Baidya.

52 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

�ीमती झरना दास बैद्य: सर, हर िडस्ट्रिक्ट में एक कें�ीय िवद्यालय होगा, यह सही बात है ,
लेिकन मैं माननीय िमनि‍स्टर को ि�पुरा के बारे में बताना चाहती हूँ िक वहां एक िडस्ट्रिक्ट में तीन
कें�ीय िवद्यालय हैं , दू सरे िडस्ट्रिक्ट में एक िवद्यालय है और तीसरे िडस्ट्रिक्ट में एक िवद्यालय
है । वहां आठ िडस्ट्रिक्ट में से पांच िडस्ट्रिक्ट में अभी तक कोई कें�ीय िवद्यालय नहीं है , जबकि‍
वहां 31 परसेंट ट्राइबल पीपल रहते हैं । वहां का उदयपुर िडस्ट्रिक्ट, िजसे गोमती िडस्ट्रिक्ट भी
कहते हैं , वहां के िलए सैंक्शन भी हु आ, लेिकन आज तक वह ए�ूव नहीं हु आ है । मैं यह जानना
चाहती हूँ िक वह क्यों ए�ूव नहीं हु आ और वह कब तक चालू हो जाएगा?

SHRIMATI SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI: Sir, through you, I would like to tell
the hon. Member that it is not essential to have a Kendriya Vidyalaya in every
district. Kendriya Vidyalaya can only be opened depending on the Central employees
who are stationed in that district including Defence personnel and since it is their
deployment and placement in districts which becomes the pre-requisite to opening
a Kendriya Vidyalaya, hence, proposals from districts and States are looked upon
only in conjunction with that particular rule. I would also like to highlight the
concern expressed by the hon. Member especially for children who come from the
tribal community. In fact, Navodaya Vidyalaya caters to a lot of children from the
tribal community. I am sure, the hon. Member, along with others in the House,
today would appreciate a good news that I would like to share that Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya students, particularly SC/ST children and children from weaker
sections, were particularly given help of special classes so that they can put up
their candidature in competitive examinations, especially the IIT-JEE. I have just
received news that children who participated in centres in Bengaluru and Pune, after
this special intervention, have achieved a hundred per cent result. So, I would like
to congratulate those students. For the first time, Sir, these students from the tribal
community, from the weaker sections of the society, have complete fee waiver in the
IIT system, including children, irrespective of their category, whose family earning
is less than Rs. 1 lakh a year. The fees would be waived off in IITs completely,
thereby we are facilitating the children who are economically challenged and socially
challenged to learn in the best technology institutions of the country.

�ी अजय संचेती: सर, मैं माननीय मं �ी जी से जानना चाहता हूं िक क्या सरकार इस साल
महाराष्ट्र में कोई नये कें�ीय नवोदय िवद्यालय खोलने जा रही है ?

SHRIMATI SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI: Sir, as I said in my answer before, Kendriya

Vidyalaya is only opened looking at the deployment of Central staff including personnel
from the Defence, the para-military forces, also depending on the sponsoring authority
which can be the State Government. Once such a proposal comes, it is scrutinized
duly by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. With regard to Navodaya Vidyalaya, we
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 53

are cognizant of the fact that there might be proposals of the districts, not only in
Maharashtra but also across the country which are currently not covered and don’t
have a Navodaya Vidyalaya.

The hon. Finance Minister in his Budget Speech, in fact, has given us the
financial support to open up over 60 new Navodaya Vidyalayas in this current year
and we are hopeful that in this current year, then, that gap of 60 centres will be
bridged by the Government of India.

भारत-पाि‍कस्तान शांति‍ वार्ता

*49. �ी विशम्भर �साद ि‍नषाद: क्या विदे श मं �ी यह बताने की कृपा करें गे कि:

(क) पठानकोट हवाई अड्डे पर हु ए आतंकवादी हमले की जांच के ि‍लए पाि‍कस्तान सरकार
द्वारा भेजे गए पाि‍कस्तानी जांच दल के पाि‍कस्तान लौटने के बाद पाि‍कस्तान सरकार और जांच
दल के रवैये में क्या विरोधाभास नज़र आ रहा है ;

(ख) क्या पाि‍कस्तान द्वारा भारत-पाि‍कस्तान शांति‍ वार्ता में बाधा उत्पन्न की जा रही है ,
ि‍जससे शांति‍ वार्ता �भावित हु ई है ; और

(ग) ि‍पछले तीन वर्ष़ों के दौरान भारत और पाि‍कस्तान द्वारा विश्वास बहाल करने के ि‍लए
उठाए गए कदमों का ब्यौरा क्या है और क्या उन कदमों का �भाव संतोषजनक रहा है ?

विदे श मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी [जनरल (सेवानिवृत्त) वी. के. सिंह]: (क) से (ग) एक विवरण
सभा पटल पर रख ि‍दया गया है ।

सरकार को इस बात की जानकारी है ि‍क पठानकोट एयरबेस हमले के संबंध में पाि‍कस्तान
के संयुक्त जांच दल (जेआईटी) द्वारा 27 मार्च से 1 अ�ैल, 2016 तक की भारत या�ा से लौटने
के बाद पाि‍कस्तान के कुछ मीि‍डया ने भारत में रहते हु ए जेआईटी की कार्यशैली से संबंि‍धत
अटकलों पर आधाि‍रत कुछ ि‍रपोटें छापी थी। पाि‍कस्तान के विदे श मं �ालय द्वारा 6 अ�ैल, 2016
को जारी एक �ेस विज्ञति में अन्य बातों के साथ-साथ यह उल्लेख ि‍कया गया था ि‍क जेआईटी
की भारत या�ा पाि‍कस्तान सरकार के उस सहयोगी दृष्टि‍कोण के संदर्भ में थी ि‍जसके तहत वह
सभी �कार के आतंकवाद से कारगर ढं ग से ि‍नपटना चाहती है । विदे श मं �ालय के �वक्ता ने 7
अ�ैल तथा 14 अ�ैल, 2016 के अपने �ेस-विज्ञतियों में उल्लेख ि‍कया ि‍क अटकलबाि‍जयों में न
उलझकर जांच को आगे बढाना उपयुक्त होगा और संयुक्त जांच दल भारतीय पक्ष द्वारा साझा
की गई सूचनाओं का मूल्यांकन कर रहा है । पाि‍कस्तान के �धानमं �ी के विदे श सलाहकार �ी
सरताज अजीज ने 18 अ�ैल को एक भारतीय टीवी चैनल को ि‍दए गए अपने साक्षात्कार में इसी
�कार के विचार दु हराये।

पठानकोट एयरबेस हमले ने पाि‍कस्तान के साथ हमारे संबंधों में सीमा-पार आतंकवाद से
संबंि‍धत हमारी ि‍चंताओं के महत्व को पुन: उजागर ि‍कया है । पाि‍कस्तान द्वारा इस विषय पर
कारगर ढं ग से कारवाई ि‍कए जाने की आवश्यकता को पाि‍कस्तान के समक्ष सवोच्च स्तर सहि‍त
अन्य स्तरों पर कई बार दोहराया गया है ।
54 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

एक शांति‍पूर्ण एवं �गति‍शील पड़ोस की ि‍दशा में कार्य करने की अपनी अि‍भकल्पना के अनु रूप
सरकार ने पाि‍कस्तान सहि‍त अपने सभी पड़ोसी दे शों के साथ सामान्य ि‍रश्ते कायम करने के ि‍लए
पहल की है । पाि‍कस्तान के �धानमं �ी को 26 मई, 2014 को कें�ीय मं �ी परि‍षद के शपथ �हण
समारोह में आमं ि‍�त कि‍या गया था। तभी से दोनों दे शों के �धानमं ि‍�यों ने आपस में सम्पर्क बनाया
हु आ है । उन्होंने ऊफा, रूस में आयोजि‍त शंघाई सहयोग संगठन ि‍शखर सम्मेलन के अवसर पर 10
जुलाई, 2015 को और 30 नवंबर, 2015 को पेरि‍स में आयोजि‍त जलवायु परिवर्तन ि‍शखर सम्मेलन
के अवसर पर भी मुलाकात की थी। ऊफा में दोनों नेताओं ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा तथा वास्तविक
ि‍नयं�ण रे खा पर सामान्य स्थि‍ति‍ बहाल करने के ि‍लए कई उपाय ि‍कए जि‍नमें राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा
सलाहकारों की बैठक, सीमा सुरक्षा बल महाि‍नदे शक तथा पाि‍कस्तान रें जरों के बीच बैठक शाि‍मल
हैं , जो ि‍पछले वर्ष आयोजि‍त की गई थी। ऐसी �थम बैठक में दोनों राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकारों ने
6 ि‍दसम्बर, 2015 को बैंकॉक में मुलाकात की और उन्होंने शांति‍ एवं सुरक्षा, आतंकवाद, ि‍नयं�ण
रे खा पर अमन-चैन तथा जम्मू कश्मीर, जो आतंकवाद तथा ि‍नयं�ण रे खा पर व्यति‍�मों से सबसे
ज्यादा �भावित राज्य है , में अमन-चैन बनाए रखने जैसे मुद्दों पर रचनात्मक विचार-विमर्श ि‍कया।

विदे श मं �ी ने 9 ि‍दसम्बर, 2015 को इस्लामाबाद में पाि‍कस्तान के �धानमं �ी तथा �ी सरताज

अजीज से मुलाकत की, जहां वह अफगाि‍नस्तान पर हार्ट ऑफ एि‍शया �ि‍�या से संबंि‍धत मं �ी
स्तरीय सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के ि‍लए गई थीं। बैंकॉक में राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकारों के बीच
रचनात्मक विचार-विमर्श के परि‍�ेक्ष्य में पाि‍कस्तान द्वारा सभी �कार के आतंकवाद से कारगर
ढं ग से ि‍नपटने की �ि‍तबद्दता और पाि‍कस्तान में मुम्बई हमले से संबधि‍त मुकदमे में तेजी लाने
हे तु ि‍दए गए आश्वासनों के परि‍�ेक्ष्य में दोनों पक्षों ने व्यापक ि‍द्वपक्षीय वार्ता पर सहमति‍ व्यक्त
की और विदे श सचिवों को इससे संबंि‍धत तौर तरीके निर्धारित करने का कार्य सौंपा गया। 25
दिसम्बर, 2015 को �धानमं �ी की पाकिस्तान के �धानमं �ी के साथ टे लीफोन पर हु ई बातचीत
के उपरांत वह कुछ समय के लिए लाहौर में रूके थे जब उन्होंने काबुल से, जहां �धानमं �ी जी
या�ा पर गए थे, �ी नवाज शरीफ को उनके जन्मदिन पर बधाई दे ने के लिए फोन किया था
और तभी उन्हें �ी शरीफ के परिवार में एक विवाह समारोह के बारे में सूचित किया गया था।
वह या�ा एक सामान्य तथा एकजुट पड़ोस के �ति हमारी सोच को दर्शाती है ।

दोनों पक्ष पठानकोट हमले के बाद बातचीत करते रहे हैं ि‍जनमें इस हमले से संबंधि‍त जांच
के ि‍सलसि‍ले में पाि‍कस्तान के संयुक्त जांच दल की या�ा शाि‍मल है । दोनों दे शों के �धानमं ि‍�यों
ने कई अवसरों पर आपस में बातचीत की है ि‍जनमें 5 जनवरी, 2016 को की गई बातचीत शाि‍मल
है जब पाि‍कस्तान के �धानमं �ी ने हमारे �धानमं �ी से बातचीत की और उन्होंने पठानकोट हमले
के संबंध में सम्पूर्ण जांच तथा कारगर कार्रवाई करने का भरोसा ि‍दलाया। �ी नवाज शरीफ ने 10
अ�ैल, 2016 को केरल में मं ि‍दर में लगी आग में जानमाल के नु कसान पर अपना शोक व्यक्त करने
के ि‍लए �धानमं �ी से बात की। �धानमं �ी ने 27 मार्च, 2016 को लाहौर में आतंकवादी हमले के
पश्चात �धानमं �ी शरीफ से बातचीत की थी। दोनों राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार तथा विदे श सचिव
आपस में सम्पर्क बनाए हु ए हैं । सार्क मं �ी परि‍षद स्तरीय बैठक के अवसर पर 17 मार्च, 2016
को पोखरा में विदे श मं �ी की �ी सरताज अजीज के साथ मुलाकात ने पाि‍कस्तान के संयुक्त
जांच दल की भारत या�ा का मार्ग �शस्त करने में मदद की।

ऊफा में दोनों नेताओं की बैठक के दौरान ि‍लए गए ि‍नर्णयों के परि‍�ेक्ष्य में पाि‍कस्तान ने अब
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 55

तक 335 भारतीय मछु आरों तथा उनके कब्जे में मौजूद 27 नौकाओं को ि‍रहा करके दे श वापस
भेज ि‍दया है । भारत ने भी उन सभी पाि‍कस्तानी मछु आरों को ि‍रहा करके उनके दे श वापस भेज
ि‍दया है ि‍जनकी राष्ट्रीयता के बारे में पाि‍कस्तानी �ाि‍धकाि‍रयों ने पुष्टि‍ कर दी थी।

Indo-Pak Peace Talks


AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the contradiction appearing in the attitude of Government of Pakistan and

Pakistani Investigation Team sent to investigate the Pathankot airbase terrorist attack
following the probe teams return to Pakistan;

(b) whether Pakistan is creating hindrance in Indo-Pakistan peace talks which

has impacted peace talks; and

(c) the details of steps taken by India and Pakistan to restore the trust during
last three years and whether their impact has been satisfactory?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table
of the House.


Government is aware that after the return of Pakistan’s Joint Investigation Team
(JIT) from its visit to India from March 27-April 01, 2016 in connection with the
Pathankot Air Base attack, a segment of Pakistan’s media carried speculative reports
about the work of JIT while in India. A press release issued by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Pakistan (MFA) on April 06, 2016 mentioned, inter-alia, that the
visit of the JIT to India had taken place in the context of the cooperative approach
being pursued by the Government of Pakistan to effectively fight terrorism in all
its forms. In his press briefings on April 07 and 14, 2016, the MFA Spokesperson
stated that it would be appropriate to allow the investigations to take their course
rather than indulge in speculations, and that the JIT was evaluating the information
shared by the Indian side. Mr. Sartaj Aziz, the Foreign Affairs Advisor to the Prime
Minister of Pakistan in his interview to an Indian TV channel on April 18 reiterated
similar views.

The Pathankot Air Base attack has served to stress once again the centrality of
our concern regarding cross-border terrorism in our relationship with Pakistan. The
need for Pakistan to effectively address this aspect has been reiterated several times
to Pakistan, including at the highest level.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

56 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

Guided by the vision to work towards a peaceful and prosperous neighbourhood,

the Government has taken initiatives to build normal relationship with all our
neighbours, including Pakistan. Prime Minister of Pakistan was invited to the swearing-
in ceremony of the Union Council of Ministers on May 26, 2014. Since then, the
Prime Ministers of the two countries have been in touch. They met on 10 July 2015
on the margins of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit in Ufa, Russia, and
on 30 November 2015 on the margins of the Climate Change Summit in Paris. At
Ufa, the two leaders mandated various steps to restore normalcy on the International
Border and the Line of Control, including meeting of National Security Advisors
(NSAs) and meeting of Directors General of Border Security Force and Pakistani
Rangers, which took place last year. In the first such meeting, the two NSAs met
in Bangkok on December 6, 2015 and held constructive discussions on peace and
security, terrorism, tranquility along the Line of Control and Jammu and Kashmir,
the State which is worst hit from terrorism and violence across LOC.

External Affairs Minister called on the Prime Minister of Pakistan and met
Mr. Sartaj Aziz on December 9, 2015 in Islamabad where she had traveled for
attending the Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia Process on Afghanistan. In
light of the constructive discussions between NSAs in Bangkok, Pakistan’s commitment
to effectively combat all forms of terrorism and the assurances to expedite Mumbai
attack trial in Pakistan, both sides agreed on a Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue
and tasked the Foreign Secretaries to work out its modalities. Prime Minister’s brief
stop over in Lahore on December 25, 2015 was after his telephone conversation with
Prime Minister of Pakistan when he called Mr. Nawaz Sharif from Kabul, where
Prime Minister was on a visit, to wish him on his birthday and was informed of a
wedding in Mr. Sharif’s family. The visit underscored our vision for a normal and
connected neighbourhood.

Both sides have remained engaged in the aftermath to the Pathankot attack,
including for the visit of Pakistan's JIT in the context of investigation into the attack.
The two Prime Ministers have spoken to each other on a few occasions, including
on January 5, 2016 when Prime Minister of Pakistan called Prime Minister and
assured full investigation and effective action regarding the Pathankot attack. On 10
April 2016, Mr. Nawaz Sharif called Prime Minister to condole loss of life in the
Kerala temple fire. Prime Minister had called Prime Minister Sharif on March 27,
2016 after the Lahore terrorist attack. The two NSAs and Foreign Secretaries have
also remained in touch. EAM’s meeting with Mr. Sartaj Aziz in Pokhara on March
17, 2016 on the sidelines of the SAARC Ministerial Council Meeting helped pave
the way for the visit of Pakistan’s JIT.
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 57

In light of the decisions taken during the Ufa meeting of the two leaders Pakistan
has released and returned so far 335 Indian fishermen and 57 boats from its custody.
India has also released and repatriated all those Pakistani fishermen whose nationality
had been verified by Pakistani authorities.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद: माननीय सभापति‍ महोदय, माननीय मं �ी जी से मैं ने जो सवाल

पूछा था, उसका उत्तर सही नहीं िदया गया है । इन्होंने बताया है िक संयुक्त जांच दल भारतीय
पक्ष द्वारा साझा की गई सूचनाओं का मूल्यांकन कर रहा है । यह िवरोधाभास हु आ है , चूंिक चाहे
पठानकोट हमला हो, चाहे मुम्बई हमला हो, चाहे भारतीय संसद पर हमला हो, सभी में जवान
शहीद होते हैं । महोदय, गरीब िकसान का लड़का फौज में भर्ती होता है , सेना में भर्ती होता है ।
सरकार लगातार वार्ता कर रही है , िफर भी इस पर कोई अंकुश नहीं लग रहा है और हमारे दे श
के जवान शहीद हो रहे हैं , दे श की सम्पत्ति‍‍ बरबाद हो रही है । मैं इनसे सवाल करना चाहता
हूं िक पठानकोट हमले के बाद पािकस्तान की िवदे श नीित के मामले में क्या कें� सरकार द्वारा
सर्वदलीय बैठक बुलाए जाने की कोिशश की गयी है , िजससे पठानकोट पर हमला करने वाले
आतंकवािदयों के िखलाफ कार्यवाही की जा सके? मे रा सीधा सवाल है िक क्या इस तरह की
कोई बैठक बुलायी गयी या नहीं बुलायी गयी और क्या इस संबंध में कोिशश की गयी िक दोिषयों
को सज़ा िमले?

�ी सभापति‍: आप जवाब सुन लीिजए।

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: सर, सरकार का काम है , अपने काम को आगे बढ़ाने के
िलए िकसी भी �कार के तरीकों को अपनाना। इस काम के िलए कई तरह की चीज़ों को िकया
गया है । आपको पता होगा िक जो Joint Investigation Team आयी थी, पहली बार ऐसा हु आ
है िक ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: वे पूछ रहे हैं िक सवर्दलीय बैठक बुलायी गयी या नहीं? उनका सीधा
सा क्वेश्चन है ।

�ी सभापति‍: जवाब सुन लीिजए। ...(व्यवधान)...

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: Joint Investigation Team आयी है , पहली बार पािकस्तान
से एक cooperative attitude के अंदर ऐसा हु आ है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Let the Minister continue.

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: जहां तक सर्वदलीय बैठक का सवाल है , सर्वदलीय बैठक
अभी तक नहीं बुलायी गयी है । जब उसकी जरूरत पड़े गी, उस समय बुला ली जाएगी।

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद: सर, माननीय मं �ी जी मे रे �श्न का जवाब नहीं दे पाए।


�ी सभापति‍: आप �श्न पूिछए।

58 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद: सर, मैं माननीय मं �ी जी से पूछना चाहता हूं िक पािकस्तान के
िवदे श सचि‍व एजाज अहमद चौधरी और भारत के िवदे श सचि‍व एस. जयशंकर के बीच में कल
हु ई वार्ता में पठानकोट हमले संबंधी दोिषयों पर कार्रवाई करने और भवि‍ष्य में पािकस्तान द्वारा
सीज़फायर का उल्लंघन न करने और आतंकवादी घुसपैिठयों पर रोक लगाने संबंधी मुद्दों को वार्ता
में शािमल िकया गया है ? जो दोनों दे शों के सचि‍वों की वार्ता हु ई है , क्या उसमें पािकस्तान जो
सीज़फायर का उल्लंघन कर रहा है और पठानकोट हमले के मुद्दे को वार्ता में शािमल िकया गया है ?

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: चैयरमै न सर, सबसे पहले तो यह स्पष्ट करना जरूरी है
िक हमारे फॉरे न से�ेटरी के बीच और पािकस्तान के फॉरे न से�ेटरी के बीच में कोई औपचािरक
बात नहीं हु ई है । पािकस्तान के फॉरे न से�ेटरी यहां पर Heart of Asia conference के तहत आए
थे और िशष्टाचार के नाते बातचीत हु ई है । इस िशष्टाचार को औपचािरक बातचीत न माना जाए।

MR. CHAIRMAN: Shri Anand Sharma.

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: दोनों के बीच में क्या बातचीत हु ई है ? ...(व्यवधान)... आिखर इस संबंध
में कोई वार्ता तो हु ई होगी ?

�ी सभापति‍: आप बैठ जाइए। जब वे कह रहे हैं िक नहीं हु ई, तो बात खत्म हो गई।


SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Hon. Chairman, Sir, the Minister's reply actually
hides more than what it conveys. We know that the relationship between India and
Pakistan is complex. There are historical reasons and the two countries have to
engage in talks to reach an understanding and to build an environment where there
can be a better relationship. Therefore, in the background of what has happened
and the reply — particularly, I am referring to paras 3, 4 and 5 of the Minister's
reply — give an impression that everything is perfectly normal between the two
countries, particularly, after the two Prime Ministers have met repeatedly. Therefore,
I would like to ask, post-Ufa, which has been referred to in para 3, what was the
understanding reached which convinced us and, particularly, after the two NSAs
met in Bangkok on 6th December, that assured the Prime Minister of India — I
wish if he was here — as Government claims to make an impromptu visit, sudden
impromptu visit, a halt, on way back to India from Kabul to Lahore to wish him
on his birthday? It is hard to accept and those who are conversant with diplomacy
and the conduct for ...(Interruptions)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, one moment. Therefore, there must have been
some understanding reached that the entire establishment of Pakistan, that means
the Government, the Army, was endorsing the process that convinced us to believe.

And related question to that, Sir, is, since the Minister ...(Interruptions)...
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 59

MR. CHAIRMAN: One question, please.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, I am confining myself purely to the question

and the reply. About the JIT visit, there have been contradictory statements after the
return of the JIT, which included ISI representatives. I would like to know from the
Government, Sir, through you, whether we have also sought access to interrogate
Maulana Masood Azhar; our NIA team to go to Pakistan, since JIT was accepted and
welcomed. What is Pakistan's response in this regard? Are you assured of the access
to be given to interrogate and Pakistan accepting that its nationals were involved?

GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH: Sir, let me answer the second question first.
So far as we are concerned, our High Commissioner conveyed formally to Pakistan
Foreign Ministry that the terms of reference for the visit are broadly agreed to with
the proviso that they would be on the basis of reciprocity and agreed and followed
in accordance with the extant legal provisions. This has been very clearly conveyed
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan that, subsequently, what has come in
newspapers, we are not concerned with. So far as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Pakistan is concerned, it has not denied the reciprocity issue.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, I seek your protection.

MR. CHAIRMAN: No. Please, please. Listen to the Minister.

GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH: The second point is, as far as we are

concerned, the JIT has gone back. It has been conveyed to the Foreign Secretary,
when he unofficially on a courtesy call met our Foreign Secretary, that they have
to look into our NIA visiting Pakistan. Now, he has to go back and take a formal
view and convey it to us.

SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Was NIA under discussion?

GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH: Just a second.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Please listen.

GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH: Sir, as regards the first question which the
hon. Member has asked, at Ufa, centrality of terrorism emanating from Pakistan or
from areas being controlled by Pakistan was stressed. And it was an assurance that
was given by the Prime Minister of Pakistan to our Prime Minister that led to what
the hon. Member brought out. ...(Interruptions)... I am quite sure, after Pakistan's
terror attack in Pathankot, there is a considerable stress that has been caused, which,
after the NSAs have met, on the centrality of terrorism being the main issue, JIT
was permitted based on what I said earlier.
60 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Now, Shri Sharad Yadav.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, it is not a correct answer.

MR. CHAIRMAN: If it is not correct, you know the process.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, the NSAs met before the attack. ...(Interruptions)...
I asked what understanding was there which assured the Prime Minister that the
entire establishment was endorsing the process?

MR. CHAIRMAN: Sharma Saheb, please. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: He met him in an impromptu visit. Sir, I asked a

question, and this is the House. You are a new Member, you will understand the
rules. Sir, what I have asked is that the NIA visit... ...(Interruptions)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: If the answer is factually incorrect, you are free to raise it
through appropriate procedures.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: He has not answered my question.

MR. CHAIRMAN: This is only a supplementary question.

SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Sir, I seek your protection. He has not answered
my question.

MR. CHAIRMAN: If it is incorrect, write to the Minister. Sharadji.

�ी शरद यादव: सभापति‍ जी, यह जो सवाल है , इसके उत्तर के िलए कई तरह से सवाल
पूछे गए हैं । जो औपचािरक या अनौपचािरक वार्ता होती है , मैं िवस्तार से नहीं कहना चाहता,
मैं केवल इतना ही कहना चाहता हूं िक िसयािचन में हमारे दे श के सैकड़ों जवान मारे जाते हैं ।
वह इतना बुरा इलाका है िक वहां बहु त ही खराब एन्वायरर्नमें ट रहता है । वहां पर पािकस्तान
के लोगों की भी ऐसी ही हालत है । चूंिक िहन्दुस्तान के लोगों की वहां खराब हालत रहती है ,
तो इसलि‍ए मैं आपके माध्यम से सरकार से कहना चाहता हूं िक जब भी कभी पािकस्तान के
साथ िसयािचन पर िकसी तरह की चर्चा हो, तो पािकस्तान के साथ बात करके क्या उस जोन
को िकसी तरह से �ी िकया जा सकता है या नहीं िकया जा सकता है ? वहां पर हमारे दे श के
तथा पािकस्तान के सैकड़ों जवान मरते हैं , इसलि‍ए इस मुद्दे पर दोनों दे शों को बराबर बातचीत
के िलए तैयार रखना चािहए। यह मैं आपके माध्यम से कहना चाहता हूं ।

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: सर, माननीय सदस्य ने जो सुझाव िदया है , शी� ही
इसके ऊपर िवचार िकया जाएगा और इसमें से जो अच्छी चीजें िनकलकर आ रही हैं , उनको
लागू करने की चेष्टा की जाएगी।

�ी शरद यादव: मैं यह सवाल पूछ रहा हूं िक िसयािचन में जो सैकड़ों की संख्या में इधर
भी जवान मारे जाते हैं और उधर भी जवान मारे जाते हैं , तो जब भी िहन्दुस्तान और पािकस्तान
की अगली वार्ता होगी, क्या उस एजेंडे में यह मामला रहे गा या नहीं रहे गा?
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 61

�ी सभापति‍: इन्होंने आपसे कहा तो है िक इस पर िवचार करें गे।

�ी माजीद मे मन: महोदय, माननीय मं �ी जी से JIT की visit के संबंध में मे रा एक सवाल

है िक िजस तरह से पठानकोट में आतंकवाद की वारदात हु ई है , तो ज़ािहर है िक हमारे दे श
में हमारे कानू न के मुतािबक भी इस पर investigation हु आ और evidence collect िकया गया।
मे रा सवाल यह है िक यहां से JIT जो भी evidence collect करके ले गई है , उसमें और हमारे
evidence collect करने में िकतनी similarity या िकतना difference है ? दू सरी बात यह है िक
JIT जो evidence collect करके ले गई, क्या हमने उसका पूरा record रखा है या नहीं, तािक
वे वहां जाकर उसे बदलकर िकसी गलत बयानी से काम न लें? हमारी सरकार ने क्या इस
बात का ध्यान रखा है िक JIT को िदया गया evidence हमारे पास record में रहे और हमारे
investigation और उनके investigation में कहीं कोई मतभेद या कोई फर्क है ?

जनरल (सेवािनवृत्त) वी. के. िसंह: सर, मैं पहले तो माननीय सदस्य को यह बताना चाहूं गा
िक उनकी JIT और हमारे NIA के बीच में बहु त �ोफेशनल तरीके से डॉयलॉग हु आ है । हर चीज
उस तरीके से की गई है , जैसे हम करते हैं । उनकी इंक्वायरी का तरीका और हमारी इंक्वायरी
का तरीका तकरीबन एक जैसा है । एक माननीय सदस्य ने जो शंका ज़ािहर की है , उस संबंध
में मैं उन्हें बताना चाहूं गा िक उस शंका का कोई तथ्य नहीं है । जो िरकॉडर्स हमारे पास हैं , वही
िरकॉडर्स उन्हें िदए गए, उसकी कॉपी हमारे पास है और इसमें कोई िवरोधाभास नहीं है ।

MR. CHAIRMAN: Question No. 50, questioner not present. Shri Satish Chandra

*50. [�श्नकर्ता (डा. विजयलक्ष्मी साधौ) अनु पस्थि‍त थीं]

*50. डा. विजयलक्ष्मी साधौ: क्या सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ी यह बताने की

कृपा करें गे कि:

(क) क्या मं �ालय ने विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं के अधीन अनु सूचित जातियों, अनु सूचित
जनजातियों और अन्य पिछडे ़ वर्गों के विद्यार्थियों को छा�वृितयां �दान करने के लिए धनराशि
आंबटित, जारी और खर्च की है ;

(ख) यदि हां, तो पिछले तीन वर्षों के दौरान छा�वृितयों के लिए �मश: आबंटित की गई,
जारी की गई और खर्च की गई धनराशि का, वर्ष-वार, और योजना-वार, ब्यौरा क्या है , और

(ग) �त्येक योजना के लाभार्थियों की, राज्य-वार और वर्ष-वार, संख्या कितनी-कितनी है ?

सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ी (�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत): (क) से (ग) एक विवरण
सभा पटल पर रख दिया गया है ।


(क) जी, हां । निम्नलिखित योजनाओं के अन्तर्गत, अनु सूचित जाित (एससी), अनु सूचित
जनजाति (एसटी) और अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (ओबीसी) लाभार्थियों के लिए छा�वृित �दान की जाती हैं :

(i) अनु सूचित जाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिकोत्तर छा�वृति

62 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

(ii) कक्षा IX और X में अध्ययनरत अनु सूचित जाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिक-पूर्व

(iii) अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिकोत्तर छा�वृति

(iv) अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिक-पूर्व छा�वृति

(v) अनु सूचित जनजाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिकोत्तर छा�वृति

(vi) कक्षा IX और X में अध्ययनरत अनु सूचित जन‍जाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिक-पूर्व

(vii) अनु सूचित जाति इत्यादि के उम्मीदवारों के लिए राष्ट्रीय ओवरसीज छा�वृति

(viii) अनु सूचित जनजाति के उम्मीदवारों के लिए राष्ट्रीय ओवरसीज छा�वृति योजना

(i) से (vi) पर दी गई योजनाएं कें�ीय �ायोजित योजनाएं हैं , जिनमें राज्य/संघ

राज्य क्षे� कार्यान्वयन एजेन्सी हैं और योजनाओं हे तु निधियां उन संबंधित राज्यों/
संघ राज्य क्षे�ों को जारी की जाती है जो उनके उपयोग के लिए उत्तरदायी
हैं । (vii) और (viii) पर दी गई योजनाएं कें�ीय क्षे� की योजनाएं हैं जिनमें
छा�वृतियां मं �ालय द्वारा समुचित चयन �ि‍�या का अनु पालन करने के पश्चात
पा� लाभार्थियों को �दान की जाती हैं और इस �योजनार्थ, निधि विदे श मं �ालय
को �दान की जाती है ।

(ख) और (ग) गत तीन वर्षों के दौरान योजना-वार लाभार्थियों की संख्या के साथ-साथ विभि‍न्न
कल्याण योजनाओं के अंतर्गत छा�वृति के लिए राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों को आवंटित तथा जारी
की गई धनराशि का राज्य-वार ब्यौरा विवरण-I से VI पर दिया गया है । गत तीन वर्षों के दौरान
राष्ट्रीय ओवरसीज छा�वृति योजनाओं के अंतर्गत खर्च की गई धनराशि तथा चयनित उम्मीदवारों
की संख्या का ब्यौरा विवरण-VII में दिया गया है ।


तीन वर्षों अर्थात् 2013-14 से 2015-16 के दौरान अनु सूचित जाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए
मै ट्रिकोत्तर छा�वृित्त
‍ योजना के अंतर्गत जारी कें�ीय सहायता (सीए) और
लाभार्थियों की संख्या का ब्यौरा
(लाख �पए में )

�म राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

जारी लाभार्थियों जारी लाभार्थियों जारी अनु मानित
कें�ीय की संख्या कें�ीय की संख्या कें�ीय लाभार्थियों
सहायता सहायता सहायता की संख्या

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. आं� �दे श 19410.50 552723 9300.00 505843 13341.00 635717

2. असम 1216.00 27554 683.28 31145 810.00 36582

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3. बिहार 4462.87 118300 3000.00 125000 7476.00 155000

4. चंडीगढ़ 50.00 1686 275.00 1843 0.00 2600

5. छत्तीसगढ़ 1535.00 82871 1100.00 89501 628.00 98451

6. दमन और दीव 0.00* 188 20.31 136 0.00* 140

7. दिल्ली 0.00* 45528 1700.00 19303 0.00* 0

8. गोवा 14.49 164 07.00 356 14.00 477

9. गुजरात 5283.36 111181 3900.00 127210 5964.00 144000

10. हरियाणा 3669.05 75913 2700.00 105184 6867.00 72533

11. हिमाचल �दे श 926.00 19709 1600.00 6852 2700.00 36400

12. जम्मू और कश्मीर 897.01 10131 298.00 7221 91.00 13015

13. झारखं ड 1334.10 13292 900.00 28710 911.00 33733

14. कर्नाटक 4270.82 267142 2400.00 315795 3840.00 331585

15. केरल 11765.30 123771 4200.00 122927 1647.00 125386

16. मध्य �दे श 12198.89 237813 6350.00 274018 10300.00 300065

17. महाराष्ट्र 3311.00 406427 17635.00 461315 27988.00 713068

18. मणिपुर 0.00* 4969 1193.50 5892 620.32 6187

19. मे घालय 06.00 107 0.00 121 0.00* 123

20.. ओ‍िड़सा 3121.72 141776 4222.83 172504 8995.00 199411

21. पुडुचेरी 0.00* 1953 0.00* 8635 0.00* 0

22. पंजाब 28081.00 216214 37687.61 286394 8930.00 601427

23. राजस्थान 10592.00 249703 5500.00 151621 8252.00 296647

24. सिक्कि‍म 66.64 278 46.95 273 164.53 491

25. तमिलनाडु 32173.06 698174 25400.00 713928 46064.00 749926

26. तेलंगाना 0.00 0.00 8800.00 270810 12454.00 292475

27. ि‍�पुरा 1086.90 16610 1768.59 21177 1625.15 25412

28. उत्तर �दे श 55666.00 1095526 47249.56 861474 46903.00 947622

64 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

29. उत्तराखं ड 3623.83 70182 1800.00 81415 2519.00 100489

30. पश्चि‍मी बंगाल 10588.00 405554 6600.00 514992 2284.00 540976

कुल 215349.54 4995439 196337.63 5311595 221388.00 6459938

*राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों से अपेक्षित आंकड़ों की �ाप्ति‍ न होने के कारण जारी नहीं की जा सकी।


तीन वर्षों अर्थात् 2013-14 से 2015-16 के दौरान कक्षा IX और X में अध्ययनरत अनु सूचित
जाति विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिक-पूर्व छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना के अंतर्गत जारी
कें�ीय सहायता (सीए) और लाभार्थियों की संख्या का ब्यौरा

(लाख �पए में )

�म राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

जारी लाभार्थियों जारी लाभार्थियों जारी लाभार्थियों
कें�ीय की कें�ीय की कें�ीय की
सहायता संख्या सहायता संख्या सहायता संख्या

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. आं� �दे श 0* 0 1554.35 193188 4335.37 157736

2. असम 1346.02 59823 673.01 62560 0* 0

3. बिहार 6184.72 274407 3127.82 1581 10223.33 453885

4. चंडीगढ़ 42.45 1887 32.22 1432 42.00 1888

5. छत्तीसगढ़ 2475.25 105399 1237.62 105399 4662.14 246715

6. दादरा और नगर हवेली 0* 0 0* 0 0.65 58

7. दमन और दीव 0* 0 1.67 74 2.65 118

8. दिल्ली 0* 0 0* 0 0.9 40

9. गोवा 0* 0 0* 0 0* 0

10. गुजरात 0** 0 1200.00 46318 1600.00 69045

11. हरियाणा 0* 0 0* 0 3279.66 143537

12. हिमाचल �दे श 0** 0 0** 0 531.13 23572

13. जम्मू और कश्मीर 172.50 7667 86.25 7863 0* 0

14. झारखं ड 0** 0 0** 0 0** 0

15. कर्नाटक 3057.84 190466 3826.44 210639 0 0

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 65

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

16. केरल 2318.65 101386 1159.33 88783 1731.06 84250

17. मध्य �दे श 0* 0 8022.55 373866 4300.00 303397

18. महाराष्ट्र 11954.74 466771 5977.37 64629 0** 0

19. मणिपुर 56.27 465 28.13 880 32.49 1217

20. मे घालय 0** 0 3.62 100 0** 0

21. ओ‍िड़सा 5126.06 238874 5135.24 276345 5440.43 230920

22. पंजाब 6020.47 313936 2869.66 189705 4862.00 189705

23. राजस्थान 4262.15 245366 4922.90 264372 345.55 15358

24. सिक्कि‍म 0* 0 0* 0 5.22 236

25. तमिलनाडु 4647.37 170672 2323.68 204620 10297.44 455420

26. ि‍�पुरा 507.84 38660 302.13 36853 199.10 8799

27. उत्तर �दे श 0** 0 0** 0 0** 0

28. उत्तराखं ड 1170.20 76300 1626.69 82499 579.19 25719

29. पश्चि‍मी बंगाल 5310.58 445979 7292.66 302266 0** 0

कुल 54653.11 2738058 51403.34 2513972 52470.31 2411615

*राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों से �स्ताव �ाप्त नहीं हु आ।

**राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों के पास उपलब्ध अ�युक्त शेष धनराशि।


तीन वर्षों के दौरान अन्य पिछड़े वर्ग विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिकोतर छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना का ब्यौरा

(राशि और लाभार्थियों की संख्या लाख में )

�म राज्य/संघ राज्य 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

सं. क्षे�
जारी/खर्च लाभार्थियों जारी/खर्च लाभार्थियों जारी/खर्च
की गई राशि की संख्या की गई राशि की संख्या की गई राशि

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. आं� �दे श 6314.00 0.76 3322.00 5.24 3545.05

2. ि‍‍बहार 7738.00 1.37 6581.90 4.50 7485.00

3. छत्तीसगढ़ 0.00 2.19 2623.35 0.25 0*

4. गोवा 106.00 0.04 442.00 0.05 114.00

66 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. गुजरात 2707.10 1.79 3142.87 0.97 4351.05

6. हरियाणा 811.00 0.56 0.00 0.17 1494.29

7. हिमाचल �दे श 448.86 0.07 425.00 0.08 499.00

8. जम्मू और कश्मीर 708.89 0.09 769.00 0.07 777.74

9. झारखं ड 2460.00 1.79 2222.90 0.94 2376.00

10. कर्नाटक 3749.32 1.72 4115.30 3.37 4419.00

11. केरल 2490.00 1.61 2117.30 1.48 2223.70

12. मध्य �दे श 5412.00 0.32 5620.00 3.86 5224.00

13. महाराष्ट्र 8379.00 3.49 8014.00 2.67 8106.95

14. ओडिशा 2601.39 1.22 1289.00 1.41 2383.39

15. पंजाब 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2003.01

16. राजस्थान 4442.93 2.05 4546.02 0.65 4950.99

17. तमिलनाडु 5375.00 1.36 4571.50 1.24 5184.00

18. तेलंगाना 0.00 2.26 1094.10 7.81 2566.00

19. उत्तर �दे श 14880.00 6.34 13445.00 3.25 14471.97

20. उत्तराखण्ड 392.00 0.25 680.10 0.41 726.00

21. पश्चिमी बंगाल 6277.14 2.20 5280.55 2.29 6582.86

22. अंडमान और 0.00 0.00 11.00 0.01 0*

निकोबार द्वीप समूह

23. दादरा और नगर 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0**


24. दमन और दीव 8.86 0.01 7.13 0.004 15.29

25. चंडीगढ़ 0.51 0.00 61.00 0.004 84.71

26. दिल्ली 44.88 0.001 92.98 0.00 0*

27. पुडुचेरी 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.004 56.00

28. असम 0.00 0.68 5454.96 0.68 0**

29. मणिपुर 531.00 0.09 598.00 0.05 602.62

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 67

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. ि‍�पुरा 850.00 0.30 1430.00 0.31 1532.65

31. सिक्कि‍म 128.00 0.01 150.00 0.01 500.00

कुल 76855.88 32.57 78113.96 41.78 82275.27

टिप्पणी : (1) लाभार्थियों के आंकड़ों में कुछ राज्यों द्वारा अपनी स्वयं की योजनागत निधि से कवर किए गए लाभार्थियों की
संख्या शामिल है । तथापि, योजना के अंतर्गत उपलब्ध बजट के साथ लगभग 25 लाख लाभार्थियों को लाभ
�ाप्त हो सकता है ।
(2) राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों द्वारा अनु वर्ती वर्ष के �स्ताव के साथ लाभार्थियों की संख्या �दान की जाती है , अत:
वर्ष 2015-16 के लिए लाभार्थियों की संख्या नहीं दी गई है ।
* राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� से लंबित उपयोगिता �माण-प� के कारण निधि जारी नहीं की जा सकी।
** राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� से कोई �स्ताव �ाप्त नहीं हु आ।


तीन वर्षों के दौरान अन्य पिछड़े वर्ग विद्यार्थियों के लिए मै ट्रिक-पूर्व छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना का ब्यौरा

(राशि और लाभार्थियों की संख्या लाख में )

�म राज्य/संघ राज्य 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

सं. क्षे�
जारी निधि लाभार्थियों जारी निधि लाभार्थियों जारी निधि
की संख्या की संख्या

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. आं� �दे श 0.00 0.24 515.50 0.46 635.00

2. ि‍‍बहार 1691.00 120.00 721.00 40.39 2180.00

3. छत्तीसगढ़ 0.00 0.00 948.00 $ 0*

4. गोवा 50.00 0.04 36.00 0.08 320.00

5. गुजरात 1120.00 1.26 573.32 1.20 678.88

6. हरियाणा 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0*

7. हिमाचल �दे श 40.00 0.15 40.00 0.00 0*

8. जम्मू और कश्मीर 112.01 0.52 0.00 0.00 0*

9. झारखं ड 0.00 0.00 68.53 0.10 214.85

10. कर्नाटक 1160.00 1.61 710.00 5.70 1285.00

11. केरल 796.08 7.46 607.00 3.81 703.00

12. महाराष्ट्र 0.00 0.00 279.70 3.74 1306.00

68 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. ओडिशा 440.47 1.44 243.50 1.02 0*

14. पंजाब 452.00 0.00 0.00 1.76 582.00

15. राजस्थान 442.51 4.19 508.44 4.24 598.33

16. तमिलनाडु 1338.00 2.47 744.31 3.17 628.50

17. तेलंगाना 0.00 0.00 413.00 $ 0*

18. उत्तर �दे श 3253.00 57.27 3520.00 1.31 1740.00

19. उत्तराखण्ड 58.50 0.44 58.50 1.55 0*

20. पश्चिमी बंगाल 280.73 1.83 315.60 3.02 952.28

21. असम 0.00 0.00 319.00 0.36 0*

22. मणिपुर 0.00 0.00 100.00 $ 0*

23. ि‍�पुरा 142.00 0.71 174.00 0.70 142.00

24. सिक्कि‍म 24.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 11.60

25. अंडमान और 33.93 0.04 0.00 0.00 0*

निकोबार द्वीप समूह

26. चंडीगढ़ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33

27. दादरा और नगर 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0**


28. दमन और दीव 18.17 0.01 5.50 0.01 0*

29. दिल्ली 45.26 0.05 54.76 0.06 93.00

30. पुडुचेरी 101.23 0.00 0.00 0.13 7.00

कुल 11598.89 199.74 10955.66 72.81 12078.77

टिप्पणी : (1) लाभार्थियों के आंकड़ों में कुछ राज्यों द्वारा अपनी स्वयं की योजनागत निधि से कवर किए गए लाभार्थियों की
संख्या शामिल है । तथापि, योजना के अंतर्गत उपलब्ध बजट के साथ लगभग 25 लाख लाभार्थियों को लाभ
�ाप्त हो सकता है ।
(2) राज्यों/संघ राज्य क्षे�ों द्वारा अनु वर्ती वर्ष के �स्ताव के साथ लाभार्थियों की संख्या �दान की जाती है , अत:
वर्ष 2015-16 के लिए लाभार्थियों की संख्या नहीं दी गई है ।
$ �ाप्त नहीं
* राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� से लंबित उपयोगिता �माण-प� के कारण निधि जारी नहीं की जा सकी।
** राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षे� से कोई �स्ताव �ाप्त नहीं हु आ।
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 69


वर्ष 2013-14 से 2015-16 के दौरान अनु ‍सूचित जनजाति के छा�ों के लिए मै ट्रिकोत्तर
छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल किए गए लाभार्थियों की राज्य-वार संख्या

(लाख रूपए में )

�म राज्य 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

जारी निधि लाभार्थी जारी निधि लाभार्थी जारी निधि लाभार्थी

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. आं� �दे श 4895.16 229360 5070.01 82091 1986.82 49239

2. अ�णाचल �दे श 1366.85 630 2.29 630 1137.61 0

3. असम 4756.81 102800 1114.00 102800 6748.28 116693

4. बिहार 23.00 6463 23.00 6463 0.00* 0

5. छत्तीसगढ़ 1341.48 106231 4066.75 139447 4764.83 148660

6. गोवा 2.00 1332 2.00 1332 356.00 4270

7. गुजरात 7138.58 218570 3929.23 218570 5520.40 163989

8. हिमाचल �दे श 282.83 5189 237.00 5189 1350.00 8079

9. जम्मू और कश्मीर 177.00 18700 2494.17 21000 2494.17 21000

10. झारखं ड 2043.23 72878 4927.23 81768 0.00* 0

11. कर्नाटक 3340.76 132376 3691.00 134988 5839.00 140891

12. केरल 625.53 12705 647.00 13225 0.00* 0

13. मध्य �दे श 5276.71 192437 2385.00 188145 3065.00 197176

14. महाराष्ट्र 11996.04 178146 7451.83 175000 5209.83 175000

15. मणिपुर 6111.01 53965 3615.48 57828 3588.00 66928

16. मे घालय 3438.00 79011 438.00 79011 3274.61 74608

17. मिजोरम 5393.89 56873 4501.15 62410 4927.91 57330

18. नागालैंड 2626.19 39867 2329.59 40133 2646.34 45140

19. ओडिशा 3459.87 89115 4512.00 130960 4050.00 165100

20. राजस्थान 2216.02 288020 6440.00 246249 10890.43 275669

21. सि‍क्कि‍‍म 845.49 2643 414.00 2705 400.00 3053

22. तमिलनाडु 1436.02 11092 44.00 11092 2266.86 20060

70 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

23. तेलंगाना 0.00 0 12329.88 171329 9650.00 171329

24. ि‍�पुरा 1390.99 24270 974.82 22261 1700.00 28374

25. उत्तर �दे श 56.00 7500 56.00 7500 0.00* 0

26. उत्तराखं ड 1086.50 24812 164.00 25269 900.00 27796

27. पश्चि‍मी बंगाल 2277.63 79230 237.00 79230 2948.46 73357

28. अंडमान और निकोबार 0.75 28 0.75 148 0* 0

द्वीप समूह

29. दमन और दीव 10.90 320 1.00 320 0* 0

कुल 74839.41 2034563 72098.18 2107093 85714.55 2033741

*पूर्ण �स्ताव �ाप्त नहीं हु आ।


वर्ष 2013-14 से 2015-16 के दौरान अनु ‍सूचित जनजाति के छा�ों के लिए

मै ट्रिकोत्तर छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल किए गए
लाभार्थियों की राज्य-वार संख्या

(लाख �पए में )

�म राज्य 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

जारी निधि लाभार्थी जारी निधि लाभार्थी जारी निधि लाभार्थी

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. आं� �दे श 0.00* 0 1386.00 75812 1983.00 79602

2. अ�णाचल �दे श 218.44 29143 0* 0 0.00* 0

3. असम 211.88 12255 *0 0 0.00* 0

4. बिहार 0.00* 0 688.60 40700 375.00 37095

5. छत्तीसगढ़ 0.00* 0 3718.00 228626 3607.00 225705

6. गोवा 14.00 1728 0* 0 0.00* 0

7. गुजरात 2835.28 265168 3750.00 200000 3745.76 138465

8. हिमाचल �दे श 45.73 2124 73.00 3996 96.12 5798

9. जम्मू और कश्मीर 0.00* 0 0* 0 700.00 37813

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 71

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10. झारखं ड 0.00* 0 1613.00 93533 0.00* 0

11. कर्नाटक 3320.05 84680 0* 0 0.00* 0

12. केरल 0.00* 0 0* 0 300.00 30010

13. मध्य �दे श 0.00* 0 0* 0 4300.00 364167

14. महाराष्ट्र 0.00* 0 0* 0 0.00* 0

15. मणिपुर 729.70 27112 496.05 40126 0.00* 0

16. मे घालय 296.762 10707 0* 0 0.00* 0

17. मिजोरम 123.185 3283 0* 0 0.00* 0

18. नागालैंड 0.00* 0 0* 0 851.47 42048

19. ओडिशा 5601.08375 221709 4511.00 203301 4900.00 221243

20. राजस्थान 4792.55 1267802 2383.34 187508 0.00* 0

21. सि‍क्कि‍‍म 0.00* 0 7.80 408 0.00* 0

22. तमिलनाडु 0.00* 0 0* 0 600.00 15750

23. तेलंगाना 0.00 0 745.52 105672 0.00* 0

24. ि‍�पुरा 674.332 65690 678.75 44598 1303.60 53516

25. उत्तर �दे श 0.00* 0 0* 0 0.00* 0

26. उत्तराखं ड 460.2 12255 19.82 9869 107.00 10856

27. पश्चि‍मी बंगाल 2620 119856 0* 0 0.00* 0

28. दादरा और नगर 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0


29. अंडमान और निकोबार 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0

द्वीप समूह

30. दमन और दीव 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0

कुल 21943.19 2123512 20070.88 1234149 22868.95 1262068

टिप्पणी: यह योजना 1.07.2012 से लागू है ।

*पूर्ण �स्ताव �ाप्त नहीं हु आ।
72 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions


पिछले तीन वर्षों के दौरान राष्ट्रीय ओवरसीज छा�वृत्ति‍ योजना (एनओएस) के अंतर्गत
व्यय की गई राशि का ब्यौरा और चयनित अनु सूचित जाति/अनु सूचित जनजाति
के उम्मीदवारों की संख्या
(करोड़ �पए में )

वर्ष एनओएस (एससी) एनओएस (एसटी)

व्यय की चयनित व्यय की चयनित

गई राि‍श‍ उम्मीदवारों गई राि‍श‍ उम्मीदवारों
की संख्या की संख्या

2013-14 6.13 39 0.68 09

2014-15 8.78 56 0.99 –*

2015-16 13.45 –* 0.39 –*

* चयन की �ि‍�या जारी है । तथापि, पिछले वर्षों की छा�वृत्ति‍ पर राशि खर्च की गई थी।

*50. [The Questioner (DR. VIJAYLAXMI SADHO) was absent]

Fund for scholarship to SC/ST and OBC students

EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Ministry has allocated, released and spent fund on scholarship
to SC, ST and OBC students under various welfare schemes;

(b) if so, the details of the amount allocated, released and spent on scholarship
during the last three years, year-wise, State-wise and scheme-wise; and

(c) the number of beneficiaries of each scheme, State-wise and year-wise?


CHAND GEHLOT): (a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

(a) Yes, Sir. Under the following Schemes, scholarships are given to Scheduled
Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (OBC)
(i) Post Matric Scholarship for SC students
(ii) Pre-matric Scholarship for SC students studying in class IX and X

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 73

(iii) Post-matric Scholarship for OBC students

(iv) Pre-matric Scholarship for OBC students
(v) Post-matric Scholarship for ST students
(vi) Pre-matric Scholarship for ST students studying in class IX and X
(vii) National Overseas Scholarship Scheme for SC etc. candidates
(viii) National Overseas Scholarship Scheme for ST candidates

The Schemes at (i) to (vi) are Centrally Sponsored Schemes, wherein the State/UT
is the implementing agency and funds are released for the schemes to the concerned
States/UTs who are responsible for their utilization. The Schemes at (vii) and (viii)
are Central Sector Scheme wherein scholarships are provided to eligible beneficiaries
after following due selection process by the Ministry and for this purpose funds are
placed at the disposal of Ministry of External Affairs.

(b) and (c) Details of the amounts allocated and released to States/UTs on
scholarship under various welfare schemes alongwith the number of beneficiaries
Scheme-wise, during the last three years, State-wise are given in Statements-I to VI
(See below). Details of amount spent and number of candidates selected under National
Overseas Scholarship Schemes during the last three years are given in Statement-VII.


Details of Central Assistance (CA) released and number of beneficiaries

under Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC students during the
three years 2013-14 to 2015-16
(` in lakh)

Sl. States/UTs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

CA No. of CA No. of CA Re- No. of
Released beneficia- Released beneficia- leased beneficia-
ries ries ries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Andhra Pradesh 19410.50 552723 9300.00 505843 13341.00 635717

2. Assam 1216.00 27554 683.28 31145 810.00 36582

3. Bihar 4462.87 118300 3000.00 125000 7476.00 155000

4. Chandigarh 50.00 1686 275.00 1843 0.00 2600

5. Chhattisgarh 1535.00 82871 1100.00 89501 628.00 98451

6. Daman and Diu 0.00* 188 20.31 136 0.00* 140

74 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7. Delhi 0.00* 45528 1700.00 19303 0.00* 0

8. Goa 14.49 164 07.00 356 14.00 477

9. Gujarat 5283.36 111181 3900.00 127210 5964.00 144000

10. Haryana 3669.05 75913 2700.00 105184 6867.00 72533

11. Himachal Pradesh 926.00 19709 1600.00 6852 2700.00 36400

12. Jammu and Kashmir 897.01 10131 298.00 7221 91.00 13015

13. Jharkhand 1334.10 13292 900.00 28710 911.00 33733

14. Karnataka 4270.82 267142 2400.00 315795 3840.00 331585

15. Kerala 11765.30 123771 4200.00 122927 1647.00 125386

16. Madhya Pradesh 12198.89 237813 6350.00 274018 10300.00 300065

17. Maharashtra 3311.00 406427 17635.00 461315 27988.00 713068

18. Manipur 0.00* 4969 1193.50 5892 620.32 6187

19. Meghalaya 06.00 107 0.00 121 0.00* 123

20.. Odisha 3121.72 141776 4222.83 172504 8995.00 199411

21. Puducherry 0.00* 1953 0.00* 8635 0.00* 0

22. Punjab 28081.00 216214 37687.61 286394 8930.00 601427

23. Rajasthan 10592.00 249703 5500.00 151621 8252.00 296647

24. Sikkim 66.64 278 46.95 273 164.53 491

25. Tamil Nadu 32173.06 698174 25400.00 713928 46064.00 749926

26. Telangana 0.00 0.00 8800.00 270810 12454.00 292475

27. Tripura 1086.90 16610 1768.59 21177 1625.15 25412

28. Uttar Pradesh 55666.00 1095526 47249.56 861474 46903.00 947622

29. Uttarakhand 3623.83 70182 1800.00 81415 2519.00 100489

30. West Bengal 10588.00 405554 6600.00 514992 2284.00 540976

215349.54 4995439 196337.63 5311595 221388.00 6459938

*Funds could not be released due to non-receipt of requisite data from States/UTs.
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 75


Details of Central Assistance (CA) released and number of beneficiaries

under Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC students studying in
Classes IX and X during the three years 2013-14 to 2015-16

(` in lakh)

Sl. State/UT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

No. CA No. of CA No. of CA No. of
Released Beneficia- Released Beneficia- Released Beneficia-
ries ries ries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Andhra Pradesh 0* 0 1554.35 193188 4335.37 157736
2. Assam 1346.02 59823 673.01 62560 0* 0
3. Bihar 6184.72 274407 3127.82 1581 10223.33 453885
4. Chandigarh 42.45 1887 32.22 1432 42.00 1888
5. Chhattisgarh 2475.25 105399 1237.62 105399 4662.14 246715
6. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0* 0 0* 0 0.65 58
7. Daman and Diu 0* 0 1.67 74 2.65 118
8. Delhi 0* 0 0* 0 0.9 40
9. Goa 0* 0 0* 0 0* 0
10. Gujarat 0** 0 1200.00 46318 1600.00 69045
11. Haryana 0* 0 0* 0 3279.66 143537
12. Himachal Pradesh 0** 0 0** 0 531.13 23572
13. Jammu and Kashmir 172.50 7667 86.25 7863 0* 0
14. Jharkhand 0** 0 0** 0 0** 0
15. Karnataka 3057.84 190466 3826.44 210639 0 0

16. Kerala 2318.65 101386 1159.33 88783 1731.06 84250

17. Madhya Pradesh 0* 0 8022.55 373866 4300.00 303397
18. Maharashtra 11954.74 466771 5977.37 64629 0** 0
19. Manipur 56.27 465 28.13 880 32.49 1217
20. Meghalaya 0** 0 3.62 100 0** 0
21. Odisha 5126.06 238874 5135.24 276345 5440.43 230920
22. Punjab 6020.47 313936 2869.66 189705 4862.00 189705
23. Rajasthan 4262.15 245366 4922.90 264372 345.55 15358
76 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

24. Sikkim 0* 0 0* 0 5.22 236

25. Tamil Nadu 4647.37 170672 2323.68 204620 10297.44 455420

26. Tripura 507.84 38660 302.13 36853 199.10 8799

27. Uttar Pradesh 0** 0 0** 0 0** 0

28. Uttarakhand 1170.20 76300 1626.69 82499 579.19 25719

29. West Bengal 5310.58 445979 7292.66 302266 0** 0

Total 54653.11 2738058 51403.34 2513972 52470.31 2411615

* Proposal not received from States/UTs
** Unspent balance available with States/UTs.


Details of Post-matric Scholarship scheme for OBC students

during the last three years

(Amount and number of beneficiaries in lakh)

Sl. State/UTs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Amount Number Amount Number Amount
released/ of released/ of released/
Spent Beneficiaries Spent Beneficiaries Spent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Andhra Pradesh 6314.00 0.76 3322.00 5.24 3545.05

2. Bihar 7738.00 1.37 6581.90 4.50 7485.00

3. Chhattisgarh 0.00 2.19 2623.35 0.25 0*

4. Goa 106.00 0.04 442.00 0.05 114.00

5. Gujarat 2707.10 1.79 3142.87 0.97 4351.05

6. Haryana 811.00 0.56 0.00 0.17 1494.29

7. Himachal Pradesh 448.86 0.07 425.00 0.08 499.00

8. Jammu and Kashmir 708.89 0.09 769.00 0.07 777.74

9. Jharkhand 2460.00 1.79 2222.90 0.94 2376.00

10. Karnataka 3749.32 1.72 4115.30 3.37 4419.00

11. Kerala 2490.00 1.61 2117.30 1.48 2223.70

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 77

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. Madhya Pradesh 5412.00 0.32 5620.00 3.86 5224.00

13. Maharashtra 8379.00 3.49 8014.00 2.67 8106.95

14. Odisha 2601.39 1.22 1289.00 1.41 2383.39

15. Punjab 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2003.01

16. Rajasthan 4442.93 2.05 4546.02 0.65 4950.99

17. Tamil Nadu 5375.00 1.36 4571.50 1.24 5184.00

18. Telangana 0.00 2.26 1094.10 7.81 2566.00

19. Uttar Pradesh 14880.00 6.34 13445.00 3.25 14471.97

20. Uttarakhand 392.00 0.25 680.10 0.41 726.00

21. West Bengal 6277.14 2.20 5280.55 2.29 6582.86

22. Andaman and Nicobar 0.00 0.00 11.00 0.01 0*


23. Dadra and Nagar Havali 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0**

24. Daman and Diu 8.86 0.01 7.13 0.004 15.29

25. Chandigarh 0.51 0.00 61.00 0.004 84.71

26. Delhi 44.88 0.001 92.98 0.00 0*

27. Puducherry 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.004 56.00

28. Assam 0.00 0.68 5454.96 0.68 0**

29. Manipur 531.00 0.09 598.00 0.05 602.62

30. Tripura 850.00 0.30 1430.00 0.31 1532.65

31. Sikkim 128.00 0.01 150.00 0.01 500.00

Total 76855.88 32.57 78113.96 41.78 82275.27

Note: (1) Beneficiaries figures include no. of beneficiaries covered by some States from their own Plan
funds. However, with the budget available under the Scheme, around 25 lakh beneficiaries
may be benefitted.
(2) The no. of beneficiaries are provided by the States/UTs with the subsequent year's proposal,
and hence number of beneficiaries for 2015-16 are not given.
* Funds could not be released due to pending Utilization Certificate from the State/UT.
** No proposal received from the State/UT.
78 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions


Details of Pre-matric Scholarship scheme for OBC students

during the last three years
(Amount and number of beneficiaries in lakh)

Sl. States/UTs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

No. Funds No. of Funds No. of Funds
Released Benficiaries Released Benficiaries Released
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Andhra Pradesh 0.00 0.24 515.50 0.46 635.00
2. Bihar 1691.00 120.00 721.00 40.39 2180.00

3. Chhattisgarh 0.00 0.00 948.00 $ 0*

4. Goa 50.00 0.04 36.00 0.08 320.00

5. Gujarat 1120.00 1.26 573.32 1.20 678.88

6. Haryana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0*
7. Himachal Pradesh 40.00 0.15 40.00 0.00 0*
8. Jammu and Kashmir 112.01 0.52 0.00 0.00 0*
9. Jharkhand 0.00 0.00 68.53 0.10 214.85
10. Karnataka 1160.00 1.61 710.00 5.70 1285.00
11. Kerala 796.08 7.46 607.00 3.81 703.00
12. Maharashtra 0.00 0.00 279.70 3.74 1306.00
13. Odisha 440.47 1.44 243.50 1.02 0*
14. Punjab 452.00 0.00 0.00 1.76 582.00
15. Rajasthan 442.51 4.19 508.44 4.24 598.33
16. Tamil Nadu 1338.00 2.47 744.31 3.17 628.50
17. Telangana 0.00 0.00 413.00 $ 0*
18. Uttar Pradesh 3253.00 57.27 3520.00 1.31 1740.00
19. Uttarakhand 58.50 0.44 58.50 1.55 0*
20. West Bengal 280.73 1.83 315.60 3.02 952.28
21. Assam 0.00 0.00 319.00 0.36 0*
22. Manipur 0.00 0.00 100.00 $ 0*
23. Tripura 142.00 0.71 174.00 0.70 142.00
24. Sikkim 24.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 11.60
25. Andaman and Nicobar 33.93 0.04 0.00 0.00 0*
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 79

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. Chandigarh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33

27. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0**

28. Daman and Diu 18.17 0.01 5.50 0.01 0*

29. Delhi 45.26 0.05 54.76 0.06 93.00

30. Puducherry 101.23 0.00 0.00 0.13 7.00

Total 11598.89 199.74 10955.66 72.81 12078.77

Note: (1) Beneficiaries figures include no. of beneficiaries covered by some States from their own Plan
funds. However, with the budget available under the Scheme, around 25 lakh beneficiaries
may be benefitted.
(2) The no. of beneficiaries are provided by the States/UTs with the subsequent year's proposal,
and hence number of beneficiaries for 2015-16 are not given.
(3) The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBCs is not being implemented
by the State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. They are implementing their own scheme for Pre-Matric
$ Not received
* Funds could not be released due to pending Utilization Certificate from the State/UT.
** No proposal received from the State/UT.


State-wise number of Beneficiaries covered under the Scheme of Post-Matric

Scholarship for ST Students during the year 2013-14 to 2015-16

(` in lakh)

Sl. States 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Funds Beneficia- Funds Beneficia- Funds Beneficia-
Released ries Released ries Released ries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Andhra Pradesh 4895.16 229360 5070.01 82091 1986.82 49239

2. Arunachal Pradesh 1366.85 630 2.29 630 1137.61 0

3. Assam 4756.81 102800 1114.00 102800 6748.28 116693

4. Bihar 23.00 6463 23.00 6463 0.00* 0

5. Chhattisgarh 1341.48 106231 4066.75 139447 4764.83 148660

6. Goa 2.00 1332 2.00 1332 356.00 4270

7. Gujarat 7138.58 218570 3929.23 218570 5520.40 163989

8. Himachal Pradesh 282.83 5189 237.00 5189 1350.00 8079

80 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1    2 3 4 1    2 3 4

9. Jammu and Kashmir 177.00 18700 2494.17 21000 2494.17 21000

10. Jharkhand 2043.23 72878 4927.23 81768 0.00* 0

11. Karnataka 3340.76 132376 3691.00 134988 5839.00 140891

12. Kerala 625.53 12705 647.00 13225 0.00* 0

13. Madhya Pradesh 5276.71 192437 2385.00 188145 3065.00 197176

14. Maharashtra 11996.04 178146 7451.83 175000 5209.83 175000

15. Manipur 6111.01 53965 3615.48 57828 3588.00 66928

16. Meghalaya 3438.00 79011 438.00 79011 3274.61 74608

17. Mizoram 5393.89 56873 4501.15 62410 4927.91 57330

18. Nagaland 2626.19 39867 2329.59 40133 2646.34 45140

19. Odisha 3459.87 89115 4512.00 130960 4050.00 165100

20. Rajasthan 2216.02 288020 6440.00 246249 10890.43 275669

21. Sikkim 845.49 2643 414.00 2705 400.00 3053

22. Tamil Nadu 1436.02 11092 44.00 11092 2266.86 20060

23. Telangana 0.00 0 12329.88 171329 9650.00 171329

24. Tripura 1390.99 24270 974.82 22261 1700.00 28374

25. Uttar Pradesh 56.00 7500 56.00 7500 0.00* 0

26. Uttarakhand 1086.50 24812 164.00 25269 900.00 27796

27. West Bengal 2277.63 79230 237.00 79230 2948.46 73357

28. Andaman and Nicobar 0.75 28 0.75 148 0* 0


29. Daman and Diu 10.90 320 1.00 320 0* 0

Total 74839.41 2034563 72098.18 2107093 85714.55 2033741

*Complete proposal has not been received.

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 81


State-wise number of beneficiaries under the scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarships for

ST students studying in classes IX and X during the year 2013-14 to 2015-16

(` in lakh)

Sl. States 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

No. Funds Beneficia- Funds Beneficia- Funds Beneficia-
Released ries Released ries Released ries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Andhra Pradesh 0.00* 0 1386.00 75812 1983.00 79602

2. Arunachal Pradesh 218.44 29143 0* 0 0.00* 0

3. Assam 211.88 12255 *0 0 0.00* 0

4. Bihar 0.00* 0 688.60 40700 375.00 37095

5. Chhattisgarh 0.00* 0 3718.00 228626 3607.00 225705

6. Goa 14.00 1728 0* 0 0.00* 0

7. Gujarat 2835.28 265168 3750.00 200000 3745.76 138465

8. Himachal Pradesh 45.73 2124 73.00 3996 96.12 5798

9. Jammu and Kashmir 0.00* 0 0* 0 700.00 37813

10. Jharkhand 0.00* 0 1613.00 93533 0.00* 0

11. Karnataka 3320.05 84680 0* 0 0.00* 0

12. Kerala 0.00* 0 0* 0 300.00 30010

13. Madhya Pradesh 0.00* 0 0* 0 4300.00 364167

14. Maharashtra 0.00* 0 0* 0 0.00* 0

15. Manipur 729.70 27112 496.05 40126 0.00* 0

16. Meghalaya 296.762 10707 0* 0 0.00* 0

17. Mizoram 123.185 3283 0* 0 0.00* 0

18. Nagaland 0.00* 0 0* 0 851.47 42048

19. Odisha 5601.08375 221709 4511.00 203301 4900.00 221243

20. Rajasthan 4792.55 1267802 2383.34 187508 0.00* 0

21. Sikkim 0.00* 0 7.80 408 0.00* 0

22. Tamil Nadu 0.00* 0 0* 0 600.00 15750

23. Telangana 0.00 0 745.52 105672 0.00* 0

82 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
24. Tripura 674.332 65690 678.75 44598 1303.60 53516
25. Uttar Pradesh 0.00* 0 0* 0 0.00* 0
26. Uttarakhand 460.2 12255 19.82 9869 107.00 10856
27. West Bengal 2620 119856 0* 0 0.00* 0
28. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0
29. Andaman and Nicobar 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0
30. Daman and Diu 0.00* 0 0* 0 0* 0
Grand Total 21943.19 2123512 20070.88 1234149 22868.95 1262068
Note: The scheme has been effective from 01.07.2012
* Complete proposal has not been received.

Details of amount spent and number of SC/ST candidates selected under National
Overseas Scholarship Scheme (NOS) during the last three years
(` in crore)

Year NOS (SC) NOS (ST)

Amount spent No. of selected Amount spent No. of selected
candidates candidates
2013-14 6.13 39 0.68 09
2014-15 8.78 56 0.99 *

2015-16 13.45 * 0.39 *

* Selections are in process. Amounts however were spent on scholarship awards of previous years.

�ी सतीश चं� िम�ा: सभापति‍ जी, यह सवाल दलि‍त स्टूडें ट्स, शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट स्टूडें ट्स
से संबंिधत है , उनसे कंसंर्ड है । आपने उनको �ी-मै िट्रक और पोस्ट-मै िट्रक स्कॉलरशि‍प दे ने से
संबंिधत सवाल का जवाब िदया है । शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट के जो �ी-मै िट्रक छा� हैं , जो िक 9th से
लेकर 10th, 11th तक के स्टूडें ट्स हैं , उसके बाद पोस्ट-मै िट्रक स्टूडें ट्स हैं , िजनका सवाल िकया
गया था, आपने अपने उस सवाल के जवाब में जो एक िलस्ट दी है , उस िलस्ट में कहा है िक
हम स्टेट्स को इतना रुपया दे ते हैं और हमने िदया है । आपने स्कीम का िज� नहीं िकया,
लेिकन आपने एमाउं ट का िज� िकया, आपने बेिनफिशि‍यरीज़ का िज� िकया। मैं आपके माध्यम
से माननीय मं �ी जी से पूछना चाहता हूं िक जब आप इस सवाल का जवाब दे रहे थे, तो क्या
आपके िवभाग ने उत्तर �दे श, जो िक दे श का सबसे बड़ा �दे श है , उसके बारे में आपसे कहा
िक आपको कोई जवाब नहीं दे ना है , या आपको जवाब िदया नहीं या आप सदन को जवाब
नहीं दे ना चाहते हैं ? मैं यह पूछना चाहता हूं , क्योंिक आप जरा सवाल का जवाब दे ख लें।
इन्होंने उत्तर �दे श के बारे में जो िफगर दी है , वह 000 दी है । आपने यह 000 figure 2012-13,
2013-14, 2014-15 और 2015-16, इन सालों के िलए बेनिफिशि‍यरीज़ की िफगर ज़ीरो दी है । आपने
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 83

बेनिफिशि‍यरीज़ के िलए जो एमाउं ट िरलीज़ िकया है , वह भी ज़ीरो िदया है । मैं पूछना चाहता
हूं िक क्या आपकी जो स्कीम है , उसमें दलि‍तों — यह सवाल, जो उनकी पढ़ाई से संबंिधत है ,
उन स्टूडें ट्स से संबंिधत है , उत्तर �दे श के ये जो दलि‍त स्टूडें ट्स हैं , क्या आपका उनके �ित
यही �ेम है ? आप यह स्पष्ट करें िक उत्तर �दे श की सरकार ने आपको कोई िलस्ट नहीं दी।
यदि‍ ऐसा है तो आप उस सरकार का खुलासा कीिजए, उसकी बात कहि‍ए, लेिकन आप सदन
के सामने इस सवाल का सही जवाब दीिजए, क्योंिक आपका जवाब सामने रखा हु आ है और
000 की िफगर दे रहा है ।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: आदरणीय सभापति‍ जी, माननीय िम�ा जी से मैं िनवेदन करना
चाहूं गा िक SC स्टूडें ट्स को जो पोस्ट-मै िट्रक स्कॉलरशि‍प दे ते हैं , हमने उसकी रािश के और
बेनिफिशि‍यरीज़ के भी आंकड़े िदए हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सतीश चं� िम�ा: आपने उसको 20 �ितशत घटा िदया है । आप यह भी मान लीिजए
िक 20 �ितशत घटाया है ।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: घटाया नहीं है , इस साल बढ़ा िदया है । उत्तर �दे श में SC स्टूडें ट्स
की �ी-मै िट्रक में जरूर 000 िफगर आ रही है , लेिकन उसका �मुख कारण यह है िक वहां से
न तो मांग आई है , न ही आंकड़े आए हैं । जब हम पहले धनरािश आवंिटत करते हैं , तो उसका
यूिटलाइजेशन सर्टिफि‍केट, बेनिफिशि‍यरीज़ की संख्या सहि‍त होता था, िफर वे मांग करते हैं और
हम दे ते हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सतीश चं� िम�ा: उपसभापति‍ जी, इनका आन्सर क्लि‍यर नहीं है । इसका मतलब कें�
सरकार मान रही है िक उत्तर �दे श में शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट में एक भी बेनिफिशि‍यरी इस लायक नहीं
है , िजसके िलए आपने मान िलया है िक उसे कोई बेनिफि‍ट िदया जाए। ये लाखों की संख्या में
हैं , जबकि‍ पहले करोड़ों की संख्या में थे, लेिकन आपने कह िदया है िक यह िफगर ज़ीरो हो
गई है । यदि‍ उत्तर �दे श ने आपको आंकड़े नहीं िदए, तो क्या आपका यह दाियत्व नहीं बनता
था िक आप उनसे यह पूछें और कहें िक ...(व्यवधान)... क्या ये बेनिफिशि‍यरीज़ ज़ीरो हो गए
हैं और अब उनकी िरक्वायरमें ट नहीं रह गई है ?

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: िडमांड ही नहीं आई तो हम क्या करें ?

�ी सभापति‍: �ीमती सरोिजनी हे म्�म।

�ीमती सरोिजनी हे म्�म: सभापति‍ जी, मैं आपके माध्यम से माननीय मं �ी जी से पूछना
चाहती हूं िक सरकार जो भी स्कॉलरशि‍प SC/ST और OBC स्टूडें ट्स के िलए दे ती है , वह सही
समय पर स्टूडें ट्स को नहीं िमलती है । इसके कारण गरीब स्टूडें ट्स को बहु त �ॉब्लम्स का सामना
करना पड़ता है । वे सही समय पर स्टडी लोन भी नहीं चुका पा रहे हैं , इसीिलए हमारे ओिडशा
के माननीय मुख्य मं �ी जी ने 25.1.16 को मं �ी जी को एक िचट्ठी िलखी थी िक 2014-15 की
121.17 करोड़ की कें�ीय सहायता अभी तक िरलीज़ नहीं हु ई है । सभापति‍ महोदय, मैं माननीय
मं �ी जी से यह जानना चाहती हूँ िक सरकार कब तक यह फंड release करे गी, तािक एससी/
एसटी बच्चों को scholarship ठीक समय पर िमल सके?

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, हमारा �यास रहता है िक scholarship छा�ों को सही समय
पर िमले, पर हम यह scholarship राज्य सरकार के माध्यम से दे ते हैं । जैसे ही नया िवत्तीय वर्ष
84 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

�ारम्भ होता है , हम जो national allocation decided है , उसके िहसाब से पहली िकश्त जारी
कर दे ते हैं । बाद में जब दू सरी िकश्त के िलए उनकी िडमांड आती है और जो िपछली धनरािश
उनके पास उपलब्ध रहती है , वे उसका उपयोिगता �माण-प� साथ में लगा कर दे ते हैं , तो हम
दू सरी िकश्त release करते हैं । माननीय सदस्य महोदया ने िजस तारीख के प� का उल्लेख
िकया है , मैं उसको िदखवाऊँगा और वहां scholarship दे ने की व्यवस्था करने का काम करूँगा।

डा. �दीप कुमार बालमुचू: सभापति‍ महोदय, मैं आपके माध्यम से मं �ी जी से कहना चाहता
हूँ िक Statement IV में इन्होंने दर्शाया है िक ओबीसी के िलए जो pre-matric scholarship है ,
वह िकन-िकन स्टेट्स में िकतनी-िकतनी दी गई है । हम झारखं ड की बात करें , तो अभी जैसा
हमारे साथी ने कहा, झारखं ड में 2013-14 में यह संख्या ज़ीरो है । आिखर इसका क्या कारण है ?
इसके पहले उन्होंने utilization certificate and proposal के बारे में कहा है , मगर इस संख्या के
ज़ीरो रहने का आिखर क्या कारण है िक झारखं ड में 2013-14 में कोई भी पैसा नहीं िदया गया?

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, सभी राज्यों के िलए एक ही कारण है िक अगर वहां से िडमांड
नहीं आती है , तो हम उनको पैसा नहीं दे ते हैं । वहां से िडमांड नहीं आई है ।

�ी �ेम चन्द गुप्ता: इसका मतलब है ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी सभापति‍: बैठ जाइए, बैठ जाइए। ...(व्यवधान)... यह आपका सवाल नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)...

SHRI V. HANUMANTHA RAO: Sir, it is a serious issue. ..(Interruptions)..

MR. CHAIRMAN: It is not your question. ..(Interruptions).. Question 51.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Questioner absent. Any supplementaries?

*51. [The Questioner (SHRI P. BHATTACHARYA) was absent.]

Opening of new ITIs


AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) the number of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) functioning and the number
of students trained in these Institutes during the last one and a half year;

(b) whether Government is also in touch with some private education providers
under the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for exploring the
possibility of opening ITIs and if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the other steps taken/being taken by Government to open new ITIs for giving
training to more students so that they become self-reliant?


is laid on the Table of the House.
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 85


(a) At present a total number of 13,105 Industrial Training Institutes ITIs

(Government 2293 and Pvt. 10,812) are functioning in the Country. State-wise details
of ITIs with seating capacities are placed given in Statement-I (See below). Duration
of trades in ITIs varies from 06 months to 2 years. As per information available
on National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) web portal 9,37,809 trainees
in year 2014 and 10,73,265 trainees in year 2015 were admitted.

(b) Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is exploring

possibility for conducting National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) compliant
National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) courses and short term skill
courses under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) in spare capacity of
existing and closed Engineering Colleges/Polytechnics affiliated to All India Council
for Technical Education (AICTE).

In this regard, a committee has been constituted by AICTE for feasibility study
for utilization of the spare infrastructure of engineering colleges/polytechnics for the

As per the information provided by AICTE, 31 institutions have been closed

and 84 institutions have applied for closure across the country. State-wise details
are given in Statement-II (See below).

(c) There is a proposal for Scheme titled “Setting up of 1500 Multi Skill Training
Institutes (MSTIs) in unserved blocks/areas with active participation of Industry/
Private Partners” for which meeting of Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) has
been conducted on 19.04.2016.


Matrix for number of ITIs with seating capacities in various State/UTs

Sl. Name of State/UTs Number Seating Number Seating Total Total

No. of Govt. Capacity of Pvt. Capacity ITIs Seating
ITIs (Govt.) ITIs (Pvt.) Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Northern Region

1. Chandigarh 2 1192 0 0 2 1192

2. Delhi 16 11420 66 5852 82 17272

3. Haryana 97 25784 211 26162 308 51946

86 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4. Himachal Pradesh 77 13556 151 16924 228 30480
5. Jammu and Kashmir 37 4087 1 110 38 4197
6. Punjab 99 21492 287 39168 386 60660
7. Rajasthan 115 17104 1654 210095 1769 227199
8. Uttar Pradesh 315 32508 1870 238146 2185 270654
9. Uttarakhand 60 7387 71 9238 131 16625
Sub-Total 818 134530 4311 545695 5129 680225
Southern Region
10. Andhra Pradesh 79 23429 411 106945 490 130374
11. Telangana 69 5337 211 19539 280 24876
12. Karnataka 179 30914 1302 104030 1481 134944
13. Kerala 40 16476 491 54490 531 70966
14. Lakshadweep 1 96 0 0 1 96
15. Poducherry 8 1432 9 508 17 1940
16. Tamil Nadu 62 23416 660 68974 722 92390
Sub-Total 438 101100 3084 354486 3522 455586
Eastern Region
17. Arunachal Pradesh 5 512 1 96 6 608
18. Aadaman and Nicobar 1 273 0 0 1 273
19. Assam 31 5968 5 384 36 6352
20. Bihar 34 11433 839 118437 873 129870
21. Jharkhand 21 4752 194 42040 215 46792
22. Manipur 7 540 0 0 7 540
23. Meghalaya 5 622 2 320 7 942
24. Mizoram 1 294 0 0 1 294
25. Nagaland 8 944 0 0 8 944
26. Odisha 30 19152 594 101684 624 120836
28. Sikkim 4 580 0 0 4 580
29. Tripura 12 1792 1 96 13 1888
30. West Bengal 52 14204 90 12200 142 26404

Sub-Total 211 61066 1726 275257 1937 336323

Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 87

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Western Region
31. Chhattisgarh 92 11504 93 10800 185 22304
32. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1 228 0 0 1 228
33. Daman and Diu 2 388 0 0 2 388
34. Goa 10 3264 5 412 15 3676
35. Gujarat 158 58348 407 26370 565 84718
36. Madhaya Pradesh 173 26366 713 89554 886 115920
37. Maharashtra 390 108824 473 57428 863 166252
Sub-Total 826 208922 1691 184564 2517 393486
Grand Total 2293 505618 10812 1360002 13105 1865620


State-wise number of institutions closed and institutions which have

applied for closure across the country
Sl. State/UT Number of Institutions Number of Institutions,
No. closed by AICTE applied for closure
1    2 3 4
1. Andhra Pradesh 01 09
2. Chhattisgarh 00 01
3. Delhi 00 02
4. Gujarat 02 04

5. Haryana 07 13
6. Himachal Pradesh 02 02
7. Jammu and Kashmir 00 01
8. Karnataka 01 02
9. Madhya Pradesh 03 04
10. Maharashtra 04 07
11. Nagaland 00 01
12. Odisha 01 01
13. Punjab 01 03
14. Rajasthan 01 02
15. Tamil Nadu 03 08
16. Telangana 01 10
17. Uttar Pradesh 04 12
18. Uttarakhand 00 02
Total 31 84
88 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

MR. CHAIRMAN: Questioner absent any supplementaries?

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: Respected Chairman, Sir, the 'Skill

India' and 'Stand-up India' are in the campaign mode. There is every necessity for
the Industrial Training Institutes to enhance the skills of pre-matric and post-matric
students. We are having paucity of the Industrial Training Institutes across the nation.
But it is visible that several Government as well as private Industrial Training Institutes
are getting closed down. The policy and the programme towards maintenance and
sustenance of ITIs have to be updated not only by the Union Government but also
by the State Government. With its own campaign mode, the Central Government
may be focussing on that. But are they taking on board State Governments to ensure
up-to-date and modern curriculum, and also to sustain interests of the students in
ITIs so that ITIs are not closed down across the nation?

SHRI RAJIV PRATAP RUDY: Sir, the hon. Member has mixed up two issues.
He has talked about ITIs, which is training in the formal sector. As far as hard
skills are concerned, there are 13,000 institutions. About 2,500 are located in the
Government Sector, States and the Centre together, and about 10,000 are there in the
private sector. What he is referring to is about shutting down of training institutions.
I would like to bring it on the record of the House that under AICTE, there are
about 18,00,000 seats in the engineering colleges. In the engineering colleges across
the country, about 8.5 lakh seats are vacant. So, those are the engineering colleges
which are shutting down and excess of capacity has been created. That is why most
of these engineering colleges are shutting down and we have received the information
that almost 200 engineering colleges have been shut. So, that is a matter of grave
concern. When we come back to the ITIs, it is a formal system set up for training
students, 10th dropouts or 10th pass people, we have a whole ecosystem and we
have about 13,000 ITIs. What he is talking today is very important because at
some point of time, we have missed a policy framework. We started opening ITIs
in this country in 1969. Today, there are about 13,000 institutions. And, today, 2500
blocks in the country, across the country, since last 67 years, do not have a single
training institute. Now, this is a very major concern. And, there are districts in this
country – I can give examples – which have a lot of ITIs. One district has 200 ITIs.
Now, if you look at Palamu in Jharkhand, it has one ITI – whether it is private or
Government, we can come to that later – but in the city of Jaipur, there are 200
ITIs. So, there is something which went wrong. Now, what we are trying to do
is – the Government has got a policy now and we have provided a Budget – we
are trying to bring all these uncovered blocks in this country under a PPP model.
The cost of a primary stage ITI would be around ` 3.5 crores or ` 4 crores, and to
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 89

make it faster, we are funding through the National Skill Development Corporation.
We are giving the money, some grant and a very soft loan so that the people from
the industry can come up. Today, the partnership of the industry is very important.
जो लोग उद्योग जगत से जुड़े हु ए हैं , वे बार-बार कहते हैं िक हमें trained manpower चािहए,
तो trained manpower �ोवाइड करने के िलए हम लोगों ने इंडस्ट्री को जोड़कर, दे श भर में
इसी तरह के इंस्टीट्यूट्स की स्थापना करने का �स्ताव बनाया है और अब हम इस �स्ताव को
कैिबनेट में ले जाकर पािरत करें गे। जो formal skilling का स्वरूप है , उसमें हमने बहु त बड़े रूप
से apprenticeship में भी सुधार िकया है । जहां तक dropouts का सवाल है , जो लोग आठवीं
या नौवीं पास होते हैं , उनमें आप जो skilled work force की बात कर रहे हैं , we are taking
them under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, which is 'short-term skilling'.
So, a structured long-term skilling, which happens in industry, will go in the NCBT,
and then there is structured short-term skilling which was, of course, an initiative of
the previous Government also. However, the structure was different. We are redefining
it and setting up model skill centres across the country. So, on the one side, the
informal skills will go in the skill development centres and the formal skills will
go in the ITIs or the equivalent of that.

SHRI RANGASAYEE RAMAKRISHNA: Sir, the conventional pattern has been

to have an ITI. The boys are trained in certain conventional trades and skills, and
then they go into the job market and they lose there. Why don't you ask the FICCI,
ASSOCHAM and such organizations and corporate sector to train people for their
own particular skill requirements and take them straightway into the jobs? I think,
these newer methods will have to be adopted rather than opening more and more
ITIs which then throw people in the job market.

SHRI RAJIV PRATAP RUDY: Sir, this is a very pertinent question. अभी िजतने
भी आईटीआई में �िशक्षण होते हैं , उनमें लगभग 250 Trades हैं , and, out of those 250
trades, there are only 10 or 12 trades which all these institutes want to run because
these are institutes which are basically notified in public sector undertakings that 'if
you do your ITI from there, you will get a Government job which include Fitter,
Computer Operator, Programme Assistant, Electrician, Mechanical Welder, etc.' They
are 12 of that. So, most of these ITIs only run these 10-12 trades and they do not
run most of the courses which are creating employment.

On the question of industry partnership, Sir, the biggest industry partnership

world over — and every country in the world has it which possibly we have missed
— is through apprenticeship. Industry gets apprentices which we should also have
and it is where the training takes place. For example, China has about three crore
apprenticeships. So, most of the people who pass out from such institutes go to the
90 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions

industry and train themselves irrespective of the fact whether they get absorbed in
that industry or they move out of that industry. Even Japan has about a crore. We, in
India, between my Ministry and the HRD Ministry — because there are two verticals;
one is being looked after by the HRD Ministry and the other is being looked after
by the Ministry of Skill Development — we only do about three lakhs. So, this
number is very insignificant. But, Sir, if you remember the 20 Point Programme of
Mrs. Gandhi when she had said that 'we will reform the Apprenticeship Act', we
did that change in 2014, and it took thirty years. We have removed all the shackles
which were there in the Apprenticeship Act which included imprisonment, trade-wise,
etc. So, today, even if you look at the public sector undertakings — and this is for
the consumption of Members of Parliament — at least in the Government, where we
have the public sectors undertakings, out of 50 lakh jobs which are existing in the
public sector, with the reform policy, we can have apprenticeship between two-and-
a-half per cent and upper cap of ten per cent. So, around, good 50,000 individuals,
graduates, post-graduates, under-graduates or those who come from the ITIs can go
to the public sector. So far, the public sector's ratio is miniscule. Even if I have to
look at the big petroleum sector, there is a big possibility. The Ministry of Mines
has about 620 apprentices while its capacity is around 40,000 and, out of that,
two-and-a-half to ten per cent would be around 5,000. So, there is a great policy
of pushing apprenticeship, and this is in the public sector. Similarly, if we are able
to partner the private sector, the whole ecosystem of skills, hard skills and all the
great training that we are talking about can happen. This can happen only through
industry-association, which the Government is trying to build up.

DR. KARAN SINGH: Mr. Chairman, the Minister has given some useful
information regarding this matter. But I would like to make the point that with the
massive unemployment in this country, a great lacuna is the lack of intermediate
training institutes between schools and the IITs. Now, will the Government make a
massive effort, in coordination with the Ministry of Human Resource Development
and the public sector, to really exponentially increase the number of training institutes
and apprentices? The unemployment backlog is growing and we are not going to be
able to catch up unless that is done. Will this be a priority with the Government?

SHRI RAJIV PRATAP RUDY: Sir, this is a policy lacuna or the mindset of
the people. Pardon me for putting this in the House. It is a very harsh statement.
Education had a distinct bias towards skill, because in the entire education system,
skill has been there, but all of us who have become big or important in the system,
though educated, are not skilled individuals. So, the bias of education against skill
has been in perpetuity. Even when we went to the ITIs after doing 10th or 12th,
Oral Answers [28 April, 2016] to Questions 91

we cannot seek admission; equivalence is not there. But now, Smritiji has agreed
and she has given a formula through the National Open Schools. For the last 67
years, for all those students who did their ITIs, there was no lateral or a vertical
climb as far as opening up of further venues is concerned. I am happy that, for
the first time in Indian history, the Ministry of HRD has integrated itself with the
Ministry of Skill Development and now these boys who are doing their ITIs would
move towards open education and they can aspire.

Sir, in India, we do not have a ‘Professor of Welding’; we do not have a

‘Professor of Plumbing’, which is there across the world. So, this is the difference,
that the aspirational aspect has been kept in mind. I have talked to the Prime Minister
about it and, for the first time, even students passing out from ITIs would have
a grand function and a grand convocation where they would wear robes and they
would come out and say we are also a part of the industry workforce.

As far as the schooling system is concerned, a mistake has been committed. That
is because every skilling across the world should have taken place in the schools.
Unfortunately, this never became aspirational. There is an integration process. We are
trying to build up a credit framework, from 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th onwards,
and this process has to begin. It has to be integrated, but the schools are still not
ready. We are very positive about it. We are trying to convince them. This workforce
is actually what we are talking about. The Prime Minister’s initiative to make India
the world’s workforce is an effort which we are trying to do. I think the process
that Dr. Karan Singh has talked about has been initiated. Though delayed, we would
achieve it. That is for sure.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Question No. 52. ...(Interruptions)...

Compulsory retirement of non-performing officials

*52. PROF. M.V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased
to state:

(a) whether Government is working on the proposal of compulsory retirement

for non-performing and inefficient Government officials, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the details of metrics for such an assessment?


MINISTER’S OFFICE (DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) and (b) A Statement is laid
on the Table of the House.
92 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions


(a) and (b) Central Government has since long been reviewing officials on
grounds of performance and efficiency. Fundamental Rules, All India Services Rules
and other Service Rules provide for retirement in public interest.

Under Rule 56(i) of Fundamental Rules, review is done at the age of 50/55
years for Group A and B officials and at the age of 55 years for others. As per
the provisions of All India Services (Death cum Retirement Benefit) Rules 16(3),
inter-alia, review is done on completion of 15/25 years of qualifying service or on
attaining the age of 50 years as the case may be. While reviewing, parameters such
as the entire service record and performance are taken into consideration.

Review of performance is a continuous process. These provisions have been

reiterated from time to time, more recently in September 2015 and in April 2016.

However, disciplinary action as appropriate, including compulsory retirement,

is taken under the provisions of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules and other Service
Rules as applicable to various Services on completion of enquiry.

PROF. M. V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Sir, this question was about non-officers being
removed, and the Minister’s reply says that they are reviewed and removed at the
age of 50 and 55. Sir, that is absolutely too late in anyone’s career. Will the Minister
commit to changing this procedure to ensure that maybe at the age of 40 or 45,
the appropriate officers, who are deemed non-performers, are removed from service
and maybe the bottom five per cent of non-performers are removed on an annual
basis so as to ensure efficiency in governance?

DR. JITENDRA SINGH: Sir, the hon. Member’s concern to ensure efficiency in
administration is well taken. He has referred to the age criterion, which is one of
the various other criteria and parameters meant for this purpose. For example, we
have the Fundamental Rules 56(j), which provides for premature retirement. I shall
not call it ‘compulsory retirement’ because that falls in another category. Then, we
have dismissals and deemed resignations. We also have certain other penalties based
on the nature and the situation. Broadly speaking, this assessment is made on the
basis of two criteria, (a) performance and (b) the record of service. Apart from that,
if there are any specific allegations, depending upon that, an inquiry is conducted and
an appropriate penalty is also instituted, sometimes regardless of age. So, it is not
necessary that this would happen only at the age of 50 or so. But, having listened
to what he says, this will be kept in mind.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions 93

PROF. M. V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Sir, the Government talked about rotating

officers working in sensitive and non-sensitive posts ...(Interruptions)...

MR. CHAIRMAN: I am afraid, Question Hour is over. ...(Interruptions)...



Complaints of discrimination at NIT institutes

†*53. SHRI RAM KUMAR KASHYAP: Will the Minister of HUMAN

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has received any complaints regarding discrimination

against the students coming from other States in NITs situated in different States of
the country;

(b) if so, the details of the complaints received in the last three years and the
manner in which these complaints were redressed;

(c) whether any demand for change in the location of any such institutes has
been raised, if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the decision being taken by Government on such demand?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) No, Sir.

(b) Does not arise.

(c) and (d) Recently a demand was raised by some students of NIT, Srinagar
to shift the NIT out of Srinagar following tensions in the wake of a cricket match.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development has indicated that it will not be
possible to accede to this demand.

Global targets for reducing malnutrition

*54. SHRI A. K. SELVARAJ: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the country is on track to meet only two of the eight
global targets for reducing malnutrition by 2030 and if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the latest data shows that 39 per cent of
children under the age of five in India are short as compared to their age and if
so, the details thereof?

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

94 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) There are 17 Globally Agreed Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) having target year as 2030. Out of these SDGs, Goal
No. 2 States “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture”.

Goal 2 mentioned above, has been divided into eight Targets. Target 2.2 of the
above Goal States as under:

“By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving by 2025, the
internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of
age and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating
women and older persons”.

To address the components of the Target, this Ministry is implementing Integrated

Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme and Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Adolescent
Girls i.e. SABLA. While ICDS covers the nutritional needs of children of 6 months-6
years age, pregnant and lactating mothers, RGSAG Scheme covers the nutritional and
non-nutritional components for adolescent girls. Under these Schemes, age appropriate
Supplementary Nutrition is provided to the beneficiaries at the Anganwadi Centres
spread across the country.

As per the National Family Health Survey, the proportion of under-weight children
below 3 years declined from 43% in 1998-99 to 40% in 2005-06. As per the Rapid
Survey on Children (RSoC), 2013-14, commissioned by Ministry of Women and Child
Development, there is a reduction in under weight among under 5 years of age from
42.5% in NFHS-III to 29.4% and wasting from 19.8% in NFHS-III to 15.1% in RSoC.

(b) As per the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC), 2013-14, mentioned above,
the level of stunting among children under 5 years of age has reduced from 48%
in NFHS-II to 38.7% in RSoC.

District disability rehabilitation centres


AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of District Disability Rehabilitation Centres functioning in

the country at present, State-wise along with locations thereof;

(b) whether each district in the country has a Disability Rehabilitation Centre,
if so, the details thereof;

(c) if not, the steps taken by Government to set up one such centre in each
district of the country; and
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions 95

(d) the total amount sanctioned and spent on District Disability Rehabilitation
Centres (DDRCs) during the last three years, State-wise?


(SHRI THAAWAR CHAND GEHLOT): (a) The total number of District Disability
Rehabilitation Centres (DDRCs) functioning in the country is 256. Details of locations,
State-wise is given in the Statement-I (See below).

(b) No Sir.

(c) Decision to set up DDRCs in all the Districts of the country has not been
taken so far.

(d) Details indicating the amount sanctioned to various DDRCs during the last
3 years, State-wise are given in the Statement-II (See below). Information regarding
amount spent by these DDRCs is being collected.


Details of State-wise District Disability Rehabilitation Centres (DDRCs)

functioning in the country

Name of State/UT DDRCs Location of DDRCs (District)

set up
   1 2 3
Andhra Pradesh 11 East Godavari, Kurnool, Chittor, Nellore,
Vizianagram, Prakasam, Cudappah, Guntur,
Vishakapatnam, Anantpur, and Srikakulam
Telengana 5 Nalgonda Mahbubnagar, Medak, Karimnagar,
Arunachal Pradesh 3 Itanagar (Naharlagun), Tawang and East
Assam 13 Tezpur (Sonitpur), Dibrugarh, Silchar,
Karimganj, Dhubri, Nagaon, Jorhat, Barpeta,
Dhemaji, Sivasagar, Golaghat, Lakhimpur,
Andaman and Nicobar 2 Port Blair, Nicobar
Bihar 22 Purnia, Supaul, Sitamarhi, West Champaran,
Darbhanga, Gaya, Banka, Muzzafarpur,
Chapra, Kishan Ganj, Nawada, Jehanabad,
96 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions

   1 2 3
Samastipur, Begusarai, Nalanda, East
Champaran, Kaimur, Madhubani, Bhojpur,
Aurangabad, Vaishali and Araria
Chhattisgarh 7 Raipur, Raigarh, Durg, Rajnandgaon,
Jashpur, Bastar, Dhamtari
Dadra Nagar Haveli 1 Silvassa
Daman and Diu 1 Diu
Goa 1 Panaji
Gujarat 12 Surat, Jamnagar, Ahemdabad, Vadodra, Rajkot,
Bhavnagar, Surendranagar, Nadiad, Junagarh,
Dahod, Banaskantha and Sabarkantha
Haryana 5 Rohtak, Kurukshetra, Sonepat, Hissar and
Himachal Pradesh 3 Shimla, Dharmshala and Kinnaur
Jammu and Kashmir 8 Jammu, Udhampur, Leh, Anantnag, Doda,
Barmulla, Poonch, Kupwara
Jharkhand 6 Palamu, Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Dumka,
Dhanbad and Jamshedpur
Karnataka 8 Bellary, Belgaum, Mangalore, Tumkur,
Gulbarga, Mandaya, Bidar, Kolar
Kerala 3 Kozhikode, Thrissur and Thiruvananthapuram
Lakshadweep 0 -
Madhya Pradesh 24 Jabalpur, Balaghat, Rewa, Sagar, Indore,
Jhabua, Gwalior, Rajgarh, Ujjain, Satna,
Khargaon, Khandwa, Agar, Alote-Ratlam,
Jawad, Dewas, Mandsaur, Damoh, Shivpuri,
Chhindawara, Guna, Vidisha, Sehore, Shajapur
Maharashtra 11 Buldana, Wardha, Latur, Aurangabad,
Mahim/Dadar, Gondia, Amravati, Pune,
Nagpur, Jalgaon, Hingoli
Manipur 4 Imphal, Thoubal, Churachandpur, Imphal

Meghalaya 5 Shillong, East Garo Hills, Jantia Hills West

Khasi Hills and West Garo Hills
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions 97

   1 2 3
Mizoram 3 Aizawal, Lunglei+Lunglit, Kolasib+Mamit

Nagaland 1 Dimapur

Odisha 8 Kalahandi, Nabrangpur, Ganjam, Phulbani,

Sambalpur, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Koraput

Puducherry 2 Pondicherry and Karaikal

Punjab 8 Patiala, Sangrur, Ferozepur, Bhatinda,

Hoshiarpur, Moga, Nawanshahr and Amritsar

Rajasthan 11 Ajmer, Jodhpur, Tonk, Bikaner, Jaiselmer,

Jalore, Pali, Udaipur, Alwar, Bharatpur,

Sikkim 1 Gangtok

Tamil Nadu 7 Vellore, Thoothukudi, Madurai, Salem,

Virudhunagar, Kanyakumari and Peramblur

Tripura 4 North Tripura, South Tripura, Dhalai,

Agartala (West Tripura)

Uttar Pradesh 39 Jaunpur, Hardoi, Deoria, Saharanpur,

Rampur, Moradabad, Azamgarh, Aligarh,
Bulandshahr, Ghazipur, Siddharthanagar,
Kheri, Budaun, Basti, Unnao, Balrampur,
Kushinagar, Sant Kabir Nagar, Shravasti,
Sitapur, Gorakhpur, Mau, Gonda, Varanasi,
Agra, Meerut, Allahabad, Balia, Jhansi,
Ambedkarnagar, Pilibhit, Rai Bareily,
Maharajganj, Muzzafarnagar, Mathura,
Bareily, Kanpur Dehat, Bahraich and

Uttarakhand 5 Tehri Garhwal, Almorah, Haridwar,

Bageshwar and Nainital

West Bengal 12 Bardhaman, Purulia, Bankura, Howarah,

Malda, Nadia, Jalpaiguri, Murshidabad,
Cooch Behar, Birbhum, Dakshin Dinajpur,

Total 256
98 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions


Details of funds released to DDRCs during last three years

(2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16) State-wise
Sl. No. DDRCs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Andhra Pradesh
1. Guntur 17,20,000
2. East Godavari 10,20,000 6,70,962
3. Vizianagram - 3,41,295
Arunachal Pradesh
4. Tawang 9,03,933 - 5,16,690
5. Nagaon 11,82,000 -
6. Jorhat - 6,10,020
7. Lakhimpur 18,82,000 - 7,77,471
8. Dhemaji 18,82,000 -
9. Golaghat 18,82,000 - 4,69,025
10. Tezpur 1,69,036 - 7,10,919
11. Cachar 18,82,000
12. West Champaran 5,37,106 -
13. Nalanda 17,20,000 -
14. Chapra/Saran 4,42,800 -
15. Aurangabad - 5,51,315
16. Muzaffarpur 99,600
17. Surat 4,10,867 -
18. Vadodara 10,78,383 -
19. Nadiad - 2,10,689
20. Rajkot 2,72,160 -
21. Ahmedabad 10,08,463 - 5,90,098
22. Surendranagar 2,14,650 -
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions 99

Sl. No. DDRCs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Himachal Pradesh
23. Kangra - -
Jammu and Kashmir
24. Doda 2,61,027 4,91,781 4,26,514
25. Jammu 18,82,000 -
26. Kupwara 18,82,000
27. Dumka 3,23,444 -
Madhya Pradesh
28. Jabalpur 5,83,346 8,45,551 6,74,731
29. Chhindwara - 12,87,350
30. Guna - 69,405
31. Shivpuri 10,20,000 5,82,352 3,31,068
32. Rewa 14,76,032 -
33. Jhabua 4,73,040 - 88,077
34. Balaghat 14,64,394 5,06,926
35. Gwalior 6,16,535 - 4,59,580
36. Damoh 6,83,356 - 2,58,720
37. Rajgarh (Biora) 2,46,123 27,340 9,05,360
38. Ratlam 5,42,700 -
39. Mandsaur 4,13,407 - 41,108
40. Neemuch (Javad) 2,58,223 - 3,68,347
41. Dewas 2,10,423
42. Ujjain 7,78,220
43. Shajapur 16,97,200
44. Amravati 8,56,040 9,18,000
45. Nagpur 17,20,000 -
46. Jalgaon 17,20,000 -
47. Pune 17,20,000 -
100 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions

Sl. No. DDRCs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

48. Buldana - - 6,27,196
49. Latur - 6,75,022
50. Aurangabad - 9,82,017 6,65,386
51. Hingoli 17,20,000
52. Churachandpur - 4,08,800
53. Imphal West 18,82,000
54. Tura (West Garo 11,82,000 - 7,00,000
55. West Khasi Hills - 18,82,000
Punjab - -
56. Bhatinda - - 5,90,173
57. Moga 10,02,032 -
58. Nawanshahr 10,19,747 -
59. Sangrur 5,88,008 - 3,22,425
60. Jalore - 3,01,656
61. Alwar 12,14,000 -
62. Tonk - - 2,41,269
63. Jodhpur 4,79,846
64. Dhallai 11,69,559
65. North Tripura 11,79,852 11,02,861 8,44,510
66. Medak - 17,20,000
Uttar Pradesh
67. Rai Bareily - 4,73,161
68. Moradabad 6,23,533 4,26,580
69. Rampur 9,70,514 5,08,680 6,27,288
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions101

Sl. No. DDRCs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

70. Ghazipur 17,20,000
71. Siddharthnagar 17,20,000
72. Basti 17,20,000 7,10,830
73. Badaun 17,20,000 1,66,512
74. Sitapur 17,20,000
75. Unnao 17,20,000 5,54,547
76. Kushinagar 17,20,000
77. Shravasti 17,20,000
78. Sant Kabir Nagar 17,20,000
79. Kheri 17,20,000
80. Balrampur 17,20,000
81. Pilibhit 9,49,935 2,15,058 5,52,262
82. Gorakhpur 7,38,810 4,00,564 8,27,961
83. Ballia 6,97,125
84. Mau 4,11,445
85. Barabanki 17,20,000
86. Jhansi 17,20,000
87. Bahraich 17,20,000
88. Bareilly 12,90,000
89. Kanpur Dehat 12,10,000
90. Haridwar(Roorke) - 5,42,820 4,23,300
91. Tehri Garhwal - 3,72,283
West Bengal
92. Malda 17,20,000 1,61,465 8,56,500
93. Nadia 17,20,000
94. Jalpaiguri 7,37,140 3,93,262
95. Hooghly 17,20,000
96. Karaikal 3,80,904
102 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions

Upgradation of IMD


be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is

technologically way behind and hence, is unable to predict even the severe and
sudden change in the weather conditions;

(b) whether it is because of the poor technical condition of the IMD that the
torrential rains and the devastating floods that followed creating havoc with the
lives and the properties of people in Tamil Nadu recently, could not be predicted;

(c) if so, whether the Ministry would consider bringing in the latest equipments
for the upgradation of IMD and its efficient functioning?


Sir. There is no reason to carry such impression about the performance of the India
Meteorological Department (IMD) that operates a dedicated weather and climate
monitoring, detection and warning services useful for various sectors of economy. The
weather forecasting systems in the country are comparable to most of the advanced
countries in the world with respect to weather forecasting. Efforts are continuously
made to optimize the level of efficiency of the forecasting systems. During the past
few years, the IMD has been continuously improving weather prediction services in
terms of accuracy, lead time and associated impact.

(b) No Sir. IMD issued warnings the details are given in the Statement
(See below). 3-days in advance for occurrence of heavy (7-12 cm per day) to very
heavy (13-25 cm per day) rainfall that occurred in Chennai and other parts of
Tamil Nadu. Regional Meteorological Centre Chennai had further issued more area
specific warnings, in which areas that were likely to receive extremely heavy rainfall
(> 25 cm per day) were also indicated to the State level disaster management

(c) Augmentation of the observing system networks for the upgradation of IMD
is a continuing process that shall be taken up as per the emerging needs from time
to time.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions103


Salient features of heavy rainfall forecast issued by ESSO-IMD for

Tamil Nadu and Puducherry:

Spells of Heavy rainfall Date of Warnings issued

commencing from

09.11.2015 05 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

06 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

07 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy

08 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy

16.11.2015 13 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy

14 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy

15 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy

21.11.2015 18 Nov. Heavy rain at isolated places

19 Nov. Heavy rain at isolated places

20 Nov. Heavy rain at isolated places

30.11.2015 25 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

26 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

27 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

28 Nov. Heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places

29, 30 Nov and 1 Dec. Heavy to very heavy rain at

a few places with isolated extremely heavy rainfall

02 Dec. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy rainfall

03 Dec. Heavy to very heavy rain at a few places

with isolated extremely heavy rainfall
104 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions

Constitution of metropolitan planning committees in cities


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the steps Government has taken for implementation of the 74th Constitution
Amendment envisaging a greater role for urban local bodies;

(b) whether Karnataka has met all the requirements to implement the said
Amendment, if not, the deficiencies thereof;

(c) which cities in India have constituted Metropolitan Planning Committees

(MPCs) as envisaged under Article 243 ZE of the Constitution; and

(d) whether planning has been devolved to the MPCs wherever they have been


(a) The Government has advised all States and UTs to implement the 74th Constitution
Amendment Act (CAA). This was a reform mandate under previous mission mode
programme (JnNURM). This is continued as a reform mandate under Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). Towards this, a Model Municipal
Law was also brought by the Ministry in order to assist and facilitate the States. The
Government, through AMRUT has provided for a 10% financial incentive to the States
and UTs to achieve the reforms which include implementation of 74th CAA.

(b) The Twelfth Schedule of the Constitution envisages 18 functions to be

transferred to the Urban Local Bodies (ULB). As per the JnNURM-Reforms Calibrated
Milestones and Scores (Jan 2014) Karnataka has transferred all functions except the
function of water supply and sewerage to ULBs.

(c) and (d) As per information available, the respective State Governments have
included the metropolitan areas of Hyderabad, Faridabad, Kolkata, Jaipur, Mumbai,
Nagpur and Pune to constitute Metropolitan Planning Committees as per article 243
ZE of the Constitution. These Committees have been given various responsibilities and
authority by the respective State Governments for urban and regional development.
The devolution of planning function to MPCs varies from State to State.

Entry of police in NIT, Srinagar


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware that students of National Institute of Technology

(NIT), Srinagar holding national flags and chanting pro India slogans, have been
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions105

lathicharged and beaten up brutally in NIT campus and several cases against them
have been registered, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether NIT administration had permitted the police to enter NIT campus;

(c) if so, the details of the authority who permitted police entry along with the
date thereof; and

(d) the basis on which police entry in NIT campus was permitted?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) There were tensions between students recently on the campus
at NIT, Srinagar in the wake of a cricket match. The law and order situation was
handled by the local administration. Subsequently, the State Government has been
requested to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of all
the students. However, on 5th April, 2016 some non-local students marched towards
the exit gate and were stopped from going out of the campus by police personnel,
resulting in a scuffle and police resorted to lathicharge. Two FIRs have been registered
at Police Station, Nageen, Srinagar.

(b) to (d) As Institute administration including Director, Heads of the Departments,

Registrar, Deans, Proctorial Staff and other faculty members failed to persuade the
clash between two group of students, to further avoid any unfortunate and severe
incident, it was decided jointly by the Director, Heads of Departments, Registrar, Deans,
Proctorial staff and other faculty members to seek help from the local administration.

Sanctioned and actual strength of Government employees

*59. SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) the sanctioned and actual strength of employees as on 1st January, 2016 in
the Central Government, grade-wise;

(b) the number of recruitments made to fill up the vacant posts during last three
years, grade-wise; and

(c) the measures taken or proposed to be taken to bridge the gap between the
sanctioned and the actual strength of employees?


MINISTER’S OFFICE. (DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) The details of Grade-wise
number of sanctioned posts and incumbents in position, vacancies are given in the
Statement (See below). This is as per the data available in the Annual Report on
106 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Starred Questions

Pay and Allowances of Central Government Civilian Employees for 2013-2014 as

on 1.03.2013, published by Pay Research Unit, Department of Expenditure, Ministry
of Finance. Farther as per the Budget 2016-2017, the actual strength as on 1.3.2015
is 3305.646 out the estimated strength as on 1.3.2016 is 34,93,619.

(b) and (c) The vacancies arising due to retirement of officers and employees are
required to be filled-up by the concerned Ministry/Department as per the provisions
in the Recruitment Rules for the post.


Group-wise number of sanctioned posts and incumbents in position, vacancies

and their percentages to total sanctioned posts as on 1.3.2013

Group Number of Number of Number of Percentage of

Sanctioned incumbents in vacant Posts vacant Posts to
posts position total sanctioned
posts in the group
A* 107958 90192 17766 16.46
B(G) 99994 81005 18989 18.99
B(NG) 153447 120958 32489 21.17
C(NG)$ 3355121 2822040 533081 15.89
Total 3716520 3114195 602325 16.21
* Includes some Non-Gazetted posts also.
$ Erstwhile Group D posts have been categorized as Group C after implementation of 6th CRC

Help for Indians injured in Brussels


be pleased to state:

(a) the details of Brussels terrorist attack that took place recently;

(b) how many Indians were injured and how many killed, the details thereof;

(c) whether Jet Airways crew were also injured, if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether all the injured were given medical treatment and safely shifted to
India; and

(e) whether any timely assistance was provided by Indian Embassy at Brussels,
if so, the details thereof?


(a) Three high intensity serial bomb explosions took place at Zaventem International
Airport and inside the Maelbeek Underground Metro Station in Brussels in the morning
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Starred Questions107

hours between 8 AM and 9 AM on 22 March, 2016. 32 people were killed and

300 people were injured. After the incident, the Federal prosecutors identified the
four Belgian nationals (3 suicide bombers – 2 at the Airport and 1 at the Metro
station) who executed the blasts. They have caught one perpetrator alive who was
seen with the two suicide bombers at the airport based on CCTV footage. ISIS has
claimed responsibility for the blasts. The bomb blasts followed the arrest of Paris
terror attack prime suspect Salah Abdesalem in Brussels on 18 March 2016.

(b) and (c) One Indian IT professional, Mr. Raghavendran Ganeshan, was killed
in the bomb blast at the Maelbeek Metro Station. Two other Indian nationals, Ms.
Nidhi Chaphekar and Mr. Amit Motwani, both employees of Jet Airways were
seriously injured in the blasts at the Zaventem International Airport. Several other
Indians were injured and were released after receiving first aid.

(d) All the injured Indians were immediately shifted to specialized hospitals in
Brussels for medical treatment and were released after treatment. The two injured Jet
Airways employees are still recuperating in the hospital. Jet Airways had separately
provided accommodation to the stranded passengers affected in the blasts, before
they were flown to their respective destinations.

(e) The Embassy of India in Brussels responded immediately to attend to all

needs of the Indian victims of the blasts. The Embassy established telephone helplines
for helping the family members contact the victims. It deployed dedicated officials
to monitor the situation. Embassy officials also visited the two severely injured Jet
Airways employees in the hospitals to provide necessary support and assistance.

The Embassy of India in Brussels in close coordination with the Embassy

of India in The Hague provided logistical support to the stranded Indians and
maintained continuous contact with Jet Airways which arranged transport for ferrying
the stranded passengers to Amsterdam from Brussels for their onward journeys to
their destinations. The Embassy of India in Belgium also provided travel documents
and helped passengers complete the formalities in order to enable them to leave

The Indian Embassies in Belgium and the Netherlands also extended logistical
support for transporting the mortal remains of the deceased Indian national Mr.
Raghavendran Ganeshan, accompanied by his family from Brussels to Amsterdam
and onward to India.

The Embassy of India in Belgium has also issued periodic travel and security
advisories for Indian nationals.

108 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Leakage at Kakrapar Nuclear Power Station

481. SHRI D. RAJA:


Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether there has been nuclear reactor leakage at the Kakrapar Atomic Power
Station very recently, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board has classified
the said leakage as Level-1or the lowest in a seven rung classification scheme used
internationally to rate the severity of nuclear mishaps, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether any investigation has been conducted into the incident and if so,
the details thereof?


(DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) Yes Sir. Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS)
Unit-1 had an incident of heavy water leak from its coolant system into the leak
tight reactor containment building on March 11, 2016. Following the incident, the
reactor underwent automatic shutdown.

(b) Yes, Sir. The incident at KAPS Unit-1 is provisionally rated at level - 1 on
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) devised by International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which corresponds to an anomaly in the plant as
the event did not result in any release of radioactive material to the environment
and exposure to workers and all designed safety functions were available.

(c) Yes, Sir. The investigation to identify the cause of the leak has been taken up
by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and Atomic Energy Regulatory
Board (AERB). As per the prevailing practice, the lesions and recommendations that
would emerge from the investigation would be suitably incorporated.

MoU with France on Jaitapur nuclear reactor

to state:

(a) whether India and France have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) for six Jaitapur nuclear reactors, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether the Memorandum of Understanding also envisages adequate safety

measures for all the nuclear reactors at above place, if so, the details thereof?
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions109


(DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was
signed between Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and Electricite
De France (EDF), France for Implementation of six Evolutionary Pressurised Water
Reactors (EPR) at Jaitapur, Maharashtra together with associated fuel, fuel services
and other services.

(b) The scope of work under the MoU is also to define technical configuration
to meet the Indian statutory and regulatory requirements for certification and design.

Implementation of third stage of nuclear

power programme

483. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) the current status of implementation of the third stage of Indian Nuclear
Power Programme and the list of Nuclear Power Projects initiated during the last
five years;

(b) the amount spent so far and their installed capacity and actual generation;

(c) whether Government has provided adequate infrastructural, technological and

logistic facilities at Madras Atomic Power Plant (MAPP), BHAVINI at Kalpakkam
and at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plants Unit I and II, Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu;

(d) if so, the details of the financial, technological and logistics support extended
by the Government in the last three years?


(DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) The Government is committed to implement the third
stage of Indian Nuclear Power Programme, after an adequate nuclear installed capacity
has been reached based on Fast Breeder Reactors to be set up in the second stage.
On account of non-existence of any fissile isotope in naturally occurring Thorium
(unlike that existing in Uranium), commercial utilisation of Thorium, on a significant
scale, can begin only when abundant supply of either Uranium or Plutonium resources
are available. Upon the launch, followed by a significant growth of a thorium based
nuclear programme in this manner, it could be possible to maintain the achieved
level of nuclear power programme with thorium alone, without additional demands
on uranium or plutonium resources. Therefore, considering the meager domestic
uranium resources in the country, it is feasible to start a significant commercial level
Thorium based reactor programme in our country only after an adequate inventory
of Plutonium becomes available from our Fast Breeder Reactors, comprising the
110 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

second stage of Indian nuclear programme. Accordingly, the utilisation of Thorium

as a practically inexhaustible energy source has been contemplated during the third
stage of the Indian nuclear programme, which can be reached after a few decades.

Substantial work has been carried out in the areas of research on technologies for
utilisation of thorium in nuclear fuel cycle, and on the development of an Advanced
Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR), for use of thorium based fuel on a large scale. Some
important highlights of these activities are the following:
(i) Fuel bundles containing Thorium Oxide (Thoria) pellets have been used in
the initial core of our operating Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs)
and valuable experience has been generated in operation. Thoria based fuels
have also been irradiated in the research reactors of BARC. After such
irradiation these fuel elements have been examined in the laboratories at
BARC yielding encouraging results.
(ii) An Engineering Scale Reprocessing Facility, Power Reactor Thoria
Reprocessing Facility (PRTRF), has been setup at BARC to reprocess the
fuel bundles irradiated in PHWRs. Some of the fuel bundles, irradiated in
PHWRs, have been reprocessed to produce Uranium-233. This has provided
valuable experience in reprocessing of thoria based fuels.
(iii) The irradiated thoria pins of Research reactors have been reprocessed to
obtain Uranium-233. The recovered Uranium-233 has been fabricated as
fuel for the 30 kW (thermal) KAMINI reactor which is in operation at
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) at Kalpakkam. This
is the only reactor in the world operating with Uranium-233 fuel.
(iv) The very challenging technologies for fabrication of Thoria based fuel
pellets have been established.
(v) Studies have been also carried out to use Thorium in different types of
reactors with regard to fuel management, reactor control and fuel utilisation.
(vi) The 300 MWe AHWR designed by BARC is intended to serve as a
technology demonstrator for Thorium utilisation as well as for validating
several advanced safety features that have been incorporated in the design
of this reactor. The design of all nuclear systems of the reactor has been
completed and associated confirmatory R&D is in a very advanced stage.
Several innovative features of the design are currently being validated
through large scale engineering experiments. In order to facilitate an
early scrutiny of the design of the innovative features of the design from
the safety considerations, a Pre-Licensing Design Safety appraisal of the
reactor has been completed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions111

Detailed engineering of AHWR is currently in progress and construction

of this reactor can begin after the necessary site selection is approved and
associated statutory and regulatory clearances are obtained.
(vii) A Critical Facility for Advanced Heavy Water Reactor was commissioned in
2008 at BARC and is being used since then for carrying out experiments
to further validate the physics design features of Advanced Heavy Water
(viii) Conceptual design of a prototype demonstration Indian Molten Salt Breeder
Reactor (IMSBR), along with development of technologies related to salts,
components, fuels, and materials for this reactor; is being carried out in
BARC. This reactor is being considered as an attractive option for the
third stage of our nuclear power programme.

The details of Projects initiated in the last five years along with amount earmarked
and estimated power production are given below:

Project Location Capacity Completion

(MW) Cost (` crore)
Kakrapar Atomic Power Project Kakrapar, Gujarat 2 X 700 11459
Units 3&4 (KAPP 3&4)
Rajasthan Atomic Power Project Rawatbhata, 2 X 700 12320
Units 7&8 (RAPP 7&8) Rajasthan

The details of projects accorded financial sanction and being readied for launch are:

Project Location Capacity Completion

(MW) Cost (` crore)
Gorakhpur Haryana Anu Vidyut Gorakhpur, 2 x 700 20594
Pariyojana (GHAVP 1&2) Haryana
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Kudankulam, 2 x 1000 39849
Project (KKNPP 3&4) Tamil Nadu

(b) The amount spent up to February 2016 in respect of KAPP 3&4 (2x700
MW) is ` 8066.41 crore and RAPP 7&8 (2 x 700 MW) is ` 5791.72 crore. Both
these projects are presently under construction.

(c) and (d) Yes, Sir. The Madras Atomic Power Station was completed in the
year 1986 by the Government with all required infrastructure set up. The units
were transferred to Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) on its
incorporation in 1987. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Units 1&2 (including
112 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

required infrastructure) have been set up by NPCIL in technical cooperation with

the Russian Federation. The project is nearing completion. The Government had
entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Russian Federation for
implementation of the project, provision of Russian Credit of ` 6416 crore and life
time fuel supply. The government also provided equity support of ` 3648.61 crore
towards the project. During the last three years (2013-14 to 2015-16), Russian credit
of ` 19 crore has been drawn for Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Units 1&2.

The financial support extended to Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited

(BHAVINI) in the last three years is ` 1262 crore. All the technological/logistical
support has been extended to BHAVINI by DAE to meet the requirement.

Target for generation of nuclear power

484. SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has put forth a target of 63 GW of nuclear power by


(b) the expected share of nuclear power in the country by the end of Twelfth
Five Year Plan period; and

(c) whether Government plans to increase the annual budgetary allocation for
nuclear energy in the coming years, if so, the details thereof?


(DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) The Integrated Energy Policy formulated in the year
2006 had envisaged reaching a nuclear power capacity of 63,000 MW by 2032.
Further, the Government in its recent submission of Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution (INDC) has also stated that efforts are being made to achieve 63 GW
installed capacity by the year 2032, if supply of fuel is ensured.

(b) The percentage share of energy from nuclear power by the end of the
Twelfth Plan period is expected to be around 3%.

(c) Yes Sir; In the 2016-17 budget speech, the Finance Minister has announced
that the Government is drawing up a comprehensive plan, spanning next 15 to 20
years, to augment the investment in nuclear power generation.

Commissioning of unit-2 of Kudankulam nuclear power plant

485. DR. R. LAKSHMANAN: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government would make Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Unit-2
(KKNPP-2) operational within the current financial year 2016-17;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions113

(b) if so, the tentative date by which KKNPP-2 would be commissioned; and

(c) the reasons for non-commissioning within this financial year itself?


(DR. JITENDRA SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) The reactor of unit-2 is expected to be functional with the start of controlled
self sustaining fission chain reaction for the first time, in this quarter of the current
financial year. Following this, the prescribed tests and the stepwise increase in power
will be done in line with the regulatory clearances obtained from the Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board (AERB).

(c) Does not arise.

Rainfall prediction at micro level


be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has made any analysis related to rainfall prediction and
actual rainfall at micro level like, district, villages etc. if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether Government has efficient technology for cloud seeding to improve
rains in drought prone areas and whether Government has used that technology in
last one year, if so, the details thereof?


(SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY): (a) Yes Sir. At present district level weather forecast
is generated for the next five days by India Meteorological Department (IMD) and
based on that Agromet Advisories are prepared and communicated to the farming
community in the country.

Qualitatively the rainfall forecast was able to capture the event for most of the
regions of the country more than 80% in most of the districts of the States.

Quantitatively the accuracy of rainfall forecast was on an average 65% in many

of the districts of States.

The performance evaluation of the updated global/meso-scale forecast systems

for the past 5 years have demonstrated enhanced forecast skill. The success achieved
in improving the accuracy of heavy rainfall warnings during the summer monsoon
season is enumerated below:
1. Probability of Detection (PoD) has been assessed at 0.71.
2. False Alarm Rate (FAR) has dipped to 0.13.
114 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

3. Missing Rate (MR) has also reduced to 0.29.

4. Percent correct (PC) of yes/no rainfall forecast for monsoon season 2014 is

IMD is not providing forecast and advisory services at the Block Level at present.
However research efforts are initiated by IMD to explore possibility of generating
sub district scale Agrometeorological forecast with acceptable level of verification
skill in a pilot mode.

(b) No Sir. As things stand today, artificial rain making techniques involving
cloud seeding cannot be used for bringing rain clouds to rainfall deficit/drought areas.
These techniques can only induce potential preexisting clouds, already passing over
a given place, to produce enhanced quantum of rain.

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is putting its effort in understanding

the rain formation in clouds through studying cloud microphysical characteristics
through a research program Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement
Experiment (CAIPEEX).

Transferring of Haj to Ministry of Minority Affairs


AFFAIRS be pleased to state whether Government proposes to transfer the subject
of Haj to Ministry of Minority Affairs, if so, the details in this regard?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: It has been decided to transfer the work related
to management of Haj pilgrimage including administration of the Haj Committee Act,
1959 and Rules made thereunder from Ministry of External Affairs to the Ministry
of Minority Affairs.

Extradition of accused in IPL cricket scam


AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government approached Government of United Kingdom for

extradition of Lalit Modi, key accused in IPL cricket scam to India;

(b) if so, the details and results thereof; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) to (c) The extradition request in respect of
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions115

Mr. Lalit Modi is yet to be received by the Ministry of External Affairs from the
concerned law enforcement agencies in India. The Ministry would take appropriate
steps once the request is received.

Extradition of accused in Augusta Westland helicopter scam


AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government approached Government of United Kingdom for

extradition of British National Christian Michel, key accused in Augusta Westland
Helicopter scam to India;

(b) if so, details and results thereof; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) Yes, Government of India has approached
the Government of the United Kingdom for extradition of Mr. Christian Michel to
India in connection with the Augusta Westland Helicopter scam.

(b) The matter is under consideration of the concerned authorities of the United

(c) Not applicable.

Approaches towards ISIS

490. SHRI C. P. NARAYANAN: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS

be pleased to state:

(a) what is the approach of Government towards ISIS;

(b) what is its assessment of the origin of ISIS and its armed attacks on Syria
and neighbouring countries;

(c) whether it approves unilateral armed attack by USA and its allies as also
Russia against ISIS; and

(d) why does not India campaign that such intervention in other countries can
be made only on the basis of UN decision and forces under UN auspices?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) India believes that the solution to the ISIS
threat in Syria can only be through a larger and collective political engagement for
facilitating a comprehensive rather than fragmented approach to the issue.
116 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) ISIS owes its roots to the Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and was formed as a result
of the sectarian tensions in Iraq following the US invasion of 2003. It is one of
the most radical terrorist groups operating in the West Asia region, endangering the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries in the region, including Syria and

Armed attacks by ISIS on Syria and neighbouring countries are to be understood

in light of its practice from its inception that control over physical territory is a
necessary step in order to build a new political structure.

(c) Government of India's consistent policy has been to address the problem of
international terrorism only through international consensus under the umbrella of the
United Nations rather than through any single nation or coalition of countries.

(d) There is lack of agreement among UN Member States on the definition of

'terrorism' and consequent inability to finalise an international treaty for addressing
the menace of terrorism. Accordingly, India has been consistently emphasizing the
importance of early finalisation of a Comprehensive Convention on International
Terrorism in order to facilitate counter-terrorism initiatives under the UN auspices
at various bilateral and multilateral meetings in this regard.

China vetoed India’s effort against terrorism acts



Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the objections that India has raised against China who has vetoed against
India’s efforts to ban the Head of Jaish-e-Mohammed, who is the conspirator of the
Pathankot conspiracy, by the United Nations;

(b) whether India has taken any steps to bring about changes in its foreign
policy with China in the view of the step taken by China; and

(c) the steps taken to make up for the loss occurred from veto against India’s
efforts to ban the Head of the Jaish-e-Mohammed by the United Nations after the
Mumbai and Pathankot attacks?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) to (c) The matter was taken up with China,
including by the External Affairs Minister during her meeting with Chinese Foreign
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions117

Minister Wang Yi in Moscow on 18 April 2016 and during the visits of Raksha
Mantri to China from 17-20 April, 2016 and National Security Advisor to China
from 20-21 April, 2016.

India’s position has been conveyed clearly that there cannot be different standards
to judge terrorism. China has often repeated its concern on spread of terrorism and
their desire to cooperate with us on this issue. The Government is in constant touch
with China on this matter.

UN Security Council Resolution 1267 regime is an important building block of

the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy that should aim to protect all member
States and their citizens from the activities of terror groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed
(JeM) and its leader Mohammed Masood Azhar.

Its working methods, based on the principles of unanimity and anonymity, is

leading the Committee to adopt a selective approach to combating terrorism. This does
not help the international community to decisively confront the menace of terrorism.

We have forcefully taken with international community that while the Pakistan-
based JeM was listed in UN Security Council Committee established under UNSCR
1267/1989/2253 as far back as 2001 for its well known terror activities and links
to the Al Qaeda, the designation of the group’s main leader, financier and motivator
has been put on a technical hold.

Team from Pakistan to probe Pathankot attack

492. SHRI A. K. SELVARAJ: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be

pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a team from Pakistan had arrived in India last
month to probe Pathankot airbase attack, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether the team that arrived in India for the said probe is a Joint Investigation
Team (JIT) formed for the purpose of the said investigation by the Pakistan, if so,
the details thereof?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) and (b) The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) of
Pakistan, constituted by the Government of Pakistan in connection with the Pathankot
Air Base attack, visited India from 27 March to 01 April, 2016. It comprised of
Muhammad Tahir Rai, Additional Inspector General of Police (Convenor of JIT);
Mohammad Azim Arshad, DIG; Lt. Col. Tanvir Ahmed; Lt. Col Irfan Mirza and
Inspector Shahid Tanveer. The Pakistani JIT interacted on the Pathankot case with
officials of the National Investigation Agency (NIA). On 29 March, JIT was taken
118 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

to the scene of crime in Pathankot and were shown locations where the terrorists
infiltrated and subsequently hid, as well as where the encounter took place. The
route taken by the terrorists was also shown to the JIT, which was also handed over
evidence against individuals, including the members of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM),
who had conspired in the Pathankot attack and the handlers of terrorists who had
facilitated and guided them. The JIT informed that they were collecting admissible
evidence outside Pakistan under the provision of Section 188 of the CrPC of Pakistan,
that will legally enable them to be used in prosecution.

The NIA briefed the JIT on its investigations in the attack. The Pakistan JIT,
in turn, shared with NIA information on its own investigations thus far in Pakistan.

The interaction with JIT was held in accordance with terms of reference mutually
agreed on the basis of reciprocity and followed in accordance with extant legal
provisions. The case is under investigation in both countries and the Government is
in touch with relevant Pakistani authorities.

Rehabilitation for sick MSMEs

493. SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) details of the revival and rehabilitation package launched for the sick MSMEs;

(b) how many MSMEs have approached the Committees set up at Zonal or
district level to avail of the benefits of the scheme, State-wise details;

(c) steps taken by the Ministry to bring down the high interest rates; and

(d) details of the Udyog Aadhar Memorandum and the number of entrepreneurs
which have registered for this Scheme?


simpler and faster mechanism to address the stress in the accounts of MSMEs and
to facilitate the promotion and development of MSMEs, the Ministry of Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises, in exercise of the powers conferred in section 9 of the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, had issued a Gazette
Notification dated May 29, 2015 for ‘Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’.

Further, in order to make it compatible with existing regulatory guidelines on

Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances,
Reserve Bank of India in consultation with Ministry of MSME has also issued
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions119

circular “Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises” vide circular dated March 17, 2016 to all the scheduled commercial
banks excluding Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).

The provision made under this framework shall be applicable to MSMEs having
loan limits up to ` 25 crore, including accounts under consortium or Multiple
Banking Arrangements (MBA). The guidelines provided for identification incipient
stress in the account creating three sub categories under the Special Mention
Account (SMP) Category. On the basis of early warning signals, based on principal
or interest payment overdue, the branch maintaining the account should consider
forwarding the stressed accounts with aggregate loan limits above ` 10 lakh to a
Committee at regional or zonal level within five working days and accounts with
aggregate loan limits up to ` 10 lakh identified as SMA-2, the account should
be mandatorily examined by the branch itself under the authority of the branch
manager/such other official as decided by the bank in terms of their Board approved
policy for Corrective Action Plan (CAP).

As per the guidelines, banks with the approval of their boards, should frame
policy based on these instructions, on the composition of the committee, the terms
of appointment of its members, manner of filling vacancies and the procedure to be
followed in the discharge of the committee’s functions. All eligible stressed MSMEs
shall have access to the committee for resolving the stress in these accounts in
accordance with the regulations prescribed in this framework.

(b) The RBI has asked the banks that the Board approved policy to operationalise
the Framework may be put in place by the banks not later than June 30, 2016.

(c) Ministry of MSME has a number of Schemes to provide credit support to

MSMEs including Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises,
Performance and Credit Rating Scheme, Prime Minister’s Employment Generation
Programme and Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme.

(d) To enable ease of registration of MSMEs, this Ministry has notified a simple
one-page registration form ‘Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum’ on 18th September, 2015
in the Gazette of India vide notification No. S.O.2576(E). The Udyog Aadhaar
Memorandum provides hassle-free instant registration of MSMEs after filing a one
page online form. The salient features of the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum include
Mobile Friendly, Self-Certification, File more than one Udyog Aadhaar, No documents
required, No fees for Udyog Aadhaar. As on 26th April 2016, about 619501 units
were registered under Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum.
120 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Modification in rules for lateral entry in IFS


pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is planning to modify its recruitment procedures to

introduce lateral entries in the Indian Foreign Services (IFS);

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons for the introduction of such
a policy and the eligibility criteria envisaged by Government for including such
recruits who have not passed any examination conducted by the UPSC; and

(c) if not, the measures being taken by Government to fill up the posts that
are lying vacant in the Indian Foreign Services?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) and (b) There is no plan to modify the
recruitment procedures of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).

(c) Vacancies arising in Indian Foreign Service are filled by direct recruitment
through Civil Services Examination and promotions from feeder cadres. Ministry of
External Affairs also takes officers from other Departments/Ministries on deputation.

Demand for increase in Haj quota for States

495. SHRI ANIL DESAI: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
to state:

(a) whether some States like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and other
States have demanded to increase Haj quota for their States, if so, the details thereof;

(b) what steps the Ministry is taking to accommodate the demands of these
States so that more pilgrims could be sent for Haj pilgrimage?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) and (b) A number of requests have been
received from various States and Union Territories for increase in Haj quota for
Haj-2016. However, the entire quota allocated to Haj Committee of India by the
Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Haj-2016 has already been distributed
amongst the States and Union Territories on the basis of their respective Muslim
population, based on the 2011 Census figures.

From Haj-2013, Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reduced the overall
Haj quota for pilgrims from foreign countries, including from India, by 20% and
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions121

for domestic pilgrims by 50% to facilitate the infrastructure work being carried out
around the “Haram Sharif”. The Government has been requesting for the Government
of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for increasing the annual Haj quota for India. However,
the Annual Haj quota for India has remained unchanged since Haj-2013.

Policy for cordial relations with neighbouring countries


be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the policy initiatives taken by Government in last three years
to have cordial relations with our neighbours; and

(b) how much money has been spent on it in last three years, year-wise details


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) Government of India has extended its full
support for strengthening bilateral relations with our neighbours. Regular high-level
exchanges of visits have taken place to further strengthen our relations with Nepal and
Bhutan for encouraging peace, stability and socio-economic development. Assistance
in diverse areas such as connectivity, education, health, infrastructure, hydropower,
river training, small development projects, close security cooperation, facilitating trade-
economic and cultural exchanges have marked our relations with Nepal and Bhutan
in the last three years. Following may be of interest, in particular:

With Pakistan, there are many policy initiatives like ‘resumed dialogue’; inviting
the leaders for PM’s swearing-in-ceremony; our desire to strengthen good neighbourly
ties and commitment to proceed with normalization of relations; meeting of two NSAs
to discuss all issues connected to terrorism; meetings of DG BSF and DG Pakistan
rangers followed by that of DGMOs; release of fishermen in each other custody
along with their boats; meeting of EAM with Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Azia
and PM Nawaz Sharif on 8-9 December, 2015; assurances of two sides to begin a
Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue on all outstanding issues; PM’s visit to Lahore on
25th December, 2015, and engaging with Government of Pakistan at various levels
to address the situation arising out of the Pathankot attack.

India-China relations have expanded in recent years. During the visit of Chinese
President Xi Jinping in September 2014, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and
President Xi Jinping agreed to build a closer developmental partnership and make
it a core component of the India-China Strategic and Cooperative Partnership for
Peace and Prosperity. This was further strengthened during the visit of Prime Minister
Modi to China in May 2015. India and China have common interests on several
122 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

multilateral issues of global importance like climate change, WTO, reform of the
international financial institutions etc. This is reflected in close cooperation and
coordination between the two sides within the BRICS, G-20 and other fora. Both
sides have agreed to maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges and deepen
cooperation with a determination to add new content and substance to the relationship.
India does not provide any grant or Line of Credit to China.

India has extended loans and grants to Myanmar for the development of several
infrastructure and public interest projects in health, education, agriculture etc. During
the last three years Indian side has undertaken several projects including restoration of
Ananda Temple, Up-gradation of Yangon and Sittwe general hospital and establishment
of Optical Fibre Link between Moreh and Mandalay.

The bilateral relations with Bangladesh have also been expanded in the last three
years. High-level exchanges, visits and meetings, various institutional mechanisms,
people-to-people contacts are important pillars of the India Bangladesh Relations. Prime
Minister Modi visit on June 6-7, 2015 had consolidated the political, economic, trade
and cultural relations and has a comprehensive institutional framework to promote
bilateral cooperation with Bangladesh.

Policy initiatives undertaken during high-level visits have further strengthened

our relations with Sri Lanka and Maldives in political, economic, commercial and
culture linkages.

(b) Money spent during list three years are as follows:

Name of the Year 2013-14 Year 2014-15 Year 2015-16

Country (A/M in INR crore) (A/M in INR crore) (A/M in INR crore)
Nepal 381.37 303.26 309.94
Bhutan: (Plan) 2587.9333 3248.5787 3984.81
(Non-Plan) 1338.86 1146.60 1377.46
Bangladesh 604.66 197.84 148.71
(upto 7.3.16)
Myanmar 164.86 104.34 33.51
(upto 7.3.16)
Sri Lanka 420.79 500.00 403.8

Maldives 30.00 25.8 55.00

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions123

Duping of Indian workers by gulf employers

497. DR. K. P. RAMALINGAM: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS

be pleased to state:

(a) whether UAE Government was concerned at the increasing incidence of

employers giving Indian workers the short shrift and agents duping them, if so, the
details thereof; and

(b) whether Gulf work contract could be signed in five Indian languages now
to end the menace, if so, the details thereof?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) No.

(b) At present, the work contract in United Arab Emirates (UAE) is being signed
in nine more foreign languages, other than Arabic and English, which inter-alia,
includes Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Bengali.

Transport project between Mizoram and Myanmar

be pleased to state:

(a) the reasons to implement Kaladan Multi-modal Transit Transport Project

between Mizoram and Sittwe, Myanmar;

(b) what are the chances of completing the project with revised estimate of
` 2904 crore;

(c) how much of the 90 kms. highway in South Mizoram and 140 kms in
Myanmar have been completed;

(d) what is the expected date of completion of the project; and

(e) whether Government is hopeful of completing the project on time, if not,

the reasons therefor?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) The Kaladan Multi Modal Transit and
Transport Project aims to provide connectivity between India and Myanmar from
Ports on India’s Eastern sea board to Myanmar’s Sittwe Port and further to North
East India through Myanmar using sea, river and road transport modes to facilitate
movement of goods. The project includes a Waterway component of 158 km on
Kaladan River from Sittwe to Paletwa in Myanmar and a Road component of 109
km from Paletwa to Zorinpui on India-Myanmar border in Mizoram.
124 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) Ministry is hopeful of completing the project within the revised project cost
of ` 2904 crore approved by competent authority in October 2015.

(c) On Indian side, the 99.83 km road from NH-54 at Lawangtalai to Zorinpui
in Mizoram, has achieved a physical progress of 66% and the work is likely to
be completed by June 2018. As regards construction of 109 km Kaladan road in
Myanmar, tender for selection of contractor has been issued in February and the
submission of bids is May 2016.

(d) While the original Waterways component of Kaladan Project is approaching

completion by June 2016, the additional items under Waterways and Road component
are scheduled to be completed by April 2019.

(e) All efforts are being made to complete the project within the approved

Pakistan’s High Commissioner meeting

separatist leaders of Kashmir

be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that despite India’s objection, Pakistan High Commissioner
in New Delhi met separatist leaders on Pakistan Day, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that Pakistan has been taking plea that it looks at
the separatists leaders as genuine representatives of Kashmir; and

(c) whether Government has lodged its complaint with Pakistan for continuously
hosting separatists leaders?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) to (c) Government is aware of reports
regarding presence of ‘leaders’ of the Hurriyat and other Kashmiri separatist ‘leaders’
at the Pakistan High Commission on Pakistan’s National Day.

Since the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of the Union
of India and these so called Kashmiri ‘leaders’ are Indian citizens, there is no bar
on their meetings with representatives of any country in India. However, India has
consistently maintained that there is no role for a third party in the bilateral dialogue
between India and Pakistan as per the Simla Agreement and the Lahore Declaration.
India’s displeasure at Pakistan’s attempts to interfere in India’s internal affairs has
been repeatedly conveyed to Pakistan.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions125

Indians in Syrian jails

500. DR. SANJAY SINH: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
to state:

(a) weather Government is aware that a large number of Indians are in Syrian

(b) if so, the details of such persons and the State to which they belong; and

(c) what efforts have been made to rescue those persons and by when they are
likely to be deported to our country?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) Currently, there are no Indians in Syrian

(b) and (c) Four Indian nationals, namely, S/Shri (1) Arun Kumar, (2) Sarvjeet
Singh, (3) Kuldeep Singh, and (4) Joga Singh belonging to the State of Haryana,
who entered into Syria from Jordan on their way to Lebanon for employment
without valid visas, were caught by the Syrian authorities as illegal immigrants.
Pursuant to EAM’s intervention during the visit of Deputy Prime Minister of Syria
to India in January, 2016, these four Indian nationals were released, handed over
to Embassy of India, Damascus on 01 April, 2016 and reached their homes on
3 April, 2016.

Indian missions reply to communications from MPs


AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has issued any direction to our Missions located abroad
to take appropriate and prompt action and subsequently reply within a stipulated
time-period to the e-mail communications of Members of Parliament and former
Members of Parliament sent through their official mail ID; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, whether Government contemplates to
issue such direction, the details thereof?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) and (b) Ministry of External Affairs has
issued directions to all Missions and Consulates to take appropriate and prompt action,
and, to reply in a timely manner to the e-mail communications from all Hon’ble
Members of Parliament and other dignitaries.
126 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Recalled vehicles by automobile manufacturers

PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the number and details of vehicle recalled by automobile manufacturers for safety
defects in the country during the last three years and in the current year, respectively;

(b) whether it is a fact that a study undertaken by NATRIP shows that 65 per cent
of the victims of road accidents are in light four wheelers, if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether Government has developed a mandatory recall policy for vehicles
which do not meet safety standards; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?


the number of vehicles recalled by automobiles manufacturers, as made available by
SIAM to Department of Heavy Industry, are given in the Statement (See below).

(b) No, Sir. Accident Data Analysis Centre (ADAC) of NATRIP was involved
in an in-depth crash data collection project for serious motor vehicles accident on
the Gurgaon-Jaipur Stretch (194 km) of NH-8, during the period from 01.08.2013
to 01.06.2015. As per the aforementioned data collection project of ADAC, 43.5%
of the injuries (sum of Fatality, Grievous Injury and Minor Injury) were recorded
in accidents that involved 4 wheelers.

(c) and (d) At present there is no recall policy in the country. Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways has initiated steps for bringing mandatory Recall Policy
by way of amending Central Motors Vehicles Rules 1989. However, the industry
has announced a voluntary code on vehicle recall in July 2012. Since July 2012,
whenever a safety defect which poses risk of accident or harm to the vehicle occupant
is recognized in vehicles, the manufacturers conduct a voluntary recall and offer to
rectify the vehicles free of charge.

The details of the number of vehicles recalled by automobile manufacturers

Sl. Organization Vehicle Name Notificati Defect Target

No. on Date No. of
Written Answers to

for Recall Vehicles

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. Figo and Fiesta 23 July, 12 Minor crack in Rear Twist Beam (RTB) emitting unusual 111000
Classic (All) metallic cracking noise
Figo and Fiesta Classic 23 July, 12 Minor oil leak in the PAS Hose System and potential 17655
(Petrol variants) fume might exhume from the identified leakage area
2. Toyota Kirloskar Toyota Camry 10 Oct., 12 Notchy/Sticky feeling of using sliding electrical Contact 1904
Private Limited (Imported from Japan) module in driver's side Power Window Master Switch
(PWMS). Commercial lubricants applied on it may result
[28 April, 2016]

in melting of switch assembly

Toyota Corolla Altis 10 Oct., 12 Notchy/Sticky feeling of using sliding electrical Contact 6782
(Manufactured in module in driver's side Power Window Master Switch
India) (PWMS). Commercial lubricants applied on it may result
in melting of switch assembly
3. Honda Motorcycle and CBR 250 (Standard) 19 Nov., 12 Possibility of limited ineffectiveness in front brake 11506
Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. application
4. Mahindra and XUV 500 (W6 and 6 March, 13 Oil seepage from a hose that leads to gradual increase 24695
Mahindra Ltd. W8 variants) in steering efforts
Unstarred Questions127
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Nissan Motor India Micra (all variants) 22 May, 13 Seal of Primary and/or secondary circuit of brake master 6286
Private Limited cylinder may get twisted resulting in brake fluids to
pass the seal. When operating the system under light
braking force, driver may experience brake pedal sinking
to the floor
128 Written Answers to

Sunny (all variants) 22 May, 13 Seal of Primary and/or secondary circuit of brake master 15902
cylinder may get twisted resulting in brake fluids to
pass the seal. When operating the system under light
braking force, driver may experience brake pedal sinking
to the floor
6. Renault India Pulse (All variants) 22 May, 13 Seal of the primary and/or secondary circuit of the brake 2836
master cylinder may get twisted, resulting in brake fluid
to pass the seal. When operating the braking system

under light braking force, the customer may experience

brake pedal sinking to the floor.
Scala (All variants) 22 May, 13 Seal of the primary and/or secondary circuit of the brake 4180
master cylinder may get twisted, resulting in brake fluid
to pass the seal. When operating the braking system
under light braking force, the customer may experience
brake pedal sinking to the floor.
7. Toyota Kirloskar Toyota Corolla Altis 24 May, 13 FR Drive shaft coming off from the inboard joint 1077
Private Limited All Variants Diesel resulting in loss of drive
(Manufactured in India)
Unstarred Questions
8. Honda Cars India City (Manual and 29 June, 13 Melting of Power Window Master Switch 42672
Limited Automatic)
9. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. EcoSport (Diesel) 11 July, 13 Glow Plug Module may require replacement or relocation 972
10. India Yamaha Motor Yamaha Cygnus Ray 18 July, 13 Some Handle bars may crack or break by vibrations 56082
Written Answers to

Pvt. Ltd. (2 Wheeler - 1GC1 while vehicle is running due to Inadequate welding.
Variant) Hence replacement of the Handle Bar will be done in
all affected range.
11. Jaguar Land Rover Jaguar XF (UK Built) 8 Aug., 13 Fuel odour and fuel on the ground after driving. Diesel 1
Limited 2.2L Diesel fuel leaking from engine mounted injector spill rail spigot
to return pipe connector joint.
Jaguar XF (UK Built) 8 Aug., 13 Fuel odour and fuel on the ground after driving. Diesel 516
2.2L Diesel fuel leaking from engine mounted injector spill rail spigot
to return pipe connector joint.
[28 April, 2016]

12. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. Figo and Fiesta 13 Sep., 13 Ford India is extending the existing recall for RTB issue 131922
Classic (All) to recall the remaining batches of the vehicle
Figo and Fiesta Classic 13 Sep., 13 Ford India is extending the existing recall for PAS 34099
(Petrol variants) Hose System issue to recall the remaining batches of
the vehicle
13.. Maruti Suzuki India Swift (Petrol and 26 Nov., 13 Check for unapproved Steering Column Assembly 176
Limited Diesel Variants) 416
Swift Dzire (Petrol 26 Nov., 13 130
and Diesel Variants) 451
Unstarred Questions129
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ertiga (Petrol and 26 Nov., 13 78
Diesel Variants)
Astar (Petrol Variants) 26 Nov., 13 13
14. Mahindra and Scorpio Ex 1 Dec., 13 On certain production vehicles, a pressure regulating valve 985
130 Written Answers to

Mahindra Ltd. may not operate optimally, Should this condition continue,
it will lead to jerk being felt by rear seat passengers
15. India Yamaha Motor R1 (Assembled 3 March, 14 Improper headlight connector couples due to thermal 138
Pvt. Ltd. Condition - Import expansion causing flick due to vibration while riding.
from Japan) Continued use may lead to melting and malfunction.
16. Maruti Suzuki India Swift (Petrol and 9 April, 14 Possibility of fuel smell and leakage in extreme condition 14919
Limited Diesel Variants) if fuel is filled upto the Fuel Cap level due to inadequate
setting resulted due to improper screw shape

Swift Dzire (Petrol 9 April, 14 11853

and Diesel Variants)
Ertiga (Petrol and 9 April, 14 3197
Diesel Variants)
17. Honda Cars India Amaze - Manual 5 May, 14 Possiblity of certain cars have mis-assembly of Brake 15603
Limited (Petrol - Non ABS) Proportioning Valve
Brio - Manual 5 May, 14 15623
(Petrol - Non ABS)
Unstarred Questions
18. Hyundai Motor India Santa Fe 23 May, 14 Stop Lamp Switch Malfunction 2437
19. Mahindra and Mahindra Scropio EX 7 July, 14 In some vehicles, a pressure regulating valve may 23519
Ltd. interfere with a nearby body panel and may not operate
Written Answers to

optimally. This may ultimately cause damage to the

pressure regulating valve
20. Honda Cars India Ltd. Accord 16 July, 14 Passenger airbag inflators may contain propellants with 1075
CR-V low density caused by production conditions. The 253
deployment, the pressure inside the inflator case rises
Stream 1
excessively and may rupture.
21. Maruti Suzuki India Old Dzire (diesel) 30 Sep., 14 Improper fitness condition of wiring harness which 54858
Ltd. might cause interefernce between wiring harness and 1080
battery tray.
Old Swift (diesel) 12470
[28 April, 2016]

Ritz (diesel) 1131
22. Audi India (Division of Audi A4 28 Oct., 14 Software update of the airbag control unit to rectify an 6758
Volkswagen Group Sales incorrect parameter in the triggering algorithm.
India Pvt Ltd)
23. Nissan Motor India Micra (all variants) 27 Oct., 14 Some airbag inflators were assembled with incorrect 5895
Private Limited outer baffle plate at Takata facility. Excessive pressure
Sunny (all variants) 27 Oct., 14 results from restricted gas flow, causing inflator to rupture 104
during deployment.
Unstarred Questions131
1 2 3 4 5 6
24. Honda Cars India Ltd. Brio (Petrol) 27 Oct., 14 Incorrect baffle plates assembled during Driver Side 1040
Airbag Inflator assembly process. When such airbags are
Amaze 1235
deployed, pressure inside inflaotor case rises excessively
(Petrol and Diesel)
and the case may rupture.
CR-V (Petrol) 63
132 Written Answers to

Accord 15 May, 15 At the time of airbag deployement the inflator body 10805
may be ruptured due to excessive internal pressure.
Replacement being done as a preventive measure
CR-V 1


25. Audi India (Division Audi Q7 15 Sep., 14 Engine oil may enter brake servo via vacumm lines. 382
of Volkswagen Group This might cause damage to diaphram in the brake

Sales India Pvt Ltd) servo via vacuum lines

26. Toyota Kirloskar Camry 12 Nov., 14 Inspect and replace the front suspension lower ball joint 119
Private Limited

27. Mahindra and Mahindra XUV 500 (W4, W6, 15 Nov., 14 On some of the production engines, the vacuum pump 2341
Ltd. W8) may malfunction which will lead to noise from engine

Scorpio (Vlx, Slx, Lx) and damage it

Xylo (H9, H8, H6)

28. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. Fiesta (Diesel) 21 Nov., 14 Deisel engine can get affected in wet conditions 3072
Unstarred Questions
29. Toyota Kirloskar Pvt. Corolla Altis 25 Nov., 14 Engine oil leakage from turbochager/vacuum pump and 5834
Ltd. accumulates in the air intake system, which may lead
to consequential damage
30. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. Titanium O 16 Dec., 14 Side airbags, seat belt pre-tensioner and side impact 19441
sensor circuits incorrectly oriented.
Written Answers to

Titanium (1.0 and 1.5 Vapour line and fuel prone to collision 2716
31. Renault India Pulse 12 Jan., 15 Some airbags inflators were assembled with incorrect 620
Scala outer baffle plate. Therefore, excessive pressure can be 26
created by restricted gas flow, potentially causing the
inflator to rupture upon deployment.
32. Mahindra and Mahindra XUV500 12 Feb., 15 99283
[28 April, 2016]

33. Volkswagen Audi A4, Q5, A6, 26 Feb., 15 Avoiding a possible unfavourable combination of 25
A7, Q7, A8 tolerances can cause leak in injection system. If fuel
retaining bracket not sufficiently rigid, may cause tension
at the connection b/w bracket and fuel rail.
34. Maruti Suzuki India Alto 800, Alto K10 10 Mar., 15 Replace door latch assembly Front and Rear (Right side 33098
Limited (Petrol/CNG: only) in the affected vehicles
35. Nissan Motor India X-Trail 13 May, 15 Part of ongoing investigaion in to smokeless passenger 587
Private Limited Teana inflator 92
Unstarred Questions133
1 2 3 4 5 6
Almera 2
Patrol 2
36. Nissan Motor India Pvt. X-Trail 24 June, 15 Takata inflator issue, Nissan will expand the ongoing 310
Ltd. Teana Takata inflator airbag inflator campaign . 410
134 Written Answers to

37. Nissan Motor India Pvt. Micra 25 June, 15 Voluntary recall for certain variants equipped with engine 6495
Ltd. Sunny push button start 5106
38. Toyota Kirloskar Pvt. Corolla 2 July, 15 Improperly manufactured propellant wafers assembled 36
Ltd. which might cause ator to rupture and front passenger
airbag to deploy abnormally during crash
39. General Motors India Beat, Spark, Enjoy 13 July, 15 Safety issue of remote keyless entry accessory issue 155000
40. Honda Motorcycle and CBR 250R Standard Suspected that sealant may have been applied incorrectly 13706

Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ABS during assembly of the starter relay swicth which
may increase resistance across main fuse, potentially
CBR150R Standard interrupting the motorcycle's battery voltage to the
Deluxe electrical system. The interruption may cause the engine
to not start or stall while riding or even catch fire in
extreme cases
41. HARLEY Davidson XG 750 27-Aug-15 Poor fuel pump inlet which could lead to interruption 3698
of fuel supply at low fuel levels. The motorcycle may
hesitate and restore power abruptly leading to loss of
Unstarred Questions
42. Renault India Pulse (All variants) 9 Sep., 15 Rework the start stop button to avoid an excessive 970
Scala (All variants) interference condition 1138
43. Honda Cars India CR-V 18 Sep., 15 Rupturing of inflator body due to excessive internal 646
Limited Civic pressure at the time of airbag deployment 11159
Written Answers to

CR-V 1
CR-V 11494
Civic 40083
City 2646
CR-V 7684
City 140508
Civic 43129
[28 April, 2016]

Jazz 15707
44. Volkswagen Polo 8 Oct., 15 Hand break lever arm in rear brake drum assembly may 1439
break, making it ineffective
45. Honda Cars India City 23 Oct., 15 Existing CVT control software can result in higher stress 3879
Limited to the CVT during certain CVT operation mode
46. Volkswagen Polo, Vento, Jetta, 1 Dec., 15 Software updation required 198300
47. Honda City 10 Dec., 15 Fuel leakage observed from fuel return line and 64428
Mobilio 10 Dec., 15 subsequently engine stops due to no fuel in tank 25782
Unstarred Questions135
1 2 3 4 5 6

48. General Motors India Chevrolet Beat 15 Dec., 15 Clutch pedal lever are suseptible to cracking 101597

49. Honda Motorcycle and VFR1200FDA 5 Jan., 16 Driveshaft universal joint bearing may not have been 28
Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. properly assembled and may not have swpecified
136 Written Answers to

durability due to manufacturing errors

50. Honda Motorcycle and CBR250R 5 Jan., 15 Sealant may have been applied incorrectly during 13706
Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (Standard/ABS) assembly of the starter relay switch, this can increase
resistance across main fuse, potentially interrupting
CBR150R 2,122
motorcycle's battery voltage to the electrical system.

51. Honda Motorcycle and VFR1200FDA 5 Jan., 16 Driveshaft universal joint bearing not assembled properly, 28
Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. and even if done, may not have specified durability.

Total 1769430
Unstarred Questions
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions137

Indian kidnapped in Nigeria

503. DR. K. V. P. RAMACHANDRA RAO: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL

AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government’s attention has been drawn to the reports that a Telugu
speaking horticulture expert working in Auhja district of Nigeria was kidnapped and
ransom demands were made to the family;

(b) if so, what steps were taken to rescue him from the kidnappers; and

(c) whether Government would put in place a Standard Operating Procedure

(SOP) to enable the Indian missions to come to the aid of the Indian victims since
the threat of such kidnappings for ransom has been on the rise in the Nigerian


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) The Indian Mission in Nigeria is aware that
an Indian national, Shri Venkata Pawan Kumar Ayesetty, belonging to Andhra Pradesh,
was kidnapped on 18.02.2016 from Agbede farms in Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. He
was released on 26.02.2016 following negotiations with the company management.

(b) and (c) The Indian Mission constantly remained in touch with the employer of
the kidnapped Indian national and the concerned Nigerian authorities for coordination
to ensure his safe release. The Ministry of External Affairs and our Mission in
Nigeria immediately come to the aid of any Indian national in a distress situation
and urgent steps are taken to address the issue.

Growing relationship between China and Pakistan

504. SHRI K. C. TYAGI: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased

to state:

(a) whether the mutually growing relationship between China and Pakistan over
the past few years is increasing the concerns of India, if so, the Government’s
reaction thereto;

(b) whether India has informed Pakistan and China about its concerns; and

(c) if so, the reaction of these Governments?


[GENERAL (RETD.) V. K. SINGH]: (a) to (c) Government is aware of China’s
assistance to Pakistan for various hydroelectric and nuclear projects, highways,
motorways, ports, export processing zones and economic corridors in Pakistan. China
138 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

also provides defence assistance to Pakistan, including training and defence equipment
and technology.

China is assisting Pakistan in the development of the so-called ‘China- Pakistan

Economic Corridor (CPEC)’. Some of the proposed projects under CPEC are in
Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK). Government’s consistent position is that Pakistan
has been in illegal occupation of parts of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir
since 1947. Government has conveyed to the Chinese side, including at the highest
level, its concerns about their activities in PoK and asked them to cease these

Government keeps a constant watch on all developments having a bearing on

India’s security and takes all necessary measures to safeguard it.

Performance ratings to CPSUs

AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) annually get performance

(b) if so, the details of performance ratings got in the last three years and
the current year by each Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSEs); and

(c) the details of MoUs signed by each of the above CPSE during the last
three years and the current year?


the performance of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), against targets fixed
in their respective Memorandum of Understanding for a financial year is done at
the end of that financial year.

(b) and (c) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a mutually negotiated

agreement between the management of the CPSE and its Administrative Ministry/
Department wherein annual targets are fixed for various parameters. The achievement
of targets fixed in the MoU is the responsibility of the management of CPSEs and its
Administrative Ministry/Department. The details of the evaluation of the achievements
vis-s-vis MoU targets of Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs for the last three
years are given in the Statement.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions139


Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Maharatna CPSEs
1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 2.49 3.131 3.38
Very Good Good Good
2. Coal India Limited 1.43 1.46 1.47
Excellent Excellent Excellent
3. GAIL (I) Limited 1.041 1.288 1.94
Excellent Excellent Very Good
4. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 1.354 1.215 1.098
Excellent Excellent Excellent
5. NTPC Ltd. 1.285 1.408 1.27
Excellent Excellent Excellent
6. Oil and Natural Gas Co. Ltd. 1.32 1.476 2.31
(ONGC) Excellent Excellent Very Good
7. Steel Authority of India Ltd. 1.385 1.483 1.562
Excellent Excellent Very Good
Navratna CPSEs
1. Bharat Electronics Limited 2.44 1.49 1.467
Very Good Excellent Excellent
2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation 1.059 1.178 1.035
Ltd. Excellent Excellent Excellent
3. Container Corporation of India 1.376 1.07 1.2
Ltd. (CONCOR) Excellent Excellent Excellent
4. Engineers India Ltd. 2.49 2.613 2.49
Very Good Good Very Good
5. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. 1.22 1.08 1.13
Excellent Excellent Excellent
6. Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 1.034 1.257 1.12
Excellent Excellent Excellent
7. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam 3.48 1.99 3.074
Ltd. Good Very good Good
140 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

8. National Aluminum Co. Limited 1.5 1.562 1.258
Excellent Very Good Excellent
9. National Building Construction 1.9 1.17 1.35
Corp. Ltd. Very Good Excellent Excellent
10. NMDC Ltd. 1.45 1.235 1.926
Excellent Excellent Very good
11. Neyveli Lignite Corporation 1.4 1 .230 1.706
Limited Excellent Excellent Very Good
12. Oil India Limited 1.446 1 .453 2.48
Excellent Excellent Very Good
13. Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 1.472 1.00 1
Excellent Excellent Excellent
14. Power Grid Corpn. of India Ltd. 1.06 1.023 1.155
Excellent Excellent Excellent
15. Rashtirya Ispat Nagam Ltd. 1.32 1.475 2.991
Excellent Excellent Good
16. Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. 1.38 1.368 1.14
Excellent Excellent Excellent
17. Shipping Corpn. of India Ltd. 2.071 1.83 1.8
Very Good Very Good Very Good
Miniratna-1 CPSES
1. Airports Authority of India 2.979 1.81 2.04
Good Very Good Very Good
2. Antrix Corporation Ltd. 3.38 2.774 2.4
Good Good Very Good
3. Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd. 1.053 1.414 1.77
Excellent Excellent Very Good
4. Bharat Coking Coal Limited 1.418 1.5 1.683
Excellent Excellent Very Good
5. Bharat Dynamics Ltd. 1.51 1.3687 1.47
Very Good Excellent Excellent
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions141

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

6. BEML Limited 3.446 3.47 3.39
Good Good Good
7. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd 3.94 4.13 3.9
Fair Fair Fair
8. Bridge and Roof Co. (I) Ltd. 3.31 3.42 2.91
Good Good Good
9. Central Warehousing Corporation 1.212 1.121 1.92
Ltd. Excellent Excellent Very Good
10. Central Coalfields Ltd. 1.275 1.332 1.297
Excellent Excellent Excellent
11. Chennai Petroleum Corporation 3.381 2.323 1.47
Ltd. Good Very Good Excellent
12. Cochin Shipyard Limited 1.127 1.1764 1.28
Excellent Excellent Excellent
13. Dredging Corporation of India 2.724 1.466 2.78
Ltd. Good Excellent Good
14. Ennore Port Ltd. 1.486 1 .21 1.49
Excellent Excellent Excellent
15. Garden Reach Shipbuilders 1.17 1.431 3.45
and Eng. Ltd. Excellent Excellent Good
16. Goa Shipyard Ltd. 3.33 3. 16 2.09
Good Good Very Good
17. Hindustan Copper Ltd. 1.871 2.013 3.203
Very Good Very Good Good
18. HLL Lifecare Ltd. 1.04 1.095 1.38
Excellent Excellent Excellent
19. Hindustan Newsprint Limited 3.953 3.69 4.389
Fair Fair Fair
20. Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd. 3.809 4.228 NS/NE
Fair Fair
142 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

21. Housing and Urban Development 1.448 1.24 1.16
Corporation Ltd. Excellent Excellent Excellent
22. Indian Tourism Development 3.844 3.466 2.87
Corp. (ITDC) Fair Good Good
23. Indian Rare Earth Ltd. 1.73 3.314 3.09
Very Good Good Good
24. Indian Railway Catering and 1.706 1.358 1.3
Tourism Corpn Ltd Very Good Excellent Excellent
25. Indian Renewable Energy 1.961 1.18 1.423
Dev. Agency (IREDA) Very Good Excellent Excellent
26. India Trade Promotion 1.431 1.382 1.48
Organization (ITPO) Excellent Excellent Excellent
27. IRCON International Ltd. 1.11 1.61 2.03
Excellent Very Good Very Good
28. KIOCL Ltd. 1.75 1.632 4.002
Very Good Very Good Fair
29. Mazagoan Dock Ltd. 1.462 1.476 1.47
Excellent Excellent Excellent
30. Mahanadi Coalfield Ltd. 1.441 2.208 1.348
Excellent Very Good Excellent
31. Manganese Ore (I) Ltd. 1.213 1.096 1.461
Excellent Excellent Excellent
32. Mangalore Refinery and 1.463 2.437 1.88
Petrochemicals Ltd. Excellent Very Good Very Good
33. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd. 1.28 1.12 1.01
Excellent Excellent Excellent
34. MMTC Ltd. 2.279 2.476 2.31
Very Good Very Good Very Good
35. MSTC Ltd. 1.4 2.19 1.39
Excellent Ve1y Good Excellent
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions143

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

36. National Fertilizers Ltd. 3.27 1.882 2.05
Good Very Good Very Good
37. National Seeds Corpn. Ltd. 1.25 1 .096 2.435
Excellent Excellent Very Good
38. NHPC Ltd. 2.43 3.051 1.766
Very Good Good Very Good
39. Northern Coalfield Ltd. 1.634 3.215 2.487
Very Good Good Very Good
40. North Eastern Electric Power 2.18 3.166 2.069
Corporation Ltd. Very Good Good Very Good
41. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 1.288 1.205 1.11
Excellent Excellent Excellent
42. ONGC Videsh Ltd. 1.805 1.12 1.38
Very Good Excellent Excellent
43. Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd. 3.1 2.45
Good Very Good
44. Projects and Development India 3.38 3.359 3.648
Ltd. Good Good Fair
45. Railtel Corporation of India Ltd. 1.49 1.5 1.34
Excellent Excellent Excellent
46. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. 1.04 1.08 1.07
Excellent Excellent Excellent
47. Rashtriya Chemicals and 1.41 1.313 1.46
Fertilizers Ltd. Excellent Excellent Excellent
48. RITES Limited 1.36 1.115 1.46
Excellent Excellent Excellent
49. Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited 1.373 1.476 1.298
Excellent Excellent Excellent
50. Security Printing and Minting 1.035 1.257 1.48
Corporation of India Excellent Excellent Excellent
144 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

51. South Eastern Coalfield Ltd. 1.408 1.322 1.496
Excellent Excellent Excellent
52. State Trading Corporation Ltd. 2.63 3.92 2 .69
Good Fair Good
53. Telecommunications Consultants 1.98 1.95 1.789
India Ltd. Very Good Very Good Very Good
54. Tehri Hydro Development 1.74 1.385 1.318
Corpn. Ltd. Very Good Excellent Excellent
55. Western Coalfield Ltd. 1.79 1.455 1.89
Very Good Excellent Very Good
56. WAPCOS Limited 1 1.00 1
Excellent Excellent Excellent
Miniratna-II CPSES
57. Bharat Pumps and Compressors 4.197 4.332 NS/NE
Ltd. Fair Fair
58. Broadcast Engineering 3.68 4.23 NS/NE
Consultants India Limited Fair Fair
59. Central Mine Planning and 1.11 1 .395 1.002
Design Institute Excellent Excellent Excellent
60. Central Railside Warehousing 1.33 1.98 3.19
Compny Ltd. Excellent Very Good Good
61. Educational Consultants India 2.74 1.08 3.16
Ltd. Good Excellent Good
62. Engineering Projects (India) Ltd. 2.34 2.23 2.42
Very Good Very Good Very Good
63. FCI Aravali Gypsum and 1.11 1.409 1.481
Minerals (I) Ltd. Excellent Excellent Excellent
64. FSNL 3.08 1.32 1.17
Good Excellent Excellent
65. HMT International Ltd. 2.43 3.66 3.04
Very Good Fair Good
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions145

Sl. No. Name of CPSE 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

66. HSCC (India) Ltd 1.38 1.38 1.7
Excellent Excellent Very Good
67. Indian Medicines Pharmaceuticals 2.84 3.74 NS/NE
Corporation Good Fair
68. MECON Ltd. 3.21 4.02 2.7
Good Fair Good
69. Mineral Exploration Corporation 2.44 1.159 1.48
Ltd. Very Good Excellent Excellent
70. National Film Development 1.39 1.56 2.95
Corp. Ltd Excellent Very Good Good
71. National Small Industries 1.28 1.4 1.16
Corpn. Ltd Excellent Excellent Excellent
72. PEC Limited 2.03 3.35 3.3
Very Good Good Good
73. Rajasthan Electronics and 1.13 1.3 1.498
Instrumentation Ltd. Excellent Excellent Excellent

International safety standards for new vehicles



(a) whether Government has made it mandatory for vehicle especially car
manufacturers for complying with best international standards for safety of driver
and passengers for new vehicles;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the details of state-of-the-art automotive
design and testing centres existing in the country for the purpose; and

(c) the steps taken by Government to formulate new norms for crash test,
emissions and other safety equipment to ensure safer vehicles manufacturing in the


has already introduced several safety standards, which are very similar to international
regulation. All such requirements are notified under CMVR from time to time. The
following are the latest requirements which are in-line with international standards.
These standards are already notified effective from the dates indicated.
Date of Applicability Standard and description UN Equivalent Pertaining to
Implementation Standards
1st Oct 2017 New car models, and LMV AIS 096 – Protection of driver with regards UN ECE R12 Full Frontal Crash test
of GVW < 1500 kg to steering column intrusion (Speed of impact
~ 50 kmph)
146 Written Answers to

New car models– AIS 098 – Protection of the drivers UN ECE R98 40% overlap offset Frontal
GVW < 2500 kg and passengers in the event of an offset Crash test
frontal collision (Speed of impact –
56 kmph)
N e w c a r m o d e l s a n d AIS 099 – Protection of the Occupants in UN ECE R99 Test of Moving deformable
LCV category vehicles the event of a Lateral Collision (Speed of barrier crash perpendicular
(with respect to height of impact – 50 kmph) into stationary vehicle

1st Oct 2018 New car models– AIS 100 – Protection of pedestrians and GTR 9 Pedestrian body forms
GVW < 2500 kg. other vulnerable road users in the event of being impacted on the
a collision with a car hood of the vehicle
1st Oct 2019 All car models, and LMV AIS 096 – Protection of driver with regards UN ECE R12 Full Frontal Crash test
of GVW < 1500 kg. to steering column intrusion (Speed of impact
~ 50 kmph)
All car models– AIS 098 – Protection of the drivers and UN ECE R98 40% overlap offset Frontal
GVW < 2500 kg passengers in the event of an offset frontal Crash test
collision (Speed of impact – 56 kmph)
Unstarred Questions
All Car models and LCV AIS 099 – Protection of the Occupants in UN ECE R99 Test of Moving deformable
models category vehicles the event of a Lateral Collision (Speed of barrier crash perpendicular
(with respect to height of impact – 50 kmph) into stationary vehicle
Written Answers to

1st Oct 2020 All car models– AIS 100 – Protection of pedestrians and GTR 9 Pedestrian body forms
GVW < 2500 kg other vulnerable road users in the event of being impacted on the
a collision with a car hood of the vehicle
[28 April, 2016]
Unstarred Questions147
148 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Government has also introduced Safety Rating Scheme (Bharat New Car
Safety Assessment Program-BNVSAP) on similar lines of NCAP. BNVSAP will be
implemented along with the above mandatory standards.

(b) The Government under the NATRiP initiative has taken up project to setup state
of art testing centres at Indore (NATRAX), Pune (ARAI), Manesar (iCAT), and Chennai
(GARC). Of these centres, Crash Test Centre at ARAI, Pune is already operational and
facility at ICAT, Manesar is in advance stage of completion. The centre at Chennai
(GARC) is expected to be ready by next year and the centre at Indore, thereafter.

(c) Cars being manufactured from the dates mentioned in the above table need
to have compliance at the manufacturing stage. In addition, standards for Seat Belts
and their Anchorages, Child Seats, Seats and their Anchorages are already mandated
step by step since 2010.

Regarding Emission, Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways has uploaded on

their website draft notification for mandating Mass emission standards Bharat Stage
V (BS V) for category M and Category N vehicles, manufactured on or after 1st
April 2019 for new models and on or after 1st April 2020 for existing models and
Mass emission standards Bharat Stage VI (BS VI) for M and N category vehicles
manufactured on or after 1st April, 2021 for new models and on or after 1st April
2022 for existing models.

Excise duty concession to Persons with Disability

AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there is a lack of general awareness regarding the
Ministry's scheme of ‘Excise Duty Concession to Persons with Disability’ on purchase
of cars;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the number of beneficiaries of this scheme is
coming down every year because of the lack of awareness among masses; and

(c) if so, the number of beneficiaries for the last three years year-wise and the
steps taken by Government to promote general awareness about the scheme?


to avail “Excise Duty Concession to Persons with Disability” intended beneficiary is
required to take eligibility certificate to be issued by Department of Heavy Industry
as per prescribed guidelines. The detailed guidelines are available in Department
of Heavy Industry website. (www.dhi.nic.in=> Scheme=> Excise duty concession to
PWDs=> Excise duty concession certificate with disability).
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions149

(b) and (c) No, Sir. The number of beneficiaries for the last three years-wise
is as under:

2013 2014 2015

No. of beneficiaries 63 58 113

Setting up heavy industry in Kerala

PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes to set up any heavy industry in the State of
Kerala; and

(b) whether any request from the State Government is pending with Government?


Industry is a State subject, no centralized data regarding setting up of any heavy
industry across the country including Kerala is maintained in the Department of Heavy
Industry (DHI). The role of DHI is confined to the administration of Central Public
Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Sectors under its administrative control.

(b) In view of the above, does not arise.

Number of closed heavy industries in West Bengal


AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the number of heavy industries closed during 2011 to 2014 with special
reference to West Bengal, year-wise and State-wise; and

(b) the number of heavy industries reopened during 2011-14 with special reference
to West Bengal, year and State-wise?


is a State subject, no centralized data regarding heavy industries which were closed
down in the country including West Bengal is maintained in the Department of Heavy
Industry (DHI). The role of DHI is confined to the administration of Central Public
Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Sectors under its administrative control.

(b) In view of the above, does not arise.

150 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Implementation of Street Vendors Act



(a) the status of implementation of Street Vendors Act, 2014 since its
implementation from 1st May, 2014;

(b) the categories of vendors coming under the purview of the above Act;

(c) how the protection being given to the livelihood of urban street vendors
and whether any special insurance is extended to such vendors?


(SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
Alleviation has enacted the Street Vendors (Protection of livelihood and Regulation
of Street Vending) Act, 2014 which has come into force w.e.f. 1st May, 2014. The
implementation of provisions of the Act is the responsibility of concerned States/
UTs by framing Rules, Scheme, Bye-laws and Street Vending Plan as per provisions
of the Act. The Central Government, being the ‘appropriate Government’ in case of
Union Territories without Legislature, has notified the Rules on 28th July, 2015. As
per information received from States/UTs, Seven States/UTs have so far notified the
Rules and Five States/UTs have notified the Scheme under the said Act.

(b) All categories of urban street vendors will come under purview of the Act.

(c) The Act has following provisions for protecting the rights of urban street
vendors and also to regulate street vending activities in urban areas:

(i) Survey of street vendors and protection from eviction or relocation;

(ii) Issue of certificate of vending;

(iii) Rights and obligations of street vendors;

(iv) Constitution of Town Vending Committee in each local authority;

(v) Dispute Redressal Mechanism;

(vi) Preparation of plan for street vending;

(vii) Prevention of harassment by police and other authorities;

(viii) Promotional measures of making available credit, insurance and other

welfare schemes of social security for the street vendors.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions151

Construction of houses for poorer section




pleased to state:

(a) whether there is acute housing shortage in the country?

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(c) the action taken to construct more houses, especially for poorer sections of
the society?


(SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) and (b) A Technical Group constituted by
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in 2012 has estimated the urban
housing shortage of 18.78 million for the entire country. State-wise details of housing
shortage estimated by the Technical Group is given in the Statement (See below).
The Mission Guidelines makes it incumbent upon the States/UTs to undertake demand
survey for assessing actual demand of housing. Overall housing requirement under
the Mission will, therefore, emerge after demand assessment by all States/Cities.

(c) ‘Housing’ is a State subject and, therefore, it is the responsibility of States/

UTs to ensure houses for all its citizens. Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
Alleviation has launched the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban) Mission to
provide Central assistance to States and UTs for addressing the housing requirements
of urban poor, including slum dwellers.

Details of Distribution of Housing Shortage among States and UTs

Name of State/UTs States/UTs wise Distribution of Housing

shortage-2012 (in millions)
1 2
Andhra Pradesh 1.27
Arunachal Pradesh 0.03
Assam 0.28
Bihar 1.19
Chhattisgarh 0.35
152 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2
Delhi 0.49
Goa 0.06
Gujarat 0.99
Haryana 0.42
Himachal Pradesh 0.04
Jammu and Kashmir 0.13
Jharkhand 0.63
Karnataka 1.02
Kerala 0.54
Madhya Pradesh 1.10
Maharashtra 1.94
Manipur 0.08
Meghalaya 0.03
Mizoram 0.02
Nagaland 0.21
Odisha 0.41
Puducherry 0.07
Punjab 0.39
Rajasthan 1.15
Sikkim 0.01
Tamil Nadu 1.25
Tripura 0.03
Uttar Pradesh 3.07
Uttarakhand 0.16
West Bengal 1.33
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.00
Chandigarh 0.02
Dadra and Nagar 0.05
Daman and Diu 0.01
Lakshadweep 0.01
India 18.78
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions153

Action plan for poverty alleviaiton



(a) whether Government has chalked out any action plan to provide houses to
the poor and all other citizens in the country, who do not have houses, if so, the
details thereof;

(b) whether Government is aware that the benefits of schemes do not reach
genuine persons as there are huge shortcomings in the identification process of the
poor in the country; and

(c) whether Government would chalk out any concrete action plan for poverty
alleviation and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?


M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) ‘Housing’ is a State subject and, therefore, it is the
responsibility of States to ensure houses for all its citizens. Ministry of Housing and
Urban Poverty Alleviation has launched the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)
(Urban) Mission to provide Central assistance to States and UTs for addressing the
housing requirements of urban poor, including slum dwellers, through the following
four verticals:
(i) “In situ” Slum Redevelopment through private participation using land as
(ii) Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS);
(iii) Affordable Housing in Partnership; and
(iv) Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction.

(b) Selection/identification of beneficiaries for the projects taken up under the

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Housing for All (Urban) Mission comes within the
purview of State/UT Governments. Scheme guidelines provide for a prior beneficiary
identification through demand assessment linked to Aadhar/Voter ID Card etc.

(c) The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, w.e.f. 23rd September,
2013, has started the “Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihood
Mission” to reduce vulnerability of the urban poor households by focusing on social
mobilization, skill up-gradation, entrepreneurship development and credit availability
for the poor. In addition, shelters for urban homeless and infrastructure for street
vendors can also be taken under this Mission.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

154 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Rehabilitation of people living in slums

513. SHRI K. K. RAGESH: Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN

POVERTY ALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is taking any concrete steps to rehabilitate the people
living in slums in cities and towns; and

(b) if so, the details including the funds allocated and time frame, if any?


(SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) and (b) ‘Housing’ is a State subject and,
therefore, it is the responsibility of States to ensure houses for all its citizens. Ministry
of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation has launched the Pradhan Mantri Awas
Yojana (PMAY) (Urban) Mission to provide Central assistance to States and UTs for
addressing the housing requirements of urban poor, including slum dwellers, through
the following four verticals:
(i) “In situ” Slum Redevelopment through private participation using land as
(ii) Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS);
(iii) Affordable Housing in Partnership; and
(iv) Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction.

Budget Estimates of ` 4000.00 crore were earmarked for the FY 2015-16 for the
projects under Housing for All (HFA) Scheme. The provision was, however, reduced
at RE stage to ` 1231.23 crore due to less receipt of demands for Central assistance
from States/UTs at the stage of finalization of RE 2015-16. Out of the available
fund in RE 2015-16 under PMAY(U), ` 1218.81 crore of Central assistance was
released to States. In addition, ` 200.00 crore under Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
(CLSS) component (Central Sector Scheme) was allocated and released in full to
the Central Nodal Agencies.

For the FY 2016-17, allocation of ` 4400.00 crore for Centrally Sponsored Schemes
under PMAY(U) and ` 475.00 crore for CLSS component of PMAY(U) has been made.

Urban areas under Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana

514. SHRI ANIL DESAI: Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN
POVERTY ALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has decided to bring all the statutory urban areas under
the ambit of “Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojna/National Urban Livelihood
Mission”. If so, the details thereof;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions155

(b) whether Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana have been covered
under the Scheme; and

(c) whether this scheme would reduce unemployment in the country?


M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) and (b) The Government has enhanced the scope of
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) by
allowing all the States/Union Territories including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and
Telengana to implement all or any of the components of the Mission in all statutory
Towns based on their local capacity and requirement.

(c) DAY-NULM focuses on providing assistance for developing /upgrading the

skill of urban poor by providing training as per the skill demand from the market,
so that they can set up self-employment ventures or secure salaried employment.
Since 2014-15, under DAY-NULM 3,57,646 persons have been provided skill training;
3,03,434 persons are undergoing training and 82,793 beneficiaries have been assisted
for setting up individual or group micro-enterprises (till 31.03.2016).

State-wise homeless households

POVERTY ALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) the number of homeless households in the country, State-wise details as on

1st April, 2016;

(b) the number of houses that were completed/provided under the Central
Government housing schemes for poor during the last two years, State-wise;

(c) the number of houses that are estimated to be completed under Government
housing schemes for homeless poor sections in the next five years; and

(d) the list of those schemes/programs being contemplated by Government for

poverty alleviation in the country?


(SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): (a) Details of State-wise total number of houseless
households as per Census-2011 are given in the Statement-I (See below).

(b) State-wise details of houses completed for urban poor during the last two
years under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Rajiv
Awas Yojana (RAY) and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban) are given
in the Statement-II.
156 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) As on date, 3,40,187 Dwelling Units are under construction under existing

(d) The Ministry is currently implementing the Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-
National Urban Livelihood Mission since September 2013, as replacement of erstwhile
Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY). NULM has seven components viz.
Employment through Skills Training and Placement, Social Mobilisation and Institution
Development, Self-Employment Programme, Capacity Building and Training, Shelter
for Urban Homeless, Support to Urban Street Vendors and Innovative and Special


Details of Houseless Households in India as per Census-2011

States/Union Territories Houseless Households (in numbers)

Total Houseless Rural Houseless Urban Houseless
Households Households Households
1 2 3 4
Andhra Pradesh 42,812 19,436 23376
Arunachal Pradesh 314 246 68
Assam 3,293 2,378 915
Bihar 9,818 6,775 3043
Chhattisgarh 7,198 4,667 2531
Goa 820 322 498
Gujarat 36,925 12,938 23987
Haryana 11,635 5,771 5864
Himachal Pradesh 935 708 227
Jammu and Kashmir 3,064 1,441 1623
Jharkhand 6,121 3,886 2235
Karnataka 21,425 10,503 10922
Kerala 5,759 1,767 3992
Madhya Pradesh 37,822 19,314 18508
Maharashtra 57,480 24,816 32664
Manipur 680 354 326
Meghalaya 298 236 62
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions157

1 2 3 4
Mizoram 38 14 24
Nagaland 220 95 125
Odisha 10,334 5,571 4763
Punjab 9,853 5,431 4422
Rajasthan 37,341 20,956 16385
Sikkim 75 62 13
Tamil Nadu 15,299 4,264 11035
Tripura 850 465 385
Uttar Pradesh 72,452 31,225 41227
Uttarakhand 3,273 1,326 1947
West Bengal 28,647 7,560 21087
Andaman and Nicobar 63 21 42
Chandigarh 868 1 867
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 216 151 65
Daman and Diu 166 35 131
Delhi 23,175 97 23078
Lakshadweep 0 0 0
Puducherry 492 33 459
India 2011 449,761 192,865 256896
Source: Primary Census Abstract: Houseless Population office of the Registrar General and Census
Commissioner, India
State-wise Details of houses constructed/provided for urban Poor under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal
Mission (JnNURM), Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) during last two years
(As on 1st April 2016)

Sl. Name of State/UT Construction Completed Houses Occupied

158 Written Answers to

No. 2014-15 2015-16 Total 2014-15 2015-16 Total

1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT) - - - - - -
2. Andhra Pradesh 2,940 3,643 6,583 5,129 2,881 8,010
3. Arunanchal Pradesh 176 144 320 100 144 244
4. Assam 794 101 895 2,531 55 2,586
5. Bihar 6,641 1,113 7,754 28,671 - 28,671
6. Chandigarh (UT) - - - 1,073 1,398 2,471

7. Chhattisgarh 2,062 3,874 5,936 2,081 1,929 4,010

8. Dadra and Nagar Haveli (UT) 48 - 48 - - -
9. Daman and Diu (UT) - - - - - -
10. Delhi (UT) 8,080 4,420 12,500 - 531 531
11. Goa - - - - - -
12. Gujarat 6,402 9,207 15,609 12,639 18,012 30,651
13. Haryana 706 693 1,399 846 284 1,130
14. Himachal Pradesh 409 - 409 69 132 201
15. Jammu and Kashmir 726 457 1,183 1,710 608 2,318
Unstarred Questions
16. Jharkhand 1,539 2,429 3,968 1,542 1,535 3,077
17. Karnataka 3,406 4,267 7,673 5,362 2,599 7,961
18. Kerala 2,251 1,451 3,702 3,011 13 3,024
19. Lakshadweep (UT) - - - - - -
Written Answers to

20. Madhya Pradesh 7,104 5,112 12,216 2,585 10,652 13,237

21. Maharashtra 15,755 19,870 35,625 21,859 13,604 35,463
22. Manipur 730 42 772 1,439 42 1,481
23. Meghalaya 180 240 420 48 - 48
24. Mizoram 338 127 465 68 34 102
25. Nagaland 1,799 50 1,849 4,033 - 4,033
26. Odisha 1,118 1,116 2,234 1,148 886 2,034
27. Puducherry (UT) 288 528 816 9 432 441
28. Punjab 905 1,752 2,657 668 222 890
[28 April, 2016]

29. Rajasthan 12,102 9,095 21,197 18,263 9,223 27,486

30. Sikkim 169 - 169 110 - 110
31. Tamil Nadu 18,248 19,020 37,268 16,202 9,225 25,427
32. Telangana 2,552 - 2,552 7,057 6,503 13,560
33. Tripura 178 - 178 178 - 178
34. Uttar Pradesh 5,921 7,126 13,047 3,167 4,934 8,101
35. Uttarakhand 483 299 782 850 92 942
36. West Bengal 15,137 6,312 21,449 14,861 5,602 20,463
Total 1,19,187 1,02,488 2,21,675 1,57,309 91,572 2,48,881
Unstarred Questions159
160 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Poisonous food under Mid-Day Meal Scheme



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the various types of complaints regarding Mid-Day Meal and
deaths of children caused by eating poisonous food during the last five years;

(b) the number of persons against whom action has been taken for resorting to
carelessness and corruption in this scheme, the State-wise details thereof; and

(c) the details of the steps taken to streamline this scheme in the last five years?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) As per the records available in this Ministry, 280 cases of
various types of complaints have been reported during 2013 to 2016. The details
are given in the Statement-I (See below). 23 children had died in a tragic incident
that occurred in Navsrijit Government Primary School, Gandaman, Block Masrakh,
District Saran, Bihar on 16th July, 2013.

(b) The details of State-wise action taken on complaints are given in the Statement-II
(See below).

(c) The Government of India has issued updated guidelines on quality, safety
and hygiene on school level kitchens to all the States/UTs on 13th February, 2015.
These guidelines cover safety aspect of procurement, storage, preparation, serving,
waste disposal of food items as well as issues of personal hygiene of students and
those involved in cooking and serving of the food. In addition, the Mid Day Meal
Rules 2015, notified on 30th September, 2015 envisage that the School Management
Committees (SMC) shall also monitor the implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme.
The Rules also provide for mandatory testing of food samples on a monthly basis
by Government recognized laboratories to ensure that the meals meet with nutritional
standards and quality. Further, instructions have been issued to the States/UTs that at
least one parent and preferably two should be present during serving of the meals
to students so that they can taste the food as well as certify the number of children
who partake of MDM. Besides the above, the MDM Guidelines also envisage
monitoring of 25% of the schools on quarterly basis by the officials of the States/UTs.
Management Information System (MIS) for Mid Day Meal Scheme is in existence
since June, 2012 and all the States/UTs are making annual and monthly data entry

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions161

into the portal on key indiators of the Scheme for online monitoring. Govenments
of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have started real time monitoiring of the Scheme by
Interactive Voice Response System intergrated with Management Information System.
In addition, the MIS for Mid Day Meal Scheme also has scope to integrate it with
Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS) as well as other digital systems of date
collection for near real time monitoring of the Scheme. Besides, the States/UTs have
established Grievance Redressal Mechanism at various levels in their States with a
toll free number for addressing the grievances of stakeholders.

State-wise and year-wise number of complaints under Mid Day Meal Scheme

Sl. State/UT Misappropriation Poor Quality Irregularities Castism Total

No. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016
1. Andhra Pradesh 1 2 1 2 6
162 Written Answers to

2. Arunachal Pradesh 1 1
3. A&N Islands 1 1
4. Assam 1 1 1 3 3 3 12
5. Bihar 3 10 4 3 5 9 7 1 2 1 2 2 49
6. Chandigarh 1 1
7. Chhattisgarh 1 3 1 3 8
8. Delhi 2 1 1 2 6 1 13

9. Gujarat 1 1 1 3
10. Goa 1 1 2
11. Haryana 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 12
12. Himachal Pradesh 1 1
13. Jharkhand 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 16
14. Karnataka 1 3 1 1 1 7
15. Kerala 1 1
16. Madhya Pradesh 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 14
Unstarred Questions
17. Maharashtra 1 1 2 5 2 3 14
18. Odisha 1 1 3 4 3 1 13
19. Punjab 1 2 1 4
20. Rajasthan 1 1 1 2 1 1 7
Written Answers to

21. Tamil Nadu 1 1

22. Telangana - - - - 1 1 2
23. Tripura 1 1
24. Uttarakhand 2 1 1 1 5
25. Uttar Pradesh 3 10 11 5 1 6 14 1 5 4 3 8 71
26. West Bengal 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 15
Total 17 34 28 13 18 41 48 7 16 13 20 18 2 1 3 1 280
[28 April, 2016]


State-wise action taken on complaints

Sl. Type of action 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

No. PQ Misap Irre Caste PQ Misap Irre Caste PQ Misap Irre Caste PQ Misap Irre Caste
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. Departmental action 6 5 2 - 10 - 1 - 15 2 - - 1 42
(including warning, transfer,
suspension) and action
against service providers/
Unstarred Questions163
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

complaint substantiated, by
State Government

2. Under enquiry/investigation at 3 0 - - 4 3 - - 2 - - - 12
State level
164 Written Answers to

3. General corrective action, 5 - 5 - 5 1 3 - 4 1 - - 24

including issue of instructions
to concerned, by State

4. Baseless, not proved, not 2 6 3 2 7 4 - 1 5 2 - 1 33

related to MDM

5. Reply awaited 2 6 6 - 15 26 9 - 22 23 20 2 6 13 18 1 169


Total 18 17 16 2 41 34 13 1 48 28 20 3 7 13 18 1 280
Unstarred Questions
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions165

Digital textbooks for reducing burden of bags



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware that burden of books and bags is increasing
on small school-going children;

(b) whether mental and physical development of children is getting affected due
to this increasing burden; and

(c) whether Government has any plan to provide textbooks digitally on tablet
for reducing the burden of bags, and if so, the details thereof?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) The Central Government has taken various steps to
reduce curriculum load on the basis of recommendations of the report “Learning
without Burden” of the National Advisory Committee Chaired by Prof. Yashpal. The
National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) brought a shift in the teaching learning
paradigm by focusing on child centered; process oriented constructivist approach which
discourages memorization and rote learning. Based on this, the National Council of
Educational Research and Training has developed revised syllabi and textbooks and
States have also revised their syllabi and textbooks accordingly so as to reduce
the burden on children. Further, in the 63rd meeting of Central Advisory Board of
Education (CABE) held on 19th August, 2015, the issue of lightening the burden
of school children was discussed with all States/UTs.

(c) E-Pathshala was launched during the National Conference on ICT in School
Education held on 7th November, 2015. It is a platform developed by National Council
for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for showcasing and disseminating
all educational e-resources including textbooks, audio and video material, periodicals
and a variety of other print and non-print materials. The platform addresses the
dual challenge of reaching out to a diverse clientele and bridging the digital divide
(geographical, socio-cultural and linguistic), offering comparable quality of e-contents
and ensuring its free access at every time and every place. Students, teachers,
educators and parents can access e-books through multiple technology platforms i.e.
mobile phones and tablets and on web through laptops and desktops.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

166 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Higher education financing agency

518. SHRI A. K. SELVARAJ: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the proposal to establish Higher Education Financing
Agency and turning 10 public and private institutions into world class educational
institutions could be a game changer, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that ten institutions each from both public and
private sectors would be selected in the next few months, if so, the details thereof?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) Yes, Sir. It is proposed to set up a Higher Education Financing
Agency (HEFA) with an initial capital base of ` 1,000 crores and funds from the
market and supplement them with donations from Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) Funds. These funds will be used to finance improvement in infrastructure
in the top institutions not only 10 public private institutions, and will be serviced
through internal accruals.

(b) The Government has announced in the Budget 2016-17 that an enabling
regulatory architecture will be provided to ten public and ten private institutions to
emerge as world-class Teaching and Research Institutions.

Removal of contents from NCERT books


RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that contents about a large number of national leaders/
freedom fighters/revolutionaries have been either removed or snipped/curtailed from
NCERT text books;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor; and

(c) the corrective steps taken by Government in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) There has been no change in the contents relating to national
leaders, freedom fighters and revolutionaries, available in the National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks, which have been in circulation
since 2007-08.

(b) and (c) Do not arise.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions167

Modernization of Madarsa education

520. SHRI GULAM RASOOL BALYAWI: Will the Minister of HUMAN

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the total allocation made for modernization of Madarsa education during

(b) the details of work done and results achieved in different States in this

(c) the allocations which remained unspent/unutilized; and

(d) how the remaining amount will be utilized?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) Budget allocation of ` 375.50 crore was made for the year
2015-16 under the Scheme for Providing Education to Madarsas/Minorities (SPEMM)
which includes the Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madarsas (SPQEM),
and Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutions (IDMI).

(b) SPQEM aims to encourage traditional institutions like Madarsas and Maktabs
to introduce modern education by providing financial assistance to introduce Science,
Mathematics, Social Studies, Hindi and English in their curriculum through support
for a maximum of three teachers and books, teaching learning materials and computer
labs. The Scheme aims at providing Madarsa students education comparable with
national standards, for which affiliation with the National Institute of Open Schooling
(NIOS) is integral to the Scheme. During 2015-16, SPQEM Scheme benefited
50957 teachers in 20727 Madarsas. Details showing physical and financial progress
achieved in different States during the year 2015-16 are given in the Statement
(See below).

(c) and (d) The SPQEM is a demand driven scheme and depends on proposals
from the State Governments. As against revised estimate of ` 335.5 crore for
SPEMM for 2015-16, expenditure was ` 295.85 crore leaving an unutilized balance
of ` 39.65 crore which has lapsed at the end of the financial year. This was due
to non-receipt of adequate number of viable proposals from the State Governments.
168 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Details showing financial and physical progress achieved during 2015-16

Sl. No. Name of State/UT Amount (` in Lakhs) Madarsas Teachers

1. Bihar 1543.36 1127 3381
2. Chhattisgarh 364.11 268 667

3. Jharkhand 204.48 110 285

4. Madhya Pradesh 2532.87 3288 6093
5. Tripura 305.27 258 655
6. Uttar Pradesh 23101.32 14974 37824
7. Uttarakhand 892.49 481 1389
8. West Bengal 461.38 221 663
9. Chhattisgarh 5.00
(for development of
Madarsa Board)
10. NIOS 39.13
11. EdCil 1.33
Total 29450.74 20727 50957

Ex-servicemen for physical training in schools


RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is considering to utilize the services of ex-servicemen

for providing physical training to students in school, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the time by which the proposal is likely to be implemented all over the


SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) The Central Government is working on a pilot
programme ‘Vidyanjali’ to involve people from Indian Diaspora, retired teachers,
retired Government officials including retired defence personnel, retired professionals
and women who are home makers to volunteer to strengthen co-scholastic activities
in schools such as reading. These volunteers will not be a replacement for regular
teachers and neither will they be involved in any kind of formal teaching. In an
Education Minister’s meeting held on 08.02.2016, nineteen States/UTs had expressed
willingness to participate in this programme.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions169

Shortage of space in schools of Maharashtra


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there is acute shortage of rooms and play grounds
in the schools of Maharashtra and rest of the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State and UT-wise; and

(c) what remedial measures Government proposes to take in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) The Student Classroom Ratio (SCR) in the country is
27 at the elementary level, 47 at the secondary level and 49 at the higher secondary
level as per the Unified District Information System for Education 2014-15. In case
of Maharashtra, the figures of SCR at the elementary, secondary and higher secondary
levels are 32, 50 and 64 respectively. 60.47% schools in the country and 88.07% in
Maharashtra have playground facilities. State/UT-wise details of SCR and percentage
of schools with playground facility are given in the Statement (See below).

(c) In order to further improve the SCR, 6530 additional classrooms were
sanctioned under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for elementary schools and 1503 additional
classrooms were sanctioned for secondary schools under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha
Abhiyan for the year 2015-16. In order to ensure that children have sufficient open
space for sports and other physical activities during school hours, an advisory dated
26.10.2012 was issued to all States/UTs to make adequate arrangements, if necessary
in an adjoining playground or municipal park, etc. for children to play outdoor games
and take up other physical activities.


The State/UT-wise details of SCR and percentage of school

with playground facility

States/UTs Student Classroom Ratio Percentage of

Elementary Secondary Higher Schools with
Secondary Playground
1 2 3 4 5
Andaman and Nicobar 19 30 36 57.49
Andhra Pradesh 22 37 36 54.95
170 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4 5
Arunachal Pradesh 16 42 65 39.39

Assam 28 41 62 55.20

Bihar 52 103 87 37.03

Chandigarh 40 42 47 92.89

Chhattisgarh 24 53 38 53.27

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 34 52 49 42.73

Daman and Diu 34 37 35 49.66

Delhi 39 46 41 85.79

Goa 28 37 39 46.51

Gujarat 29 48 43 77.47

Haryana 26 34 34 83.38

Himachal Pradesh 13 31 27 84.36

Jammu and Kashmir 14 27 51 37.04

Jharkhand 27 69 90 33.52

Karnataka 23 37 37 67.41

Kerala 24 37 43 72.85

Lakshadweep 20 32 30 28.89

Madhya Pradesh 22 51 40 65.28

Maharashtra 32 50 64 88.07

Manipur 19 29 48 54.30

Meghalaya 19 33 51 34.17

Mizoram 14 28 45 50.20

Nagaland 18 29 46 40.71

Odisha 26 54 46 29.71

Puducherry 27 33 35 70.08

Punjab 22 32 39 95.38

Rajasthan 20 35 38 51.86

Sikkim 12 37 32 67.11
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions171

1 2 3 4 5
Tamil Nadu 26 38 36 76.42
Telangana 20 36 36 61.68
Tripura 23 64 48 61.35
Uttar Pradesh 31 52 68 70.36
Uttarakhand 18 42 43 58.23
West Bengal 30 74 60 38.39
All States 27 47 49 60.47

Complaints of ragging in educational institutions

†523. SHRI MEGHRAJ JAIN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has received complaints from the guardians of students
about the incidents of ragging in educational institutions situated at various places
in the country;

(b) if so, the details of the complaints received State-wise and area-wise;

(c) the details of the action taken on the complaints received during the last
year and the current year;

(d) whether Government is contemplating to formulate any strict law to prevent

incidents of ragging in future; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and by when it is targeted to be implemented?



(b) Details are given in the Statement (See below).

(c) Of 72 ragging complaints received by the University Grants Commission

(UGC) during the last year and in the current year, 57 cases have been fully redressed.
The remaining 15 cases are at an active stage of investigation and redressal.

(d) and (e) To address the issue of ragging in Educational Institutions, the
University Grants Commission (UGC) has brought out the UGC Regulations on Curbing
the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009. Recently, these
regulations have been further amended by enlarging the definition of ragging. These
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
172 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

regulations are to be followed by all higher educational institutions. The UGC has
also developed the Anti-Ragging Website i.e. www.antiragging.in. The Portal contains
the record of registered complaints received and the status of the action taken thereon.
A nationwide toll free 24x7 Anti-Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 in 12 languages has
been established. UGC has also developed the Anti-Ragging Mobile Application for
filing the complaint on ragging, filing the anti-ragging undertaking and for calling the
Toll Free Anti-Ragging Helpline Number and same may be downloaded from Google
Play Store. UGC sends a circular regarding strict compliance of UGC Regulations on
curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, at least twice a year.


State-wise and area-wise details of ragging complaints

From 1st April, 2015 to 22nd April, 2016
Total Complaints: 72

Sl. No. Complaint Date Complaint No. State District

1. 30 July, 2015 AP-2193 Andhra Pradesh Vizianagaram
2. 06 Feb., 2016 AP-2589 Andhra Pradesh Nellore
3. 21 Sep., 2015 AS-2352 Assam Silchar
4. 07 Oct., 2015 BR-2386 Bihar Patna
5. 05 Nov., 2015 BR-2450 Bihar Patna
6. 28 Nov., 2015 BR-2488 Bihar Gaya
7. 28 Dec., 2015 BR-2536 Bihar Patna
8. 15 April, 2015 DL-2083 Delhi Central Delhi
9. 19 Aug., 2015 DL-2253 Delhi North West Delhi
10. 02 Aug., 2015 GJ-2199 Gujarat Gandhinagar
11. 07 Oct., 2015 GJ-2384 Gujarat Ahmedabad
12. 03 Dec., 2015 JH-2501 Jharkhand Jamshedpur
13. 05 June, 2015 KA-2142 Karnataka Dakshina Kannada
14. 02 Sep., 2015 KA-2295 Karnataka Mangalore
15. 04 Sep., 2015 KA-2302 Karnataka Bengaluru
16. 06 Nov., 2015 KA-2454 Karnataka Bengaluru
17. 02 Jan., 2016 KA-2539 Karnataka Bengaluru
18. 24 July, 2015 KL-2186 Kerala Pathanamthitta
19. 22 Aug., 2015 KL-2260 Kerala Kozhikode
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions173

Sl. No. Complaint Date Complaint No. State District

20. 21 Dec., 2015 KL-2529 Kerala Kozhikode
21. 23 Jan., 2016 KL-2566 Kerala Alappuzha
22. 05 April, 2015 MH-2067 Maharashtra Varsova
23. 11 April, 2015 MH-2076 Maharashtra Mumbai
24. 14 July, 2015 MH-2172 Maharashtra Nashik
25. 10 Aug., 2015 MH-2225 Maharashtra Mumbai
26. 10 Sep., 2015 MH-2329 Maharashtra Dhule
27. 28 Oct., 2015 MH-2424 Maharashtra Buldhana
28. 16 Jan., 2016 MH-2551 Maharashtra Thane
29. 08 Dec., 2015 MP-2509 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur
30. 18 Jan., 2016 MP-2552 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur
31. 19 Jan., 2016 MP-2558 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
32. 27 Jan., 2016 MP-2567 Madhya Pradesh Burhanpur
33. 15 Feb., 2016 MP-2598 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur
34. 04 May, 2015 OR-2108 Odisha Bhubaneswar
35. 05 Sep., 2015 OR-2309 Odisha Bhubaneswar
36. 26 Sep., 2015 OR-2366 Odisha Koraput
37. 28 Oct., 2015 OR-2423 Odisha Balasore
38. 03 Nov., 2015 OR-2443 Odisha Cuttack
39. 13 Nov., 2015 OR-2461 Odisha Cuttack
40. 30 Nov., 2015 OR-2491 Odisha Bhubaneswar
41. 21 May, 2015 RJ-2128 Rajasthan Jaipur
42. 12 Sep., 2015 RJ-2336 Rajasthan Jaipur
43. 31 Oct., 2015 RJ-2431 Rajasthan Jaipur
44. 17 Sep., 2015 TN-2347 Tamil Nadu Chennai
45. 24 Nov., 2015 TN-2477 Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli
46. 28 Jan., 2016 TN-2569 Tamil Nadu Chennai
47. 16 March, 2016 TN-2639 Tamil Nadu Namakkal
48. 04 Apr., 2016 TN-2668 Tamil Nadu Chennai
49. 16 Sep., 2015 UK-2345 Uttarakhand Pauri Garhwal
174 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. Complaint Date Complaint No. State District

50. 03 Nov., 2015 UK-2444 Uttarakhand Haridwar
51. 15 Apr., 2015 UP-2084 Uttar Pradesh Gautam Buddh
52. 13 July, 2015 UP-2168 Uttar Pradesh Allahabad
53. 15 July, 2015 UP-2173 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh
54. 24 Aug., 2015 UP-2263 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly
55. 26 Aug., 2015 UP-2278 Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad
56. 28 Aug., 2015 UP-2281 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly
57. 01 Sep., 2015 UP-2290 Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad
58. 03 Oct., 2015 UP-2375 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
59. 22 Dec., 2015 UP-2531 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
60. 18 Jan., 2016 UP-2554 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
61. 10 April, 2015 WB-2073 West Bengal Kolkata
62. 07 July, 2015 WB-2162 West Bengal Kolkata
63. 20 Aug., 2015 WB-2257 West Bengal Hooghly
64. 31 Aug., 2015 WB-2287 West Bengal Birbhum
65. 01 Sep., 2015 WB-2289 West Bengal Kolkata
66. 09 Sep., 2015 WB-2320 West Bengal Cooch Behar
67. 09 Nov., 2015 WB-2458 West Bengal Kolkata
68. 27 Nov., 2015 WB-2485 West Bengal East Medinipur
69. 26 Dec., 2015 WB-2533 West Bengal Kolkata
70. 03 Feb., 2016 WB-2585 West Bengal Durgapur
71. 16 March, 2016 WB-2638 West Bengal Birbhum
72. 01 April 2016 WB-2661 West Bengal Kolkata

Mission statement for schools



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government/CBSE issued direction to all affiliated schools to prepare

mission statement, goals to be achieved and to be posted on website;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions175

(b) if so, the details thereof and the rationale behind it;

(c) whether CBSE issued guidelines in this regard to the schools, if so, the
details thereof; and

(d) what is the time limit by which it should be ready and whether it would
be extended in view of summer vacation?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. Ministry of Human Resource Development
issued guidelines in February, 2016 to States/UTs Governments and to Central Board
of Secondary Education (CBSE), Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya
Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
(CISCE) and Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA). Mission statement for
the school helps schools administrators, teachers, parents, students and community
members to have a common understanding of the mission, goals, objectives and
strategies to achieve the goals and objectives of the school.

(c) and (d) CBSE has issued guidelines to its affiliated schools in March, 2016
for preparation of the mission statement and for posting the same on the school
web-site by the first week of June, 2016.

World class universities


be pleased to state whether Government is considering a proposal to set up 20 world
class universities in the country, if so, the details thereof?


ZUBIN IRANI): Yes, Sir. There is a proposal to establish a regulatory architecture
to enable ten public and ten private institutions to emerge as World-Class Teaching
and Research Institutions. The details of the same are being worked out.

Good quality toilets for girls in schools


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) what is the proposal of Government to provide good quality toilets in the
schools for girls;

(b) what is the price fixed by Government for each unit of good quality toilet
for girls; and
176 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) how does Government propose to meet the expenditure incurred in this


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) The Government of India has prioritized education of girl child
and launched Swachh Vidyalaya initiative across the country for construction of
separate girls and boys toilets in all government schools. With the construction of
4,17,796 toilets in 2,61,400 elementary and secondary schools within a period of one
year from 15.08.2014 to 15.08.2015 under Swachh Vidyalaya initiative, all government
schools now have gender segregated toilets for girls and boys.

(b) The Department of School Education and Literacy supports States and Union
Territories (UTs) for construction of school infrastructure including toilets under
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA)
based on Schedule of Rates (SoRs) notified by the respective State Government,
to improve access to elementary and secondary schools.

(c) SSA and RMSA programmes support States and UTs for construction of
school toilets including separate toilets of girls, on incremental basis and as per
the approved Annual Work Plan and Budgets of respective State/UT. The repair/
reconstruction of dysfunctional toilets in schools is also allowed under SSA. Under
Swachh Vidyalaya initiative, Public Sector Undertaking and private corporate have
contributed in construction of 1,45,102 school toilets using their corporate social
responsibility fund. In addition, an amount of ` 112.97 crore has been released from
Swachh Bharat Kosh for construction of toilets under the initiative.

Details of funds released under SSA and RMSA programmes for all the approved
activities including construction of school toilets during last four years are as under:

(` in crore)

Year Central Release


2012-13 23836.56 3162.86

2013-14 24735.10 2934.88

2014-15 24030.16 3389.50

2015-16 21590.14 3561.61

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions177

Lengthy board question papers


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that students of 12th Board examination invariably face
one or two very lengthy and tough question papers and this leads to fatal attempts
on life due to fear of failure;

(b) what is the procedure to be adopted by the question paper setter to be

followed to assess the length of the question paper; and

(c) whether the question papers of the board examination are attempted and
tested for their genuine duration before they are finalized for the examination?


SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI): (a) There have been newspaper reports on the issue during
the Board exam of 2016. The question papers were based on curriculum, syllabus
and sample question papers prescribed by the Board. CBSE has informed that it
is not aware of fatal attempts on life due to fear of failure by any student of its
affiliated schools due to the lengthy and tough question paper for Board Exam, 2016.

(b) and (c) Paper setters work out the solution to the questions and required time
limit for answering the question by an average student who has carefully studied
the course and prepared for the examination methodically.

Linking promotion of teachers to performance of students


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes to link the promotion of teachers to the

performance of their students in an attempt to bolster the newly launched School
Chalo Abhiyan 2016 aimed at improving enrollment and reducing drop-out rate;

(b) if so, whether the performance of students is a cumulative outcome of many

factors including capacity for absorption of what is taught, socio-economic ambience
at home rather than mere classroom teaching; and

(c) whether despite being labelled as a noble profession, teaching is essentially

a wage earning exercise like other vocational trades?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) There is no such proposal at present to link promotion of teachers
to performance of students. Recruitment and service conditions of teachers are in the
178 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

domain of State Governments/UT Administrations. However, The Central Government

has a scheme of National Award to teachers to recognize good performance of
teachers across the country. School enrolment campaigns are launched by States at
the start of the school academic year for awareness generation to enrol out-of-school
children in schools and to reach out hitherto un-reached children in remote areas,
working children, girls, children belonging to SC and ST communities, and children
in difficult circumstances.

(b) and (c) The performance of students is related to multiple factors including
school and home environment. The Central Government has taken various steps to
ensure teacher accountability in Government and aided schools.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has

developed Performance Indicators for Elementary Education (PINDICS) to track
teacher performance and attendance in Government schools. PINDICS have been
shared with State Governments/UTs to assess teacher’s performance.

Additionally, teachers attendance is being monitored by States/UTs through

School Management Committees/School Management Development Committees/
Block Resource Centres/Clusters Resource Centres and in some cases by installing
bio-metric attendance system etc.

The Central Government has launched the ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National
Mission on Teachers and Teaching’ in December, 2014 with a vision to comprehensively
address all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation, professional
development, curriculum design, research in pedagogy and developing effective pedagogy.

As per the mandate of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
(RTE) Act 2009, Government of India has notified the National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE) as the Academic Authority at the national level for teacher
education and qualification. NCTE has prescribed teacher qualifications for various
levels. It has also made it mandatory that all persons holding teacher qualifications
as laid down by the NCTE must also pass a Teacher Eligibility Test (TET). These
two steps by NCTE are widely seen as efforts to improve the standards of teaching
with eventual positive impact on quality of education.

Recognition of all deemed to be Universities

529. DR. E. M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has taken any new approach to recognize all Deemed
to be Universities;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions179

(b) if so, whether the Universities which are established before 1972 are also
covered under this such as Gandhi Gram Rural University, Gandhigram, Dindigul,
Tamil Nadu; and

(c) if not, whether the UGC has informed these Government of India funded
Deemed Universities that this condition is not applicable to them?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) Institutions of higher education are declared as Deemed
to be Universities by the Government of India, on the advice of the University
Grants Commission (UGC), under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956. All Institutions
Deemed to be Universities whether established before or after 1972 are regulated
by the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2010 as amended
from time to time. This includes Gandhigram Rural Institute.

Mid-Day Meal scheme in Puducherry


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) details of funds allocated and utilized in Puducherry under Mid-Day Meal
scheme in the last five years, year-wise and district-wise;

(b) whether there is any plan to provide two eggs in a week to students;

(c) whether it is a fact that some States are providing breakfast also to students;

(d) if so, whether Government would consider the same for school children of
Puducherry, if not, the reasons therefor?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) Year-wise details of funds allocated and utilized in the Union
Territory of Puducherry durng the last 5 years under Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS)
is as under:
(` in lakh)

Year Fund released Fund utilized

2011-12 635.99 635.99
2012-13 506.17 506.17
2013-14 401.52 528.50
2014-15 597.70 587.29
2015-16 520.77 448.45*
*Till 31 December, 2015
180 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

The district-wise data are not maintained at national level.

(b) No, Sir, there is no such proposal with the Ministry. However, 14 States/
UTs are providing eggs to the children from their own resources.

(c) and (d) In addition to mid-day meals, Breakfast Scheme is being implemented
in Puducherry under which 100 ml. hot milk is being provided to students studying
in Government/Government Aided Schools from the UT’s own resources.

Committee for popularising Sanskrit language

531. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has set up any Committee to popularise Sanskrit

language; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the progress made so far in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. The Ministry of Human Resource Development
had constituted a Committee to suggest a long term vision and road map for the
development of Sanskrit under the Chairmanship of Shri N. Gopalaswami, Chancellor,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati on 18.11.2015. The Committee has submitted
its report to this Ministry which may be perused at this Ministry’s website at http://

Increase in intake of NIT colleges

532. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has increased the seats of National Institute of Technology
(NIT) colleges; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the present status thereof along with the actual
demands of each State?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) The National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are
autonomous Institutions of national importance governed by the provisions of the
National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (NITSER) Act,
2007 and the First Statutes framed under the Act. The seats in NITs have marginally
increased due to starting of new programmes at both under graduate and post
graduate levels.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions181

As per provisions contained under the NITSER Act, 2007 and the First Statutes,
the Senate of the respective Institution has the control and general regulations over
the academic affairs of the Institute. The Senate in each of the Institutes is to
periodically review the activities of the Departments or Centres and to make suitable
recommendations to the Board of Governors of the Institute with regard to creation
or restructuring of its Departments or Programmes or Centres and the abolition of
existing Departments or Centres thereof.

Non-Payment of UGC scholarships


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) how many students got UGC scholarships each year from 2010 to 2016

(b) how many JRF scholarships were disbursed by UGC during 2015-2016 year-

(c) how many UGC JRF scholars are there as compared to scholarships disbursed;

(d) whether it is a fact that as many as 20,000 students have not been paid
scholarships for 8 months, if so, the details and the reasons thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by Government in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) Details are given in the Statement (See below).

(b) The University Grants Commission (UGC) has informed that Scholarships are
generally provided for pursuing Undergraduate and Post-Graduate courses. Fellowships
are provided to Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) to
pursue M.Phil/Ph.D. The UGC has disbursed 54,120 JRFs/SRFs during 2015-16.

(c) The UGC has informed that there are 58,838 UGC JRF/SRF scholars as
compared to 54,120 JRF/SRF fellowships disbursed by the UGC during 2015-16.

(d) No such specific complaint has been received by the UGC. However in a
few cases there may be delay in disbursements due to (i) Late joining by candidates;
(ii) Delay in submission of documents to the bank branches; (iii) Delay in uploading
of documents; (iv) Technical problems in PFMS.

(e) UGC has introduced DBT in the fellowship/scholarship schemes to avoid

delays and hardships to students. Also, all the manual data of old scholars has been
digitized by them.
182 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Details of Number of beneficiaries of UGC Scholarship Schemes

Sl. Name of the Scheme 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1 P.G. Scholarship for 416 375 397 786 1301 1598
University Rank Holders
2 P.G. Indira Gandhi 2299 1803 1290 2956 4307 4656
Scholarship for Single
Girl Child
3 P.G. Scholarship for 865 767 622 649 658 915
Professional Courses for
SC/ST Candidates
4 P.G. Scholarship for 1450 2264 1336 Discontinued 2462 1545
GATE/GPAT Qualified
students for Pursuing
5 “Ishan Uday” Special Initiated in 2014-15 9027
Scholarship Scheme for
North Eastern Region
Total 17741

Implementation of Mid-Day Meal scheme

534. DR. PRADEEP KUMAR BALMUCHU: Will the Minister of HUMAN

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware that Mid-Day Meal scheme is not being
implemented properly in the States in spite of funds released by the Centre, if so,
the details thereof, and the reasons therefor;

(b) whether Government has released funds for the present financial year to
the States, if so, the details thereof, State-wise, the funds utilised and compliance

(c) whether there are funds still not utilised by the States, the details thereof;

(d) whether CAG has pointed out the improper utilisation of the scheme by the
States, if so, the steps being taken by Government in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) 10.22 crore children in 11.56 lakh Government and Government
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions183

aided schools are being benefitted under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. The Scheme
is being implemented in eligible schools in all the States/UTs.

(b) and (c) There is a provision of ` 9700 crore in the budget for the year
2016-17 for the scheme. An amount of ` 2215 crore has already been released to
the States/UTs as part of the first instalment for the year 2016-17. The State-wise
details of funds released in the current financial year are given in the Statement-I
(See below). The utilization of funds is submitted by the States/UTs on quarterly basis.

(d) The Performance Audit of the Mid Day Meal Scheme for the year 2009-10
to 2013-14 has been carried out by the CAG and the report had been laid in the
both Houses of the Parliament on 18th December, 2015. The observations of the
report have been shared with the States/UTs.


State-wise funds released in 2016-17

(` in lakh)

Sl. States/UTs Funds Released as on 25.4.2016

No. 2016-17
1 2 3
1. Andhra Pradesh 6491.76
2. Arunachal Pradesh 700.77
3. Assam 11776.90
4. Bihar 27343.43
5. Chhattisgarh 6452.79
6. Goa 269.60
7. Gujarat 8866.02
8. Haryana 3502.14
9. Himachal Pradesh 1842.44
10. Jammu and Kashmir 2269.86
11. Jharkhand 6680.63
12. Karnataka 9686.14
13. Kerala 4136.82
14. Madhya Pradesh 14098.82
15. Maharashtra 19825.98
184 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3
16. Manipur 578.63
17. Meghalaya 1449.65
18. Mizoram 432.66
19. Nagaland 535.28
20. Odisha 10293.62
21. Punjab 3893.73
22. Rajasthan 9804.45
23. Sikkim 211.44
24. Tamil Nadu 9783.77
25. Telangana 4062.31
26. Tripura 1063.58
27. Uttarakhand 2524.47
28. Uttar Pradesh 24954.65
29. West Bengal 24134.16
30. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 87.13
31. Chandigarh 150.93
32. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 116.96
33. Daman and Diu 59.63
34. Delhi 3226.52
35. Lakshadweep 27.10
36. Puducherry 165.20
Total (In Lakhs) 221500.00
Total (In Crore) 2215.00

Teaching posts vacant in IITs

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) how many teaching posts are vacant in IITs and since what time;

(b) how much amount has been spent on faculty development in IITs during
the last five years; and

(c) what has been done to use Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and
Flipped classroom for meeting faculty shortage in IITs?
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions185


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) The process of arising of vacancies and filling them up with
suitable, qualified candidates is a continuous process. Although 2463 teaching positions
as on 01.09.2015 were vacant, the research scholars, contract adjunct and visiting
faculty contributing to the teaching/learning process more than adequately compensated
for the vacant positions. The existing norms, Student/Faculty ratio in IITs is 10:1. The
IITs have been taking measures to attract quality faculty, which include year-round
open advertisements, invitation through search-cum-selection procedures to alumni/
scientists/faculty, advertisements in international journals, and appointment of NRIs
and PIOs to faculty positions on the same terms as applicable to regular faculty. The
Government has also launched the Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN)
to enable foreign faculty to teach some courses in the higher educational institutions.
Steps such as outstanding young faculty awards, mobility of faculty from one Central
Educational Institute to another, and pay parity to faculty have also been taken to
attract best faculty in these Institutions.

(b) Details of amount spent on faculty development in IITs during the last five
years as reported by IITs are given in the Statement-I (See below).

(c) The details of action taken by IITs to use Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) and Flipped classroom for meeting faculty shortage are given in the


Details of amount spent IIT-wise on Faculty Development

Name of Institute 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

IIT Bombay 276.06 519.33 414.50 370.06 352.76
IIT Delhi 168.33 195.37 214.79 241.34 -
IIT Kanpur 287.26 319.26 238.24 935.95 740.96
IIT Kharagpur 479.82 326.79 284.42 415.37 395.48
IIT Madras - - 377.54 550.17 420.17
IIT Guwahati 579.13 344.31 324.64 319.01 236.15
IIT Roorkee 428.44 373.31 268.25 329.4 341.55
IIT BHU 0 43.41 426.33 111.56
IIT Hyderabad 21.15 38.62 75.68 45.27 111.76
IIT Jodhpur 131.05*
186 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Name of Institute 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

IIT Patna 41.35 33.05 53.84 72.43 48.72
IIT Bhubaneswar 35.00 26.00 45.00 58.00
IIT Gandhinagar 350.00*
IIT Indore 12.81 116.32 52.05 78.6 128
IIT Mandi 16.47 39.07 30.57 45.66 65.76
IIT Ropar 22.62 40.58 29.03 57.65 48.27
*Total amount spent by the Institute during the last five years.


Details of action taken by IITs to use massive Cowrses (MOOCs) and

Flipped Classroom

Sl. Name of the Action taken

No. Institute
1 2 3
1. IIT Bombay Institute has begun some experimentation with MOOCs
and flipped classroom technologies and methodologies.
2. IIT Delhi Faculty uses required Audio Visual and ICT support to
augment teaching learning experience. Being more or less
a residential campus, faculty-students interacts is facilitated
after official hours as well.
3. IIT Kanpur Though not as a part of a specific initiative to meet
faculty shortage in IITs, IIT Kanpur has contributed largely
to the outreach activities by offering 50 Online Courses
(MOOCs) as being part of the NPTEL Phase III initiative
since 2015. There are 30 courses in the pipeline to be
offered from July 2016. These courses are being developed
and run by the existing faculty members of IIT Kanpur
and targeted to a larger body of students outside the IIT
System. Registration to these courses are also open to the
teachers and other working professional across the country.
Also, as far as MOOCs is concerned, so far, only one
course has been offered using flipped classroom model to
the students of IIT Kanpur on an experimental basis to
firm up an appropriate teaching and learning pedagogy,
and test the technology and reliability of the platform.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions187

1 2 3
4. IIT Kharagpur Faculty members are encouraged to actively participate
to Continuing Education Activities involving MOOCs and
Flipped Classrooms. Various recent schemes including
GIAN, ISWT, and talk to 10000 Teachers are integrated
with such initiatives.
5. IIT Madras The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
has already approved, through the Senate, the use MOOCs
courses from other IITs and IISc for some of the electives
that students can take for credit. Online video content
already available with IITs through NPTEL can be used
by the faculty in a flipped class room mode in a manner
they see fit based on the requirement of the course.
6. IIT Guwahati The problem of shortage of faculty is not severe in IIT
Guwahati. Flipped classrooms are conducted to increase
more interactions between teachers and students to develop
problem solving skills of the students.
7. IIT Roorkee The institute is organizing total nine MOOCs courses in
the coming semester (July–Nov, 2016) and is open for
all concerned.
8. IIT BHU Flipped classroom on various topics are being run under
QEEE Program online through AVIEW since 2014. The
QEEE live programs are being run at IIT (BHU) since
2013-14. This year also it is being done by the institute
for Semester (2016-17).
9. IIT Hyderabad There is no shortage of faculty.
10. IIT Jodhpur Some Faculty members are already using Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOCs) in IIT Jodhpur and efforts are
underway to popularize the same. The concept of FLIPPED
classroom is also under active consideration for use in
the Institute.
11. IIT Patna Institute is using NKN (National Knowledge Network)
to its full extent and also institute has organized GIAN
12. IIT Bhubaneswar UG/PG students are availing facilities under Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOCs)/NPTL and FLIPPED classrooms.
188 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3
13. IIT Gandhinagar The faculty shortage at the institute is taken care of
mainly by engaging visiting faculty. IIT culture requires
close faculty student interacts, as is expected of residential
14. IIT Indore Institute have virtual classroom facility under National
Knowledge Network (NKN).
15. IIT Mandi IIT Mandi doesn’t have Faculty shortage as institute has
achieved desired student-faculty ratio of 10:1. However,
students are advised to use NPTEL and online available
course material to supplement their studies.
16. IIT Ropar Most of the faculty members are using Flipped classrooms
for meeting faculty shortage. Some of them are trying to
implement MOOCS.

Migration of IIT students

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) how many B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D holders from IITs have migrated to
other countries during the last five years;

(b) what has been the economic and other loss due to their migrating out; and

(c) how much have they contributed/ donated to our IITs so far?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) The database of the students migrating to other Countries
and the contributions made by them is not being maintained by the IITs. It may
be noted that most of the students passing out of the IITs are finding employment
within the country. Students who travel abroad tend to do so for higher studies in
reputed institutions.

Impact of fee hike in IITs on poor students



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions189

(a) whether it is a fact that a decision has been taken to hike the fee of
undergraduate courses in the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs);

(b) if so, whether a study has been conducted to assess its impact on the poor
students and those from the backward areas;

(c) whether experts from the academic field have expressed apprehensions that
the decision to hike fee in IITs would definitely have an adverse impact on the
talented students coming from poor families; and

(d) if so, the details in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. It has been decided to revise the tuition fee in
IITs to ` 2.00 lakh a year from the academic year 2016-17, subject to the following
for protecting the interests of the socially and economically backward students:

(i) The SC/ST/PH students shall get complete fee waiver.

(ii) The most economically backward students (whose family income is less than
` 1 lakh per annum) shall get full remission of the fee.

(iii) The other economically backward students (whose family income is between
` 1 lakh to ` 5 lakh per annum) shall get remission of 2/3rd of the fee.

(iv) All students shall have access to interest free loan under the Vidyalaxmi
Scheme for the total portion of the tuition fee payable.

(c) and (d) No. The interests of the socially and economically backward students
have been protected adequately, and even furthered in the above dispensation.

Result of fact finding team for NIT, Srinagar



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the facts that have emerged from the investigation by a three-member team
set up by the Ministry after the clashes between two groups of students in the
National Institute of Technology, Srinagar;

(b) whether it is a fact that the students of the Institute are being instigated
to indulge in anti-India activities which showed its outcome after the result of T20
match; and

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

190 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) the remedial steps taken by the officers of the Institute and the Ministry so far?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) The Ministry of Human Resource Development had sent
its team to take stock of the situation. It was reported to the Ministry that there were
tensions between students recently on the campus at NIT, Srinagar in the wake of a
cricket match. The law and order situation was handled by the local administration.
Subsequently, the State Government has been requested to take all necessary measures
to ensure the safety and security of all the students. Academic and administrative
measures have been taken by the NIT, Srinagar including grant of option to non-local
students to go home and to appear in the scheduled Minor-I examinations later. The
examinations were conducted as per the schedule from 11th to 16th April, 2016. For
those who missed them, they are again scheduled from 5th to 8th May, 2016.

New central schools in Kerala

539. SHRI ABDUL WAHAB: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes to open new Central Schools in various States
including Kerala; and

(b) if so, the details in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) are opened primarily to cater
to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees
including Defence and Para-Military Personnel by providing a common programme
of education. Proposals for opening of new KVs are considered only if sponsored
by Ministries or Departments of the Government of India/State Governments/Union
Territories Administrations and Organizations of employees belonging to the eligible
categories thereby committing resources for setting up a new KV as well as on the
availability of necessary sanction of the Government. The Government of India had
conveyed sanction for setting up of 54 new KVs in the country in March, 2014
including one in the State of Kerala at Kudurthy (Distt. Kottayam). Out of these, 34
KVs have been made functional including one in Kerala at Kudurthy (Distt. Kottayam).

Private universities in the country


RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of private universities/deemed universities in the country, Statewise,

and their ranking on the basis of performance;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions191

(b) number and names of the first 25 private universities recognized on the
basis of merit awarded by UGC and location of each of such university;

(c) what procedure has been adopted by Government/UGC to determine the

merits of private universities; and

(d) what is Government's policy towards universities and how many proposals
are pending with UGC for the establishment of private universities?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) At present there are 237 Private Universities and 123
Institutions Deemed to be Universities in the country. Statewise details are available
on University Grants Commission (UGC) website www.ugc.ac.in. The UGC has not
evaluated the relative merits of these universities and has not given any ranking
to them. However, ranking of the Private and Deemed to be Universities, who
had applied for ranking under National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), is
available on the NIRF website www.nirfindia.org.

(d) Private Universities are established through Acts passed by the State
Governments. They are regulated by UGC under UGC (Establishment of and
Maintenance of Standards in Private Universities) Regulations, 2003. Further, thirty
two applications for grant of status of Deemed to be University are pending with
UGC, of which 22 are private Deemed to be Universities.

Education to children engaged in labour activities


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a large number of children do not attend schools
due to their engagement in family labour;

(b) if so, the number of children in the country who are not attending schools
due to the said reason, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether Government is considering any plan to bring such children to schools
by allowing them to continue part time in family labour or by compensating their
families; and

(d) if so, the steps taken/proposed to be taken in this regard?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Data regarding children not attending schools due to their
engagement in family labour is not maintained in the Ministry of Human Resource
192 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Development. The Ministry of Labour and Employment has also reported that they
do not maintain such data.

(c) and (d) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE)
Act, 2009, which became operative with effect from 1st April, 2010, mandates
that all children in the age group of 6-14 years shall be in schools for completing
elementary education. Section 4 of the RTE Act provides for special training for
age appropriate admission of out of school children. Those children who have
missed out certain academic years either because they were never enrolled in
school or dropped out of school, have a right to Special Training in residential
and non residential mode, subsequently to be mainstreamed in formal schools in
age appropriate class.

The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 prohibits the employment
of children below 14 years of age in 18 occupations and 65 processes and regulates
the working condition of children in employment where they are not prohibited.

The Ministry of Labour and Employment is implementing the National Child

Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme since 1988 to rehabilitate working children in 12
child labour endemic districts of the country. Children rescued/withdrawn from work
in the age group of 9-14 years are enrolled in the NCLP Special Training Centres,
where they are provided bridge education, vocational training, mid-day meal, stipend,
health care etc. before being mainstreamed into formal education system. Children
in the age group of 5-8 years are directly linked to the formal education system
through a close coordination with the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). Presently, the
Scheme is being implemented in 270 Districts of 21 States in the country and
as per reports received from the Project Societies, about 3230 Special Training
Centres are in operation with an enrolment of approximately 1.48 lakh children.
Since inception more than 11.40 lakhs children have been mainstreamed into the
formal education system.

Children who miss their education on account of being out of school (never
enrolled or drop out) including children engaged in family labour are facilitated to
join school and resume their education. In order to compensate their educational loss
and to prepare them for age appropriate classes, specially designed bridge courses
will be prepared and used.

Teachers engaged in bridge courses classes including teachers of NCLPs are

provided training to equip them with necessary skills to help children acquired age
specific knowledge and to be mainstreamed in regular schools.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions193

JEE ranking without marks of Class XIIth

542. SHRI T. RATHINAVEL: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government has decided that Class XII marks will
not be considered when it comes to the Joint Entrance Examination rankings;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the announcement is expected to bring relief
to students looking to grab a seat in a good engineering college; and

(c) whether it is a fact that the JEE 2016 would be conducted as it was done
in 2015, if so, the details thereof?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. The following changes have been approved by
the Chairman, IIT Council, in the JEE pattern for 2017:
(i) There shall be no weightage for the 12th Class marks in calculating the
ranks in the JEE Main exam.
(ii) For the candidates to qualify for admission in the IITs/NITs/IIITs and such
other CFTIs whose admissions are based on the JEE ranks, they should have
secured at least 75% marks in the 12th Class exam, or be in the top 20
percentile in the 12th Class exam conducted by the respective Boards. For
SC/ST students, the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th Class exam.

(c) Yes, Sir. In JEE 2016, 40% weightage will be given to normalized marks
of class 12th and 60% weightage to JEE (Mains) score for admission in institutions
other than IITs, as was done in JEE 2015. Other information related to JEE 2016
is available in the JEE (Mains) and JEE (Advanced) brochures, available on URLs:
http://jeemain.nic.in/WebInfo/pdf/JEEMain2016Bulletin.pdf and http://www.jeeadv.ac.in/
pdf/JEE_ADV_2016_IB_2.0.pdf respectively.

Pilot project to enlist ex-servicemen as teachers


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes to run pilot project to enlist retired teachers/
ex-servicemen as teachers, to meet the shortage of teachers in the country, if so,
the details thereof; and

(b) whether Government also proposes to provide internship for teachers on

teaching aid and skills, if so, the details thereof?
194 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


ZUBIN IRANI): (a): The Central Government is working on a pilot programme
‘Vidyanjali’ to involve retired teachers, retired Government officials including retired
defence personnel, retired professionals, people from Indian diaspora and women who
are home makers to volunteer for co-scholastic activities in schools. These volunteers
will not be replacement for regular teachers and will not be involved in formal teaching.
In a meeting of State Education Ministers held on 08.02.2016 by the Ministry in New
Delhi, nineteen States/UTs had expressed willingness to participate in this programme
on pilot basis.

(b) Teachers of Government and aided schools undergo annual in service training
for professional development which is supported under Centrally Sponsored Schemes
of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).

Literacy in villages under Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government set a target of achieving 100 per cent literacy in
villages adopted under Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana by March, 2016, if so, the
details thereof;

(b) the level of literacy in each State;

(c) the amount spent under the scheme in each State; and

(d) by what period, total literacy is expected in the country?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) In order to give fillip to the advancement of goals and objectives
of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) relating to adult education, an initiative
was undertaken to align the Saakshar Bharat Programme with SAGY in Saakshar
Bharat Districts through convergence of existing resources available under the scheme.
As a part of this initiative, it was aimed to make all out efforts to achieve 100
per cent literacy in 408 Saansad Adarsh Grams in 276 Saakshar Bharat Districts
spread in 23 States and 1 UT by 31st March, 2016. State/districts-wise details of
number of Saansad Adarsh Grams under Saakshar Bharat Programme are given in
the Statement-I (See below).

(b) Details of State and Gender-wise details of literacy rates, in the age group
of 7 and above, reported by Census 2011, are given in the Statement-II (See below).
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions195

(c) Details of State/UT-wise grants approved and Central share released under
Saakshar Bharat Programme during the last three years are given in the Statement-
III (See below).

(d) Plan-wise targets are fixed to achieve higher levels of literacy in a phased
manner. The present targets are to raise the overall literacy rate of the country to
80 per cent and reduce the gender gap to 10 percentage points by the end of XII
Five Year Plan.


State/districts-wise details of No. of Saansad Adarsh Grams under

Saakshar Bharat Districts

Sl. Saakshar Bharat States/UT Number of Districts No. of Saansad

No. having Saansad Adarsh Grams
Adarsh Grams
1 2 3 4
1. Andhra Pradesh 10 18
2. Arunachal Pradesh 3 3
3. Assam 7 7
4. Bihar 31 53
5. Chhattisgarh 12 13
6. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1 1
7. Gujarat 12 19
8. Haryana 6 8
9. Himachal Pradesh 1 1
10. Jammu and Kashmir 6 6
11. Jharkhand 14 20
12. Karnataka 16 25
13. Madhya Pradesh 28 31
14. Maharashtra 9 11
15. Manipur 1 1
16. Meghalaya No SAGY Village adopted in these States
17. Nagaland
18. Odisha 11 14
196 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4
19. Rajasthan 23 33
20. Sikkim 1 1
21. Tamil Nadu 9 21
22. Telangana 9 22
23. Tripura 1 1
24. Uttar Pradesh 59 93
25. Uttarakhand 5 5
26. West Bengal 1 1
23 States and 1 UT 276 408


Literacy rate in the country in the age group of 7 and above, as per
the Census 2011

Sl. Name of States/UTs Literacy Rate (%age)

No. Persons Male Female
1 2 3 4 5
India 72.98 80.88 64.63
1. Andhra Pradesh 67.02 74.88 59.15
2. Arunachal Pradesh 65.38 72.55 57.70
3. Assam 72.19 77.85 66.27
4. Bihar 61.80 71.20 51.50
5. Chhattisgarh 70.28 80.27 60.24
6. Goa 88.70 92.65 84.66
7. Gujarat 78.03 85.75 69.68
8. Haryana 75.55 84.06 65.94
9. Himachal Pradesh 82.80 89.53 75.93
10. Jammu and Kashmir 67.16 76.75 56.43
11. Jharkhand 66.41 76.84 55.42
12. Karnataka 75.36 82.47 68.08
13. Kerala 94.00 96.11 92.07
14. Madhya Pradesh 69.32 78.73 59.24
15. Maharashtra 82.34 88.38 75.87
16. Manipur 76.94 83.58 70.26
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions197

1 2 3 4 5
17. Meghalaya 74.43 75.95 72.89
18. Mizoram 91.33 93.35 89.27
19. Nagaland 79.55 82.75 76.11
20. Odisha 72.87 81.59 64.01
21. Punjab 75.84 80.44 70.73
22. Rajasthan 66.11 79.19 52.12
23. Sikkim 81.42 86.55 75.61
24. Tamil Nadu 80.09 86.77 73.44
25. Tripura 87.22 91.53 82.73
26. Uttar Pradesh 67.68 77.28 57.18
27. Uttarakhand 78.82 87.40 70.01
28. West Bengal 76.26 81.69 70.54
29. Andaman and Nicobar 86.63 90.27 82.43
30. Chandigarh 86.05 89.99 81.19
31. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 76.24 85.17 64.32
32. Daman and Diu 87.10 91.54 79.55
33. Lakshadweep 91.85 95.56 87.95
34. NCT of Delhi 86.21 90.94 80.76
35. Puducherry 85.85 91.26 80.67

State/UT-wise total grants (Centre + State) approved and Central share
released under Saakshar Bharat Programme
(` in lakh)

Sl. State/UT Total Grants Central share released

No. (Centre + State)
Approved for 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
project period
upto XII Plan
1 2 3 4 6 7
1. Andhra Pradesh 46316.11 6921.76 3432 4456.45
2. Arunachal Pradesh 7041.20 1417.84 1224.73 383.4
198 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4 6 7
3. Assam 11151.36 1620 913.5 1319.76
4. Bihar 52882.42 6226.09 4788 3900
5. Chhasttisgarh 30804.96 1875 2250 1500
6. Dadra and Nagar 79.82 0 0 0
7. Gujarat 22149.83 0 0 1560
8. Haryana 9834.93 0 2546.35 0
9. Himachal Pradesh 1112.32 0 156 114.26
10. Jammu and Kashmir 5501.31 0 0 725.4
11. Jharkhand 22518.42 0 0 1837.5
12. Karnataka 24848.05 1575.19 750 780
13. Madhya Pradesh 42275.03 0 2496 2620.8
14. Maharashtra 22744.09 0 3375 0
15. Manipur 1466.13 274.48 122.76 135
16. Meghalaya 1340.83 0 0 226.8
17. Nagaland 1455.63 198 256.47 151.93
18. Odisha 11998.80 228.16 0 624
19. Punjab* 6939.26 0 0 0
20. Rajasthan 45173.10 4017 3215.54 0
21. Sikkim 239.54 66.8 0 74.88
22. Tamil Nadu 14190.90 2597.4 0 1209
23. Telangana 41406.95 Not in 3432 1725
24. Tripura 355.42 0 0 72.54
25. Uttar Pradesh 145530.65 0 3978 7800
26. Uttarakhand 10707.97 1563.12 781.88 1216.8
27. West Bengal 16664.33 72.13 916.5 780
Total 596729.42 28652.97 34634.73 33213.52
*Grants-in-Aid has been released during 2010-11.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions199

Educational development of economically

backward classes



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) details of the schemes formulated by Government for the educational

development of the economically backward classes of the country;

(b) the amount of funds allocated under such schemes; and

(c) the criteria adopted for the proper utilisation of the funds allotted for such


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) Schemes for economically backward classes:
(i) There is a Central Sector Scheme which provides full Interest Subsidy
for the period of moratorium on educational loans taken by students from
economically weaker sections with annual parental income up to ` 4.5 lakh,
from scheduled banks under the Educational Loan Scheme of the Indian
Banks' Association to pursue Technical/Professional Education Studies in India.
The details of the Scheme are available on MHRD website www.mhrd.gov.in.
For the year 2016-17, a sum of ` 1,950 crores has been allocated for this
Scheme. Canara Bank is the nodal bank for implementing the scheme and
also for ensuring proper utilisation and credit to the students loan account.
(ii) There is a Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University
Students. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to
meritorious students having annual family income of less than ` 6 lakhs.
The details of the Scheme are available on MHRD website www.mhrd.gov.
in. For the year 2016-17, a sum of ` 270 crores has been allocated for this
Scheme. For proper utilisation, the Scheme is covered under Direct Benefit
Transfer (DBT).
(iii) The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has stated that the
Dr. Ambedkar Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme of that Ministry, seeks to
provide financial assistance to the EBC students studying at post-matriculation
stage having annual family income of ` 1 lakh. The details of the scheme
are available on www.socialjustice.nic.in. For the year 2016-17, a sum of
200 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

` 10 crore has been allocated for this Scheme. Canara Bank is the nodal
bank for implementing the scheme and also for ensuring proper utilisation
and credit to the students loan account.
(iv) The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has further stated that
Dr. Ambedkar Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas
Studies of the Ministry awards interest subsidy to meritorious OBC and
EBC students so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education
abroad. The details of the Scheme are available on www.socialjustice.nic.
in. For the year 2016-17, a sum of ` 2 crore has been allocated for this
Scheme. Canara Bank is the nodal bank for implementing the scheme and
also for ensuring proper utilisation and credit to the students loan account.
(v) UGC is also implementing the Scheme of Community Colleges in Universities
and Colleges in the country. The main objective of the Scheme is to offer
low cost, high quality education locally, which encompasses both traditional
skill development as well as traditional course work, thereby providing
opportunities to the learner to move directly to employment sector or to
move to the Higher Education Sector. For the year 2016-17, a sum of
` 150 crore has been allocated for this Scheme. The amount is transferred
through RTGS mode to the concerned institutions by the Canara Bank.

Allegiance towards country from Urdu writers

†546. SHRI HARIVANSH: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language has recently
issued a letter asking Urdu writers to show their allegiance towards the country, if
so, the reason for issuing such guidelines only for Urdu writers;

(b) whether to criticise the policies of Government is against the national

interest; and

(c) whether the Ministry consulted all the stakeholders before implementing this
decision, if not, the reasons therefor?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL),
an autonomous body under this Ministry gives grants for bulk purchase of books.
As part of the process of application for this grant, an undertaking is provided by
the applicant, an established practice since 2005-06 in NCPUL. The practice of

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions201

an undertaking from writers is also in practice in similarly placed other Language

Institutions under this Ministry. Keeping in view certain complaints, NCPUL had
amended the undertaking/declaration on 1.9.2015, which has now been simplified on
22.4.2016 by NCPUL removing any scope for misinterpretation/misunderstandings.
The modified declaration form may be seen at NCPUL’s website at www.urducouncil.

Sanskrit courses in IITs


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has issued advisory to all IITs to start Sanskrit courses
recently, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the reasons and rationale for such advisory to IITs by the Ministry?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) A study was commissioned on development of Sanskrit
in various educational institutions under the Chairmanship of Shri N.Gopalaswami,
former Chief Election Commissioner. The report inter-alia suggested that IITs may
facilitate study of Science and Technology as reflected in Sanskrit literature along
with inter-disciplinary study of Sanskrit and modern subject. In consonance with the
recommendations, IITs have been requested to offer Sanskrit as an elective subject
or as a language course for students who wish to study the language.

IITs and IIMs for North-Eastern States


RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is planning to establish more IITs and IIMs or equivalent
educational institutions in the North-Eastern States of country, if so, the details thereof
and by which year; and

(b) if not, the reasons therefor and the number of IITs presently functioning in
these States?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) No, Sir. The North-Eastern region has an IIT at Guwahati
and an IIM at Shillong. In addition, the region has (8) NITs in Tripura, Mizoram,
Manipur, Nagaland, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Meghalaya; (2) IIITs at
Guwahati and Senapati (Manipur); (9) Central Universities, viz., Assam University
202 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(Assam), Manipur University (Manipur), Mizoram University (Mizoram), Nagaland

University (Nagaland), North Eastern Hill University (Meghalaya), Rajiv Gandhi
University (Arunachal Pradesh), Sikkim University (Sikkim), Tezpur University (Assam)
and Tripura University (Tripura).

Concession from fee hike in IITs

549. SHRI S. THANGAVELU: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has approved the IIT fee hike from the present ` 90,000
to ` 3.0 lakh from the next academic session;

(b) whether the students belonging to families whose annual income is less than
` 1 lakh would be able to get full fee waiver, along with those belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and the differently abled;

(c) whether the students belonging to families with an annual income of less
than ` 5.0 lakh would be entitled to a waiver of two thirds of the tuition fee
irrespective of their category; and

(d) whether the students already enrolled would continue to pay their fee as per
the old slabs?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) The Chairperson of IIT Council, after examining the report
of the Committee on funding of IITs and the recommendations of the Standing
Committee of the IIT Council (SCIC) for revision of tuition fee in IITs, approved
revision of tuition fee in the IITs to ` 2.00 lakh a year from the academic year
2016-17, subject to the following for protecting the interests of the socially and
economically backward students:
(i) The SC/ST/PH students shall get complete fee waiver.
(ii) The most economically backward students (whose family income is less than
` 1 lakh per annum) shall get full remission of the fee.
(iii) The other economically backward students (whose family income is between
` 1 lakh to ` 5 lakh per annum) shall get remission of 2/3rd of the fee.
(iv) All students shall have access to interest free loan under the Vidyalaxmi
Scheme for the total portion of the tuition fee payable.

(d) The revised fee would be applicable for students taking admission starting
from academic year 2016-17 onwards. The students currently studying would continue
to pay at the existing rates.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions203

Rescheduling of interview dates in Delhi University


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that University of Delhi had scheduled MBA (International
Business) admission interviews for students around Holi festival, if so, what were
the reasons therefor;

(b) whether it was a deliberate attempt on the part of the University to put
students particularly those coming from outside Delhi were put to hardship and
inconvenience; and

(c) whether University of Delhi had rescheduled the interview dates keeping in
view the fact that a large number of students mights not be able to appear for the


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) University of Delhi has reported that the Group Discussion
and Personal Interview (GD&PI) for admission to MBA (International Business) were
scheduled during the mid-semester break as per the past practice with a view to
ensure availability of adequate space for GD&PI and smooth classroom activities.
However, one of the dates of GD&PI was rescheduled from 23.03.2016 to 28.03.2016
on account of Holi festival. It was not the intent on the part of the University to
put the students to hardship and inconvenience.

Students enrolled in courses of Central Universities

551. SHRI P. L. PUNIA: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of SC, ST, OBC and other students enrolled in various
Central Universities across the country in Undergraduate, Post-graduate and Ph.D
courses in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, category-wise and university-wise; and

(b) the total number of SC, ST, OBCs and other students enrolled in various
IITs, IIMs and AIIMS across the country, in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, category-


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) The details are given in Statement (See below).

(b) The total number of students enrolled in various IITs, IIMs and AIIMS,
category-wise, is given as under:
Category of 2013 2014 2015
Institution SC ST OBC Others SC ST OBC Others SC ST OBC Others
IITs 9102 3884 12628 38112 8821 3646 16081 40103 9664 4000 17496 40241
IIMs 567 251 901 1677 529 243 907 1688 601 237 1048 1937
AIIMS 56 22 118 301 79 32 148 366 85 41 151 332
204 Written Answers to


Details of students enrolled in Central Universities

A. Students Enrolment as on 31.3.2013 in Central Universities

Sl. Name of University Students Enrolment No. of Students Category-wise
Diploma/ U.G. P.G. 5 year M.Phil./ Ph.D. Total Gen SCs STs OBCs PwDs
Certificate integrated M.Tech


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Maulana Azad National 411 354 369 0 72 39 1245 1011 36 8 183 7

Urdu University

2. Hyderabad Univ. 15 0 1663 1074 646 1541 4939 1915 946 498 1497 83

3. The English and Foreign 330 220 418 0 83 229 1280 551 174 105 395 55
Languages University

4. Guru Ghasidas University 102 1901 1293 1440 0 147 4883 2540 662 460 1221 0
Unstarred Questions
5. Delhi University 2961 771 16143 87 575 2892 23429 15976 2258 756 4196 243

6. Jamia Millia Islamia 3250 6993 2875 355 272 1748 15493 13906 0 0 1372 215

7. Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. 118 837 2113 0 0 4609 7677 3860 1058 632 1948 179

8. Dr. Harisingh Gour Vish. 0 2502 1192 0 9 59 3762 1192 781 192 1574 23
Written Answers to

9. M.G.A. Hindi Vish. 311 0 152 0 98 41 602 254 163 21 164 0

10. Pondicherry University 0 0 4384 383 330 648 5745 2633 1823 888 337 64

11. H.N.B. Garhwal Univ. 53 10158 2128 0 12 190 12541 9932 1780 148 680 1

12. Aligarh Muslim Univ. 1937 12071 5147 474 0 1636 21265 17246 294 75 3426 224

13. Banaras Hindu Univ. 2748 13203 7944 0 42 4862 28799 15165 3783 1405 8100 346

14. Babasaheb Bhimrao 0 0 1791 0 0 349 2140 809 1016 90 199 26

Ambedkar Univ.
[28 April, 2016]

15. Allahabad University 351 15324 6210 0 68 1259 23212 8533 4521 250 9903 5

16. Visva Bharati 355 3269 1917 38 34 490 6103 3350 973 367 1373 40

17. Assam University 10 583 2360 916 101 1557 5527 2645 745 710 1423 4

18. Tezpur University 116 853 963 154 310 417 2813 1491 353 199 750 20

19. Rajiv Gandhi University 66 137 964 0 61 74 1302 109 23 1063 106 1

20. Manipur University 40 107 2160 0 0 904 3211 803 273 683 1443 9

21. North Eastern Hill Univ. 95 783 2222 305 38 620 4063 798 115 3019 118 13

22. Mizoram University 0 2061 1043 0 73 290 3467 128 49 3204 76 10

Unstarred Questions205
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
23. Nagaland University 0 565 771 0 8 171 1515 81 20 1372 42 0
24. Sikkim University 2 0 255 179 76 17 529 256 30 128 114 1
25. Tripura University 201 196 2001 116 74 230 2818 1192 409 580 628 9
26. C.U. of Bihar 0 0 205 0 18 0 223 119 19 4 81 0
206 Written Answers to

27. C.U. of Gujarat 3 0 110 106 261 77 557 215 122 50 160 10
28. C.U. of Haryana 0 0 82 6 41 69 198 71 43 1 82 1
29. C.U. of Himachal 0 0 621 0 0 59 680 400 95 48 137 0
30. C.U. of Jammu 0 0 266 0 16 0 282 161 56 20 45 0
31. C.U. of Kashmir 0 0 402 84 7 0 493 440 4 21 24 4
32. C.U. of Jharkhand 17 0 18 830 0 12 877 474 45 81 277 0

33. C.U. of Karnataka 0 69 340 22 0 52 483 209 98 28 144 4

34. C.U. of Kerala 0 0 386 0 85 25 496 164 42 17 268 5
35. The Indira Gandhi 0 1468 120 0 37 0 1625 333 162 783 347 0
National Tribal Univ.
36. C.U. of Odisha 0 0 361 36 0 0 397 147 99 58 90 3
37. C.U. of Punjab 0 0 34 0 143 28 205 148 22 3 32 0
38. C.U. of Rajasthan 0 0 608 0 42 38 688 289 87 43 267 2
39. C.U. of Tamil Nadu 0 0 231 251 0 4 486 342 58 2 84 0
Total 13492 74425 72262 6856 3632 25383 196050 109888 23237 18012 43306 1607
Unstarred Questions
B. Total Students Enrolment as on 31.3.2014 in Central Universities

Sl. Name of University Students Enrolment No of Students Category-wise

Diploma/ U.G. P.G. 5 year M.Phil./ Ph.D. Total Gen SCs STs OBCs PWDs
Certificate integrated M.Tech.
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Maulana Azad National 755 507 535 0 76 51 1924 1299 13 19 582 11
Urdu University

2. Hyderabad Univ. 9 0 1814 1011 657 1639 5130 1998 961 500 1555 116

3. The English and Foreign 573 430 552 0 46 527 2128 1004 307 201 554 62
Languages University

4. Guru Ghasidas University 100 1914 1310 2275 32 198 5829 2601 852 593 1754 29

5. Delhi University 2539 858 17023 0 524 3115 24059 12980 4100 1563 5035 381
[28 April, 2016]

6. Jamia Millia Islamia 3232 7318 3333 362 315 1703 16263 13975 0 0 2006 282

7. Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. 109 861 2245 0 4846 0 8061 3878 1151 640 2217 175

8. Dr. Harisingh Gour Vish. 0 2552 1066 0 10 151 3779 1176 774 206 1605 18

9. M.G.A. Hindi Vish. 476 0 170 0 126 150 922 381 245 42 249 5

10. Pondicherry University 0 0 4308 578 346 811 6043 2759 846 350 2028 60

11. H.N.B. Garhwal Univ. 62 7622 2464 75 11 279 10513 7333 1340 442 1389 9

12. Aligarh Muslim Univ. 2221 10456 3694 460 465 1567 18863 14384 304 67 3751 357

13. Banaras Hindu Univ. 2914 13920 7952 0 42 4743 29571 15264 3857 1477 8516 457
Unstarred Questions207
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
14. Babasaheb Bhimrao 60 111 1944 0 86 430 2631 974 1245 83 299 30
Ambedkar Univ.

15. Allahabad University 399 14979 6371 543 77 1520 23889 8769 4659 283 10178 0

16. Visva Bharati 380 3091 1959 48 82 1235 6795 3931 1087 397 1380 0
208 Written Answers to

17. Assam University 4 875 2960 725 55 1612 6231 2857 759 1085 1523 7

18. Tezpur University 122 951 998 240 301 447 3059 1642 363 221 811 22

19. Rajiv Gandhi University 157 143 1023 0 73 102 1498 110 27 1226 128 7

20. Manipur University 40 135 2257 0 0 980 3412 1433 325 720 921 13

21. North Eastern Hill Univ. 585 953 2246 327 80 665 4856 1052 197 3392 206 9

22. Mizoram University 0 2170 1153 0 130 433 3886 154 51 3590 83 8

23. Nagaland University 0 500 1064 0 0 196 1760 77 13 1626 44 0


24. Sikkim University 0 0 778 301 91 68 1238 320 149 69 204 6

25. Tripura University 201 196 1905 55 74 82 2513 964 395 531 614 9

26. C.U. of Bihar 0 51 301 44 48 0 444 232 34 2 176 0

27. C.U. of Gujarat 0 0 145 147 447 9 748 320 149 69 204 6

28. C.U. of Haryana 0 0 111 0 39 70 220 70 46 1 100 3

29. C.U. of Himachal 0 0 659 0 0 105 764 401 163 70 128 2


30. C.U. of Jammu 0 0 381 0 54 0 435 247 86 28 74 0

Unstarred Questions
31. C.U. of Kashmir 0 0 505 124 0 7 636 562 4 37 28 5

32. C.U. of Jharkhand 37 61 66 1377 0 60 1601 874 91 144 492 0

33. C.U. of Karnataka 0 42 531 178 0 75 826 327 167 53 274 5

34. C.U. of Kerala 0 0 276 22 15 48 361 153 26 5 177 0

Written Answers to

35. The Indira Gandhi 0 1834 314 0 20 0 2168 357 237 1039 532 3
National Tribal Univ.

36. C.U. of Odisha 100 0 378 65 19 14 576 248 109 70 144 5

37. C.U. of Punjab 0 0 86 163 61 51 361 237 42 9 71 2

38. C.U. of Rajasthan 38 0 742 242 35 90 1147 518 144 63 420 2

39. C.U. of Tamil Nadu 0 0 293 376 0 13 682 485 69 2 126 0

Total 15113 72530 75912 9738 9283 23246 205822 106346 25387 20915 50578 2106
[28 April, 2016]

C. Total Students Enrolment as on 31.3.2015 in Central Universities

Sl. Name of University Students Enrolment No. of Students Category-wise

Diploma/ U.G. P.G. 5 year M.Phil./ Ph.D. Total Gen SCs STs OBCs PWDs
Certificate integrated M.Tech.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Maulana Azad National 1081 1043 612 131 99 79 3045 1764 35 38 1173 35
Urdu University
2. Hyderabad Univ. 8 0 1945 964 688 1644 5249 2039 972 483 1639 116
Unstarred Questions209
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
3. The English and Foreign 377 480 537 0 0 600 1994 905 278 170 568 73
Languages University
4. Guru Ghasidas University 121 2041 1370 2881 0 57 6470 2724 961 678 2107 0
5. Delhi University 2222 722 17019 13 569 2853 23398 14598 2409 875 5312 204
210 Written Answers to

6. Jamia Millia Islamia 3234 7474 3269 371 540 1805 16693 13930 0 0 2493 270
7. Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. 153 1115 2050 0 0 4990 8308 3811 1201 643 2434 219
8. Dr. Harisingh Gour Vish. 0 2685 1022 0 50 69 3826 1154 767 244 1640 21
9. The Indira Gandhi 0 1545 618 189 20 37 2409 468 284 1062 585 10
National Tribal Univ.
10. M.G.A. Hindi Vish. 438 0 159 0 201 82 880 384 207 50 223 16
11. Pondicherry University 118 681 3989 937 351 776 6852 2817 1079 353 2540 63

12. H.N.B. Garhwal Univ. 58 8230 2005 23 11 281 10608 8153 1597 272 556 30
13. Aligarh Muslim Univ. 1898 13824 3848 1468 512 1674 23224 14751 325 56 7974 118
14. Banaras Hindu Univ. 3046 14103 8297 0 41 4725 30212 15345 3896 1549 9028 394
15. Babasaheb Bhimrao 13 411 1828 21 94 451 2818 1040 1254 71 426 27
Ambedkar Univ.
16. Allahabad University 480 15893 6907 606 77 1726 25689 10061 4637 329 10658 4
17. Visva Bharati 183 3379 2191 17 118 1006 6894 3681 1175 429 1548 61
18. C.U. of Bihar 0 99 384 85 55 0 623 323 64 4 229 3
19. C.U. of Gujarat 0 0 236 196 533 9 974 428 191 78 269 8
Unstarred Questions
20. C.U. of Haryana 0 0 474 0 51 98 623 197 125 16 281 4
21. C.U. of Himachal Pradesh 0 0 658 0 0 122 780 394 126 64 193 3
22. C.U. of Jammu 0 0 441 0 105 0 546 332 92 33 89 0
23. C.U. of Kashmir 0 0 571 173 23 16 783 673 5 56 43 6
Written Answers to

24. C.U. of Jharkhand 27 63 115 1865 0 88 2158 1132 129 188 709 0
25. C.U. of Karnataka 0 58 663 363 0 99 1183 433 277 98 367 8
26. C.U. of Kerala 0 51 549 0 0 107 707 222 49 12 421 3
27. C.U. of Odisha 100 0 406 84 48 30 668 298 137 71 157 5
28. C.U. of Punjab 0 0 117 0 255 85 457 303 52 10 92 0
29. C.U. of Rajasthan 61 455 766 0 34 181 1497 614 192 71 616 4
30. C.U. of Tamil Nadu 35 0 323 488 0 38 884 624 79 3 176 2
31. Assam University 14 846 2715 848 148 187 4758 2043 645 706 1355 9
[28 April, 2016]

32. Tezpur University 90 1057 984 349 291 529 3300 1698 390 246 944 22
33. Rajiv Gandhi University 127 151 1177 0 102 85 1642 99 53 1366 115 9
34. Manipur University 84 250 2362 0 0 855 3551 1052 286 815 1383 15
35. North Eastern Hill Univ. 628 1121 2342 311 144 743 5289 1235 209 3566 260 19
36. Mizoram University 0 2326 1363 32 125 473 4319 199 64 3950 100 6
37. Nagaland University 10 483 1247 0 0 222 1962 137 11 1766 48 0
38. Sikkim University 6 0 946 272 89 96 1409 547 97 404 361 0
39. Tripura University 139 134 1840 172 62 83 2430 995 386 638 397 14
Total 14751 80720 78345 12859 5436 27001 219112 111603 24736 21463 59509 1801
Unstarred Questions211
212 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Graduates from SC/ST community

552. SHRI P. L. PUNIA: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of persons who have passed middle school, secondary school,
senior secondary school, diploma holders and graduates in the country, category-wise,
Rural and Urban, SC, ST and OBCs for each State;

(b) whether it is a fact that very less number of persons belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes are graduates, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps taken by Government and progress made, in the last two years to
increase the number of graduates from SC/ST community?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) Information is being collected and will be laid on the
Table of the House.

Hoisting of tricolour in all Central Universities

†553. SHRI PRABHAT JHA: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether hoisting of the tricolour in all Central Universities of the country
has been made mandatory, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether any surveillance agency is also proposed to be constituted under

the universities for ensuring that the tricolour is regularly and compulsorily hoisted
by all the Central Universities, if so, the details thereof?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) While the Ministry of Human Resource Development encourages
the hoisting of the tricolour in Central Institutions of higher education in an appropriate
manner, and in conformity with the Flag Code of India, no instructions have been
issued to these institutions in this regard.

However, the Vice Chancellors of Central Universities had inter-alia resolved

unanimously in the Conference of Vice Chancellors held on 18th February, 2016, to
hoist the National Flag prominently and proudly at a central place in the University.

(b) No, Sir.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions213

Roll back of fee hike in IITs



Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has increased the fee of IITs from ` 90 thousand per
annum to ` 2 lakh per annum, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the reasons for such a step rise in fees of IITs;

(c) the details of relaxations in fees to various categories, category-wise; and

(d) whether in a welfare State like India, such hike of fee would lead to
commercialization of education, if so, the steps Government would take to roll back
the fee hike in IITs?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. With a view to strengthening the IITs into robust
institutions, the tuition fee for undergraduate students in the IITs has been revised
to ` 2.00 lakh a year for students taking admission starting from academic year
2016-17 onwards. For protecting the interests of the socially and economically
backward students, it has been decided to:
(i) The SC/ST/PH students shall get complete fee waiver.
(ii) The most economically backward students (whose family income is less than
` 1 lakh per annum) shall get full remission of the fee.
(iii) The other economically backward students (whose family income is between
` 1 lakh to ` 5 lakh per annum) shall get remission of 2/3rd of the fee.
(iv) All students shall have access to interest free loan under the Vidyalaxmi
Scheme for the total portion of the tuition fee payable.

(d) The revised fee covers only 1/3rd of the total expenditure on each student
in the IITs. There is therefore no issue of commercialization of education due to
this revision.

Mahila samakhya programme

555. SHRI S. THANGAVELU: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government has decided to discontinue the highly
successful Mahila Samakhya Programme, if so, the details thereof; and
214 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) whether it is also a fact that Government is considering to bring back the
said programme again under the Ministry, if so, the details thereof?


SMRITI ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) The Mahila Samakhya Scheme was approved
for continuation on existing norms in 2015-16. Presently, the possibility of the merger
of the scheme with National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) of Ministry of Rural
Development is being explored with the Ministry of Rural Development.

Enquiry against non-existent schools

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a number of schools in different parts of the country
run only on papers;

(b) if so, whether Government is contemplating to enquire into the matter and
take action against this; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and by when and if not, the reasons therefor?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) Education being a concurrent subject, majority of schools and the
State Examination Boards come under the purview of respective State Government/UT
Administration. No data is maintained at Central level with regard to non-existent schools.

(b) and (c) Do not arise.

Crisis at NIT, Srinagar

557. SHRI K. C. TYAGI: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that anti-India slogans were raised in the Campus of
National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Srinagar recently and tension prevailed at
the campus with outstation students thereafter; and

(b) if so, the action taken by Government to resolve the crisis of the NIT
Campus along with the measures taken by Government for security and safety of
the students of the NIT, Srinagar, particularly non-Kashmiri students?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. There were tensions between students recently

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions215

on the campus at NIT, Srinagar in the wake of a cricket match. The law and order
situation was handled by the local administration. Subsequently, the State Government
has been requested to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security
of all the students. Academic and Administrative measures have been taken by the
NIT, Srinagar including grant of option to non-local students to go home and to
appear in the scheduled Minor-I examinations later. The examinations were conducted
as per the schedule from 11th to 16th April, 2016. For those who missed them, they
are again scheduled from 5th to 8th May, 2016.

e-pathshala initiative


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes to provide books in e-format for higher

education under its prestigious e-pathshala initiative, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the study material would be provided free, if so, the details thereof;

(c) the time by which books in e-format would be available to students?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) e-Pathshala is a website and the mobile app, launched
on 7th November, 2015 by National Council of Educational Research and Training
(NCERT) under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, for disseminating
all the NCERT digital resources i.e. textbooks, audios, videos etc. from Class I to
Class XII. e-Pathshala can be accessed easily through a laptop, desktop or mobile
handset. All study materials are provided free of cost.

Complaints regarding non-refund of fees


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the University Grants Commission has received complaints from
students/parents regarding non-refund of fees by universities and colleges which are
collecting full fee from the admitted students and retaining their original school
leaving certificates ;

(b) if so, the details thereof during the last two years and the current year;

(c) whether UGC has taken any action against such universities/higher educational
institutions/colleges, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the corrective measures taken by Government/UGC in this regard?

216 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) to (c) The University Grants Commission (UGC) has informed
that individual complaints regarding non-refund of fees by universities and colleges are
received. No such data however, for the country as a whole is Centrally maintained
by the UGC. As soon as grievances of this nature are received by UGC, they are
forwarded to the institution of higher education concerned for strict compliance of
instructions issued by the UGC.

(d) The UGC issued a public notice on 23rd April, 2007 that Institutions/
Universities including Deemed to be Universities are not to retain original certificates.
The entire fee collected from the student, after a deduction of a processing fee of
not more than ` 1000/- (one thousand only) shall be refunded and returned to the
student/candidate if she/he withdraws from the programme. Subsequently on 22nd June,
2011 and on 11th January, 2016, UGC has issued letters to Vice-Chancellors of all
the Universities/ Deemed to be Universities reiterating to abide by the instructions
issued by the UGC in the public notice dated 23rd April, 2007.

Further, the UGC has framed the University Grants Commission (Grievance
Redressal) Regulations 2012 for Higher Educational Institutions which came into
force on 23rd March, 2013 to address the grievances of students. In addition,
the UGC has launched a Students Grievance Redressal Portal on 23rd March,
2015 for lodging grievances, sending reminders and for viewing status of the
action taken. Students can access the portal at www.ugc.ac.in through the Student
Grievance link.

Shifting of NIT, Srinagar


DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government is considering to shift NIT, Srinagar

outside Srinagar;

(b) if so, the reasons therefore; and

(c) if not, the manner in which the incidents of discrimination against non-
Kashmiri students would be handled?


ZUBIN IRANI): (a) and (b) No such proposal is under consideration of the Ministry
of Human Resource Development.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions217

(c) While no cases of discrimination have been reported, a Student Grievance

Redressal Committee has been constituted with two external members to attend to
any complaints of the students in a time bound manner.

Increasing coir products in Maharashtra

MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Indian coir products such as rugs, carpets, fibres,
coir pith and mats are in big demand abroad;

(b) if so, the details thereof with figures of export of these products during the
last three years, year-wise; and

(c) what action Government proposes to take to substantially increase the

production of these coir products in Maharashtra and other coastal States?


export statistics of Coir Products for the last three years are given in the Statement
(See below).

(c) In order to increase the coir production in the State of Maharashtra, the Coir
Board has augmented its activities in the State. Recently the Board has established
a Sub-Regional Office at Sindhudurg. A showroom and sales depot of the Board is
functioning at Navi Mumbai. Coir Board is also implementing various Schemes for
promotion of coir in the country which also contribute to enhanced production and
export of coir and coir products. In particular, the Export Market Promotion under
Coir Vikas Yojana provides for adoption of product specific and market specific
promotional activities for popularizing coir and coir products in overseas markets,
supporting export oriented coir units on modernization, etc. The interventions under
the Scheme also include market survey, consultancy, data sourcing, participation in
international events, product promotion, catalogue shows and financial assistance to
entrepreneurs. Besides this, Coir Board is also implementing other Scheme interventions
for the sustainable development of Coir industry in the country, which includes, Coir
Udhyami Yojana, Science and Technology, Skill Upgradation, Quality Improvement
Scheme and Mahila Coir Yojana, Domestic Market Promotion, Scheme of Funds for
Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI).
Export statistics of Coir Products for the last three years are given below:

Export of Coir and Coir Products (Last three years)

Q= Quantity in MT, V= Value in ` Lakhs

Product Name 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016

218 Written Answers to

Upto January, 2016

Curled Coir 8883 2112.46 11263 2947.93 12621 3732.00 7569 1938.19
Coir Fibre 140693 20707.66 173902 32878.11 219103 41923.34 188314 31229.97
Coir Rugs 95 133.37 93 105.99 135 146.10 305 280.81
Coir Pith 208399 24727.61 271495 34173.23 316425 43295.24 281888 46270.16
Coir Rope 420 282.41 498 390.17 614 391.92 471 354.97
Coir Other Sorts 30 39.33 89 163.13 71 85.79 32 66.80

Coir Yarn 4202 2387.22 4247 2848.26 4070 3000.89 3252 2230.79
Geo-Textiles 3597 2628.74 4468 3503.78 4236 3270.28 3630 2798.29
Handloom Matting 1418 1702.76 3426 3353.91 1667 1835.28 1382 1572.12
Powerloom Matting 0 0.00 0 0.00 28 43.93 3 3.16
Rubberised Coir 321 495.02 965 1560.76 897 1410.88 439 644.00
Powerloom Mats 2 3.15 234 278.36 161 225.25 266 347.95
Handloom Mats 24151 22810.10 22609 23623.82 25354 23946.91 16903 18423.18
Tufted Mats 37289 33572.91 43752 41776.39 41284 39725.96 38351 37178.49
Total 429501 111602.74 537040 147603.84 626666 163033.77 542806 143338.88
Unstarred Questions
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions219

Expansion of employment exchange for industries

562. SHRI A. U. SINGH DEO: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the number of employees and employers registered on Employment Exchange

for Industries and the number successfully matched as per requirements;

(b) whether Government plans to expand the scope of the exchange to the
services industry, if so, details thereof and timeline for the same, if not, reasons

(c) whether Government plans on charging for the services provided for the
website, if so, details thereof and its implications on the usage of the same; and

(d) whether Government has undertaken measures to ensure that skilled manpower
is provided to prospective employers through the employment exchange?


MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH): (a) 3,45,071 job seekers and
2933 employers have registered on the portal namely “Employment Exchange for
Industries” as on 25th April 2016. The main objective of the portal is to facilitate
matchmaking between job seekers and employers for their mutual benefits, and
as such no information on successful match between employees & employers is

(b) Presently, mainly the employers belonging to manufacturing sector are using
the information available on the portal. However, the employers from service sector
can also use the portal.

(c) No, Sir.

(d) The main objective of the portal is to facilitate matchmaking between

job seekers and employers for their mutual benefits. With the launch of “National
Career Service (NCS)” by Ministry of Labour & Employment, there is a need for
convergence of portal “Employment Exchange for Industries” with the “National
Career Service”.

Direct market intervention strategies for MSMEs

563. SHRI AVINASH PANDE: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is of the view that to strengthen the livelihood linkages
of MSMEs, direct market interventions strategies should be increasingly adopted;
220 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) if so, what efforts have been made by Government in this regard to tighten
these linkages; and

(c) what are the present mechanism available in India for MSMEs to handle
insolvencies and bankruptcies, with an appropriately structured social security base?


MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH): (a) to (c) Ministry of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has been providing subsidy under Credit
Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) and margin money subsidy through Prime
Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). Provision of subsidy
effectively lowers the cost of borrowing for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
thereby enhancing the viability and profitability of such enterprises. There are
several laws, at present, to handle insolvencies and bankruptcies. These include
Companies Act, 2013, Recovery of Debt Due to Banks and Financial Institutions
Act, 1993 (RDDBFI), The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets
and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI) and Sick Industrial
Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA). Insolvency of individuals is
covered under The Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, 1909, and Provincial Insolvency
Act, 1920. The existing mechanism involves time consuming processes. Therefore,
Government has introduced a comprehensive Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill, 2015
in the Parliament.

Promotion of rural industries in Madhya Pradesh

†564. DR. VIJAYLAXMI SADHO: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether steps are being taken to promote rural industries in the country;

(b) if so, the details of amount allocated, disbursed and spent during the last
three years for this purpose, State-wise and year-wise; and

(c) the details of various steps being taken to promote rural industries in Madhya



(b) State-wise and year-wise details of amount allocated, disbursed and spent
during the last three years for promotion of rural industries are given in the Statement
(See below).

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions221

(c) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) through Khadi
and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and Coir Board is implementing the
following Schemes to promote rural industries in the country including the State of
Madhya Pradesh:

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a credit

linked subsidy scheme, for setting up of new micro-enterprises and to generate
employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through KVIC,
State Khadi and Village Industries Board (KVIB) and District Industries Centre (DIC).
General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project
cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special
categories such as SC/ST/Women/PH/Minorities/Ex-Servicemen/NER, the margin money
subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is
` 25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and ` 10 lakh in the service sector.

Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) was

launched in 2005-06 for making Traditional Industries more productive and competitive
by organizing the Traditional Industries and artisans into clusters.

A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship

(ASPIRE) was launched on 18.3.2015 to promote Innovation and Rural Entrepreneurship
through rural Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI), Technology Business Incubator
(TBI) and Fund of Funds for start-up creation.

Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) – MDA Scheme of KVIC

has been modified as MPDA Scheme formulated as a unified scheme by merging
different schemes/sub-schemes/components of different Heads implemented in the
11th Plan, namely, Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market
Promotion. A new component of Infrastructure namely setting up of Marketing
Complexes/Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing net worth of
Khadi and Villages Products. Under the erstwhile MDA Scheme financial assistance
was distributed amongst Producing Institutions (30%), Selling Institutions (45%) and
Artisans (25%). Under the modified MPDA Scheme financial assistance is distributed
amongst Producing Institutions (20%), Selling Institutions (40%) and Artisans (40%).
This will lead to increase in the earnings of artisans.

Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at

concessional rate of interest through Banks as per the requirement of the Khadi
Institutions. The Institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest
charged by banks over 4% will be paid by Central Government through KVIC.
222 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans was introduced in 2008-09 to provide

financial assistance for construction of workshed to khadi artisans belonging to BPL
category through the khadi institutions with which the khadi artisans are associated.
This empowers khadi spinners and weavers to chart out a sustainable path for growth,
income generation and better work environment.

Strengthening infrastructure of weak Khadi institutions and assistance for

marketing infrastructure: This scheme provides need-based support towards the
Khadi sector for nursing the sick/problematic institutions elevated from “D” to “C”
category as well as those whose production, sales and employment have been declining
while they have potential to attain normalcy and to support creation of marketing
infrastructure in other identified outlets. Under this Scheme, financial assistance is
provided to existing weak Khadi institutions for strengthening of their infrastructure
and for renovation of selected Khadi sales outlets.

Coir Udyami Yojana (formerly known as REMOT Scheme) is a credit linked

subsidy scheme, which provides assistance for setting up of coir units with a maximum
cost of project upto ` 10 lakhs plus working capital, which shall not exceed 25%
of the project cost. The pattern of assistance is 40% as Government subsidy, 55%
as loan from Banks and 5% as beneficiary contribution. Scheme is open to all
individuals, companies, SHGs, NGOs, Institutes, etc.

Mahila Coir Yojana (a component of Coir Vikas Yojana-CVY) is an exclusive

skill development programme for rural women artisans in coir sector. Training is
provided in spinning of coir yarn/various coir processing activities. The scheme
envisages distribution of motorized ratts/motorized traditional ratts and other coir
processing equipments at 75% subsidy subject to a maximum amount of ` 7500/-
on successful completion of the training programme. During the training period, the
women artisans are given a stipend amounting to ` 1000/- per month. Coir Vikas
Yojana also includes Skill Development and Training Programme in coir sector,
Domestic and Export Market Promotion and Development of Production Infrastructure.

Coir S&T Scheme promotes scientific, technological and economic research

and development activities, developing new products and designs, marketing of coir
and coir products in India and abroad. It also promotes co-operative organisations
among producers and manufacturers of coir sector. Two research institutes viz.
Central Coir Research Institute (CCRI), Alleppey, and Central Institute of Coir
Technology (CICT), Bengaluru are undertaking research activities on different
aspects of coir industry.

State/UT-wise details of funds allocated, released and utilized for promotion of Rural Industries

State-wise Fund Allocated, Released and Utilized

(` in lakhs)
Written Answers to

Sl. State/UT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (Provisional)

No. Fund/MM Funds Funds Fund/MM Funds Funds Fund/MM Funds Funds
allocated/ Released Utilized allocated/ Released Utilized allocated/ Released Utilized
target target target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Jammu and 2983.59 2994.07 3226.20 2919.50 3368.84 3274.63 4006.80 4006.80 3781.19
[28 April, 2016]

2. Himachal Pradesh 1730.87 1742.71 1613.84 1687.45 2180.03 2237.73 1721.57 1721.57 1767.26
3. Punjab 2665.96 2993.38 2477.06 2711.49 2921.83 3190.88 3026.80 3026.80 2902.97
4. Chandigarh 304.74 202.70 59.11 287.99 0.00 61.46 90.00 90.00 87.72
5. Uttarakhand 1934.23 2246.04 2099.99 1882.35 2192.34 2153.32 1909.93 1909.93 1740.86
6. Haryana 2771.26 1550.64 2075.51 2716.36 3027.15 3012.98 3747.40 3747.40 3112.09
7. Delhi 1075.38 0.00 164.74 1061.04 0.00 189.24 257.35 257.35 254.05
8. Rajasthan 5554.14 3331.20 4064.94 5369.78 6502.50 5249.62 4188.14 4188.14 4384.07
9. Uttar Pradesh 13786.28 13988.57 15104.91 13339.41 16460.73 16937.53 17535.32 17535.32 14456.87
Unstarred Questions223
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10. Bihar 8675.93 8136.60 7725.19 8277.14 2768.30 4111.32 7118.59 7118.59 6588.55

11. Sikkim 584.56 0.00 108.09 541.34 0.00 33.52 227.38 227.38 186.11

12. Arunachal Pradesh 1852.57 963.25 889.42 1793.42 963.25 1004.99 200.08 200.08 38.85
224 Written Answers to

13. Nagaland 1705.43 1882.67 1125.77 1563.64 470.67 878.59 1255.83 1255.83 1392.81

14. Manipur 1557.67 1750.20 1591.34 1403.65 1750.20 1600.76 2855.92 2855.92 1213.98

15. Mizoram 1117.83 1210.87 886.40 1043.39 302.72 807.98 924.99 924.99 1026.35

16. Tripura 1163.93 1109.32 2225.25 985.02 1387.58 1333.65 2748.26 2748.26 945.84

17. Meghalaya 1333.04 759.19 600.13 1184.79 380.00 971.14 1250.62 1250.62 1056.12

18. Assam 6210.97 3619.41 7393.07 5388.75 4020.52 5397.01 4969.87 4969.87 2869.74

19. West Bengal 4627.57 6017.77 5596.72 4396.32 5873.93 6010.11 4765.49 4765.49 3400.65

20. Jharkhand 4738.31 4508.29 4533.11 4547.06 3270.10 2871.29 3462.64 3462.64 3559.74

21. Odisha 5854.95 3629.32 4075.76 5621.47 4032.37 3945.89 6282.00 6282.00 5736.32

22. Chhattisgarh 3623.56 2559.67 2118.61 3474.41 2152.09 2045.68 4303.8 4303.8 2829.38

23. Madhya Pradesh 8466.23 9038.13 7973.02 8182.74 10170.42 9241.70 7729.40 7729.40 8117.17

24. Gujarat and 4375.58 2522.22 4401.81 4346.72 5024.60 6200.52 6536.16 6536.16 6339.73
Dadra and Nagar
Unstarred Questions
25. Maharashtra and 6539.82 4327.19 4737.62 6299.38 7985.18 7843.81 9718.42 9718.42 5285.03
Dadra and Nagar
26. Andhra Pradesh 4829.17 3036.32 4610.54 2667.87 3522.14 3492.11 4496.85 4496.85 2262.37
27. Telangana 0.00 0.00 0.00 1954.44 2550.51 1889.35 2094.00 2094.00 2217.57
Written Answers to

28. Karnataka 4538.84 5295.41 7837.31 4512.99 5295.72 6479.10 10846.89 10846.89 5898.01
29. Goa 490.68 0.00 143.86 466.91 0.00 141.76 159.40 159.40 165.43
30. Lakshadweep 758.55 0.00 3.18 704.68 257.65 28.61 90.00 90.00 0.00
31. Kerala 2278.34 2710.19 2756.94 2306.51 2645.44 2679.28 2731.60 2731.60 2720.48
32. Tamil Nadu 4969.70 5839.78 5216.93 4974.91 5839.78 6733.89 7110.80 7110.80 5497.54
33. Puducherry 781.12 484.25 43.17 100.00 0.00 112.10 100.00 100.00 106.37
34. Andaman and 619.20 387.02 164.94 593.09 0.00 92.32 158.00 158.00 65.11
[28 April, 2016]

Nicobar Islands
Total 114500.00 98836.38 107644.48 109306.00 107316.59 112253.87 128620.30 128620.30 102006.33
Unstarred Questions225
226 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

National Small Industries Corporation in West Bengal

ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of works undertaken by National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) in West Bengal during last three years and the current year, district-wise;

(b) the details of funds allocated, released and utilised by the NSIC in West
Bengal during last three years and the current year, district-wise; and

(c) the details of people who have become entrepreneur or beneficiaries in West
Bengal with the help of NSIC during this period?


MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH): (a) The National Small Industries
Corporation Limited (NSIC), a public sector undertaking under the control of this
Ministry is offering industry oriented skill/entrepreneurship development programs
through Technical Centre at Balitikuri-Howrah. The Centre also provides common
facility services in Electrical Transmission Area and in Chemical and Physical Testing
to MSMEs through its NABL accredited labs. The details of activities undertaken
by NSIC during last three years are as under:

Activity 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Trainees Passed (Nos.) 746 1370 2626
MSME Served (Nos.) 653 775 835

In addition to above, NSIC has set up 6 NSIC-Technical Incubation Centres

(TICs) under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode in West Bengal State at Howrah,
Serampore, Chittaranjan, Kolkata and Murshidabad to impart training in entrepreneurship
building to the unemployed people during past three years. Centre-wise details of
number of persons passed out from these NSIC-TICs is as under:

(No. of persons pass out)

District 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Howrah 251 478 784
Kolkata 0 0 287
Serampore 17 22 0
Chittaranjan 20 10 6
Murshidabad 0 0 60
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions227

(b) NSIC implements two Schemes namely Performance and Credit Rating Scheme
and Marketing Assistance Scheme on behalf of Ministry of MSME, Government of
India. Funds utilized by NSIC under these schemes in the State of West Bengal
during past three years are as under:

(` in lakh)

Sl. No. Name of the scheme 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

1. Performance and Credit 608.09 616.32 414.55
Rating Scheme
2. Marketing Assistance 49.78 62.24 2.51

(c) The number of trainees having received employment/got engaged in self-

employment after training from the NSIC centers in West Bengal is as under:-

Years No. of beneficiaries

2013-2014 141
2014-2015 250
2015-2016 694

Staff crunch in CIC


to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Central Information Commission (CIC) is facing
acute staff crunch, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(b) whether the staff of CIC are being appointed through deputation of personnel
from other Ministries/Departments/Organisation only;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps taken/being taken to fill up these vacancies?


sanctioned posts in various categories in the Central Information Commission (CIC),
38 posts had been filled up by regular officers and staff through deputation and
direct recruitment. Balance posts have been filled-up on outsourced basis and through
contractual appointments till such time regular recruitments are made.
228 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) to (d) Filling-up of vacancies in various categories of posts in CIC is an

ongoing process.

As per the Recruitment Rules (RRs) of the CIC, certain percentage of the
sanctioned strength of various categories of posts is filled up on deputation basis
from other Ministries/Departments/Organisations. Advertisements are issued from time
to time by CIC to fill up the posts from deputation quota, as per procedure.

Further, appointments through direct recruitment to certain categories of posts

are done by placing indent with Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Disclosure of information under RTI

567. SHRI A. W. RABI BERNARD: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased

to state:

(a) whether ten years after the enactment of RTI Act, Government is still shying
away from proactively disclosing basic information about Government Ministries and
departments, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether Government has not been implementing this in true spirit and
the CIC data reveals that during 2014-15 out of 2030 registered public authorities,
806 did not update RTI manuals, disclosure webpage address for the last one year,
and about 358 out of 2030 public authorities have not uploaded RTI manuals and
mandatory disclosure at all; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken in this regard?


dated 15.04.2013 issued by the Government of India, the Ministries/Departments of
the Government of India and other Public Authorities are proactively working towards
suo-motu disclosure of information on their web-sites so as to reduce the need for
filing RTI applications.

(b) and (c) As per the Annual Report of the Central Information Commission
(CIC), 75.27% of the Public Authorities have filed their Annual Returns to the CIC
for 2014-15, which is higher than the figure of 72.54% for 2013-14, indicating an
improved compliance over the previous year.

With a view to maximize suo-motu disclosure by public authorities, Government

has issued guidelines to all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India on
15.4.2013. Government has further issued O.M. dated 29.06.2015 ensuring compliance
to the recommended measures for strengthening implementation of Section 4 of RTI
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions229

Act, by all public authorities. Another O.M. dated 9.7.2015 has been issued for
appointment of a nodal officer of the rank of Joint Secretary for implementation of
Section 4 of RTI Act.

The CIC has provided web based software known as RTI Annual Return
Information System for uploading annual return online at URL http://rtiaar.nic/

The CIC has, from time to time, issued letters to various defaulting Public
Authorities for submission of quarterly returns.

Reservation in promotion

to state:

(a) whether reservation quota on promotion is maintained and followed in all

categories of posts in the Central Government;

(b) whether Government has complied with the Supreme Court judgment order
dated 15th June, 2014 in CA No. 6046-6047 of 2004 regarding SO Departmental
examination 1996; and

(c) if so, whether all the ST/SC officials have fully benefited and the details of
consequential reliefs extended to the beneficiaries, including the action taken/being
taken so far, and if not, the reasons therefor?


of DoPT provide that reservation in promotion by non-selection method is available
to SCs and STs in all Groups i.e. Group A, B, C & D. In case of promotion by
selection method, reservation is available to SCs and STs upto lowest rung of Group
A. There is no reservation in promotion by selection within Group A. Reservation
in posts by promotion under the existing scheme is applicable in which the element
of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75%.

(b) and (c) In accordance with Supreme Court judgment dated 15.07.2014, results
of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 1996 for Section Officer grade were
revised by UPSC. Appellants, who were declared successful in the modified results
of SO LDCE 1996, were included in SOSL 1996 by this Department. Later the
benefit was extended to similarly placed SC/ST officers who were declared qualified
in the modified results of SO LDCE 1996. On their inclusion in SOSL 1996, these
officers have become eligible for consideration for promotion to the next grade (Under
230 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Secretary) on completion of eight years of approved service in SO grade i.e. they

become eligible for consideration in USSL 2004 onwards subject to the size of the
zone. A proposal for review of USSLs 2004 and 2005 has been forwarded to UPSC
in which these officers have been included in the zone.

Review of performance of public servants

569. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Ministry is aware that review of performance of public servants
occurs only after attaining age of 50 years or completion of 30 years of service;

(b) if so, the reasons for such a delay in reviewing performance and whether
Ministry is intending to undertake a half-yearly or even a yearly appraisal of public
servants; and

(c) the cadre-wise details of disciplinary cases separately showing cases pending for
over five and ten years along with submissions received from the Ministries/Departments
regarding the same during last two years and action taken against the same?


per Fundamental Rule (FR) 56 (j):

“The Appropriate Authority shall, if it is in the opinion that it is in the public

interest so to do, have the absolute right to retire any Government servant by
giving him notice of not less than three months in writing or three months’ pay
and allowances in lieu of such notice:
(i) If he is in Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’ service or post in a substantive, quasi-
permanent or temporary capacity and had entered Government service before
attaining the age of 35 years, after he has attained the age of 50 years.
(ii) in any other case after he has attained the age of fifty-five years”.

In addition, as per Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, at any time after a
Government servant has completed thirty years' qualifying service, he may be required
by the appointing authority to retire in the public interest, and in the case of such
retirement the Government servant shall be entitled to a retiring pension provided that
the appointing authority may also give a notice in writing to a Government servant
at least three months before the date on which he is required to retire in the public
interest or three months' pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.

Further, as per Rule 16(3) (amended) of the All India Services (Death-cum-
Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, the Central Government may, in consultation with
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions231

the State Government concerned, require a Member of the Service to retire from
Service in public interest, after giving such Member at least three month's previous
notice in writing or three month's pay and allowances in lieu of such notice,-
(i) after the review when such Member completes 15 years of qualifying
Service; or
(ii) after the review when such Member completes 25 years of qualifying Service
or attains the age of 50 years, as the case may be; or
(iii) if the review referred to in (i) or (ii) above has not been conducted, after
the review at any other time as the Central Government deems fit in respect
of such Member.

The above provisions have been reiterated from time to time and recently vide
DoPT’s O.M. No. 25013/02/2005-AIS-II dated 28.06.2012 and 03.08.2015, and O.M.
No. 25013/1/2013-Estt.A-IV dated 11.09.2015.

(c) Disciplinary cases are conducted as per prescribed procedures. Normally, the
details and monitoring of disciplinary cases is to be done by the respective cadre
authorities. The Central Government has also from time to time been stressing on
the need to complete disciplinary cases expeditiously and monitoring the same.

Installation of largest telescope in Ladakh


TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether Ladakh is going to be the site for world’s largest telescope project;

(b) if so, the details in this regard and the role of the Ministry in installing
this telescope; and

(c) what are the benefits that would accrue to the Ladakh region and the country
as a whole by installation of this telescope?


TECHNOLOGY (SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY): (a) and (b) Sir, Hanle-Ladakh is one
of the potential alternate sites for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), which will be
the world’s largest telescope. Mauna Kea in Hawaii, USA is the present site for the
TMT Project. Due to a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Hawaii revoking
the construction permit on procedural grounds, the construction work at this site is
stalled. Efforts are being made by TMT authorities to resolve the matter which is
expected to take some time. However, keeping in view the huge investments and
efforts involved in this project, alternate sites are being explored both in Northern
232 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

and Southern Hemispheres. Hanle, Ladakh is one of the potential alternate sites
for this project which is being evaluated for hosting the telescope. India is a 10%
partner in the project. The Ministry of Science and Technology, through Department
of Science and Technology (DST) is funding this project in association with the
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

(c) The construction phase of the project will last for 8-10 years followed by
its installation. The telescope is expected to be operational for at least 50 years
post-installation. This mega project requires a large number of work force and other
resources. In case, Hanle, Ladakh is selected as the site for this project, some of
these requirements may be met from the Ladakh region. It is expected that the project
shall improve employment opportunities for the local people besides development
of the region. TMT being the largest optical and infrared telescope in the Northern
Hemisphere will strengthen the domestic programme of the country in this field and
lead to several discoveries which will inspire future generations. The project will
also help develop state-of-the-art high end technologies and expertise in the country.

Melting of Himalayan glaciers

TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly; if so, the details thereof
and reasons therefor;

(b) the impact of rapid melting of glaciers on the local area and the country;

(c) whether Government has conducted any study in this regard and if so, the
details thereof; and

(d) the outcome of the study along with the steps taken by Government to
prevent further melting of Himalayan glaciers?


TECHNOLOGY (SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY): (a) and (b) No Sir, Studies carried
out by various scientific groups in the Himalayas have revealed that the Himalayan
glaciers are retreating in general but not at a rapid pace. The rate of melting/recession
varies from glacier to glacier depending on its topography and climatic variability of
the region. However, the glaciers in the Eastern and Central part of Indian Himalaya
are continuously retreating whereas some of the glaciers in Western part of Himalaya
are reported to be advancing. There is no abnormal trend of melting documented
during the last few decades.

(c) Does not arise.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions233

(d) Efforts are underway for regular monitoring of glacier dynamics, snow and
glacier melting, geometrical changes and climate studies on the Himalayan glaciers.
A Number of glaciers have already been taken up for long term measurements
on glacier-climate interaction in the different part of Indian Himalaya by several
Government agencies like Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), Geological
Survey of India (GSI), Space Application Centre (SAC), Snow and Avalanche Study
Establishment (SASE) and many other Institutions, Universities. Department of Science
and Technology has also established a ‘Centre for Glaciology’ for human resource
development and to carryout cutting edge research on Himalayan glaciers.

Work packages for climate change studies

572. SHRI C. P. NARAYANAN: Will the Minister of SCIENCE AND

TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether scientists working at Institute "CSIR-NGRI" had submitted two

Work Packages in Project "Vulnerability Assessment and Development of Adaptation
Strategies for Climate Change Impact with Special Reference to Coast and Island
Ecosystems of India (VACCIN)";

(b) if so, whether an amount of ` 92.8 lakhs was granted to above Institute
for period 2015-16 to implement said work packages;

(c) if so, whether above work packages are related to climatic reconstruction
studies using coral reef records and estimates Sea-Level Rise with Global Navigation
Satellite System (GNSS) and Subsidence studies that lead to Global Climate
Changes; and

(d) if so, whether the funds were utilized and if not, the reasons therefor?


TECHNOLOGY (SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY): (a) to (c) Yes, Sir.

(d) No, Sir. The funds could not be utilized during 2015-16. The project,
"Vulnerability Assessment and Development of Adaptation Strategies for Climate
Change Impact with Special Reference to Coasts and Island Ecosystems of India
(VACCIN)" is in CSIR network mode and there are partner Laboratories [CSIR-
NEERI; CSIR-NGRI; and CSIR-NIO]. The work packages in the said Laboratories
are being pursued according to the objectives in place. The CSIR-NGRI, a partner in
the project had faced manpower issue due to superannuation of Principal Investigators,
which is being addressed.
234 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Achievement of skill development targets

573. SHRI A. U. SINGH DEO: Will the Minister of SKILL DEVELOPMENT

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has achieved its skill development targets in the last three
years, particularly under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, if so, details thereof, if
not, the reasons therefor and action Government plans to undertake to remedy the same;

(b) the number of students who completed skill development training and have
received both certificates and monetary rewards under the different skill development
schemes introduced by Government; and

(c) whether Government plans to implement skill development training through

universities, if so details thereof and the number of universities that have agreed,


Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) was formally launched by the Hon’ble Prime
Minister on 15th July, 2015 initially for one year with a target of imparting skill
training to 14 lakhs fresh entrants and certifying 10 lakhs existing workforce under
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). As on 25th April, 2016, 17.93 lakh candidates
have been enrolled and 17.58 lakh training completed. The details are given in
Statement-I (See below).

(b) As on 26th April, 2016, 5.91 lakh candidates have been certified and reward
money disbursed to 2.11 lakh candidates.

(c) The NSDC has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with

31 universities for collaborating in skill development and leveraging existing
infrastructure for skill training. The State-wise details of such universities are given in
Statement-II (See below).


Details of candidates enrolled and trained under PMKVY

Sl. Name of State Total Total Training Total

No. Enrolled Completed Certified
1 2 3 4 5
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 194 194 16
2. Andhra Pradesh 123826 122866 43281
3. Arunachal Pradesh 1017 1017 75
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions235

1 2 3 4 5
4. Assam 31224 30783 1217
5. Bihar 89566 87159 22190
6. Chandigarh 4795 4649 1895
7. Chhattisgarh 36691 35528 10110
8. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 258 258 34
9. Daman and Diu 230 230 43
10. Delhi 75051 72632 25507
11. Goa 499 499 64
12. Gujarat 43544 42251 11704
13. Haryana 81611 79983 26466
14. Himachal Pradesh 22738 22573 9557
15. Jammu and Kashmir 17913 17505 4003
16. Jharkhand 26488 25609 8526
17. Karnataka 73494 73004 21419
18. Kerala 14689 14587 4121
19. Madhya Pradesh 159086 156096 47831
20. Maharashtra 84454 81766 27524
21. Manipur 1328 1328 564
22. Meghalaya 1661 1661 10
23. Mizoram 1030 1012 0
24. Nagaland 1271 1271 244
25. Odisha 56822 55924 15217
26. Puducherry 7070 7010 3409
27. Punjab 72413 69295 23533
28. Rajasthan 112452 111235 40300
29. Sikkim 886 859 237
30. Tamil Nadu 151591 150244 64393
31. Telangana 97933 96475 39443
32. Tripura 14018 13958 5002
33. Uttar Pradesh 256279 252304 78189
34. Uttarakhand 13675 13573 5047
35. West Bengal 118045 113397 36093
Total 1793842 1758735 577264
236 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


The details of universities with which NSDC has signed MoUs

Sl. No. State Name of University

1. Maharashtra Savitribai Phule University of Pune
2. New Delhi University of Delhi
3. New Delhi IILM
4. Haryana Maharshi Dayanand University
5. Haryana Amity University, Gurgaon
6. Uttar Pradesh Gautam Budh University
7. Uttar Pradesh Sharda University
8. Rajasthan Manipal University, Jaipur
9. Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education, Karnataka
10. Odisha Centurian University
11. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Open University
12. Tamil Nadu Vel-Tech University
13. Punjab Punjab University Chandigarh
14. Punjab Punjabi University, Patiala
15. Punjab Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar
16. Punjab Lovely Professional University
17. Punjab Sh. Guru Granth Sahib World University,
Fatehgarh Sahib
18. Punjab Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (Bhatinda)
19. Punjab Chitkara University, Rajpura (Patiala)
20. Punjab Adesh University Bhatinda
21. Punjab Desh Bhagat University Mandi Gobindgarh
22. Punjab DAV University, Jalandhar
23. Punjab Chandigarh University Gharaun (Mohali)
24. Punjab GNA University Phagwara
25. Punjab Rayat and Bahra University Kharar
26. Punjab Baba Bhag Sigh University Jalandhar
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions237

Sl. No. State Name of University

27. Sikkim Sikkim Manipal University
28. Assam Krishna Kanta Handigue State Open University
29. Assam Guwahati University
30. Assam Dibrugarh University
31. Arunachal Pradesh Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical
Sciences University

Skill universities for job hopefuls

574. SHRI AAYANUR MANJUNATHA: Will the Minister of SKILL


(a) whether Government has prepared a roadmap to enhance skill levels of

millions of people who join the queue of job hopefuls every year, if so, the details
of the plan prepared therefor;

(b) whether there is any plan to set up skill universities to develop large number
of qualified instructors, reform and reorient existing industrial training institutes;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the locations identified therefor; and

(d) whether Government also proposes to integrate skill enhancement and

entrepreneurship in the syllabi at the school level, if so, the details thereof?


Development has been identified by the Government as a priority area. To evolve
appropriate skill development framework and removal of disconnect between the
demand for and supply for skilled manpower through vocational and technical
training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has been
constituted by the Government on 9th November, 2014. MSDE has taken several
major policy interventions and initiatives for creating a vibrant skill eco-system
in the Country and scaling the skilling with speed, standards and sustainability.
This includes:
(i) The National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015 provides
an umbrella framework to all skilling activities including skill development
scheme/programme being carried out within the country.
(ii) National Skill Development Mission which seeks to converge, coordinate,
implement and monitor skilling activities on a pan-India basis;
238 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(iii) Common Norms for all skill development programmes across Central
(iv) National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) to organize qualifications
according to series of level of knowledge, skills and aptitude.
(v) Strategic partnerships have also been undertaken between MSDE and other
Ministries/Departments in the Central Government, to collaborate on scaling up
skill training activities in specific sectors and leveraging existing infrastructure.
(vi) MSDE has also signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with Germany,
United Kingdom (UK), China and Australia, to scale up apprenticeships
support, training of trainees, curriculum development, ensure benchmarking
of standards and create Centres of Excellence in skill training across the

Further, Government had constituted a Working Group to explore the feasibility

for setting up of National Skills Universities across the Country which can function
as reputed national institutes responsible for aggregating skill development effort
through implementation of a credible, aspirational and nationally acceptance skill
training system. The Working Group submitted its report along with the draft Bill.
The draft Bill is under inter-Ministerial consultation.

Further, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to

introduce a course on entrepreneurship for the senior school classes in the affiliated
schools of the Board.

Vocationally trained people

575. SHRI K. R. ARJUNAN: Will the Minister of SKILL DEVELOPMENT

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the number of vocationally trained people in India
is only 5.3 per cent; and

(b) if so, what are the steps taken by Government to increase this percentage?


fact that majority of the workforce in the Country has undertaken informal skilling,
up-skilling and re-skilling. Formal skill training has been taken by not more than
5 per cent of the total workforce of the Country. To evolve appropriate skill development
framework and removal of disconnect between the demand for and supply of skilled
manpower through vocational and technical training, Ministry of Skill Development
and Entrepreneurship has been constituted by the Government on 9th November, 2014.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions239

The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has been set up as a

Public Private Partnership entity to promote private training providers to set up
skill development centres across the Country. The skill development centres run by
these private training providers provide the training programme in various sectors
like Agriculture, Automobile, Building and Construction, Capital Goods, Gems and
Jewellery, IT & ITES, etc.

Besides, to enable and mobilize a large number of youth to take up outcome

based skill training and earn their livelihood, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
(PMKVY) has been launched by the Government on 15th July, 2015 which has the
target to benefit 24 lakh persons across the Country with training of 14 lakh fresh
entrants and certification of 10 lakh persons under Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL) within one year. It is a skill certification and reward scheme wherein trainees
after their successful assessment and certification, get monetary reward through direct
bank transfer to their account. NSDC is the implementing agency for PMKVY. As on
26th April, 2016, 19.71 lakh candidates have been enrolled for vocational training and
19.38 lakh candidates completed training under different sectors across the Country.

In addition, there are 13,105 Industrial Training Institutes (Government 2293 and
Private 10812) are affiliated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
in the Country. Duration of trades in ITIs varies from 6 months to 2 years. As
per information available on National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) web
portal, 9,37,809 new trainees in year 2014 and 10,73,265 new trainees in the year
2015 got admission for skill training.

Synergy between skills and careers

576. SHRI K. R. ARJUNAN: Will the Minister of SKILL DEVELOPMENT

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Union
Government's top leadership met corporate heads and big business CEOs to lay the
strategy on how to build the perfect synergy between skills and careers, if so, what
is the outcome?


Conclave on Skills” was organized by the Government on 12th January, 2016 at
Mumbai with the objective to secure greater industry participation in skill development.
The conclave brought together industry leaders and professionals and Government
onto one platform to deliberate on important issues related to skill development
in India. The challenges and opportunities of skill development in India were
discussed elaborately in the conclave. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for skill
240 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

development, adoption of ITIs by industry, corporate skill excellence centres in PPP

mode, training of trainers, central mechanism of skill certification, etc. were some
of the issues discussed and broad consensus was reached with a positive response
from Industry.

National Board for Skill Development Certification


AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has decided to set up the National Board for Skill
Development Certification on the lines of a similar board for education to set
standards, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether the proposed National Board will decide the curriculum, the mode of
examination and certification at different levels of training to bring about uniformity
across the Board, if so, the details thereof?


has announced establishment of a National Board for Skills Assessment and Certification
in the Budget Speech 2016-17. The Board will be an autonomous professional body
responsible for conducting examinations, assessments and awarding national level
certificates in compliance with National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) for
skill development courses in the country.

Aajeevika skills for girls in Puducherry


AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that not even a single girl was given training under
Aajeevika Skills in 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 in Puducherry;

(b) if so, what are the reasons therefor;

(c) the percentage of skilled girls in Puducherry out of the total population and
how the Ministry is trying to provide them employment opportunities; and

(d) the details of physical and financial targets set and achieved in three years
preceding 2013-14?


Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions241

Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (erstwhile Aajeevika Skills) is a placement

linked skill development programme being undertaken for rural poor youth. It is
undertaken in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode with Project Implementing
Agency (PIA) registered with the Ministry of Rural Development. During the years
2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, no skill development under the scheme was undertaken
in Puducherry since projects had been completed in 2012-13 and no new projects
commenced thereafter. Against the target of skilling 793 candidates in Puducherry,
a total of 731 candidates were trained in FY 2012-13.

Funds for skill development scheme in Bihar

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government has talked about providing employment
to the unemployed under the Skill Development Scheme, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the amount allocated to Bihar under the skill development scheme in the
budget of 2016-17 and the places where its centres have been opened in Bihar and
the number of youths likely to get employment through these centres, the details


has introduced Common Norms across all Skill Development Schemes being
implemented by different Ministries/departments of Government of India with effect
from 01.04.2016. The Common Norms provide for employment of at least 70% of
successfully certified trainees under Central Skill Development Schemes/Programs.

(b) The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has Pradhan Mantri
Kaushl Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) which is the flagship Skill Development Scheme of
the Government to enable and mobilize youths to take up skill training and earn
their livelihood. The scheme targets to impart skill training to 14 lakh youths and
certify 10 lakh persons under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). PMKVY is being
implemented by National Skill Development Corporation in States/UTs including
Bihar. Under PMKVY a monetary award is directly credited to the bank account of
trainees upon their successful training and assessment, and thus State-wise allocation
is not made. Under PMKVY, there are 283 training centers operational in Bihar with
89566 persons trained as on 25.04.2016.
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
242 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Skill development courses in polytechnics

and engineering colleges

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) efforts being made by the Ministry to incorporate skill development courses
in polytechnics and engineering colleges; and

(b) whether any consultations have been held with the All India Council of
Technical Education (AICTE) in this regard, if so, the details thereof?


Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is working meticulously with All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to utilize the existing spare infrastructure/
capacities of AICTE approved engineering colleges/polytechnics for conducting National
Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) compliant National Council for Vocational
Training (NCVT) courses/short term skill courses under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). Already closed Engineering colleges/polytechnics may apply
directly for affiliation to run above courses.

A Committee has been constituted by AICTE for feasibility study for utilization
of the surplus infrastructure of engineering colleges/polytechnics for running NSQF
compliant NCVT courses.

(b) A “Consultative Workshop on Skill Development in Polytechnics and

Engineering Colleges” with all stake holders was held on 27th February, 2016
in Vigyan Bhawan at New Delhi. Minister of State (I/C), Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship and Chairman of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)
were also present in the above workshop.

Kaushal Vikas Training Camps




pleased to state:

(a) the number of Kaushal Vikas Training Camps organised under the Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana in the country till date;

(b) the number of candidates enrolled under the scheme and number of candidates
who have been/are being given skill training, State-wise; and
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions243

(c) the steps taken by Government to create job avenues in the country for this
skilled workforce?


approach viz. Skill Melas for awareness building and mobilization is an integral part
of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). The Training Partners conduct
Kaushal Melas across the constituencies for candidate mobilization with the involvement
of local State and district Governments as well as Member of Parliament to ensure
greater outreach and ownership. Efforts are being made to ensure the coverage of
the scheme across 543 constituencies in India.

(b) Details of candidates enrolled under the PMKVY Scheme, as on 26th April,
2016 are given in Statement (See below).

(c) The Government has taken a number of policy initiatives towards employment
generation. The Make in India initiative aims to facilitate investment, enhance skill
development, and build best in class manufacturing infrastructure and convert India
into a manufacturing hub of the world. MUDRA bank, Digital India, Single Window
Clearance, Smart Cities, Start up India, etc. would boost economic growth and


Details of candidates enrolled under the PMKVY Scheme as on 26th April, 2016

States Total Enrolled

Fresh Training
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 194
Andhra Pradesh 123886
Arunachal Pradesh 1017
Assam 31224
Bihar 89566
Chandigarh 4795
Chhattisgarh 36691
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 258
Daman and Diu 230
Delhi 75051
Goa 499
244 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

States Total Enrolled

Gujarat 43544
Haryana 81611
Himachal Pradesh 22738
Jammu and Kashmir 17913
Jharkhand 26488
Karnataka 73494
Kerala 14689
Madhya Pradesh 159086
Maharashtra 84454
Manipur 1328
Meghalaya 1661
Mizoram 1030
Nagaland 1271
Odisha 56822
Puducherry 7070
Punjab 72413
Rajasthan 112452
Sikkim 886
Tamil Nadu 151591
Telangana 97933
Tripura 14018
Uttar Pradesh 256279
Uttarakhand 13675
West Bengal 118045
Total 1793902
Recognition Prior Learning (RPL)
Andhra Pradesh 6524
Assam 2103
Bihar 2738
Chandigarh 181
Chhattisgarh 814
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions245

States Total Enrolled

Delhi 28410
Gujarat 675
Haryana 4999
Himachal Pradesh 153
Jammu and Kashmir 398
Jharkhand 1903
Karnataka 3103
Kerala 650
Madhya Pradesh 9041
Maharashtra 24654
Manipur 275
Odisha 4466
Puducherry 231
Punjab 12093
Rajasthan 20405
Tamil Nadu 17322
Telangana 10819
Tripura 1122
Uttar Pradesh 12923
Uttarakhand 143
West Bengal 11028
Total 177173

Up skilling through Sector Skill Councils


AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether the National Skill Development Corporation Board considered up-
skilling of programmes under the Skill India Campaign by approving more Sector
Skill Councils, if so, details thereof; and

(b) whether the present Sector Skill Councils deliberated on formulating a

curriculum framework that is able to absorb the dynamic and up-skilling challenges
of the emerging forth industrial revolution, if so, the details thereof?
246 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Development Corporation (NSDC) has approved 40 Sector Skill Councils covering all
the priority sectors, major unorganized segments and sectors with large workforce.
List of existing Sector Skill Councils is given in the Statement (See below). There
is no proposal for creation of additional Sector Skill Councils at present.

(b) Sector Skill Council are mandated to develop curriculum framework that
is able to absorb the dynamic skilling/up-skilling challenges of their sectors. Sector
Skill Councils have released more than 1600 Qualification Packs for job roles across
31 Sectors developed in consultation with Industry. These standards are inputs for
designing curriculums for training to ensure their conformity with industry requirements.
Moreover, Sector Skill Councils have released Model curriculum documents aligned
to National Standards for 250 job roles.


List of approved Sector Skill Councils

Sl. No. Name of the Sector Skill Councils

1. Automotive Skills Development Council
2. Security Sector Skill Development Council
3. Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India
4. IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council
5. Media and Entertainment Skills Council
6. Rubber Skill Development Council
7. Healthcare Sector Skill Council
8. Gems and Jewellery Skill Council of India
9. Electronic Sector Skill Council of India
10. Agriculture Skill Council of India
11. Telecom Sector Skill Council of India
12. Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Sector Skill Council
of India
13. Leather Sector Skill Council
14. Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative
15. Logistics Skill Council
16. Indian Plumbing Skills Council
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions247

Sl. No. Name of the Sector Skill Councils

17. Capital Goods Skill Council
18. Construction Skill Development Council of India
19. Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council
20. Aviation and Aerospace Sector Skill Council
21. Indian Iron and Steel Sector Skill Council
22. Power Sector Skill Council
23. Skill Council for Mining Sector
24. Textile Sector Skill Council
25. Apparel, Madeups and Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council
26. Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill Council
27. Handicrafts and Carpets Sector Skill Council
28. Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council
29. Infrastructure Equipment Skill Council
30. Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Sector Skill Council
31. Hydro Carbon Sector Skill Council
32. Chemical and Petro Chemical Sector Skill Council
33. Paints and Coatings Skill Council
34. Skill Council for Green Jobs
35. Skill Council for PwD
36. Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council
37. Furniture and Fittings Skill Council
38. Instrumentation, Automation, Surveillance and Communication Sector Skill
39. Strategic Manufacturing Sector Skill Council
40. Management and Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills Council

NGOs associated with skill development

583. SHRI K. K. RAGESH: Will the Minister of SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND

ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether any Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) are associated with

various skill development programmes under the Ministry;

(b) if so, names of such NGOs and courses offered by each NGOs State-wise; and
248 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) how many beneficiaries have got benefited from such skill trainings so far;


Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojana (PMKVY) which is the flagship Skill Development Scheme of the Government
to enable and mobilize youths to take up skill training and earn their livelihood. The
scheme targets to impart skill training to 14 lakh youths and certify 10 lakh persons
under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). PMKVY is being implemented through
training providers affiliated to NSDC/SSCs. Organizations including Non Government
Organizations (NGOs) willing to participate in PMKVY can do so by getting affiliated
with NSDC/SSCs as per the guidelines/criteria laid down in the scheme.

At present, PMKVY is being implemented by 1149 training partners with 12174

training centres across 29 States and 6 Union Territories covering 607 Districts across
the country. So far, 17.92 lakh students have been enrolled under PMKVY. A State
wise list of students trained under PMKVY is given in the Statement (See below).

In addition, in order to promote skill development eco-system in the country the

NSDC provides financial assistance including soft loan to private entities/organizations.
NSDC has disbursed soft loan amounting to ` 495.01 crore to 157 training partners
during the last three years (2013-16).


Details of candidates enrolled, training completed and certified, under PMKVY

Scheme as on 25th April, 2016, are as follows:

State Total Total Trainings Total

Enrolled Completed Certified
1 2 3 4
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 194 194 16
Andhra Pradesh 123826 122866 43281
Arunachal Pradesh 1017 1017 75
Assam 31224 30783 1217
Bihar 89566 87159 22190
Chandigarh 4795 4649 1895
Chhattisgarh 36691 35528 10110
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 258 258 34
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions249

1 2 3 4
Daman and Diu 230 230 43

Delhi 75051 72632 25507

Goa 499 499 64

Gujarat 43544 42251 11704

Haryana 81611 79983 26466

Himachal Pradesh 22738 22573 9557

Jammu and Kashmir 17913 17505 4003

Jharkhand 26488 25609 8526

Karnataka 73494 73004 21419

Kerala 14689 14587 4121

Madhya Pradesh 159086 156096 47831

Maharashtra 84454 81766 27524

Manipur 1328 1328 564

Meghalaya 1661 1661 10

Mizoram 1030 1012 0

Nagaland 1271 1271 244

Odisha 56822 55924 15217

Puducherry 7070 7010 3409

Punjab 72413 69295 23533

Rajasthan 112452 111235 40300

Sikkim 886 859 237

Tamil Nadu 151591 150244 64393

Telangana 97933 96475 39443

Tripura 14018 13958 5002

Uttar Pradesh 256279 252304 78189

Uttarakhand 13675 13573 5047

West Bengal 118045 113397 36093

Total 1793842 1758735 577264

250 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Education for tribals and forest dwellers question


AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has any plan to provide education for the upliftment
of a large section of uneducated persons particularly tribals/forest dwellers of the
country under the skill development scheme;

(b) if so, details of the work carried out the syllabus-wise, programme-wise and

(c) the details of number of people got benefited under this scheme in each
year during last three years; and

(d) details of the expenditure incurred under this programme State-wise and


Ministry has not launched any specific scheme for Skill Development for Tribals
and Forest Dwellers in the Country. However, there are over 18 Central Ministries/
Departments including Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
involved in the implementation of more than 40 Schemes for various skill development
programmes including those for skill development of tribals.

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides financial assistance to State Governments

for various income generation and Skill Development Programmes and creation of
infrastructure under Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP)
which directly benefits the tribals. Broad activities supported by the Ministry are
as follows:

Building skill for the job market outside and rural non-farm sector, Ministry has
been supporting skill development activities for both male and female tribal youth in a
wide gamut of trades such as (i) Office Management (ii) Solar Technician / Electrician
(iii) Beautician (iv) Handicraft (v) Skills required for day to day construction works
(such as Plumbing, Mason, Electrician, Fitter, Welder, Carpenter (vi) Refrigeration
and A/C Repairing (vii) Mobile Repairing (viii) Nutrition (ix) Ayurvedic and Tribal
Medicines (x) IT (xi) Data Entry (xii) Fabrication (xiii) Paramedics and Home Nurse
Training (xiv) Automobile Driving and Mechanics (xv) Electric and Motor Winding
(xvi) Security Guard (xvii) Housekeeping and Management (xviii) Retail Management
(xix) Hospitality (xx) Eco-Tourism (xxi) Adventure Tourism.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions251

Details showing amount released for carrying out skill development/vocational

training among STs along with number of beneficiaries covered during last three
years is given in the Statement.


A. Funds released for Skill Development, Vocational Training etc. and

No. of Beneficiaries under SCA to TSP during 2013-14

Sl. Name of State Funds Released No. of

No. (` in lakh) Beneficiaries
1 2 3 4
1. Andhra Pradesh 289.45 1450
2. Arunachal Pradesh 0.00 0
3. Assam 436.00 1744
4. Bihar 0.00 0
5. Chhattisgarh 1920.23 16070
6. Goa 0.00 0
7. Gujarat 2257.00 12000
8. Himachal Pradesh 234.68 600
9. Jharkhand 0.00 0
10. Karnataka 0.00 0
11. Kerala 54.52 420
12. Madhya Pradesh 500.00 2575
13. Maharashtra 1931.30 5518
14. Manipur 12.00 60
15. Meghalaya 0.00 0
16. Mizoram 0.00 0
17. Nagaland 0.00 0
18. Odisha 1100.50 8000
19. Rajasthan 500.00 2333
20. Sikkim 44.00 220
21. Tamil Nadu 66.40 475
22. Telangana 0.00 0
23. Tripura 0.00 0
252 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4
24. Uttar Pradesh 0.00 0
25. Uttrakhand 139.59 708
26. West Bengal 1862.00 10150
Total 11347.67 62323

B. Funds released for Skill Development, Vocational Training etc. and

No. of Beneficiaries under SCA to TSP 2014-15

Sl. Name of State Fund Released No. of

No. (` in lakh) Beneficiaries
1 2 3 4
1. Andhra Pradesh 487.82 1623
2. Bihar 250.00 800
3. Chhattisgarh 2029.56 6500
4. Gujarat 4620 10216
5. Himachal Pradesh 241.58 2500
6. Jharkhand 3492.96 11500
7. Karnataka 900.00 3000
8. Kerala 530.00 3028
9. Madhya Pradesh 8057.55 25000
10. Maharashtra 1100.00 3600
11. Manipur 150.00 3000
12. Odisha 4584.47 10000
13. Rajasthan 1650.00 8500
14. Sikkim 60.00 616
15. Tripura 1038.50 1400
16. Uttar Pradesh 536.92 1700
17. West Bengal 3110.00 10300
18. Arunachal Pradesh 100.00 320
19. Meghalaya 500.00 1650
20. Mizoram 53.36 175
21. Telangana 1750.00 5800
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions253

1 2 3 4
22. Assam 1699.25 5600
23. Nagaland 355.00 1175
Total 27496.97 118003

C. Funds released for Skill Development, Vocational Training etc. and

No. of Beneficiaries under SCA to TSP 2015-16

Sl. Name of State Fund Released No. of

No. (` in lakh) Beneficiaries
1. Andhra Pradesh 300.00 700
2. Arunachal Pradesh 230.00 700
3. Assam 1800.00 6000
4. Bihar 750.00 2500
5. Chhattisgarh 1000.00 4000
6. Goa 175.00 400
7. Gujarat 2500.00 8000
8. Himachal Pradesh 175.00 400
9. Jharkhand 1240.00 3500
10. Jammu and Kashmir 500.00 1700
10. Karnataka 1800.00 6400
11. Kerala 550.00 1800
12. Madhya Pradesh 3300.00 10000
13. Maharashtra 1977.18 6590
14. Manipur 200.00 665
15. Mizoram 100.00 500
16. Nagaland 300.00 1000
17. Odisha 3194.59 10640
18. Rajasthan 2675.00 7800
19. Sikkim 215.00 715
20. Telangana 1300.00 3800
21. Tripura 290.00 1000
22. Uttar Pradesh 290.00 965
24. West Bengal 2063.58 6875
Total 26925.35 86650
254 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Implementation of welfare schemes

for elderly persons

EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the number of senior citizens in the country is
going to increase from 10.50 crore to around 15 crore by 2021;

(b) whether several welfare schemes meant for elderly have become non-
operational and defunct over the years due to lack of concern and lethargy towards
this section of the population; and

(c) if so, the details of the steps taken by Government to strengthen and ensure
proper implementation of welfare schemes meant for elderly population?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): (a) Yes, Sir. The projected population aged
60+ for the year 2016 and 2021 (as on 1st March) as per the May 2006 report of
the Technical Group on Population Projections constituted by the National Commission
on Population published by the Office of the Registrar General of India, is as under:

Population in crores
Year Persons Male Female
2016 11.81 5.81 5.99
2021 14.32 7.06 7.26

(b) and (c) No, Sir. Since 1992, this Ministry is implementing a Central Sector
Scheme of Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP), under which financial
assistance, in the form of grants-in-aid is given to Panchayati Raj Institutions/Local
Bodies, Non-Governmental Voluntary Organisations, Institutions or Organisations
set up by Government as autonomous/subordinate bodies, Government Recognized
Educational Institutions, Charitable Hospitals/Nursing Homes, and Recognized Youth
Organisations such as Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) etc. for running and
maintenance of, inter-alia, Old Age Homes, Day Care Centres, Mobile Medicare
Units etc. In exceptional cases such financial assistance is also provided to the State
Governments/UT Administrations.

Rupees 27.58 crores have been released to the NGOs during the financial year
2015-16 under the IPOP Scheme.

This Ministry has taken following steps to strengthen and ensure proper
implementation of welfare schemes meant for elderly persons:-
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions255

(i) Proposals of NGOs for release of grant-in-aid are considered on the basis
of recommendations of the State Governments/UTs, Satisfactory reports of
inspection carried out annually and completeness of the proposal in all respect
as per the norms and guidelines of the Scheme.
(ii) Subsequent grant are released to the implementing agencies only on receipt
of audited statement of accounts and utilization certificates of the grants
received in the previous year.
(iii) Further, to bring about transparency and timely disposal of cases of release
of funds, while sanctioning the grants to NGOs, this Ministry has started
processing of proposals online from 2014-15.

The Government of India announced the National Policy on Older Persons

(NPOP), 1999. The Policy envisages State support to ensure financial and food
security, healthcare, shelter and other needs of older persons, equitable share in
development, protection against abuse and exploitation, and availability of services
to improve the quality of their lives.

Subsequently, the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act
was passed in 2007 to ensure need based maintenance for parents and senior citizens
and their welfare. The Act provides for maintenance of parents/senior citizens by
children/relatives obligatory and justiciable through Tribunals; revocation of transfer
of property by senior citizen in case of negligence by relatives; penal provision for
abandonment of senior citizens; establishment of Old Age Homes for indigent senior
citizens; adequate medical facilities and security for senior citizens and protection
of life and property.

Demand for eradication of manual scavenging

586. DR. PRADEEP KUMAR BALMUCHU: Will the Minister of SOCIAL

JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Association of Safai Karmachari has met Hon'ble
Prime Minister and demanded eradication of manual scavenging, if so, the details

(b) whether they have staged a dharna at Jantar Mantar demanding eradication
of manual scavenging, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken by Government for alleviation of their problems?


256 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) No communication has been received by this Ministry in this regard. However,
it has been reported in the media that a dharna was held at Jantar Mantar, New
Delhi on 13.04.2016 by Safai Karamcharis on the occasion of culmination of their
“Bhim Yatra”.

(c) As regards steps taken by the Government to address the problems of manual
scavengers, Parliament has enacted “The Prohibition of Employment as Manual
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 (MS Act, 2013)” in September, 2013,
which has come into force with effect from 06.12.2013 in whole of the country,
except Jammu and Kashmir. This Act intends to, inter-alia, achieve the following
(i) Eliminate the Insanitary Latrines
(ii) Prohibit:—
(a) Employment as Manual Scavengers.
(b) Hazardous Manual Cleaning of Sewer and septic tanks.
(iii) Survey of Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation.

The Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers has

been revised as per the provisions of MS Act, 2013 to provide rehabilitation to the
identified manual scavengers. The benefits under the scheme include onetime cash
assistance of ` 40000/- each, skill development training with stipend of ` 3000/- per
month and loans at concessional rate of interest and with capital subsidy for taking
up alternative self employment projects. of the 12,226 manual scavengers reported
by the States, 10,031 identified manual scavengers have been paid onetime cash
assistance of ` 40,000/- each upto 18.04.2016. In addition, financial assistance for
comprehensive rehabilitation has been provided to 97 manual scavengers and proposal
for skill development training for 2390 candidates have been sanctioned.

Closure of Government run hostels for SC and OBC


AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) how many Government run hostels are there in the country, State-wise;

(b) whether Government has any proposal to close down hostels being run for
SC and OBC students in the country; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State-wise?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): (a) Under this Ministry’s Scheme
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions257

‘Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojna (BJRCY)’, Central Assistance is provided to

various implementing agencies viz. State Governments/UT Administrations, Central/
State Universities, NGOs and Deemed Universities in private sector for construction
of fresh hostel buildings/expansion of existing hostel facilities for Scheduled Caste
students. State-wise details of hostels sanctioned under the Scheme during the last
three years are given in the Statement (See below).

This Ministry also implements another Scheme, namely, ‘Construction of

Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls’, wherein Central Assistance is provided to various
implementing agencies for construction of hostels for Other Backward Classes students.
State-wise details of hostel sanctioned under this Scheme during the last three years
is are given in Statement (See below).

Running/maintenance of the hostels is the responsibility of the concerned

implementing agencies.

Many agencies in Central and State Governments run hostels in the country.
However, this Ministry does not keep a record of all such Government run hostels.

(b) and (c) No proposal to close down any SC or OBC hostel has been received
in the Ministry.


State-wise details of hostels sanctioned under the Scheme

Sl. No. States/UTs Scheduled Castes Hostels OBC Hostels

1. Andha Pradesh 6 0
2. Assam 3 0
3. Bihar 1 0
4. Chhattisgarh 0 10
5. Gujarat 1 0
6. Haryana 5 0
7. Himachal Pradesh 3 0
8. Jammu and Kashmir 1 1
9. Jharkhand 0 0
10. Karnataka 4 0
11. Kerala 1 0
12. M.P. 11 6
258 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. States/UTs Scheduled Castes Hostels OBC Hostels

13. Maharashtra 12 0
14. Manipur 10 1
15. Meghalaya 0 0
16. Mizoram 0 0
17. Nagaland 0 0
18. Odisha 1 0
19. Punjab 6 0
20. Rajasthan 13 0
21. Sikkim 2 4
22. Tamil Nadu 0 25
23. Tripura 1 1
24. Uttar Pradesh 1 5
25. Uttarakhand 0 0
26. West Bengal 11 4
27. Chandigarh 0 0
28. Delhi 0 0
29. Puducherry 0 0
30. Central Uniersities 0 31
Total 93 88

Facilities for differently-abled

AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the various facilities at prisons, jails and court premises such as
toilets, jail, vans, and the court and prison premises are differently-abled friendly;

(b) the number of police stations, prisons and courts in the country where
facilities for the differently-abled are provided, the details, State-wise; and

(c) whether there are gaps in the current prison and judicial System for accused
persons who are differently-abled and if so, the details thereof?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI KRISHANPAL GURJAR): (a) to (c) “Prisons” and “Police
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions259

Stations” is a State subject. Therefore, the administration and management of prisons

and police stations is primarily the responsibility of the State Government.

The Government has ratified the United Nations Convention on Rights of

Persons with Disabilities in 2007. Section 46 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 mandates the
appropriate Government and the local authorities to provide for ramps in public
buildings, adaptable toilets for wheel chair users, Braille symbols and auditory signals
in elevators and lifts so as to provide easy accessibility to persons with disabilities
in the built environment. Further, the Government has launched the Accessible India
Campaign with a view to create barrier free environment for persons with disabilities
in physical environment, transportation and information communications.

Employment to beggars


JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state the steps being taken by
Government to provide employment to the beggars and for their rehabilitation, the
details thereof, State-wise?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): The States are responsible for taking
necessary preventive and rehabilitative steps. As per available information, 20 States
and 2 Union Territories have either enacted their own Anti-Beggary Legislation or
adopted legislations enacted by other States/UTs. Presently, there is no scheme of
the Central Government on Beggary. National Consultation Meeting were held with
the representatives of Central/State Governments, NGOs, Institutes and Individual
Experts in the field of Beggary to discuss the issues related to Beggary. In these
meetings, it was inter-alia, recommended to explore the feasibility of framing a Central
Scheme for rehabilitation of Beggars. Accordingly, a Scheme for Protection, Care and
Rehabilitation of Destitutes is under formulation which has, inter-alia, provision for
providing skill development training to the able bodied destitutes.

Atrocities cases against dalits


EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of cases of atrocity against Dalits that have been registered in
the country and the action taken on them, the State-wise data thereof;

(b) the number of cases registered under the new law; and
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
260 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) the number of cases of atrocity against Dalits that have surfaced in the
educational institutions?


India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, since the subject matter of criminal
offences against members of the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes
(STs), including those under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrocities){PoA} Act, 1989, is allocated to the Ministry of Home
Affairs (MHA), the data in regard to offences under the PoA Act is generated
and provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), MHA. The latest
data provided by the NCRB pertains to calendar year 2014, according to which
the number of cases registered during 2014 in regard of offences of atrocities
against members of SCs under the PoA Act in conjunction with the IPC was
40,300, the State/UT-wise details are given in the Statement-I (See below).
Likewise, the number of such cases disposed of by courts during 2014 is given
in the Statement-II (See below).

Since ‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects under the Seventh Schedule
(List-II) to the Constitution of India, the State Governments and Union Territory
Administrations are primarily responsible for prevention, detection, registration,
investigation and prosecution of crimes within their jurisdiction including crimes
against members of SCs and STs. As such the responsibility for implementation
of the PoA Act also lies primarily with State Governments/Union Territory
Administrations. They are, however, addressed from time to time to implement
provisions of the PoA Act in letter and spirit.

(b) With an objective to deliver members of SCs and STs, a greater justice as
well as be an enhanced deterrent to the offenders, the Principal Act namely the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
has been amended by the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention
of Atrocities) Amendment Act, 2015 (No.1 of 2016), and enforced with effect
from 26.01.2016. This is, however, not construed as creation of a new statute
but is only an amendment to the aforesaid Principal Act. As mentioned in answer
to part (a) of the Question, the latest data relating to cases registered under the
PoA Act, as provided by NCRB, is up to the year 2014.

(c) The data in regard to atrocity against Dalits in the educational institutions
is not available.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions261


Details of number of cases registered under the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) [PoA] Act, 1989, in regard
of offences of atrocities against members of SCs, in conjunction
with the IPC, during the year 2014.

Sl. States/UT Number of cases registered during 2014 under the

No. PoA Act, in regard of offences of atrocities against
members of SCs, in conjunction with the IPC
1 2 3
1. Andhra Pradesh 2104
2. Arunachal Pradesh 0
3. Assam 02
4. Bihar 7874
5. Chhattisgarh 359
6. Goa 12
7. Gujarat 1075
8. Haryana 444
9. Himachal Pradesh 113
10. Jharkhand 903
11. Karnataka 1865
12. Kerala 712
13. Madhya Pradesh 3294
14. Maharashtra 1763
15. Manipur 01
16. Meghalaya 0
17. Mizoram 0
18. Nagaland 0
19. Odisha 1657
20. Punjab 123
21. Rajasthan 6734
22. Sikkim 03
23. Tamil Nadu 1486
262 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3
24. Telangana 1427
25. Tripura 01
26. Uttar Pradesh 8066
27. Uttarakhand 60
28. West Bengal 130
29. Andaman and 0
Nicobar Islands
30. Chandigarh 01
31. Dadra and Nagar 0
32. Daman and Diu 0
33. Delhi 86
34. Lakshadweep 0
35. Puducherry 05
Total 40,300
Note: The PoA Act does not extend to State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Source: National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs.

Details of number of cases disposed of by courts under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities)
{PoA} Act, 1989, in regard of offences of atrocities against members of SCs, in conjunction with the IPC, during the year 2014

Sl. State/UT No. of cases Disposal of cases by Court

Written Answers to

No. in courts
No. of cases No. of cases No. of cases Cases No. of cases
disposed of ending in ending in compounded or pending with the
during the conviction during acquittals withdrawn Courts at the end
year the year of cases during the of the year
disposed of year of cases
disposed of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Andhra Pradesh 2967 797 41 (5.1) 756 (94.9) 102 2068 (69.7)
2. Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0
[28 April, 2016]

3. Assam 1 0 0 0 0 1 (100)
4. Bihar 20389 1513 101 (6.7) 1412 (93.3) 69 18807 (92.2)
5. Chhattisgarh 1303 196 52 (26.5) 144 (73.5) 0 1107 (84.9)
6. Goa 32 1 1 (100) 0 0 31 (96.9)
7. Gujarat 6660 732 26 (3.6) 706 (96.4) 3 5925 (89)
8. Haryana 866 437 55 (12.6) 382 (87.4) 0 429 (49.5)
9. Himachal Pradesh 294 44 9 (20.5) 35 (79.5) 9 241 (82)
10. Jharkhand 1404 232 60 (25.9) 172 (74.1) 1 1171(83.4)
Unstarred Questions263
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Karnataka 6178 947 39 (4.1) 908 (95.9) 21 5210 (84.3)

12. Kerala 1702 155 25 (16.1) 130 (83.9) 0 1547 (90.9)

13. Madhya Pradesh 13576 2936 1492 (50.8) 1444 (49.1) 273 10367 (76.3)
264 Written Answers to

14. Maharashtra 7345 769 59 (7.6) 710 (92.3) 6 6570 (89.4)

15. Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0

16. Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0

17. Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0

18. Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0

19. Odisha 7708 1181 23 (1.9) 1158 (98.1) 0 6527 (84.7)


20. Punjab 187 50 6 (12) 44 (88) 0 137 (73.2)

21. Rajasthan 12799 1691 750 (44.4) 941 (55.6) 99 11009 (86)

22. Sikkim 4 2 2 (100) 0 0 2 (50)

23. Tamil Nadu 5016 1108 81(7.3) 1027 (92.7) 0 3908 (77.9)

24. Telangana 2142 413 37 376 82 1647 (76.9)

25. Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0

26. Uttar Pradesh 28323 3304 1843 (55.8) 1461 (44.2) 26 24993 (88.2)
Unstarred Questions
27. Uttarakhand 124 28 8 (28.6) 20 (71.4) 0 96 (77.4)

28. West Bengal 314 55 1 (1.8) 54 (98.2) 0 259 (82.5)

29. Andaman and 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nicobar Islands
Written Answers to

30. Chandigarh 4 1 0 1 (100) 0 3 (75)

31. Dadra and Nagar 4 0 0 0 0 4 (100)


32. Daman and Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0

33. Delhi 176 35 5 (14.3) 30 (85.7) 0 141 (80.1)

34. Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
[28 April, 2016]

35. Puducherry 8 0 0 0 0 8 (100)

Total 119526 16627 4716 (28.4) 11911 (71.6) 691 102208 (85.5)
Note : (i) The PoA Act does not extend to the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(ii) Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages.
Unstarred Questions265
266 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

National commission for safai karamcharis


AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the National Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK) is presently
functioning under Government;

(b) till which date its validity is there; and

(c) whether Government has any plan to extend the period of NCSK?



(b) and (c) The term of the National Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK)
has been extended for a further period of three years i.e. from 1.4.2016 to 31.3.2019
vide Resolution No.17015/18/2015-RIC dated 31.3.2016.

De-addiction centres opened under CSS in Maharashtra


AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of de-addiction centres opened under the Centrally Sponsored
Schemes (CSS), the details thereof, State-wise; and

(b) whether Government is planning to open more de-addiction centres in

Maharashtra and if so, the funds allocated for this project, the details thereof?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): (a) and (b) The Ministry implements
a “Central Sector Scheme of Assistance for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance
(Drug) Abuse” under which financial assistance is provided to Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs), Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies etc. for,
inter-alia, running and maintenance of Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts
(IRCAs). During the last financial year, the Screening Committee in the Ministry
has approved three new proposals of Maharashtra.

The State–wise number of IRCAs being supported by the Ministry under the
Scheme, including Maharashtra, is given in the Statement.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions267


State-wise number of IRCAs being supported by the Ministry

State-wise Number of Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts (IRCAs) run

by NGOs being supported under the Scheme of Assistance for Prevention of
Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse

Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Number of IRCAs

1. Andhra Pradesh 11
2. Bihar 12
3. Chhattisgarh 2
4. Goa 1
5. Gujarat 8
6. Haryana 11
7. Himachal Pradesh 2
8. Jammu and Kashmir 1
9. Jharkhand 2
10. Karnataka 36
11. Kerala 24
12. Madhya Pradesh 18
13. Maharashtra 67
14. Odisha 34
15. Punjab 35
16. Rajasthan 16
17. Tamil Nadu 29
18. Telangana 9
19. Uttar Pradesh 30
20. Uttarakhand 4
21. West Bengal 12
22. Chandigarh 0
23. Delhi 6
24. Puducherry 1
25. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0
268 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Number of IRCAs

26. Lakshadweep 0

27. Daman and Diu 0

28. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0

29. Arunachal Pradesh 1

30. Assam 17

31. Manipur 21

32. Meghalaya 2

33. Mizoram 10

34. Nagaland 5

35. Tripura 0

36. Sikkim 1

Total 428

De-addiction centres in border districts


JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) how many existing de-addiction centres in India are there exclusively for
children and women funded by the Ministry;

(b) the nature of drug problem in the border districts of India-Pakistan and India
Myanmar; and

(c) whether there are any drug treatment centres available for the drug
affected population in those districts, funded by Ministry and if not, the reasons


AND EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): (a) Ministry of Social Justice
and Empowerment has been implementing the Scheme of Prevention of Alcoholism
and Substance (Drug) Abuse since 1985-86. Under this scheme, financial assistance
is provided to Voluntary Organizations and other eligible agencies for setting up/
running Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs). At present this
Ministry supports about 428 de-addiction centres in the country out of which four
are exclusively for women.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions269

(b) and (c) Firm data is not available with regard to drug problem in the border
districts of India-Pakistan and India-Myanmar. The number of drug de-addiction
centres presently being supported by the Ministry in the border districts of these
two countries are as follows:

India - Pakistan India - Myanmar

Punjab Manipur

(a) Amritsar - 3 (a) Churchandpur - 4

(b) Gurdaspur - 3 (b) Chandel - 1

(c) Firozpur - 2 (c) Ukhrul - 1

d) Pathankot - 2

(e) Fazilka - 2 Mizoram

Rajasthan (a) Aizawl - 1

(a) Bikaner - 2 (b) Lunglei, Mizoram - 1

(b) Sriganganagar - 2

(c) Jaisalmer - 1

(d) Jalore - 1


(a) Palanpur - 1

Jammu and Kashmir

(a) Jammu - 1

Census of widows and destitute women

594. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has done any survey and research in the recent times
to have a census of widows, destitute women and aged women population in the
country, if so, details thereof;

(b) whether Government is implementing any special schemes for the benefit of
widows, destitute women and aged women in the country;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the total funds allocated in the last three years,
year-wise in various States/UTs for the various such schemes; and
270 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(d) whether Government has created any exclusive Financial Corporation to

benefit the widows, destitute women and aged women, if so, the details thereof?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) The details of number of widows and female
aged 60 years and above as per Census 2011, as provided by Registrar General of
India, are given in the Statement-I (See below).

(b) A Scheme Swadhar was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child
Development in 2001-2002 for rehabilitation of women in difficult circumstances.
The Scheme is being implemented through Social Welfare/Women and Child Welfare
Department of State Government. Women’s Development Corporations, Urban Local
Bodies, reputed Public/Private Trust or Voluntary Organisations, The Short Stay
Home Scheme which is similar in nature as Swadhar Scheme in being implemented
through Central Social Welfare Board since 1969. Now, the Scheme Swadhar and
Short Stay Homes have been merged and revised as “Swadhar Greh” Scheme. The
revised financial norms are effective from 1.1.2016.The Ministry of Social Justice
and Empowerment is also implementing a Central Sector Scheme of Integrated
Programme for Older Persons (IPOP) under which grant-in-aid are given for running
and maintenance of inter-alia, Old Age Homes, Day Care Centers, Mobile Medicare
Units Multi Facility Care Centre for Older Widows etc. The main objective of the
scheme is to improve the quality of life of Older Persons by providing basic amenities
like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities etc. Implementing
agencies eligible for assistance under the Scheme are Panchayati Raj Institutions/
Local Bodies, Non-Governmental Voluntary Organizations, Institutions or Organizations
set up by Government as autonomous/subordinate bodies, Government Recognized
Educational Institutions, Charitable Hospitals/Nursing Homes, and Recognized Youth
Organizations such as Nehru Yuvak Kendra Sanghathan (NYKS) and in exceptional
cases the State Government/UT Administrations.

(c) Details of Swadhar Shelter Homes and Short Stay Homes showing funds
released during the last three years are given in the Statement-II and III (See below).
Details of total number of projects of Multi Facility Care Centre for Older Widows
assisted, funds released during the last three years in respect of Multi Facility Care
Centre for Older Widows are given in the Statement-IV.

(d) No, Sir.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions271


Details of number of widows and females aged 60 years and above Census 2011

India/States/UTs Females
Widows Aged 60 and above
1 2 3
India 43261478 52777168
State - Jammu and Kashmir (01) 283650 440076
State - Himachal Pradesh (02) 293475 362134
State - Punjab (03) 928158 1422155
State - Chandigarh (04) 24496 32245
State - Uttarakhand (05) 387215 458912
State - Haryana (06) 773297 1105134
State - NCT of Delhi (07) 456613 570690
State - Rajasthan (08) 1983634 2679875
State - Uttar Pradesh (09) 4856188 7402771
State - Bihar (10) 2238793 3600552
State - Sikkim (11) 13717 18280
State - Arunachal Pradesh (12) 31787 30450
State - Nagaland (13) 39496 47947
State - Manipur (14) 77990 100225
State - Mizoram (15) 28569 34283
State - Tripura (16) 164969 147624
State - Meghalaya (17) 84825 71963
State - Assam (18) 1156042 1023727
State - West Bengal (19) 3792184 3891068
State - Jharkhand (20) 1027878 1174933
State - Odisha (21) 1612627 1990178
State - Chhattisgarh (22) 973787 1075750
State - Madhya Pradesh (23) 2160609 2943760
State - Gujarat (24) 2015742 2540958
State - Daman and Diu (25) 6816 6488
272 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3
State - Dadra and Nagar Haveli (26) 7378 7533

State - Maharashtra (27) 4520764 5853226

State - Andhra Pradesh (28) 4297481 4371913

State - Karnataka (29) 2989429 3043960

State - Goa (30) 77935 89180

State - Lakshadweep (31) 2448 2596

State - Kerala (32) 2010984 2309798

State - Tamil Nadu (33) 3856398 3848532

State - Puducherry (34) 73579 67017

State - Andaman and Nicobar Islands (35) 12525 11235


Funds released under Swadhar Scheme during last three years

(` in lakhs)

Sl. Name of States Amount Amount Amount

No. released released released
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

1 2 3 4 5

1. Andhra Pradesh 88.51 184.77 93.78

2. Assam 112.96 97.98 128.91

3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0 0 0

4. Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0

5. Bihar 0 33.01 0

6. Chandigarh 0 0 0

7. Chhattisgarh 7.11 7.17 7.00

8. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0

9. Daman and Diu 0 0 0

10. Delhi 0 0 0
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions273

1 2 3 4 5

11. Gujarat 44.46 27.75 19.20

12. Goa 0 0 0

13. Haryana 21.98 9.07 0

14. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0

15. Jharkhand 21.40 7.79 28.58

16. Jammu and Kashmir 0 20.23 5.99

17. Karnataka 293.17 270.96 268.04

18. Kerala 15.61 16.10 20.79

19. Lakshadweep 0 0 0

20. Madhya Pradesh 126.93 114.58 76.12

21. Maharashtra 321.02 301.49 279.06

22. Mizoram 3.10 8.64 2.51

23. Manipur 165.14 148.52 106.63

24. Meghalaya 0 0 0

25. Nagaland 0 0 0

26. Odisha 465.96 16.20 104.86

27. Punjab 1.60 1.80 0

28. Puducherry 0 0 0

29. Rajasthan 47.53 58.65 23.35

30. Sikkim 0 0 0

31. Tamil Nadu 101.82 120.63 38.53

32. Telangana 0 0 74.85

33. Tripura 0 0 0

34. Uttar Pradesh 402.73 144.39 247.03

35. Uttarakhand 48.39 0 60.91

36. West Bengal 73.73 128.81 74.18

Total 2363.15 2018.55 1660.32

274 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Fund released under Short Stay Home Scheme during last three years

(` in lakhs)

Sl. Name of States Amount Amount Amount

No. released released released
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

1 2 3 4 5
1. Andhra Pradesh 340.07 33.17 85.23
2. Assam 108.85 116.29 90.36
3. Andaman and Nicobar Island 0 0 0
4. Arunachal Pradesh 14.96 9.28 8.52
5. Bihar 51.73 217.99 51.74
6. Chandigarh 2.28 5.01 4.46
7. Chhattisgarh 17.45 35.44 23.06
8. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0
9. Daman and Diu 0 0 0
10. Delhi 14.71 18.63 2.71
11. Gujarat 20.2 21.41 8.69
12. Goa 4.37 7.03 0.19
13. Haryana 34.50 9.98 7.63
14. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0
15. Jharkhand 15.04 8.16 10.70
16. Jammu and Kashmir 12.19 11.98 6.03
17. Karnataka 311.63 246.54 14.60
18. Kerala 31.68 40.60 15.26
19. Lakshadweep 0 0 0
20. Madhya Pradesh 148.45 139.29 114.55
21. Maharashtra 272.29 275.42 126.91
22. Mizoram 7.92 4.68 9.02
23. Manipur 60.26 40.16 42.17
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions275

1 2 3 4 5
24. Meghalaya 0 0 0
25. Nagaland 14.63 7.76 6.19
26. Odisha 312.94 309.37 173.43
27. Punjab 23.01 14.82 11.29
28. Puducherry 2.23 10.07 2.32
29. Rajasthan 28.85 23.44 19.88
30. Sikkim 4.84 5.83 3.87
31. Tamil Nadu 333.37 343.57 234.21
32. Telangana - - 130.14
33. Tripura 37.45 44.24 23.85
34. Uttar Pradesh 344.38 342.27 249.49
35. Uttarakhand 49.21 63.99 42.13
36. West Bengal 240.44 281.89 146.76
Total 2860.05 2987.31 1810.16

Details of grants released to the NGOs for the project of Multi Facility Care Centres for Older Widowed Women (MFCC)
under the Scheme of Integrated Programme for Older Persons during the last three from 2012-13 to 2014-15

(` in lakhs)

Sl. States/UTs 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

276 Written Answers to

No. of No. of Funds No. of No. of Funds No. of No. of Funds
Beneficiaries MFCC released Beneficiaries MFCC released Beneficiaries MFCC released
of MFCC assisted of MFCC assisted of MFCC assisted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

ROC States

1. Andhra Pradesh 0 0 0 100 2 13.93 0 0 0

2. Bihar 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

3. Chhattisgarh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

4. Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

5. Gujarat 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

6. Haryana 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

7. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

8. Jammu and Kashmir 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

9. Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0
Unstarred Questions
10. Karnataka 100 2 13.94 150 3 15.37 0 0 0

11. Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

12. Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0 50 1 1.44 50 1 6.97

13. Maharashtra 200 4 27.57 250 5 20.07 50 1 12.96

Written Answers to

14. Odisha 50 1 6.97 200 4 19.82 50 1 6.97

15. Punjab 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

16. Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

17. Tamil Nadu 50 1 6.59 50 1 1.44 50 1 6.91

18. Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

19. Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

20. West Bengal 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

[28 April, 2016]

21. Andaman and 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0
Nicobar Islands

22. Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

23. Dadra and Nagar 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0


24. Daman and Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

25. Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

Unstarred Questions277
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

26. Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

27. Puducherry 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

NE Region States
28. Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0
278 Written Answers to

29. Assam 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

30. Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

31. Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

32. Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

33. Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

34. Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0


35. Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

Total 400 8 55.07 800 16 72.07 200 4 33.81

Unstarred Questions
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions279

Assistance to de-addiction centres

†595. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH MAHRA: Will the Minister of SOCIAL

JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number and locations of de-addiction centres being run in Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi;

(b) whether the Ministry provides regular financial assistance to these de-addiction

(c) if so, the amount released to these centres during the financial year 2013-14,
2014-15 and 2015-16, centre-wise; and

(d) whether the financial assistance along with arrears would be provided in
future to those de-addiction centres which could not be provided financial assistance
in the above financial year and if not, the reasons therefor?


EMPOWERMENT (SHRI VIJAY SAMPLA): (a) to (c) This Ministry implements a
“Central Sector Scheme of Assistance for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance
(Drugs) Abuse and for Social Defence Services”. The Scheme has provision of financial
assistance to Non-Governmental Organizations, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local
Bodies etc. for, inter-alia, running and maintenance of Integrated Rehabilitation Centres
for Addicts (IRCAs) and to provide composite/integrated services for the rehabilitation
of the addicts. Proposals of NGOs for release of grant-in-aid are considered on
the basis of recommendation of the State Governments/UTs, satisfactory reports of
inspection carried out annually and completeness of the proposal in all respects as
per the norms and guidelines of the Scheme. Subsequent grants are released to the
implementing agencies only on receipt of audited statement of accounts and utilization
certificates of the grants received in the previous year.

The details of IRCAs running in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh,

Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi and grant in aid released to them during the financial
year 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 are given in the Statement (See below).

(d) Financial assistance including arrears to the eligible de-addiction centres are
provided in accordance with guidelines of the Scheme and as per the provisions of
General Financial Rules, 2005.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.


State/UT-wise list of IRCAs received grant in aid under the scheme of assistance for prevention of alcoholism
and substance (Drugs) abuse during the year 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16
(` in lakhs)

Sl. Name of the State/UT Name and address of the NGO Project location Year
280 Written Answers to

No. 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Delhi Bharatiya Parivardhan Sanstha, De-addiction Centre at 20.63 5.95 16.51
D-I, Basti Vikas Kendra, Nand Nand Nagri
Nagri, Delhi-93

2. 2 Manav Paropkari Sanstha 1259, De-addiction Centre-2 29.78 9.68 9.32

Sector-A, Pocket B, (at Mahipalpur and

Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-70 Khanpur)

3. 3 Samaj Sewa Sangh, N-69/10, De-addiction Centre at 7.66 0.00 7.65

Gali No. 16, Brahmapuri, Delhi Brahmapur

4. 4 Society for Promotion of Youth De-addiction Centre 13.53 18.13 11.29

and Masses, B-5, 3054, and RRTC at Vasant
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Kunj

5. 5 Muskan Foundation, De-addiction Centre at 4.98 17.25 7.36

Vikas Puri, New Delhi Dwarka, New Delhi
Unstarred Questions
6. Himachal Pradesh Gunjan Organisation for De-addiction Centre at 22.28 19.2 24.96
Community Development, Kullu and RRTC at
Manikaran Road, Bhunter, Dharamshala
Distt Kullu, H.P.
Written Answers to

7. 2 Indian Red Cross Society, Red De-addiction Centre 0.00 4.75 0.00
Cross Building, Kangra (Dharmsala)
Dharamsala- 176115

8. Jammu and Kashmir J&K Society for the Promotion De-addiction Centre at 0.00 23.10 4.97
of Youth and Masses, Vill. Jammu
Pukhroo, Akhnoor Road,

9. Uttar Pradesh Akhil Bharatiya Mahila Udyog De-addiction Centre at 0.00 0.00 0.00
[28 April, 2016]

Kalyan and Shiksha Samiti, Noida

B-12A, Dhawalgiri, Sector-34,

10. 2 Archna Mahila Kalyan Samiti, De-addiction Centre at 18.86 0.00 18.92
Abhipur, Post Bhanmau, Barabanki

11. 3 Association for Social Health in De-addiction Centre at 8.04 6.02 9.89
India, 180, Agarwal Complex, Meerut
Delhi Road, Meerut, UP-250002
Unstarred Questions281
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12. 4 Bhagirath Sewa Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 4.49 12.61 8.17
R-10/144, New Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad
Pin-201002, Ghaziabad, UP

13. 5 Bharitya Samaj Sewa Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 7.39 11.08 9.95
282 Written Answers to

439/109, Siddharth Building, Lucknow

In front of Dr. Manju Tandan,
Nursing Home, Hardoi Road,
Thakurgan, Lucknow-226003, UP

14. 6 Gangasukh Gramodhyog Vikas De-addiction Centre at 8.38 7.20 0.00

Sanstha, 484, Chahbai, Bareily Bareily

15. 7 Gramotthan Jan Sewa Sansthan, De addiction Centre at 11.10 15.6 0.00
82-B/4, Rasulabad Allahabad, UP Bharwari, Koshambi

16. 8 Hasrat Mohani Charitable Society, De-addiction Centre 0.00 4.12 0.00
88/441, Humanyun Bagh, Kanpur Kanpur

17. 9 Jan Kalyan Sewa Samiti, De-addiction Centre, 14.78 20.59 9.95
28, Adarsh Vihar, Bye-pass Kanpur and Unnao
Road, Harjendra Nagar, Kanpur

18. 10 Khandwari Devi Shiksha Prasar De-addiction Centre at 17.66 4.26 13.58
Samiti, Vill. and PO: Chauaniya, Varanasi
Distt.: Chandauli, UP
Unstarred Questions
19. 11 Lakshya Service Foundation, De-addiction Centre at 0.00 18.42 4.33
Village Manduaiah, P.O. Varanasi
Manduaiah, (Near Police
Station), Varanasi-221103
Written Answers to

20. 12 New Bharat Shikshan Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 4.33 0.00 0.00
Nawabganj, Dist-Gonda, Balrampur
Uttar Pradesh
21. 13 Nirvana, D-2059, Indira Nagar, De-addiction Centre at 7.03 12.97 0.00
Lucknow-226016 Bareily
(Centre at Bareily)
22. 14 Parakh, Vill.- Tharbilar, PO: Pindi, De-addiction Centre-2 20.91 6.97 0.00
Karchhana, Distt.: Allahabad, Pin (at Sonebhadra and
- 212301, UP Chitrakoot)
[28 April, 2016]

23. 15 Prerna Samiti, Chinhat, Faizabad De-addiction Centre at 7.21 11.35 11.49
Road, (Near Goyal Sheet Grah), Lucknow
24. 16 Ratan Gram Vikas Samiti, De-addiction Centre at 15.71 3.92 0.00
Jahidpur, Post Office Shahbad, Rampur
25. 17 Sarvajanik Shiksha Samiti, De-addiction Centre at 0.00 0.00 0.00
565/180 Pooran Nagar Alambagh, Lucknow
Unstarred Questions283
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
26. 18 Sarvajanik Shikshonnyan Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 0.00 12.18 0.00
Numias Chauraha, M.G. Road, Hardoi
27. 19 Shakti Sadhana Sansthan, Moh.: De-addiction Centre at 15.72 7.41 13.47
284 Written Answers to

Tareenpur, Near Idgah, Sitapur, Sitapur

Pin-261001, UP
28. 20 Shanti Sarvodaya Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 7.21 10.81 0.00
Shantigunj Tarabganj Road, Gonda Gonda
29. 21 Smt. Kaushalya Devi Purva De-addiction Centre at 10.40 15.58 4.64
Madyamic Vidhayalaya, Shivpur Etawah
Timrua Hadoi, Etawah

30. 22 Social Welfare Organisation, De-addiction Centre at 0.63 0.00 15.63

Teachers Colony Road, Lallababu Bulandsahar
Churaha, Bulandshahr
31. 23 Vaishnavi Foundation, Village De-addiction Centre at 18.86 4.71 0.00
Jamua P.O Pawari via Mirzapur
Zari Allahabad, U.P-212106
32. 24 Basudev Tiwari Sewa Sansthan, De-addiction Centre at 8.65 8.17 0.00
10/184, Raghaw Nagar, Gorakhpur
Deoria-274001, UP
Unstarred Questions
33. 25 Umakand Service Founsrion De-addiction Centre at 0.00 0.00 10.01
34. Uttarakhand Himalyan Gramodyog Vikas De-addiction Centre at 8.65 7.68 3.84
Sansthan, Hospital Road, Lunthura, Pithoragarh
Written Answers to

Near Lunthora Dhara, Pithoragarh,

Uttarakhand, Pin-262501
35. 2 NIRVAN–A Social Welfare De-addiction Centre-2 25.13 0.00 7.8
Organization, D-2059, Indira (at Haldwani and
Nagar, Lucknow-226016, UP Haridwar)
36. 3 Samagra Gramin Vikas Samiti, De-addiction Centre at 0.00 9.42 9.43
Gwaldam, Distt. Chamoli Chamoli
[28 April, 2016]
Unstarred Questions285
286 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Preparation of space policy

596. SHRI A. U. SINGH DEO: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether a space policy has been prepared, if so, the details thereof and
timeline for the same, if not, the reasons therefor;

(b) whether India has put forth its agenda in the discussion to create international
norms and rules for space activities, if so, the details thereof and if not, reasons therefor;

(c) whether Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in outer space would be allowed,
if so, the details thereof and if not, reasons therefor; and

(d) whether a tri-service aerospace command is expected to be developed and

introduced to increase coordination among military and civilian departments, if so,
the details thereof and time line for the same, if not reasons therefor?


SINGH): (a) The Department of Space has policy guidelines approved by the Cabinet in
terms of Remote Sensing Data Policy-2011 (RSDP-2011) and Satellite Communication
Policy-1997 (SATCOM Policy-1997). RSDP-2011 contains modalities for managing
and/or permitting the acquisition/dissemination of remote sensing data in support of
developmental activities. SATCOM Policy-1997 was followed by a detailed norms
and guidelines to address use of INSAT/GSAT system by private users, for managing
INSAT/GSAT system, establishing Indian Satellite System by private entities.

Also, the Department of Space is currently engaged in preparation of National

Space Act for India for supporting the overall growth of space activities, with enhanced
level of private sector participation and offering more commercial opportunities. After
consultations with internal experts and experts on space law, a draft version has
been prepared. Currently, approval process for pre-legislative consultations on the
draft space act is being pursued.

(b) No, Sir. However, ISRO has been engaged in a few multilateral negotiation
processes under various international and UN forums, in order to protect the interests
of the nation in its pursuance of space activities. These multilateral negotiation
processes include International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities (led by
European Union), formulation of a set of guidelines for Long Term Sustainability of
Outer Space Activities discussed under United Nations Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS).

(c) No, Sir. Outer Space Research Activities are carried out on cooperation basis
with the space agencies of other countries.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions287

(d) Department of Space is mandated for harnessing the benefits of space

technology for national development.

Policy for space tourism

597. PROF. M. V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased

to state:

(a) whether there is a policy for space tourism in India if so, the details thereof;

(b) if not, whether the Ministry is planning to promote space tourism in India
and if so, the steps taken in this regard?


SINGH): (a) No, Sir.

(b) No, Sir.

Preparation of space act

598. DR. K. P. RAMALINGAM: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government is considering to come out with a

Space Act soon;

(b) whether Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) had submitted papers
to Government in this regard way back in 2015;

(c) whether now-a-days space related activities are done as per business rules and
therefore, it has become necessary to have a law since Government is responsible for
any object put up in space and for what happens to it in orbit or because of it; and

(d) if so, the views of Government in this regard?


SINGH): (a) The Department of Space (DOS) is currently engaged in preparation of
National Space Act for India for supporting the overall growth of space activities,
with enhanced level of private sector participation and offering more commercial
opportunities. After consultations with internal experts and experts on space law, a
draft version of the Act has been prepared, which has been taken up for consultations.

(b) During the year 2015, DOS/ISRO has pursued the preparation of space
act and reached a draft version. This has been taken up for approval process for
pre-legislative consultations. This would be followed by Inter-Ministerial consultations
through Draft Cabinet Note, before putting up as a Bill to Parliament.
288 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) and (d) Currently the space related activities in India are performed by the
Department of Space as per the Allocation of Business Rules. India has been a State
Party to major Treaties/Conventions on outer space activities under United Nations and
complies with the obligations of these treaties in performing outer space activities.
Further, the current process of formulation of National Space Act would address
these aspects, including the obligations arising out of non-governmental stakeholders
in space activities and services.

Launching of satellite by ISRO

599. SHRI T. RATHINAVEL: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) would launch 22 satellites
on one rocket, if so, the details thereof

(b) whether as many as 18 satellites are being launched for foreign agencies,
including those from US, Canada, Germany and Indonesia; and

(c) whether two of the nano-satellites have been developed by the Pune
Engineering College and Sathyabhama University, if so, the details thereof?


SINGH): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plans to
launch 22 satellites onboard Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C34. These satellites
include a earth observation satellite of India (weighing about 710 kg) as primary
payload, two nano satellites developed by Indian students (weighing about 2.5 kg)
and 19 satellites from four foreign countries viz. Canada (2 Nos., weighing 115 kg),
Germany (3 Nos., weighing 155 kg), Indonesia (1 No., weighing 120 kg) and USA
(13 Nos., weighing 195 kg) as co-passengers.

(c) Yes, Sir. Swayam and Satyabamasat are the two nano-satellites developed
by College of Engineering, Pune and Sathyabama University, Chennai respectively.
Swayam Satellite has a payload mass of 1 kg and Satyabamasat has a payload mass
of 1.5 kg.

Land allotment in Delhi for hotels

600. SHRI GULAM RASOOL BALYAWI: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the names of hotels which have been allotted land in Delhi by Government
or Government agencies;

(b) when was the land allotted in each case;

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions289

(c) the terms and conditions and the rate at which land was allotted to each
such hotel;

(d) the area allotted and the area actually occupied in each case; and

(e) the cases in which relaxations were made?


(a) to (e) The details of land allotted in Delhi for Hotels allotted by Land and
Development Office, are given in the Statement-I (See below) and details of land
allotted by Delhi Development Authority for Hotels, are given in the Statement-II.

Details of Land allotted in Delhi for Hotels

Sl. Names of hotels Location Date of Terms and Rates Area allotted Area actually The cases
No. (a) allotment conditions (d) occupied (d) in which
(b) (c) relaxations
were made? (e)
290 Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Ashoka Hotel Chanakyapuri 04.07.1956 Lease Hold Premium of a sum of 21.155 Acres 21.155 Acres Nil
ITDC (Diplomatic ` 10,55,400/- at the rate
Enclave), of ` 50,000/- per acre.
New Delhi
2. Samrat Hotel Crossing of 19.02.1981 Lease Hold At the rate of ` 1200/- 3.195 Acres 3.195 Acres Nil
ITDC Panchsheel Marg per sq. yards for an FAR
and Kautilya of 150.
Marg, Diplomatic

New Delhi
3. Janpath Hotel Janpath 11.12.1992 Lease Hold Premium of a sum of 4.41 acres 18003.76 sq. Nil
ITDC New Delhi ` 88,20,000/- @ ` 20 17846 sq. mtrs
lakh per acre mtrs
4. Bharat Hotel Barakhamba Road, 17.02.1981 Lease Hold At the rate of ` 3000/- 6.0485 Acres 6.0485 Acres Nil
NDMC New Delhi per sq. yards for an FAR
of 250.
5. Le-Meridian Crossing of Raisina 30.03.1981 Lease Hold At the rate of ` 2400/- 4.290 Acres 4.290 Acres Nil
NDMC Road and Janpath, per sq. yards for an FAR
New Delhi. of 150.
Unstarred Questions
6. Hotel Taj Man Man Singh Road, 13.07.1976 Lease Hold Premium of a sum of 3.78 Acres 3.78 Acres Nil
Singh NDMC New Delhi ` 9148000/-

7. Hotel Taj Palace Sardar Patel Marg, 04.03.1981 Lease Hold At the rate of ` 1800/- 6.00 Acres 6.00 Acres Nil
DDA New Delhi per sq. yards for an FAR
of 150.
Written Answers to

8. Hotel Kanishka Ashoka Road, 08.10.2002 Lease Hold Annual rent of 12790 sq. 13871.60 sq. Nil
Disinvested Hotel New Delhi. ` 1,56,11,983/- mtrs mtrs
Hotel Excelsior
Pvt. Ltd.

9. Hotel Ranjit Barakhamba 07.10.2002 Lease Hold Annual rent of ` 40,70,325/- 3.7 Acres 3.7 Acres Nil
Disinvested Hotel Road, New Delhi
Hotel Campion
Pvt. Ltd.

10. Lodhi Hotel Lodhi Road, 23.3.2002 Lease Hold Annual rent of 5.84 Acres 5.84 Acres Nil
[28 April, 2016]

Disinvested Hotel New Delhi. `1,34,27,196/-

Lodhi Properties

11. Qutab Hotel Shaheed Jeet 20.3.2002 Lease Hold Annual rent of ` 36,61,875/- 3.93 Acres 3.93 Acres Nil
Disinvested Hotel Singh Marg,
Hotel Eden Park New Delhi
Pvt. Ltd.

12. Ashok Yatri Ashoka Road, 8.10.2002 Lease Hold Annual rent of ` 76,05,275/- 7121 sq. mts 6804.73 sq. Nil
Niwas (Hotel New Delhi mts
Queen Road)
Disinvested Hotel
Unstarred Questions291
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13. Mourya Hotel Sardar Patel Marg, 24.06.1975 Lease Hold Annual rent of ` 13,13,000/- 6.00 Acres 6.00 Acres Nil
ITC Ltd. New Delhi

14. Oberoi Hotel Golf Links, 17.12.1955 Lease Hold ` 2,00,000/- per acre plus 6.32 Acres 6.32 Acres Nil
East India Hotel New Delhi grand rent at 2.5% of the
Limited premium.
292 Written Answers to

15. Park Hotel Janpath, 01.12.1925 Lease Hold Premium of ` 5100/- and 1.034 Acres 1.034 Acres Nil
Appeejay- New Delhi. yearly rent of ` 255/-
Surendra Park
Hotel Ltd.

16. Vikram Hotel Lajpat Nagar, 01.02.1963 Lease Hold Premium of ` 77300/- 1920 sq. yards 1920 sq. yards Nil
Luck Star Estate New Delhi and yearly rent of ` 21/-
(I) Pvt.

17. Hotel Rajdoot Jangpura, 26.07.1954 Lease Hold Ground rent of ` 427.50/- 1524 sq.yds 1524 sq. yds Nil
New Delhi

18. Claridges Hotel Aurangzeb Road, 23.05.1955 Lease Hold Premium of ` 1,25,000/- 2.94 Acres 2.94 Acres Nil
Hotel Claridges New Delhi. and ground rent of
Limited ` 3125/-

19. Hotel Imperial S/ Kasturba Gandhi 09.07.1937 Lease Hold Premium of ` 35,721/- 7.938 Acres 7.938 Acres Nil
Sh. Hardev Singh Marg, and ground rent of
and Jasdev Singh New Delhi. ` 1786/-
Unstarred Questions

Details of hotel sites allotment by DDA

Sl. Name of Hotel/ Location Dt. of Terms and Rates Area in Actual Relaxation
No. Agency allotment Conditions Sqm. area
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Park Royal Nehru Place 21.10.1976 Lease Hold ` 1,00,00,000/- 22233.85 22233.85 Nil

2. Siddhartha Rajindra Place 20.5.1977 Lease Hold ` 40,60,000/- 4472.80 4472.80 Nil

3. M/s Asian Hotel Ltd. Bhikaji Cama Place 10.9.1980 Lease Hold ` 4,36,00,000/- 20000.00 20000.00 Nil

4. J. P. Continental Basant Lok, Vasant 23.10.1980 Lease Hold ` 1,82,00,000/- 1250.00 1250.00 Nil

5. M/s CHL Ltd. New Friends Colony 23.10.1980 Lease Hold ` 1,60,00,000/- 7405 7405 Nil
[28 April, 2016]

Addl. 200 Addl. 200

6. Taj Place Sardar Patel Marg w.e.f. License fee License fee for the period 6 Acres 6 Acres Nil
01.4.1983 01.04.1983 to 31.03.2013
(Revenue @ 17.25% P.A. of the
share venture gross receipt and further
with DDA) extended 01.04.2013 to
31.03.2038 on the same
terms and conditions.

7. Krishna Continental Saket 13.12.1989 Lease Hold ` 1,50,01,200/- 512.00 512.00 Nil

8. Ms. Seth Fashion Plot No.17, Distt. 24.4.1992 Lease Hold ` 3,98,45,000/- 798.40 798.40 Nil
House Center, Lakshmi Nagar
Unstarred Questions293
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. Unison Vasant Kunj, 03.02.1994 Lease Hold ` 32,25,00,000/- 40000.00 40000.00 Nil
(Grand Hyatt) Phase-II

10. Hotel Sheraton Saket 14.12.1994 Lease Hold ` 36,00,00,000/- 9850.00 9850.00 Nil

11. M/s Estates Today Pitam Pura 31.12.1996 Lease Hold ` 7,77,00,000/- 4050 4050 Nil
Properties Pvt. Ltd.
294 Written Answers to

12. Sewa Hotel and Community centre, 11.6.1997 Lease Hold ` 6,84,00,000/- 3250.00 3250.00 Nil
Resorts Pitam Pura Road No.42

13. Janak Place Distt. Centre, 28.07.1998 Lease Hold ` 14,11,10,101/- 22925.62 22925.62 Nil
Janak Puri

14. M/s Breeze Plot No.1B/4, Rohini 29.03.2006 Lease Hold ` 97,01,00,000/- 5024.91 5024.91 Nil
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Twin, Distt. Center

15. M/s Today Hotel, New Plot No.1, Community 29.03.2006 Lease Hold ` 152,00,00,000/- 8970.00 8970.00 Nil
Delhi Pvt. Ltd. Centre Okhla

16. D J I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Plot No.1 Motia Khan 29.03.2006 Lease Hold ` 88,13,00,000/- 3992.00 3992.00 Nil
Developer Pvt. Ltd.

17. M/s EMAAR M.G.F. Plot No.15, Jasola 29.03.2006 Lease Hold ` 199,53,00,000/- 10247.00 10247.00 Nil
Land Pvt. Ltd.

18. M/s Emaar M.G.F. Plot No.15A, Jasola 29.03.2006 Lease Hold ` 189,21,00,000/- 8909.00 8909.00 Nil
Land Pvt. Ltd.

19. M/s Asarani Inss and Hotel Plot No.1, District 30.6.2006 Free Hold ` 127,00,00,000/- 7220.40 7220.40 Nil
Resorts Pvt. Ltd. Center, Wazirpur

20. M/s Asarani Inss and Hotel Plot No.2, District 30.6.2006 Free Hold ` 127,00,00,000/- 7030.00 7030.00 Nil
Resorts Pvt. Ltd. Center, Wazirpur
Unstarred Questions
21. M/s Eros Resorts Hotel Plot N.13A, 30.6.2006 Free Hold ` 118,00,00,000/- 6031.00 6031.00 Nil
and Hotel Pvt. Ltd. District Center, Mayur

22. M/s Eros Resorts and Hotel Plot N.13B, 30.6.2006 Free Hold ` 118,00,00,000/- 5955.00 5955.00 Nil
Hotel Pvt. Ltd. District Center, Mayur
Written Answers to


23. M/s Star Reality Pvt. Manglam Place Rohini 18.10.2006 Lease Hold ` 48,05,00,000/- 7127.00 7127.00 Nil

24. M/s Jacksons Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.3B-1, Twine 18.10.2006 Free Hold ` 186,00,00,000/- 11130.40 11130.40 Nil
DC Rohini 04.1.2008

25. M/s Mahagun Hotel Plot No. 32, Shahdara, 01.5.2007 Free Hold ` 32,21,00,000/- 2479.00 2479.00 Nil
Pvt. Ltd. District Center

26. M/s ACG Hospitality 1A, Sub District 01.6.2007 Free Hold ` 15,63,50,000/- 1500.00 1500.00 Nil
Pvt. Ltd. Center, Hari Nagar
[28 April, 2016]

27. M/s Kunal Foods Plot No. C, Community 01.6.2007 Free Hold ` 14,00,20,000/- 1668.00 1668.00 Nil
Products Pvt. Ltd. Center, Vivek Vihar

28. M/s Perfect Learning Plot No. D, Community 23.1.2007 Free Hold ` 14,64,40,000/- 1668.00 1668.00 Nil
Pvt. Ltd. Center, Vivek Vihar

29. M/s Oriel Fresh IT Plot No.6, CC, Sector- 24.5.2007 Free Hold ` 20,55,00,000/- 1800.00 1800.00 Nil
Park Pvt. Ltd. A, Kondli Gharoli

30. M/s Brilliant Build District Center, 06.2.2007 Free Hold ` 55,69,00,000/- 6150.00 6150.00 Nil
Tech Pvt. Ltd. Shalimar Bagh

31. M/s Anush Finlease Plot No.11, CBD 06.2.2007 Lease Hold ` 65,45,90,000/- 8446.00 8446.00 Nil
and construction Shahdara
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Unstarred Questions295
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

32. M/s Aman Plot No.1, CBD 28.6.2007 Lease Hold ` 170,00,10,000/- 20000.00 20000.00 Nil
Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. Shahdara, District East

33. M/s Tirpuati Building Plot No.3, City Center, 17.10.2007 Free Hold ` 211,11,11,100/- 13603.00 13603.00 Nil
and Offices Pvt. Ltd. Sector 10, Dwarka

34. M/s IFCI Ltd. Plot No. 4A, District 17.10.2007 Free Hold ` 51,00,00,000/- 4013.67 4013.67 Nil
296 Written Answers to

Centre, Mayur Vihar

35. M/s Antatrika Plot No. 4B, DC, 17.10.2007 Free Hold ` 68,80,00,000/- 4536.00 4536.00 Nil
Properties Companies Mayur Vihar

36. S. Chand Company 1C, Sub District 17.10.2007 Lease Hold ` 21,10,00,000/- 1500.00 1500.00 Nil
Ltd. Center, Hari Nagar

37. M/s Best View C, Community Center, 17.10.2007 Lease Hold ` 39,70,00,000/- 2674.00 2674.00 Nil
Properties Ltd. Anand Vihar

38. M/s Sprit Hotels and Plot No. 6A, CC 17.10.2007 Free Hold ` 19,55,00,000/- 2130.00 2130.00 Nil
Resorts Pvt. Ltd. Mandawali Fazal Pur

39. M/s Divine Inforcom Plot No.4, Sector 13, 04.1.2008 Free Hold ` 252,00,00,000/- 15367.00 15367.00 Nil
Pvt. Ltd. Dwarka

40. M/s Tirupati Infra Plot No. D, DC 04.1.2008 Free Hold ` 241,00,00,000/- 13158.71 13158.71 Nil
Projects Pvt. Ltd. Paschim Vihar

41. M/s DG Estate Pvt. Plot No.1 B, Sub District 04.1.2008 Free Hold ` 21,53,50,000/- 1500.00 1500.00 Nil
Ltd. Center, Hari Nagar

42. M/s S.S. Plot No. 6B, CC, 04.1.2008 Free Hold ` 12,71,00,000/- 1416.00 1416.00 Nil
Infrastructure Mandawali Fazal Pur
Unstarred Questions
43. M/s Indo Green 6C, Community Center, 04.1.2008 Free Hold ` 12,61,00,000/- 1416.00 1416.00 Nil
International Mandawali Fazal Pur

44. M/s Udai Estate Pvt. Plot No.1, DC Shashtri 10.4.2008 Free Hold ` 35,60,00,000/- 3860.00 3860.00 Nil
Ltd. Park 10.8.2008

45. Sita Kiran Inn (Pvt.) A-1, Community 10.4.2008 Lease Hold ` 19,01,00,000/- 1000.00 1000.00 Nil
Written Answers to

Ltd. Centre, Pitam Pura

46. M/s Indian Realtors 33, Community Center, 11.2.2010 Lease Hold ` 40,53,00,000/- 2000.00 2000.00 Nil
Pvt. Ltd. Preet Vihar

47. M/s Country Inn. A-4 Distt. Centre 20.07.2004 Free Hold ` 184,96,50,000/- 15659.5 15659.5 Nil
Saket, New Delhi,
Service Apptt.

48. M/s Select City A-3, Distt. Centre 11.12.2003 Free Hold ` 192,25,50,000/- 15884.50 15884.50 Nil
Saket, New Delhi,
Service Apartments
[28 April, 2016]

49. South Court A-1, Distt. Centre 05.05.2005 Lease Hold ` 127,00,00,000/- 9492.00 9492.00 Nil
Saket, Service
Apartments New Delhi.
Unstarred Questions297
298 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Shortage of drinking water

601. SHRI AAYANUR MANJUNATHA: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether major towns/cities and metropolitan cities face shortage of drinking
water particularly during summer season every year and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether Government has assessed the likely shortage of drinking water in
the urban towns/cities and metropolitan cities in the ensuing summer season and if
so, the details thereof and the measures taken/proposed to be taken therefor; and

(c) the other remedial measures taken/proposed to be taken to supply adequate

drinking water to cities and towns?


(a) and (b) Some towns/cities and metropolitan cities face shortage of drinking water
during summer season. The day-to-day operations of water supply are looked after
by the State Governments/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) concerned. The assessment
of shortage in drinking water in summer is also made by them.

(c) For providing adequate drinking water supply to cities/towns, Ministry of

Urban Development is supplementing the efforts of Cities/States by providing financial
assistance under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
for water supply components viz., new, augmentation and rehabilitation of water
supply system etc.

Roadmap for development of satellite cities


be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has prepared any roadmap for the development of satellite
cities in Maharashtra and rest of the Country to ease overcrowding in Metropolitan
cities; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?


(a) and (b) The development of satellite cities is undertaken by the respective state
Government under the concerned Metropolitan Region Plan.

The Government is aware of the National Capital Region Plan, 2021 and
Regional Plan for Mumbai Metropolitan Region, 2011 which are the efforts towards
decentralization of economic activities from Mumbai and Delhi to satellite towns
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions299

by focusing on strengthening the urban infrastructure in them. Similarly, Bengaluru

Metropolitan Region Plan-2031 also envisages development of ring towns as satellite
towns to ease burden on Bengaluru

Under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Satellite Towns around
Seven Mega Cities (UIDSST) of this Ministry, 7 towns namely, Pilkhuwa (U.P.),
Vikarabad (Telangana), Sriperumbudur (Tamil Nadu), Sonepat (Haryana), Vasai-Virar
(Maharashtra), Hoskote (Karnataka) including Sanand (Gujarat), were covered. A total
number of 17 projects were taken up under the scheme with an approved cost of
` 631.07 crore, of which Central share was ` 500 crore. In the State of Maharashtra,
two projects have been sanctioned in Vasai-Virar town. Details of fund released
to State of Maharashtra and other States under the UIDSST scheme are given in
Statement (See below). The Scheme is now closed and only balance funding for
ongoing projects is continued.

Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Satellite Towns around Seven Mega Cities (UIDSST)

Town Projects Approved cost Central Share Funds Released

(` in lakh) (` in lakh) (` in lakh)

Uttar Pradesh Pilkhuwa Re-organisation of Water Supply 2167.55 1734.04 1733.34

300 Written Answers to

Pilkhuwa Underground Sewerage 3687.51 2950.01 2950.00

Pilkhuwa Solid Waste Management 897.70 718.16 538.62

Pilkhuwa GIS Base Map and HH Survey 29.30 29.30 14.64

Sub Total 6782.06 5431.51 5236.60

Telangana Vikarabad Providing Underground Drainage 6474.00 5179.00 3885.00

Vikarabad Water Supply 7009.00 5607.00 5607.00


Sub Total 13483.00 10786.00 9492.00

Haryana Sonepat Water Supply 6958.00 5566.40 5566.40

Sonepat Solid Waste Management 2496.00 1996.80 499.20

Sub Total 9454.00 7563.20 6065.60

Maharashtra Vasai-Virar Underground Sewerage 6622.63 5298.10 3050.50

Vasai-Virar Integrated Solid Waste Management 3172.64 2538.12 1903.59

Sub Total 9795.27 7836.22 4954.09

Unstarred Questions
Tamil Nadu Sriperumbudur Water Supply 4071.00 3256.80 2442.60
Sriperumbudur Underground Sewerage 5622.00 4497.60 3373.20
Sriperumbudur Solid Waste Management 443.77 355.02 355.00
Sub Total 10136.77 8109.42 6170.80
Written Answers to

Gujarat Sanand Water Supply 3320.86 2656.69 2656.68

Sanand Underground Sewerage 5848.68 4678.94 3509.21
Sanand Solid Waste Management 213.62 170.90 110.65
Sub Total 9383.16 7506.53 6276.54
Karnataka Hosakote Underground Sewerage 4072.84 2767.12 1383.56
Sub Total 4072.84 2767.12 1383.56
Grand Total 63107.10 50000.00 39579.19
[28 April, 2016]
Unstarred Questions301
302 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Disaster risk management under smart city mission

603. PROF. M. V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is working on improving the disaster risk management

of the urban infrastructure in the Smart City Mission, if so, the details thereof: and

(b) whether the mission is integrated with Digital India to provide cyber security
and resilience in the smart cities and if so, the details thereof?


(a) Based on the Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, the 20 Smart Cities
have included infrastructure related to disaster risk management in their Smart City
Proposals (SCPs). The details are given in the SCPs of the 20 Smart Cities, which
is available on the Mission’s website www.smartcities.gov.in.

(b) Based on the Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, the 20 Smart
Cities have proposed convergence with the Digital India Programme and have
proposed measures to make cities resilient. The details are given in the Smart City
Proposals (SCPs) of the 20 Smart Cities, which is available on the Mission’s website
(www.smartcities.gov.in). At the time of projectivization, Smart Cities will provide
for Cyber Security in the Smart Solutions.

Reforms in smart city programme


be pleased to state:

(a) whether the World Economic Forum (WEF) has reported that there is a need
for reforms at various levels to successfully implement the Smart City Programme,
if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether Government has taken note of the suggestions made by WEF and
for implementation; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefore?


(a) No, Sir. No such report from World Economic Forum has been received by the
Ministry of Urban Development.

(b) and (c) Does not arise.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions303

Resource mobilization for smart cities



Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government recently finalized selection of smart cities in the country,
if so, the details thereof;

(b) what are the criteria for selection of smart cities;

(c) by what time these proposed projects would be completed in the smart cities,
the details thereof, city-wise; and

(d) the funding pattern of smart cities, shares of Central, State Governments
and other agencies and how the resource would be mobilized?


(a) Yes, Sir. On the basis of scoring done by the Panel of Experts, top 20 cities have
been selected in the Round 1 of the Competition for development as Smart Cities.
The list of Smart Cities is available on Mission’s website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

(b) The details of the Criteria are given in the Mission Statement and Guidelines and
in the Parameters of Scoring available on the Mission’s website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

(c) The details of projects with their timelines for the selected 20 cities are
given in the Smart City Proposals (SCPs). These SCPs have already been uploaded
on the Ministry’s website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

(d) Government of India will provide financial support to the extent of ` 48000
crores over five years i.e. on an average ` 100 crore per city per year. An equal amount
on a matching basis will have to be contributed by the State/Urban Local Body (ULB).
Balance funds as required are expected to be mobilized by the cities from internal and
external sources such as municipal bonds, Public Private Partnerships, Pooled Finance
Mechanism etc.The details of sources of funding are in the Smart City Proposals of the
20 Cities, which are available on the Mission’s website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

Repair and maintenance work in DDA flats of Dwarka


be pleased to state:

(a) the details of flats where the instances of falling of grit wash off walls, roofs
of staircases, roof of windows, and cracks in edges of terraces have taken place in
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) flats of Dwarka, particularly Pocket-7, Sector-12;
304 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) whether Government is aware that a portion of roof of staircase fell down

(c) time-frame for replacement of pipes of rain water and bathrooms installed
at the backside of the flats which are almost damaged; and

(d) by when Government proposes to make repair/maintenance work for the

above said work?


(a) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has informed that the defects have been
noticed in the following flats of Pocket-7, Sector-12, Dwarka:
(i) Grit Wash of Walls: Flat No. 35, side 1 panel, Flat No. 156 side 2 panels,
Flat No. 258 side 1 panel and Flat No. 237 side 2 panels.
(ii) Roof of staircase: Plaster repair of Flat No. 8, 16, 96, 176 and 248.
(iii) Roof of windows (Chhajja): 60% chhajja needs repair.
(iv) Edges of terraces: In general 75% edges of terrace needs repair.

(b) Yes, Sir. DDA has informed that one landing of staircase in housing Pocket-4,
Sector-12 fell down, which was reconstructed promptly.

(c) and (d) DDA has informed that the responsibility for routine maintenance
after six months of allotment of flats allotted by DDA prior to the year 2010, lies
with flat owners/Resident Welfare Associations.

Criteria for inclusion of cities under UIG and UIDSSMT


be pleased to state:

(a) the criteria for inclusion of cities/towns for assistance under the Urban
Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme
for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT), sub-components of Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM).

(b) whether Government proposes to relax the said criteria to include more cities
under the JnNURM and extend the financial assistance to more cities/towns and if
so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether cities of historical, religious and tourist importance have been included
under the sub-components of JnNURM and if so, the details thereof, State-wise?


(a) The criteria for inclusion of cities/town for assistance under sub-mission on Urban
Infrastructure and Governance (UIG), Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions305

and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) are based on JnNURM guidelines. As per the guidelines
there are 65 cities in 3 categories in the UIG component as mentioned below:-
(i) Cities/UAs with 4 million plus population as per 2001 Census (7)
(ii) Cities/UAs with 1 million plus but less than 4 million population as per
2001 Census (28)
(iii) Selected Cities/UAs (State capitals and other cities UA of religious/historic
and touristic importance) (30)

The list of cities/urban agglomeration/town covered under UIG is given in the

Statement-I (See below).

As per the guidelines the cities covered and criteria for selection under UIDSSMT
component is as mentioned below:
(i) All cities/towns as per 2001 Census excepting cities/town covered under
(ii) Allocation of funds along States will be on the basis of the State’s urban
population (excluding cities covered under JnNURM to total urban population
in the country (excepting cities covered under JnNURM)
(iii) States may allocate funds to towns/cities based on similar formula. However,
funds would be provided to only those towns and cities where elections to
local bodies have been held and elected bodies are in position.
(iv) The State Governments may prioritize towns and cities on the basis of their
felt-need, While prioritizing towns, States would take into account existing
infrastructure, population of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and special
problems like hilly terrain.

(b) The JnNURM has already ended on 31.4.2014. Hence, the question does
not arise.

(c) The list of cities/UAs which are included under category (iii) as given in
para (a) of the question is given in the Statement-II.


List of identified cities/urban agglomerations (UA) as per 2001 Census

Sl. City/UA Name of the State Population

No. (in lakh)
1 2 3 4
(a) Mega Cities/UAs
1. Delhi Delhi 128.77
306 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4
2. Greater Mumbai Maharashtra 164.34
3. Ahmedabad Gujarat 45.25
4. Bangalore Karnataka 57.01
5. Chennai Tamil Nadu 65.60
6. Kolkata West Bengal 132.06
7. Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 57.42
(b) Million-plus Cities/UAs
1. Patna Bihar 16.98
2. Faridabad Haryana 10.56
3. Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 14.58
4. Ludhiana Punjab 13.98
5. Jaipur Rajasthan 23.27
6. Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 22.46
7. Madurai Tamil Nadu 12.03
8. Nashik Maharashtra 11.52
9. Pune Maharashtra 37.60
10. Cochin Kerala 13.55
11. Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 12.04
12. Agra Uttar Pradesh 13.31
13. Amritsar Punjab 10.03
14. Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 13.45
15. Vadodara Gujarat 14.91
16. Surat Gujarat 28.11
17. Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 27.15
18. Nagpur Maharashtra 21.29
19. Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 14.61
20. Meerut Uttar Pradesh 11.61
21. Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 10.98
22. Jamshedpur Jharkhand 11.04
23. Asansol West Bengal 10.67
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions307

1 2 3 4
24. Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 10.42
25. Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh 10.39
26. Rajkot Gujarat 10.03
27. Dhanbad Jharkhand 10.65
28 Indore Madhya Pradesh 16.40
(c) Identified cities/UAs with less than one million population
1. Guwahati Assam 8.19
2. ltanagar Arunachal Pradesh 0.35
3. Jammu Jammu and Kashmir 6.12
4. Raipur Chhattisgarh 7.00
5. Panaji Goa 0.99
6. Shimla Himachal Pradesh 1.45
7. Ranchi Jharkhand 8.63
8. Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 8.90
9. lmphal Manipur 2.50
10. Shillong Meghalaya 2.68
11. Aizawal Mizoram 2.28
12. Kohima Nagaland 0.77
13. Bhubaneswar Odisha 6.58
14. Gangtok Sikkim 0.29
15. Agartala Tripura 1.90
16. Dehradun Uttaranchal 5.30
17. Bodh Gaya Bihar 3.94
18. Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 4.31
19. Puri Odisha 1.57
20. Ajmer-Pushkar Rajasthan 5.04
21. Nainital Uttaranchal 2.20
22. Mysore Karnataka 7.99
23. Puducherry Puducherry 5.05
24. Chandigarh Punjab and Haryana 8.08
308 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4
25. Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir 9.88
26 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 3.23
27 Hardwar Uttaranchal 2.21
28 Nanded Maharashtra 4.31
29 Porbunder Gujarat 1.58
30 Tirupathy Andhra Pradesh 2.28
Note: National Steering Group may consider addition or deletion of cities/UAs/towns under Category-C
(other than State Capitals) based on the suggestions received from State Governments. The number
of cities under the Mission shall, however, remain around 60.


State Capitals and other Cities/UA, of religious/historic and touristic importance

1. Guwahati Assam

2. Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh

3. Jammu Jammu and Kashmir

4. Raipur Chhattisgarh

5. Panaji Goa

6. Shimla Himachal Pradesh

7. Ranchi Jharkhand

8. Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

9. Imphal Manipur

10. Shillong Meghalaya

11. Aizawal Mizoram

12. Kohima Nagaland

13. Bhubaneswar Odisha

14. Gangtok Sikkim

15. Agartala Tripura

16. Dehradun Uttarakhand

17. Bodh Gaya Bihar

18. Ujjain Madhya Pradesh

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions309

19. Puri Odisha

20. Ajmer-Pushkar Rajasthan
21. Nainital Uttarakhand
22. Mysore Karnataka
23. Puducherry Puducherry
24. Chandigarh Punjab and Haryana
25. Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir
26. Mathura Uttar Pradesh
27. Hardwar Uttarakhand
28. Nanded Maharashtra
29. Porbunder Gujarat
30. Tirupathy Andhra Pradesh

Projects for discharge of sewerage in Goa


be pleased to state:

(a) which any project or projects connected with discharge of sewerage is

being implemented in the State of Goa with the financial assistance of the Central

(b) if so, the quantum of assistance given so far;

(c) the towns in Goa where the projects are being implemented;

(d) the targets achieved, so far, with respect to each of the towns;

(e) the agency or agencies through which the sewerage projects are being
implemented; and

(f) when the project was given to the agency?


(a) to (f) Under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT),
from Goa, one city i.e. Panaji is covered as Mission City. State Annual Action Plan
(SAAP) of ` 59.44 crore for Goa has been approved wherein State Government has
proposed to take up two projects related to sewerage with project cost of ` 7.71
crore. Under AMRUT, implementation/execution of projects is to be done by the
State Government of Goa. The first instalment of ` 5.94 crore has been released to
the State Government.
310 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Steps to make Varanasi the cleanest city


be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Varanasi has been ranked among the least clean
cities in India, according to survey conducted by the Quality Council of India; and

(b) if so, what steps Government proposes to take to make Varanasi the cleanest
city in India due to its oldest culture and heritage status in the world?


(a) and (b) The ‘Swachh Survekshan’, is a survey commissioned by the Ministry of
Urban Development through Quality Council of India (QCI) to review the sanitation
and hygiene conditions in 75 major cities (comprising 40% of India’s total urban
population)–including 52 cities with a population of more than one million and all
State capitals. As per the results of the survey, Varanasi has been awarded 65th rank.

With the help of Urban Local Bodies and State Governments, Government of
India plans to make all 4041 cities (including Varanasi) Open Defecation Free and
achieve 100% solid waste management under Swachh Bharat Mission. For achieving
the above, Government of India provides assistance of 20% project cost for solid
waste management, 40% of the project cost for construction of community toilets
and ` 4000/- as incentive to household for construction of individual toilets.

Temporary membership in Siri Fort Sports Complex


be pleased to state:

(a) whether Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is allowing thousand of

temporary membership for swimming and other sports facilities in Siri Forts Complex
in South Delhi;

(b) if so, the total number of temporary members enrolled every year for different
sports facilities;

(c) whether with their drive of the enrolling temporary membership, the regular
members face lot of hardship in parking their cars; and

(d) if so, what steps DDA proposes to take to ensure that temporary membership
is restricted and their cars are parked outside the complex?


(a) and (b) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has informed that there are only
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions311

1,500 temporary members, who are permitted at the Siri Fort Sports Complex of DDA,
at any time. All temporary members are allowed to take membership of swimming
pool. The duration of temporary membership is for 3 months.

(c) and (d) DDA has informed that the parking rights of cars are same for
temporary members as those of permanent members. However, to overcome the
problem, the basement parking of squash and badminton stadium is also made
available to all the members.

Gym under Swaranjayanti Sadan Deluxe

be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a Gym was inaugurated for the health club at the
basement of Swaranjayanti Sadan Deluxe by the Urban Development Minister during
the Winter Session of Parliament but all the equipments of the Gym were taken
away the same day in the evening; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?


NAIDU): (a) and (b) Gym was inaugurated for the health club at the ground floor of
Swaranjayanti Sadan Deluxe by the Urban Development Minister on 17.12.2015. All
the equipments are lying in the Gym. Gym was locked from 18.12.2015 to 15.02.2016
for want of guidelines. On receipt of guidelines from Rajya Sabha Secretariat, the
Gym has been opened and is functional since 16.02.2016.

Money required for smart cities

612. SHRI C. M. RAMESH: Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT

be pleased to state:

(a) how much money is required to create 20 Smart Cities announced so far;

(b) whether it is a fact that as per Deloitte, 150 billion dollars is required to
create 100 Smart Cities;

(c) from where Government is planning to pool the resources for Smart Cities;

(d) by when the Ministry is going to announce second phase of smart cities
and criteria adopted in identifying the same?

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

312 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


(a) As per the financial plan of 20 winning cities contained in their Smart City
Proposals, the requirement of financial resources is around ` 48,063.61 crore for
development of these 20 Smart Cities.

(b) No such report from Deloitte has been received by the Ministry of Urban

(c) Government of India will provide financial support to the extent of ` 48000
crores over five years i.e. on an average ` 100 crore per city per year. An equal
amount on a matching basis will have to be contributed by the State/Urban Local
Body (ULB). These contributions, however, will meet only a part of the project
cost and balance funds as required by the city in terms of their Smart City are
expected to be mobilized from internal and external sources, such as Public Private
Partnerships, Pooled financed mechanisms, municipal bonds etc.

(d) It is expected that the results of the next phase will be announced by May/
June, 2016. The criteria for selection in Round 2 of the Challenge will remain same
as in Round 1 as before and the three broad level criteria are given in the Mission
Statement and Guidelines and in the Parameters of Scoring available on the Mission’s
website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

Provisions for smart cities


be pleased to state:

(a) the details of provisions made for the 20 smart cities announced in the first
phase of the Smart City Project;

(b) the amount earmarked for Delhi under Smart City Project and the details
of the steps being taken for the same; and

(c) the details of the arrangements made with regard to the requirements of
environment, electricity, water and the other facilities for the smart city?


(a) The details of projects likely to be undertaken in the selected 20 cities are given
in the Smart City Proposals (SCPs) submitted by the Smart Cities. These SCPs have
already been uploaded on the Mission’s website (www.smartcities.gov.in).

(b) As per the Mission Statement and Guidelines, Government of India will
provide the grant of ` 194 crore in the first year followed by ` 98 crore out of
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions313

` 100 crore every year for the next year. An equal amount on a matching basis will
have to be contributed by the State/Urban Local Body (ULB). This is also applicable
to Delhi. Once the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is established, the first instalment
of the Government of India share will be released to Delhi.

(c) The details of the arrangements made with regard to the requirements of
environment, electricity, water and the other facilities for the smart city are given
in the Smart City Proposal (SCP) submitted by NDMC. The SCP is available on
the Mission’s website.

Status of construction of Jasola court premises


be pleased to state:

(a) the places in Delhi where construction work of district level court premises
in going on and where it has been completed till date;

(b) the details of the court premises that are under construction and the court
premises proposed to be constructed; and

(c) the current status of the construction of Jasola court premises?


(a) Public Works Department (PWD) of Government of National Capital Territory of
Delhi has informed that there are 6 District Courts running in Delhi viz Tis Hazari
Court, Karkardooma Court, Patiala House Court, Dwarka Court, Rohini Court and
Saket Court.

(b) PWD has informed that at present only one court building for New Delhi
District Court at Rouse Avenue, is under construction.

(c) PWD has informed that no such court is under construction at Jasola.

Sewerage system in urban areas

†615. DR. SANJAY SINH: Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be

pleased to state:

(a) the schemes for development of sewerage system in the urban areas of the

(b) the details of the number of cities in the country having sewerage system
and sewage treatment plants and the number of cities where the above system is
proposed to be developed in the current financial year, State-wise;
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
314 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(c) whether any proposal for installing sewerage system and sewage treatment
plants in Amethi and Sultanpur districts of Uttar Pradesh, is pending; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the action being taken on the proposal?


(a) and (b) Ministry has launched the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) on 25.06.2015 for 500 cities having population of one lakh
and above. The development of sewer system is one of the important components
of the programme.

(c) and (d) The State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) under AMRUT for Uttar
Pradesh for 2015-16 has been approved by the Ministry, which includes the sewerage
system project in Sultanpur. The town of Amethi is not covered under the AMRUT
as per Guidelines of the Mission

Implementation of land pooling policy in Delhi


be pleased to state:

(a) whether the land pooling policy for Delhi was notified in 2013 and regulations
for the implementation of policy were finalised in 2015;

(b) whether the policy has not been implemented till date, if so, the reasons
for the delay in implementation;

(c) whether the delay is on the part of Delhi Development Authority (DDA) or
the Delhi Government in declaring urban villages; and

(d) whether Government would expedite the matter in coordination with Delhi
Government so that the goal of providing affordable housing through this policy is realised
in real time and also in the light of goal of Government for ‘‘Housing for All by 2022’’?


(a) Yes, Sir. The land pooling policy for Delhi was notified on 05.09.2013 and the
regulations for its implementation were approved by the Ministry on 26.05.2015.

(b) to (d) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has informed that land pooling
policy will be applicable only after declaration of the villages concerned as (i)
development area under Section 12 of Delhi Development Act, 1957 by Lieutenant
Governor, Delhi after seeking the views of Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCDs),
and (ii) urban areas under Section 507 of Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 by
the concerned MCDs after the approval of Government of National Capital Territory
of Delhi. DDA is pursuing the matter accordingly.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions315

Water supply under AMRUT mission

617. DR. R. LAKSHMANAN: Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT

be please to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government is giving top priority for availability
of water and water supply in urban areas under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Urban Transformation (AMRUT) Mission, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that under AMRUT programme, Government has
targeted ensuring supply of 135 litres of water per capita per day; and

(c) if so, the ways and means through which Government will achieve this
particularly in water stressed areas?


(a) The first objective to be achieved under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) is universal coverage of water supply and sewerage. State/
UT Governments are required to give high priorities to these sectors while preparing
their State Annual Action Plan (SAAP). The SAAPs of all 36 States/UTs for the year
2015-16 have been approved. Overall the States/UTs have proposed about 70% of
total investment in water supply sector.

(b) and (c) The Mission follows the approach of achievement of Service Level
Benchmark (SLB) to select individual projects for implementation. One of the SLB
is supply of 135 lpcd water to households. The State Government are required to
look at ways including out of box thinking to achieve the SLB and choose most
suitable projects for implementation, Some of innovative ways to achieve this could
be water recycling and reuse and making water system efficeint.

Land allocation at concessional rates


be pleased to state:

(a) the details of those institutions/public utility services whom Government

allocated land at concessional rates;

(b) the details of rules and regulations for such allocations; and

(c) whether rules and regulations for such allocations are being followed properly
by these institutions?

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

316 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


(a) The details of land allocated at concessional rates to various institutions/public
utility services by the DDA and L&DO are given in the Statement-I to X and XI
respectively (See below).

(b) A copy of each terms and conditions of allotment made by DDA and L&DO
is given in the Statement-XII and XIII respectively (See below).

(c) If any violation is noticed or complaint received against any institutions

regarding violation of allotment/lease terms, action is taken under the terms of lease/
allotment by following due process.

List of Allotment of Land to Club

Sl. Category Date of Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Allotment/
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Club 03.1.74 Safdarjung Club 1894.33 S/Yds Near Kamal Cinema
2. Club 27.5.77 Supreme Court Bar CHBS Neeti Bagh Club 5544.39 Sqm Neeti Bagh
3. Club 04.9.80 Panchsheel Lady Club 603 Sqm Panchsheel Park
4. Club 21.1.81 Lions Club International 683.10 Sqm New Friends Colony
5. Club 30.1.81 Rotary Club of Delhi Qutub 0.5 Acre Madan Gir
[28 April, 2016]

6. Club 11.10.82 Saket Cultural Club 0.5 Acre Saket

7. Club 16.11.83 Goan Sports and Cultural Club 500.4 Sqm Rohini Sect. 8
8. Club 28.6.84 Lion Club East of Delhi Vivek Vihar 965.70 Sqm. Jhilmil Colony
9. Club 21.11.84 Climber and Explorers 500 Sqm Tughalkabad
10. Club 29.11.85 Naraina Club 0.5 Acre Naraina
11. Club 11.12.86 Sarvapriya Vihar CHBS 1214 Sqm Sarvapriya Vihar
12. Club 24.12.86 American Embassy of Indian, Employees CHBS Club 0.25 Acre Priyadarshani Vihar
13. Club 22.9.87 Holiday Club 1620 Sqm Paanchsheel Enclave
Unstarred Questions317
1 2 3 4 5 6
14. Club 29.4.88 Lions Club Delhi East 200 Sqm Outrem Line
15. Club 21.12.89 Pitampura Club 3000 Sqm Zone H-4 and 5
16. Club 20.12.91 Jahanpanah Club 3000 Sqm Mandakini
318 Written Answers to

17. Club 14.6.93 Kiwanis Club of New Delhi 1821.00 Sqm South of IIT
18. Club 27.10.95 New Friends Club 3583 Sqm New Friends Colony
19. Club 29.3.96 Riverside Sports and Recreation Club 2000 Sqm Mayur Vihar Ph-I
20. Club 29.3.96 Sanjay Club 10000 Sqm Sect.19, Dwarka
21. Club 6.10.99 Shalimar Social Club Society 3450 Sqm Shalimar Bagh
22. Club 30.7.99 Janakpuri Club 4671 Sqm Plot No.17, Janakpuri

23. Club 31.3.2000 East End Club 2000 Sqm CBD Shahdara
24. Club 5.5.2000 City Welfare Society 1125 Sqm. Pitampura
25. Club 1.10.2001 Sarita Vihar Club 877.50 Sqm Jasola
26. Club 14.8.2001 Young Sports and Cultural Society 0.77 Acre Lado Sarai
27. Club 26.6.2001 IUA Trust 3724 Sqm. Sector-13, Rohini
28. Club 25.9.2001 Great Getsby Club of India 6237 Sqm Mandawali Fazalpur
29. Club 04.3.1987 Preet Nagar CHBS 2800 Sqm. Preet Vihar
30. Club 14.2.2004 M. S. Recreation and Cultural Society 5700 Sqm. Vasant Kunj
Unstarred Questions

List of Allotment of Land to Community Hall

Sl. Category Date of Name of Society Area Allotted Location
No. Allotment/
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Community Hall ** Lok Sewak Coop. House 500.00 Geetanjli
2. Community Hall ** Sri Sanatan Dhram Sabha 422.230 Tagore Garden
3. Community Hall ** Nathaneli's Junior Education Society 1011.750 Munirka
4. Community Hall 17.11.1965 The Honorary Secretary, Vivekanand Vihar 1375.886 Hauz Khas
5. Community Hall 5.12.1965 Vivekanand Vihar 1645.60 Safdar Jung
[28 April, 2016]

6. Community Hall 24.4.1972 Arya Samaj 980.10 Wazir Pur

7. Community Hall 2.7.1974 Vivek Vihar Sanatan Dharam Sabha 418.05 Tahirpur
8. Community Hall 25.4.1975 Delhi Yoga Sabha 418.05 Pambari Road
9. Community Hall 4.7.1975 Shri. S D Jain Sabha 980.00 Wazir Pur
10. Community Hall 28.7.1977 Shri. Sanatan Dharam Sabha 585.00 Janakpuri
11. Community Hall 11.12.1986 Ministry of Works and Houshing Supply CHBS Ltd. 0.722 Nirman Vihar
12. Community Hall 16.12.1986 Dehli Universsity Teachers CHBS Ltd. 500.00 Sq. Yds Pitampura
13. Community Hall 17.12.1986 Central CPWD Govt. Servants CHBS Ltd. 1214.10 Pitampura
Unstarred Questions319
1 2 3 4 5 6
14. Community Hall 17.12.1986 Chanderlok CHBS Ltd. 558.48 Pitampura
15. Community Hall 17.12.1986 AGCR CHBS Ltd. 0.259 Agcr Enclave
16. Community Hall 19.12.1986 Diplomatic Enclave Extn. CHBS 0.500 Westend Colony
17. Community Hall 22.12.1986 Ministry of Health CHBS Ltd. 0.32 Acre Swasthya Vihar
320 Written Answers to

18. Community Hall 24.14.1986 E P R R HB Society Ltd. 0.21 Acre G K-II

19. Community Hall 8.5.1987 Aggarwal Vikas Parishad 330.00 Rohini
20. Community Hall 17.10.1987 The Secretary, Hari Nagar Malayalee Association (Regd.) 600.00 Hari Nagar
21. Community Hall 19.2.1988 Dayanand Co-Op. House Bld. Society 0.246 Shahdra
22. Community Hall 24.12.1988 P and T Employes Central CHBS 501.00 Sandesh Vihar
23. Community Hall 24.4.1989 Vardhman Jain Dhramshala Parbhandhak Committee 500.00 Gautam Puri

24. Community Hall 27.4.1989 Dehati CHBS Ltd. 410.40 Pitampura

25. Community Hall 24.5.1989 Civilian Personnel CHBS Ltd 200 Defence Enclave
26. Community Hall 19.10.1990 Delhi Officers CHBS Ltd 0.245 **
27. Community Hall 20.6.1991 Aggarwal Sabha 1080.00 Prasant Vihar
28. Community Hall 8.22.1991 UP Samaj CHBS Ltd. 406.40 Pitampura
29. Community Hall 10.9.1991 LIC Government Servants CHBS Ltd. 1215 Sunder Vihar
30. Community Hall 26.9.1991 Timarpur CHBS Ltd. 464.56 Pitampura
Unstarred Questions
31. Community Hall 19.11.1991 The Dera Ghaji Khan Distt. Refugee CHBS Ltd. 0.136 Acre Tarun Enclave
32. Community Hall 17.2.1993 Anand Lok CHBS Ltd. 620.00 Anand Lok
33. Community Hall 22.6.1993 Seth Ugarsen Khilona Devi Charitable Trust 1000.00 Pitampura
34. Community Hall 12.11.1993 Rohtas CHBS Ltd. 611.53 Pitampura
Written Answers to

35. Community Hall 9.12.1993 Commerce and Industry v Ltd. 649.30 Pitampura
36. Community Hall 4.4.1994 Aggarwal Prem Sabha 500.00 Janak Puri
37. Community Hall 5.12.1994 Aggarwal Sabha 324.00 Rohini
38. Community Hall 23.7.1996 Nijanand Sampradya Trust 783.21 Pitampura
39. Community Hall 17.3.1997 The Aviation Employees CHBS Ltd. 1226.00 Gagan Vihar
40. Community Hall 20.3.1997 Kangra Adarsh Co-Operative Group Housing Society Ltd. 809.40 Vikas Puri
[28 April, 2016]

41. Community Hall 12.11.1997 Arora Sohan Lal Charitable Society 700.620 Vasant Vihar
42. Community Hall 22.1.1998 Bhavalpur Samaj Delhi 1000.00 Janak Puri
43. Community Hall 3.2.1998 Modern Delhi Welfare Society 494.00 Gujranwala Town
44. Community Hall 6.2.1998 Minocha Yogic Shiksha and Sanskritik Nyas 660.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
45. Community Hall 22.6.1998 S S Jain Sabha 400.00 Yamuna Vihar
46. Community Hall 6.7.1998 Shalimar Punjabi Sabha 669.60 Shalimar Bagh
47. Community Hall 24.9.1998 Central Revenue CHBS Ltd. 250.00 Vikas Marg Extn.
48. Community Hall 17.10.1998 Uthrakand Jan Sahyog Samiti 455 Yamuna Vihar
Unstarred Questions321
1 2 3 4 5 6
49. Community Hall 2.11.1998 Radha Govind Samiti 660.00 Dwarka
50. Community Hall 5.11.1999 Reserve Bank Staff Co-Op Housing Society Ltd. 527.825 Paschim Vihar
51. Community Hall 30.12.1999 Aggarwal Sabha Govind Puri 660.00 Kalkaji
52. Community Hall 2.2.2000 Jhang Sabha at Rishi Nagar 660 Rishi Nagar
322 Written Answers to

53. Community Hall 10.2.2000 Sant Samagam 367.07 Rohini

54. Community Hall 9.8.2000 Janak Puri Bangali Association 566.00 Janakpuri
55. Community Hall 11.9.2000 Inderprastha Vistar Sahkari Society Mahasangh Ltd. 1000.00 IP Extn.
56. Community Hall 12.10.2000 The Delhi School Teacher's Association (C.H.B.S.) 344.250 Surajmal Vihar
57. Community Hall 20.10.2000 Gardeshiya Bhartra Mandal 500.00 Karkardooma
58. Community Hall 2.11.2000 Nurshing Dass Jansewa Samiti 520.00 Pitampura

59. Community Hall 9.11.2000 Akkhil Bhartiya Bhavalpur Panchayat 296.35 Prasad Nagar
60. Community Hall 29.12.2000 Palam Jain Educational and Welfare Society 662.34 Dwarka
61. Community Hall 4.1.2001 Navjiwan Co-Op House Building Society Ltd. 538.448 AGCR Enclave
62. Community Hall 10.1.2001 S. S. Jain Sabha 700.00 Ashok Vihar
63. Community Hall 12.1.2001 Raj Priya Welfare Society 1000.00 Karkardooma
64. Community Hall 15.1.2001 Shree Thakurdass Memo. Edu. and Cul. Socieity (Regd) 676.94 Rohini
65. Community Hall 12.2.2001 Maharani Bagh Co-Op H.B.S Ltd. 1150.00 Maharani Bagh
Unstarred Questions
66. Community Hall 23.2.2001 Northern Zone Insurance Employes 403.70 Paschim Vihar
67. Community Hall 6.19.2001 Pun Jabi Baradri (Regd.) 786.60 Ashok Vihar
68. Community Hall 21.6.2001 Shri Aggrawal Sabha 462.48 Pitampura
69. Community Hall 22.6.2001 Arorbans Sabha 1000.00 Vikas Puri
Written Answers to

70. Community Hall 18.7.2001 Saraswati Welfare Society 660.00 Pitampura

71. Community Hall 3.8.2001 Royal Park Society 400.00 Malviya Nagar
72. Community Hall 17.9.2001 Harish Educational and Social Welfare Society (Regd) 593.00 Rohini
73. Community Hall 27.9.2001 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 400.00 Tahirpur
74. Community Hall 3.10.2001 Mathur Vaish Chartiable Educational Sabha 418.50 Rohini
75. Community Hall 8.10.2001 Jai Mitra Mandal 545.00 Rohtak Road
[28 April, 2016]

76. Community Hall 11.10.2001 East Pakistan Desplaced Persons Association 250.83 Chitranjan Park
77. Community Hall 15.10.2001 M.R. Charitable Trust 660.00 Dwarka
78. Community Hall 29.10.2001 D S Cultral and Welfare Society 503.75 Pitampura
79. Community Hall 30.10.2001 Oasis Welfare Society 447.79 Rohini
80. Community Hall 12.11.2001 Ideal Educational and Welfare Society 500.00 Karkardooma
81. Community Hall 23.11.2001 Sunder Shiksha Samiti 500.00 Yamuna Vihar

82. Community Hall 23.11.2001 Qrg Foudation 425.00 Karkardooma

83. Community Hall 3.12.2001 International Gaudiya Vedanta Trust 600.00 Janakpuri
Unstarred Questions323
1 2 3 4 5 6

84. Community Hall 3.1.2002 Delhi Bengali Hindu Co-Op House Bldg. Society 501.60 Tagore Park

85. Community Hall 4.1.2002 Prime Edn. and Cul. Society 1100.00 Rohini

86. Community Hall 10.1.2002 Manav Utthan Sewa Samiti 400.00 Dilshad Garden
324 Written Answers to

87. Community Hall 18.1.2002 The President Akhil Bhartiya Samajothan Samiti 1028.00 Rohini

88. Community Hall 18.1.2002 K. R. Cultural and Welfare Society 663.00 Rohini

89. Community Hall 31.1.2002 Vaish Aggarwal Sabha, 800.00 Vikas Puri

90. Community Hall 20.2.2002 A S Cultral Welfare Society 487.50 Sainik Vihar (Not
Yet H.O)

91. Community Hall 8.3.2002 Lala Baijnath Bhegeria Charitable Society 500.00 Vasant Kunj

92. Community Hall 8.4.2002 Milantar Welfare Society 628.750 Rohini


93. Community Hall 15.4.2002 Satyam Shivam Sundram 400.00 Rohini

94. Community Hall 12.7.2002 Smt. Bharto Devi Charitable Trust 660.00 Rohini

95. Community Hall 30.7.2002 The President, God Grace Welfare and Educational Society 660.00 Rohini

96. Community Hall 31.7.2002 Divya Jyoti Jagriti Sansthan 600.00 Viswash Nagar

97. Community Hall 1.8.2002 Haryana Maitri Sang 803.91 Pitampura

98. Community Hall 29.8.2002 Shree Laxmi Narain Sewa Ashram Trust 1043.50 Mandawali Fazalpur

99. Community Hall 24.9.2002 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, 802.46 Dwarka

Unstarred Questions
100. Community Hall 25.9.2002 Naraini Foundation 740.00 Rohini
101. Community Hall 9.10.2002 Jan Kalyan Manoranjan Samiti 660.00 Rohini
102. Community Hall 26.11.2002 Laxmi Radhey Shyam Charitable Club 660.00 Rohini
103. Community Hall 4.12.2002 Oracle Educational Society 761.45 Rohini
Written Answers to

104. Community Hall 20.12.2002 Haryana Maitri Sangh (Regd.) 803.91 Pittampura
105. Community Hall 26.12.2002 Adarsh Shiksha Sansthan 700.00 Ashok Vihar
106. Community Hall 8.4.2003 Two Wings Welfare Society 628.750 Rohini
107. Community Hall 8.4.2003 Sarva Dharam Welfare Association 658.00 Pitampura
108. Community Hall 24.4.2003 Sanskriti Social Society 650.520 Pitampura
109. Community Hall 29.5.2003 National CHBS Ltd. 4903.00 Ram Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

110. Community Hall 9.9.2004 Central Government Industrial Works CHBS Ltd. 400.00 Anand Vihar
111. Community Hall 25.1.2006 Government School Teachers CHBS Ltd 1126.70 Sarasati Vihar
112. Community Hall 10.1.2007 Nav Nirman Edn. and Cul. Society 882.17 Dwarka
113. Community Hall 8.6.2009 All India Government Employes CHBS 0.1300 Kiran Vihar
**Exact position not available
Unstarred Questions325

List of allotment of land to higher and techinical institutions/socio culture/office purpose

Sl. Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Date of Possession
1 2 3 4 5
326 Written Answers to

1. ** Little People Education Society 6000.00 Dwarka

2. ** Naraina Industries Association ** Naraina
3. ** Rishi Aurobindo Ednl Society ** Narela
4. ** Sanatan Dharam Prachin Sabha 10117.50 Sqm Mayur Vihar
5. ** Woman and Child Welfare Centre 4047 Sqm Dwarka
6. ** Indian Institute of Islamic Studies 124688.07 Sqm Tughlakabad

7. ** All India Sanskrit Sahitya Sammelan 2023.50 Sqm South of IIT

8. ** Surajmal Memorial Edn. Society ** Janakpuri
9. ** Sanjivini Society for Mental Health ** Qutab Institutional Area
10. ** Manav Kalyan Adhyatmic Sansthan ** Lajpat Nagar
11. ** Delhi Society for Mentally Research Children 17806.80 Sqm Okhla
12. ** Academy for Fine Art 1000 Sqm. Siri Fort Institutional Area
13. ** Asam Association 835 Sqm. Qutub Inst. Area
14. ** Lohia Karpoori Institute of Tech. for Social Change 513 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
Unstarred Questions
15. ** Naritya Kasturba Cultural Society 1701 Sqm. Hauj Khas
16. ** Panchayti Dharmarth Trust 475 Sqm. Ashok Vihar
17. ** Satsang Delhi Branch Safdarjung 0.25 Acre South of IIT
18. ** Women Development Organization 2000 Sqm. FC-33, Jasola
Written Answers to

19. ** Old Age Home 1877 Sqm. Dwarka

20. 24.7.68 All India Federation of Deaf 5769.93 Sqm South of IIT
21. 30.10.68 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 12545.70 Sqm Friends Colony
22. 17.2.69 Lokayata Welfare Centre 836.10 Sqm Hauz Khas
23. 19.4.69 Guru Nanak Foundation 4220.96 Sqm South of IIT
24. 10.2.70 Raag Rang 4856.40 Sqm AGCR Enclave
25. 27.12.71 Delhi Yuva Sabha 418.05 Sqm Pambari Chowk
[28 April, 2016]

26. 5.1.72 Institute of Home Economy 8377.29 Sqm South Extn

27. 25.8.72 United India Organization 2933.80 Sqm South of IIT
28. 1.3.73 Asian Institute of Ednl. Planning and Administration 15176.25 Sqm Hauz Khas
29. 22.8.73 School of Plan and Architecture 20639.70 Sqm Kondli Gharoli
30. 16.1.74 All India Book Seller and Publisher Association 348.39 Sqm East of Kailash
31. 11.12.74 Institute for Socialist Edn. 4047 Sqm South of IIT
32. 16.10.75 Federation for Welfare of Mentally Retarded 8094 Sqm South of IIT
33. 20.8.76 War Widows Association 1000 Sqm South of IIT
Unstarred Questions327
1 2 3 4 5
34. 2.2.77 Indian Federation of United Nation Association 836.10 Sqm South of IIT
35. 24.4.78 Bhartiya Grameen Mahila Sangh 1003.32 Sheikh Sarai
36. 15.7.78 Kund-kund Bharti 4047 Sqm South of IIT
37. 11.1.80 Hindu Sangeet Institute 838.22 Sqm South of IIT
328 Written Answers to

38. 17.7.80 Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan Memorial Society 1800.00 South of IIT
39. 29.8.80 Dr. Vijaypal Memorial Society 122 Sqm Lawrence Road
40. 25.9.80 Voluntary Health Association of India 800.50 Sqm South of IIT
41. 10.3.80 Institute of Marketing and management 3064.62 Sqm South of IIT
42. 27.11.80 Habitat of India 9915.15 Sqm South of IIT
43. 28.1.81 Bhartiya Gyan Peeth 4047 Sqm South of IIT

44. 3.12.81 Action for Food Production 500.41 Sqm Pankha Road
45. 4.5.81 National Centre for Human Settlement and Environment 104 Sqm South of IIT
46. 22.4.81 Bharat Krishik Samaj 845.39 Sqm South of IIT
47. 6.7.81 All India Primary Teacher Federation 752.50 Sqm Pankha Road
48. 6.11.81 Canara Bank Relife and Welfare Society 1618.80 Sirifort Instt. Area
49. 3.2.82 Vocational Ednl. Society 8094 Sqm Masjid Mode
50. 16.3.82 Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Memorial National Committee 4047 Sqm South of IIT
51. 18.5.82 Delhi Mahila Samaj 2000 Sqm Tughlakabad
Unstarred Questions
52. 15.7.82 People Action for Development India 1003.32 Sqm Pankha Road
53. 30.7.1982 Vishwa Dharmayatan Trust 1000.00 Sqm. South of IIT
54. 9.1.83 Family Planning Foundation 3035.25 Sqm Munirka
55. 1.14.83 Centre for Indian Classical Dance 1700 sqm Hauz Khas
Written Answers to

56. 2.2.83 Bhartiya Ekta Avam Vikas Parishad 101175 Sqm South of IIT
57. 28.3.83 CCI Limited 28329 Sqm Badarpur
58. 31.5.83 Kala Vihar 669 sqm Kalkaji
59. 31.5.83 Bharat Krishak Samaj 1861.69 Sqm South of IIT
60. 6.7.83 Federation of India Export Organization 2023.50 Sqm South of IIT
61. 22.8.83 Handicapped Welfare Federation 7337.21 Sqm Vishwas Nagar
[28 April, 2016]

62. 22.9.83 Ganesha Natalya 1011 Sqm South of IIT

63. 12.12.83 The Institute of Structure Engineering 752.49 Sqm Pankha Road
64. 19.12.83 Vethathiri Maharishi Symplified Kundalini Yoga Centre 500 Sqm Janakpuri
65. 21.1.84 Foundation for Organization Research 3480.42 Sqm South of IIT
66. 3.3.84 The International Centre for Kathak Kali 1011.75 Sqm South of IIT
67. 3.4.84 Indian Institute of Chemical Engineer 123.58 Sqm South of IIT
68. 5.3.84 Sri Aurobindo Edn. Society 39822.48 Sqm Kalu Sarai
69. 18.5.84 Help Age India 1011 Sqm South of IIT
Unstarred Questions329
1 2 3 4 5
70. 18.5.84 Help Age India 836.10 Sqm South of IIT
71. 29.5.84 Sadar Anjuman-I-Ahmadiyya of Qadim 2000.00 Tughlakabad Area
72. 30.5.84 All India Confederation of the Blind for Training School 3000 Sqm Rohini
73. 30.5.84 Gujarat Research Society 3183.39 Sqm South of IIT
330 Written Answers to

74. 18.7.84 Guild of Services 98.01 Sqm South of IIT

75. 18.7.84 Guild of Services 944.20 Sqm South of IIT
76. 25.8.84 Jai Shankar Memorial Centre 4127.50 Sqm Sarita Vihar
77. 31.8.84 All India Deaf and Dumb Society 1642 Sqm TYA
78. 12.2.84 Indian Archeological Society 222441.86 Sqm South of IIT
79. 1.4.85 All India Prohibnition Centre 1500 Sqm Tughlakabad

80. 2.5.85 International Management Institute 10117.50 Sqm South of IIT

81. 3.10.85 Centre for Cultural Resources Training 1500 Sqm Tughlakabad
82. 19.6.85 Indian Olympic Association 2023.50 Sqm South of IIT
83. 18.7.85 Young Human Association 4047 Sqm Malviaya Nagar
84. 16.1.86 Bhartiya Ekta Avam Vikas Parishad 952.69 Sqm South of IIT
85. 24.1.86 Indian Institute of Metal Ltd 1000 Sqm Tuklakabad
86. 6.3.86 Automobile Association of Upper India 724.06 Sqm South of IIT
87. 23.9.86 All India Institute of Local Self Government 1881.23 Sqm Pankha Road
Unstarred Questions
88. 10.6.86 The Bar Council of Delhi 1000 Sqm Siri Fort
89. 10.7.86 Tibatan Youth Hostel 8094 Sqm Rohini
90. 16.10.86 New Artist Forum 836.10 Sqm Siri Fort
91. 4.11.86 IETE 1699.74 Sqm Janakpuri
Written Answers to

92. 20.11.86 Association of Metropolitan Development Authority 1732 Sqm Siri Fort
93. 2.12.86 Chandraban Bansal Ch. Trust 500 Sqm Khureji Khas
94. 2.9.87 Driven Fellow and Riding Club 6070.50 Sqm JLN University
95. 26.3.87 Delhi Association of Deaf 610.85 Sqm South of IIT
96. 16.7.87 Institute of Trade and Industrial Development 1003.32 Sqm Pankha Road
97. 28.7.87 Party Specially Research in Asia 999 Sqm Tughlakabad
98. 8.7.87 Mayapuri Industrial Welfare Association 297.28 Sqm Mayapuri
[28 April, 2016]

99. 8.12.87 Maleria Research Centre 28329 Sqm Dwarka

100. 20.9.87 Mangalam for Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped 1500 Sqm Karkardooma
101. 22.9.87 Raj Yoga Ednl and Research Foundation 675.54 Sqm Siri Fort
102. 8.10.1987 Sanskriti Pratishthan 757.96 South of IIT
103. 14.12.87 Rajeswari Sangeet Academy Society for Party Specially 2000 Sqm Tughlakabad
104. 11.1.88 Quami Ekta Welfare Society 800 Sqm Vishwas Nagar
105. 12.2.88 Jain Swetamber Khartar Gachha Maha Sangh 500 Sqm Vasant Kunj
106. 7.3.88 Nature Cure and Yoga Trust 6070.50 Patpar Ganj
Unstarred Questions331
1 2 3 4 5
107. 9.5.88 All India Confideration of the Blind 3000 Sqm Rohini
108. 29.3.89 Citizens National days celebration committee 940.61 Sqm Janakpuri
109. 29.5.89 Karnica Society 334.44 Sqm Gautampuri
110. 15.10.89 Bhartiya Vidyapeeth 14862.35 Sqm Paschim Vihar
332 Written Answers to

111. 4.2.90 The General Secretary 540.00 Vishwas Nagar

112. 26.12.90 Physically Handicapped Bookbinder Association 200 Sqm Tughlakabad
113. 9.4.91 Research Foundation 360 Sqm Rohini
114. 30.4.91 Indian Orthopaedic Association 412.64 Sqm Tughlakabad
115. 12.12.91 Indian Radiological and Imaging Asso. 898.30 Sqm South of IIT
116. 24.2.92 Pallavi Arts 1315 Sqm Vasant Kunj

117. 1.7.92 Very Special Art India 645.88 Sqm Vasant Kunj
118. 19.1.93 Institute of Social Sciences 803 Sqm Vasant Kunj
119. 6.8.93 Common Cause Society 513 Sqm Sarita Vihar
120. 15.11.93 National Press of India 513 Sqm Sarita Vihar
121. 20.1.94 Great India Edn. Society 925 Sqm Meera Nagar
122. 24.3.94 Institute of Recourses Management and Economic 600.35 Sqm Karkardooma
123. 25.3.94 Handicapped Children Parents Association 5002.50 Sqm Dwarka
Unstarred Questions
124. 30.3.94 Diabetic Selfcare Foundation 427.50 Sqm Sarita Vihar
125. 19.4.94 The Forum of Financial Writers 700 Sqm Sarita Vihar
126. 30.3.95 Indian of Ex-Services League 2000 Sqm Dwarka
127. 4.7.95 Servants of the People Society 4000 Sqm Dwarka
Written Answers to

128. 25.4.95 Mahila Sashakta Samiti 400 Sqm Karkardooma

129. 31.5.95 Kuskan Parent Association 4090 Sqm Vasant Kunj
130. 14.11.95 Jeevan Deep Yoga Centre 762.98 Sqm Vasant Kunj
131. 14.12.95 Birla Academy 31688.01 Sqm Vasant Kunj
132. 29.12.95 India Institute of Foreign Trade 3035.25 Sqm Qutab Institute Area
133. 15.2.96 Society For Employment and Career Counciling (Regd.) 1000.00 Tughlakabad Area
134. 16.2.96 Sri Aurobindo Society 635.60 Sqm New Mehrauli Road
[28 April, 2016]

135. 13.3.96 International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution 12141 Sqm Vasant Kunj
136. 19.3.96 DAV College Managing Committee 786.60 Sqm Ashok Vihar
137. 4.1.96 The Secretary, Naari Drishti, A Women Point of View 800.00 Dwarka
138. 15.4.96 Federation of Engineering Industries of India 900.00 Janakpuri
139. 25.6.96 Deepalaya 900.00 Pankha Road
140. 27.6.96 Federation of Hotel and Restaurant 10117.50 Dwarka
141. 21.8.96 Welfare Home for Children 700 Sqm Sarita Vihar
142. 9.8.96 Ashirvad Senior Citizen Council 347.75 Sqm Karkardooma
Unstarred Questions333
1 2 3 4 5
143. 25.9.96 Uday Shanker Academy of Creative Dances 1000.00 East of Kailash
144. 10.10.96 Parivar Sewa Sanstha 420 Karkardooma
145. 29.11.96 Arya Samaj Surajmal Vihar, (Regd.) 450.00 Surajmal Vihar
146. 13.12.96 Apeejay Ednl. Society 8094 Sqm Dwarka
334 Written Answers to

147. 2.1.97 Samadhan Society 728.47 sqm Dwarka

148. 18.3.97 Bharat Vikas Parishad 990 Sqm Pitampura
149. 18.6.97 Jaganath Gupta Memorial Edn. Society 2000 Sqm Rohini
150. 24.7.97 Society for employment and career councelling 1000 Sqm Tughlakabad
151. 26.7.97 Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation 418.00 Derawal Nagar
152. 6.10.97 PunJabi Baradri (Regd.) 786.60 Ashok Vihar
153. 27.11.97 Nyingmapa Mahabuddha Vihara 660.00 Dheer Pur

154. 1.4.98 Naari Drasti 800 Sqm Dwarka

155. 2.1.98 Awadh Public Charitable Trust 2462 Sqm Sheikh Sarai
156. 2.2.98 Sarita Vihar Sanskriti Parishad 400.00 Sarita Vihar
157. 11.2.98 Subhadra Sewa Sansthan (Regd.) 400.00 Pittampura
158. 3.3.98 Muskan Parents Association 4090.00 Vasant Kunj
159. 3.4.98 International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution 12141.00 Vasant Kunj
160. 10.8.98 Jain Swetamber Khartar Gachha Mahasangh 500.00 Vasant Kunj
161. 11.9.98 Raj Yoga Edn. and Research Building 692.50 Sqm Ashok Vihar
Unstarred Questions
162. 18.12.98 Prayas Jac Society 510.00 Tughlakabad Area
163. 23.2.99 YWCA 5000 Sqm Dwarka
164. 27.2.99 Seth Pokkarmal Edn. Society 1375 Sqm Rohini
165. 18.3.99 Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanem 8121.33 Vasant Kunj
Written Answers to

Dakshninamnaya Sri Sharda Peetham

166. 4.10.99 National Federation of Sugar Co-Operative Factory Ltd. 750 Sqm Jasola
167. 25.5.99 Centre for Media Study 238 Sqm Saket
168. 6.9.99 National Council for Urdu Language 830 Sqm Jasola
169. 24.6.99 Umak Centre for Culture 946.00 Jasola
170. 28.6.99 Sangitika 380.90 Sqm Karkardooma
171. 23.7.99 Him Educational Society 646.14 Sqm Vasant Kunj
172. 18.8.99 Institute for Study in Industrial Development 15000.76 Sqm Vasant Kunj
[28 April, 2016]

173. 9.9.99 Voluntary Action Net Work India 500 Sqm Dwarka
174. 24.9.99 Institute for Studies in Industrial Development 15000.76 Vasant Kunj
175. 10.5.99 Shri Lal Bahadur Seva Niketan, 2000.00 Dwarka
176. 11.9.99 Subros Educational Society (Regd.) 992.50 Panchsheel
177. 1.12.99 Shakti Pradyani Sahethan Trust (Regd). 332.10 Madhu Vihar
178. 1.3.2000 Citizenship Development Society 795 Sqm Mayur Vihar
179. 4.5.2000 Triveni Educational Social Welfare Society 2006.00 Janakpuri
180. 5.4.2000 Bharatiya Brahaman Charitable Trust 22825.08 Rohini
Unstarred Questions335
1 2 3 4 5
181. 5.5.2000 City Welfare Society 1125 Sqm Wazirpur
182. 25.5.2000 Jagan Nath Gupta Memorial Educational Society 2052.79 Kalkaji
183. 12.7.2000 Ednl. Society of Professional and Vocational 3000 Sqm Dwarka
184. 25.7.2000 Gujrat Co-Op Milk Marketing Federation 940.64 Janakpuri
336 Written Answers to

185. 16.10.2000 Aditya Institute of Technology 8061.14 Sqm Dwarka

186. 9.11.2000 Delhi Bharat Vikas Foundation Regd. 1052.22 Yojana Vihar
187. 24.11.2000 Food Research and Analysis Centre 2001.00 Dwarka
188. 29.12.2000 Palam Jain Educational and Welfare Society 662.34 Dwarka
189. 29.12.2000 Handicapped Welfare Federation 3300.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
190. 30.1.01 Bonded Labour Liberation Fronts 300.00 Dwarka

191. 7.3.01 Citizenship Development Society 795.00 Mayur Vihar

192. 7.3.01 Akhil Bhartiya Bhawalpur (State) 296.35 Parshad Nagar
193. 30.3.01 Help 2000.00 Dallupura
194. 26.4.01 Jai Jaiwanti 500.00 Jasola
195. 31.5.01 Anant Parmarth Edu. and Social Trust 863.20 Saraswati Vihar
196. 13.6.01 Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism 1000.00 Tughlakabad Area
197. 14.6.01 Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering 400 Sqm Karkardooma
198. 18.6.01 National Association for the Blind 2000 Sqm Dwarka
Unstarred Questions
199. 4.7.01 Delhi Productivity Council 8094.00 Dwarka
200. 9.7.01 Maharaja Agarsen Technical Education Society 35300.00 Rohini
201. 9.7.01 Holly Cross Social Service Centre. 3000.00 Dheer Pur
202. 2.8.01 Rohini Star Ednl. Society 485.40 Sqm Dwarka
Written Answers to

203. 14.8.01 DOEACC Society 4277.88 Sqm Dwarka

204. 23.8.01 Sahitya Akademi 2083.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
205. 6.9.01 Dr. Hegdwar Smark Nayas 768.00 Jasola
206. 11.9.01 National Instt. of Public Finance and Policy 2800.00 South of IIT
207. 11.10.01 Women's Development Organization 2000.00 Jasola
208. 18.10.01 Centre for Science and Environment 1000 Sqm Tughlakabad
209. 31.10.01 Rohini Edn. Society Shiva Nand 2700 Sqm Rohini
[28 April, 2016]

210. 2.12.01 International Gaudiya Vedanta Trust 600.00 Janakpuri

211. 19.12.01 Yoga Vidhan Natraja Society 508.14 Sqm Dwarka
212. 4.1.02 Society for Indian Ocean Studies 1071.33 Lado Sarai
213. 5.1.02 Shri Jain Sadhvi Shashi Kanta 400 Sqm Rohini
214. 24.1.02 Prime Ednl. Welfare Society 795 Sqm Mayur Vihar
215. 4.2.02 Mata Leelawati Shikshan Sansthan 3135.38 Janakpuri
216. 7.2.02 Strength India Educational Society 20235.00 Pittampura

217. 8.2.02 Missionaries of Charity 2000.00 Vishwas Nagar

Unstarred Questions337
1 2 3 4 5
218. 14.2.02 Development of Promotion of Intl. Business Vasant Village 2002.00 Vasant Kunj
219. 26.2.02 Soceity for Human Transformation and Research 2000.00 Rohini
220. 22.3.02 Health and Education Society (Regd.), 1375.00 Rohini
221. 2.4.02 Age Care India 1000.00 Dwarka
338 Written Answers to

222. 16.4.02 Urivi Vikram Charitable Trust (Regd). 1000.00 Dwarka

223. 19.4.02 Shri Surjan Singh, Rishal Singh 2000.00 Rohini
224. 6.5.02 Beuro of his Holiness the Dalailama 200 Sqm Dwarka
225. 8.5.02 Consulting Engineers Association of India 379.00 Vasant Kunj
226. 29.5.02 ACME Ednl. Society 4047 Sqm Dwarka
227. 6.6.02 Children of the World (Delhi) Society 500.00 Dwarka

228. 17.6.02 Sharda Memorial Educational Society 600.00 Karkardooma

229. 20.6.02 Society for Human Transformation and Research 2000 Sqm Rohini
230. 12.7.02 Stagedoor, The Welcome Theatre Studio 4000.00 Saket
231. 15.7.02 Rashtriya Swabhiman 933.45 Sqm IIT
232. 17.7.02 Babu Banarasi Dass Educational Society 32737.00 Shastri Park
233. 20.8.02 Action for Autism 1400.00 Sarita Vihar
234. 20.8.02 Shivananda Yoga Vedanta Natraja Society 508.14 Dwarka
235. 1.10.02 Shri Laxman Dass Sachdeva Memorial Ednl. Society 4000 Sqm Rohini
Unstarred Questions
236. 12.10.02 Tata Energy Research Institute 8094.00 Vasant Kunj
237. 25.10.02 National Rifle Association of India 500.28 Tughlakabad Area
238. 31.10.02 Shri Banarsidas Chandiwala Sewa Smarak Trust Society 2000.00 Dwarka
239. 29.9.03 Indira Kiran Charitable Trust 400 Sqm Karkardooma
Written Answers to

240. 28.3.06 Society for Employeement and Carrier Counselling 1479 Tuglakabad
241. 9.5.06 Oil Industries Development Board 6500 Sector-23, Dwarka
242. 1.2.07 Sky Vision Welfare Society 2300 Sector-9, Dwarka
243. 21.11.07 Spice Board 936 Sector-A-7 Narela
244. 2.4.08 The Missionary of Charity 1050 Jungpura
245. 21.12.09 The Delhi Orthodox Diocesam Council 461.60 Sector-3, Rohini
246. 6.9.10 International Medical Sciences Academy 873 Sector-A-7, Narela
[28 April, 2016]

247. 21.9.11 Learning Matter Educational Society 3000 Sqm. Sector-13, Dwraka
248. 10.2.12 Voice Society 400 Sqm. Plot No.6, Psp Area,
Sector-22, Rohini
249. 14.2.12 Popular Institute Society for the Blind 801 Sqm. Plot No. CS/OCF-7,
Sector-24, Rohini
250. 19.2.13 Chander Bhushan Singh Memorial Mahila Bal Evam 2000 Sqm. Sector-13, Dwarka
Sharvan Viklang Shiksha Evem Punarvash Sansthan
251. 14.10.14 SC/ST Welfare and Development Society 4510 Sqm. Sector-25, Rohini
Note: **Accurate position is not available
Unstarred Questions339

Allotment made to Nursery School

Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location

1. N.S. 24.09.1999 Harvard India Society 1000.00 Preet Vihar
2. N.S. 07.11.2001 All India Digamber Jain Society 1003.00 Preet Vihar
340 Written Answers to

3. N.S. 15.05.1998 Cavery Educational Society 800.00 Vasant Vihar

4. N.S. 25.03.1988 Marrey Sweet House Public School 826.67 Yamuna Vihar
5. N.S. 10.11.2001 Perfect Educational and Cultural Association 800.00 Dwarka
6. N.S. 02.04.2002 Janta Shiksha Prachar Samiti 800.00 Rohini
7. N.S. 16.08.2002 Krishna Geetanjali Foundation Society 800.00 Vikas Puri
8. N.S. 09.11.2002 Chadha Education Society 800.00 Pittampura

9. N.S. 04.02.2002 Jeewan Charitable Society 800.00 Pittampura

10. N.S. 29.10.2001 Sacred Mission Educational Society 785.00 Paschim Vihar
11. N.S. 22.02.2002 Shrimati Giana Devi Memorial Educational Society 800.00 Rohini
12. N.S. 03.10.2001 Nijdham Educational and Welfare Society 800.00 Gujarwalan
13. N.S. 06.11.2001 Renaissance Educational Society 794.58 Shalimar Bagh
14. N.S. 18.10.2001 Shreeyans Educational Society 800.00 Vasant Kunj
15. N.S. 05.10.1995 Mair Rajput Educational Society 903.44 Pittampura
16. N.S. 01.08.1996 Secular Educational Society 1011.75 Preet Vihar
Unstarred Questions
17. N.S. 22.11.1995 Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Memorial Society 795.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
18. N.S. 28.06.1996 Rohini Shiksha Sanskritik Sansthan 800.00 Rohini
19. N.S. 23.09.1994 B.R Memorial Society 1011.39 Vikas Puri
20. N.S. 11.10.2001 Child Education Socity 829.00 Pittampura
Written Answers to

21. N.S. 28.06.2003 Harsh Educational Society 850.00 Vasant Kunj

22. N.S. 05.12.2002 Veena Rani Suri Educational Welfare Society 800.00 Paschim Vihar
23. N.S. 09.08.1996 K.V. Education Society 840.00 Dilshad Garden
24. N.S. 05.01.1996 Devashree Vashistha Education Society (Regd.) 1000.00 Preet Vihar
25. N.S. 06.08.1988 Law's Angels Educational Society 97128.00 Shahdra
26. N.S. 17.07.1987 Nutan Vidya Mandir Society 1011.75 Agcr Enclave
27. N.S. 22.01.1983 D.A.V College Trust and Management Society 2104.44 Wazir Pur
[28 April, 2016]

28. N.S. 03.09.2002 Jagdish Educational Society 310.00 Rohini

29. N.S. 10.08.1987 Adarsh Children Education and Welfare Society 1606.66 Janakpuri
30. N.S. 09.08.2002 Lawrance Road Modern Education Society 1233.96 Lawrence Road
31. N.S. 01.02.1984 The Magic Years Educational Society 1942.56 Vasant Vihar
32. N.S. ** Salwan Educational Trust 1011.75 Tagore Garden
33. N.S. 22.05.1987 Jansewa Educational Society (Regd.) 861.67 Pittampura
34. N.S. 11.07.2001 The Balaji Education Society 800.00 Rohini
35. N.S. 04.10.2001 Seth Sagarmal Barrodia Charitable Trst 800.00 Dwarka
Unstarred Questions341
Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location
36. N.S. 13.07.2001 Dream Land Society 800.00 Sarita Vihar
37. N.S. 18.02.2002 New Jain Educational Society 800.00 Rohini
38. N.S. 03.08.2001 The Little Poarl Charitable Society 870.00 Kalyan Vihar
39. N.S. 08.08.2001 Rational Educational Society (Regd) 723.00 Pittampura
342 Written Answers to

40. N.S. 03.06.2002 Sevti Welfare Society 800.00 Rohini

41. N.S. 09.01.2002 Snehhill Charitable Educational Society 782.93 Rohini
42. N.S. 06.06.2001 D.A.V College Managing Committee 800.00 Vikas Puri
43. N.S. 05.06.2001 Shakuntalam Educational Society 800.00 Vivek Vihar
44. N.S. 03.05.2000 Satguru Educational Society (Regd) 907.88 Lawrence Road
45. N.S. 27.07.2001 Adhunik Educational Society 996.00 Anand Vihar

46. N.S. 25.10.2001 Tagore Educational Society 800.00 Chirag Enclave

47. N.S. 12.02.2001 Gulshan Educational Society 1000.00 Pittampura
48. N.S. 13.12.2002 Mehata Educational Society 800.00 Dwarka
49. N.S. 30.12.1999 Bina Educational Society 778.40 Kalkaji
50. N.S. 19.09.1995 Santa Cruz Educational Society 900.00 Pittampura
51. N.S. 13.12.1996 Minocha Educational Society 1074.00 Vivek Vihar
52. N.S. 28.02.2000 Arvind Sanika Educational Society 614.90 Shalimar Bagh
53. N.S. 16.02.2001 Bright Educational Society 1000.00 Derawal Nagar
Unstarred Questions
54. N.S. 27.09.1995 Kids Educational and Social Welfare Society 980.00 Sarita Vihar
55. N.S. 14.07.1995 Shree Bal Kishan Educational and Welfare Society 1856.00 Vasant Kunj
56. N.S. 20.11.1997 Dimple Educational and Charitable Society 782.38 Vasant Kunj
57. N.S. 24.09.1999 Sankalpa Educational Welfare and Charitable Society 810.00 Rohini
Written Answers to

58. N.S. 20.07.2001 Abhinav Shisksha Sansthan (Regd) 1027.00 Paschim Vihar
59. N.S. 29.08.2001 Shri Laxman Dass Memorial Education Society 800.00 Pittampura
60. N.S. 14.12.2001 Sankalpa Educational Welfare and Charitable Society 800.00 Dwarka
61. N.S. 04.02.2002 R. Lal Educational Society 869.40 Rohini
62. N.S. 13.07.2001 Delhi Public School Society 800.00 Rohini
63. N.S. 06.12.2001 Satrupa Educational Society 799.89 Rohini
64. N.S. 26.02.2002 Rana Educational Society 804.95 Mandawali Fazalpur
[28 April, 2016]

65. N.S. 17.10.2001 Delhi Nagar Shiksha Parcharni Shabha 800.00 Gopal Pur
66. N.S. 20.09.2002 Bhartiya Jan Sahyog Parisad 800.00 Rohini
67. N.S. 29.05.2001 Kapil Public Education and Sociel Cultural Society 772.72 Dwarka
68. N.S. 15.04.2002 St. Anil Educational and Cultural Society 801.75 Patpar Ganj
69. N.S. 19.12.2001 Gaurav Educational Society 800.00 Rohini
70. N.S. 17.10.2001 Blue Bells Educational Society 800.00 Sarita Vihar
71. N.S. 01.07.2002 Flora-Fauna Educational Society 803.74 Pittampura
72. N.S. 04.04.2002 The Chirag Educational Social and Cultural Society 800.00 Rohini
Unstarred Questions343
Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location
73. N.S. 15.11.2001 Puneet Education Society 831.00 Rohini
74. N.S. 12.12.2001 Saraswati Educational Society 800.00 Janakpuri
75. N.S. 10.06.2002 Shree Sathya Sai Educational and Welfare Society 800.00 Ashok Vihar
76. N.S. 27.12.2001 Adarsh Shiksha Sansthan 1000.00 Anand Vihar
344 Written Answers to

77. N.S. 08.10.2001 Kanvin Educational Society (Regd.) 720.00 Kondli Gharoli
78. N.S. 24.01.2002 Pragya Educational and Cultural Society 950.00 Mayur Vihar
79. N.S. 17.10.2001 M.N Educational and Research Society 800.00 Rohini
80. N.S. 18.09.2001 Virender Public Education Society 1185.60 Preet Vihar
81. N.S. 04.04.2002 Mata Thakur Devi Educational and Charitable Society 990.00 Pittampura
82. N.S. 11.03.2002 Pitambra Education Society 800.00 AGCR Enclave

83. N.S. 28.09.2001 Ascent Edu. Society 928.00 Pittampura

84. N.S. 28.09.2001 Pragati Educational and Welfare Society 800.00 Jasola
85. N.S. 08.03.2002 Agroha Educational Society 800.00 Ashok Vihar
86. N.S. 16.09.2002 Society of Brothers of St. Gabriel Delhi Mont Fort School 910.30 Shalimar Bagh
87. N.S. 18.12.2001 Revivify Charitable Society 953.06 Dwarka
88. N.S. 26.04.2002 Lalit Gitanjali Maken Memorial Welfare Society 800.40 Janakpuri
89. N.S. 04.07.2002 P.D. Memorial Educational and Medical Society 800.00 Pittampura
90. N.S. 20.06.2002 Good News in Action 851.75 Dwarka
Unstarred Questions
91. N.S. 04.03.2002 Jan Hitkari Shiksha Samiti 1000.00 Jagriti Enclave
92. N.S. 15.11.2001 Sky Land Education Society 800.00 Rohini
93. N.S. 22.04.2002 Divya Nirvan Welfare and Charitable Society 800.00 Preet Vihar
94. N.S. 20.09.2002 Late Smt. Kaushalya Devi Memorial Educational Society 801.15 Meera Nagar
Written Answers to

95. N.S. 24.12.1999 Vashudha Education Society (Regd.) 819.60 Pittampura

96. N.S. 08.05.2002 Children Career Educational Society 768.00 Rohini
97. N.S. 17.05.2001 Educational Society For Weaker Section 917.84 Yamuna Vihar
98. N.S. 25.01.2001 St. Prayag Education Society 800.00 Ashok Vihar
99. N.S. 12.08.2002 Shiv Education Society 800.00 Dwarka
100. N.S. 11.04.2002 Mount Carmel School Society 800.00 Dwarka
[28 April, 2016]

101. N.S. 06.08.2002 Ganga Saran Memorial Educational Society 800.00 Ram Vihar
102. N.S. 08.08.2002 Rima Educational Society 800.00 Rohini
103. N.S. 14.08.2002 Tirupati Education Society 864.00 Rohini
104. N.S. 01.08.2002 New Trand Education and Social Welfare Societty 864.00 Rohini
105. N.S. 12.08.2002 Wonderland of Learning Education Soceity 791.00 Pittampura
106. N.S. 20.06.2002 Delhi Public School Society 810.00 Rohini
107. N.S. 26.07.2002 K. K. Mehra and Dr. Rejive Memoril Eucational Society 627.00 Yojana Vihar
108. N.S. 12.08.2002 M. L. Sethi Charitable Trust 800.00 Rohini
Unstarred Questions345
Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location
109. N.S. 14.08.2002 Hem Chander Jain Memorial Educational and Welfare 800.00 Rohini
110. N.S. 12.07.2002 West and Educational and Welfare Society 851.75 Dwarka
111. N.S. 22.08.2002 Pooja Educational and Cultural Society 801.17 Pittampura
346 Written Answers to

112. N.S. 12.08.2002 Sadana Welfare Society 800.00 Rohini

113. N.S. 26.09.2002 Adhaar Ennabling Society 805.65 Anand Vihar
114. N.S. 01.08.2002 Sant Sohan Educational Society 800.00 Rohini
115. N.S. 05.08.2002 Universal Educational Society 800.00 Preet Vihar
116. N.S. 10.03.2000 S. P. S. Phull Charitable Trust 880.00 Rohini
117. N.S. 06.02.2002 Neel Kanth Education Society 1250.20 Prashant Vihar

118. N.S. 22.08.2002 Holy Ganga Educational and Cultural Soceity 800.00 Rohini
119. N.S. 07.03.1981 President 80-81, Rotary Club of Delhi Qutab 2016.00 Tigri
120. N.S. 19.08.2002 Favourite Education Society 800.00 Vikas Puri
121. N.S. 26.08.2002 Kailash Memorial Charitable Society 800.00 Pittampura
122. N.S. 01.05.2001 Shanti Janak Sachdeva Edu. Society 800.00 Vivek Vihar
123. N.S. 22.11.1996 Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Memorial Society 795.00 Patpar Ganj
124. N.S. 13.09.2002 Tulsi Educational Society 800.00 Pittampura
125. N.S. 16.09.2002 Ideal Educational and Cultural Society 900.00 Pittampura
Unstarred Questions
126. N.S. 17.09.2002 Pinkflower Education and Welfare Society 800.00 Pittampura
127. N.S. 07.04.1998 Rose Educational and Cultural Society 117.12 AGCR Enclave
128. N.S. 10.01.1997 Vishal Educational Society 800.00 Kondli Gharoli
129. N.S. 06.12.2001 Child Education Society 829.64 Pittampura
Written Answers to

130. N.S. 18.09.2002 The Secretary, Tarun Bal Shiksha Samiti, 840.00 Rohini
131. N.S. 19.09.2002 Seth Sagrmal Bagrodia Charitable Trust 805.95 Rohini
132. N.S. 19.09.2002 Dav Public School 2027.00 Paschim Vihar
133. N.S. 04.12.2001 The President Student Academy Education Society 800.00 Pittampura
134. N.S. 01.03.1990 The Hony. Sectt. Goodly Public School Edu-Society 809.40 Shalimar Bagh
135. N.S. 15.2.2002 The Secretary, Adhunik Bal Shiksha Samiti, 997.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
136. N.S. 20.09.2002 The Secretary, Maharaja Surajmal Education Society 1000.00 Mandawali Fazalpur
[28 April, 2016]

137. N.S. 26.07.1996 The Secretary, Roop Nagar Public Society 734.05 Shalimar Bagh
138. N.S. 19.07.2002 Oxford Public Educational Society 800.00 East of Kailash
139. N.S. 25.07.2002 Aparajita Mahila Samiti 167.20 Chitranjan Park
140. N.S. 22.02.2002 The Secretary, Chunni Lal Jaipuria Charitable Society, 799.15 Pittampura
141. N.S. 09.08.1999 The Secretary, Chunni Lal Jaipuria Charitable Trust 800.00 Shalimar Bagh
142. N.S. 19.02.1988 The Trustee, Chunni Lal Jaipuria Charitable Trust 970.00 Gujarwalan
143. N.S. 30.04.1997 The Secretary, Mayur Education and Cultural Society 822.50 Paschim Vihar
Unstarred Questions347
Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location
144. N.S. 11.10.2002 Value Educational Society 800.00 Pittampura
145. N.S. 10.11.002 Blooming Buds Educational and Welfare Society 800.00 Sarvodya Enclave Colony
146. N.S. 23.10.2002 Vaish Aggarwal Educational Society 927.00 Derawal Nagar
147. N.S. 14.11.2002 Surbhi Sarvashiksha Evam, Kalyan Samiti 800.00 Dwarka
348 Written Answers to

148. N.S. 28.08.1997 S. S. R. Educational and Welfare Society (Regd.) 1000.00 Nirman Vihar
149. N.S. 01.08.2002 Lovely Bal Shiksha Parishad (Regd.) 996.09 Mayur Vihar
150. N.S. 16.09.2002 Janak Charitable Edu. Society 800.00 Ashok Vihar
151. N.S. 16.02.1981 The Institute of the Franciscan Clarist, Sisters of the 1938.14 Hauz Khas
Most Blessed Secrement
152. N.S. 14.10.1998 Bahu Bali Education Society 863.85 Dwarka
153. N.S. 07.11.2001 Shri Satya Sai Baba Jaghira Foundation and Educational 900.00 Shalimar Bagh

154. N.S. 31.12.1999 Seth Pokhar Mal Educational Society 602.00 Pittampura
155. N.S. 03.03.1995 Delhi Fransalian Society 781.07 Janakpuri
156. N.S. 07.04.2003 Better Future Education Society 772.50 Rohini
157. N.S. ** Shri Narian Dass Goel Memorial Education Society 772.50 Rohini
158. N.S. 08.04.2003 Adunik Vigyan and Kalan Education Socetiy A M 800.00 Dwarka
26-10 Shalimar Bagh
159. N.S. 08.04.2003 New Krishna Education Society 1000.00 Rohini
Unstarred Questions
160. N.S. 08.04.2003 Vidhata Educational Society Bh-636 Shalimar Bagh 800.00 Dwarka
161. N.S. 16.04.2003 The Moon Lite Education Society A-10 Sunder 800.00 Rohini
162. N.S. 24.04.2003 Spasht Education Society 467 Circular Road 807.00 Pittampura
Written Answers to

163. N.S. 13.05.2003 Child Welfare Sangath 800.00 Dwarka

164. N.S. 16.06.2003 Shrimati Dropti Devi Memorial Education Society 800.00 Pitam Pura Near DDA Sports
165. N.S. 16.06.2003 Shanti Janak Sachdeva Society 989.00 Dilshad Garden
166. N.S. 17.06.2003 Dr. Ambedker Sewa Mandir 800.00 Rohini
167. N.S. 19.06.2003 Vikas Deep Educational Society 800.00 Pittampura
168. N.S. 20.06.2003 Child Education Soceity 810.00 Rohini
169. N.S. 23.06.2003 Late Shri Ram Bhaj Vaida Ashram Sansthan 971.00 Jagriti Enclave
[28 April, 2016]

170. N.S. 27.06.2003 Prime Education Welfare Society 814.00 Vivek Vihar
171. N.S. 18.07.2003 Shiva Shiksha Samiti 850.00 Dilshad Garden
172. N.S. 28.07.2003 Dogra Education Society 800.00 Dwarka
173. N.S. 01.08.2003 Ojas Shikshan Sansthan 800.00 Rohini
174. N.S. 18.08.2003 H D Garg Memorial Education Socity 800.00 Dwarka
175. N.S. 07.10.2005 Preeti Education Society 800.00 Pittampura
176. N.S. 21.08.2003 Vandana Educational Welfare Society 805.00 Vasant Kunj
177. N.S. 21.08.2003 Maihar Educational Cultural and Welfare Society 799.96 Dwarka
Unstarred Questions349
Sl. No. Category DOA/DOP Name of Society Area Allotted Location
178. N.S. 29.08.2003 Lord Ganeh Educational Society 800.00 Dwarka
179. N.S. 29.09.2003 Indra Kiran Charitable Trust 400.00 Karkardooma
180. N.S. 16.06.2003 Kamala Devi Shiksha Samiti 800.00 Mandwali Fazurpur
181. N.S. 17.06.2003 Child Mother Pride Education Society 800.00 Priyadarshani Vihar
350 Written Answers to

182. N.S. 25.01.2001 Prannath Educational and Medical Society 800.00 Rohini
183. N.S. 25.01.2001 Rai Educational And Welfare Society 800.00 Rohini
184. N.S. 29.01.2001 Lord Budha Society 800.00 Model Town
185. N.S. 19.02.2001 Prince Public School Society 800.00 Rohini
186. N.S. 27.02.2001 Krishne Dharmarth Samiti 800.00 Vikas Puri
187. N.S. 13.03.2001 South Delhi Education Society 903.68 Dwarka

188. N.S. 04.01.2001 Ch. Bhim Singh Educational Society 809.00 Paschim Vihar
189. N.S. 11.06.2001 Smt. Gianwati Memorial Educationa and Social Welfare 1000.00 Pitampura
190. N.S. 14.06.2001 Keso Lal Khullar Memorial Society 825.00 Yamuna Puri
191. N.S. 15.06.2001 Aadarsh Shiv Shakti Shiksha Samiti 800.00 Pitampura
192. N.S. 28.03.2003 Subhit Shiksha Samiti 850.00 Vasant Kunj
193. N.S. 17.06.2003 Child Mother Shiksha Samiti 800.00 Priyadarshani Vihar
Note: ** The accurate position is not available
Unstarred Questions

List of allotment of land to Primary School

Sl. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Date of Possession
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. P.S. 18.7.1967 Delhi Orthodox Syrian Church Society 9817 Sq. Yds. Safdarjung
2. P.S. 18.4.1968 Ram Krishna Sharda Mission 2 Acres Hauz Khas
3. P.S. 19.7.1968 The South Delhi Education Society. 1.378 Acre Defence Colony
4. P.S. 10.11.1971 St. Mary’s Edn. Society 1.97 Acre Wazir Pur Ph-I
5. P.S. 27.12.1971 Shri Arbindo Society 2.75 Acre Village Adchini
6. P.S. 4.1.1972 Blind Social Welfare Association 2 Acre G-8, Clock Tower,
Hari Nagar
[28 April, 2016]

7. P.S. 18.11.1974 Bharti Edn. Society 2.36 Acre Zone-E-1, Gulabi Bagh, North
Reshanara Road.
8. P.S. 26.5.1975 P.C. Raja Ratnam Institutions 0.8 Hect. Hauz Khas
9. P.S. 17.5.1975 Dev Samaj Society 2.21 Acre Village (Okhla) Masihgarh
10. P.S. 11.11.1975 Nirmal Gyan Mandir Society 2.30 Acre Block-B, Janak Puri
11. P.S. 27.8.1976 Modern Public School 2 Acres Block-B-3, Shalimar Bagh
12. P.S. 29.10.1976 Gyan Mandir Public School 1.654 Acre Block-E, Naraina Cancelled on
Unstarred Questions351
1 2 3 4 5 6
13. P.S. 15.11.1976 Hill Grove Edn. Society 1.74 Acre Safdarjung Res. Scheme
14. P.S. 19.2.1977 J.D. Tytler Preparatory 1.64 Acre Munirka Ph-I CHBS
15. P.S. M.S. 02.7.1977 St. Marks Christian Society 2 Acres Block-A-2, Janak Puri
16. P.S. 29.8.1979 Tagore International School Society 1.96 Acre Block-E, E.O. Kailash
352 Written Answers to

17. P.S. ** Tagore Edn. Society 2.5 Acre Vasant Vihar Government
Servant CHBS. Plot No. B-61.
18. P.S. N.S. 14.2.1979 The Salerian Sister School of Northern India 2.955 Acres Block-A, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar
19. P.S. 14.10.1980 Mount Carmel Society 2.08 Acre Anand Niketan C.H.B.S.
20. P.S., C.H. 12.2.1982 Kashmiri Edn. Society 1.90 Acres Kashmiri CHBS South Delhi
21. P.S. N.S. 18.8.1975 Arya Samaj Government Servant C.H.B.S. 2.61 Acres Government Servant CHBS,

Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar

22. P.S. 12.8.1996 DAV School 2287.5 Sqm. East of Loni Road
23. P.S. 10.9.1981 Tri Ngr. Aggarwal Edn. Society 2 Acres Block-C, Lawrence Road
24. P.S. 08.6.1982 Apeejay Edn. Society 1 Acre Malviya Nagar Extn.
25. P.S. 20.1.1983 The Society for Advancement of Edn. 2.38 Acre New Friends, C.H.B.S.
26. H.S.S. 10.8.1984 Madarsa Kashiful Uloom 0.885 Acre Village Maujpur
27. P.S. 21.1.1984 Universal Education Society 2 Acres Preet Vihar C.H.B.S.
28. P.S. 21.9.1984 New Era Edn. Society 1 Acre G-8, Rajouri Garden Near Mayapuri
Unstarred Questions
29. P.S. 10.12.1984 Abhinav Shiksha Sansthan 2 Acres Paschim Vihar
30. P.S. 28.8.1985 Society for Edn. Welfare 1.5 Acres Vasant Vihar
31. P.S. 08.3.77 Guru Nanak Darbar Satsang Sabha 0.45 Acres East of Kailash
32. P.S. 03.1.1986 Roop Nagar Public School Society 2 Acres Shalimar Bagh
Written Answers to

33. P.S. 24.1.1986 Guru Nanak Vidya Bhandar Trust 2.242 Acres Block-A, Janak Puri
34. P.S. 19.5.1986 Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee 2.5 Acres Hemkund Colony
35. P.S. 24.9.1987 Shri Kundan Lal Memo. Edn. Society 1 Acre Vasant Kunj
36. P.S. 21.4.1988 R.R. Mehta Edn. Trust 1 Acre Malviya Nagar Saket
37. P.S. 14.10.1988 Happy English School Edn. Society 1 Acre Shyam C.H.B.S. TYA
38. P.S. 31.10.1989 Giandeep Edn. Society 4047 Sqm. Site No. 3 Ghonda Res. Scheme
39. P.S. 02.5.2003 DAV Management Committee 1.74 Acre Mausam Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

40. P.S. M.S. 17.3.1998 Babs Naronha Memo. Edn. and Social 4200 Sqm. Panchsheel Enclave
Welfare Society
41. P.S. 16.11.1998 Mata Krishna Wanti Edn. Society 1.2 Acres Miyanwali CHBS Paschim Vihar
42. P.S. 24.3.1999 New Star Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Pitampura PS-1
43. P.S. 04.5.2000 Chandan Shiksha Samiti 0.6 Hect. Dilshad Garden
44. P.S. 11.7.2000 Shri Shakti Edn. Society 4068 Sqm. Sector-8, Rohini
45. P.S. 15.3.2001 Shiv Modern Edn. Society 0.6443 Acre A-3, Paschim Vihar
46. P.S. 28.2.2002 Samarth Shiksha Samiti 1542.30 Sqm. Site No. 50, MOR Kalkaji
** Accurate position not available.
Unstarred Questions353
List of allotment of land to Middle School

Sl. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Possession
1 2 3 4 5 6
354 Written Answers to

1. M.S. ** Guru Nanak Satsang Sabha 1392.11 Sqm. Vasant Vihar

2. M.S. 17.9.1981 Andhra Edn. Society 2 Acres B-3, Janak Puri
3. M.S. 29.9.1982 U.P. Samaj 2.566 Acres Vasant Vihar
4. M.S. 19.10.1982 Sushila Devi Ram Lal Memo. Society 1.98 Acres Pitam Pura
5. M.S. 06.1.1984 Adarsh Children Edn. Welfare Society 1.88 Acre Block-B-2, Janak Puri
6. M.S. 07.3.1984 Tri Nagar Edn. Society 8417.76 Sqm. Lawrence Road (MSP)
7. M.S. 01.6.1985 Adarsh School Society 1.35 Acres Vikas Puri

8. M.S. 28.2.1985 Mother India Charitable Society 2 Acres Paschim Puri

9. M.S. 04.1.1985 St. Margret Edn. Society 1.630 Acres Prashant Vihar
10. M.S. 07.1.1985 Goodly Public School Edn. Society 2 Acres Shalimar Bagh
11. M.S. 08.11.1985 Laxman Dass Sachdeva Memo. Edn. Society 1.976 Acres Pitam Pura
12. M.S. 23.8.1985 B.R. Memorial Society 1.48 Acres Block-C, Vikas Puri
13. M.S. 10.10.1985 Anand Parkash Charitable and Edn. Trust 1.5 Acres Vikas Puri
14. M.S. 05.3.1986 Bal Hakikat Shiksha Samiti 1.50 Acres Defense Personnel C.H.B.S. Trans
Unstarred Questions
15. M.S. 02.3.1987 St. Anthony’s School 1360 Sq. Yds S.D.A.
16. M.S. 02.4.1987 Tandon Edn. Society 1.83 Acres Sector-7 Rohini
17. M.S. 16.4.1987 Diwan Chand Memo. Edn. Society 1.231 Acres Janak Puri Block-C-3
18. M.S. 21.8.1987 New Jeevan Adarsh Public School Shiksha 1.24 Acres Gautam Puri
Written Answers to

19. M.S. 09.6.1987 New Green Field Edn. Society 1.48 Acres Alaknanda Kalkaji
20. M.S. 18.9.1987 K.D. Rajpal Edn. Society (Haritage) 1.73 Acres Vasant Kunj
21. M.S. 22.9.1987 D.A.V. College Management Committee 1.96 Acres Dayanand C.H.B.S.
22. M.S. 16.11.1987 Rohini Edn. Society 1.86 Acres Rohini, Sector-7
23. M.S. 21.12.1987 Ravi Bharti Shiksha Samiti 1 Acre Loni Road T.Y.A.
24. M.S. 01.7.1988 Vidya Edn. Society 1.50 Acres M-Block, Vikas Puri
25. M.S. 24.2.1988 Hem Kund Edn. Society 1.5 Acre Vikas Puri
[28 April, 2016]

26. M.S. 24.2.1988 Hem Kund Edn. Society 1 Acre Vikas Puri
27. M.S. 25.2.1988 Lala Amar Nath Verma Edn. Welfare Society 1 Acre Vikas Puri
28. M.S. 25.3.1988 Hari Ram Memo Edn. Society 1 Acre Shalimar Bagh
29. M.S. 14.4.1988 Faqir Chand Suri Memo. Edn. Society 1 Acre Paschim Vihar
30. M.S. 28.4.1988 Modern Delhi Citizen Edn. Society 1.5 Acres Paschim Vihar A-Block
31. M.S. 29.6.1988 Northern India Moxonic Charitable Society 2 Acres Sector-B, Vasant Kunj
32. M.S. 01.5.1989 Little Angels Public School 2 Acres Paschim Vihar
33. M.S. 18.5.1989 Bharti Edn. Society 2 Acres Swasthaya Vihar
Unstarred Questions355
1 2 3 4 5 6
34. M.S. 09.11.1989 Harvard Edn. Society 2.01 Acres Preet Nagar TYA
35. M.S. 17.10.1989 Retanand Balved Edn. Society 2 Acres Saket
36. M.S. 11.5.1989 Plato Edn. Society 2 Acres Shahdara
37. M.S. 11.5.1989 M.M. Public School Society 1.92 Acres Site No. 2 Block-D, Pitam Pura
356 Written Answers to

38. M.S. 11.5.1989 Adarsh Vidya Sansthan 5440 Sqm. Mandawali Fazal Pur
39. M.S. 04.5.1990 Sant Tulsi Memorial Society 6122.34 Sqm. Vikas Puri
40. M.S. 06.12.1990 Sundown Edn. Society 0.06 Hect. Vasant Kunj
41. M.S. 17.8.1990 Adhunik Bal Shiksha Samiti 5735 Sqm. Rishab Vihar Jain C.H.B.S. TYA
42. M.S. 10.12.1990 Vardhman Edn. Society 6160 Sqm. Sector-6, Rohini
43. M.S. 27.11.1990 Shanti Janak Sachdeva Edn. Society 1.74 Acres Site No. 1 Dilshad Garden

44. M.S. 12.4.1990 St. George Edn. Society 2.10 Acres Alaknanda
45. M.S. 27.3.1991 Sachdeva Edn. Society 4900 Sqm. G-8 Area Rajouri Garden
46. M.S. 04.4.1991 Bal Shiksha Avam Bodhik Vikas Samiti 6089.33 Sqm. Sector-15, Block-H, Rohini
47. M.S. 23.4.1991 Cresent Public School 6199 Sqm. Pitampura
48. M.S. 30.5.1991 Bosco Education Society 1.80 Acre Paschim Vihar
49. M.S. 17.7.1991 Nutan Vidya Mandir 1.48 Acre Dilshad Garden
50. M.S. 11.2.1991 St. Andrews Edn. Society 2397.12 Sqm. Jagat Puri Manadawali Fazal Pur
51. M.S. 11.11.1991 Sanatan Dharam Trust ** Pitampura
Unstarred Questions
52. M.S. 19.11.1991 Vaish Education Foundation 2 Acres New Rajdhani TYA
53. Integrated 23.3.1992 Center for Cultural Resources and Training 3.90 Hect. Dwarka
54. M.S. 26.2.1993 Glorious Education Society 1.5 Acres Rohini
Written Answers to

55. M.S. 22.3.1993 Jyotirmay Samiti 5863 Sqm. Mandawali Fazal Pur
56. M.S. 04.3.1993 Tri Nagar Shiksha Parachani Sabha 2 Acres Rohini
57. M.S. 20.4.1993 DAV College Management Committee 6069.66 Sqm. Site No. 3 Ashok Vihar
58. M.S. 16.3.1994 All Saint Edn. Society 6170.16 Sqm. Paschim Vihar, GH-9
59. M.S. 28.4.1994 Deepalya Edn. Society 2 Acres Govind Puri Kalkaji
60. M.S. 25.5.1994 St. Joseph Academy 1.56 Acres Sarita Vihar
61. M.S. 28.9.1994 Sardar Jagat Singh Chadha Charitable Trust 1.028 Acres Paschim Vihar (Hindustan CHBS)
[28 April, 2016]

62. M.S. 04.12.1995 Hans Raj Samark Society 2 Acres Dlishad Garden
63. M.S. 05.6.1995 St Rosier 1.5067 Acres Shalimar Bagh
64. M.S. 30.5.1995 Edn. Society of Rani Bagh 2.050 Acre Pitampura Dehati CHBS
65. M.S. 17.10.1995 Mayur Edn. Society 0.61 Hect. Mandawali Fazal Pur
66. M.S. 03.9.1996 Saraswati Edn. Society 1.5 Acre P.S. No. 9 Vikas Puri
67. M.S. 04.9.1996 Mahashya Chunni Lal Dharmarth Trust 0.4 Hect. Sector-6, Dwarka
68. M.S. 17.4.1996 St. Freobal Edn. Society 6690 Sqm. Site No. 8, Sector-A, Paschim Vihar
69. M.S. 20.6.1996 Mohit Bal Vikas Parishad 3214 Sqm Pkt-C-18 Rohini
Unstarred Questions357
1 2 3 4 5 6
70. M.S. 07.3.1996 The Bapist Edn. Society 0.37 Hect. Mandawai Fazal Pur
71. M.S. 27.8.1996 Kaushalya Devi Memo. Society 1.570 Acres Janak Puri
72. M.S. 09.8.1996 Monohar Memorial Society 3992 Sqm. Vasant Kunj
73. M.S. 13.9.1996 Lakhpat Shiksha Samiti 4 Acres Mandawali Fazal Pur
358 Written Answers to

74. M.S. 10.5.1996 Laxmi Bai Foundation 0.40 Hect. Vasant Kunj
75. M.S. 17.10.1996 Kamal Edn. Social Welfare Society 1.43 Acres Vikaspuri
76. M.S. 28.10.1996 Goswami Vidyapeeth Society 0.4 Hect Sector-3 Rohini
77. M.S. 19.12.1996 Mount Abu. Edn. Society .756 Hect. Sector-5, Rohini
78. M.S. 21.3.1997 St. Kabir Edn. Society 7285 Sqm. Sector-3, Rohini
79. M.S. 16.7.1997 Saravjanik Sarvodaya Edn. Society 1 Acre Ambika Vihar

80. M.S. 26.11.1997 Gregorian Orthodox Church Society 1.50 Acres Sector-11, Dwarka
81. M.S. 11.9.1998 New Vivek Edn. Society 1.45 Acres Anand Vihar
82. M.S. 30.3.1999 J.K. Saraswati Memo. Society 6460 Sqm. Pitampura
83. M.S. 05.8.1999 Sant Kirpal Edn. Society 1.756 Acers Sector-9, Pkt-4, Rohini
84. M.S. 08.3.1999 Gulshan Edn. Society 2000 Sqm. Pitampura
85. M.S. 09.8.1999 Rising Star Academy Edn. Society 1.712 Acres Raj Nagar Pitampura
86. M.S. 09.12.1999 Sai Memo. Edn. Society 3900 Sqm. Geeta Colony FC
87. M.S. 24.3.2000 Nutan Vidya Mandir 4000 Sqm. Mandawali Fazal Pur
Unstarred Questions
88. M.S. 30.3.2000 Skyland Edn. Society 4005.80 Sqm. Sector-16, Block-E, Rohini
89. M.S. 05.10.2000 Prince Public School 4000 Sqm. Sector-24, Rohini
90. M.S. 19.6.2000 Rai Bhadur Raghbir Singh Edn. Society 1 Acre South Delhi Sarita Vihar
91. M.S. 29.1.2001 Rock Field Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Sector-16, Pkt-A, Rohini
Written Answers to

92. M.S. 29.3.2001 Babson (PSB) Edn. Society 3739.41 Sqm. Pkt-19, Sector-8, Rohini
93. M.S. 22.5.2001 Mittal Edn. Society 4000.62 Sqm. Sector-25, Rohini
94. M.S. 24.5.2001 All India Digamber Jain Edn. Society 4060 Sqm. Mayur Vihar, PH-III
95. M.S. 28.5.2001 Green Land Edn. and Cultural Society 4515 Sqm. Sector-11, Rohini
96. M.S. 31.5.2001 St. Methew’s Edn. Society 6070.50 Sqm. Block-B, Paschim Vihar
97. M.S. 06.6.2001 Shimla Edn. Welfare Society 4000 Sqm. Ghazipur
98. M.S. 06.8.2001 St. Vivekanand Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. CFI Complex I.P. Extn. Mandawali
[28 April, 2016]

99. M.S. 06.9.2001 United Friends Edn. Society 5836.25 Sqm. Block-H, Sector-11, Rohini
100. M.S. 25.7.2001 St. Lawrence Edn. Society 0.37 Hect. Pkt-A to K Dilshad Garden
101. M.S. 09.7.2001 Mair Raj Put Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Sector-24, Rohini
102. M.S 09.10.2001 Rishab Edn. Sociey 3207.3 Sqm. Mayur Vihar
103. M.S 23.11.2001 Decent Edn. Society 4681.81 Sqm. Rohini
104. M.S. 17.1.2002 Monarch Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Block-H, Bodella Res. Scheme
105. M.S. 25.1.2002 Bhagwan Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Secotr-24, PS-1, Rohini
106. M.S 13.02.2002 St. Methew’s Edn. Society ** Dilshad Garden
Unstarred Questions359
1 2 3 4 5 6
107. M.S. 14.2.2002 Goswami Vidya Peeth Edn. Society 4050 Sqm. Block-H, Sarita Vihar
108. M.S 4.11.2002 D.A.V. Management Committee 7630.80 Sqm. Kailash Hills
109. M.S. 25.7.2002 Mother Gian Edn. Society 4089 Sqm. Block-D, Pushpanjali Enclave,
360 Written Answers to

110. M.S. 25.7.2002 Late Shri Behari Lal Edn. Society 4335 Sqm. Sector-9, Rohini
111. M.S. 25.7.2002 The Tandon Edn. Society 5350 Sqm. Molana Azad C.H.B.S. Pitampura
112. M.S. 10.10.2002 DAV Miyanwali 1.96 Acre Miyanwali Paschim Vihar
113. M.S. 16.10.2002 Arya Welfare Society 4000 Sqm. Block-G, Sector-11, Rohini
114. M.S. 16.1.2003 Ravi Bharti Shiksha Samiti 4000 Sqm. Dilshad Garden
115. M.S. 03.4.2003 Ferry Edn. Society 4830 Sqm. Sector-6, Dwarka

116. M.S. 21.5.2003 Sri Shankra Edn. Society 4000 Sqm. Pkt-A, Sector-12, Dwarka
117. M.S. 06.6.2003 M.D. Edn. Society 4050 Sqm. Sector-24, Rohini
118. M.S. 24.11.2003 Millennium Cultural Edn. Society 4044 Sqm. Pitampura
119. M.S. 24.11.2003 Ved Edn. and Welfare Society 4000 Sqm. Sector-10, Dwarka
120. M.S. 04.6.2004 Florence’s Nightingale Edn. Society 3999.42 Sqm. HAF-Pkt.-A, Sector-16, Dwarka
121. M.S. 08.11.2004 Nanaksar Thath Isshar Darbar 2.74 Acres Greater Kailash-II
122. M.S. 27.7.2009 High Brow Edn. Society 6000 Sqm. Karkardooma
Note: **The exact Information are not available.
Unstarred Questions

List of allotment of land to Higher Secondary School

SL. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Possession
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. H.S.S. 09.1967 Arya Orphanage 8 Acre East of Kailash
2. H.S.S. 20.5.1969 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese Edn. Society 6.41 Acres Wazirpur, Ph-I, Res. Scheme
(Mont Fort. School)
3. H.S.S. 24.9.1969 Delhi Public School Society 2.04 Acre East of Kailash
4. H.S.S. 4.7.1970 D.A.V. School Gandhi Nagar 4 Acre Gandhi Nagar
5. H.S.S. 4.7.1970 Hindu Edn. Society 8.41 Acre Gandhi Nagar
6. H.S.S. 30.9.1970 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese (Sahoday 3.744 Acre Block-C-1, Safdarjung Res.
[28 April, 2016]

P.S. School) Scheme

7. H.S.S. 2.3.1972 Gian Bharti Trust 7.29 Acre North of Badarpur Road,
Malviya Nagar
8. H.S.S. 12.12.1972 Mata Jai Kaur Charitable Trust 1.62 Hect. Wazirpur Res. Scheme Ph-III
9. H.S.S. 22.8.1973 Samarth Shiksha Samiti 4 Acre Rajouri Garden
10. H.S.S. 19.12.1973 Arya Pritinidhi Sabha (Rattan Devi) Arya 1.11 Hect. Krishna Nagar
Girls HSS Kondli)
11. H.S.S. 17.2.1975 Green Field Public School Society 8.9 Acre Vivek Vihar Block-D
Unstarred Questions361
1 2 3 4 5 6
12. H.S.S. 31.3.1975 D.A.V. School Management Committee 5440 Sqm. Shrestha Vihar Jhilmil Res.
Scheme Ph-I

13. H.S.S. 28.4.1975 Servants of the People Society 3 Acres Masjid Moth

14. H.S.S. 25.8.1975 Blue Bell Edn. Society 1.7 Acre Zamrud Pur
362 Written Answers to

15. H.S.S. 25.9.1975 Happy Montessori School Society 4.05 Acre Block-B, Janak Puri

16. H.S.S. 10.7.1975 St. Mary’s Edn. Society 1.60 Acre Safdarjang Res. Scheme

17. H.S.S. 11.4.1975 Apeejay Edn. Society 8 Acre Sheikh Sarai Res. Scheme

18. H.S.S. 26.8.1976 New Green Field School 3.43 Acres Malvia Nagar

19. H.S.S. 11.2.1976 Safdarjung Enclave Edn. Society 1.829 Acres Block-A, Safdarjung

20. H.S.S. 1.3.1977 S.S. Mota Singh Charitable Society 3.98 Acres Block-A, Janak Puri

21. H.S.S. 19.2.1977 Cambridge Foundation Edn. Society 4 Acres Rajouri Garden

22. H.S.S. 26.2.1977 New Era Edn. Society 3.651 Acres Rajouri Garden Res. Scheme

23. H.S.S. 6.4.1977 Delhi Fransalion Society 4 Acres Block-A, Janak Puri

24. H.S.S. 6.4.1977 Oberoi Edn. Society 4 Acres Block-A, Janak Puri

25. H.S.S. January, 1978 Modern School 8 Acres Vasant Vihar

26. H.S.S. 1.6.1979 DAV College Management Committee 4 Acre Ashok Vihar Ph-III
Unstarred Questions
27. H.S.S. 11.4.1979 Roop Nagar Edn. Society 0.6 Hect. Shalimar Bagh
28. H.S.S. 13.2.1980 Sri Satya Sai Trust 2.5 Acres Kalkaji
29. H.S.S. 21.7.1980 Delhi Catholic Archdioceses 8240 Sq. Yds K. Camp Tahir Pur
30. H.S.S. 18.11.1980 Shri Mahavir Vishwa Ahimsha Sangh 1.62 Hect Paschim Vihar
Written Answers to

31. H.S.S. 16.12.1980 Kerala Edn. Society 3.30 Acres Bodella

32. H.S.S. 03.12.1981 Christian Edn. Society 1.5 Acres East Patel Nagar
33. H.S.S. 16.4.1982 Rastriya Virjanand Andh Kanya Vidhhyalya 4 Acres Vikas Puri
Society (Blind Girls School)
34. H.S.S. 24.6.1982 Lovely Bal Shiksha Parishad 2 Acres American C.H.B.S.
35. N.S. 08.6.1982 Apeejay Edn. Society 6 Acres Paschim Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

36. H.S.S. 27.8.1982 Don-Bosco School (The Salesion Board 4 Acres Alaknanda Kalkaji Greater
Society of Delhi) Kailash
37. H.S.S. 18.10.1982 Vidya Bhawan School Association 3.30 Acres Paschim Puri (Cancelled)
38. H.S.S. 24.1.1983 Shaheed Udham Singh Smark Shiksha 2.5 Acre Shastri Nagar
39. H.S.S. 23.2.1983 Sadhu Vaswani Mission 2.50 Acres Shanti Niketan
40. H.S.S. 14.3.1983 S.S. Jain Sabha of (Rawal Pindi) Delhi 4 Acres Block-B, Shalimar Bagh
41. H.S.S. 19.4.1983 St. Sophia’s Christian Edn. Society 4 Acres Block-A, Paschim Vihar
Unstarred Questions363
1 2 3 4 5 6

42. H.S.S. 24.5.1983 Hans Raj Parbhakar Edn. Society 3.57 Acres Bodella Ph-I

43. H.S.S. 23.6.1983 Angel Charities 3 Acres Gautam Nagar

44. H.S.S. 07.5.1983 Mata Jai Kaur Charitable Trust 4.45 Acres Shalimar Bagh
364 Written Answers to

45. H.S.S. 09.2.1983 Laxman Public School Society 7 Acres Hauz Khas Enclave

46. H.S.S. 29.5.1984 Bhai Parmanand Smarak Samiti 4.23 Acres Preet Vihar

47. H.S.S. 08.6.1984 DAV College Managing Committee 3.98 Acres Pitampura

48. H.S.S. 24.9.1984 D.A.V. College Management Committee 1.66 Hect. Shalimar Bagh

49. H.S.S. 02.1.1985 Kalka Educational Society 3.95 Acres Alaknanda

50. H.S.S. 28.3.1985 Ravindra Edn. Society 3.46 Acre G-8, Rajouri Garden

51. H.S.S. 06.4.1985 Nav Gurshika Edn. Society 4 Acres Janak Puri

52. H.S.S. 13.6.1985 Neo Arts College School Society 3.83 Acres Shalimar Bagh

53. H.S.S. 25.6.1985 Arvachin Shiksha Samiti 4.03 Acres Jhilmil Res. Scheme (Vivek

54. H.S.S. 24.7.1985 Green Field Public School 3.705 Acres Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
Shahdara Area.

55. H.S.S. 08.3.1985 Mamta Modern Edn. Society 3.48 Acres Bodella GHS
Unstarred Questions
56. H.S.S. 24.10.1985 Mukharjee Memorial School Shahdara 3.705 Acres Dilshad Garden

57. H.S.S. 11.7.1985 Modern Public School 3.97 Acres Shalimar Bagh

58. H.S.S. 31.12.1985 Sh. Guru Singh Sabha 3.80 Acres G-8, Area Rajouri Garden
Written Answers to

59. H.S.S. 23.1.1986 Child Edn. Society 3.84 Acres Pitampura

60. H.S.S. 04.7.1986 DAV College Management Committee 3.57 Acres Bodella Ph-2, Vikaspuri

61. H.S.S. 10.12.1986 Education Today 8 Acres Vasant Kunj

62. H.S.S. 12.2.1986 H.H. Swami Ji of Sri Admar Mutt 3.15 Acres Vasant Kunj

63. H.S.S. 02.7.1987 Shanti Devi Edn. Society 3.543 Acres Mayur Vihar

64. H.S.S. 14.9.1987 Police Foundation Public School 4 Acres B-4, Safdarjung Dev Area

65. H.S.S. 23.5.88 Apeejay Edn. Society 4 Acres Pitampura

[28 April, 2016]

66. H.S.S. 10.8.1989 Akshay Partishthan 4 Acres Vasant Kunj

67. H.S.S. 02.1.1990 Guru Teg Bahadur Public School Samiti 4 Acres Model Town

68. H.S.S. 04.12.1990 Sanatan Dharam Shiksha Sansthan 1.31 Hect. Mayur Vihar

69. H.S.S. 21.5.1991 Kataria Edn. Society Vikas Puri

70. H.S.S. 20.9.1993 J.N. Edn. Society 14840 Sqm. B-6-Block, Paschim Vihar

71. H.S.S. 11.3.1993 Triveni Edn. Social Welfare Society 3 Acres Vikas Puri

72. H.S.S. 22.8.1997 DAV College Management Committee 4 Acres Narela

Unstarred Questions365

List of allotment of land to Sr. Sec. Schools

Sl. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Date of Possession
1 2 3 4 5 6
366 Written Answers to

1. S.S.S. 20.7.1973 Aristocrat Edn. Society 1.9 Acre Block-B, Janakpuri

2. S.S.S. 13.12.1974 Delhi Tamil Edn. Association 3.632 Acre Block-B, Janakpuri
3. S.S.S. 11.10.1983 Delhi Public School Society 2 Acres Vasant Vihar
4. S.S.S. 30.1.1986 Tagore International School Society 1.96 Acres East of Kailash
5. S.S.S. 03.2.1986 C.R.P.F. Employees Edn. Society 5.20 Acres Rohini Sec-14
6. S.S.S. 18.11.1986 Ramel Public School 1.50 Acres Sector-3, Rohini

7. S.S.S. 03.4.1987 Dayanand Model School Edn. Society 3.5 Acres Rohini ,Sector-7
8. S.S.S. 25.3.1987 Seth Pokharmal Edn. Society 3.42 Acres Pitampura
9. S.S.S. 13.4.1987 Seth Sagarmal Bagrodia Charitable Trust 3.82 Acres Rohini Sec-9
10. S.S.S. 30.4.1987 Kanshi Ram Shah Memo. Society 3.889 Acres Paschim Vihar
11. S.S.S. 27.7.1987 Sh. Laxman Sachdeva Edn. Society 4 Acres Sector-13, Rohini
12. S.S.S. 17.9.1987 Vivekanand Shiksha Samiti 4 Acres Vivek Vihar
13. S.S.S. 29.10.1987 Sri Aggersen Edn. Society 3.48 Acres Pitamp[ura
14. S.S.S. 19.2.1988 Raisina Bengali School 4 Acres Chittranjan Park
Unstarred Questions
15. S.S.S. 24.3.1988 Anand Edn. Society 4 Acre Rohini Sec-14
16. S.S.S. 19.4.1988 Jhabban Lal DAV School 3.228 Acre Paschim Vihar
17. S.S.S. 28.4.1988 Children Academy Association 4 Acres Rohini Sector-16
18. S.S.S. 28.7.1988 Bharti Edn. Trust 3.5 Acres Sector-15, Rohini
Written Answers to

19. S.S.S. 08.1.1988 DAV College Management Committee 3.10 Acre Vasant Kunj
20. S.S.S. 11.8.1988 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 1.4017 Hect. Pitam Pura
21. S.S.S. 01.11.1989 St. Mark’s Christian Edn. Society 4.215 Acres Meera Bagh Janta C.H.B.S.
22. S.S.S. 01.11.1989 Virender Bhatnagar Sansthan 3.5 Acres Site No. 4 Vasant Kunj
23. S.S.S. 01.11.1989 G.R. Goenka Edn. Society 3.5 Acres Site No. 3 Vasant Kunj
24. S.S.S. 06.11.1989 Arunodaya Edn. Society 3.73 Acres Karkardooma FC-18, TYA
25. S.S.S. 24.7.1989 Re Delhi Public School 9 Acres Sector-C, Vasant Kunj
[28 April, 2016]

allotted on 12.3.1990
26. S.S.S. 25.9.1989 Samarth Shiksha Samiti 4 Acres Site No. H-16, Hari Nagar
27. S.S.S. 27.10.1989 S.S. Mota Singh Charitable Trust 4.25 Acres Harikishan Nagar
28. S.S.S. 12.1.1989 Bhart National School Society 4.11 Acres Shahdara
29. S.S.S. 25.1.90 Embassy of Japan 3.013 Acre Vasant Kunj
30. S.S.S. 08.5.1990 Guru Singh Sabha 15378.60 Sqm. Rajouri Garden G-8 Area
31. S.S.S. 10.4.1990 St. Xavier Edn. Society 3.5 Acres Sector-5, Vasant Kunj
32. S.S.S. 20.12.1990 Yuva Shakti Edn. Society 5193.60 Sqm. Sector-3, Rohini
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1 2 3 4 5 6
33. S.S.S. 29.12.1993 Lord Basheswar Edn. Society 4 Acres Dwarka Sec-23
34. S.S.S. 23.3.1994 Sarvodaya Shiksha Samiti 4 Acres Mandawali Fazalpur
35. S.S.S. 24.3.1994 Palam Jain Edn. Society 4 Acres Dwarka Sec-4
36. S.S.S. 24.3.1994 Shahdra Angel’s Edn. Society 2.719 Acres Chilla Dhallupura
368 Written Answers to

37. S.S.S. 25.3.1994 Laxmi Edn. Society 1.15 Hect. Karkardooma FC-18
38. S.S.S. 25.3.1994 Child Edn. Society 4 Acres H-4 and 5 Pitampura
39. S.S.S. 29.3.1994 St. Marry Edn. Society 4 Acres Sector-19, Dwarka
40. S.S.S. 31.3.1994 St. Martin’s Edn. Society 2.5 Acres Paschim Vihar
41. S.S.S. 24.4.1994 Madhav India Edn. Society 14890 Sqm. Kondli Gharloi
42. S.S.S. 07.4.1994 Child Edn. Society 3.38 Acres Sector-14, Rohini

43. S.S.S. 31.8.1994 Lott. Carry Bapist Mission of India 1.5 Hect. Dhallupura
44. S.S.S. 14.9.1994 Vishwa Bharti Women’s Welfare Society 4 Acres Sector-6, Dwarka
45. S.S.S. 12.8.1994 Shri Aggarwal Dharmshala Trust 4 Acres Pitampura
46. S.S.S. 05.7.1995 Karela Edn. Society 2.25 Acres Kondli Gharli
47. S.S.S. 13.7.1995 Jesus Marry Joseph 3.5 Acres Paschim Vihar
48. S.S.S. 18.9.1995 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 4.10 Acre Kondli Garholi
49. S.S.S. 08.2.1996 Salwan Edn. Trust 3.7066 Acre Kondli Garholi
50. S.S.S. 24.2.1997 Delhi Public School Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-24, Rohini Ph-III
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51. S.S.S. 05.8.1997 Pargati Edn. Society 3.953 Acres Sector-13, Dwarka, Ph-I
52. S.S.S. 10.10.1997 St. Lawrence Edn. Society 4 Acres Sector-25, Rohini
53. S.S.S. 16.10.1997 Gagan Edn. Society 4 Acres Hargovind Enclave
54. S.S.S. 26.3.1998 Arihant Civic Services Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-9, Dwarka
Written Answers to

55. S.S.S. 26.3.1998 Rohini Edn. Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-24, Rohini
56. S.S.S. 30.3.1998 Titiksha Academic Society 4 Acres Sector-11, Rohini
57. S.S.S. 05.3.1998 East Point Edn. Society 1.6 Hect. Dollupura
58. S.S.S. 06.3.1998 M.L. Sethi Charitable Trust 4 Acres Sector-4, Dwarka
59. S.S.S. 14.7.1998 Modern Charitable Foundation 4 Acres Sector-6, Dwarka
60. S.S.S. 15.7.1998 Vaish Aggarwal Edn. Society 0.80 Hect. CD-Block, Pitampura
61. S.S.S. 13.8.1998 Gugan Solanki Edn. Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-24, Rohini
[28 April, 2016]

62. S.S.S. 01.3.1999 Lagan Kala Upvan 4 Acres Sector-12, Dwarka

63. S.S.S. 29.1.1999 Child Edn. Society 4 Acres Sector-12, Dwarka
64. S.S.S 24.2.1999 Shishu Nav Nirman Edn. Society 4 Acres Dwarka
65. S.S.S. 15.3.1999 D.P.S Society 3.90 Hect. Sector-3, Dwarka
66. S.S.S. 05.4.1999 Gagan Edn. Society 4 Acres Geeta Colony
67. S.S.S. 05.5.1999 Mohan Memo. Edn. Society 0.712 Hect. Hudson Line Kingways Camp
68. S.S.S. 17.6.1999 Vasudeva Edn. Foundation Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-9, Dwarka
69. S.S.S. 07.4.1999 Akhil Bhartiya Samaj Uthan Samiti 10339 Sqm. BU and DU-Block, Pitampura
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1 2 3 4 5 6

70. S.S.S. 20.7.1999 Adi Chunchunagiri Shikshan Trust 1.6 Hect. Sector-5, Dwarka

71. S.S.S. 08.6.1999 Lakhmi Chand Charitable Society 1.6 Hect Sector-10, Dwarka

72. S.S.S. 25.8.1999 Shri Venketshwar Edn. Society 1.6 Hect. Sector-10, Dwarka
370 Written Answers to

73. S.S.S. 09.8.1999 Lord Krishna Edn. Society 4 Acres Sector-23, Rohini

74. S.S.S. 24.11.1999 Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management 18912 Sqm. Hargovind Enclave

75. S.S.S. 01.6.2000 Lucky Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-12, Dwarka

76. S.S.S. 01.6.2000 Great Harsh Edn. Charitable Society 2 Acres Sector-18, Dwarka

77. S.S.S. 03.2.2000 Arya Samaj Model Town 2 Acres North Model Town

78. S.S.S. 03.8.2000 Arvachin Shiksha Samiti 2 Acres Dilshad Garden

79. S.S.S. 22.3.2000 Samarth Shiksha Samiti 1.5 Acres A-2, Paschim Vihar

80. S.S.S. 27.3.2000 Bharti Edn. Society 0.896 Hect. Kondli Gharoli, TYA

81. S.S.S 31.3.2000 Diamond Edn. Welfare Society 2 Acres Sector-18, Dwarka

82. S.S.S. 31.3.2000 Helan Jerwood Memo. Edn. Society 2 Acres North Model Town
(Queen Merry)

83. S.S.S. 31.3.2000 DAV College Management Committee 2 Acres Jasola

Unstarred Questions
84. S.S.S. 31.3.2000 Lala Sher Singh Memo. Jeevan Vigyan 2 Acres Sector-22, Dwarka
Trust Society

85. S.S.S. 26.6.2000 DPS Society 3000 Sq. Yds. Sector-3, Dwarka

86. S.S.S. 09.3.2000 Mount Carmel Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-22, Dwarka
Written Answers to

87. S.S.S. 15.9.2000 P.P. Charitable Edn. Society 7200 Sqm. Pitampura

88. S.S.S. 12.6.2000 Bhagwati Devi Foundation 8390.86 Sqm. Sector-23, Dwarka

89. S.S.S. 01.8.2001 Ganga Shiksha Edn. Society 2 Acres Mayur Vihar Ph-III

90. S.S.S. 01.10.2001 Mohini Chandani Charitable Trust 8094 Sqm. Sector-23 Rohini

91. S.S.S. 22.1.2001 Giri Raj Edn. Society 1.91 Acre Sector-13, Rohini

92. S.S.S. 29.1.2001 Good Smartian Society 8000 Sqm. Jasola

[28 April, 2016]

93. S.S.S. 02.3.2001 Nav Bharti Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-19, Dwarka

94. S.S.S. 02.3.2001 Blue Bells Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-19, Dwarka

95. S.S.S. 13.2.2001 Lord Chaitanaya Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-22, Ph-III, Rohini

96. S.S.S. 03.9.2001 Kanta Devi Charitable Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-10, Dwarka

97. S.S.S. 29.3.2001 Vijayshree Edn. Cultural and Social 2 Acres Sector-13, Dwarka, Ph-II
Welfare Society

98. S.S.S. 04.6.2001 Samarpit Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-7, Dwarka

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1 2 3 4 5 6

99. S.S.S. 16.5.2001 Jindal Charitable Society 2 Acres P.S.2, C-3, Block, Ashok Vihar

100. S.S.S. 21.5.2001 Nirmal Edn. Society 6070.50 Sqm. Sector-14, Dwarka

101. S.S.S. 31.5.2001 M.D. Memorial Edn. Society 1554 Sqm. Sector-3, Dwarka
372 Written Answers to

102. S.S.S. 31.5.2001 Seth Sagarmal Bagrodia Charitable 2 Acres Block-7, Sector-17,
Dwarka, Ph-II

103. S.S.S. 26.6.2001 O.P. Suri Memo. Edn. Society 2 Acres 4-B, North of Model Town

104. S.S.S. 13.7.2001 Satsang Shiksha Parishad Society 2 Acres Sector-19, Ph-II, Dwarka

105. S.S.S. 20.7.2001 Chandra Edn. Society 8021.98 Sqm. Sector-3, Ph-I, Dwarka

106. S.S.S. 27.7.2001 F.D.S. Child Edn. Social Welfare Society 1.5 Acre Dilshad Garden, G.H. Scheme

107. S.S.S. 29.10.2001 Dashmesh Edn. Society 6070.50 Sqm. Vasundhra Enclave

108. S.S.S. 23.11.2001 Mount Abu Edn. Society 7300 Sqm. Sector-18, Rohini

109. S.S.S. 26.8.2002 Delhi Tamil Edn. Association 2 Acres Mayur Vihar, Ph-III

110. S.S.S. 24.10.2002 Guru Angad Public School Society 2000 Sqm. Ashok Vihar

111. S.S.S. 18.2.2003 Mata Phoolan Wanti Edn. Society 2 Acres Sector-10, Dwarka
Unstarred Questions

List of allotment of land to under religious categories

Sl. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location

No. Date of Possession
Written Answers to

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Religious ** Panchayati Dharmarth Trust 475 Sq. Yds Ashok Vihar Ph-II
2. Religious ** Shri V. N. Jain Swetamber Sangh 300 Sqm Ashok Vihar. Ph-II
3. Religious ** Trilok Singh Bhandari Charitable Trust 669.60 Sqm R.E. Block, Plot No. 2,
Shalimar bagh
4. Religious ** Adhyatamic Shiv Shakti Shiksha Samiti 250 Sqm Rohini
5. Religious ** Shri Agrasan Jan Sewa Sabha 700 Sqm Pitampura
6. Religious ** Shri Devi Mookambji Temple Meditation 800.97 Sqm Vikaspuri
[28 April, 2016]

and Cul. Centre

7. Religious ** Vardhaman Jain Dharmshala Prabandak 417 Sqm Gautampuri
8. Religious ** Shree Sanatan Dharam Parchar Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
9. Religious 22.11.65 Sh. Ganesh Sewa Samagam 358 Sqm. Plot R-22, Mayur Vihar,
10. Religious 05.1.66 Shri Madhna Sangha 1061 Sq. Yds. Safdarjung
11. Religious 02.5.67 Jai Laxmi Charitable Trust Society ½ Acre (2417 Sqm.) Safdarjung
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1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Religious 21.2.69 Matri Mandir Samiti 0.29 Acre Safdarjung
13. Religious 03.11.70 Kirpal Ruhani Satsang 4.5 Acres Rajpur Chawani at Rana Pratap
14. Religious 08.1.70 Arya Samaj Tagore Garden 500 Sq. Yds. Tagore Garden
374 Written Answers to

15. Religious 09.1.70 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sqm. Tagore Garden
16. Religious 30.1.71 Shree Ramayan Sammelan ½ Acre South of T.T.T.
17. Religious 26.6.71 Shri Laxman Das Aggarwal Dharmarth 980 Sqm. Ashok Vihar
18. Religious 15.9.71 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sqm. Naraina
19. Religious 22.1.72 Ashok Vihar Mandir Samiti 980 Sq. Yds Ashok Vihar

20. Religious 04.6.73 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 980 Sq. Yds Ashok Vihar (Wazirpur)
21. Religious 29.6.73 Sri Sanatan Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
22. Religious 29.6.73 Sri Vishwanath Sanyas Ashram Trust 980 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar, Ph-I
23. Religious 18.7.73 Adhyatamic Sadhna Sangh 500 Sqm. Naraina
24. Religious 18.8.73 Arya Samaj 500 Sq. Yds. Naraina
25. Religious 31.8.73 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
26. Religious 30.10.73 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Jang Pura
27. Religious 11.9.73 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Vivek Vihar
Unstarred Questions
28. Religious 11.9.73 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 410 Sqm. Vasant Kunj
29. Religious 16.3.74 Vivek Vihar Sanatan Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Vivek Vihar
30. Religious 10.10.74 Arya Samaj Vasant Vihar 1625 Sq. Yds Vasant Vihar
31. Religious 30.12.74 Sindhi General Panchayat 500 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
Written Answers to

32. Religious 01.3.75 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Naraina
33. Religious 18.1.75 Shri Datta Vinayak Mandir Sansthan 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri C-Block
34. Religious 02.5.75 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha 980 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
35. Religious 26.5.75 Arya Samaj 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
36. Religious 06.5.75 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Janakpuri
37. Religious 07.5.75 Shri Ram Mandir Samiti 635.196 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
38. Religious 01.1.76 Arsha Dharam Parishad 2000 Sq. Yds. Mayur Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

39. Religious 22.1.76 Jain Sabha Janak Puri 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
40. Religious 03.9.76 Delhi Arthodeox Syrian Church Society 1000 Sq. Yds. Pankha Road Janakpuri
41. Religious 17.5.76 Sri Sanatan Dharam Sabha Janakpuri 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
42. Religious 17.5.76 Sukhan Lal Memorial Charitable Society 500 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
43. Religious 30.7.76 Shri Rishab Jain Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Jhilmil, Vivek Vihar
44. Religious 01.3.77 Arya Pratindihi Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Vivek Vihar
45. Religious 01.3.77 Arya Samaj Mandir 200 Sqm. Sainik Vihar
46. Religious 01.3.77 Arya Samaj Pankha Road 500 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
Unstarred Questions375
1 2 3 4 5 6
47. Religious 21.2.77 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Lawrance Road
48. Religious 04.3.77 Shri Sanatna Dharam Pracharni Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Naraina
49. Religious 05.3.77 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
50. Religious 05.3.77 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Paschim Puri
376 Written Answers to

51. Religious 08.3.77 Adarsh Dharmarth Trust 475 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar Ph-II
52. Religious 08.3.77 Arya Samaj Lawrence Road 500 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
53. Religious 08.3.77 Janak Puri Residents Dharmik Sangh 500 Sqm. Janakpuri, Blk-C
54. Religious 08.3.77 Sant Nirankari Mandal 500 Sq. Yds Janakpuri
55. Religious 08.3.77 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Janakpuri
56. Religious 08.7.77 Sri Sanatan Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar

57. Religious 10.3.77 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Janakpuri, Block-C.
58. Religious 16.1.78 Radha Swami Parmanand Ashram 418 Sqm. Shalimar Bagh
59. Religious 29.3.78 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 605 Sqm Ashok Vihar, Ph-II
60. Religious 06.5.78 Radha Swami Satsang Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
61. Religious 24.8.78 Arya Samaj Safdarjung Enclave 400 Sq. Yds. Safdarjung Enclave
62. Religious 13.10.78 Dominican Fathers Society 1000 Sq. Yds. Vasant Vihar
63. Religious 01.2.79 Janak Puri Hindu Dharam Sabha 600 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
64. Religious 02.2.79 Gurdwara Pishorian Panchayat Bodella 400 Sqm. Bodella
Unstarred Questions
65. Religious 16.3.79 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Saket
66. Religious 04.7.79 Jain Trust 495 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
67. Religious 21.5.79 Shri Gauri Shankar Mandir 500 Sq Yds. Shalimar Bagh
68. Religious 21.5.79 Sindhi Panchayat Shalimar Bagh 418 Sqm. Shalimar Bagh
Written Answers to

69. Religious 07.7.79 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 500 Sqm. Munirka Ph-II
70. Religious 19.7.79 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 418 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
71. Religious 30.8.79 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 418 Sqm. Saket
72. Religious 09.8.79 Kailash Pati Mandir Sabha 400 Sq. Yds. Safdarjung
73. Religious 09.8.79 Kali Bari Samiti Pusphanjali 400 Sqm. Pitampura
74. Religious 10.1.79 Shri Jain Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. State Bank Colony
75. Religious 15.11.79 Lok Sewak CHBS 500 Sq. Yds. Geetanjali
[28 April, 2016]

76. Religious 15.11.79 Shri Sanatan Mandir Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Kalkaji
77. Religious 19.12.79 Shri Varshney Samaj Kalyan Trust 1555 Sqm. Shalimar Bagh
78. Religious 03.11.80 Shri Sanatan Dharam Sabha 480 Sq. Yard.. Paschim Vihar
79. Religious 3.12.80 Shri Sanatan Dharam Prachar Sabha 500 Sqm Paschim Vihar
80. Religious 26.3.80 Shri Geeta Parcharini Sanatan Dharam 546.91 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri
81. Religious 09.12.80 Shri Saraveshari Smooh 2000 Sq. Yds. Tughlakabad
82. Religious 09.12.80 Shri Saravesshari Smooh 1672.20 Sqm Tughlakabad
Unstarred Questions377
1 2 3 4 5 6
83. Religious 29.10.80 Arya Samaj 500 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
84. Religious 15.11.80 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 1065.5 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
85. Religious 29.11.80 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 2.4 Acre Okhla
86. Religious 29.11.80 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 500 Sqm. Pitampura
378 Written Answers to

87. Religious 29.1.81 Delhi Arya Partinidhi Sabha Arya Samaj 418 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
88. Religious 04.6.81 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha Shalimar Bagh 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
89. Religious 21.4.81 Arya Samaj Mandir 500 Sq. Yds. Masjid Moth
90. Religious 21.4.81 Laxmi Narain Mandir Sabha 400 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
91. Religious 16.5.81 Delhi Arya Partinidhi Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
92. Religious 07.5.81 Shri Guru Singh Sabha Janakpuri 500 Sq. Yds. Janakpuri

93. Religious 07.9.81 Shri Pitampura Dharmic Sabha 478.4 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
94. Religious 07.11.81 Sacha Sauda Ruhani Satsang Trust 500 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
95. Religious 27.7.81 Shri Sanatan Dharam Shakti Mandir Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
96. Religious 08.6.81 Sanatan Dharam Maha Sabha 400 Sqm. Pitampura
97. Religious 14.8.81 Shri 1008 Digamber Jain Samiti 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
98. Religious 20.8.81 Shri Parmanand Bhandar Mission 500 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
99. Religious 29.8.81 Shri Guru Singh Sabha Pitmapura 500 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
100. Religious 11.2.81 Shri Guru Nanak Singh Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
Unstarred Questions
101. Religious 21.11.81 Shri Shalimar Bagh Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
102. Religious 28.11.81 Arya Samaj Gurukul 410 Sqm. Ashok Vihar
103. Religious 23.12.1981 Shri. Sadguru Dham Chandani 500 Sq Yds Pitampura
104. Religious 01.2.82 Ch. Net Ram Samark Memorial Trust 400 Sq. Yds. Village Munirka
Written Answers to

105. Religious 01.4.82 Dayal Manvata Parcharak Sabha 500 Sq. Yds.. Pitampura
106. Religious 25.2.82 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 478 Sq. Yds. Vishakha Encl. (Pitampura)
107. Religious 20.3.82 Shri Digamber Jain Samaj 400 Sqm. Janak Puri
108. Religious 04.3.82 Arya Pradeshik Pratindihi Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
109. Religious 28.4.82 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 500 Sq. Yds Ashok Vihar
110. Religious 15.5.82 Sri Neelachala Sewa Sangh 200 Sq. Yds. Safdarjung
111. Religious 20.5.82 Main Pachim Puri MIG RWA 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

112. Religious 24.5.82 Manav Kalyan Sangh 450 Sq. Yds. Masjid Moth
113. Religious 07.6.82 Jain Samaj Sudhar Sabha 400 Sqm. Pitampura
114. Religious 15.7.82 Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Charitable Trust 500 Sq. Yds. Rajouri Garden
115. Religious 27.7.82 Aggarwal Sabha Shalimar Bagh 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
116. Religious 08.10.82 Arya Samaj 350 Sq. Yds. Janak Prui
117. Religious 26.8.82 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 700 Sq. Yds. Punjabi Bagh
118. Religious 31.8.82 Arya Samaj 500 Sq. Yds. Saket
119. Religious 16.10.82 Aggarwal Sabha Pitampura 500 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
Unstarred Questions379
1 2 3 4 5 6
120. Religious 18.10.82 Yogi Divine Society 500 Sq. Yds. Ashok Vihar
121. Religious 20.10.82 Arya Samaj 300 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
122. Religious 12.7.82 Shalimar Bagh Social and Charitable 418 Sqm. Shalimar Bagh
380 Written Answers to

123. Religious 14.12.82 Shri Guru Singh Sabha Maurya Enclave 500 Sq. Yds. Maurya Encl., Pitampura
124. Religious 25.2.83 Arya Samaj Paschim Puri 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
125. Religious 14.3.83 Shri Digambar Jain Mandir Samiti 500 Sq Yds. Ashol Vihar Ph-II
126. Religious 14.3.83 Shri Digamber Jain Samiti 418 Sqm. Ashok Vihar
127. Religious 17.3.83 Arsha Dharam Parisad 425 Sqm Mayur Vihar
128. Religious 17.3.83 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha 433.54 Sq. Yds. Maurya Encl., Pitampura

129. Religious 04.8.83 Delhi Congregation of Jehvalis Witnesses 500 Sq. Yds. Saket
130. Religious 22.4.83 Durga Sewak Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Naraina
131. Religious 05.7.83 Shri Dev Samaj Mandal 500 Sq. Yds. Rajouri Garden
132. Religious 28.5.83 Shri Kalgidhar Singh Sabha 418.06 Sqm. Ashok Vihar Phase-III
133. Religious 06.7.83 MOR Thomas Church 500 Sq. Yds. Safdarjang BP-A
134. Religious 23.6.83 Asthiba Samaj 400 Sq. Yds Lawrence Road
135. Religious 07.1.83 Shri Vardhaman S.S. Jain Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
136. Religious 07.10.83 Maha Maya Mandir Sabha Saket 500 Sq. Yds. Saket
Unstarred Questions
137. Religious 26.9.83 Shri Digamber Jain Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
138. Religious 10.11.83 Saraswati Foundation 500 Sq. Yds. Vikas Puri
139. Religious 11.3.83 Manav Kalyan Adhyatmic Sansthan 500 Sq. Yds. Rajouri Garden
140. Religious 15.11.83 Arya Samaj Ved Mandir 400 Sqm. Pitampura
Written Answers to

141. Religious 14.12.83 Arya Pradeshik Pratindihi Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
142. Religious 21.12.83 Radha Swami Satsang Sabha 400 Sq. Yds. Lawrence Road
143. Religious 02.3.84 Diocesan Society Church of North India 300 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
144. Religious 02.3.84 Diocesan Society Church of North India 500 Sq. Yds. Mayur Vihar
145. Religious 28.5.84 Aggarwal Sabha 800 Sq. Yds. Paschim Vihar
146. Religious 17.8.84 Harichand Prakash Wati Charitable 0.452 Acre Siri Institutional Area
Memorial Trust
[28 April, 2016]

147. Religious 10.7.84 Diocesan Society Church of North India 419.8 Sq. Yds. Vikas Puri
148. Religious 19.11.84 Shri Sanatan Dharam Society 500 Sq. Yds. Rajouri Garden
149. Religious 19.5.85 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Derawala Nagar
150. Religious 19.7.85 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha 360 Sq. Yds. Prasant Vihar
151. Religious 22.7.85 Saket Mahilla Kirtan Mandali 222 Sq. Yds. Saket
152. Religious 19.8.85 Aggarwal Sabha Laxmi Nagar 600 Sqm. Laxmi Nagar
153. Religious 29.8.85 Shri Bhairoji Mandir Samiti 600 Sqm. Near Kalindi College
154. Religious 11.11.85 Aggarwal Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Yamuna Vihar
Unstarred Questions381
1 2 3 4 5 6
155. Religious 11.11.85 Sanatan Dharama Maha Sabha 500 Sq. Yds. Shakti Nagar
156. Religious 12.6.85 Jain Sadhvi Panna Charitable Samiti 600 Sq. Yds. Shalimar Bagh
157. Religious 14.3.86 Durga Bari Prastisthan 400 sqm. Lawrence Road
158. Religious 20.3.86 New Friends Aray Samaj Society 500 Sq. Yds. New Friends Colony
382 Written Answers to

159. Religious 25.3.86 Shri Shiv Durga Committee 500 Sqm. Pitampura
160. Religious 07.2.86 Jatt Mitra Mandal Delhi 500 Sqm. Lawrence Road
161. Religious 12.5.86 Durga Sankritan MAndal 297 Sqm. Pitmapura
162. Religious 24.9.87 Durga Mandir Prachin Sabha 458.66 Sq Yds. Kingsway Camp
163. Religious 15.1.88 Shri Hukam Chand Charitable Trust 583.77 Sqm. Pitampura
164. Religious 15.1.88 Shri Jaya Kishna Dharma Parchar Sabha 600 Sqm. Pitampura

165. Religious 02.8.88 Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sq. Yds. Preet Vihar
166. Religious 09.8.88 Arya Samaj Preet Vihar 400 Sq. Yds. Preet Vihar
167. Religious 09.8.88 Shri Sanatna Dharam Sabha 400 Sq. Yds. Preet Vihar
168. Religious 03.7.89 Radha Soami Satsang 2400 Sq.Yds.+ Geeta Colony
32 Sq.Yds.
169. Religious 04.11.89 Arya Samaj Gupta Colony 704 Sqm. Vijay Nagar
170. Religious 06.11.89 Aggarwal Sabha Tri Nagar 500 Sq. Yds. Tri Nagar
171. Religious 22.8.89 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 400 Sqm. Block-D, Sector-VI.
Unstarred Questions
172. Religious 09.6.89 Bhagwan Balmiki Nirman Samiti 156.70 Sqm. Vinobha Puri Lajpat Nagar
173. Religious 11.6.89 Sawan Adhyatamic Satsang Society 500 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
174. Religious 15.11.89 Brahaman Sabha 406 Sqm. Tri Nagar
175. Religious 20.11.89 Park End Masjid and Education Society 0.123 Acre Vikas Marg, TYA
Written Answers to

176. Religious 17.12.89 Harinam Satsang Mandal 500 Sq. Yds. Rajouri Garden
177. Religious 03.5.90 Dharmik Sangam Sabha 80 Sq. Yds. Janak Puri
178. Religious 03.12.90 Shri Guru Singh Sabha Prashant Vihar 335.50 Sqm. Prashant Vihar
179. Religious 15.6.90 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 771.435 Sqm. Trilokpuri
180. Religious 8.11.90 Shri. Sanatan Dharam Radhakrishan Mandir 361.80 Sqm Rohini
181. Religious 11.4.90 Shiv Shakti Mandir Supreet Satsang 504 Sq. Yds. Preet Vihar
182. Religious 11.4.90 Shri SS Jain Samaj Vivek Vihar 334 Sqm. Vivek Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

183. Religious 12.11.90 Shri Satya Sanatan Ved Mandir Samiti 422 Sqm. Rohini
184. Religious 13.12.90 Shri Shiv Sabha 324 Sq. Yds. Pitampura
185. Religious 18.4.91 Pujya Mata Lal Devi Charitable Society 480 Sqm. Rohini
186. Religious 18.6.91 Brahaman Sabha 500 Sqm. Yamuna Vihar
187. Religious 14.8.91 Vishawa Mata Gyatri Trust 313.56 Sqm. Saket
188. Religious 22.8.91 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha Rohini 1000.03 Sqm. Rohini
189. Religious 29.10.91 Shirdi Sai Baha Vidya Mandir Avam 359.10 Rohini at CSNC-5, Plot No
Dharmarth 10, Sector-VII
Unstarred Questions383
1 2 3 4 5 6
190. Religious 12.12.91 Shri Sanatan Dharam Sabha 400 Sqm. Nirman Vihar
191. Religious 04.11.92 Shri Sai Guru Kabir Mandir 400 Sqm. Madangir
192. Religious 04.11.92 Shri Satguru Kabir Mandir 400 Sq. Mtrs. Madangir
193. Religious 22.2.93 Jain Sabha 400 Sqm. Nirman Vihar
384 Written Answers to

194. Religious 30.8.93 The Delhi Radha Swami Satsang Association 243 Sqm. Kondli Gharoli Site No. 2
195. Religious 12.10.93 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 359.90 Sqm. Jangpura Extn.
196. Religious 19.1.94 Shri Sidh Baba Balak Nath Mandir 400 Sqm Kingsway Camp
197. Religious 27.1.94 National Press of India 513 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
198. Religious 31.1.1994 Shri Anandpur Trust 405 Sqm Mandawali, Fazalpur
199. Religious 07.4.94 Sapnaa 560 Sqm. Vasant Kunj

200. Religious 09.9.94 Sri Guru Singh Sabha (Regd.) 400 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
201. Religious 13.1.95 Rajyoga Edu and Research Foundation 418 Sqm. Derawal Nagar
202. Religious 02.8.95 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. Indra Vihar
203. Religious 4.9.95 Sant Samagam (Dera Shriman Sant Sujan 400 Sqm. CS/OCF-2, Sector-9, Rohini
Singh Ji)
204. Religious 27.11.95 Arya Samaj 321.23 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
205. Religious 02.2.96 Indian Portacostal Church of God 400 Sqm. Rohini
206. Religious 04.11.96 Pusta Sindhi Panchayat Pitampura 290.73 Sqm. Pitmapura
Unstarred Questions
207. Religious 5.2.96 Committee Masjid-Wa- Madarsa Asia 343 Sqm Rohini
Sudhar Samiti (Regd)
208. Religious 05.11.96 Servents of the People Society 4000 Sqm. Dwarka
209. Religious 24.5.96 Sant Shri Nand Lal Shiksha Sadan 409 Sqm. Palam Colony
Written Answers to

210. Religious 06.1.96 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 417.52 Sqm. Sect-3, Rohini
211. Religious 20.6.96 Delhi Rohini Pooja Samiti 271.40 Sqm. Rohini
212. Religious 25.7.96 Dilshad Garden Pooja Samiti 385 Sqm. Dilshad Garden
213. Religious 31.7.96 Shri Anand Shakti Sanatan Dharam Sabha 418 Sqm. Shakti Vihar, Pitampura
214. Religious 08.5.96 Ramji Ram Satsang 426.25 Sqm. Janakpuri
215. Religious 13.9.96 Rajdhani Enclave Shiv Mandir Trust 853.92 Sqm. Mayur Vihar
216. Religious 24.10.96 Shri Adi Shankra Sewa Samagam 400 Sqm. Mayur Vihar, Ph-II
217. Religious 11.3.96 Sadh Sangat 200 Sqm. Sainik Vihar
[28 April, 2016]

218. Religious 11.7.96 Divya Jyoti Jagriti Sansthan 530 Sqm. Pitampura
219. Religious 14.11.96 Arya Samaj 450 Sqm. Surajmal Vihar
220. Religious 16.12.96 Paschim Vihar Bangali Association 400 Sqm. Paschim Vihar
221. Religious 20.12.96 Shri Vardhaman Sathanak Vasini 401 Sqm. Pitampura
222. Religious 26.12.96 Arya Samaj 397.50 Sqm. Mayur Vihar
223. Religious 28.1.97 Bhagwan Ram Mandir Kalyan Sabha 370 Sqm. Pkt-E, Rohini
224. Religious 03.12.97 Rohini Shri Hanuman Mandir Parbandhak 294 Sqm. Rohini
Unstarred Questions385
1 2 3 4 5 6
225. Religious 27.3.97 Shri Vishno Darbar Mata Neelam Deviji 400 Sqm. Mayur Vihar
226. Religious 26.5.97 Shri Vardhaman Sathanakvasi Jain Sangh 357.75 Sqm Rohini
227. Religious 06.10.97 Shri Balaji Maharaj Vivek Vihar Sewa 411.66 Sqm. Vivek Vihar, Ph-II
386 Written Answers to

228. Religious 30.7.97 Vasant Kunj Kali Mandir Samiti 400 Sqm. Vasant Kunj
229. Religious 09.10.97 Geeta Devi Religious Education Society 400 Sqm. Rohini
230. Religious 23.9.97 Jain Milan Vasant Kunj 400 Sqm. Plot No. R-2, Vasant Kunj
231. Religious 11.3.97 Prachin Sanatan Dharam 200 Sqm. Sainik Vihar
232. Religious 30.3.98 Shri Ganesh Manidr Association 400 Sqm. Tahir Pur

233. Religious 13.4.98 Shri Sai Kaep Adhyan Sanstha 560 Sqm. Jasola
234. Religious 05.1.98 Guru Nanak Satsang Sabha 430 sqm. CSC-4, Sector-8, Rohini.
235. Religious 05.8.98 Catholic Church 400 Sqm. Nand Nagri
236. Religious 18.5.98 Arya Samaj 390 Sqm. Dilshad Garden
237. Religious 18.5.1998 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 348 Sqm Kalyan Vihar
238. Religious 28.5.98 Sarita Vihar Sanskriti Parishad 400 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
239. Religious 06.5.98 Pragati Education Welfare Society 425 Sqm. Janakpuri
Unstarred Questions
240. Religious 06.5.98 Shri Krishan Parnami Jan Kalyan Samiti 566.58 Sqm. Plot No. 2 near Block-Q,
Pkt 20 Sector-2, Rohini.
241. Religious 20.7.98 Purbanchal Social Welfare Society 200 Sqm. Jasola
242. Religious 08.9.98 Shalimar Bagh Kali Mandir Samiti 399 Sqm Plot No. R-2, Shalimar Bagh
Written Answers to

243. Religious 09.1.98 Rajyoga Education and Research Building 692.50 Sqm. Ashok Vihar
244. Religious 12.3.98 Banga Sanskriti Parisad 158.25 Sqm. Rohini
245. Religious 24.2.99 Radha Govind Samiti 411.32 Sqm. Dwarka Sector-10
246. Religious 03.11.99 Mool Chand Dua Memorial Society 361.11 Sqm. Dwarka
247. Religious 03.11.99 Shri Madhuban Sanatan Dharam Sabha 150 Sqm. Sect-8, Rohini
248. Religious 4.5.1999 Smt. Ram Diti Dua Memorial Society 400.65 Sqm Dwarka
249. Religious 05.1.99 Baba Hari Dass Education Society 500 Sqm. Karkardooma
[28 April, 2016]

250. Religious 20.5.99 Bhagwan Mahavir Jan Sewa Samiti 290 Sqm. Dwarka
251. Religious 16.6.99 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese 400 Sqm. Rohini, Sect-6
252. Religious 16.7.99 Hanuman Mandir Samiti 318.47 Sqm. Rohini
253. Religious 16.7.99 Shree Ishwar Ashram Trust 400 Sqm. Ashram
254. Religious 20.7.99 Bagwan Mahavir Samaj Sewa Sansthan 286 Sqm. Rohini
255. Religious 08.10.99 Kashmiri CHBS Ltd. 1.94 Acre Pamposh Enclave
256. Religious 18.9.99 Swami Satyanand Sewa Sangh 819 Sqm. Kalkaji
Unstarred Questions387
1 2 3 4 5 6
257. Religious 20.9.99 Shri Parshav Nath Jan Dharmarth Samiti 364 Sqm. OCF/CF No. 5, Sector-3,
258. Religious 26.10.99 Lal Sain Mandir 1100.50 Sqm. Lajpat Nagar
259. Religious 28.10.99 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm Sector-15, Rohini
388 Written Answers to

260. Religious 27.1.2000 Gaida Jan Samaj Shalimar Bagh 393 Sqm. Shalimar Bagh
261. Religious 27.3.2000 Chitranjan Park Kali Mandir Society 6879.90 Sqm. Chitranjan Park (235)
262. Religious 22.5.2000 Atam Gyan Parkash Mandal 400 Sqm. Sector-24, Rohini
263. Religious 23.5.2000 Om N.K. Pandit Charitable Trust 347.90 Sqm. Rohini
264. Religious 08.9.2000 Akhil Bhartvarshiya Digamber Jain Parishad 420 Sqm. Kalkaji
265. Religious 01.3.2001 Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. Rohini
266. Religious 01.10.01 Shahjanbad Trust (MS) 400 Sqm. Dwarka

267. Religious 16.1.2001 Digamber Jain Sabha (Cancelled by 400 Sqm. East of Kailash
Hon’ble High Court)
268. Religious 18.1.01 St. Stephons Orthodox Society 400 Sqm. Dilshad Garden
269. Religious 22.1.01 Jain Sadhavi Smt. Ji Sashi Smarak Samiti 369 Sqm Rohini
270. Religious 22.1.01 Shri Digamber Jain Mandir Sabha Rohini 400.50 Sqm. Rohini
271. Religious 22.1.01 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. Saraswati Vihar
272. Religious 15.2.01 West Delhi Momine Welfare Society 400 Sqm. Paschim Vihar
Unstarred Questions
273. Religious 05.7.01 Sri Sanatan Dharam Sewa Sangh 390 Sqm. Janak Puri
274. Religious 05.10.01 Shree Sanatan Dharam Sabha 399.50 Sqm. Rohini
275. Religious 5.10.01 Shri Mahawar Vaish Samaj 817.95 Sqm. Yamuna Vihar
276. Religious 06.12.01 Shri Vardhman Jain Mahila Sangh 371.25 Sqm. Rohini
Written Answers to

277. Religious 26.6.01 Sant Nirankari Mandal 400 Sqm. Rohini

278. Religious 18.7.01 Arya Samaj 400.00 Sqm. Vikaspuri.
279. Religious 8.10.01 Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha 438 Sqm. Vasant Kunj
280. Religious 8.10.01 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 382.75 Sqm. Shankar Vihar, Plot No. 9,
10 and 11.
281. Religious 8.10.01 Thomas Orthodox Church Society 417 Sqm. Sarita Vihar
282. Religious 8.12.01 Shri Satguru Bhagwan Das Social 405 Sqm. Rohini
Society (M)
[28 April, 2016]

283. Religious 10.10.01 Abhinandan Jain Kalyan Society 380 Sqm. Karkardooma
284. Religious 10.10.01 Aggarwal Samaj Sewa Samiti 411.25 Sqm. Rohini
285. Religious 10.10.01 Maa Adhya Shakti Dharmik Committee 403.20 Sqm. Rohini
286. Religious 10.10.01 Mauji Ram Shanti Devi Charitable Trust 400 Sqm. Rohini
287. Religious 15.10.01 Jain Sabha 400 Sqm. Anand Vihar
288. Religious 16.10.01 Bhagwan Purushu Ram Sewa Pratisthan 407.75 Sqm. Rohini
289. Religious 17.10.01 Digamber Jain Sabha 400 Sqm. Rohini
290. Religious 22.10.01 Delhi Catholic Church Society 747 Sqm. Mandawali Fazalpur
Unstarred Questions389
1 2 3 4 5 6
291. Religious 25.10.01 Aquaid-E-Islamia Masjid Society 400 Sqm. Kondli Gharoli
292. Religious 25.10.01 Shri. Sanathan Dharam Sabha 395.58 Sqm Rohini
293. Religious 25.10.01 The President Niranjan Vidhya Foundation 400 Sqm. Dwarka
390 Written Answers to

294. Religious 25.10.01 The Viswas 400 Sqm. Dwarka

295. Religious 29.10.01 Arya Samaj Mandir, Rohini 473.85 Sqm. Rohini
296. Religious 11.10.01 Shri Digamber Jain Sabha 465.00 Sqm. Prashant Vihar
297. Religious 15.11.01 Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. G-8, Area Pratap Nagar
298. Religious 14.12.01 Shri Digambar Jain Sabha (Regd.) 400 Sqm. Rohini
299. Religious 01.5.02 Shri Jai Sadhavi Shashi Kanta 400 Sqm. Rohini

300. Religious 02.1.02 Shri Santoshi Maa Mandir 300 Sqm. Parsad Nagar
301. Religious 02.8.02 Delhi Catholic Archdiocese Church 400 Sqm. Kondli Gharoli
302. Religious 02.9.02 Shri Shiv Shakti Mandir 400 Sqm. Nehru Nagar
303. Religious 03.9.02 Chitranjan Park Kali Mandir Society 6879.90 Sqm. Chitranjan Park
304. Religious 13.3.02 Purvosa Kali Mandir 430 Sqm. Mandawali Fazalpur
305. Religious 4.1.02 MR Charitable Trust 400 Sqm. Dwarka
306. Religious 22.4.02 Jai Shiv Shakti Dham 469 Sqm. Rohini
307. Religious 22.4.02 Parampara 400 Sqm. Pitampura
Unstarred Questions
308. Religious 13.5.02 Shri Vardhman Jain Mahila Sangh 371.25 Sqm. Rohini
309. Religious 06.5.02 Aggarwal Samaj Sewa Samiti 411.25 Sqm. Rohini
310. Religious 27.6.02 The President Bhariya Sanskriti Sewa 760.97 Sqm. Rohini
Written Answers to

311. Religious 07.6.02 Paramhans Adhvaitmath Publication 391.50 Sqm. Rohini

312. Religious 7.10.02 Manokamana Sidh Durga Mata Mandir 400 Sqm. Shakarpur
Nirman Samiti
313. Religious 22.7.02 Gaden Shartse Norling Buddhist Gultyark 800 Sqm. Gopalpur
314. Religious 30.7.02 Adarsh Manav Kalyan Sansthan 121.50 Sqm. Rohini
315. Religious 30.7.02 Shri S.S. Jain Sabha 351 Sqm. Rohini
[28 April, 2016]

316. Religious 08.5.02 Aggarwal Vaish Sangathan 391.50 Sqm. Rohini

317. Religious 8.5.02 Gurudwara Sukhamani Sahib 692.38 Paschim Vihar
318. Religious 8.8.02 Aggarnee Durga Pooja Samiti 432 Sqm. Rohini
319. Religious 22.8.02 Dharam Raksha Samiti (Manipur (D) 800 Sqm. Dheerpur
320. Religious 9.5.02 Shri Narayan Kendra 347.52 Sqm. Dwarka
321. Religious 11.9.02 Maheshwari Mandal 660 Sqm. Kalyan Vihar
322. Religious 30.4.03 Missionaries of Charity 2000 Sqm. Vishwas Nagar
323. Religious 13.9.04 Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha 405 Sqm. Mayur Vihar
Unstarred Questions391
1 2 3 4 5 6
324. Religious 13.2.06 Shri Vishnu Dharmik Sabha 126 Sqm. Keshav Puram
325. Religious 14.2.06 Raj Yoga Shiksha and Research Satsang 400 Sqm. Dilshad Garden
326. Religious 16.6.06 Delhi Marthoma Church 400.06 Sqm. Dwarka
392 Written Answers to

327. Religious 13.7.06 Methodist Church in India 402 Sqm Rohini

328. Religious 11.9.07 Sant Nirankari Mandal 400 Sqm. Dwarka
329. Religious 17.3.08 The Delhi Orthodox Dioceses 400 Sqm. Mayur Vihar (Ph-III)
330. Religious 24.3.08 Rajyoga Education and Research 400 Sqm. Dwarka
331. Religious 25.4.08 The Delhi Marthoma Church 340.80 Sqm. Mayur Vihar Ph-III
332. Religious 06.11.08 S.S. Jain Sabha 378 Sqm. Rohini

333. Religious 7.7.08 Sona Devi Raja Ram Charitable Trust 400 Sqm. Karkardooma
334. Religious 7.11.08 Shri Sanatan Dharam Shala 395.58 Sqm. Rohini
335. Religious 19.9.08 Dwarka Kali Bari 400 Sqm. Dwarka
336. Religious 25.9.08 Sri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. Sector-11, Dwarka
337. Religious 29.9.08 Darsgah- E- Islamia Intajamia Committee 407.17 Sqm. Rohini
338. Religious 22.12.08 Rohini Dharmik Sewa Samiti 350 Sqm. Rohini
339. Religious 20.1.09 Gurudwara Sadh Sangat, Sainik Vihar 200 Sqm. Pitampura
340. Religious 15.6.09 Ayyappa Sewa Samiti 392.60 Sqm. Kondli Gharoli Mayur Vihar
Unstarred Questions
341. Religious 21.10.09 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 400 Sqm. Dwarka
342. Religious 11.5.09 Prachin Sanatan Dharam Sabha 200 Sqm. Sainik Vihar, Pitampura
343. Religious 19.2.10 Shri Dattacharya Gnana Bodha Satsang 488.11 Sqm. Dwarka
Sabha Charitable Trust
Written Answers to

344. Religious 05.3.10 ISKON 4031.25 Sqm. Rohini

345. Religious 13.7.10 Arya Samaj Sainik Vihar 200 Sqm. Sainik Vihar, Pitampura
346. Religious 11.5.10 Bengal Welfare and Cultural Association 364.06 Sqm. Vasundara
347. Religious 25.2.11 Jitendra Charitable Society 400.50 Sqm. Dwarka
348. Religious 29.3.11 Delhi Wakf Board 400 Sqm. Jangpura
349. Religious 10.1.11 Sri Jagan Nath Rohini Sewa Sangh 430.60 Sqm. Rohini
350. Religious 11.1.11 Shri Balaji Babosa Dharmik Society 400 Sqm Rohini
351. Religious 12.10.12 Science of the Soul Research Center 400 Sqm. Kishan Garh Village, Near
[28 April, 2016]

Sector-A, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi
352. Religious 24.4.2012 International Society for Krishna 8000 Sqm. Plot No.4, Sub-city Level
Consciousness (ISKCON) Temple at the Revised plan
for Socio Culture Center,
Sector-3, Dwarka Ph-II
353. Religious 11.4.12 Shri Paramhans Advait Matth Publication 399.35 Sqm. Sector-22, HAF Pocket-C,
Society Dwarka
354. Religious 20.1.12 Shri Swetamber Sathanak Vasi Jain 520 Sqm. A-Block, Paschim Vihar
Mahila Mandal P.V.
Unstarred Questions393
1 2 3 4 5 6
355. Religious 10.2.2012 Shri Hari Vaikunth Ashram HAF Pocket-4, Sector-17,
356. Religious 14.2.2012 Radha Krishna Mandir Sewa Samiti 400 Sqm. Sector-19, Phase-II, Dwarka
357. Religious 01.3.2012 Gurdwara Baba Sahab Singh Ji (Regd.) 227 Sqm. Existing at Dudhial Apptt.
394 Written Answers to

Madhuban Chowk, Pitampura

358. Religious 11.4.2012 Shri Paanhan Advait Math Publication 399.55 Sqm. Sector-22, HAF Pocket-C,
Society Dwarka
359. Religious 29.8.2012 Shri Guru Singh Sabha 428.5 Sqm. Sheikh Sarai Ph-I
360. Religious 20.5.2014 Syro-Malabar Mission 402.41 Sqm. Pkt-C, Dilshad Garden
Note: **The accurate position is not available

A List of allotment of land for hospitals to Pvt. Socities

Sl. Category Date of Allotment/ Name of Society Area Allotted Location
No. Date of Possession
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Hospital 28.11.53 B.R. Jesa Ram Hospital 4840.55. sq. mtrs Karol Bagh
2. Hospital 28.11.53 Dr. B.L. Kapoor Memorial Hospital 5 Acres Pusa Road
3. Hospital 22.1.71 Delhi Cheshire Home (Hospital for Disabled Person) 3.502 acres Okhla
4. Hospital 21.8.1972 Jivodaya Hospital 0.84 Acre + 337.9 Ashok Vihar
sq. yds
Unstarred Questions
5. Hospital 23.10.74 Sunder Lal Jain Ch. Trust 3.14 Acres Ashok Vihar
6. Hospital 1.2.77 Asthma and Bronchitis Foundation (Delhi 0.602 Acres Gautam Nagar
7. Hospital 30.5.79 Aishi Ram Batra Public Ch. Trust 10.50 Acres Tughlakabad
Written Answers to

8. Hospital 20.12.80 Gujarmal Modi Hospital and Research Center 15 Acres Saket
9. Hospital 3.3.82 Madam Chanan Devi Eye Hospital 2.05 Acres Janakpuri
10. Hospital 30.4.83 Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust 0.85 acres*726 sq.mtrs. Karkardooma
11. Hospital 9.4.84 Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Ch. Trust 1 acres Masoodpur
12. Hospital 15.12.1984 Sita Ram Bhartiya Institute 1.46 Acres B-16 Qutub
Institutional Area
13. Hospital 22.3.85 Mahasati Mohan Devi Jain Shikshan Samiti 4048 sq. mtrs Rohini
(Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital)
[28 April, 2016]

14. Hospital 17.6.85 Khosla Medical Institute and Research Center 9680 sq. mtrs Shalimar Bagh
15. Hospital 8.1.85 Birla Center for Medical Research 3.5 acres Vasant Vihar
16. Hospital 11.9.85 Jaipur Golden Ch. Trust 2.45 Acres Rohini
17. Hospital 4.2.86 Deepak Gupta Memorial Ch. Foundation 4840 sq. mts Karkardooma
18. Hospital 12.4.86 All India Society for Health and Education Research 2 acre Mayur Vihar-II
19. Hospital 12.5.86 Ganesh Das Chawala Ch. Trust 4048 sq. mts Rohini
20. Hospital 15.3.87 Mai Kamali Wali Jan Kalyan Ch. Trust 434.50 Sq. mtrs Rajouri Garden
21. Hospital 21.10.87 Parmarath Mission Hospital 2420 sq. mts Pitampura
Unstarred Questions395
1 2 3 4 5 6
22. Hospital 7.6.88 Mukand Lal Memorial Foundation 6852 sq. mtrs.
23. Hospital 8.9.88 Lala Gela Ram Memorial Medical Research Center 528 sq. mts Pitampura
(Dental Hospital)
24. Hospital 23.3.89 V.N. Gupta Ch. Trust 0.2 hact Pitampura
396 Written Answers to

25. Hospital 4.5.89 Indian Spinal Injuries Center 11.84 Acres Vasant Kunj
26. Hospital 17.4.90 Foundation of Applied Research in Cancer 4013.66 sq. mts South of I.I.T.
27. Hospital 6.13.90 Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Center 13175 sq. mts Dallupura
28. Hospital 24.9.90 National Society for Prevention of Blindness (Small 800 sq. mts Karkardooma
29. Hospital 11.5.90 Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center 3.5 Acres Rohini
30. Hospital 23.11.90 Escort Heart Instt and Research Center 0.7 Acres Okhla

31. Hospital 19.7.91 Laxmipat Sighnamia Medical Foundation 2 Acres Saket

32. Hospital 10.12.92 Venu Charitable Society (Eye Hospital) 2.5 Acres Saket
33. Hospital 11.12.93 Sondhi Charitable Trust 1.162 Acre Okhla
34. Hospital 21.8.95 Vivekanand Pratishthanam 8000 sq. mts Khureji
35. Hospital 9.1.95 Manav Sewarth Trust 1 Hect. Paschim Puri
36. Hospital 9.3.95 Arya Vaidsala Kottalaya 9240 sq. mts Karkardooma
37. Hospital 23.4.96 Human Care Medical Trust 1 Hact Dwarka
38. Hospital 5.6.96 Devki Devi Foundation 1.123 Acre Saket
Unstarred Questions
39. Hospital 26.6.96 Dr. Narain Dutt Shrimali Foundation 3.0 Hact Pitampura
40. Hospital 16.9.96 Vikrant Children Medical Foundation 1.4 Hact Saket
41. Hospital 16.10.96 Balaji Medical and Research Center 12000 sq. mt Manadawali
42. Hospital 12.6.96 B. R. Dhawan Medical Ch. Trust 0.9 Hact Dwarka
Written Answers to

43. Hospital 7.2.97 Nirogi Ch. Medical Ch. Trust 0.85 Hact Mandawali Fazalpur
44. Hospital 12.11.97 Lala Munni Lal Mange Ram Ch. Trust 2.34 Hect Paschim Vihar
45. Hospital 1.7.98 Multan Sewa Samiti 1590 sq. mtrs Pittampura
46. Hospital 19.2.98 Walia Charitable Trust 795 sq. mtrs Mayur Vihar-III
47. Hospital 6.1.98 Param Shakti Peeth 3.26 Mandawali
48. Hospital 31.8.98 Unique Hospital and Research Institute 3.16 Hact Dwarka
49. Hospital 24.3.99 Sarvodaya Health Foundation 1000 sq. mtrs Rohini
[28 April, 2016]

50. Hospital 30.6.99 Shanti Memorial Society 1 Hact Lado Sarai

51. Hospital 20.9.99 Delhi E.N.T. Hospital and Research Center (E.N.T. 768 sq. mtrs Jasola FC-33
Hospital and Research Center)
52. Hospital 23.2.2000 Sant Nirankari Mandal 10 Acres Dheer Pur
53. Hospital 15.3.2000 Madhukar Multi-Specialty Hospital 5500 sq. mtrs Geetanjli
54. Hospital 31.5.2000 National Heart Institute 743.80 sq. mts East of Kailash
55. Hospital 25.6.2002 Bala Sahib Gurudwara (DSGMPC) 46274 sq. mts Kilokari
56. Hospital 17.11.05 Maha Durga Ch. Trust 8000 sq. mtrs Model Town
Unstarred Questions397
398 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

B. List of Dispensaries allotted to Pvt. Society

Sl Name of Society Location Area

1. Tarawati Ram Gopal Mehra Mandawali 1000 Sqm
2. Indian Medical Association Karkardooma 400 Sqm
3. Dilshad Garden Ayyappa Sewa Samiti Dilshad Garden 1020 Sqm
4. Guru Singh Sabha Central Paschimpuri 380 Sqm
5. Pariwar Sewa Samity Pitampura 1000 Sqm
6. Jai Sri Ram Sewa Samity Pitampura 295 Sqm
7. Tagore Academy Shalimar Bagh 908 Sqm
8. Sarvodaya Health Foundation Rohini 1000 Sqm
9. Sanatan Dharam Sabha Public Trust Derawal Nagar 620 Sqm
10 Delhi Common Wealth Women’s Masoodpur 1200 Sqm
11. Sadhu Vaswani Mission Shanti Niketan 0.41 Acre
12. Arpan Trust Vasant Vihar 500 Sqm
13. Lok Kalyan Samiti Humayun Nagar 200 Sqm


List of allotment of land made to various institutions/public utility by L&DO

Sl. Name of the Society/Institutions Date of Area of land

No. and Locality allotment
1 2 3 4
1 Modern School, Barakhamba Road 1928 25 acres
2. DAV High School Chitra Gupta Road 8.2.1939 3 acres
3. Ramjas Higher Secondary School Chitra 1942 3 acres
Gupta Road
4. Modern School, Humayun Road 25.5.1961 3.947 acres
allotment letter
issued on
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1 2 3 4
5. Union Academy H.S. School, Raja Bazar 13.02.39 1.6 acre
6. Delhi Maharashtra Education Society, Oringal 15.11.57 and 1.5 acre and
Road (Nutan Marathi School) 6.2.68 `1.025 acre
7. Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Copernicus Road 02.02.52 1.9 acre
8. Andhra Education Society, Rouse Avenue 18.09.52 1.233 acre
9. Madrasi Education Society, Lodhi Estate 23.07.53 0.386 acre
10. SGTB, Girls Hr. Secondary School, Lodhi 14.05.56 and 0.359 acre
Road additional
allotment in on
11. Gujarat Eduction Society, Lodhi Road 11.10.56 1.5 acres
12 Blind Relief Association 28.12.56 2.44 acre
13. Gujranwala Gurukul, Lodhi Colony 31.12.58 2.5 acre
14. Vinay Nagar Bengal Higher Seconday 5.9.58 1.8 acres
School, Vinay Nagar
15. Madrasi Education Association, Vinay Nagar 28.01.59 1.5 acre
16. Dev Samaj Modern School, Kilkori 16.02.59 2 acre
17. Vidya Bhavan Girls H.S. School, New 26.09.59 1.472 acre
Rajinder Nagar
18. Bengali Boys H.S. School, Kashmere Gate 15.03.60 1.27 acre
19 Bal Bharati school 10.5.60 1.87 acres
20. Cambridge School, Sriniwas Puri 29.06.60 4.786 acre
21. Nav Shakti Education Society, Rouse Avenue 08.01.60 0.758 acre
22. Mater Dei Convent, Tilak Lane 29.08.60 1.661 acre
23. Quetta DAV H. S. School, Nizamuddin 11.02.60 2.033 acre
24. Delhi Tamil Education Society 01.02.61 1.09 acre
Laxmi Bai Nagar
25 The Lions Club of Delhi (Kashmir House) 1.4.61 0.90 acres
26. DAV School, Pusa Road 01.12.61 1.993 acre
27. Carmel Convent School, Chankyapuri 14.02.61 3.06 acre
28. Madrasi Education Society, Sec-IV, 31.07.61 1.958 acre
R. K. Puram
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1 2 3 4
29. Vidya Bhawan, Co-Education School 14.11.61 3.63 acre
Lodhi Estate
30. Springdales School, Pusa Road 15.11.61 1.8 acre
31. Madrasi Education Society, Pusa Road 18.11.61 1.941 acre
32. Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, Ashoka Place 24.11.61 2.567 acre
33. Shyam Prasad Vidylaya, Lodhi Estate 14.3.59 1.48 acres
34. Dhanpatmal A.S. H-3, Roop Nagar, 02.2.62 1.482 acre
New Delhi.
35. Manav Sthali Middle School, 06.07.68 3.22. acres
New Rajinder Nagar
36. Bal Bharti School, Ganga Ram Hospital 18.09.62 1.08 acre
37. Guranwala Gurukul Trust, Malviya Nagar 28.03.63 1 acre
38. Phool Chand Vaishya H. S. School, 13.08.63 277.77 sq.yds
Pahari Dhiraj
39. Bapu Adarsh Vidyalaya 28.01.64 1.809 acre
40. Bengal Education Society, Moti Bagh 29.02.64 1.939 acre
41. DPS, R. K. Puram, Sec-12 10.12.64 4 acre
42. Queens Mary School, Tiz Hazari 17.12.64 2.74 acre
(transfer sites)
43. Khalsa Girls H.S. School, Paharganj 15.01.65 384 sq.yds
44. Jai Hind School Society, Sadar Thana Road 03.02.65 794 sq.yds
45. Ramjas Collage Society (R. K. Puram) 16.7.65 4.632 acres
46. Delhi Kannada Education Society, 04.12.65 0.743 acre
Lodhi Estate
47. Sanatan Dharam Kanya S. S. School, 26.05.66 1.4 acre
Jhandewalan Est.
48. Bhai Joga Singh Trust, East Patel Nagar 28.05.66 1.4 acre
49. DAV Collage Trust, Jhandewalan 28.05.66 1.5 acre
50. Madrasi Education Association, Moti Bagh 28.06.66 2.11 acre
(DTEA School at Moti Bagh)
51. Hope Hall Managing Committee, 19.08.66 2.011 acre
R. K. Puram Sec-XII
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1 2 3 4
52. British School, Chankyapuri 12.12.66 2 acre
53. Sisters of Charity Society, S-12. R.K. Puram 05.0.67 2.1 acre
(Holy Child School)
54. Sindhi Education Society, Lajpat Nagar 25.07.67 1.382 acre
55. South Delhi Education Society, 19.07.68 1.378 acre
Defence Colony
56 Kerala Education Soceity 23.12.68 2.546 acres
R. K. Puram Sec-VIII
57. Kamlesh Balika Vidyalaya, Minto Road 22.11.95 1.124 acres
allotment in
58. Lady Irwin H.S. School, Canning Road 21.08.70 0.943 acre
59. Bal Bharti Public School, Pusa Road 16.06.72 1322 sq.yd
(Playground Purpose)
60. DPS, Mathura Road 22.09.72 1.7 acre
61. Nirmal Shiksha Kendra, DDU Marg 29.11.72 4259.6 sq. yds
62. American School, Chankyapuri 31.7.61 13.218 acre
63. Telegu School Society, R. K. Puram 17.07.73 1.881 acre
64. Janta Adaarsh Shiksha Sanasthan, 19.9.75 1.843 acres
Sec-III, R. K. Puram
65. Convent of Jesus and Mary Bangla Sahib 28.01.77 0.607 acre
Marg (Playground Purpose)
66. National Association for the Blind at Sec-V, 8.2.77 0.497 acres
R. K. Puram
67. Nav Hind Educational Society at Rohtak 28.3.78 0.689 acres
Road, New Delhi (now transferred to Ram
Dulari Charitable Trust)
68 Convent of Jesus and Mary, Bangla Sahib 4.8.80 2 acres
69. Sindhi Girls School, Subzi Mandi 16.05.77 2.724 acre
70. Child Education Trust, Sec-13, R.K. Puram 16.05.77 2.724 acre
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1 2 3 4
71 Patel Education Society (Springdalse School 29.6.78 4.920 acres
in Dhaula Kuan)
72 J.D. Tytler School Society (New Rajinder 9.5.80 2.916 acres
73. Birla Academy of Art and Culture, M.B. 25.3.84 4.369 acre
Road (Original allotment was made on
74. Ram Kishan and Sons Charitable Trust, 12.6.81 3.95 acre
Lodhi Road
75. Maratha Mitra Mandal, Jhandewalan 12.4.66 0.814 acre
76. Khalsa Education Soceity, Sarjoini Nagar 19.3.83 2.194 acre
77 Archbishop Agnelo Fernandes, (Delhi 15.12.83 0.496 acres
Catholic Archdiocese,
Sec-II, R.K. Puram)
78 Samartha Shiksha Samiti, Nehru Nagar, 22.12.84 1.444 acres
New Delhi
79. Guru Harkishnan Public School, Purana 27.02.86 2.432 acre
Quila Road
80. Moti Bagh Mutal Aid Education Society, 04.06.86 0.542 acre
Moti Bagh.
81. Public Montessori School, Timarpur 15.11.89 1055 sq.yds
82. St. Joan’s Education Society 04.12.86 998.07 sq. mts
83. Jain Happy School, DIZ Area 18.07.90 2.15 acre
84. Vidya Ed. Society, DIZ Area 25.07.90 1126.25 sq.mt
85. Rai Sinha School, CR Park 22.09.92 2.055 acre
86. Mohayal Education Society, R. K. Puram 23.12.92 2.764 acre
87. Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vasant Vihar 22.3.93 3.570 acre
88 Civil Service Society, Chankyapuri 21.06.95 7.697 acre
89. Deshmash Khalsa Ed. Society, 22.4.96 0.558 acre
Malviya Nagar
90. Andhra Education Society, Pushp Vihar 09.12.97 1.976 acre
(Original allotment on 20.12.93)
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1 2 3 4
91. Samaarth Shiksha Samiti, Nehru Nagar 07.07.99 1.6 acre
(Playground purpose)
92. DAV Nursery School, Mandir Marg 16.12.99 1000 sq. mt
93. Samartha Shiksha Samiti, Amar Colony 14.02.00 0.8135 acre
94. South Delhi Ed. Society (Alternative land). 19.2.00 0.247 acre
(Original allotment on 7.6.93)
95. Shiv Niketan Ed. Society, DIZ Area 19.4.00 (Original 950 sq.mts
allotment letter
issued on
21.12.99 for
area measuring
915 sq.mts)
96. I.P. Girls Hr. Secondary School, MB Road 15.6.00 2.379 acre
(Alternative allotment)
97. Bengal Educational and Cultural 22.1.01 1727.08 sq. mt
Association, Minto Road
98. Samartha Shiksha Samiti, MB Road 13.3.01 3.373 acre
99. Gujarat Education Society, DIZ Area 10.4.01 950.105 sq. mt
(Nursery School)
100. Samarth Shiksha Samiti, Vasant Vihar 17.4.01 1.574 acre
102. Samarth Shiksha Samiti, Aram Bagh 17.4.01 1.554 acre
103. Delhi Public School M.B. Road, Sec-V 27.6.01 16007 sq. mts
104. Mukherjee Public School (Primary School 19.10.01 858 Sq. mts
in Sarojini Nagar)
105. Mata Amritanandamayi Math, M.B. Road, 30.7.01 2.379 acre
106. Vaish Aggarwal Educational Society, 14.8.01 16085 sq. mts
M.B. Road, Sec-VI
107. Samartha Shiksha Samiti, Shivalik 11.1.02 1.093 acre
108. Delhi Public School (Lodhi Road) 19.6.02 849.19 sq. mts
109. DPS, Sec-X, R.K. Puram 22.7.02 4774.28 sq. mts
110. Ramakrishan Mission, Pahar Ganj 17.3.16 83.61 sq. mtrs.
404 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions


Terms and conditions for allotment of Institutional Land

(i) That the allottee———— will be required to pay provisional premium of
land measuring———— Acre/Sqm. @ `———— Lac per acre (provisional)
with 2.5% annual ground rent of the total premium. Aggregate of the
provisional land final premium). The revision of rates of land is under
consideration of the Central Government. The allottee shall have to pay
balance premium for the land as per rates determined by the Central
Government under Rule-5 of DDA (Development Nazul land) Rules-1981,
and within the time demanded by DDA The rates of land determined, by
Central Government, shall be binding upon the allottee and shall not be
called in question by it in any proceeding.
(ii) The allottee shall give an undertaking to the effect that it will pay the
balance premium of land, when demanded by DDA on the basis of the
rates determined by Central Government.
(iii) The area of the land/plot is also subject to variation in size, due to
requirement of layout plan and demarcation of site etc.
(iv) The allotted land shall be used, for the purpose of Construction of
————— and no other purpose whatsoever.
(v) The building plans should be got approved from the Lessor/DDA, before
getting the same sanctioned for the construction on land and construction
as per sanctioned plan shall be completed within a period of 02 years
from the date of taking over possession of the plot allotted.
(vi) The allottee shall not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise part with possession
of the whole or any part of the said land or any building thereon except
with the provisions consent writing of the Lessor which he shall be entitled
to refuse in his absolute description.
(a) PROVIDED that, in the event of the consent being given the, Lessor
may impose such conditions as he thinks fit and the LESSOR shall
be entitled to claim and recover the whole or a portion (as the Lessor
may in his absolute description determined) of un-earned increase in the
value (i.e. the difference between the premium paid and market value)
of the said land at the time of sale, transfer assignment, or parting with
the possession and the decision of Lessor in the respect of the market
value shall be final and binding.
(b) Not withstanding anything contained in clause (v) above, the lease may with
the provisions consent in writing of L.G. Government of Delhi (here in after
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called THE LT. GOVERNER) mortgage of change, the said land to such
person as may be approved by the Lt. Governor in absolute description.
(vii) The lease deed shall be executed and got registered by the allottee at its
own cost as and when called upon to do so, by the Lessor (PRESIDENT
(viii) The trees if any standing on the plot in question shall remain as DDA
property and shall not be removed or disposed of without the prior approval
of the Lessor in writing.
(ix) That all other conditions as contained in the perpetual lease deed to be
executed in this behalf and any other terms/condition imposed from time
to time by the Central Government/Lt. Governor shall be binding upon
the allottee. The form of lease deed can be purchased from the office of
(x) If the allottee violates any terms and conditions as mentioned above and in
the perpetual lease-deed, the allotment shall be cancelled and possession of
the land/plot with superstructure standing thereon if any, will be taken over
by the Lessor (PRESIDENT OF INDIA)DDA without any compensation
to the allottee.
(xi) If the allotment cancelled for breaches of any terms/ conditions of the
allotment, the possession of the plot/land with building, if any will be
handed over to DDA by the allottee on the date and time given in the
cancellation notice,
(xii) The payment and the acceptance letter with the required undertaking must
to be sent within the 60 day otherwise interest at the rate of 18% shall
be chargeable for the delay period up to 180 days of issue of the this
letter on completion of 6 months from the date of issue, the allotment
shall be automatically cancelled, if the allottee has made partial payment,
after 180 days of issue of issue of this letter the allottee shall have to
re apply for allotment.
(xiii) That it is the whole responsibility of the allottee to keep proper watch
and ward of the land and property against any encroachment.
(xiv) The offer of allotment of land herein made is on “AS IS WHERE IS
BASIS”. The allottee is advised to got itself acquainted with the conditions
herein mentioned and also the site conditions before acceptance of the offer
of allotment. It may be noted that the DDA shall not entertain any claim/
exemption from the payment of ground rent, License Fee, Composition Fee
etc. once the offer of allotment is accepted and possession is taken over.
406 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(xv) The allottee shall pay the cost of fencing/Boundary wall if any, as and
when demanded by DDA.
(xvi) The allottee shall abide by all the terms and conditions given in the
sponsorship letter and other conditions as may be imposed by the sponsoring
authority from time to time.


Guidelines for Screening of applications for allotment of land

The Screening Committee should keep the following aspects in view, while
examining the applications received for allotment of Government land from various
(i) Availability of land as per approved layout plan and the prescribed land
use of the plot as per the layout plan/zonal plan/Master Plan. Allotment
of a plot should be considered only when the land use is permissible for
such activities for which allotment has been requested.
(ii) The plot of land should be free from any encroachment/litigation and the
requisite infrastructure such as power, water supply, drainage facilities etc.,
should be available in the area.
(iii) The organization seeking allotment of land should be a registered Society/
Trust, registered for at least 5 years at the time of application, The Society/
Trust should have persons of professional and representative character on
the Management Committee, which should, not consist of family members.
(iv) The Society/Trust should submit the certificate of Registration, Memorandum
and Articles of Association, Balance Sheet and Audited Accounts for 5
years, immediately preceding the date of application.
(v) The Society/Trust should submit the Certificate of Exemption from Income
Tax under Section 80G of Income Tax Act.
(vi) The recommendation of the concerned Ministry of the Government of India
for allotment of land should be considered, The following specific information
of the applicant should be sought from the Administrative Ministry:
(a) The status of the Society, nature of its activity and work performance.
The item will cover whether the Society is charitable and what benefit
it gives to the common man by its activities.
(b) Analysis of Certificate of Registration, Memorandum and Articles of
Association, Balance Sheet and Auditors Report for the past 5 years.
(c) Whether the organization is already working in Delhi and, if not, why
it needs to set up an office in the National Capital.
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(d) Details of the project that the Society wants to implement, while asking
for the land.
(vii) In Case of educational institutions, a valid sponsorship certificate for
the area and the type' of school for which allotment of land is sought
should be obtained from the Directorate of Education, GNCTD in respect
of middle and higher level schools and from the local body .concerned
(MCD/NDMC) in respect of nursery/primary schools.
(viii) The antecedent of the Society/Trust should be verified through the Government
of NCTD and if necessary through the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(ix) Permanent Account Number (PAN) for Income Tax purposes should be
(x) An assessment should be made as to whether the organization would be
in a position to pay the cost of the land as well as construction of the
building. It should be seen whether the institution/organization already owns
and land in Delhi and in case it does the activity for which such land is
being put to use should be looked into. In case the organization has been
allotted land by L&DO/DDA earlier, it should be ascertained whether the
land is being used properly and whether the organization need further land
for carrying out its activities, it should also be considered as to whether
the actual quantum of land being sought for is sufficient or excessive or
inadequate while recommending for allotment of land.
(xi) The applicant Society/Trust should furnish proof of having fixed deposit/
equivalent liquid investment covering the cost of land + 10% more, to
ensure payment of land cost without seeking any special dispensation and
should produce a ‘No Loan Certificate’ in respect of the above mentioned
(xii) In case of consideration of request for allotment of land for any institution
wholly owned or assisted by Government of India or any State Government,
the stipulations above could be suitably relaxed/waived, for reasons that
would be recorded in writing.

Erroneous conversion charges for leasehold to freehold


be pleased to state:

(a) whether attention of Government has been drawn to the fact that the formula,
fixed by the Delhi Development Authority, for calculation of conversion charges of
plots for residential use from leasehold to freehold, in the case of individual floors,
indicated in the Brochure is erroneous, as a result of which the applicants have to
pay excess amount running into lakhs of rupees;
408 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) if so, what action has Government taken to correct the erroneous formula
and how much time will it take to rectify the formula; and

(c) whether a reference from a Member of Parliament on the subject is pending

disposal in the Ministry?


(a) to (c) A reference on the issue was received, which was examined in consultation
with the Land and Development Office (L&DO) and the formula for calculation of
conversion fee from leasehold to freehold, was found to be correct. As such, the
matter is not pending for disposal in the Ministry.

Funds crunch for Vijayawada metro project

620. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRA RAO: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Vijayawada Metro Project has been hit by funds
crunch; and

(b) if so, what steps Government is taking to speed up the work?


(a) No, Sir.

(b) Does not arise.

Illegal construction business

be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the business of illegal construction is flourishing

in various parts of the country;

(b) if so, whether Government is considering to take any concrete step in order
to curb it; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and by when such steps will be taken and if not,
the reasons therefor?


(a) Urban Development is a State subject and all kinds of construction activities are
regulated by the specific Building Bye Laws of the respective State or city.

† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.

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(b) and (c) The respective urban local bodies and urban development authorities
monitor and regulate the construction activities by granting construction permissions.
They are empowered to take action to curb illegal construction as per the provisions
of respective Building Bye Laws.

Change of DDA flat for paraplegic

622. SHRI RAM KUMAR KASHYAP: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether V C, DDA received a letter No. F.NO.5900/UDM/2015-DDAIII

dated 18.1.2016 from the Director (Delhi Division), Ministry of Urban Development
to take immediate necessary action to resolve the issue concerning change of flat of
a paraplegic;

(b) the action taken by VC, DDA to resolve the issue, the details thereof; and

(c) whether V C, DDA has informed the Ministry in the matter and if so, details
thereof and if not, action taken by the Ministry in the matter to resolve the issue?


(a) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has informed that they have received a
letter from Ministry of Urban Development concerning change of flat of a paraplegic.

(b) and (c) DDA has informed that the possession of the flat in question was
handed over in the year 1998 and the allottee got the flat converted to freehold in
the year 2000. As such, DDA does not have any title in the said flat and it is not
legally feasible to effect any change after conversion of flat to freehold.

Policy for changing free-hold DDA flats

623. SHRI RAM KUMAR KASHYAP: Will the Minister of URBAN

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of DDA circulars/policies etc. under which the flats are changed
and whether copies thereof would be laid on the Table of the House;

(b) whether there is no policy for change of flat after it has been converted
from lease hold to free-hold; if so, the reasons therefor; and

(c) the steps taken to frame policy for changing free-hold flats?


NAIDU): (a) to (c) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has informed that there
is no policy for change of freehold DDA flats because DDA does not have any
title in such flats.
410 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Impact of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao on Sex Ratio


CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Child Sex Ratio (CSR) in some States/UTs of the country has
declined below national average, if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor, State/

(b) whether Government has urged State/UTs for effective implementation of

the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) campaign in their respective States, if so, the
details thereof and response of the States/UTs thereto along with the funds allocated
and released to the States/UTs for implementation of the campaign since inception;

(c) the extent to which the said campaign has been successful in helping to
achieve the balanced sex ratio in various States/UTs?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) As per Census 2011 data, Child Sex Ratio (CSR)
stands at 918 girls per 1000 boys in the age group of 0-6 years, against 927 in 2001
Census. The State-wise details are given in the Statement-I (See below). The reasons
behind the declining Child Sex Ratio in the country are primarily the socio-cultural
mindset having preference for son, considering girls as burden and preference for
small family. Further, easy availability of technology for sex determination tests and
abortion services act as a catalyst in the declining Child Sex Ratio.

(b) The scheme is being implemented through the State Government/UT

Administration. The Village Convergence and Facilitation Service (VCFS) is being
implemented in BBBP districts at Gram Panchayat (GP) level to generate awareness
regarding various schemes/programmes of the Central/State Government and mobilize
the community to create demand and access/avail such services at grass root level.
The States/UTs have undertaken various activities under the BBBP. Details are
given in the Statement-II (See below). Fund released under the Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao (BBBP) campaign to the States/UTs for implementation are given in the
Statement-III (See below).

(c) The overall objective of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme is to
improve declining Child Sex Ratio in the country and create an enabling environment
for the education of girl child and this requires long-term attitudinal change. The
Scheme has completed its one year and is at the nascent stage of implementation. It
is too early to assess its impact at this stage but the Scheme has been received well.
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In the last one year, several local innovative interventions have been demonstrated
by the districts with support from Department of WCD, Health and Education. This
has resulted in increased awareness, sensitization and conscious building around the
issue of declining CSR in the public domain.


State-wise details of Child Sex Ratio (age group 0-6 years)

during last two Census

Name Census 2001 Census 2011

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 957 968
Andhra Pradesh 961 939
Arunachal Pradesh 964 972
Assam 965 962
Bihar 942 935
Chandigarh 845 880
Chhattisgarh 975 969
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 979 926
Daman and Diu 926 904
Delhi 868 871
Goa 938 942
Gujarat 883 890
Haryana 819 834
Himachal Pradesh 896 909
Jammu and Kashmir 941 862
Jharkhand 965 948
Karnataka 946 948
Kerala 960 964
Lakshadweep 959 911
Madhya Pradesh 932 918
Maharashtra 913 894
Manipur 957 936
Meghalaya 973 970
Mizoram 964 970
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Name Census 2001 Census 2011

Nagaland 964 943
Odisha 953 941
Puducherry 967 967
Punjab 798 846
Rajasthan 909 888
Sikkim 963 957
Tamil Nadu 942 943
Tripura 966 957
Uttar Pradesh 916 902
Uttarakhand 908 890
West Bengal 960 956


Details of Initiatives undertaken on BBBP (as reported by States/Districts)

State/Districts Innovative Actions

Andaman and • Guddi Gudda Board have displayed in 15 villages
Nicobar Islands • Gender sensitive awareness camp was organized in
collaboration with medical personnel.
• Girl child day was celebrated on 5th August, 2015.
• Song and Drama division organized awareness campaign
through puppet show at 50 places in South, North and
Middle Andaman.
Assam • 24th of every month dedicated for celebration of Girl
Child Day
• Celebration of Beti Janmotsav through Tree-plantation and
felicitation of the Mother of the Girl Child in the AWCs'
• Organise Gram Sabha with women group
• CSR topic has been discussed in print media and local
TV channel
• BBBP logo has been painted at AWCs.
• Organised orientation programme for Para-legal workers
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State/Districts Innovative Actions

• Clinic sealed-2, Machine sealed-2 and de-sealed-1 by court
• District Appropriate Authority filed 5 cases and court cases
initiated for 3 cases
Y.S.R. Kadapa, • 1st Friday of every month dedicated for celebration of
Andhra Pradesh Girl Child Day
• 12 Sensitization Programmes held with 320 participants
• 790 Gram Panchayats have displayed the Guddi Gudda
• Awareness campaigns on CSR issue with CDPOs and
Supervisors, though schools, colleges, orphanages, camps,
• 92 community level meeting organised for generating
awareness on the CSR issue.
Vaishali, Bihar • Beti Janmotsava at Pohiyar Panchayat, Sahdei buzurg
Block was organised. Highlights included distribution of
Birth certificate and fruit saplings to parents spread out
the message that ''jekra beti hotai, okre per miltai''.
• During the Vaishali Mahotsava, a stall on Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao was displayed to create awareness on CSR issue.
Chandigarh • Rubber Stamp on Save Girl Child distributed in all
Dispensaries and Government Hospitals.
• 2 Radio Talks on All India Radio organized on issue of
save girl child.
• 580 flex banners, carrying messages related to importance
of Girl Child, Save Girl Child campaign were installed at
all health centers of Chandigarh
• All 12 Gram Panchayats have been covered and Gudda
Guddi Board has been installed at Panchayat Bhawan.
• 20 awareness generation programmes has been organised
on CSR issue.
• Training for private/Government practioners was organised
in collaboration with District Family Welfare Bureau.
Chhattisgarh • Government of Chhattisgarh has generated awareness on
“Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” through “Rath” during the
Chief Minister visit to Raipur.
414 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• 11th date of every month dedicated for celebration of
Girl Child Day
• District Administration started celebration of birth of Girl
Child at district, block and village level.
• Organised rally at village, sector, block and district level for
spreading message on save the girl child and educate them.
• Oath ceremony at every event
• President Zila Parishad awarded the girls those scored
highest marks at block and district level in standard 10th.
• Commissioner Nagar Nigam, Raigarh issued direction to
Nagar Nigam to ensure BBBP logo on every correspondence
and on Rasan card.
• Commissioner Nagar Nigam Raigarh issued directions to
all Nagar Palika/Panchayat Officer to name at least one
chouk as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Chouk, those whose
name has not yet decided.
• Stop one child marriage at Pussore block with the support
of ADOP and Police.
• Health Department have installed 20 tracker devise in
US centres.
Daman and Diu • Media campaign was launched by UT Administration and
celebrates the birth of girl child, distribution of cycle to
girl child under educational scheme and appreciation letter
to 5 girl child for their outstanding performance.
• Hoardings on BBBP at prominent places, awareness
generation though FM All India Radio 102.3, advertisements
on BBBP run through electronic media, print media and
local cable network
• Self Defense Programme organized for girls by ICPS,
Government Colleges
• Special Tableau on BBBP during Daman Festival by
Tourism Department
• Women Achievers Award given to outstanding women
(below 18 years and above 18 years) in diverse areas-
sports, education, science, documentation and research,
bravery, Art and Culture
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions415

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• Organised bike rally for the rights of the girl child, around
300 female participated.
Dadra and Nagar • On occasion of International Women’s Day the UT
Haveli Administration have planned to celebrate Beti Janmotsav
with parents of all girls who were born in January 2016
along with their babies. The celebration to start with Cake
Cutting, distribution of Badhai kit-two sets of clothes, cap
and mittens, handkerchief, hoody blanket, diapers, bowl
and spoon.
• For imparting benefits to girl child, convergence with Save
the Girl child Scheme, Matru Samriddhi Yojana, Sanjeevani
Swasthya Bima Yojana, Government of India Schemes
like Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana and Pradhan
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana has been established. Bank
Accounts shall be opened in the name of mother with a
joint account of new born girl.
• Registration of mother under PM Jeevan Jyoti Yojana
and PM Suraksha Bima Yojana-first premium under the
scheme paid by UT
• Launching of UT Scheme Sukanya Satkar Yojana-
incentivizing the first two born girl child in the family
by ` 9000 each in name of the mother
• UT Scheme Paripakvamata Niyojit Bal Yojana incentivizing
` 10000 for mothers who conceives her 1st child after
the age of 20 yrs and another ` 10000 if she conceives
another child after a gap of 5 years
Goa • Special sessions on PC PNDT Act was organised during
Village Health Nutrition Days at the anganwadis/village
• Sensitization Programme for the students of VIIIth, IXth
and Xth held in 4 schools on PC-PNDT Act and BBBP
• Programme on BBBP Scheme was telecast on Doordarshan
• 32 small size LED boards (2.5ft x 1.5ft) with logo of
BBBP are installed in all Health Centres at OPD wall
• Big size LED boards (i.e. 8x3ft and 6 x 3ft) are installed
416 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• Leaflets with a message on PCPNDT Act and Logo of
BBBP are printed and distributed for creating awareness.
• Hoardings on Government buses (Kadamba Transport
Corporation) on PC-PNDT Act with a message ‘Save the
Girl Child’
Gujarat • Organised “Maha Hastakshar Abhiyan” on BBBP, where
MP, MLA and Zilla President appeal to community to
support the programme.
• Beti Bachao Campaigns: Stage shows/wall paintings/
hoardings/advertisements on buses/IEC Vans, Hamari Beti
• Constitution of security council from State to Village
level is decided by resolution of home department. They
are allotted different work related to safety and security
of women
• Women Empowerment Fortnight: All the department
of State Government celebrate “Women Empowerment
fortnight” from 1st August to 15th August as per directions
of Chief Minister
• Mehsana District, Gujarat organized cultural programmes
on BBBP to highlight the issue of declining CSR on the
occasion of Prajapati Samaj Samuh Marriage. In addition
to the seven pheras, an eighth phera was introduced with
the pledge taken by the newly weds to not indulge in
gender biased sex selection. An exhibition on BBBP was also
organized on 14th February, 2016 attended by 14000 people
Haryana • Call for Action-Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign
announced by Government of Haryana under BBBP
• Chief Secretary has issued directions to all Government
buildings and public places with BBBP logo
• Rewards for best panchayats/villages that have been able
to improve the Child Sex Ratio.
• Reward of ` 1 lakh for whistle blowers informing about
illegal sex selection
• Lohri Celebrations/Kuwa Pujan is being observed on the
birth of the girl child thus breaking the stereotype of age old
social custom that it is only celebrated on birth of boy child.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions417

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• 5139 Gram Panchayats have displayed Guddi Gudda Board
in the selected districts
• 2235 newly born girl child and their mother’s have been
• 2830 awareness rallies have been organised in 12 districts
• 1637 awareness generation activities such as nukkad natak/
IEC/baby shows have carried out under the Scheme
• BBBP logo has been painted on 1681 AWCs buildings
along with slogans
• Gram Pradhan of Bibipur Panchayat, Jind Haryana has
taken an initiative and organised a contest named “A
selfie-with-daughters contest” to promote the girl child.
The initiative was appreciated by PM in his ‘Mann ki
Baat’ to the nation
Himachal Pradesh • District Task Force and Block Task Force has been
• 10th date of every month dedicated for celebration of
Girl Child Day
• District level orientation and sensitization programme
• Awareness Generation Programme i.e. signature campaign,
radio jingles, TV spots, rally, health camps and miking
have been conducted
• District Authority has decided that Child Sex Ratio is one
of the agenda in Gram Sabha meeting
• In Una district, participatory appraisal exercise has been
adopted by District Administration to understand the causes
of decline in CSR and devise strategies. DTF and BTF
constituted, Intensive Campaign on BBBP launched, 235
Guddia-Gudda boards installed in all GPs, 1100 BBBP
boards installed in all schools, colleges, Government
buildings, BBBP signatures launched for all administrative
emails, cash prizes announced for industries employing
more women, incentives to schools for girl child retention,
100% separate functional toilets for girls, free mundan
ceremony for girls in Mata Chintapurni Mandir etc.
418 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• On occasion of “International Kullu Dusshera”- 9893
women gathered for a collective dance performance
dedicated to BBBP for creating value of girl child,
importance of girl’s education and her overall well-being.
This was the largest “kullu nati” which has been recorded
by “Guinness Book of World Record”
• District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh organised Marathon on
Jammu and • "Aasra"- a comprehensive social security scheme has been
Kashmir launched by Government of Jammu and Kashmir under
which the State would pay or reimburse premium for the
two Insurance Schemes-Prime Minister Suraksha Bima
Yojna (PMSBY) and Prime Minister Jeevan Jyoti Yojana
(PMJJY). This Scheme would provide social security cover
to widows, destitute, BPL families and to those whose
annual income is less than ` 75,000/-.
• Kathua district launched "Pahal-Ek Kadam Nari Samman
ki Aur" under Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) today.
Highlights of the ceremony include launching of dedicated
caller tune, signature campaign, oath taking and cultural
bonanza on empowerment of girl child.
• “LadilyLaxmi”-a social assistance scheme launched for new
born girl child for 6 select districts, State to contribute
` 12,000 per annum in the name of new born girl child
for the next 14 years, Scheme to provide a sum of ` 6.50
lac on maturity, i.e; on attaining age of 21 years
• A Two day "Festival of Girls" and BBBP Cyclothon
organized by District Administration, Udhampur, for
mass participation in Girl Child Campaign, concluded
with colourful programmes organized at more than dozen
locations. Highlights of this campaign included 180 Kilo-
Metres of Cycling Expedition by 22 members of Jammu
Cycling Club and a district level conference on Girl child.
• "Girl’s Athlete Meet" at all block Headquarters of Kathua
district under Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign.
• “Laadli Diwas” celebrated in Kathua district for Celebrating
and valuing the girl child. Rewards for whistle blowers
informing about illegal sex selection.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions419

State/Districts Innovative Actions

Kerala • Awareness campaign on survival of girl child have been
conducted in 2998 Aanganwadi Centres in 20 blocks
Madhya Pradesh • Beti Bachao Campaigns: Stage shows/wall paintings/
hoardings/advertisements on buses/IEC Vans, Hamari Beti
Maharashtra • Digital Guddi-Gudda Board displayed in offices of CM,
CS; DC, Zila Parishad and Gram Panchayats. The digital
display board also contains information on schemes/
programmes for girl child, Audio-Video content and IEC
material on issue of declining CSR.
• Road Show organized on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
organised by District Administration of Jalgaon, Maharashtra
for spreading awareness about CSR.
• District Jalgaon, Maharashtra launched stickers on BBBP
to be pasted on Vehicles
• “Gaurav Patra” initiated for exemplary work in empowering
the girl child
• 1730 birth of girl child have been celebrated
Odisha • District Task Force has sealed one unauthorized MTP clinic.
• District Authorities have intervened and stop two child
marriage in Bhaper block of Nayagarh District.
• 7 set of training programmes conducted for District officers,
members of ZiIla Prished, PRI, teachers, frontline workers,
NGOs and SHGs.
• 62 Nukkad Nataks have been organised and reach out
appox. 20,885 peoples.
• All 1310 Schools have functional School Management
• 1523 girls toilets and 1362 boys toilets are functional
Punjab • Under its ‘Udaan-Sapneya Di Duniya De Rubaru (Udaan-
Live your Dream For One Day)’ Scheme, the Mansa
Administration will invite proposals from girls in classes
VI-XII who can then spend a day with a professional they
aspire to be — be it a doctor, police official, engineer, IAS
and PPS officers, among others
• Six USCs have been sealed under the PC&PNDT Act in
Muktsar Saheb and Patiala districts.
420 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• 71 Gram Panchayats in Barnala districts have displayed
the Guddi Gudda Board
• District Administration celebrates the birth of Girl child
and distributes the certificates to mothers
• Celebration of Kanjaka Pooja by District Administration,
Patiala to drive the message that if we can do pooja of girls
on Kanjaka then why daughters are not allowed to be born.
• Certificate of appreciation given to 211 mothers on birth
of girl child by District Administration, Patiala
• Encouraging NGOs to adopt villages with low CSR in
Patiala District and work sincerely to bring a change in
mind set
Rajasthan • Special Advertisement on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao released
on ETV & DD Rajasthan to be broadcast daily at prime
• Thali Ceremony celebrated on birth of girl child in Dausa
• 2,35,000 pledged their support to “save the girl child” in
Jhunjhunu district
• Celebration of Beti Janmotsava in presence of Minister,
WCD, Rajasthan, MPs and MLAs. Highlights included
felicitation of mothers and new born, cake-cutting, badhai-
sandesh and oath taking ceremony.
• 5000 mtr. State champion, Ms. Sapna Kumari is appointed
as Brand Ambassador for BBBP in Jhunjhunu District
• Rewards for whistle blowers informing about illegal sex
• 2199 girls toilets have been constructed
• Five early child marriages have been stopped by District
• Beti Bachao Campaigns: Stage shows/wall paintings/
hoardings/advertisements on buses/IEC Vans, Hamari Beti
Tamil Nadu • Linking Sukanya Samriddhi Account with the birth of
girl child
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions421

State/Districts Innovative Actions

• 48150 Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts have been opened till
31.7.2015. Gold Coin as a prize has been given to those
who opened Sukanya Samridhi Account on daily basis
through lottery system.
• Special Gram Sabha on BBBP organized
• 143 child marriages have been prevented
• 6064 girl child benefitted under Chief Minister’s Child
protection Scheme
• 2342 villages have displayed Guddi Gudda Board.
• 56 women achievers are honoured with certificate by
District Authority.
• Birth of girl child is celebrated as Girl Child Day on 7th
of every month. Saplings of fruit bearing trees, gift hamper
comprising of baby dress and other necessary items are
distributed along with birth certificates.
• Distribution of low cost sanitary napkins in all government
schools and orphanages for girls and incinerators for safe
• Display of BBBP logo on official vehicles, school buses,
wall painting of logo on Government Hospital and PHCs
buildings, SHG buildings Four USCs have been sealed
and memo issued to three USC under the Act.
• BBBP logo wall painted in 240 villages (SHG buildings)
• All departments displayed BBBP logo on their vehicles
and BBBP logo is painted in Government Hospital and
PHCs buildings
• Four USCs have been sealed and memo issued to three
USC under the Act
• 1616 SMCs has been reconstituted and meeting was held
in 1423 Government Schools and 193 Government Aided
Tripura • Gomati District Administration, Tripura was felicitated by
Department of Post GOI for their exceptional performance
under Sukanya Samridhi Scheme
• District Administration Gomati, Tripura hosted ‘Nandini
Smart Girl Awards’ felicitating 48 girl students in different
categories and 12 female teachers and principals for
422 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

State/Districts Innovative Actions

outstanding achievements on BBBP. Nandini Awards were
also given to Best ASHA, Best AWW, Best Sports Women,
Best Swimmer, Best Chess Boxer etc.
• BBBP was highlighted during Matabari Diwali Mela and
Kali Puja, community Durga Puja Pandals by District
Administration, Gomati District
• Polling Stations managed by women a continued success
in Gomati District, Tripura # Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
• Assam Rifles organised lecture on BBBP in Agartala, Tripura
• Guddi-Gudda Board at District Hospital, Gomati-all SDHs,
PHC’s, CHCs displayed
• A model park in Udaipur Municipal Council area, Gomati
District, Tripura has been renovated and dedicated to girl
child through planting saplings by girls/parents.
Uttar Pradesh • A month long drive was organized on Women Empowerment
in all district covered under BBBP Scheme. Under the drive
street play, Jan Samwad, awareness on various programme
and laws, signature campaign, rallies were organised.
• Celebration of girl child organised by District Administration
Hathras on valuing girl child
• 37 inspection visits conducted by District Inspection and
Monitoring Committee,
• 200 form ‘F’ audited by District Appropriate Authority
• Show cause notice issued to 7 USG Centres
• 1048 female toilets have been constructed in elementary
and secondary schools in Mathura
Uttarakhand • Oath ceremony has been organised for Government College
students, 730 students had participated.
• Awareness generation programmes have been conducted
i.e. Street play, rally and signature campaign.
• 150 Gram Panchayats have displayed the Guddi Gudda
Board in Champawat district.
• Celebration of birth of Girl Child in Champawat
• Nari ki Chaupal has been organised
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions423


Details of funds released to States/UTs under Beti Bachao

Beti Padhao campaigns
Financial Year Fund Released
2014-15 34.84 crore
2015-16 59.06 crore

Average statistics in rapid survey on children

625. SHRI VIJAY GOEL: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has taken cognizance of the fact that the Rapid Survey
on Children only provides summary statistics of averages for most indicators;

(b) if so, whether Government is willing to consider reporting of household

level data so that social scientists can effectively make use of the data;

(c) if so, the details of future structure of reporting of this data; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) to (d) Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC) was
commissioned by the Ministry of Women and Child Development across 29 States during
2013-14 with technical assistance from UNICEF India. Key objective of the survey
was to assess the situation of children and women with a special emphasis on access
and utilization of services under the ICDS Scheme and to provide baseline data for the
restructured ICDS Scheme. The national and State level fact sheets provide information
in respect of key indicators on maternal and child health and nutrition, and access
and usage of ICDS services. Early childhood care and the enabling environment, like
access to drinking water and use of toilet facilities are also covered in the survey. The
survey maps the ICDS programme in terms of its infrastructural facilities, awareness
and utilization of the six services by the target groups. The Government will consider
dissemination of analysis of the report based on household data at an appropriate time.

WHO standard for measuring malnutrition

626. SHRI VIJAY GOEL: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Ministry uses the WHO standard to measure
malnutrition among children;
424 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(b) if so, whether the Ministry plans to change the measurement considering
that research shows that WHO standard is not applicable to Indian children due to
different genetic makeup; and

(c) if not, the details of method that is used to measure malnutrition among
children in India?



(b) No, Sir.

(c) The World Health Organization Standards on child growth have been adopted
by the Government w.e.f. 15.08.2008 for monitoring growth of children under Integrated
Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme and National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) following the recommendations of the National Workshop held on 8th to
9th February 2007. The WHO growth charts are used to measure nutritional status
of children, using weight-to-age (underweight) as an indicator under Integrated Child
Development Services Scheme of Ministry of Women and Child Development .

Children suffering from malnutrition



Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that vast majority of small children in the country are
still suffering from malnutrition;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;

(c) the amount allocated, spent and achievements made during each of the last
three years; and

(d) the further steps proposed to be taken by Government in this regard?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) As per Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC),
2013-14, commissioned by Ministry of Women and Child Development, 29.4% children
under 5 years of age are underweight, 38.7% are stunted and 15.1% are wasted in
India. The State-wise details of the children suffering from malnutrition are given
in the Statement (See below).

(c) This Ministry is implementing Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

Scheme as direct targeted interventions to address the problem of malnutrition among
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions425

children. The details of the scheme is available in the Annual Report (2014-15) of
the Ministry, which is available in the Library of Rajya Sabha Secretariat and on
the Ministry’s website, www.wcd.nic.in.

A Statement showing budget released and beneficiaries covered under ICDS

Scheme during the last three years is as under:

Sl. ICDS Scheme Year

No. 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1. Fund Released (` in Lakhs) 1626748.57 1658181.93 1543893.15
2. Number of Supplementary nutrition 1045.09 1022.33 1030.14
beneficiaries covered [Children (6 months
to 6 years) and P&LM] (in Lakhs)

(d) The Government has accorded high priority to the issue of malnutrition in
the country and is implementing several schemes/programmes of different Ministries/
Departments through State Governments/UT Administrations. The schemes/programmes
include the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), National Health Mission
(NHM), Mid-Day Meal Scheme as direct targeted interventions.

Further, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Ministry, through its 43 regional
field units, is engaged in conducting training programmes in nutrition, in addition to
advocacy towards generating awareness in nutrition by conducting nutrition education
programmes on the importance of healthy balanced diets especially through the use
of locally available foods, organizing mass awareness campaigns, participating in
exhibitions/fairs and dissemination of nutrition knowledge through use of electronic
and print media.

The main aim of all these activities is to improve nutritional outcomes and bring
down the level of malnutrition among children.


Details of prevalence of malnutrition (%) as per RSOC (2013-14)

in children (<5 Years)

Sl. No. States Underweight (%) Stunting (%) Wasting (%)

1. Andhra Pradesh 22.3 35.4 19
2. Arunachal Pradesh 24.6 28.4 17
3. Assam 22.2 40.6 9.7
4. Bihar 37.1 49.4 13.1
426 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Sl. No. States Underweight (%) Stunting (%) Wasting (%)

5. Chhattisgarh 33.9 43 12.9
6. Delhi 19.4 29.1 14.3
7. Goa 16.2 21.3 15.4
8. Gujarat 33.6 41.6 18.7
9. Haryana 22.7 36.5 8.8
10. Himachal Pradesh 19.5 34.2 10.1
11. Jammu and Kashmir 15.4 31.7 7.1
12. Jharkhand 42.1 47.4 15.6
13. Karnataka 28.9 34.2 17
14. Kerala 18.5 19.4 15.5
15. Madhya Pradesh 36.1 41.5 17.5
16. Maharashtra 25.2 35.4 18.6
17. Manipur 14.1 33.2 7.1
18. Meghalaya 30.9 42.9 13.1
19. Mizoram 14.8 26.9 14.3
20. Nagaland 19.5 29.1 11.8
21. Odisha 34.4 38.2 18.3
22. Punjab 16 30.5 8.7
23. Rajasthan 31.5 36.4 14.1
24. Sikkim 15.8 28 5.1
25. Tamil Nadu 23.3 23.3 19
26. Tripura 30.5 31 17.1
27. Uttar Pradesh 34.3 50.4 10
28. Uttarakhand 20.6 34 9.3
29. West Bengal 30 34.7 15.3
India 29.4 38.7 15.1

Law to regulate income of child actor

628. SHRI MD. NADIMUL HAQUE: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND
CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there is no special or general law to regulate the
income earned by a child actor from his contracts;

(b) if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor;

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions427

(c) whether the Ministry would consider to bring a law in India on the lines
of California Child Actor Bills; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) to (d) As reported by Ministry of Labour and
Employment, there is no specific law to regulate the income of child actor. However,
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 prohibits employment of children
below the age of 14 years in 18 occupations and 65 processes. The Act also regulates
the working condition of employment of children not prohibited under the Child
Labour Act.

Steps taken to eliminate child marriages

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that even today child marriages are prevalent in socially
backward communities in the country;

(b) if so, whether any central data-base is maintained in the Ministry of such
reported child marriage, if so, the corresponding data of the last three years of
reported child marriages in the country; and

(c) the steps being taken by Government to eliminate child marriages in the country?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) As per the data of the National Crime
Records Bureau (NCRB), a total number of 169, 222 and 280 cases have been
registered under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA) 2006 in the year
2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively.

(c) Government of India is concerned about the prevalence of Child Marriages in

the country and put in place necessary legislation viz. Prohibition of Child Marriage
Act (PCMA) 2006 to tackle the problem. The States/UTs from time to time are being
regularly pursued for effective implementation of the Prohibition of Child Marriage
Act, 2006. Further, State Governments are requested to take special initiative to delay
marriage by coordinated efforts on Akha Teej the traditional day for such marriages;
Advertisements in the press and electronic media educating peoples about the issue of
Child Marriage etc. also being taken up. Platforms such as the International Women’s
Day and the National Girl Child Day are used to create awareness on issues related
to women and to bring to the centre stage issues such as child marriage. Through
the Sabla programme of this Ministry, adolescent girls in the age group of 11 to 18
428 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

years are imparted training with regard to legal rights of women which also includes
the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.

Construction of working women’s hostels

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the targets set for construction of working women’s hostels in the country,
State-wise during the Twelfth Five Year Plan;

(b) how far the construction has been progressed so far; and

(c) the steps taken to accelerate construction work to ensure timely completion
of these projects?


(SHRIMATI MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) There are no State-wise targets fixed
under the Scheme. An outlay of ` 140 crore has been provided for construction of
working women’s hostels in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. It has been decided in the
meeting of Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) dated 12.08.2014 to create an
additional capacity of accommodation for 1000 working women every year in the
remaining period of Twelfth Five Year Plan.

(b) During the Twelfth Five Year Plan, the progress of construction are as under.

Financial Year Funds released Number of hostels Capacity of hostels

(` in crore) sanctioned
2012-13 7.28 10 835
2013-14 12.53 8 785
2014-15 9.05 3 260
2015-16 12.19 8 712
Total 41.05 29 2592

(c) The Ministry writes to the implementing agencies and concerned State
Governments and also holds frequent video conferences for requisite documents to
facilitate release of next instalment and for timely completion of the projects.

Working of National Mission for Empowerment of Women

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government had launched a Centrally Sponsored Scheme known as

National Mission for Empowerment of Women in 2010;
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions429

(b) if so, how the scheme has worked so far;

(c) whether State Level institutions consisting of the State Mission Authority
and State Resource Centre for women exist in Maharashtra;

(d) if so, their location and performance so far; and

(e) whether this Centrally Sponsored Scheme has been transferred to the respective



(b) National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) aims to achieve

holistic empowerment of women through convergence of schemes/programmes of
different Ministries/Department of Government of India as well as State Governments.
The Scheme has the following components:
●● At the Centre, technical support is provided by gender experts to Ministry of
Women and Child Development who are also involved in the implementation
and monitoring of new initiatives of the Ministry like Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao (BBBP Scheme), One Stop Centres, and Women Helpline etc.
●● State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) have been established to provide
technical assistance to Department of Women and Child Development/Social
Welfare in respective States/UT Administation on issues related to women.
State Resource Centre for Women are functional in 24 States/UTs.
●● Poorna Shakti Kendra (PSK) projects which entails setting up of convergence
centres at district, block and Gram Panchayat level to facilitate greater access/
utilization of schemes/programs meant for women have been approved for
33 districts in a pilot mode.
●● Village Convergence and Facilitation Service (VCFS) with the aim to create
awareness through Village Coordinators on issues related to women and
facilitate convergence and coordination with the Gram Panchayats (GPs) has
been envisaged for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) districts and 200 high
burden districts (affected by malnutrition) in the country.

(c) and (d) In the State of Maharashtra, the State Mission Authority and State
Resource Centre for Women were notified by the State Government on 17th August
2013 and Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) has been designated as the
nodal agency for the State Resource Centre for Women in Maharashtra.

(e) Under the Scheme National Mission for Empowerment of Women, funds
are released to the respective State Government/UT Administration for implementing
various components of the Scheme.
430 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Inspection of juvenile homes in States

CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state;

(a) whether Ministry had conducted inspections of some juvenile homes in some
of the States, if so, the details thereof;

(b) what shortcomings have been noticed by Government in this regard and how
many homes have been found not running as mandated in the Juvenile Justice Act;

(c) the action taken by Government in this regard?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) Inspection of Child Care Institutions (CCIs)
including Observation Homes and Special Homes in the States of Odisha (06),
Rajasthan (14), West Bengal (13) and Madhya Pradesh (08) was conducted during
the year 2014-15 by the officials of the Ministry along with a representative of the
State Government concerned.

(b) and (c) Some of the shortcomings that were noticed during the inspections
of these CCIs included remote accessibility, health check up of children not
being done regularly, rehabilitative services such as vocational training, recreation
facilities not being upto the mark. The shortcomings were immediately brought
to the notice of the State Government concerned through their representative for
effective remedial action.

Further, the Government has enacted the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act) w.e.f. 15th January, 2016 repealing the Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. The new Act includes several provisions
for the effective functioning of Homes established under the Act. Under Section 41,
registration of all CCIs, whether run by a State Government or by voluntary or
non-governmental organizations, for housing children in need of care and protection
or children in conflict with law, has been made mandatory with penal provisions.
In order to ensure rehabilitative services are provided to children in Homes, Section
53 of the Act includes detailed rehabilitative services such as education, vocational
training, mental health interventions, counseling, recreation, etc. Besides, State
Governments are required to inspect all registered institutions at least once in every
three months under Section 54 of the Act. The Juvenile Justice Boards and Child
Welfare Committees are also required to mandatorily conduct inspection of Homes
and has been included as part of their functions.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions431

Accidents with mentally challenged women


AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that mentally challenged women are turning victims of
accidents and misbehaviour on the roads in the country; and

(b) if so, the details of steps being taken by Government to put a check on it,


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) As informed by Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, the data on road accidents from all States/UTs is being collected in a
format developed as per the Asia Pacific Road Accident Database (APRAD) Project
of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP)
Region. However, this format does not include the field pertaining to mentally
challenged women killed or injured in road accidents. Similarly, National Crime
Record Bureau has also informed that no specific data regarding misbehavior with
mentally challenged women on the roads is being maintained.

(b) The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken a number of steps
to prevent road accidents in the country as under:
(i) The Government has approved a National Road Safety Policy which outlines
various policy measures such as promoting awareness, establishing road
safety information data base, encouraging safer road infrastructure including
application of intelligent transport, enforcement of safety laws etc.
(ii) The National Road Safety Council has been constituted as the apex body
to take policy decisions in matters of road safety.
(iii) All States/UTs has been requested for setting up of State Road Safety
Council and District Road Safety Committees, and to hold their meetings
(iv) A multi-pronged strategy has been formulated to address the issue of road
safety based on 4 ‘E’s viz. Education, Engineering (both of roads and
vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care.
(v) Road safety has been made an integral part of road design at planning
(vi) Road Safety Audit of selected stretches of National Highways has been
taken up.
† Original notice of the question was received in Hindi.
432 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(vii) High priority has been accorded to identification and rectification of black
spots (accident prone spots) on national highways.
(viii) The threshold for four laning of national highway has been reduced from
15,000 Passenger Car Units (PCUs) to 10,000 PCUs.
(ix) Setting up of model driving training institutes in States and refresher
training to drivers of Heavy Motor Vehicle in the unorganized sector.
(x) Advocacy/Publicity campaign on road safety through the electronic and
print media.
(xi) Tightening of safety standards for vehicles like Seat Belts, Power-steering,
Anti-lock Braking System etc.
(xii) Providing cranes and ambulances to various State Governments under the
National Highway Accident Relief Service Scheme for development on
National Highways. National Highways Authority of India also provides
ambulances at a distance of 50 Km. on each of its completed stretches
of National Highways under its Operation and Maintenance contracts.

Similarly, for Safety of Women the “Criminal Law (Amendment), Act 2013”
has been enacted making the punishment more stringent for offences like rape. New
offences like acid attack, sexual harassment, voyeurism and stalking, disrobing a woman,
have been incorporated in the Indian Penal Code. The Ministry of Home Affairs
has issued an advisory to States/UTs on 12th May, 2015 regarding “Comprehensive
approach towards crime against women”.

New legislation to deal with child in rape cases

634. SHRI C. M. RAMESH: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Supreme Court (SC) has asked Government to
bring in a new legislation to deal with child, particularly below ten years, who are
victims of rape;

(b) whether it is also a fact that SC has also asked Government to separately
define child’ and

(c) if so, what steps Government has taken so far in this regard?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) No, Sir.

(c) Does not arise.

Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions433

Rehabilitation and counselling to children

CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state;

(a) whether Government is aware that number of children in conflict with law is
growing and many juveniles have been apprehended for committing heinous crimes;

(b) if so, how many juveniles are there in juvenile homes in the country;

(c) what has been done by the Ministry to rehabilitate the juveniles and provide
them educational facilities and counselling; and

(d) what has been done to improve the condition of juvenile homes in the
country together with the details thereof?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) According to National Crime Record
Bureau (NCRB), Ministry of Home Affairs, the number of juveniles apprehended
for various offences including heinous offences under Indian Penal Code (IPC) and
Special and Local Laws (SLL) during the year 2012, 2013 and 2014 were 39,822,
43,506 and 48,230 respectively. Out of these 9,677, 9,549 and 8,700 were sent to
Observation Homes and Special Homes during 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively.

(c) and (d) The Government of India has recently enacted the Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, which has come into effect from 15th
January, 2016 repealing the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
2000. This Act is to be implemented by State Government/ UT Administrations. Under
Section 41 of the new Act, registration of institutions including Homes for children in
conflict with law has been made mandatory with penalty in case of non-compliance.
Section 53 of the Act provides for several rehabilitation and re-integration services
in institutions such as education, vocational training, mental health interventions,
counseling, etc. Under Section 8 of the Act, the Juvenile Justice Board is required to
conduct at least one inspection visit every month of residential facilities for children
in conflict with law and recommend action for improvement in quality of services
to the District Child Protection Unit and the State Government. Under Section 54,
the State Governments are required to appoint inspection Committees for the State
and district for mandatory inspection of all facilities housing children, at least once
in three months.

Further, under the Centrally Sponsored Integrated Child Protection Scheme the
financial norms were revised with effect from 1st April, 2014. Some of the key
features of the revised Scheme are increased maintenance grant for children in homes,
434 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

from existing ` 750 to ` 2000 per child per month; enhanced cost of construction
from existing provision of ` 600 per sq. feet to ` 1000 per sq. feet and flexibility
in the staffing pattern in service delivery structures, depending on the size and need
of the State/UT.

Child sexual abuse in shelter homes for juveniles

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state;

(a) what it is a fact that children institute meant to serve as shelter home for
juvenile in distress have become synonymous with child sexual abuse;

(b) if so, the details of incidents that had taken place in the above homes; and

(c) whether Government has devised some effective action plan to control the
above abuse and if so, the details thereof?



(b) National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has reported that they
have registered 44 complaints of irregularities in Child Care Institutions including
sexual exploitation/torture/ill-treatment/disappearance/running away of children/lack of
residential facilities, abuse, neglect, etc during the last three years.

(c) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act is the primary
law to deal with children in need of care and protection as well as those in conflict
with law. The Government has recently re-enacted the Act which has come into effect
from 15th January, 2016. The Act provides for mandatory registration of all Child
Care Institutions housing children with punishments in case of non-compliance with
the intent of enforcing standards of care and services for children in these Homes.
The Act also provides for inspection of homes by the Child Welfare Committee or
the Juvenile Justice Board, as the case may be and by the inspection committees
constituted at State and district level.

To ensure that children in Homes receive the best of care and are not subjected to
abuse or neglect, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has been urging the
State Governments/UT Administrations from time to time to identify and register all Child
Care Institutions under the JJ Act and set up Inspection Committees, where not available.

Further, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 provides for
stringent punishment for persons who, being on the management or staff of a Home,
commit sexual abuse on such child.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions435

Highest infant mortality rate in India

DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Infant Mortality Rate in India is the highest when
compared with other developing countries in the world;

(b) if so, the details thereof together with the reasons therefor; and

(c) the action plan of Government to address this grave issue?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) The Office of Registrar General of India
releases reliable estimates of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) using data collected through
Sample Registration System (SRS). According to the ORGI, the infant mortality rates,
estimated as the number of deaths of children less than one year of age per 1000
live births, in India over the years are as follows:

Year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 2013

IMR 80 74 68 58 50 40

The above table shows that there has been a significant improvement in India’s
Infant Mortality Rate over the last two decades.

Details of Infant Mortality Rate for various developing countries for the years
2013 and 2015 are given in the Statement-I (See below). Most of the developing
counties have lower Infant Mortality Rates as compared with that of India. Among
the neighbouring countries of India; Afghanistan, Myanmar and Pakistan have higher
rates of infant deaths when compared to India. In addition, India’s position, in terms
of Infant Mortality Rate, is far better than most of the African developing countries.

(c) The Government of India is implementing the following interventions under

the National Health Mission (NHM) all across the country to reduce infant/child
(i) Promotion of Institutional deliveries through cash incentive under Janani
Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK)
which entitles all pregnant women delivering in public health institutions
to absolutely free and no expense ante-natal check-ups, delivery including
Caesarean section, post-natal care and treatment of sick infants till one
year of age.
(ii) Strengthening of delivery points for providing comprehensive and
quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health
436 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

(RMNCH+A) Services, ensuring essential newborn care at all delivery

points, establishment of Special Newborn Care Units (SNCU), Newborn
Stabilization Units (NBSU) and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) units for
care of sick and small babies.
(iii) Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for first six months and
appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are promoted
in convergence with Ministry of Women and Child Development.Village
Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) are observed for provision of
maternal and child health services and creating awareness on maternal
and child care including health and nutrition education.
(iv) Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) is being supported to provide
vaccination to children against many life threatening diseases such as
Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Measles.
Pentavalent vaccine has been introduced all across the country and “Mission
Indradhanush” has been launched to fully immunize more than 89 lakh
children who are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated; those that have
not been covered during the rounds of routine immunization for various
(v) Name based tracking of mothers and children till two years of age
(Mother and Child Tracking System) is done to ensure complete antenatal,
intranatal, postnatal care and complete immunization as per schedule.
(vi) RashtriyaBalSwasthyaKaryakram (RBSK) for health screening, early
detection of birth defects, diseases, deficiencies, development delays
including disability and early intervention services has been operationalized
to provide comprehensive care to all the children in the age group of
0-18 years in the community.
(vii) Some other important interventions are Iron and folic acid (IFA)
supplementation for the prevention of anaemia among the vulnerable
age groups, annual deworming on National Deworming Day (NDD),
home visitation by ASHAs to promote exclusive breast feeding and
early detection and referral of sick newborns and promote use of ORS
and Zinc for management of diarrhoea in children.
(viii) Government of India has adopted the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn,
Child and Adolescent Health Strategy (RMNCH+A) to improve maternal
and child health outcomes. The RMNCH+A strategy recognizes that child
health and survival is inextricably linked to women’s health across all
life stages. Besides this, 184 high priority districts with relatively weaker
status of maternal and child health indicators have been identified, for
the intensification of RMNCH+A efforts.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions437


Details of Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) of Developing Countries

Country 2013 2015

India 41 38
Afghanistan 70 66
Algeria 22 22
Angola 101 96
Bangladesh 34 31
Bhutan 30 27
Bolivia 33 31
Botswana 36 35
Brazil 14 15
Bulgaria 10 9
Cambodia 28 25
Cameroon 60 57
Central African Republic 96 92
Chad 88 85
China 11 9
Colombia 15 14
Comoros 58 55
Congo, Dem. Rep. 78 75
Cote d'Ivoire 71 67
Cuba 4 4
Djibouti 57 54
Dominica 19 20
Dominican Republic 27 26
Ecuador 20 18
Egypt, Arab Rep. 22 20
Ethiopia 45 41
Fiji 20 19
Gambia, The 49 48
438 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Country 2013 2015

Georgia 12 11
Ghana 46 43
Guinea 65 61
Guinea-Bissau 65 60
Haiti 55 52
Indonesia 24 23
Iran, Islamic Rep. 15 13
Iraq 28 27
Jamaica 14 14
Jordan 16 15
Kazakhstan 15 13
Kenya 38 36
Kiribati 46 44
Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. 22 20
Liberia 57 53
Libya 12 11
Malawi 47 43
Malaysia 6 6
Maldives 8 7
Mali 78 75
Mauritania 67 65
Mauritius 13 12
Mexico 13 11
Moldova 14 14
Mongolia 21 19
Morocco 26 24
Mozambique 61 57
Myanmar 42 40
Namibia 34 33
Nepal 32 29
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions439

Country 2013 2015

Niger 60 57
Nigeria 74 69
Pakistan 69 66
Panama 16 15
Papua New Guinea 47 45
Paraguay 19 18
Peru 14 13
Philippines 23 22
Romania 11 10
Rwanda 35 31
Senegal 43 42
Serbia 6 6
Sierra Leone 94 87
Solomon Islands 25 24
Somalia 90 85
South Africa 35 34
South Sudan 64 60
Sri Lanka 9 8
St. Lucia 13 13
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 17 17
Sudan 50 48
Swaziland 48 45
Syrian Arab Republic 12 11
Tajikistan 41 39
Tanzania 38 35
Tunisia 13 12
Turkey 13 12
Turkmenistan 46 44
Uganda 42 38
Ukraine 9 8
440 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

Country 2013 2015

Uzbekistan 36 34
Venezuela, RB 14 13
Vietnam 18 17
West Bank and Gaza 19 18
Yemen, Rep. 37 34
Zambia 47 43
Zimbabwe 49 47
Source: World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.IMRT.IN)

Demand for additional Anganwadi Centres

638. SHRI DEVENDER GOUD T.: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of demands from the States/UTs for setting up of additional
Anganwadi Centres, State-wise;

(b) how many more Anganwadi Centres are required in the country, State-wise;

(c) whether there is any proposal before the Ministry to open additional AWCs;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise and if not, the reasons therefor?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) and (b) Under the 3rd phase of expansion of
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, 14 lakh Anganwadi Centres
(AWCs) (including 20,000 Anganwadis on Demand (AoDs) and 1,16,848 Mini-AWCs)
were approved. All the approved AWCs have been sanctioned to the States/UTs as
per their demand and eligibility. At present, no AWC is available for sanction. State/
UT-wise list of approved AWCs is given in the Statement (See below).

After sanction of 14 lakh approved AWCs to States/UTs, proposals are still being
received for opening of new AWCs. Some of the proposals recently received are
from: (1) Karnataka (788 AoDs), (2) Maharashtra (4675 AWCs) and (3) Uttarakhand
(4 AWCs). However, this Ministry is unable to sanction any new AWCs as the
approved 14 lakh AWCs have already been sanctioned.

(c) and (d) No, Sir. The reasons are as mentioned above.
Written Answers to [28 April, 2016] Unstarred Questions441


Number of sanctioned, operational ICDS Projects and

Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) as on 31.12.2015

Sl. State/UT No. of ICDS Projects No. of Anganwadi Centres

No. Sanctioned Operational Sanctioned Operational
by GOI by GOI
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Andhra Pradesh 257 257 55607 55594
2. Telangana 149 149 35700 35621
3. Arunachal Pradesh 98 98 6225 6028
4. Assam 231 231 62153 62153
5. Bihar 544 544 115009 91677
6. Chhattisgarh 220 220 52474 52474
7. Goa 11 11 1262 1260
8. Gujarat 336 336 53029 52082
9. Haryana 148 148 25962 25962
10. Himachal Pradesh 78 78 18925 18922
11. Jammu and Kashmir 141 141 31938 29599
12. Jharkhand 224 224 38432 38432
13. Karnataka 204 204 65911 64558
14. Kerala 258 258 33318 33115
15. Madhya Pradesh 453 453 97135 92198
16. Maharashtra 553 553 110486 108010
17. Manipur 43 42 11510 9883
18. Meghalaya 41 41 5896 5863
19. Mizoram 27 27 2244 2244
20. Nagaland 60 59 3980 3455
21. Odisha 338 338 74154 71204
22. Punjab 155 154 27314 26656
23. Rajasthan 304 304 62010 60801
24. Sikkim 13 13 1308 1290
442 Written Answers to [RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6
25. Tamil Nadu 434 434 54439 54439

26. Tripura 56 56 10145 9911

27. Uttar Pradesh 897 897 190145 187997

28. Uttarakhand 105 105 20067 19479

29. West Bengal 576 576 119481 114763

30. Andaman and 5 5 720 720

Nicobar Islands

31. Chandigarh 3 3 500 500

32. Delhi 95 95 11150 10897

33. Dadra and Nagar 2 2 302 302


34. Daman and Diu 2 2 107 107

35. Lakshadweep 9 9 107 107

36. Puducherry 5 5 855 788

All India 7075 7072 1400000 1349091

Welfare of children born to mentally retarded rape victims

639. SHRI MANSUKH L. MANDAVIYA: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND

CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to answer to Unstarred Question 4524
given in the Rajya Sabha on 8th May, 2013 and to state:

(a) whether Central Government is having any specific data for cases of mentally
retarded women who are victimized due to rape and deliver child, if so, the details
thereof during the last three years, year-wise and State-wise; and

(b) the updated status of the action taken/efforts made by the Central Government,
in consultations with the State Governments, for the care, welfare and education of
children born to such victims, especially in view of their vulnerability in getting due
acceptance and support from victims family and the society at large?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has
informed that no specific data regarding cases of mentally retarded women who are
victimized due to rape and deliver child is being maintained.
Statement by Minister Correcting [28 April, 2016] Answer to Question443

1.00 p.m.

(b) The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing the centrally
sponsored Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) for care, protection, rehabilitation
and reintegration of children in difficult circumstances including vulnerable children.
Under ICPS, financial assistance is provided to State Government/UT Administrations,
for providing various rehabilitative services through institutional and non institutional
care mechanisms.

Court trial for child victims of sexual abuse


CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has taken cognizance of the fact that an RTI reply
filed in April, 2015 reveals that the Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act,
2012 (POCSO) cases are being tried alongside TADA cases in district courts;

(b) if so, whether Government believes that this prevents child victims of sexual
abuse from availing of a child friendly atmosphere in courts, a requirement under
the POCSO Act; and

(c) if so, the steps being taken by Government to ensure that POCSO cases
are tried in a child friendly atmosphere?


MANEKA SANJAY GANDHI): (a) to (c) As reported by National Commission for
Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), no RTI application has been replied by them
and also they have no information that Protection of Children from Sexual Offence
Act, 2012 (POCSO) cases are being tried alongside TADA cases in district courts.
Further, 605 Special Courts under POCSO Act have been established till March 2015.


सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी (�ी कृष्ण पाल): महोदय, मैं
'भीख मांगने वाले बच्चे' के संबंध में 30 जुलाई, 2015 को राज्य सभा में अतारांकित �श्न 1228
के दिए गए उत्तर के संशोधनार्थ एक विवरण (अं�ेजी तथा हिन्दी में ) सभा पटल पर रखता हूं ।

MR. CHAIRMAN: The House is adjourned till 2.00 p.m.

The House then adjourned for lunch at one minute past one of the clock.

444 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

The House re-assembled after lunch at two minutes past two of the clock,


Imposition of Central Excise Duty on Gold Jewellery by Government

leading to resentment among jewellers in country

�ी राज बब्बर (उत्तराखं ड): उपसभापति महोदय, मे रा ध्यानाकर्षण �स्ताव सोने के व्यवसाय से
जुड़े लोगों को लेकर है , जो सोने की मै न्युफैक्चरिंग पर लगाई गई एक्साइज ड्यूटी से परे शान हैं ।


JAITLEY): Sir, I have circulated a written response. That may be taken as read in
order to save the time of the House, and after the hon. Members have spoken, I
will respond to the queries.

"Sir, the matter raised is that because of the imposition of Excise Duty on gold
jewellery, there is an ongoing agitation by jewellers throughout the country. They
don't mind paying the tax but because of the procedure adopted by the Central
Excise, it will result in harassment of millions of artisans whose livelihood depends
on making of gold jewellery. The Government of India is marketing its policy of
'Make in India' but because of this, the artisans would lose their livelihood and it
is basically against the concept of 'Make in India'. The jewellers had gone for a
strike which continued for more than 40 days and still continuing. About 12 artisans/
jewellers have committed suicide.

The brief is that in 2016 Budget, a nominal excise duty of 1 per cent (without
input and capital goods credit) or 12.5 per cent (with credit) has been imposed on
articles of jewellery. However, articles of silver jewellery (other than those studded
with diamonds, ruby, emerald or sapphire) are exempt from this duty. Also, domestic
manufacturers can avail credit Service Tax paid on input services and utilize the
same for paying this 1 per cent excise duty.

2. Details of justification for the levy as well as procedural simplifications

carried out for its smooth implementation are as under:
2.1 Justification for the levy:

(a) Most of States levy 1 per cent VAT on jewellery.

(b) Even imitation jewellery attracts 6 per cent Excise Duty.

(c) Movement towards GST.

Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 445

(d) Statistics show that consumption of gold is highest by those in the

higher income group compared to those in the lower income group.
Thus, levy of excise duty will not affect the small consumers.

(e) Domestic demand of gold is almost solely met by imports. During

last three years, imports of gold were 625 MT, 1100 MT and 936
MT, resulting in substantial outflow of precious foreign exchange.

(f) Gold attracts import duty of 10 per cent. Gold jewellery attracts
15 per cent import duty. However, India has signed FTA with
many countries, wherein import of gold jewellery is allowed at nil
preferential rate of import duty.

(g) Imports of gold jewellery during 2014-15 and 2015-16 (Annualized)

were 'as under:
Financial Year Total imports Imports under FTA
2014-15 3903 917
2015-16 5660 2530

(h) This levy will result in 12.5 per cent CVD on imports of jewellery,
checking these imports and providing additional protection to domestic
2.2 Safeguards and simplifications made during its imposition for small
jewellers and artisans:

(a) Clearances up to ` 6 crore in a financial year [if clearances during

preceding year were less than ` 12 crore] are exempt from this

(b) These limits are much higher than the general SSI exemption and
eligibility limits of ` 1.5 crore and ` 4 crore respectively.

(c) Clearances up to ` 50 lakh during March 2016 [if clearances during

2014-15 were less than ` 12 crore] are also exempt from excise

(d) In case of manufacture of jewellery on job work basis, the liability

to take registration, pay duty and file returns, etc., is on principal
manufacturer and not job worker or artisans.

(e) Thus, small jewellers and artisans are not covered within the ambit
of this levy.
446 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

2.3 Procedural simplification to ensure smooth compliance and hassle-free

administration, is as under:

(a) Centralized Registration has been allowed for jewellers with

centralized accounts.

(b) Online registration within two working days, with no post registration
physical verification of the premises.

(c) No requirement of declaring pre-budget stocks with no stock


(d) Jeweller's private records or records for State VAT or Bureau of

Indian Standards to be accepted for all Central Excise purposes.

(e) Certificate by a Chartered Accountant about clearances during 2014-15

or 2015-16 to be accepted for determining the eligibility to Excise
Duty exemption for the month of March, 2016, or for the financial
year 2016-17.

(f) Jewellers to file only a simplified quarterly return, as against monthly

return to be filed by other manufacturers of excisable goods.

3. In this context, Finance Minister, during the discussions on General Budget

in Lok Sabha on 14.03.2016, has already replied as under:-

"There are several issues which Members have raised. Many Members across
have raised the issue of one per cent excise duty on jewellery. Sir, let me just make
it clear. मैं माननीय सदस्यों को स्पष्ट कर दूं , आपकी जिस दिन कृपा होगी और जीएसटी
आएगा, तब हर वस्तु जीएसटी में आएगी और स्वाभाविक है कि गोल्ड भी आएगा। यह उसकी
तैयारी है । पहले भी सरकारें करती रही हैं और अब भी कर रही हैं । अब लगता है कि शायद
जल्दी आएगा। उस परिस्थि‍ति में यह किसी छोटे उद्योगी पर नहीं लग रहा है । जिनका पिछले वर्ष
12 करोड़ रूपए का टर्न ओवर है और आने वाले वर्ष में हर साल छ: करोड़ या उससे ज्यादा
होगी, यह केवल ि‍�सिपल ट्रेडर पर लगेगा, बनाने वाले पर नहीं लगेगा, यह स्पष्ट इंस्ट्रक्शन है ।

तीसरी बात, माननीय सदस्य �ी गोपाल शेट्टी और अन्य माननीय सदस्यों ने कहा, इसकी
स्पष्ट इंस्ट्रक्शंस भी दे दी गई हैं कि कोई इंस्पेक्टर नहीं जाएगा, क्योंकि इसमें सेल्फ सर्टिफिकेशन
है । राज्यों में जिस वैल्यू पर वैट दे ते हैं या सीए का जो सर्टिफिकेट होगा, केवल उसी के बेस पर
होगा। यह सेल्फ सर्टिफिकेशन से होगा, क्योंकि हर वस्तु जीएसटी के दायरे में आती है , इसलिए
यह उसकी तैयारी है । किसी का हे रेसमें ट नहीं होगा, कोई इंस्पेक्शन के लिए नहीं जाएगा, सिर्फ
सर्टिफिकेशन होगा, इसकी क्लि‍यर इंस्ट्रक्शंस हम लोगों ने दे दी हैं ।''

4. Additionally, Government has also constituted a sub-committee of the High

Level Committee to interact with Trade and Industry on Tax laws. Terms of reference
of the sub-committee include the issues related to compliance procedure for the
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 447

excise duty, including records to be maintained and any other administrative issues
that may be relevant.

5. In this context, a circular has also been issued by the Government:

(i) to further extend the time limit for taking registration of an establishment
of a jeweller (which is going to expire on 30.04.2016) up to 01.07.2016;
(ii) though, the liability for payment of Central Excise Duty will be with
effect from 1st March, 2016, the assessee jewellers may make the
payment of excise duty for the months of March, 2016; April, 2016
and May, 2016, along with the payment of excise duty for the month
of June, 2016.

6. Further, till date, 206 excise registrations have been granted by the Central
Excise authorities to the jewellery manufacturers.

7. Thus, the apprehensions conveyed in the Calling Attention Notice that Central
Excise will result in harassment of millions of artisans is not correct, as enough
safeguards/exceptions have been created for smooth initiation of jewellery trade into
the levy with nearly zero departmental interface."

�ी राज बब्बर: उपसभापति महोदय, मुझे वित्त मं �ी जी को यह बताना है कि इन्होंने सोने

की मै न्युफैक्चरिंग पर जो एक्साइज ड्यूटी लगाई है , उसके कारण इस व्यवसाय से जुड़े लोग
पिछले 43 दिन से लगातार सड़कों पर हैं । इस व्यवसाय में एक तरफ कॉरपोरे ट सुनार है , जिसको
बैंकों से बड़े -बडे ़ लोन मिलते हैं , जो बडे ़-बडे ़ �ांड एम्बेसडर के साथ इश्तार करता है और जो
आज बड़ा खुश है । आज ही के अखबार में एक इश्तहार आया है , जिसमें वह कह रहा है कि
our annual sale is back. यानी, एक तरफ उं गलियों पर गिने जाने वाले ये चंद कॉरपोरे ट
सुनार इश्तहार दे रहे हैं ...

�ी के. सी. त्यागी (बिहार): सुनार नहीं ज्वैलर्स।

�ी राज बब्बर: ज्वैलर्स। मुझे खुशी होती है , �ाउड होता है जब मैं अपने आपको सुनार
कहता हूं , इसमें कोई बुराई नहीं है । एक तरफ ये ज्वैलर्स हैं , दू सरी तरफ एक सामान्य सुनार है
जो हमें गांवों में मिलता है , कस्बों में मिलता है , मोहल्लों में छोटी-छोटी दु कानों पर मिलता है ,
कॉलोनियों में , बाजारों में , शहरों में मिलता है । आज वह अपनी दु कानों पर ताला लगाकर सड़कों
पर घूम रहा है । महोदय, सरकार का मानना है कि एक्साइज ड्यूटी लगाकर वे काले धन की
बढ़त को रोकने वाले हैं , इसलिए वे सोने के व्यवसाय को regulate करना चाह रहे हैं । जहां तक
काले धन को रोकने का सवाल है , उसकी बढ़त को रोकने का सवाल है , उसको रोकने के लिए
किसी की मनाही नहीं है , यूपीए सरकार ने भी किया था। सन् 2012 में वे इस कानू न को लाए
थे, लेकिन कानू न को लाने के बाद जब उन्होंने इसकी व्यावहारिकता को दे खा, जब जनता के
representations आए, इस व्यवसाय से जुड़े लोगों ने जब उनसे मुलाकात की तो उन्होंने अपनी
पेचीदगियां, अपनी परे शानियां उन्हें बतायी, जिनको लेकर व्यावहारिकता के रूप में उस वक्त के
448 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[�ी राज बब्बर]

वित्त मं �ी ने, जो अब राष्ट्रपति हैं , इसे वापस ले लिया, लेकिन आज के वित्त मं �ी यह साबित
करना चाहते हैं कि वे मजबूत सरकार के मं �ी हैं , जनता की सरकार के मं �ी नही हैं । ऐसा
लग रहा है कि जैसे हीर के अब्बा अटल हैं । उनको लगता है कि यह राझें की कोई कहानी है
— ऐसा नहीं है । इस दे श का जो परम्परागत व्यवसाय है , उससे जुडे़ हु ए जो लोग हैं , वे आज
सड़को पर हैं । आप कहते हैं कि जिन लोगों का turnover 6 करोड़ से कम है , उन पर यह
फैसला लागू नहीं होगा। वे लोग मा� अपना एक्साइज जमा करें गे और जो भी लिखा-पढ़ी वे दें गे,
उसको मान लिया जाएगा। कोई इंस्पेक्टर नहीं आएगा। उनके ऊपर किसी भी तरह का, पुलिस
का या इंस्पेक्टर का दबाव नहीं होगा। अगर ऐसा है तो क्या इस फैसले को लाने से पहले वित्त
मं �ी जी ने इस तरह का कोई सर्वे कराया था, जिसमें इनके पास इस तरह की गिनती हो कि
6 करोड़ की turnover के नीचे आने वाले लोग कितने हैं ? कितने लोग इस व्यवसाय से जुड़े हु ए
हैं , उनकी गिनती क्या है , वे इसमें कितना पैसा लगाते हैं ? अगर ऐसी कोई गिनती इनके पास
है तो उसे सभा पटल पर रखें , ताकि उनको कहा जा सके। अगर इस तरह कोई सर्वे इन्होंने
कराया है , तो उसके बारे में बताएं। उन लोगों का यह कहना है कि हम बहु त छोटे व्यवसायी हैं ,
हमारी इतनी आमदनी नहीं है , हमारा इतना turnover नहीं है । वे लोग सिर्फ एक बात से डरते
हैं कि अगर एक्साइज लग जाएगा, तो एक्साइज के सारे कानू न उन पर लागू होंगे। ये कहते हैं
कि ऐसा नहीं होगा। इसकी क्या गारं टी है ? इस बात से वे लोग डरे हु ए हैं । अगर ये सदन में
समझाएंगे, तो हम उन्हें बताएंगे। वे लोग हमारे पास आते हैं , इनके लोगों के पास भी आते हैं ,
अगर उनको इस बारे में बताएंगे तो शायद उनको राहत मिलेगी — लेकिन ऐसा है नहीं। किस
दिन तक ये एक्साइज के कानू नों को उन पर लागू नहीं होने दें गे, यह एक भय है ।

दू सरा, ये भी इस बात को मानते हैं , कि जो जायज़ तरीके से सोना बाहर से आता है , उसका
हिसाब सरकार के पास भी है , व्यापारी भी दे दे ता है । उस हिसाब में किसी तरह की कोई गफलत
नहीं है , लेकिन जो काले धन की खपत होती है , वह तस्करी के सोने से होती है । जो तस्करी
का सोना यहां आता है , उससे काला धन खपत में आता है । इस व्यवसाय में जो कारीगर हैं , जो
डे ढ़ से दो करोड़ कारीगर इससे जुड़े हु ए हैं , उन लोगों को मालूम नहीं होता कि वह काले धन
का सोना है या सफेद धन का सोना है । वे सोने के ऊपर काम करते हैं और उसके बाद वह
आभूषण मार्किट में चला जाता है , वह काला धन खप जाता है । मैं कहना चाहता हूं कि ये दो
साल से इस सरकार में हैं , इन्होंने ऐसी कौन-सी योजना बनायी, जबकि इन्हें मालूम है कि जो
तस्करी का सोना आता है , स्मगलिंग का सोना आता है , वह काले धन के लिए इस्तेमाल होता
है । उस तस्करी के सोने को रोकने के लिए क्या इन्होंने कोई योजना बनायी? क्या ऐसा सोना
जब्त हु आ? क्या इनके पास ऐसे कोई आंकड़े हैं जिनसे यह पता लगे कि इतने काले धन की
उसमें खपत हु ई? अगर एेसा कोई आंकड़ा है , तो बताइए। अगर इस तरह का आंकड़ा इनकी
जानकारी में है , तो इसका मतलब है कि सरकार जानती है कि स्मगलिंग हो रही है , तस्करी
हो रही है , यानी तस्कर को आने का रास्ता मिल रहा है , तस्कर सोना लेकर यहां पर आ रहा
हे , लेकिन सरकार के पास इस तरह का कोई मापदं ड अभी नजर नहीं आया और न ही जनता
के सामने आया है कि यह समझ में आ सके कि काले धन की सुनार कैसे खपत कर रहा है ?
...(समय की घंटी)... मान्यवर, यह कहा जा रहा है कि 950 टन सोना इन लोगों ने जो पिछली
बार आया, उसका पूरा हिसाब है ।
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 449

उपसभापति महोदय, अगर सच्चाई पूछें, तो काला धन सिर्फ बहाना है । असल में इन्हें अपने
सम्मानित कॉरपोरे ट सुनारों को लेकर आना है , जो मा� गिनतियों में हैं । मैं ज्यादा समय नहीं
लूंगा। मैं माननीय वित्त मं �ी जी को ध्यान दिलाना चाहूं गा कि 28 मार्च, 2012 शाम को 7.09 बजे
एक ट्वीट आया। याद होगा उस ट्वीट में था कि एक फीसदी एक्साइज ड्यूटी सरासर गलत
है । सरकार को तुरंत इसे वापस ले लेना चाहिए। मि�ों, यह कोई और नहीं था, ये गुजरात के
एक्स सी.एम. थे, जो आज के �धान मं �ी हैं । ऐसा इन दो सालों में क्या हो गया कि आज के
�धान मं �ी को उस समय कही हु ई बात को पलटना पड़ गया? वक्त हु आ है , ज्यादा न कहते
हु ए, मे रे ख्याल से मे री बात को समझने की कोशिश की जाएगी। हम चाहते हैं कि किसी भी
तरीके से काले धन की रूकावट हो, लेकिन इस तरह के कानू न सामने न आएं, जिसके अंदर
डे ढ़ करोड़ से ज्यादा artisans बेरोजगार हो जाएं या वे गुनाह करने की तरफ चले जाएं या वे
केले बेचना शुरू कर दें । ...(समय की घंटी)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Please conclude.

�ी राज बब्बर: मैं अपील करता हूं कि इस कानू न को, इस काले कानू न को जो पांच करोड़
से ज्यादा लोगों को �भावित कर रहा है , इसको वापस ले लिया जाए। इसमें कोई तुगलकी फरमान
नहीं लिखा जाए, बल्कि‍ जनता के हित में इसे वापस लिया जाए।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Now, Shri D. Raja. Put your
questions in three minutes.

SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Are the Communists also backing for gold?

SHRI D. RAJA (Tamil Nadu): No, no; I am coming to that point. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Rajas always use gold. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: If you ask me about the position of Communists on gold, it

is totally different. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no; for Rajas, gold is always ...(Interruptions)...
Now, you put the question. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी अ�ण जेटली: ये लोग सूट-बूट के खिलाफ हैं और सोने के पक्ष में हैं ।

SHRI D. RAJA: Now I am coming to that point. There is an agitation in the

country. The note circulated by Arunji clearly says at point 2.1 (d) that "Statistics
show that consumption of gold is highest by those in the higher income group
compared to those in the lower income group. Thus levy of excise duty will not affect
the small consumers." Then again, at point 2.2 (d) it says, "In case of manufacture
of jewellery on job work basis, the liability to take registration, pay duty and file
returns etc., is on principal manufacturer and not job workers or artisans." There
are thousands of workers in the industry and it is an unorganized sector. There is a
450 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[Shri D. Raja]
perception that these measures may be turned against the interests of those workers.
My question is: Will the Finance Minister assure those workers, it is an unorganized
sector, that their interests will be protected? How are you going to protect their
interests? I would like to know from the Finance Minister what assurance he will
be giving. That is my primary concern. That is what I am saying. As far as gold
is concerned, it plays an important role not only in aesthetics but in economy also.
In economy, it has become a source of black money and unaccounted money. Any
Government, which makes efforts to unearth black money and tap its source, we will
be willing to support that. My question is about workers – workers in the industry,
which is an unorganised sector. They should not be affected adversely. Government
must protect their interest. How are you going to do that? What is your thinking?
Is there any legislative measure to protect their interest in the coming days, if not
now? ...(Interruptions)... That is what I am saying.

Finally, I will finish with one point. Even when Mr. Morarji Desai was there
some fifty years back, he also tried some measures. It led to some suicides those
days. Now also, there is agitation in the country. In the background of this agitation,
the Finance Minister should assure that workers will not be subjected to some kind
of adverse impact by these measures and the small artisans or small manufacturers
will not be affected. Whether that assurance, the Finance Minister will give, is what
I am asking. Thank you.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Shri Naresh Agrawal. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (West Bengal): Sir, just one sentence. Will you
kindly permit?

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. Only after all these. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Just one sentence! I am not speaking. I would like
to add one sentence just in continuation with Mr. D. Raja that just like the burden
of indirect tax is passed on to the consumers, similarly, this kind of problem, that
has been created for jewellers, they are just passing on to the workers in terms of
their job losses. Kindly take care of that. That is important.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Now, Shri Naresh Agrawal. आप तीन मिनट
के अंदर पूछिए।

�ी नरे श अ�वाल (उत्तर �दे श): माननीय उपसभापति जी, जब बजट पर चर्चा हो रही थी,
तब भी मैं ने यह बात उठाई थी। माननीय वित्त मं �ी जी, आप तो दिल्ली के रहने वाले हैं , मे रे
ख्याल से अधिकांश jewellers आपसे मिले हैं । उन्होंने अपनी बात भी आपके सम्मुख रखी और आप
खुद स्वीकार कर रहे हैं कि jewellers tax दे ने से इन्कार नहीं कर रहे हैं । आप एक per cent
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 451

की जगह दो per cent tax लगा लीजिए। चाहे आप इसको वैट के रूप में लगा दीजिए या other
tax के रूप में लगा दीजिए। Jewellers का विरोध excise का है । यह excise का विरोध क्यों है ?
आप यह भी स्वीकार कर रहे हैं 12 लोगों ने आत्महत्या कर ली है । मैं ने उस समय भी कहा था
कि उनका excise से विरोध इसलिए है कि आपका Excise Department most* Department
है । वे जानते हैं कि जिस दिन excise वाले... यह बिल्कु ल क्लीयर है , उनका विरोध करने का
सिर्फ यही reason है । जब Excise Department वाला खाकी ड्रैस पहनकर वहां पहुुं च जाएगा,
तो कितना उत्पीड़न करे गा, कितना टै क्स लगाएगा, उनका विरोध यह है । आपने जो कहा, मैं ने
कह दिया कि उनके यहां कोई Excise Department वाला नहीं जाएगा। जो Jewellers लिखकर
दे दें गे, हम उसको मान लेंगे। आप मालूम तो करिए कि Excise Departjment वाले सब पहुं च
गए हैं या नहीं। आज मुझसे मुजफ्फरनगर वाले कहने आए हैं । जब मैं घर से चला, तो मुझसे
मुजफ्फरनगर वाले कहने आए कि खाकी वर्दी पहन के Excise Department वाले सब पहुं च गए
हैं । ये सब आपके वोटर्स हैं । जब आप GST लागू करने जा ही रहे हैं और आप कहते हैं कि यह
एक per cent GST की �ि‍�या की यह शुरूआत है । यह GST इन्होंने बनाया था। एक बार �णब
जी ने हमें बुलाकर कहा कि नरे श जी GST पास करवा दीजिए। आज पता नहीं क्यों उनका विरोध
है , मैं इसको समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं । ज‍ब बन रहा है , GST लागू हो रहा है , आज नहीं तो कल
लागू हो ही जाएगा, तो फिर GST के बाद सब tax के दायरे में आ ही जाएंगे। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी आनन्द शर्मा (हिमाचल �दे श): जब �णब जी ने आपसे कहा, तब आपने क्या इनसे
बात की थी?

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: हम उस समय इनसे क्यों बात करते? उस समय आप सत्ता में थे, तो
आपसे बात करते। तब तो हम आपको बराबर चेतावनी दे ते रहे कि आप जो कर रहे हैं , अच्छा
नहीं कर रहे हैं ।

मैं यह कह रहा हूं कि जब आप GST लागू करने जा रहे हैं , तो कोई भी jeweller GST का
विरोध नहीं कर रहा है , क्योंकि GST से उनका उत्पीड़न होने नहीं जा रहा है । जब उनका संबंध
एक एक्साइज ड्यूटी से है , जब लोग मर भी रहे हैं , तो आप जिद क्यों पकड़े हु ए हैं ? जैसा कि
राजा साहब ने कहा, तपन दादा ने कहा कि छोटे ज्वेलर्स हैं , जो ज्वेलरी के शिल्पकार हैं , वे
तमाम लोग शिल्पकारी छोड़कर हड़ताल में आ गए, वे तमाम लोग बेरोजगार हो गए, इसलिए आप
उस जिद को छोडि़ए। आप कम से कम यही बता दीजिए कि इतने दिनों में अभी तक आपका
कितना नु कसान हु आ है ? अगर उनकी हड़ताल जारी है , तो ज्यादा अच्छा है कि आप एक घोषणा
कर दीजिए। आप एक परसेंट टै क्स लगाइए, लेकिन उसको दू सरे रूप में लगा लीजिए। आप उन
पर एक्साइज का एक बोझ डाल रहे हैं , ऊपर से एक्साइज लॉ लगा है , मैं चाहू गा कि आप यह
बता दें क्या आज इसकी घोषणा करें गे या नहीं?

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Thank you for sticking to the time-limit. Now,
Kumari Selja.

कुमारी शै लजा (हरियाणा): उपसभापति जी, मैं बहु त संक्षेप में बोलना चाहूं गी।

*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

452 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[कुमारी शैलजा]
महोदय, यह बहु त ही अहम मुद्दा है और हमने पिछले स� में फर्स्ट हाफ में भी इस मुद्दे को
उठाया था। आज आप दे ख रहे हैं कि दे श में लाखों, करोड़ों लोग परे शान हैं । लाखों लोग, जो
सर्राफा बाजार से जुड़े हैं , पीयूष जी भी यहां पर मौजूद हैं , मे रा खुद का इस विषय से इसलिए
ताल्लुक है , क्योंकि अंबाला क्षे� में एक बहु त बड़ा सर्राफा बाजार है । पूरे दे श में न जाने कितने
लोग इससे जुडे हैं । एक तो छोटा ज्वेलर है और दू सरी ओर जो आर्टिजन है , वह भी इसके साथ
जुड़ा हु आ है । सर, यह हमारे दे श की परम्परा रही है और यह परम्परा बडे ़-बड़े �ांडेड ज्वेलर्स
ने कायम नहीं की है । हम जो यहां तक पहंु चे हैं , यह उनके आर्ट, जो कि from father to son
से यहां तक पहुं चा है । आज यह खत्म होने के कगार पर है । वे एकदम बरबादी के कगार पर
खडे़ हैं। बेचारे छोटे ज्वेलर्स क्या करेंगे? मुझसे पूर्व मेरे साथियों ने टैक्स के बारे में कहा। यहां
बात टै क्स की नहीं है , उससे उनका कोई विरोध नहीं है , लेकिन जिस तरह से आप एक ओर
ease of doing business की बात करते हैं तो क्या ease of doing business सिर्फ विदे शी
लोगों या बड़े कॉरपोरे ट्स के लिए हैं ? जो छोटे लोग हैं , जो अपनी छोटी-छोटी ज्वेलरी, एक
आर्ट, जिसको उन्होंने कायम रखा हु आ है , ईवन गांव तक में , छोटे शहरों तक में जो किसान
आता है , वह छोटी ज्वेलरी खरीदता है , वह कोई बड़ी ज्वेलरी नहीं खरीदता, वह बड़े -बडे ़ शहरों
में नहीं जाता, इसलिए उनको कायम रखने के लिए, उनको जिंदा रखने के लिए इस मुद्दे पर
सोचना होगा। जो छोटा आर्टिजन है , उसके बारे में सोचना होगा। ज्वेलरी में कोई नग जड़े गा,
कोई उसका खाका बनाएगा, कोई कुछ करे गा, कोई कुछ करे गा, इस तरह से कितने ही लोग
इसके साथ जुड़े हु ए हैं । आज उनको जिंदा रखने की बात है । सर, जहां तक ज्वेलरी की बात
है , तो उसको मं दिरों में भी चढ़ाया जाता है । लोग कोई �ांडेड ज्वेलरी खरीदकर मं दिरों में नहीं
चढ़ाते हैं । ऐसा बड़े सेठ या धनाढ्य लोग करते होंगे, लेकिन यह आाम आदमी से जुड़ी बात
है , छोटे ज्वेलर से जुड़ी बात है । कितने लोग स्युसाइड कर चुके हैं और कितने ऐसे हैं जो इस
कगार पर खड़े हैं । वे इनके सामने इतना रो रहे हैं , वे कितनी ही बार इनसे मिले हैं । जो छोटा
कारीगर है , वह कहां जाएगा? सर, ऐसे करोड़ों लोग हैं । वे कारीगर, जो जगह-जगह, कस्बों में ,
छोटे गांवों में हैं , उनका क्या होगा? मे री इस सरकार से रिक्वेस्ट है , मं ‍ि�यों से िरक्वेस्ट है कि
कृपया इसको दु बारा से दे खें। मे रा सवाल यही है कि क्या आप इसे rollback करने जा रहे हैं ?
यदि आप इसको rollback करें गे, तो हम आपको सभी की आेर से धन्यवाद दें गे कि आपने सबकी
पीड़ा को समझा। इसलिए कृपया इस पीड़ा को समझिए और इसे rollback कीजिए।

�ी शरद यादव (बिहार): उपसभापति जी, मं �ी जी चले गए हैं ...(व्यवधान)...

सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्यम मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी (�ी गिरिराज सिंह): आ रहे हैं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: He will come back. आप बोलिए।

�ी गिरिराज सिंह: छोटे साहब बैठे हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी शरद यादव: ठीक है ...(व्यवधान)... मैं ने मजाक में कहा ...(व्यवधान)... छे डखानी के
लिए कहा। इस सरकार का ''कौशल विकास'' एक बड़ा कार्य�म है । आपने यह मामूली काम
हाथ में नहीं लिया है , मैं इसे बड़ा काम मानता हूं । यदि हिन्दुस्तान मं एक-दो चीजों का नाम
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 453

लिया जाए तो हिन्दुस्तान की जो खे ती है , उस खे ती के बाद हिन्दुस्तान में सबसे ज्यादा जिससे

रोजगार मिलता है या रोजगार बनता है , वह दस्तकारों से बनता है । आज भी हिंदु स्तान का
एक्सपोर्ट कायम है । सब तरह के बाजार ठप हो गए, लेकिन जो हिंदु स्तान के दस्तकार हैं , हाथ
से सामान बनाने वाले कारीगर हैं , उनके सामान का एक्सपोर्ट आज भी जारी है । मैं मं �ी रहा
हूं , मुझे मालूम है । यह जो हिंदु स्तान है , वह ताजमहल है , खजुराहो है , अजंता है , एलोरा है ।
यह उन उं गलियों का कमाल है । यदि इस दे श के पास कोई ताकत है , तो उन उं गलियों की है ।
हिंदु स्तान में जो गुलामी आई, वह दस्तकारी की, खास कर जो कपड़ों के कारीगर हैं , उनकी
बदहाली के चलते आई। दु निया के बाजार में आपका सबसे ज्यादा �तबा हिंदु स्तान के हाथ से
बने हु ए सामान के कारीगरों की वजह से था, खास कर कपड़े वालों का रूतबा था। आज भी
कपड़े में बहु त बड़ा रोजगार है । आज भी जो पत्थर के कारीगर हैं , जो खजुराहो है , ताजमहल
है , कोणार्क है , दु नियां उन्हें दे खने आती है । दु निया आपको कहीं दे खने नहीं अाती है , न आपसे
कोई �भावित है । हिन्दुस्तान के हमारे जो पुरखे थे, जिनकी उं गलियों में कमाल था, उनको दे खने
के लिए दु निया भर के लोग यहां आते हैं । जब वे ताजमहल और खजुराहो को दे खने आते हैं ,
तो उनकी आंखें चौंक जाती हैं । इसलिए दस्तकारों के हक में मैं खड़ा हूं । मैं अरूण जी से पूछना
चाहता हूं कि इनकी संख्या कितनी है ? मैं पक्के तौर पर नहीं कह सकता, कोई पांच करोड़ कह
रहा है , कोई दो करोड़ कह रहा है , लेकिन इतना जरूर है कि जो हाथ के कारीगर हैं , वे पत्थर
के कारीगर हैं , कपडे ़ के हैं और बड़ी तादाद में सबसे ज्यादा बंगाल से लोग इस धंधे में आते हैं ।
ये जो सिर्फ daily wages workers होते हैं , मजदू र टाइप के लोग होते हैं , वे अपनी उं गलियों का
ही पैसा खाते हैं । उनकी उं गलियों में ही कमाल है , इसलिए उन उं गली वालों के ऊपर ध्यान दे ने
की जरूरत है । आप खास कर skill development के लिए स्कू ल खोल रहे हैं , कॉलेज खोल रहे
हैं , एक तरफ आप इसका विस्तार करना चाहते हैं अौर दू सरी तरफ ये दस्तकार, ये जो कौशल
वर्कर्स हैं , खास कर सोने में , चांदी में , इनके रोजगार को आप छीन रहे हैं । अगर आप उनके
रोजगार पर excise duty लगाएंगे, तो यह बडे ़ लोगों पर नहीं लगेगी। ये बडे ़ लोग उसे उन्हीं
से वसूल करें गे, उनकी मजदू री घटाएंगे। इससे कई तरह की बीमारियां पैदा होगी। मे री आपसे
विनती है कि आप इस मामले की गहराई में जाइए। हिन्दुस्तान में महात्मा गांधी जी आजादी
की लड़ाई लड़ते-लड़ते दस्तकार हो गए थे। दस्तकार इस दे श की इतनी बड़ी आबादी है और
आपने जो कार्य�म हाथ में लिया है , उस कार्य�म में आप इतने बडे पैमाने पर हिन्दुस्तान का
पैसा खर्च करने वाले हैं , तो ये जो दस्तकार लोग हैं , इसमें इनकी चिंता कैसे होगी, आप इसके
ऊपर ध्यान दीजिए। Excise duty के लिए आप कोई और तरीका निकालिए। सर्राफा वाले लोगों
ने आपको बताया है , आप उस तरीके से पैसा ले लीजिए, लेकिन ये जो दस्तकार लोग हैं , आप
उनको बचाइए। यदि हिन्दुस्तान की कोई खूबी है , कोई ताकत है , तो वह खे ती है और हिन्दुस्तान
के दस्तकार हैं । आप उन्हें बचाने का काम करिए, यही मे री आपसे विनती है ।

SHRI ANIL DESAI (Maharashtra): Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, probably, in the
last whole month, the month of March, not only in Mumbai, Maharashtra but in
entire India, jewellers had congregated in big numbers not only at Jantar Mantar but
in every State and there was a show of solidarity and unity among them over one
per cent excise duty applied on gold. That is being opposed and the reason behind
it is this. They are not only opposed to the levying of one per cent excise duty.
454 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[Shri Anil Desai]

More so, they are afraid that the Inspector Raj, which was there under the Gold
Control Act, will again come into being and that will really demolish the industry.
It is not only affecting the jewellers or the traders or the business of the people
who are involved in it, but also affecting small people, right from small artisans,
goldsmiths, etc. This somehow has a cascading effect on the entire economy. It is
because gold has not only an intrinsic value but it has a special cultural value also.
People are emotionally attached to it. Government’s argument is that only higher strata
of the society are into the maximum consumption of gold. It is not so. Today, even
lower middle class and middle class people have attachment towards gold. Today,
you happen to see that the gold which was purchased in 60s and 70s has a real
value for it. More than that they are emotionally attached to it because in every
ceremony, in every festival gold is being bought. It has some significant value in
the minds of the people of India.

The Government has a valid argument. Besides this, they have come out with
how it will affect, how the lower strata of the society engaged in the business
like artisans or goldsmiths will not be affected by it. The main threat to them
is the Inspector Raj which will continue. The hon. Finance Minister has assured
gold traders and their Federations that they will not be harassed by the Excise
Department. Immediately after that assurance just two or three days back, gold
traders have been receiving notices from the Department saying that they have go
through certain things to comply with. With this action, whatever fear they had is
increasing day by day. That shows whether the policy makers and tax officials do
they have disconnect in this?

Besides this the GST is on the way. Now one per cent excise duty which is
being levied that can be definitely be deferred till GST comes into being. In this
regard, the Chief Economic Adviser, Shri Arvind Subramaniam has suggested that
gold can be taxed under the GST between 2 and 6 per cent where the average tax
will be between 16 and 17 per cent. If that measure is to be taken up in the GST
which is on the way, then, why couldn't the Government defer this step? So, my
humble request to the hon. Finance Minister is that this one per cent levy be taken
off, and it should be deferred till the GST is legislated. Thank you.

�ी भूपिंदर सिंह (ओडिशा): डिप्टी चेयरमै न सर, ओडिशा स्वर्ण आभूषणों के काम में सबसे
आगे माना जाता है । कटक का जो फिलि�ी वर्क है , उस काम को सारी दु निया में सबसे अच्छी
तरह हमारे यहां के कारीगर करते हैं । ओडिशा के गांव-गांव में केवल सोने के ऊपर ही काम नहीं
किया जाता, बल्कि‍ चाहे पत्थर का काम हो, रे त का काम हो या लकड़ी का काम हो, हर चीज
के ऊपर वहां बारीकी से काम किया जाता है । जैसा शरद यादव जी ने बार-बार बोला, हिन्दुस्तान
के जो आर्टिजन्स हैं , उनकी पीढ़ी को बचाने की ओर हमें ध्यान दे ना चाहिए।
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 455

सर, उनका एक ही एि‍�हें शन है कि जो एक �तिशत एक्साइज ड्यूटी है , उसको लेकर वे

लोग इंस्पेक्टर राज से डर रहे हैं , लेकिन अापने जो विस्तार से यहां बताया है , उससे काफी
कंफ्यूजन हो रहा है । एक बात यह है कि जिसका 12 करोड़ है , उसको आप 6 करोड़ तक
ले आए हैं और आप दे खेंगे कि हर जगह पर वैट भी एक �तिशत नहीं है । बाकी के टै क्सेज
में भी दे श में यूनिफॉर्मिटी नहीं है । क्या आप डरते हैं कि आने वाले दिनों में जीएसटी आ ही
नहीं सकता? अगर आप जीएसटी लाना चाहते हैं और जीएसटी को आना ही है , तब तो इन
सब टै क्सेज की जरूरत ही नहीं पडे ़गी, तब तो ऑटोमे टिकली यह सब उसमें आ जाएगा।

हम लोगों को इसमें कितना फायदा हो रहा है ? उन्होंने जो 43 दिन की स्ट्राइक की है ,

उनका कहना है कि उससे उनका जो 56 हजार करोड़ रूपये का मार्के ट व्यापार था, उसका
नु कसान हु आ है । सरकार तो 56 लाख करोड़ का नु कसान भी सह सकती है , लेकिन वास्तव
में वह नु कसान भी सरकार नहीं सहती है , उस नु कसान की भरपाई भी आम जनता के टै क्स
से होती है । आखिरकार सरकार के पास जो भी पैसा आता है , वह आम जनता से ही आता है ।

महोदय, मैं आपको बताना चाहता हूं कि पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी वे इसी काम को करते आ रहे हैं ।
इसमें जो ि‍�मियर गोल्ड है या ि‍�मियर सोना है , उसके ऊपर आप टै क्स लीजिए, लेकिन कम से
कम यह क्लीयर कर दीजिए कि ऑर्नामें ट्स पर हम एक पैसा भी नहीं लेंगे। यदि आप ऐसा करते
हैं , तो जो कारीगर हैं , उनको यह तसल्ली मिल जाएगी कि टै क्स के बारे में चर्चा करने के लिए
उनके पास कोई नहीं आएगा और उन पर कितना टै क्स है , यह कोई नहीं पूछेगा।

सर, गोल्ड को एक इन्वेस्टमें ट के रूप में लिया जाता है , इसको इंडस्ट्री या ट्रेड के रूप में
नहीं लिया जाता है । किसान सोचता है कि मे री जिन्दगी रहे या न रहे , लेकिन अगर कुछ गोल्ड
रहे गा, तो मे रे बच्चों के काम आएगा। गोल्ड ही मे री सम्पति के रूप में होगा। अगर यह बात ठीक
है , अगर आप यहां कैपिटल गेन की बात कर रहे हैं , तो फिर यहां पर एक्साइज़ ड्यूटी क्यों
ला रहे हैं ? अगर यह गुड कैपिटल गेन में जा रहा है , तो फिर यहां एक्साइज ड्यूटी की बात
क्यों आ रही है ? हमारे वित्त मं �ी जी से और ज्यादा समझदार कोई नहीं है ? मैं निवेदन करूं गा
कि इस पर थोड़ा विचार करें । अभी भी कुछ स्ट्राइक चल रही है । यह ठीक है कि सरकार ने
उनको बोला है कि उनके तीन लोगों को भी कमे टी में रखें गे, लेकिन जहां तक मुझे पता चला
है , अभी तक उन्होंने उनके नाम नहीं दिए हैं । कुछे क बात करके आप जल्दी से जल्दी इसका
कोई हल निकालिए। अभी भी जो कुछ लोग स्ट्राइक पर हैं , उनसे बात कीजिए। आपने जो बात
की है , तो इसमें काफी चीजों में सुधार लाए हैं , लेकिन अभी भी एक डार्क प्वाइंट है । स्काई में
एक बड़ा क्लाउड जैसा है , कोई समझ नहीं पाया है । जो चीज़ आपने यहां लिखकर भी दी है ,
आपने �ेस के माध्यम से कहा है । ...(समय की घंटी)... आप �ेस के माध्यम से भी इस पर उनसे
बात कीजिए। उनसे चर्चा करके इसके समाधान का जल्दी से जल्दी रास्ता निकालिए। सर, इससे
सरकार को एक परसेंट एक्साइज में से तीन महीने के अन्दर कितना पैसा मिला है और आने
वाले दिनों में कितना मिलेगा, यह भी हाउस को जानना चाहिए। सर, मैं आपके माध्यम से यही
निवेदन करता हूं , धन्यवाद।

�ी बसावाराज पाटिल (कर्णाटक): माननीय उपसभापति जी, आदरणीय सदस्य ने एक

महत्वपूर्ण बात उठाई है । लाखों लोगों के दिलों के ऊपर इसका जो परिणाम होने वाला है , उससे
दे श में एक भय का वातावरण तो बना है । सरकार को सच्चाई स्पष्ट करना अत्यंत आवश्यक है ।
456 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[�ी बसावाराज पाटिल]

साथ ही साथ भारत जैसे दे श में सबसे बड़ी सम्पत्ति‍ मानव सम्पत्ति‍ है । कहीं ऐसे कानू न के द्वारा
मानव सम्पत्ति‍ यानी काम करने वालों की संख्या घट जाए, तो फिर बड़ी-बड़ी मशीनें आने से
लाखों लोग और बेरोजगार तैयार हो जाएंगे। तब फिर स्कि‍‍ल का क्या होगा, यह एक भयानक
चिन्ता का विषय है ।

भारत में तो ऐसी नीति आनी चाहिए कि यहां हाथ से काम करने वाले कारीगरों को अधिक
से अधिक �ोत्साहन मिलना चाहिए। इन बातों को ध्यान में रखते हु ए मैं यह जानना चाहता हूं कि
इस सोने-चांदी और अन्य जेवरात के निर्माण में कितने कारीगर काम करते हैं ? यह जो नियम
बना है , एक परसेंट एक्साइज ड्यूटी की जो बात है , जो अनेक माननीय सदस्यों ने मांगा है ,
क्योंकि हर तहसील लेवल तक, आज वे कारीगर लोग mentally tortured हैं । सच्चाई क्या है ,
उनको बताने वाला भी कोई नहीं है । वैसी कुछ बातें हमारे ध्यान में आती हैं । यह संकट आज
उनके ऊपर न आए, क्योंकि आजादी के बाद पिछले 50-60 सालों से जब कभी भी पुलिस के
हाथ में या एक्साइज वालों के हाथ में कोई कानू न दिया जाता है , तो उसका बडे ़ पैमाने पर
दु �पयोग निचले स्तर पर होता है । उसकी खबर ऊपर तक पहुं चती ही नहीं हैं । इसके कारण वे
लोग में टली बड़े परे शान हो जाते हैं और फिर हजारों-लाखों �पए के करप्शन के धंधे के नए
दरवाजा खुल जाते हैं । इस �कार की आशंका को दू र करने की दृष्टि‍ से एक निश्चि‍त और
अच्छा उत्तर सरकार के द्वारा मिले। ये जो लाखों-लाख सामान्य कारीगर हैं , इनको किसी �कार
का भय नहीं हो। यह एक सुन्दर अवकाश जैसा हो, क्योंकि यहां पर कुछ लोग कई बार सुनते
ही आत्महत्या कर लेते हैं । 12 लोगों की मृत्यु होने की बात भी सामने आई है । 45 दिनों से लोग
स्ट्राइक पर हैं । उससे उन गरीबों की रोजी-रोटी और उनके परिवार की जिन्दगी जुड़ी है । इससे
हाथ की कारीगरी मर जाएगी और तब एक बहु त बड़ा संकट दे श पर आ सकता है । सरकार नए
ढं ग से आने वाली नई नीतियों से ब्लैक मनी को निकालने, ब्लैक सोने के निकालने की कोई नई
नीति बनाए, परन्तु यहां पर सामान्य गरीब आदमी कोई संकट न हो, इसकी अत्यंत आवश्यकता
है । मैं इस बात की माननीय मं �ी जी से विनती करता हूं । यह जो 6 करोड़ से ऊपर वाले पर
लगेगी, तो वास्तव में कितने लोग इस दायरे में आते हैं और कितने लोग काम करने वाले हैं ,
इसकी एक स्पष्टता मिले, तब वह गरीब आदमी हिम्मत के साथ किसी अधिकारी से भी बात कर
सकता है । तो एक सुन्दर अवसर आज के इस �श्न से सामने आया है । मैं यह भरोसा करता
हूं , कि माननीय मं �ी जी इसका ठीक से उपयोग करते हु ए एक निश्चि‍त उत्तर जरूर दें गे। दे श
के वे लाखों-लाख कारीगर आपके इस उत्तर से एक संदेश को �ाप्त करके बड़े आनन्दि‍त होंगे।
कल से वे अपने काम पर जाएं और इस दिशा में एक अच्छा संदेश जाए, मैं आपसे यह �ार्थना
करता हूं । माननीय उपसभापति महोदय, मुझसे पूर्व के सभी वक्ताओं ने काफी डिटे ल में बात रखी
है , उन सबसे अपने को संबद्ध करते हु ए मैं यह समझता हूं कि यह एक ऐसा मामला है , जैसा
कि कहा जा रहा है कि पूरे दे श में लगभग पांच करोड़ लोग इससे जुड़े हु ए हैं , जिनमें से डे ढ़
करोड़ तो केवल artisans हैं , वर्कर्स हैं , जो इससे affect हो रहे हैं । पिछले काफी समय से ये
लोग इसको लेकर �दर्शन कर रहे हैं , हड़ताल पर हैं , इनकी दु कानें बंद हैं , उनकी रोजी-रोटी
बंद है , लोग आत्महत्या कर रहे हैं । ये सब चीजें सामने आ रही हैं । ऐसे में जबकि जीएसटी की
बात कही गई है और माननीय वित्त मं �ी जी ने बजट की स्पीच में कहा था, जिसको आज इन्होंने
circulate भी किया है । उन्होंने कहा कि यह एक तैयारी है । यह जो एक्साइज ड्यूटी लगाई गई
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 457

है , यह जीएसटी के लिए तैयारी है । यह उनको तैयार करने के उद्दे श्य से किया जा रहा है ।
अगर यह सिर्फ जीएसटी की तैयारी के उद्दे श्य से किया जा रहा है , तो हम लोग जीएसटी को
ही क्यों नहीं लागू कर दे ते हैं ? हमारी पार्टी यानी बीएसपी ने कहा है कि आप जीएसटी लाइए,
हम इसमें आपको सपोर्ट करें गे। आप इसकी जगह जीएसटी लाइए। इसको लेकर पूरे दे श में
इन लोगों के बीच एक दहशत का माहौल बन गया है । इसको समाप्त करने की आवश्यकता
है । आपने आज जो स्टेटमें ट circulate किया है , उसके पैरा 4 में आपने खुद यह बात कहीं है ,
"Additionally, the Government has constituted a Sub-Committee of the High Level
Committee to interact with trade and industry on tax laws. The Terms of Reference
of this Sub-Committee include issues related to compliance procedure for the Excise
Duty including records to be maintained and other things." अगर इनसे और इंडस्ट्रीज से
interact करने के लिए एक हाई लेवल की सब-कमे टी बनाई गई है , तो मैं समझता हूं ि‍क अभी
जो माहौल है , उसमें माननीय वित्त मं �ी जी स्वयं या जिसको वे इसके लिए capable समझते हैं ,
उसको उसमें रख करके उनसे डायरे क्ट वार्तालाप करें ।‍ इन लोगों से डायरे क्ट वार्तालाप करके
इनकी समस्या को समझें । उनकी समस्या को समझ कर इसका निराकरण निकाला जाए। अगर
हाई लेवल की सब-कमे टी बनाई गई है , तो जब तक यह कमे टी अपनी कोई रिपोर्ट नहीं दे दे ती
है , तब तक कम से कम इसको रोक दे ना चाहिए। जब आप खुद ही यह बता रहे हैं कि इस
issue को settle करने के लिए, इसका समाधन निकालने के लिए एक सब-कमे टी बनाई गई है ,
तो जब तक इसका समाधान नहीं निकलता है , तब‍ तक अगर आंदोलित लोगों को एक respite
दे ने के लिए इसको वापस ले लें, तो ज्यादा उचित होगा।

�ी अ�ण जेटली: माननीय उपसभापति जी, �ी राज बब्बर ने एवं अन्य सम्मानित सदस्यों ने
यह विषय उठाया है । पिछले कुछ सप्ताहों से इस विषय पर कई सार्वजनि‍क चर्चाएं भी इुई हैं , मे री
भी इस व्यवसाय से जुड़े लोगों से बातचीत हु ई है । उनकी क्या तकलीफ है , यह भी समझने का
अवसर मिला है । किसी व्यवसाय का या किसी कारीगर को, जो इस दे श के परं परागत कारीगर
हैं , किसी को तकलीफ हो, यह सरकार की कभी intention नहीं रही है , इसलिए सबसे पहले
तो यह स्पष्ट हो जाए कि यह एक परसेंट एक्साइज ड्यूटी क्यों लगी और यह किसके ऊपर
लागू होती है । तर्क यह दिया गया कि बड़े लोगों को छोड़ दिया गया, छोटे लोगों पर इसे लगा
दिया गया। अब छोटे लोगों का सहारा ले लेना, उससे राजनीतिक तर्क तो बढ़ जाता है , लेकिन
सच्चाई इसके बिल्कु ल विपरीत है । यह एक्साइज ड्यूटी किसी कारीगर पर नहीं लगी, यह किसी
छोटे स्वर्णकार पर नहीं लगी। जिसको राज बब्बर जी कॉरपोरे ट ज्वैलर्स कह रहे थे, अधिकतर
वही हैं , जो इसके दायरे में आते हैं , इसलिए छोटे लोगों का सहारा मत लीजिए, क्योंकि यह
उन पर नहीं लगी है । एक्साइज ड्यूटी की जो eligibility है और इसमें जो exemptions दिए गए
हैं , उनके अनु सार अगर पिछले वर्ष किसी का टर्नओवर 12 करोड़ रूपए से कम था और अगले
वर्ष में 6 करोड़ रूपए से कम है , तो आप exempted हैं । हमारा दे श अभी इतना विकसित नहीं
हु आ है कि छोटे लोगों को टर्नओवर 12 करोड़ रूपए और 6 करोड़ रूपए से ज्यादा हो। किसी
कारीगर का टर्नओवर दो लगातार वर्षों में 6 करोड़ और 12 करोड़ से कम रहा है । ये जो बड़ी-
बड़ी chains हैं , यह उन्हीं के ऊपर लागू हु आ है । इसलिए मैं इस सदन के माध्यम से यह स्पष्ट
कर दूं कि यह 12 करोड़ और 6 करोड़ वालों पर लागू होगा और उससे कम वाले किसी व्यक्ति‍
को इसके दायरे में नहीं लाया गया है , यह बिल्कु ल स्पष्ट है ।
458 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[�ी अ�ण जेटली]

जहां तक एक्साइज़ की नीति है , हम लोग तय कर लें कि किन आइटम्स के ऊपर एक्साइज़
लगना है । कोई structured trade हो और बार-बार आंदोलन करके उसको वापस करवा ले,
तो इसका यह अर्थ नहीं कि वह अधिकार बन जाता है , उस पर टै क्स कभी नहीं लगेगा। मैं
सूची दे ख रहा था। आपने कहा कि लगभग हर राज्य में गोल्ड के ऊपर वैट लगता है । इस पर
सबसे अधि‍क वैट केरल में लगता है , जहां आपकी यूपीए की सरकार है और वह इस पर पांच
परसेंट का वेट लगाती है । जब आपको उन कारीगरों की इतनी ही चिन्ता है , तो केरल माननीय
उपसभापति जी का भी राज्य है , आप वहां से उसको हटवा दीजिए। लगभग हर राज्य में वैट
लगता है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: माननीय वित्त मं�ी जी, टै क्स दे ने से कौन मना कर रहा है ? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी राज बब्बर: आपके पास 6 करोड़ से नीचे के लोगों का कोई सर्वे है ? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी अ�ण जेटली: थोडा वेट कर लीजिए, आप इसका पूरा अर्थ समझ जाएंगे कि किस विरोध
में आप उलझते जा रहे हैं । केरल सरकार ने गोल्ड पर पांच परसेंट वैट लगाया हु आ है और वैट
के लिए भी बही किताबें में टेन करनी पड़ती हैं । वर्ष 2005 में यूपीए ने �ांडेड ज्वैलेरी पर लगाया,
जब �ोटे स्ट हु आ तो वर्ष 2009 में उसे वापस ले लिया। तब भी बहु त समझदार वित्त मं �ी थे।
उन्होंने वर्ष 2012 में फिर लगाया और जब �ोटे स्ट हु आ तो वापस ले लिया। आज परिस्थिति यह
है कि राज्यों में तो वैट लगेगा, imitation jewellery पर छ: परसेंट एक्साइज लगेगा। Imitation
jewellery is taxed at 6 per cent excise in this country. मैं अगर आपको लिस्ट दूं , तो
छोटे -से-छोटे आइटम्स पर भी टै क्स लगाए गए हैं । यह कोई हमारी सरकार ने नहीं लगाया, जब
आप सरकार में थे तब लगता था। सोप, टू थपेस्ट, टू थ�श, फुटवेयर, पेन, पेंसिल, इंक, नोटबुक,
कैंडल, �ूट जूस और जिस राज्य के मुख्यमं �ी उनके आंदोलन में गए, वहां बेबी फूड, इनके
ऊपर तो टै क्स लगेगा — मैं यह एक्साइज का जि� कर रहा हूं — लेकिन एक लग्जरी आइटम
को केवल इसलिए एग्जेम्प्ट कर दें , क्योंकि वे एक ऑर्गेनाइज्ड तरीके से �ोटे स्ट कर सकते हैं ।

�ी राज बब्बर: सर ...(व्यवधान)...

SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sorry, I am not yielding, Mr. Raj Babbar. Please, sit
down. Let me complete. Then, you can have your say.

�ी राज बब्बर: आप चीज को घुमा रहे हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी अ�ण जेटली: बिल्कु ल। आप घूमे हु ए हैं , इसलिए मैं आपको लाइन पर ला रहा हूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Let him finish, Mr. Babbar. ...(Interruptions)...

Mr. Babbar and Mr. Neeraj Shekhar, let the Finance Minister finish. Sit down
...(Interruptions)... Let him complete his answer.

�ी अ�ण जेटली: राज बब्बर जी, मैं अपनी बात कम्प्लीट कर लू,ं उसके बाद जो क्लेरिफिकेशन
होगा, आप पूछ लीजिएगा। ...(व्यवधान)... अब आप इसको स्पष्ट रूप से समझिए। जब राजा
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 459

साहब बोल रहे थे, that is why, Mr. Raja, I said about the Left. Today, when aam
aadmi consumer items are being taxed, we will have to convince the country that
a luxury item should be kept outside the tax net. Now, what will be the effect?
Why did I say? If we are moving towards the GST, you will have to tax gold. Sir,
the whole concept of the GST is, if the Centre is collecting 'X' amount of tax and
all the States are collecting 'Y' amount of tax, totally, then GST should, together,
collect X + Y to start with a minimum. उस टै क्स के लिए जीएसटी का क्या रे ट होगा,
यह जीएसटी काउं सिल तय करे गी, which is the revenue neutral rate. Then there will
be a standard rate. नरे श जी ने कहा कि पहले कां�ेस के लोग सपोर्ट करते थे। अब उनका
यह कहना है कि आप 18 परसेंट की कैप लगाइए। मुझे 18 परसेंट पर कोई एतराज नहीं है ।
That is a reasonable stand. कैप्स Constitution में हो या Constitution के बाहर हो, that is
the only area of difference. अगर आपने luxury items को जीएसटी से बाहर कर दिया, तो
फिर 18 परसंेट maintain करने के लिए आपको essential items की ड्यूटी बढ़ानी पडे ़गी कि
गोल्ड को टै क्स की माफी दो और सीमें ट, स्टील, आयरन के ऊपर, जूते के ऊपर, कपड़े के
ऊपर इसको ज्यादा बढ़ाओ।

�ी राज बब्बर: क्या बात कह रहे हैं ? कौन कह रहा है ? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी अ�ण जेटली: आप समझ लीजिए। राज बब्बर जी, यह complex विषय है । अगर आप
luxury items को टै क्स के दायरे से बाहर रखते हैं तो उन luxury items का जो टै क्स का हिस्सा
है , फिर किसी आवश्यक वस्तु पर अधिक टै क्स लगाकर उसकी पूर्ति करते हैं । इसीलिए किसी भी
taxation policy में luxury items को taxation से indefinitely बाहर रखा जाए, यह संभव नहीं है ।

�ी राज बब्बर: Luxury items की बात ही नहीं हो रही है , टै क्स की बात ही नहीं हो रही
है । आप बहस को ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी उपसभापति: बब्बर जी बैठिए, let him finish.

�ी अ�ण जेटली: महोदय, अगर हम लोग जीएसटी की तरफ जा रहे हैं तो उसका पहला
कदम है कि हम लोग इन आइटम्स के ऊपर taxation लगाएं जिससे हम लोग एक reasonable
cap मे न्टेन कर सकें। यह संभव नहीं है कि कोई राजनैतिक दल कहे कि 18 परसेंट की कैप
भी होगी, लेकिन luxury items को exempt कर दो, ताकि 18 परसेंट की कैप कभी मे न्टेन ही
न हो पाए।

कुमारी शै लजा: किसने कहा?

SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: That is the stand. Both the stands that you have taken
are self-destructive. You want a luxury item outside the tax net because your leaders
have said, this is assassination of a trade putting tax on them. So, if that trade is
to be kept outside the tax net then you can never reach the 18 per cent cap. You
will always breach it. This is a serious subject. Therefore, please get some experts to
examine the stand which you have taken on both issues, which is self-contradictory.
460 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[Shri Arun Jaitley]

इसमें जो दिक्कत है वह यह है कि हम एक नये आइटम पर लगा रहे हैं , केवल बड़े लोगों पर
लगा रहे हैं । बड़े लोगों पर भी लगे तो उनकी एक शिकायत है और उनकी इस चिंता में शायद
वजन है कि कल को हमारे खिलाफ harassment आरम्भ न हो जाए। उस harassment को रोकने
के लिए, जिस पर हम सबकी और मे री भी सहानु भति
ू उनके साथ है , हमने एक स्पष्ट कदम
एनाउं स किया, जो किसी दू सरी commodity के लिए नहीं है । उन steps का कारण यह था
कि gold trade की कई विशेषताएं हैं । कई बार व्यक्ति‍ अपना सोना लेकर जाता है और कहता
है कि इससे जेवर बना दिया जाए, make jewellery out of this gold. कल को कोई तीसरा
आदमी कहे गा कि सोने की कीमत मैं आपके turnover में लगा लूंगा, जबकि सोना consumer
लेकर आया है , यह संभव है । इन सब समस्याओं को दे खते हु ए केवल एकमा� gold trade है
जिसको हमने यह सुविधा दी है कि कोई physical verification आपके यहां नहीं होगा। मुझे जब
स्वर्णकार मिले तो मैं ने उनसे स्पष्ट कहा कि अगर कोई एक्साइज़ का व्यक्ति‍ खाकी वर्दी में आता
है तो अपने मोबाइल फोन से उसकी फोटो खींचकर मुझे भेज दीजिए। सीबीईसी के चेयरपरसन ने
सब फील्ड युनिट्स को चिट्ठी लिखी है कि कोई physically नहीं जाएगा। जो आप वैट की रिटर्न
फाइल करते हैं , उसकी की self-assessment return के ऊपर एक्साइज दे दें , self-certification
से आप एक्साइज़ दे दें । जो आप वैट की रिटर्न फाइल कर रहे हैं , उसको स्वीकार किया जाएगा
और यह केवल बड़े वालों के ऊपर लागू है , छोटे वालों पर लागू नहीं है । यह जो सुविधा है ,
ये पूरी guidelines हैं । इसके अतिरिक्त आपको कोई और safeguard चाहिए — टै क्स आपको
दे ना पडे ़गा, लेकिन harassment रोकने के लिए आपको कोई और सुविधा इसमें चाहिए, कोई
precautionary step चाहिए तो हम वह भी लेने को तैयार हैं ।

�ी नरे श अगवाल: इस टै क्स को आप एक्साइज़ के बजाय किसी दू सरे रूप में ले लीजिए।

�ी अ�ण जेटली: नरे श जी, मैं उत्तर दे दे ता हूं । आपका यह relevant �श्न है , क्योंकि यह
तर्क दिया रहा है , इसलिए मैं इसका उत्तर अभी दे ता हूं । उनको यह कहा अौर उनसे बातचीत
करके यह तय किया कि हम डा. अशोक लहरी, जो सरकार में पहले चीफ इकोनॉमिक एडवाइजर
थे, उनकी अध्यक्षता में एक कमे टी बना दे ते हैं । उसमें आपके तीन नु माइंदे रहें गे और आप सब
बैठकर तय कर लो कि इसमें और क्या सेफगाडर्स चाहिए, जिससे कि harassment न हो।
टै क्स आपको दे ना पडे ़गा, लेकिन Tax "Yes"? Harassment "No"? इस दृष्टि‍ से उनकी पहली
मीटिंग अभी हु ई। वह तीन कौन होंगे, अब कठिनाई मे री यह है कि दर्जनों ऑल इ‍ंडिया संगठन
हैं , कोई हड़ताल पर है , कोई हड़ताल पर नहीं है । आज तो कोई हड़ताल पर नहीं है और उसके
अतिरिक्त उसमें से कुछ आकर फैसला कर गए कि हमने पहले दौर की हड़ताल कॉल ऑफ कर
दी और आगे कमे टी बना दीजिए, कुछ ने कॉल ऑफ कर दी और कुछ ने कहा कि हम नहीं
कॉल आॅफ करते, बाद में सबने कॉल ऑफ कर दी। उनको तय करना है कि उनके उद्योग के
तीन सदस्य कौन होंगे? हमारी सरकार सदस्यों को तय नहीं करना चाहती है और डा लहरी को
हमने यह instructions दी हैं कि उनके साथ बातचीत करके आप उनके तीन नु माइंदे ले लीजिए।
उनकी अगली मीटिंग आने वाले सप्ताह में है और हमें इसकी रिकमं डेशन दे दो। अब सतीश चं�
मि�ा जी ने यह कहा कि इसको तब तक आगे ले जाओ, ज‍ब तक कि इसका फैसला न हो।
31 मार्च तक जितने लोगों ने रजिस्टर कराना था, वह करा लिया है । जो बड़ी कैटे गरी के लोग
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 461

3.00 p.m.
हैं , उनको रजिस्टर कराना था। कुल मिलाकर उसमें 206 ने रजिस्टर कराया है । इसके साथ हमने
यह सुविधा दे दी, क्योंकि हमने डा. लहरी की अध्यक्षता में कमे टी बनाई ही है और हो सकता
है कि एक-दो कदम वे अौर अनाउस
ं कर दें , जिनको हम स्वीकार कर लें, तो इसलिए 31 मार्च
को भी बढ़ाकर हमने इसको 30 जून कर दिया। रजिस्ट्रेशन को भी हमने दो महीने और आगे
कर दिया कि हम आपको और सुविधाएं दे ते हैं तब तक और रिकमं डेशन्स भी आ जाएंगी। हमने
रजिस्ट्रेशन की डे ट ही दो महीने आगे बढ़ा दी, तो कोई व्यक्ति‍ पहले रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाएगा, फिर
अपनी सेल्फ सर्टिफिकेशन से रिटर्न फाइल करे गा और रिटर्न फाइल होने के बाद तय होगा कि
उसको कितना एक्साइज़ दे ना है , जिस रे ट पर वह वैट दे रहा है एक परसेंट, अधिकतर राज्यों
में वह वहीं एक परसेंट एक्साइज दे गा। इसमें कोई तकलीफ नहीं है । मैं केवल इतना अा�ह करना
चाहूं गा, जैसा कि नरे श जी ने कहा कि कोई और नाम दे दें ।

अब गोल्ड ट्रेड की एक विशेषता है । इस दे श मंे सोना तो है नहीं, सोना बाहर से आता है ।

आप सोने के इम्पोर्ट पर जितना �तिबंध लगाओगे या जितनी ड्यूटी लगाओगे, उतनी स्मगलिंग
बढ़ती है । The bigger the ban, the higher is the smuggling. आज आपको इस ट्रेड की
बहु त चिंता है , लेकिन 2013 में आपने 80:20 स्कीम लागू की थी, जब करं ट अकाउं ट डे फिसिट
बहु त बढ़ गया था। इस स्कीम के अंत
‍ र्गत यह कहा कि वही व्यक्ति इम्पोर्ट कर सकता है , जो
20 परसेंट जेवर बनाकर बाद में री-इम्पोर्ट करे गा, तो छोटे आदमी का व्यवसाय बिल्कु ल बंद हो
गया था। उस वक्त छोटे व्यक्ति‍ की चिंता नहीं थी। यह भी आपको मालूम हो कि 16 मई, 2014
को चुनाव का रिजल्ट आ गया था। यह हम लोगों का बड़ा दिल था कि हम लोगों ने कार्र वाई
नहीं की। 16 मई और 26 मई के बीच में एक आदे श पारित हो गया। पहले पब्लि‍क सैक्टर बैंक्स
सोना इम्पोर्ट करते थे। अब केवल स्टार एक्सपोर्टर्स इम्पोर्ट करें गे। छह या सात लोगों के हाथ में
सारे गोल्ड या इम्पोर्ट दे दिया गया था। उन दोनों कदमों का असर यह हु आ कि ऑफिशियल
इम्पोर्ट कम हो गया और स्मगलिंग ज्यादा हो गई। सरकार में आने के बाद हमने इसको ओपन
कर दिया कि छोटा आदमी भी इसको इम्पोर्ट कर सकता है । हम लोग जानते हैं कि सास्कृतिक

दृष्टि‍ से इस दे श की, यह अच्छा है या बुरा है , उस तर्क में नहीं जाता हूं , लेकिन गोल्ड की
एक appetite है , जो उसको इस्तेमाल करते हैं । आज गोल्ड पर दस परसेंट कस्टम ड्यूटी है ।
जो नरे श ने पूछा, अगर हम उस कस्टम ड्यूटी को बढ़ाते हैं , तो smuggling बढ़ जाती है , वह
unofficial route से आता है । आज आप किसी भी एयरपोर्ट पर सांसद के नाते जाएंगे, तो जो
कस्टम अधि‍कारी मिले, उससे पूछ लीजिए कि सबसे ज्यादा आपकी एनर्जी किस आइटम को
रोकने में लगती है , तो वह अापको कहे गा कि गोल्ड। इसलिए यह कहना कि कस्टम ड्यूटी
बढ़ा दो और smuggling रूट से ज्यादा सोना आ जाए, इसमें कोई लाभ नहीं है । अब डोमे स्टि‍क
टै क्स कौन सा लगेगा? तीन तरह के डोमे स्टि‍क टै क्स हैं । सर्विस टै क्स लग नहीं सकता, वह
केवल सर्विसेज पर लगता है । दू सरे दो टै क्स बचते हैं , एक्साइज ड्यूटी और कस्टम, हम कस्टम
बढ़ा नहीं सकते। तीसरा केवल एकमा� टै क्स सेन्टर के पास एक्साइज है , सेन्टर का कोई और
टै क्स नहीं है । अब सेन्टर एक्साइज न लगाए, तो फिर कौन सा दू सरा टै क्सेशन है ? यह कुछ
ही महीनों की बात है । जिस दिन कां�ेस पार्टी सहयोग करे गी, जीएसटी बन जाएगा, तो उसमें
दोनों टै क्स मर्ज हो जाएंगे। स्टेट जो वैट लगाती है और जो सेन्ट्रल एक्साइज होगा, दोनों मर्ज
होकर जीएसटी के रूप में आ जाएंगे। जीएसटी के रूप में आने के बाद जैसा मैं ने कहा कि हर
462 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

[�ी अ�ण जेटली]

आइटम पर including luxury items, उनको टै क्स दे ना पडे ़गा। मैं केवल दो चीजों का आ�ह
करूं गा, क्योंकि और कोई वैकल्पि‍क टै क्स नहीं है , जो लग सकता है । आप केवल एक आइटम
के लिए नया डिपार्टमें ट खड़ा कर दो और नया टै क्स खड़ा कर दो, यह कोई बहु त समझदारी
की नीति नहीं होगी। मैं केवल इतना ही कहंू गा कि कारीगरों और छोटे आदमियों पर यह नहीं
लगा है । यह �चार एकदम गलत है और मैं इसका खं डन करता हूं । यह बड़ों पर लगा है , अभी
तक केवल 206 बडे ़ लोगों ने अपने आपको रजिस्टर कराया है । हम इस ट्रेड की पूरी सहायता
करें गे। िकसी का harassment न हो, इसके लिए चार कदम और आगे बढ़ना पडे ़गा, तो हम
बढें गे, लेकिन दो चीजें हैं । Luxury items पर टै क्स दे ना है , इसका अभ्यास हम लोग डालें। केवल
essential commodities पर टै क्स लगेगा, उसी पर दे श चलेगा, यह ठीक नहीं है ।

राज बब्बर जी, आप फिल्म इंडस्ट्री से संबंध रखते हैं और लीडिंग एक्टर रहे हैं । दो ऐसे
उद्योग थे, फिल्म इंडस्ट्री और रीयल एस्टेट, जिनके बारे में कभी एक छवि थी कि यहां कैश
ट्रांजेक्शन ज्यादा होता है । अब यह सुनने में आया है कि धीरे -धीरे यह professionalism की तरफ
चलता गया और आज यह स्थि‍ति बदल गई है । आज आप खुद भी जानते होंगे कि white money
transaction film industry में बहु त व्यापक हो गया है , ज्यादा वही है । रीयल एस्टेट उस दिशा
में जा रहा है । जब दु निया और दे श के विभिन्न उद्योग उस दिशा में जा रहे हैं , तो एक्साइज नैट
में आकर यह ट्रेड भी इस दिशा में चले, मुझे लगता है कि इसमें बुराई नहीं है । इसमें दे श का
भला होगा और आप भी इसमें दे श का साथ दीजिए। धन्यवाद।

�ी नरे श अ�वाल: वित्त मं �ी जी ने यहां जो कुछ कहा है , यह सत्य से परे है और बीजेपी

की पूरी हठधर्मी है । हम इस हठधर्मी के विरोध में समाजवादी पार्टी बहिष्कार करती है ।

(इसके पश्चात कुछ माननीय सदस्य सदन से उठकर चले गए)

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay; all right. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)
Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016. ...(Interruptions)...


question. ...(Interruptions)... Sir, I have got a query. I would like to ask a question.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No. He has explained it very well. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Sir, what he has explained is

...(Interruptions)... I am going to ask something different. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: He has explained it very well. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Sir, I belong to the trade and I know
the difficulties. So I just want to have a clearance. ...(Interruptions)...

KUMARI SELJA: Sir ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Deputy Chairman, Sir, I will not take
Calling Attention to... [28 April, 2016] ...Urgent Public Importance 463

much time. ...(Interruptions)... Just two minutes. It is a query. ...(Interruptions)... It

is a query, Sir. ...(Interruptions)...

KUMARI SELJA: Deputy Chairman, Sir ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. ...(Interruptions)... Not two-three minutes.

...(Interruptions)... If you have a question, you can ask. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: It will not take even a minute, Sir.
...(Interruptions)... Sir, it will not take even a minute. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: If it is only a question, you ask. Not two-three

minutes. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Yes, Sir. I am asking question only.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Only one question. ...(Interruptions)...

KUMARI SELJA: Sir ...(Interruptions)... Sir, since we are not satisfied with the
reply, we are walking out. ...(Interruptions)...

(At this stage some hon. Members left the Chamber.)

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay; that is your freedom. ...(Interruptions)....

Walking out is your right.

�ी ईश्वरलाल शं करलाल जैन: सर, मैं माननीय वित्त मं �ी महोदय से दो बातें पूछना चाहूं गा।

�ी उपसभापति: ऐसा नहीं हो सकता है । No, no. ...(Interruptions)... What is this?

What are you doing? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Sir, I have only two questions.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Why are you wasting the time? You have already
taken two minutes. You could have asked five questions by now. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: Sir, I am just asking. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: But you are not doing. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: You are not allowing me, Sir.
...(Interruptions)... I am taking your permission. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What is this? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI ISHWARLAL SHANKARLAL JAIN: It is my goodness that I am asking

for the permission, Sir. ...(Interruptions)...
464 Calling Attention to... [RAJYA SABHA] ...Urgent Public Importance

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: सर, एक मिनट, मैं आपसे कुछ कहने की परमिशन चाहता हूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What is the problem?

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: सर, आपके कुछ शब्दों से अर्थ का अनर्थ हो जा रहा है । पहले उधर
कां�ेस पार्टी की एक मे म्बर थीं, डा. साधौ, आपने उनको 'साधू' कह दिया। राज बब्बर जी को
आपने 'बाबर' कह दिया, रजनी पाटिल जी को आपने 'पटेल' कह दिया। ...(व्यवधान)... कहकशां
परवीन को अापने 'कहकाश परवीन' कह दिया। तो सर, आपके जो शब्द हैं , इसमें अापके एक्सेंट
की कोई गलती नहीं है , यह लैंग्वेज की �ॉब्लम है , लेकिन सर, अगर राज बब्बर, राज बाबर बन
जाएंगे। तब तो चुनाव उनके खिलाफ चला जाएगा, तो ये तो बिल्कु ल हड़कम्प मचा दें गे। ऐसे ही
वे डा. साधौ हैं , उनको आपने 'साधू' कह दिया।

�ी उपसभापति: लेकिन मैं ने त्यागी जी के नाम में कोई बदलाव नहीं‍ किया है । 'त्यागी'
'त्यागी' ही है ।

अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी तथा संसदीय कार्य मं �ालय में राज्य मं �ी
(�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी): हम यह कहना चाहते हैं कि माननीय सदस्य अापकी भावनाओं पर
जाएं, आपके शब्दों पर न जाएं और आपकी भावना बिल्कु ल पाक-साफ है ।

�ी उपसभापति: मैं ने त्यागी जी के नाम में कोई बदलाव नहीं किया। Is Tyagi the real
'tyagi'? That is the problem.

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: सर, मुझे डर यह है कि किसी दिन 'त्यागी' को आप 'बागी' न बना दें ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Tyagi should be the real 'tyagi'.

�ी ईश्वरलाल शं करलाल जैन: माननीय वित्त मं �ी जी ने कहा कि हम इन चीजों पर वैट

लेंगे। सर, सवाल यह है कि वैट का जो चालान भरा जाता है , उसके अंदर ऑर्नामें ट्स भी आते
हैं , स्टोंस भी आते हैं और primary gold भी आता है Primary is already exempted. उसको
हम किस �कार से दे खेंगे? ऐसे तो �ाइमरी के ऊपर भी एक्साइज आ जाएगी, तो उसको किस
�कार से bifurcate किया जाएगा? हमें इस पर विचार करना होगा।

दू सरा �श्न यह है कि आपने रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए तो समय बढ़ा दिया है , अब रजिस्ट्रेशन

के लिए जून तक का समय है । जब तक रजिस्टेशन नहीं होगा, हम कस्टमर के बिल के ऊपर
एक्साइज़ ड्यूटी चार्ज नहीं कर सकते। जब टै क्स नहीं दिया, 30 तारीख को जून खत्म हो गया,
क्योंकि तब तक रजिस्ट्रेशन करना पडे ़गा, तब तो आप 1 अ�ैल से एक्साइज ड्यूटी को कलेक्ट
करना चाहें गे। जब कस्टमर से ड्यूटी कलेक्ट ही नहीं की गई, चूंकि आपने कस्टमर को जून तक
का समय दिया है , तब वे टै क्स कैसे दे पाएंगे? मे री यह रिक्वेस्ट है कि जब से वे रजिस्ट्रेशन
लेंगे, तभी से एक्साइज ड्यूटी कलेक्ट करने के लिए नियम बनाएं।

�ी उपसभापति: अब मं �ी जी, थावर चन्द गहलोत जी।

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: सर, आपने इनका नाम सही लिया है ।

Government [28 April, 2016] Bills465


The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016

सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ी (�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत): माननीय उपसभापति

महोदय, मैं �स्ताव �स्तुत करता हूं :

कि संवि‍धान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श, 1950 का और संशोधन करने वाले विधेयक
पर, लोक सभा द्वारा पारित रूप में , विचार किया जाए।

माननीय उपसभापति महोदय, मुझे यह कहते हु ए खुशी है कि हमें राज्यों से जो �स्ताव

�ाप्त होते हैं , अगर उन पर आरजीआई और एससी कमिशन के �तिवेदन आ जाते हैं तो हम
उन जातियों को संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श, 1950 में सम्मि‍लित करने का काम करते
हैं । हमने यह काम वर्ष 2014-15 में भी किया था, 2015-16 में भी किया था और अब इस वर्ष भी
मैं यह विधेयक लाया हूं ।

महोदय, इस विधेयक में सारी �कियाएं पूरी कर ली गई हैं । राज्य सरकार से जो �स्ताव
आना चाहिए, वह आ गया है , रजिस्ट्रार जनरल ऑफ इंडिया ने अपनी सकारात्मक राय दे दी
है , उसके बाद हमने इसे अनु सूचित जाति आयोग की राय के लिए भेजा, उन्होंने भी अपनी
सकारात्मक राय दी। फिर उसके बाद बिल बन करके लोक सभा में �स्तुत हु आ, लोक सभा ने
इसको सर्वानु मति से पारित किया और आज मैं राज्य सभा में इसे विचारार्थ रख रहा हूं ।

इसमें पांच राज्यों में अलग-अलग �कार के संशोधन करने का �स्ताव है । छत्तीसगढ़ में कुछ
जातियां हैं , जिनका पर्यायवाची शब्द जोड़ना है , जैसे धासी, धसिया। जो �स्ताव आया है , उसमें
घासी, घसिया के पर्यायवाची के रूप में सारथी, सूत सारथी, सहीस, सईस और थनवार को भी
शामिल करना है । वह हो जाएगा घासी, घसिया, सईस, सहीस, सारथी, सूत-सारथी और थनवार।
हरियाणा में कुछ नई जातियां जोड़ी जा रही हैं अहे रिया, अहे री, हारी, हे री, थोरी और तुरी। राय
सिख के रूप में एक नयी �विष्टि‍ का इसमें �ावधान है । वह भी जोड़ा जा रहा है । केरल में कुछ
क्षे�ों में परिवर्तन करने का �स्ताव है । मलयन राज्य पुनर्गठन अधिनियम, 1956 का जो वहां कानू न
पास हु आ, उसके आधार पर कासरागोड, कोझीकोड तथा वयनाड जिलों में शामिल क्षे�ों के रूप में
अभी आशोधन है । हम जो संशोधन कर रहे हैं , वह यह है मलयन, कन्नूर, कासरागोड, कोझीकोड
और वयनाड जिलों में अब यह लागू हो जाएगा। इसी के साथ मण्णन, पथियन, पे�मण्णन, वण्णन,
वेलन में पर्यायवाची शब्द जोड़ना है । अब यह मण्णन, पथियन, पे�मण्णन, पे�वण्णन, वण्णन और
वेलन हो जाएगा। ओडिशा मंे दो जातियों को विलोपित करने का �स्ताव है । मौजूदा �विष्टि‍ में
बारिकी को हटाना है और कुमारी को हटाना है । इन दोनों को हटाने का �स्ताव है । यह वहां से
अब यह विलोपित हो जाएगी। पश्चि‍मी बंगाल में क्षे� �तिबंध हटाना है , मतलब एरिया में विस्तार
करना है । अभी चेन, मालदा, मुर्शीदाबाद, नादिया, दक्षिण दिनाजपुर जिलों में यह है । अब चेन क्षे�
में भी इसका विस्तार हो जाएगा। कुल मिलाकर लोक सभा ने इसको सर्वानु मति से पास किया
है । मे रा यह निवेदन है कि इस सदन में भी इस पर सर्वानु मति मिले।

सर, मैं आपकी अनु मति से एक निवेदन और करना चाहता हूं । इस विधेयक में एक माननीय
सदस्य �ी विशम्भर �साद निषाद जी ने एक संशोधन �स्ताव दिया है । मैं आपसे निवेदन करना
चाहता हूं कि नियम 96(1) के अनु सार ''संशोधन विधेयक को परिधि के भीतर होगा'', अर्थात् जो
466 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत]

संशोधन उन्होंने �स्तुत किया है , वह यहां �स्तुत नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि संशोधन विधेयक
की परिधि के भीतर होगा और जिस खंड से उसका सम्बन्ध हो, उसके विषय से संगत होगा। यहां
उत्तर �दे श की कोई जाति नहीं है । उत्तर �दे श से सम्बन्धि‍त कोई �ावधान खं ड के रूप में नहीं
है , इ‍सलिए उनका यह जो संशोधन �स्ताव है , वह स्वीकार करने योग्य नहीं है । इसके साथ ही
इसका भाग 3 आप दे खें, तो कोई संशोधन उसी �श्न पर राज्य सभा के पूर्व निर्णय से असंगत
न होगा। मैं ने पिछले स� में ही उनके जो संशोधन हैं , अभी जिन पर चर्चा चल रही है और इस
सदन ने उसको अस्वीकृति दी है , असहमति दी है , इसलिए ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: When the amendment is taken up, you can say this.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: मैं ने इस‍ीलिए निवेदन किया कि इस अवसर पर मैं बता दूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You can say this at that time.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: साधारणतया उस समय बोलना चाहिए, परन्तु ऐसे समय में भी अगर
मैं बोलूं, तो प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डर के रूप में मैं आपसे निवेदन कर रहा हूं ।

सर, अगर आप इसका भाग 8 दे खें, तो इसमें है कि 'सभापति किसी ऐसे संशोधन को
�स्थापित करने से इंकार कर सकेगा, जो उनकी राय में इन नियमों का उल्लंघन करता हो।'

�ी उपसभापति: ठीक है , ठीक है ।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: उनका संशोधन इन नियमों का उल्लंघन करने वाला है । इसलिए
उसको स्वीकार न करें , मैं इतना निवेदन करता हूं ।

The question was proposed.

�ी शमशे र सिंह डु लो (पंजाब): उपसभापति महोदय, आपका बहु त धन्यवाद कि आपने मुझे
''संविधान (अनु सूचित जा‍तियां) आदे श (संशोधन) विधेयक, 2016'' पर बोलने का मौका दिया। मैं
इस विधेयक के समर्थन में in principle खड़ा हु आ हूं ।

[उपसभाध्यक्ष (डा. ई. एम. सुदर्श न नाच्चीयप्पन) पीठासीन हु ए]

सर, भारत की आजादी के बाद 1950 में माननीय राष्ट्रपति जी ने दे श के विभिन्न राज्यों
और यूनियन टे रिटरीज़ के शेड्यूल्ड कास्टस के लोगों को Article 341(1) में include किया था।
उसके बाद इन जातियों को कुछ �ोत्साहन भी मिला, रिजर्वेशन का बेनिफिट भी मिला, पर आज
तक हम दे ख रहे हैं , कि ये सदियों से गुलामी, disparity, atrocity और छु आछु त से जूझ रहे हैं ।
यह जो क्लास है , यह under privileged class है और इस क्लास के लिए different योजनाएं
भी बनाई हु ई हैं । ये योजनाएं हर स्तर पर बनी हु ई हैं । मैं समझता हूं कि उनको पूरा लागू नहीं
किया गया। विडं बना इस बात की है कि दे श में जात-पात का जो सिस्टम है , यह हिन्दू सोसाइटी
की दे न है । हिन्दू सोसाइटी, मनु स्मृति, जिन्होंने इस समाज को भी बांटा और इस दे श को भी
बांटने की कोशिश की। ॠग्वेद में जि� आता है कि �ह्मा जी के मुख से �ाह्मण पैदा हु आ, उनके
बाजुओं से क्ष‍ि�य पैदा हु ए, उनकी नाभि से वैश्य पैदा हु ए और उनके पांवों से शू� पैदा हु ए। ये
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills467

कट्टरपंथी हिन्दू फिरकापरस्ती की वजह से इस दे श में सदियों से इन लोगों के साथ ज्यादती

होती रही है , इसीलिए डा. बा‍बा साहे ब अम्बेडकर ने संविधान में �ावधान रखा कि ये जो पिछड़े
हु ए हैं , untouchables हैं , जो शोषित हैं , जो educationally, economically, socially पिछडे ़ हु ए
हैं और मैं political भी कह सकता हूं , उनके लिए संविधान में �ावधान रखा गया। यह ठीक है
कि रिजर्वेशन के तहत एमएलए और मिनिस्टर बनते हैं और कुछ लोग रिजर्वेशन की वजह से
क्लास वन में आईएएस और आईपीएस भी बनते हैं , पर मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि इन लोगों
में कुछ सुधार हु आ है , लेकिन अब तक जितना सुधार होना चाहिए था, उतना नहीं हु आ है । ये
लाखों की तादाद में नहीं है , बल्कि‍ हजारों की तादाद में हैं । ये जो दलित समाज हैं , अगर दे खा
जाए तो पता चलेगा कि हिन्दुस्तान में इसकी आबादी सबसे ज्यादा है । दे श का जो बजट बनता
है , उसके component plan में आबादी के अनु सार इनके लिए बजट रखना चाहिए। इसी तरह
जो स्कीमें बनती हैं , उनमें इनका ध्यान रखा जाना चाहिए। नीति जरूर बनती है पर सरकारों
की नीयत ठीक नहीं होती है । अभी हम दे ख रहे हैं कि इसमें कुछ जातियों को शामिल किया
गया है । इसके लिए in principle हम इनके साथ हैं , पर स्टेट गवर्नमें ट की recommendations,
एससी कमिशन की recommendations, से�ेटरी जनरल की recommendations, ये जो criteria
और पॉलिसीज हैं , ये transparent होनी चािहए। यह शेड्यूल्ट कास्ट लफ्ज जो है , यह उनके
लिए है , जिन्हें untouchable कहा जाता है । जिनके साथ शू�ों जैसा सुलूक होता था। जो जनरल
कैटे गरी में आते रहे हैं या दू सरी कैटे गरी में आते रहे हैं , जो पिछडे ़ हु ए हैं , जो गरीब हैं , चाहे वे
किसी भी जाति से हों, उनको बेनिफिट जरूर दे ना चाहिए। मैं दे खता हूं कि पहले से जो शेड्यूल्ड
कास्ट्स में हैं , उनको आप अब तक अपलिफ्ट नहीं कर सके हैं । हमारे यहां जो सिस्टम है , उसमें
भी इसी तरह की partiality है , चाहे वह न्याय का सिस्टम हो, चाहे स्टेट को फंड दे ने की बात
हो। डिपार्टमें ट्स में भी अभी तक रिजर्वेशन पूरी नहीं हु ई हैं , चाहे वे सेंटर के डिपार्टमें ट्स हों या
स्टेट के डिपार्टमें ट्स हों। इनके लिए फंड भी इनकी पॉपुलेशन के मुताबिक मुहैया नहीं होता है ।
मैं पंजाब स्टेट से आता हूं , जहां पर शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स की आबादी 30.5 परसेंट है और स्टेट
की कुल आबादी लगभग 2 करोड़ 77 लाख है । उनमें से 86 लाख 66 हजार शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स
के हैं । वहां पर भी हम दे खते हैं कि अभी भी काफी सर्विसेज में बैकलॉग पूरा नहीं हु आ है , चाहे
वह क्लास �ी में हो या क्लास फोर में हो, इसीलिए फंड डायवर्ट किए जाते हैं , जो एजुकेशन
के लिए हों या हे ल्थ के लिए हों। एडमिनिस्ट्रेटिव लेवल पर तथा न्याय में भी इनके साथ जो
ज्यादती होती है , वह आपको पता है । मैं अब भी एेसा समझता हूं कि दे श आजाद जरूर है , पर
गरीब लोगों को आजादी नहीं मिली। अब इस देश में मंदिरों में जाने से मनाही है, हमारे यहां
गुरूद्वारों में कई दफा भीड़ भी नहीं मिलती। हमारे बच्चों को अगर शादी करनी हो, तो वे इस
मुल्क में घोड़ी पर नहीं चढ़ सकते, कुएं से पानी नहीं ले सकते। यह आजादी किस टाइप की
आजादी है , जहां पर बराबरी न हो, disparity हो? समाज अभी भी पिछड़ा हु आ है । आज दे श में
इस तरह के हालात बने हु ए हैं कि जब दू सरे लोग भी रिजर्वेशन मांग रहे हैं । पहले ही रिजर्वेशन
पूरा नहीं हु आ है , अब agitations भी होती है । इसकी मांग वे भी कर रहे हैं , खाते-पीते लोग हैं ,
जिनके पास जायदादें हैं । यह रिजर्वेशन सिर्फ शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स और दलितों को मिली थी, जिनको
मे नस्ट्रीम में लाना था, लेकिन अब दू सरे लोग भी इसकी मागं कर रहे हैं । जो ऑलरे डी शेड्यूल्ड
कास्ट्स हैं , पहले आप उनकी तरफ दे खिए, नहीं तो उनकी सोशल ओर इकोनॉमिकल लाइफ
में सुधार नहीं होगा। उनकी पोलिटिकल लाइफ तो ठीक है , वे कई बार मिनिस्टर भी बन जाते
हैं , एमएलए भी बनते हैं । मैं समझता हूं कि उनके साथ पोलिटिकली भी disparity होती है । आप
468 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी शमशेर सिंह डु लो]

दे खिए कि यह एनडीए का राज है , इसमें जो शेड्यूल्ड कॉस्ट्स वजीर बनते हैं , उनको तो अच्छे
महकमें भी नहीं िदए जाते, बाकी की बात तो छोडि़ए। हमारी सरकारें भी रही हैं , उनमंे वे लोग
होम मिनिस्टर रहे हैं , ए�ीकल्चर मिनिस्टर रहे हैं । बूटा सिंह जी, शिन्दे जी, ये सारे मिनिस्टर
रहे हैं ,‍ जिनको अच्छे-अच्छे डिपार्टमें ट्स दिए गए।

अब आप डा. बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर की 125वीं जयंती मनाने जा रहे हैं । मुझे खुशी है कि
जो लोग डा. बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर का विरोध करते रहे , उनकी पॉलिसियों का विरोध करते
रहे , वे अब डा. बाबा साहे ब की जयंती मानने जा रहे हैं । दे र आए, दु रूस्त आए। अब इनको पता
चला है । लेकिन मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि केवल बाबा साहे ब की जयंती मनाने से काम नहीं
चलेगा, बल्कि‍ अगर गवर्नमें ट sincere है , तो उनकी जो नीतियां हैं , जो वे कहकर गए हैं , जो वे
विधान में दे कर गए हैं , उन पर चलना होगा। मोदी जी डा. बाबा साहे ब के जन्म स्थान पर गए
थे, लेकिन उनके जन्म स्थान पर जाना ही काफी नहीं है । शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स की जो पीड़ा है , जो
दर्द है , उनके साथ जो disparity होती है , एजुकेशनल इंस्टि‍ट्यूशंस में वेमुला का सुसाइड करना,
कन्हैया के साथ जो व्यवहार हु आ और स्कू लों-कॉलेजों में शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स के साथ जो व्यवहार
होता है , उसको दू र करने की जरूरत है , तभी हम समझें गे। केवल उनकी जयंती मनाना ही काफी
नहीं है , बल्कि‍ उनके जो उसूल हैं , वे जो सिद्धांत दे कर गए हैं , वे संविधान में शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स
के लिए जो �ावधान करके गए हैं , उनको भी ध्यान में रखना होगा। अभी सु�ीम कोर्ट में एक
भी जज शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स से नहीं है । चाहे आप हाई कोर्ट की बात करें या कहीं और की बात
करें , किसी भी डिपार्टमें ट में अभी तक उनका बैकलॉग भरा नहीं गया। यह service disparity है ।
हमारे यहां डॉक्टर्स, इंजीनियर्स और बड़े -बडे ़ पढे ़ लिखे लोग घूम रहे हैं , अनइम्प्लॉइड हैं , वे बहु त
डि�ेशन में हैं , इसलिए सही बात तो यह है कि इन पढे ़-लिखे लोगों को रोजगार मिलना चािहए।
केवल जयंती मनाने से काम नहीं चलेगा, बल्कि‍ उन पर रिजर्वेशन पॉलिसी को लागू किया जाना
चाहिए। रिजर्वेशन में जिन कास्टस को इन्क्लूड किया जाता है , उसकी पॉलिसी टाइम �ेम्ड होनी
चािहए। यह एससी कमीशन को भी दे खना चािहए, क्योंकि वोट की राजनीति में लोगों को लुभाने
के लिए कई दफा उन कास्ट्स को इन्क्लूड कर लिया जाता है , लेकिन मैं यह कहूं गा कि जो
अछू त हैं , उनको अब भी अछू त समझा जाता है , चाहे वे किसी भी पोजिशन पर पहुं च जाएं। यह
जिस समाज की दे न है , जिस हिन्दू फिरकापरस्त की दे न है , जिनकी बदौलत यहां जात-पात
आई है , जिन्होंने समाज को बदला है और यहां जात-पात पैदा की है , उन लोगों को यह चाहिए
कि वे यह दे खें कि इस दे श में जो गरीब लोग हैं , चाहे वे किसी भी जाति के क्यों न हों और जो
शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स के लोग हैं , अगर उनको मे नस्ट्रीम में लाना है , तो उनको उनका हक मिलना
चािहए। उन्हें आबादी के मुताबिक फंड मिलने चाहिए। जिस-जिस डिपार्टमेंट में backlog है, वहां
रिजर्वेशन के backlog को पूरा किया जाना चाहिए। Universities में जो कुछ हो रहा है, वहां
पर भगवाकरण करने की कोशिश की जा रही है , Universities में एक thought, एक vision दे ने
की बात चल रही है । जहां हमारे स्टू डें ट्स पीएचडी कर रहे हैं , वे एजुकेशन के मं दिर होते हैं ,
इन मं दिरों में भी छू आछू त की बात चल रही है । इस संबंध में सरकार को सोचना चाहिए। केवल
पंजाब ही नहीं, अब तो जम्मू-कश्मीर में भी यह सब हो रहा है । वहां पर स्टू डें ट्स हड़ताल कर
रहे हैं । जो भी बजट का हिस्सा है , वह शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स को मिलना चाहिए। डा. अम्बेडकर ने
कहा था कि मनु स्मृति या दू सरी स्मृति से ...(व्यवधान)...
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills469

SHRI THAAWAR CHAND GEHLOT: Sir, he should speak on relevant matter.

ये जनरल भाषण दे रहे हैं ।


confine yourself to the topic.

�ी शमशे र सिंह डु लो: सर, यह ठीक है कि लोग रिजर्वेशन चाहते हैं , लेकिन जो रिजर्वेशन
है , वह भी अभी तक पूरा नहीं हो सका। जो शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स को मिलना चाहिए था, वह कभी
कहीं नहीं मिला। यह disparity की बात है । सर, केवल डा. अम्बेडकर की जयंती मनाना ही
काफी नहीं है । असल में सरकार को चाहिए कि वह अपनी नीयत को साफ रखे । नीति बनी हु ई
है , नीयत नहीं है । इसको लागू करने वाले का मन साफ नहीं है । मन साफ करके इन गरीबों
की पहचान करें । ठीक है , गरीब, गरीब होता है । महोदय, कोई शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स कहलाना नहीं
चाहता है , लोग दु खी होते हैं , लेकिन जो पिछड़े हैं , उन्हे तो अभी तक उसके benefits नहीं मिले
हैं , केवल कुछ लोगों को मिले हैं । जो फंड होते हैं , वे भी उन्हें नहीं दिए जाते। अब तक उनको
पूर्ण आजादी नहीं मिली है । जब इस दे श का दलित खुशहाल होगा, छू आछू त से रहित होगा,
उसके साथ disparity नहीं होगी, उसको कोर्ट में न्याय मिलेगा, तब हम कह सकेंगे कि उन
लोगों को पूर्ण आजादी मिल गई है । मैं बिल का समर्थन करता हूं , लेकिन उसके साथ-साथ यह
भी कहना चाहता हूं कि इसको identify करते हु ए ध्यान में रखना चाहिए। रिजर्वेशन को लेकर
अभी भी इस दे श में काफी agitations होते हैं , जो लोग well-off हैं , उन्हें राजनीतिक कारणों
से इसमें इन्क्लूड किया जाता है , यह गरीबों के साथ बहु त बड़ा अन्याय है । इसलिए मैं आपकी
मार्फ त गुजारिश करूं गा कि इस संबंध में हर लेवल पर, educationally, politically, economically
और socially ध्यान दिया जाए। इन गरीबों के पास न धन है , न ही धरती है , केवल एजुकेशन
है , उसका भी privatization हो रहा है । Employment है , लेकिन उस क्षे� में भी �ाइवेट सेक्टर
को, corporate sector को बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है । उनमें भी जो गरीब बच्चे हैं , जो एजुकेशन
�ाप्त करके आते हैं , उन्हें नौकरियां नहीं मिलती। जब वे �ाइवेट सेक्टर में नौकरी के लिए जाते
हैं , अगर वहां पर उन्हें पता चल जाए कि यह शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स का लड़का है तो उसे नौकरी
नहीं दी जाती। आप ''स्वच्छ भारत'' की बात कर रहे हैं , पहले इस हिन्दुस्तान को साफ कीजिए,
इसे जात-पात के बंधन से मुक्त कीजिए। मैं मोदी जी से विनती करूं गा, वे ''स्वच्छ भारत'' की
बात करते हैं , ''मन की बात'' करते हैं , वे अपना मन बनाएं कि इस दे श से छू आछू त को खत्म
करना है । यह तो disparity है , यह हर institution में हो रही है । यहां एनडीए की सरकार में
शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स के कितने वजीर हैं ? कौन से महकमें इनके पास हैं ? जब हमारी सरकार थी
तो हमारे डिफेंस मिनिस्टर भी शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स के होते थे, होम मिनिस्टर भी शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स
के होते थे, बूटा सिंह जी जैसे agriculture minister थे, सिंधिया साहब जैसे होम मिनिस्टर थे,
इन्हें यूपीए गवर्नमें ट ने बनाया। एनडीए गवर्नमें ट के मिनिस्टर्स के पास तो अच्छे विभाग ही नहीं
हैं , इन्हेे तो अब भी शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स ही समझा जाता है यह हालत सरकार की है । इसलिए मैं
कहना चाहता हूं कि जो कुछ भी किया है , वह कां�ेस की सरकार ने किया है । जो कुछ भी इस
दे श की तरक्की हु ई है , जो जमीनें दी गईं, वे इंदिरा जी के जमाने में दी गईं, सारे हिन्दुस्तान
में इंदिरा जी के जमाने में जमीनें दी गईं थीं। ये क्या दे रहे हैं ? ये दे ने के बजाय हमसे छीन रहे
हैं । इसमें जो दू सरी जातियां include की जाती हैं , वह गरीब लोगों का हक मारने के लिए की
जाती हैं । महोदय, एक क्लीयर-कट पॉलिसी बनानी चाहिए कि अछू त कौन है , दू सरा कौन है ।
470 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी शमशेर सिंह डु लो]

अगर किसी कास्ट को benefit दे ना है तो उसे economically backward class डिक्लेयर करके
दे ना चाहिए। जो शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स के लोग हैं , अफसोस की बात है कि आजादी को 67 साल
हो गए हैं , लेकिन अभी तक उन्हें कुछ नहीं मिला। उन्हें जो कुछ भी दिया है , वह कां�ेस ने
दिया है , किसी और ने नहीं दिया। इन्हीं शब्दों के साथ मैं आपका धन्यवाद करता हूं , जय हिन्द।

�ी अमर शं कर साबले (महाराष्ट्र): उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, हिंदवी स्वराज निर्माता छ�पति

शिवाजी महाराज की जय-जयकार करते हु ए, मैं अपने विचार व्यक्त करना चाहता हूं । महामानव,
भारत रत्न डा. भीमराव बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी ने इस भारत दे श का संविधान लिखा और उस
संविधान पर पूरा दे श चलता है । उस मूकनायक महामानव डा. भीमराव बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर
जी का मैं हृदय से वंदन करता हूं ।

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, जिस सदन में बड़े -बड़े महानु भावों ने दे श हित में काम करके दे श की
गरिमा बढ़ाई है , उन सभी को मैं नमन करता हूं । इस सदन में काम करने का जिन्होंने मुझे मौका
दिया और जिन्होंने कहा कि दे श का संविधान अगर बाबा साहे ब डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर जी ने
नहीं लिखा होता, तो मैं इस दे श का �धान मं �ी कभी नहीं बनता, ऐसे �द्धेय �धान मं �ी नरें �
मोदी जी का अौर भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अमित शाह का अभिवादन करता हूं ।
इस सदन के सभी नेता और सांसदों को �णाम करके, मैं संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श
(संशोधन) विधेयक, 2016 पर अपने विचार आपके माध्यम से सदन के सामने रखना चाहता हूं ।

मैं सबसे पहले �धान मं �ी नरें � मोदी जी को और उनके नेतृत्व में काम करने वाले सामाजिक
न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ी, �ी थावर चन्द गहलोत और उनकी सरकार को धन्यवाद दे ता हूं
कि उन्होंने भारत रत्न डा. भीमराव बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी की 125वें जन्मगांठ वर्ष को ''समता
वर्ष'' घोषि‍त करके पूरे दे श में समरसता का भाव �कट किया है ।

इस 125वें जन्मगांठ वर्ष में अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जन‍जाति (अत्याचार निवारण)
संशोधन अधिनियम, 2016, ये समरसता के भाव की पहचान दे ने वाला संशोधन है । इस संशोधन की
बहु त कुछ विशेषता है । अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनजाति (अत्याचार निवारण) अधिनियम,
1989 में किए गए सख्त �ावधानों के बावजूद अनु सचित जातियां और अनु सूचित जनजातियों के
विरूद्ध जारी अत्याचार चिंता का विषय है । एससी, और एसटी के विरूद्ध अत्याचार की अधिक
घटनाएं यह भी दर्शाती हैं कि पीओए अधिनियम का निरोधक �भाव अपराधियों पर समुचित रूप
से नहीं पड़ रहा है ।

अत: अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनज‍ाति के सदस्यों को अपेक्षाकृत अधिक न्याय �दान
करने के साथ-साथ अपराधियों पर सख्त निवारक �भाव डालने के उद्दे श्य से इस अधिनियम को
समुचित रूप से सुदृढ़ किए जाने तथा इस अधिनियम के संगत �ावधानों को और अधिक �भावी
बनाने पर विचार किया गया है ।

इस संशोधन अधिनियम की और मुख्य विशेषताएं हैं । अत्याचार के नए अपराध जैसे — सिर,

मंूछ मुंडवाना अथवा इस �कार के अन्य कार्य जो अनु सूचित जाति तथा अनु सूचित जनजाति के
सदस्यों की गरिमा को ठे स पहंु चाने वाले हैं , जूतों का हार पहनाना, सिंचाई सुविधाओं अथवा
जंगलों में �वेश से रोकना, मानव अथवा पशुओं के शवों का निपटान अथवा उन्हें उठाना अथवा
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills471

क� खोदना, हाथ से मै ला उठाने के लिए कहना, अनु सूचित जाति अथवा अनु सूचित जनजाित
की महिला को दे वदासी बनाना, जातिगत नाम से गाली दे ना, जादू -टोना करके अत्याचार करना,
सामाजिक अथवा आर्थि‍क बहिष्कार करना, अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनजाति की महिला
को निर्व� करके चोट पहुं चाना, अनु सूचित जाति/अनु सूचित जनजाति के लोगों को घर, गांव
अथवा आवास छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर करना, अनु सूचित जातियों और अनु सूचित जनजातियों के
सदस्यों की पवि� वस्तुओं को दू षि‍त करना, अनु सूचित जातियों और अनु सूचित जनजातियों के
सदस्यों को कामुक रूप से स्पर्श करना अथवा ऐसे शब्दों का उपयोग करना, ऐसे कार्य करना
अथवा भावभंगिमा। अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनज‍ाति के सदस्यों को आहत करने, गम्भीर
रूप से चोट पहुं चाने, धमकाने, अपहरण करने आदि जैसे कतिपय आईपीपी अपराधों को पीओए
अधिनियम के तहत दं डनीय अपराधों के रूप में शामिल करना जिनके लिए 10 वर्ष से कम अवधि
के कारावास का �ावधान है । पूर्व में , 10 वर्षों अथवा इससे अधिक अवधि की सजा के �ावधान वाले
आईपीसी में सूचीबद्ध तथा अनु सूचित जाति/अनु सूचित जनजाति के सदस्यों के विरूद्ध अपराधों को
ही पीओए अधिनियम के अंतर्गत आने वाले अपराधों के रूप में माना जाता था। मामलों के शी�
और त्वरित निपटान के लिए पीओए अधिनियम के तहत अपराधों के अनन्य रूपा से निचारण
हे तु अनन्य न्यायालयों की स्थापना तथा अनन्य विशेष लोक अभियोजक का वर्गीकरण। अपराध
का सीधे संज्ञान लेने के लिए विशेष न्यायालयों और अनन्य विशेष न्यायालयों की शक्ति तथा
चार्जशीट दायर करने की तारीख से दो माह के भीतर मामले का विचारण 'यथासंभव' पूरा करना
है । यह 'यथासंभव' शब्द निकाल दे ना चाहिए, क्योंकि यदि यह यथासंभव शब्द नहीं निकाला गया,
तो मामले का विचारण करने की कोई सीमा नहीं रहे गी। इसलिए यथासंभव शब्द को निकालकर
दो महीने या तीन महीने के भीतर मामले का विचारण पूरा करना। 'अपील' पर नई धारा जोड़ना
निर्णय के विरूद्ध आदे श दिए जाने की तारीख से 90 दिनों की अवधि के भीतर अपील की जानी
होती है । 'पीडि़तों और गवाहों के अधिकार' पर एक अध्याय जोड़ना— पीडि़तों उनके आि‍�तों
और गवाहों के लिए जबर्दस्ती हिंसा और शोषण के विरूद्ध �ावधान करने का दायित्व राज्यों पर
डाला गया है । शिकायत दर्ज करने या गवाहों की गवाही रिकार्ड करने, जांच करने और आरोप
प� दाखिल करने तथा इस अधिनियम और नियमावली में विनिर्दिष्ट किसी अन्य कर्त्तव्य का वहन
करने में सरकारी कर्मचारी की जानबूझकर लापरवाही को परिभाषित किया गया है । अपराधों की
अवधारणा को जोड़ना यदि आरोपी पीडित अथवा उसके परिवार को पहले से जानता है , तो
न्यायालय यह मानेगा कि आरोपी की पीडि़त की जाति अथवा जनजाति के बारे में पहले से संज्ञान
था, जब त‍क कि अन्यथा सिद्ध न हो।

ये सब विशेषताएं इस अमें डमें ट में हैं । इससे जिस एससी/एसटी के ऊपर अत्याचार हु आ है ,
उनको जल्दी न्याय और राहत मिलेगी तथा अत्याचार करने वालों को सख्त दं ड मिलेगा। एक
तरफ कानू न में अमें डमें ट करके एससी/एसटी वर्ग को न्याय दे ना और दू सरी तरफ एससी/एसटी
का विकास करने हे तु अनेक योजनाएं मोदी सरकार ने बनाई हैं । सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता
मं �ालय का अधिदे श एक ऐसे समाज का निर्माण करना है , जिसमें लक्ष्य समूह अपनी समृद्धि और
विकास के पर्याप्त समर्थन के साथ उपयोगी, सुरक्षित और गरिमापूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत कर सकें।

अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनजाति (अत्याचार निवारण) संशोधन अधिनियम, 2015
दिनांक 1.1.2016 को भारत के राजप�, असाधारण में अधिसूचित किया गया है । यह अधिनियम
26 जनवरी, 2016 से लागू हो गया है । वर्ष 2015 में संसद में संविधान (अनु सूचित जाति) आदे श
472 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी अमर शंकर साबले]

(संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2015 पारित किया, जिसके माध्यम से हरियाणा, कर्णाटक, ओडिशा और
दादर और नागर हवेली में अनु सूचित जातियों की सूचियों में नए समुदायों को जोड़ा गया था।

अनु सूचित जाति उद्यमियों के लिए 'उद्यम पंूजी निधि योजना' के तहत 135.91 करोड़ रूपए के
36 �स्ताव अनु मोदित हैं । 15 मामलों के लिए 64.86 करोड़ रूपए का वितरण कर दिया गया है ।

राष्ट्रीय सफाई कर्मचारी वित्त अौर विकास निगम ने 250 महिलाओं को मोटर ड्राइविंग का
�शिक्षण दिया है , जिनमें से 60 महिलाओं को काम भी मिल गया है । NSFDC की �ाधिकृत शेयर
पंूजी को 1,000 करोड़ रूपए से बढ़ाकर 1,500 करोड़ रूपए कर दिया गया है । 2.5 लाख अनु सूचित
जाति, अनु सूचित जनजाति और महिला उद्यमियों को Stand Up India में आर्थि‍क सहायता �दान
की जाएगी। 500 करोड़ रूपए के अनु सूचित जाति, अनु सूचित जनजाति उद्यमियों के लिए हब तैयार
किए जाएंगे। मु�ा योजना में आज तक करीब 3.22 करोड़ ऋण दिए हैं । उनमें से 72.89 ऋण
अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनजातियों को दिए गए। भारत सरकार और कें�ीय सार्वजनिक
उप�म के पास सामान और सर्विस खरीदने के विशेष �ावधान हैं , जिनके अनु सार कम से कम
20 per cent खरीद सूक्ष्म और लघु उद्यम से और कम से कम 4 per cent की खरीद अनू सूचित
जाति/अनु सूचित जनजाित के उद्यमी से करवाने के लिए सशक्त कार्यवाही की जा रही है ।

इस दे श में अनू सूचित जाति/अनु सूचित जनजाित वर्ग पर होने वाले अत्याचार के खिलाफ
मोदी सरकार ने जंग छे ड़ी है । इसके बावजूद बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर की 125वीं जयंती पर जो
उनके पावन पंच तीर्थ हैं , उनका विकास करने का काम भी मोदी सरकार ने किया है । जहां बाबा
साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी का जन्म हु आ, वह महू गांव, जहां बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी ने आखिरी
सांस ली, वह 26, अलीपुर का बंगला, जहां बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी ने बौद्ध धर्म की दीक्षा ली,
वह नागपुर की दीक्षा भूमि और बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी का मूल गांव, रत्नागिरि जिले में जो
आंबडवे गांव है , उसके निर्माण कार्य को भी उन्होंने अपने हाथ में लिया है । मुझे उम्मीद है िक
बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर के मूल गांव आंबडवे में एेसा स्मारक बनाया जाएगा, जैसा पूरे विश्व में
कहीं पर भी नहीं होगा। मोदी सरकार बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी का मिशन लेकर चल रही है ,
इसलिए मैं इस संविधान संशोधन विधेयक का समर्थन करता हूं , धन्यवाद।

�ी विशम्भर �साद निषाद (उत्तर �दे श): माननीय उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, लोक सभा द्वारा
15 मार्च, 2016 को संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श (संशोधन) विधेयक, 2016 पारित हु आ
है । हरियाणा, केरल, छत्तीसगढ़ इत्यादि राज्यों में जातियों की जो विसंगतियां थीं, जिनका खान-
पान, शादी ब्याह, रोटी-बेटी का रिश्ता एक था, केवल पाई मा�ा का भेद था, उनके लिए राज्य
सरकारों ने �स्ताव भेजा था। इसके तहत माननीय मं �ी जी इस विधेयक को राज्य सभा में लाए
हैं , ताकि इनकी विसंगतियां दू र कर दी जाएं और इनकों अनु सूचित जाति की सुविधा दे दी जाए।

मैं माननीय मं �ी जी को बधाई दे ता हूं कि ये विसंगतियां आपने दू र कर दी हैं । बिहार सरकार

ने मल्लाह, नाई, राजभर, धानु क, खतवे, बिन्द और उत्तर �दे श सरकार ने कहार, कश्यप, केवट,
मल्लाह, निषाद, धीवर, बिन्द, धीमर, बाथम, तुरहा, गोडिया, मांझी, मछु वा, भर, राजभर, कुम्हार,
�जापति इत्यादि को शामिल किया है । कई अन्य राज्यों ने भी कें� सरकार को अपने सुझाव और
�स्ताव भेजे हैं , जिनकी सामाजिक, आिर्थक स्थि‍ति खराब है ।
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills473

माननीय मं �ी जी से हमारा यह कहना है , मं �ी जी अभी कह रहे थे कि आपने गलत संशोधन

दिया है , यह संशोधन नहीं दे ना चाहिए था। माननीय मं �ी जी, मैं आपसे कहना चाहता हूं कि
नियम संविधान से चलते हैं , कानू न से चलते हैं । एक सदस्य की है सियत से हमने राज्य सभा के
माननीय सभापति जी को अपना �स्ताव �स्तुत किया था। माननीय सभापति जी ने हमारा संशोधन
�स्ताव स्वीकृत भी कर लिया था और उसे सर्कु लेट भी करा दिया था, लेकिन इसके बाद आप
राज्य सभा की पीठ के निर्णय पर आक्षेप लगाते हैं कि यह निर्णय गलत है ।

महोदय, हम अपनी तरफ से बताना चाहते हैं कि किस तरह से आपने इन जातियों में
विसंगतियां दू र की हैं , जैसे दिल्ली में मल्लाह है । आप बताइए, मल्लाह कौन होता है ? िदल्ली
में अनु सूचित जातियों में नाव चलाने वाला मल्लाह होता है , वहीं उत्तर �दे श में मल्लाह बैकवर्ड
क्लास में आता है और मझवार, मांझी नाव चलाने वाला होता है ।

1950 की अनु सूचित जाति की सूची में उत्तर �दे श में �म संख्या 53 पर मझवार अनु सूचित
जाति में आता है । अब उसकी उप-जातियां या समनामी जातियां मल्लाह, केवट मांझी, निषाद,
मछु वा इत्यादि हैं । हमने यह अनु रोध किया था कि इनको भी इसमें जोड़ दिया जाए, जैसा उत्तर
�दे श सरकार ने �स्ताव भेजा है । इसी तरह से उत्तर �दे श में बेलदार के साथ बिन्द को जोड़
दिया जाए, गोंड के साथ गोडि़या, कहार, कश्यप, बाथम जोड़ दिया जाए। �म संख्या 59 में
पासी, तरमाली के साथ राजभर को जोड़ िदया जाए, शिल्पकार के साथ कुम्हार, �जापति को
जोड़ दिया जाए। �म संख्या 66 में तुरैहा के साथ धीमर और धीवर जोड़ दिया जाए। अभी राज्य
सभा से हिन्दी-अं�ेजी में सर्कु लेट हु आ है , तो उसमें लास्ट में तुरहा, धीमर जो है , तो इसको
हिन्दी में धीवरा कर दिया। यह अं�ेज़ी में धीवर है , लेकिन इसको धीवरा कर दिया। इसी तरह
से �ुटियां हो गईं। उन �ुटियों को सुधारने के लिए उत्तर �दे श सरकार ने भारत सरकार को
�स्ताव भेजा। वह �स्ताव एक बार नहीं भेजा गया, बल्कि यहां बार-बार �स्ताव भेजे गए। अभी
माननीय अखिलेश यादव जी की सरकार ने 15 फरवरी, 2013 को �स्ताव भेजा, तो इन्होंने फिर
क्वेरी लगा दी, तो 1 अ�ैल, 2015 को वह फिर से भेजा गया। इसके पहले भी, जब माननीय
मुलायम सिंह जी उत्तर �दे श के मुख्य मं �ी थे, उन्होंने भी �स्ताव भेजा था। इन जातियों की,
जिनकी सामाजिक, आर्थिक एवं राजनीतिक स्थिति खराब है , इनका कोई आईएएस नहीं है , कोई
आईपीएस नहीं है या कोई कर्मचारी या अधिकारी नहीं है , यहां तक िक एक दारोगा भी नहीं
मिलता है । इस तरह इनकी सामािजक-आर्थिक स्थिति खराब है । ये ऑलरे डी अनु सूचित जाति में
पहले से हैं , लेकिन अब उनको �माण प� नहीं दिया जाता है । रामचरि� निषाद जी भारतीय
जनता पार्टी के सांसद हैं । मल्लाह अनु सूचित जाति में है । तो जो विसंगतियां आ गई हैं , उनको
दू र करने के लिए ही मैं ने आपसे अनु रोध किया है । तो मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि माननीय
मुलायम सिंह यादव जी जब उत्तर �दे श सरकार में थे, तो उन्होंने भारत सरकार को प्रस्ताव भेजा
था। जब भारत सरकार नहीं मानी, तो उन्होंने एक अध्यादे श जारी कर दिया। उत्तर �दे श लोक
सेवा अनु सूचित जातियों, अनु सूचित जनजातियों, अन्य पिछड़े वर्गों के लिए आरक्षण अिधनियम,
1994 उत्तर �दे श अधिनियम, संख्या 4, 1994 की धारा 13 की शक्ति का �योग करके राज्यपाल
ने उक्त अिधनियम की अनु सूची में निम्नलिखित संशोधन करके कहार, कश्यप, केवट, मल्लाह,
निषाद, कुम्हार, �जापति, धीवर, बिन्द और राजभर को अनु सूचित जाति की सुविधा दे ने के लिए
आदे श जारी कर िदया। उस समय आदे श हो गया, लेकिन उधर कुछ जो सोसाइटियां थीं, कुछ
लोग थे, वे कोर्ट में चले गए। कोर्ट ने स्टे कर दिया। इसके बाद पुन: �स्ताव आपके पास भेजा
गया। मैं आपसे यही विनती करने के लिए आया हूं कि यह मामला केवल उत्तर �दे श का नहीं
474 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी विशम्भर �साद निषाद]

है , पूरे दे श का है । मैं ने अभी आपको यह बताया था कि पूरे दे श में विसंगतियां हैं । मैं कई बार
क्वेश्चन कर चुका, कई बार �ाइवेट मे म्बर बिल भी लाया। मं �ी जी कह रहे थे कि आप यह बिल
क्यों न लाए? माननीय मुलायम सिंह जी के अलावा हमारे यहां से किसी ने नहीं भेजा। पहले जब
हमारे लोग यहां नहीं थे, उस समय 'भैया राम मुन्डा राम' नामक एक केस आया था, जिसमें उस
समय यह विचार था कि विसंगतियां दू र कर ली जाएं। उस समय हमारा कोई एमपी नहीं था, न
कोई राज्य सभा में था और न ही कोई लोक सभा में था। जब माननीय मुलायम सिंह यादव जी
ने मुझे राज्य सभा में भेजा, तो हम लोगों ने कानू न पढ़ा और दे खा, तो हमने कहा कि 1950 की
अनु सूचित जाति की सूची में दर्ज है , केवल इनकी विसंगतियां दू र की जानी हैं , तो मैं यह �स्ताव
लाया। माननीय मं �ी जी बार-बार यही कह दे ते हैं कि आरजीआई आपत्ति लगाती है , आरजीआई
इसको स्वीकार नहीं करती है । तो मान्यवर, यह दे खना पड़े गा कि पूरे दे श में जो विसंगतियां हैं ,
जैसे मध्य �दे श में �जापति है , वह कहीं एससी में है , तो कहीं बैकवर्ड में है , तो इस विसंगति
को कौन दू र करे गा? भारतीय संविधान में व्यवस्था है । सेंट्रल गवर्नमें ट को संविधान के अनु च्छेद
341 में संशोधन करने की पावर है । कें� सरकार को पावर है कि वह लोक सभा राज्य सभा में
इसे लाए। तो मान्यवर, माननीय मं �ी जी यह जो बिल लाए हैं , मैं इसका स्वागत करता हूं । मैं
यही निवेदन करना चाहता हूं कि आप बार-बार यह कह दे ते हैं कि यह तर्क संगत नहीं है , हम
क्या करें ? लेकिन मैं यह पूछना चाहता हूं कि जब आप चुनाव में जाते हैं , जैसे 2012 के विधान
सभा चुनाव में गए, तो वहां 8.5 परसेंट मछु आरा समुदाय है और �जापति-राजभर की संख्या जो
है , इन सबको मिलाकर करीब 11 परसेंट पहंु चती है , तब तो कहते हैं कि इनको अनु सूचित जाति
में शामिल करें गे, अपने चुनावी एजेंडा में शामिल कर लेते हैं , लेकिन जब राज्य सभा में विशम्भर
�साद निषाद �ाइवेट मे म्बर बिल पेश करते हैं , उसका आप विरोध करते हैं और समाजवादी
पार्टी के लोग समर्थन करते हैं । ...(व्यवधान)... तो मैं आपसे यह कहना चाहता हूं कि इस तरह
की दोहरी नीति कि चुनाव में कुछ कहें गे और यहा ं कुछ कहें गे, ये विसंगतियां दू र करने का जो
अिधकार है , वह पार्लियामें ट को है । तो मैं आपसे विनती करना चाहता हूं कि नियम-कानू न को
दे ख कर जो ...(व्यवधान)...

�ीमती जया बच्चन (उत्तर �दे श): आप विनती मत करिए, हक़ मांगिए ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: मैं यही निवेदन कर रहा हूं कि आप इसमें संशोधन कीजिए और
जो �स्ताव भारत सरकार को उत्तर �दे श सरकार ने, अखिलेश यादव जी की सरकार ने भेजा है ,
उसे आप मं जूर कीजिए। सर, अभी हरियाणा में हमने दे खा। हम यह नहीं कहें गे कि कौन संपन्न
है और कौन संपन्न नहीं है । वहां पर भी गरीब हैं । हर जाति में गरीब होते हैं । जब हरियाणा में
जाट समुदाय ने रेल जाम कर दी, बसें रोक दीं, रोड जाम कर दी, गैर-जाट लोगों की गाडि़यां
जला दीं, दु कानें जला दीं, तो भारतीय जनता पार्टी और पूरी कें� सरकार खड़ी हो गई और
तुरंत कमे टी बनाकर उनको आरक्षण दे िदया और मछु आ समुदाय, राजभर, �जापति समाज के
लोग कानू न के माध्यम से आपसे अपना हक मांग रहे हैं , वे लोग िनवेदन कर रहे हैं ...


you. Time allotted to you is over. Please conclude.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: इसके लिए उत्तर �दे श सरकार �स्ताव भिजवा रही है , लेकिन
आप उसको खारिज कर रहे हैं ।
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills475


conclude now, please.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: उत्तर �दे श में 2017 में चुनाव होने वाले हैं । वहां पर ये मछु आ,
�जापति, राजभर समाज के लोग भारतीय जनता पार्टी को उत्तर �दे श से खदे ड़ने का काम
करें गे। ...(व्यवधान)... आप इसको मं जूर कराइए, आप अपना वादा पूरा कीजिए, जो आपने 2012
में अपने चुनाव घोषणा-प� में किया था। आप अपना घोषणा-प� दे ख लीजिए। आप अपने चुनाव
घोषणा-प� में वादा करते हैं , उसके बाद आप उससे मुकर जाते हैं ।


conclude now, please.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद: हम कोई अलग से इसमें जातियों को जोड़ने की बात नहीं कर
रहे हैं , बल्कि ये जातियां पहले से ही उत्तर �दे श में 1950 की जो अनु सूचित जाति एवं अनु सूचित
जनजाति की सूची है , उसमें दर्ज है , चाहे वह शिल्पकार हो या मझवार जाति हो। शिल्पकार
कौन होता है ? िशल्पकार कुम्हार होता है , जो बर्तन बनाता है । उसी जाति को जोड़ने की बात
मैं कर रहा हूं ।


Thank you. You complete it now.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद: सर, मैं आपके माध्यम से माननीय मं �ी जी से यह निवेदन करना
चाहता हूं कि आप हठ छोड़िए और उत्तर �दे श या बिहार के जो फिशरमै न समुदाय के लोग
हैं , चाहे धानु क हों, उन सब लोगों के साथ न्याय कीजिए। अगर आप उन लोगों के साथ न्याय
नहीं करें गे, तो जिस तरह से बिहार में आपका ह� हु आ है , वही ह� उत्तर �दे श में होगा, चाहे
आप कितने ही लोग छोड़ दीजिए या रथ या�ा निकाल लीजिए। एक मुकेश साहनी से कोई फर्क
पड़ने वाला नहीं है । उत्तर �दे श की जनता आपको बिहार की तरह बाहर करने का काम करे गी।
इसके साथ ही मैं इस बिल का समर्थन करता हूं , परं तु साथ ही यह निवेदन करना चाहता हूं
कि मे रा संशोधन पास कराया जाए।

डा. अनिल कुमार साहनी (बिहार): सर, बिहार में भी यही समस्या है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी के. सी. त्यागी (बिहार): आदरणीय उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, मैं समाजवादी पार्टी के सांसद
�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद जी की चिंताओं से अपने आपको संबद्ध करते हु ए इस संविधान संशोधन
िवधेयक का दु खी और कमजोर मन से समर्थन करने के लिए खड़ा हु आ हूं । कमजोर मन से इसलिए
बोल रहा हूं क्योंकि जो जातियां पहले से ही SC, ST में हैं , वे अत्याचार, अपमान, उपेक्षा, शोषण,
उत्पीड़न, गैर-बराबरी, अन्याय, तिरस्कार, इंसान और पशुओं के बीच के मामूली अंतर से जीने
वाली जातीय सूची में उसी तरह की जिन्दगी िजएंगी, जैसी पहले से SC, ST की अन्य जातियां
जिन्दगी को जी रही हैं । डा. अम्बेडकर, कांशीराम जी और रोहित वेमुला की तरह इन वर्गों में
कुछ स्वाभिमानी नौजवान निकलेंगे, इस उम्मीद के साथ मैं अपनी बात शुरू करना चाहता हूं ।

सर, दु निया की जितनी भी संस्कृतियां हैं , जितनी भी सभ्यताएं हैं , सब में �गति हो रही है ।
जो दु निया का सबसे ताकतवर मुल्क है अमे रिका, उसने राष्ट्रपति के रहने के लिए एक जगह
476 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी के. सी. त्यागी]

बनाई थी, जिसका नाम था ह्वाइट हाउस। दु निया इतनी बदल गई कि उसमें काला शामिल हो
गया। ह्वाइट हाउस के अंदर काला आदमी जाकर बैठ गया, लेकिन हमारे भारतीय समाज में
गांधी जी से लेकर, डा. अम्बेडकर से लेकर समाज को बदलने वाले, करवट लेने जिन लोगों ने
इन सवालों को उठाया, उनको जितना अपमान झे लना पड़ा, सर, ऐसा अपमान किसी को नहीं
झे लना पड़ा। डा. अम्बेडकर का जो चपरासी था, वह भी फाइलों को मे ज पर फेंक करके जाता
था, जो दु निया के िवद्वान लोगों में से एक हु आ है । हमारे बिहार के नेता थे कर्पूरी ठाकुर जी। वे
अति पिछड़ी जाति में पैदा हु ए थे। वे 'नाई' जाति में पैदा हु ए थे, लेकिन आज़ादी की लड़ाई के
दौरान वे जेल में रहे और बिहार में उनसे ज्यादा travel और किसी नेता ने नहीं किया, लेकिन
उनको उनकी गैर-हाजिरी में कर्पूरी जी नहीं कहते थे, बल्कि उनको 'नौआ' कहते थे। यानी कि
जाति भी आप बनाओ, जाति को घटिया साबित भी आप करो और उन्हीं सम्बोधनों से उन्हीं वर्गों
के लोगों को अपमानित करने का काम भी आप करो। सर, ऐसा असभ्य, बर्बर और अगर यह
असंसदीय नहीं है , तो जाहिल समाज दु निया में हमें दे खने-सुनने को नहीं मिला, जहां इंसान-
इंसान के बीच में इतनी गैर-बराबरी है ।

सर, समूचे दे श में जब-जब भी इन वर्गों के उत्साही, स्वाभिमानी और समानता की जिन्दगी

जीने की चाह रखने वाले लोगों ने थोड़े -बहु त कदम उठाए, उनकी बारात चढ़ने नहीं दी गई।
ऐसे दर्जनों किस्से हैं िक जब इन गरीब वर्गों या जातियों का कोई दू ल्हा शादी करने के लिए
जा रहा था, तो उसको उतारकर उसकी पिटाई की गई। ऐसे कुछ खास मोहल्ले तय हो गए,
जहां इन शू�ों की औलादें शादियां करने के लिए भी घोड़े पर बैठकर नहीं जाएंगी, क्योंकि घोड़े
या रथ पर बैठकर जाने की परम्परा का निर्वाह करने वाली कुछ जातियां या समूह, जिनके नाम
यह रुतबा और जलवा कायम है , रजिस्टर्ड है और सुरक्षित है ।

सर, ये जातियां शेड्यूल्ड कास्ट्स में शामिल हो जाएंगी और इनका भला हो जाएगा, यह
गलतफहमी गहलोत साहब को हो सकती है , जो खुद एक सामान्य दलित परिवार से आते हैं ,
लेकिन मे रे राजनीतिक जीवन का यह अनु भव है कि इन वर्गों को कोई राहत मिलेगी, मुझे ऐसा
नहीं लगता है । लेकिन आपने एक अच्छा काम किया है , उसका विरोध करने का साहस मे रा
इसलिए नहीं है , क्योंकि मैं , मे री पार्टी और मे रे नेता डा. लोहिया इन वर्गों की हिमायत में लम्बे
समय से रहे हैं ।

सर, अब मैं हायर एजुकेशन की बात करुं । अगर रोहित का केस न हु आ होता तो बहु त सारे
जो एकलव्य शहीद हु ए, उनका इतिहास में जि� नहीं होता। 18 दलित छा�ों ने सुइसाइड किया
है । मुझे बहु त �सन्नता होती जब आप कम से कम एक बार भी है दराबाद यूनिवर्सिटी में जाते।
...(व्यवधान)... ऐसा है कि आपके वर्गों के अत्याचारों से ही तंग आकर वे लोग ऐसा काम करते
हैं , इसलिए मैं इसका जवाब आपको नहीं दे सकता। सर, वह बड़ी भारी पीड़ा है । मनोज सिन्हा
जी की सरकार का ही सरकारी आंकड़ा है । नेशनल �ाइम ब्यूरों का यह आंकड़ा है कि दे श में
हर 14 मिनट में किसी न किसी दलित के साथ अत्याचार होता है । मैं चाहता हूं कि गहलोत जी
इस विभाग के मं �ी है , वे मना करें कि मैं असत्य बोल रहा हूं , ताकि मे रे और इनके बीच एक
और बहस हो जाए। चार दलित महिलाओं के साथ बलात्कार होता है । जब दिल्ली में सभ्य समाज
में इस तरह की घटनाएं होती हैं , तो हम लोग मोमबत्ती लेकर इंडिया गेट पर जाते हैं , लेकिन
जहां ये घटनाएं होती हैं , वहां रोशनी भी मद्धिम होती है और मोमबत्तियां भी उपलब्ध नहीं होती
हैं , मैं उन वर्गों का जि� यहां करना चाहता हूं ।
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills477

4.00 p.m.
सर, हर सप्ताह 13 दलित मारे जाते हैं , दिल्ली में नहीं, कनॉट प्लेस में नहीं, गुड़गांव में
नहीं, नोएडा में नहीं बल्कि जहां सभ्यताओं के विकास नहीं हु ए हैं , उन इलाकों की मैं बात कर
रहा हूं । नरे ं� तोमर जी आप समझ रहे होंगे। छ: दलितों का अपहरण किया जाता है । वर्ष 2013
की �ाइम रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, 1,574 दलित महिलाओं के साथ उस साल रे प हु आ, 651 दलित
मारे गए। उनको नंगा करके घुमाने और परे ड कराने का जि� अभी मे री बाईं बाजू के कोई साथी
कर रहे थे। ये रोजमर्रा की चीजें़ हैं । एससीज़-एसटीज़ के 71.3 परसेंट बच्चे हाई स्कू ल आते-
आते अपनी पढ़ाई छोड़ दे ते हैं । जिन जातियों को आप इन वर्गों या समूह में शामिल कर रहे हैं
...(व्यवधान)... गहलोत जी, आप इनसे बाद में बात कर लीजिएगा। मैं अापसे गंभीर बात कहने
जा रहा हूं । एससीज़-एसटीज़ के 71.3 परसेंट बच्चे और बच्चियां हाई स्कू ल आते-आते अपनी
पढ़ाई छोड़ दे ते हैं और कभी-कभी गलती से उनमें रोहित पैदा हो जाते हैं , अम्बेडकर पैदा हो
जाते हैं , कांशीराम पैदा हो जाते हैं । मे रा आपसे यह िनवेदन है कि आप एक दर्जन जातियों को
उसी च�व्यूह में डाल रहे हैं , जिसमें पहले से ही वेदना, तकलीफ, गैर-बराबरी और असमानता है ।

सर, मैं आपके माध्यम से यह कहना चाहता हूं कि इस समय जिस तरह की सभ्यता का
विकास हो रहा है , माफ कीजिएगा, अं�ेजों के समय में भी जातिगत भेदभाव इतना नहीं था।
अं�ेजों ने किसी की जाति पहचान कर उसके साथ अन्याय नहीं किया था। सर, अगर मे री बहस
लम्बी न हो, तो मैं एक बात कहना चाहता हूं । मैं जब नौवीं लोक सभा में एमपी बनकर आया,
तो मैं वेस्टर्न कोर्ट में ठहर गया। एक साइमन नाम का ि‍�श्चियन बूढ़ा था, जो वहां सबको चाय
दे ने आता था। वह काले रं ग का था। मैं ने उससे कहा कि आम तौर पर यह माना जाता है कि
ईसाई गोरे होते हैं , लेकिन क्या बात है ? उसने कहा कि मैं सन् 1947 में ही ईसाई बन गया था।
जब मैं ने उससे इसका कारण पूछा तो उसने कहा कि सन् 1947 की जो असेंबली थी, जिसमें
वेस्टर्न कोर्ट में एमपीज़ का दफ्तर था, जब मैं पहले दिन वहां चाय लेकर गया तो मुझसे पूछा
गया कि तुम्हारी बिरादरी कौन सी है ? जब उसने कहा कि बाल्मीकि है , तो उससे कहा गया
कि चाय लेकर वापस जाओ। वही साइमन सन् 1990 तक ईसाई बनकर चाय पिलाता रहा। ऐसी
�ूर व्यवस्था, ऐसे �ूर शोषण की जो बानगी है , वह दु निया में कहीं नहीं मिलेगी। काले लोगों
को न्याय मिल गया, लेकिन यहां के दलित, खास तौर से यहां की दलित महिलाओं को न्याय
नहीं मिला। महोदय, एक तो दलित होना ही अपने आप में अभिशाप है , अगर दलित महिला हो
तो गुलामी की �ूरतम सीमा क्या होगी, उसका अंदाज़ा आप लगा सकते हैं । अभी मे रे कां�ेस
के मि� ने कुछ सवाल उठाए, भाजपा के मि� ने कुछ सवाल उठाए, लेकिन इन तकलीफों की
हिस्सेदारी के लिए भी सदन जिस तरह का भरा-पूरा होना चाहिए था, वैसा नहीं है ।

�ी राजपाल सिंह सैनी (उत्तर �दे श): त्यागी जी, हमारी बहन कुमारी मायावती एक दलित
महिला होने के बावजूद उत्तर �दे श में राज कर रही हैं । वे गरीब लोगों की नेता हैं ।

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: मे री और आपकी बात में शायद ज्यादा फर्क नहीं है । आप पश्चिम यूपी
के हैं , इसलिए कह सकते हैं । आपने शायद वे तकलीफें दे खी या सुनी होंगी, जो इन वर्गों के
साथ हु ई हैं । जब हम पैदा हु ए, जब हम बड़े हु ए, हमारा स्कू ल टीचर हमें हाथ से मारता था
और जो हमारा दलित मि� गौतम था, उसे डं डे से मारता था। ये असमानताएं हमारे पैदा होने
के साथ हैं । हम लोगों के नाम अलग होते थे, वे राम भरोसे, राम िखलावन, राम सुभावन, राम
लुभावन थे, उनके नाम भी अलग होते थे क्योंकि वे राम के भरोसे थे। हमारे कंु वर चं� �ताप,
478 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी के. सी. त्यागी]

वीर सिंह, मानवें� कंु वर �ताप— हम लोगों के नाम वीरताओं से भरे होते थे, चाहे हमारा पूरा
इतिहास कायरता का भरा हु आ था। नाम से लेकर, पैदा होने से लेकर जिस दिन नाभि कटती
है , उस दिन से लेकर मरने तक यह असमानता हमारे हिन्दुस्तान में रही। भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप
का मुसलमान भी इस बीमारी से बचा हु आ नहीं है , मैं केवल हिन्दुओं के लिए नहीं कहना चाहता।
इसी जाति व्यवस्था के िखलाफ सिख धर्म बना, इसी जाति व्यवस्था के खिलाफ बुद्ध धर्म बना।
यह बौद्ध धर्म कई हज़ार साल और चलता। चूंिक जाति व्यवस्था पर इसका �हार था, इसलिए
जो ताकतें जाति की समर्थक थीं, उन्होंने बौद्ध धर्म को चलने नहीं दिया। अगर आप मुझसे कहते
तो दु निया के जितने भी धर्म हैं , सबसे सहज और आसान बौद्ध धर्म है , लेकिन उसका गला भी
इसलिए घोंटा क्योंिक वह जाति व्यवस्था को तोड़ता था।

महोदय, मैं अपनी बात को समाप्त करता हूं , शायद मैं लम्बा बोल गया क्योंकि मे रा दर्द
किताबों का पढ़ा हु आ ही नहीं है , मैं समाजवादी आंदोलन का एक कार्यकर्ता रहा हूं । हमारे जो
डा. लोहिया थे, वे भोज कराते थे, उस ज़माने के समाजवादी के लिए यह madatory था कि
वह महीने में एक दिन किसी न किसी बाल्मीकि के यहां जाकर भोज में शामिल हो। सर, दु निया
बदल रही है । नयी आर्थिक नीतियां आ गयी हैं । उसके बारे में भी �चार है कि नयी हैं । ये नयी
आर्थिक नीतियां किसी और के लिए नहीं, इन दलितों का, शू�ों का गला घोंटने के लिए आयी
हैं क्योंिक सरकारी नौकरियों में थोड़ा-बहु त आरक्षण इन्हें मिल जाता था। अब जो नया ज़माना
चला है , नए ज़माने के जो पैरोकार चले हैं , उनके रहते इन वर्गों के बच्चों को आगे आने वाले
समय में नौकरी भी नहीं िमलेगी। सर, उत्तर �दे श समे त आधा दर्जन हिन्दुस्तान है , जहां एक
भी वाइस चांसलर दलित नहीं है । जब दलित वाइस चांसलर नहीं होगा, तो उसको उन वर्गों के
नौजवानों की पीड़ा का एहसास कैसे होगा? ''जा के पैर न फटी बिवाई, वो क्या जाने पीर पराई?''
इसलिए ये जो जातियां शामिल हो रही हैं , मैं इनका आदर, समादार करते हु ए गहलोत जी से
अपनी स‍ि�यता थोड़ी सी और बढ़ाने के लिए कहना चाहता हूं। जहां भी जुल्म ज्यादती हो, जहां
भी गैर-बराबरी हो, जहां भी अन्याय हो, आप भी वहां पर जाने का काम करें । आपके है दराबाद
न जाने तक और है दराबाद की ट्रेजेडी को सरकारी पक्ष की तरफ से �स्तुत करने के लिए, मुझे
आपसे पीड़ा भी है । ...(व्यवधान)... आप पहले से ही पीड़ा में हैं , इसलिए मैं आपकी पीड़ा को
ज्यादा नहीं बढ़ाना चाहता हूं । इसी के साथ मैं अपनी बात समाप्त करता हूं । बहु त-बहु त धन्यवाद।

�ी सतीश चं� मि�ा (उत्तर �दे श): आपने जिस �दे श का जि� किया है , आज सुबह ही
उन्होंने जवाब दिया है कि उत्तर �दे श में जो दलित बच्चे पढ़ रहे हैं , उनके लिए एक नये पैसे की
डिमांड समाजवादी पार्टी की सरकार ने नहीं की है । इसीलिए इन्होंने िदया नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)...
यह तो इनकी समानता की बात है । ...(व्यवधान)...

उपसभाध्यक्ष (डा. ई. एम. सुदर्श न नाच्चीयप्पन): �ी वीर सिंह ...(व्यवधान)... आप लोग

बैठ जाइए। ...(व्यवधान)... �ी वीर सिंह ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी वीर सिंह (उत्तर �दे श): उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श
(संशोधन) विधेयक, 2016 पर, जो एक बहु त महत्वपूर्ण विषय है , इस पर हमारी नेता आदरणीय
बहन कुमारी मायावती जी ने मुझे बोलने का अवसर दिया, इसके लिए मैं उनका धन्यवाद अदा
करता हूं ।
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills479

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श (संशोधन) विधेयक, 2016 के
संबंध में हरियाणा, केरल, ओडिशा, पश्चिम बंगाल और छत्तीसगढ़ राज्यों में अनु सूचित जातियों
की सूची का संशोधन या िवद्यमान �वििष्टयों को उपांतरित करने के लिए संविधान (अनु सूचित
जातियां) आदे श, 1950 का और संशोधन करने के लिए जो विधेयक लाया गया है , उस पर बोलने
के लिए मैं अपनी पार्टी की तरफ से खड़ा हु आ हूं ।

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, आज समाज की सबसे अंतिम पंक्ति में बैठे उन व्यक्तियों की आवाज
उठाने के लिए मैं खड़ा हु आ हूं , जिनको सामाजिक, आर्थिक एवं शैक्षणिक दृिष्ट से आज भी बराबरी
पर लाए जाने हे तु सरकार द्वारा बहु त कुछ करने की आवश्यकता है । परमपूज्य डॉ. भीमराव
अम्बेडकर जी के अंत:करण में यही पीड़ा थी कि हमारे समाज के वंचित लोग, जो विकास की
दौड़ में पिछड़ गए हैं , उनको बराबरी पर लाने के लिए किस तरह से �यत्न किए जाएं। यह
विधेयक शायद ऐसे तबके के लोगों की �गति में एक मील का पत्थर साबित होगा।

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, जब उत्तर �दे श में बहु जन समाज पार्टी की सरकार थी तब बहन
कुमारी मायावती जी मुख्य मं �ी थीं। उन्होंने अपने शासन काल में उत्तर �दे श की 17 पिछड़ी
जातियों को अनु सूचित जाति में सम्मिलित किया जाए, ऐसा �स्ताव कें� सरकार को भेजा था,
जो अभी तक पास नहीं हु आ है । बहन कुमारी मायावती जी का यह भी कहना था कि उत्तर �दे श
के साथ-साथ पूरे दे श में जिन जातियों को अनु सूचित जाति में सम्मिलित किया जा रहा है , उस
अनु पात में अनु सूचित जाति का आरक्षण भी बढ़ाया जाए, आरक्षण कोटा भी बढ़ाया जाए, क्योंकि
इसमें समय-समय पर संशोधन हो रहा है और विभिन्न जातियों को अनु सूचित जाति की सूची में
जोड़ा जा रहा है , इससे उनकी आबादी बढ़ती चली जा रही है , किन्तु आरक्षण का �तिशत वहीं
का वहीं पर है । हमारी नेता कुमारी मायावती ने इसकी कई बार मांग की है । मे रा निवेदन है कि
माननीय मं �ी जी को इस ओर भी ध्यान दे ना चाहिए कि जिस तरीके से अनु सूचित जातियों की
संख्या बढ़ रही है , उसी अनु पात में आरक्षण कोटा भी बढ़ना चाहिए। यह हमारी पार्टी की मांग
है , यह हमारी नेता की मांग है ।

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, आज भी बहु त सी जातियां ऐसी हैं जो कुछ राज्यों में अनु सूचित जाति
की �ेणी में हैं , जबकि दू सरे राज्यों में उनको सामान्य �ेणी या अन्य पिछड़े वर्ग में रखा गया है ।
कुछ जातियां रोजगार की तलाश में दू सरे राज्यों में जाती हैं , परन्तु वहां पहुं चने के बाद उनके
साथ वही छु आछू त का व्यवहार किया जाता है , अस्पृश्यता का भेदभावपूर्ण व्यवहार किया जाता
है और अपनी जाति का लाभ उन्हें वहां पर नहीं मिलता है । मे रा मानना है कि ऐसे व्यक्तियों
को भी अपनी जाति का लाभ मिलना चाहिए। उनको व उनकी संतानों को सारी सुविधाएं उक्त
कैटे गरी में दी जानी चाहिए, परं तु ऐसा नहीं होता है ।

उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, पूरे दे श में अनु सूचित जाति के लोग अपनी रोजी-रोटी के लिए एक
�दे श से दू सरे �दे श में चले जाते हैं , जैसे मुम्बई है या दिल्ली दे श की राजधानी है । यहां पर
पूरे दे श से अनु सूचित जाति के लोग अपनी रोजी-रोटी के लिए आ जाते हैं । वे अपने �दे श से
आकर दिल्ली, मुम्बई या दे श के बड़े -बड़े शहरों में आकर बस गए, लेकिन वहां की सरकारें
उनको अनु सूचित जाति का लाभ नहीं दे ती हैं । जब उनको किसी सरकारी नौकरी के लिए फार्म
भरना होता है , तो उनको वहां से अनु सूचित जाति का सर्टिफिकेट जारी नहीं होता है । उधर
जिस �दे श से वह आया है , वहां से उसका नाम कट गया और उस �दे श में उसका नाम जोड़ा
480 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी वीर सिंह]

नहीं जा रहा है । यह आज बहु त बड़ी गंभीर समस्या है । इसमें भी बदलाव लाना चाहिए, संशोधन
लाना चाहिए, क्योंकि िदल्ली में पूरे देश के अनुसूचित जाति के लोग आकर बस गए हैं। वे यहां
के निवासी हो गए, किंतु दिल्ली सरकार उनको अनु सूचित जाति का �माण-प� नहीं दे ती है ।
वह उनको �माण-प� नहीं दे ती है , इसलिए उनको इसका लाभ नहीं िमलता है । इसी �कार से
मुम्बई की हालत है । मुम्बई के अंदर भी पूरे दे श से लोग रोजी-रोटी के लिए पहंु चे हैं । वे जिस
�दे श से आए हैं , उनका उस जाति से वहां पर नाम कट गया। वहां से उनको सर्टिफिकेट नहीं
मिलता है और इधर भी उनको सर्टिफिकेट नहीं िदया जाता। इसलिए मैं माननीय मं �ी जी से
यह निवेदन करूं गा कि उनको इस ओर भी ध्यान दे ना चाहिए और संविधान में इस संशोधन को
लाकर, उनको पूरा लाभ दिया जाना चाहिए।

महोदय, हमारे समाज मे जातिगत भेदभाव और जातिगत पहचान बड़े पैमाने पर व्याप्त है
और यह क्षमताओं का िवकास करने और ऐसे वंचित लोगों को लाभ नहीं दे सकी है । अत: ऐसे
समाज के सबसे अंतिम छोर पर खड़े इन व्यक्तियों के बारे में सरकार को सामाजिक समानता को
बढ़ाने हे तु बजट बढ़ाए जाने व पूर्णरूपेण बजट खर्च की आवश्यकता है । साथ ही साथ अनु सूचित
जाति के वर्ग के बंधुओं को उनकी �मोशन में और आरक्षण में लाभ दे ने की आवश्यकता है ।
सरकार के द्वारा जो कुछ क्षे� या तबके वंचित रह गए हैं , उन वंचित क्षे�ों या तबकों के बारे
में भी विचार करते हु ए सम्पूर्ण �स्ताव या विधेयक लाकर उनको अनु सूचित जातियों की �ेणी में
शामिल करने की आवश्यकता है ।

मे रा सरकार से अनु रोध है कि वह समतामूलक समाज की अवधारणाा स्थापित करे , जिससे

इस जाति का पिछड़ापन, असमानता व गैर-बराबरी के लिहाज से समाप्त कर समाज में एकरूपता
लाई जा सके। इसके लिए सरकार को किश्तों में संशोधन नहीं करना चाहिए, बल्कि एक बार
पूरी तरह से जांच करके करना चाहिए। आज तक पूरे दे श की यह जनगणना नहीं हो पाई कि
कुल अनु सूचित जातियां कितनी है , अनु सूचित जनजातियां कितनी हैं और न ही उस हिसाब से
उनको फायदा मिल रहा है , इसलिए इस ओर भी ध्यान दे ना चाहिए।

महोदय, बड़े दु ख के साथ कहना पड़ रहा है कि परमपूज्य डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर साहे ब ने
भारतीय संविधान में अनु सूचित जाति, अनु सूचित जनजाति व पिछड़े लोगों को जो अिधकार दिए
थे, वे आज तक उनको �ाप्त नहीं हु ए हैं , जैसे कि सरकारी नौकरियों में हैं । किसी भी विभाग में
सरकारी नौकारियों में अनु सूचित जाति का आज तक आरक्षण कोटा पूरा नहीं हु आ है । चाहे सत्ता
में इधर की सरकार रही हो या उधर की सरकार रही हो, किसी भी सरकार ने इस पर ध्यान
नहीं दिया है और आज तक आरक्षण कोटा पूरा नहीं हु आ है । दे श के किसी भी �दे श में आज
तक बैकलॉग पूरा नहीं हुआ है। हमारे देश में केवल एक ही �देश, उत्तर �देश ऐसा है, जहां
cent per cent बैकलॉग पूरा हु आ। यह कब पूरा हु आ, जब उत्तर �दे श में बहु जन समाज पार्टी
के नेतृत्व में सरकार बनी और बहन मायावती जी मुख्य मं �ी बनीं। उन्होंने एक विशेष अभियान
चलाकर, पूरे उत्तर �दे श के हर सरकारी विभाग में जहां लाखों रिक्तियां थीं, उनको भरने का
काम किया तथ साथ ही यह आदे श भी जारी किया कि जो अधिकारी इस कार्य को पूरा नहीं
करे गा, उसके िखलाफ मुकदमा दायर करके जेल भेजो। इस �कार से एक समय-सीमा के अंतर्गत
बैकलागॅ पूरा हो गया। उत्तर �दे श में बैकलॉग क्यों पूरा हो गया, क्योंिक बहन मायावती जी की
नीयत साफ है । उन्होंने गरीबों के लिए, अनु सूचित जाति के लिए जो बैकलागॅ पूरा कर िदया, तो
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills481

दे श के अन्य �दे शों में यह बैकलॉग पूरा क्यों नहीं हो रहा है । दे श में कां�ेस पार्टी की सरकार
ने 55 सालों तक सबसे ज्यादा लम्बे अर्से तक शासन किया। �दे शों में भी आपकी सरकारें रहीं,
लेकिन आपकी नीयत साफ नहीं थी। आज भी आपकी सरकारें कई �दे शों में हैं , लेकिन आज
भी वहां बैकलागॅ पूरा नहीं हो रहा है । जब भारतीय संविधान लागू हु आ था तब बाबा साहे ब ने
26 जनवरी, 1950 को ठीक ही कहा था कि संविधान के तहत तुम्हें जो अिधकार मिले हैं , वे
अधिकार तुम्हें तभी मिलेंगे, जब संविधान चलाने वालों की नीयत साफ होगी। संविधान के अनु सार
ही सरकारें चलती हैं । सरकार किसकी रही, सरकर कां�ेस की रही या बीजेपी की रही। आप
दोनों दलों की सरकारें ज्यादा लम्बे अर्से तक रही हैं , किंतु आज तक आपने किसी भी �दे श में
सरकारी नौकरियों में बैकलॉग पूरा नहीं किया है ।


conclude now.

�ी वीर सिंह: इसलिए माननीय मं �ी जी से मे रा यह निवेदन है कि आप ऐसे पद पर बैठे

हैं और अनु सूचित जाति से हैं । मं �ी जी, आप मे री तरफ ध्यान नहीं दे रहे हैं । माननीय मं �ी जी
से मे रा यह निवेदन है कि आप अपनी शक्ति का �योग करो। आप डरो मत और खुलकर बोलो
कि पूरो दे श में सरकारी नौकरियों में बैकलॉग पूरा होना चाहिए, इसलिए आपको इसमें पहल
करनी चािहए। यदि आप इसमें पहल करें गे, तो मैं आपको धन्यवाद दूं गा।

मान्यवर, मे रा आपसे यह कहना है कि आज बड़े दु ख का विषय है और पूरे दे श में एक गंभीर

समस्या पैदा हो रही है । परमपूज्य डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर साहे ब ने अनु सूचित जाति के लोगों को
दू सरे िवभागों में सरकारी नौकारियों में आरक्षण िदया था, लेिकन आज बड़े -बड़े सरकारी विभागों
को �ाइवेट सेक्टर को दिया जा रहा है और �ाइवेट सेक्टर में दे कर धीरे -धीरे हमारे आरक्षण को
खत्म किया जा रहा है । पूरे दे श की अनु सूचित जाति के लोगों के सामने आज बहु त बड़ी समस्या
है । परमपूज्य बाबा भीमराव अम्बेडकर साहे ब ने हमें सरकारी नौकरियों में जो आरक्षण को खत्म
कर रही है । माननीय मं �ी जी, यह गंभीर विषय है , इस पर आपको सोचना होगा।



�ी वीर सिंह: मं �ी जी, आज शिक्षा का बुरा हाल है । दे श में दोहरी शिक्षा है । आज गरीबों
के बच्चे सरकारी स्कू लों में पढ़ते हैं और अमीरों के बच्चे इंग्लिश मीडियम स्कू लों में पढ़ते हैं ।
बेचारे गरीब के बच्चे को सरकारी स्कू लों में कक्षा छ: में ए, बी, सी, डी सिखाई जाती है , वहीं
दू सरे स्कू लों में नर्सरी से ही बच्चों को अं�ेज़ी पढ़ाई जाती है । ऐसे में गरीब का बच्चा कैसे उनसे
होड़ कर लेगा? शिक्षा समान होनी चाहिए।


to call the next person.

�ी वीर सिंह: आप सरकारी स्कू ल में टीचर्स रखते हैं , उनको सेलरी दे ते हैं , तो सिलेबस
एक जैसा क्यों नहीं रखते? यदि आप अनु सूचित जाति का हित चाहते हैं , तो आपको यह करना
ही होगा। आज सरकारी स्कू लों में जो टीचर होते हैं , उनसे डबल काम लिया जाता है । ऐसा
क्यों किया जाता है ? क्या इसलिए किया जाता है कि वहां पर सिर्फ गरीबों के बच्चे पढ़ते हैं ?
482 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills


Singh ji, please conclude.

�ी वीर सिंह: सरकारी स्कू ल के टीचर्स को कभी जनगणना की ड्यूटी में लगा िदया जाता
है , कभी मतदाता सूची में लगा दिया जाता है , ऐसे में किसकी पढ़ाई बाधित होती है ? ऐसे में
गरीब बच्चों की पढ़ाई बाधित होती है ।



�ी सतीश चं� मि�ा: यह इम्पॉर्टें ट विषय है , इन्हें दो मिनट का समय और दे दीजिए।


already given double the time.

�ी वीर सिंह: आज कें� सरकार से �दे शों को छा�वृत्ति जाती है , �दे श सरकारें अनु सूचित
जाति के बच्चों को छा�वृत्ति न दे करके, उसे दू सरी मदों में खर्च कर दे ती हैं । उत्तर �दे श में तीन
साल से अनु सूचित जाति के बच्चों को छा�वृत्ति नहीं मिली है । बच्चे परे शान हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...
आज उच्च शिक्षा में जितने भी विद्यालय हैं ...(व्यवधान)...



�ी वीर सिंह: अनु सूचित जाति के बच्चे के पास फीस होती नहीं है , तो बेचारे एडमिशन
पाने से भी वंचित रह जाते हैं ।



�ी वीर सिंह: हमें इस ओर भी ध्यान दे ना होगा। इन सब बातों के साथ मैं इस बिल का

समर्थन करता हूं , धन्यवाद। जय भीम, जय भारत।


you. Now, Shri K. Somaprasad. ...(Interruptions)... Yes, it is his maiden speech.

SHRI K. SOMAPRASAD (Kerala): Hon. Vice-Chairman, Sir, and, hon. Minister,

first of all, I extend my support to this Amendment Bill. Sir, in section 2(b), Part
VIII - Kerala, there is a proposal to include 'peruvannan' in the SC list. Actually,
'peruvannan' is not a separate community. It is a part of the 'vannan' community.
And, 'vannan' community is already included in the SC list. So, the inclusion of
'peruvannan' is a genuine thing, and, we support it. Regarding the 'malayan' community
in Kerala, in ten Districts, it is included in the Scheduled Tribes list, and, now, in
four Districts, it is included in the Scheduled Castes list.

Sir, I would like to draw your attention to some other points. Sir, the reservation
benefit is a constitutional right to the Scheduled Castes but certain sections of the
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills483

people, even though they belong to the Scheduled Caste community, are denied this
benefit. While enjoying the Constitutional benefits in education, a large number of
SC people get education and better employment; but as part of their jobs, they are
forced to migrate from the native States to some other States. Due to some other
reasons also, for example, marriage relationships and things like that, migration of
the SC people is going on, and, they are settling in other States.

Sir, the SC list is prepared by the State Government and its jurisdiction is within
the State. Here lies the problem. A person, whose community is included in the list
of Scheduled Castes in his native State, may not be a member of the...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, the Minister is absent. ...(Interruptions)...


Cabinet Minister is here. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: I think we are discussing a Bill. It is not a

general discussion. ..(Interruptions)..


Somaprasad, you please proceed. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: But the Minister must be here.


(SHRI MUKHTAR ABBAS NAQVI): The Minister is coming. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI K. SOMAPRASAD: Sir, shall I continue? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Or, is it being taken for granted? ...(Interruptions)...


gone just now. I saw him. ...(Interruptions)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: तपन जी, वे बस अभी आ रहे हैं ।


take note of this particular issue and make the Minister reply on this issue. Please
proceed, Mr. Somaprasad.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Migration has become a general phenomenon.

People are going to other State and are being deprived of the SC status. That is
the central point. And it is continuing year after year. So, he must respond on that.


(SHRI KALRAJ MISHRA): He is coming, Sir.
484 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills



SHRI K. SOMAPRASAD: So, a person whose community is included in the

‘Scheduled Castes’ list in his native State may not be a member of the Scheduled
Castes in the State where he is now settled. So, the people migrated from one State
to, the other may not get the benefit of reservation. This is unfair and against the
Constitution. After all, all the States are part of the Indian Union. Our Constitution is
the supreme authority. Hence, each and every member of the SC community should
get the benefit throughout India. But now, he is not getting it! Only the Central
Government can take appropriate action. The Central Government should interfere
in this crucial issue and should take over whatever is possible.

Another point is, the 2011 Census Report says that the SC and ST population
in India is increased to 25.2 per cent. But the reservation is only 22.5 per cent. So,
the reservation percentage has to be increased accordingly.

Another point is, as has already been explained by the hon. Members earlier, at
every point, privatization is the Government's policy and they are doing it. Actually,
privatization is against the interests of the Scheduled Castes people because through
reservation they get employment only in the public sector and the Government
sector. Now, the Government is privatizing the public sector and they are losing
the job opportunities. So, we demand that reservation should be implemented in the
private sector also. That can be implemented because several Acts and rules are
implemented in the private sector. So, this can also be implemented. Hence, the
Government should take appropriate steps to give reservation in jobs in the private
sector also. Thank you, Sir.

�ी दिलीप कुमार तिर्की (ओडिशा): उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, अनु सूचित जाति के अन्दर अलग-
अलग जातियों को दिए जाने वाले आदे श में संविधान के मुताबिक समय-समय पर संशोधन किया
जाता है । इस �कार एक तरह से यह एक रूटीन मै टर है । यह जो 2016 का संशोधन विधेयक
है , जिसमें ओडिशा से संबंधित कुछ संशोधन भी किए गए हैं । असल में अभी तक अनु सूचित जाति
और जनजातियों की जो सूची है , वह पूरी तरह से फूल�ूफ नहीं है । महोदय, मैं आपके माध्यम
से माननीय मं �ी जी से अनु रोध करना चाहूं गा कि ओडिशा सरकार की तरफ से कुछ जातियों
को अनु सूचित जाति की लिस्ट में शामिल करने का �स्ताव आया है , उसको अनु सूचित जाति
और जनजातियों की सूची में शामिल किया जाए। इसके साथ ही साथ, जो सूची है , उसमें कुछ
बदलाव करने का भी अनु रोध किया गया है , जैसे 'सुवालगिरी' की जगह 'स्वालगिरी' करने का
अनु रोध किया गया है । इस सूची में जिन जातियों को शामिल करने का अनु राध किया गया है ,
उसके नाम हैं — िचक और चिक बडाइक। हम इन दो जातियों को अनु सूचित जाति में शामिल
करने का अनु रोध कर रहे हैं । कई जगह ऐसा दे खने को मिला है कि एक ही जाति के लोग
किसी राज्य में अनु सूचित जाति की लिस्ट में हैं , तो पड़ोसी राज्य में वे उस लिस्ट से बाहर हैं ।
इसी तरह की समस्याओं के कारण आए दिन इस लिस्ट में संशोधन की मांग उठती रहती है ।
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills485

सर, मे रे विचार से आज जरूरत इस बात की है कि इस लिस्ट की राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर एक

समीक्षा की जाए। यह काम मुश्किल जरूर है, लेकिन यह बहुत आवश्यक है। यदि कुछ जातियां
हकदार होने के बावजूद इस सूची से बाहर छू ट गई हैं या कुछ दू सरी जातियां गलती से इस
सूची में आ गई हैं , तो इन गड़बडि़यों को दू र किया जाना चाहिए।

महोदय, मैं इस बिल का समर्थन करते हु ए सरकार को यह सुझाव दे ना चाहता हूं कि

अनु सूचित जाति और अनु सूचित जनजातियों की सूची की व्यापक जांच कराई जाए और इसे
अपडे टेड बनाया जाए। मैं एक बात और कहना चाहता हूं , जिसको मैं पहले भी कह चुका हूं , वह
यह है कि कें� सरकार की नौकरि‍यों में बड़ी संख्या में एससी के कोटे के पद खाली पड़े हु ए
हैं । मे री यह मांग है कि उनको भरने के लिए स्पेशल ड्राइव चलाई जाए।

सर, दू सरी बात मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि जिस तरह सरकारी क्षे� में नौकरी के अवसर
घट रहे हैं , उससे हम लोगों को �ाइवेट सेक्टर में भी एससी/एसटी आरक्षण के बारे में सोचना
होगा। अगर हम इस पर नहीं सोचेंगे, तो इस �कार सिर्फ लिस्ट में फेर-बदल करने से इसका
जमीनी स्तर पर कोई फायदा नहीं होगा। इन्हीं शब्दों के साथ हम और हमारी पार्टी इस बिल
का समर्थन करते हैं , धन्यवाद।


you. Now, Shri D. Raja.

SHRI D. RAJA (Tamil Nadu): Thank you, Sir. I rise to support this Bill. While
supporting this Bill, I draw the attention of the Government to one crucial issue, that
is, the identification and recognition of dalit communities in a comprehensive manner.
Earlier, my previous speakers touched upon this issue. The dalit communities in Tamil
Nadu, if they migrate to Maharashtra, are not recognised as dalit communities. The
dalit communities in Haryana, if they migrate to Delhi, the National Capital, are
not recognised as dalit communities here. This is an issue.

Now, this Bill is based on the recommendations of concerned State Governments.

At the same time, Centre should address this question because dalit communities are
dalit communities wherever they go. They must be identified in such a way and
recognised in such a way. Having said that, I urge upon the Government to follow
this with certain concrete measures on certain issues.

First one is the question of reservation. The policy of reservation is a State

policy. It has to be implemented effectively at all levels. Sir, now, there is no
adequate social representation even in the Judiciary. The Parliamentary Standing
Committee headed by you, sitting in the Chair, made the recommendation that in
Judiciary, there must be reservation or adequate social representation. Many judges
have spoken but it is not happening. Now, the Government will have to take this
into serious consideration. This is number one.

Secondly, because of the neoliberal economic policies, private sector has emerged
486 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shri D. Raja]
as an important component of our economy. The job creation is also taking place in
the private sector. But the private sector is not obliged to implement the policy of
reservation. The private sector cannot be above the law. The private sector should
abide by the policy of the country. There must be reservation in the private sector.
There must be a law to extend reservation in the private sector. On the one hand, the
public sector is being privatised. On the other hand, the Government is patronising
the private sector by giving it all the concessions. The time has come when we
should ask, “What is private sector?” What is private about the private sector? They
take all financial help from the public sector banks or financial institutions. They
get all the concessions from the Government. They get everything from land to
electricity to water at concessional rate or free of cost from the Government. And
then they claim that it is the private sector. What is private about the private sector?
We have defined the public sector. If the Government has 51 per cent equity in
an institution, then it is in the public sector. We can define it. But what is private
sector? What is private about the private sector? The time has come when we should
question that and we should see to it that the private sector accepts the policy of
reservation. And in the name of affirmative action, we cannot leave it to the mercy
of the private sector. As a Government, as a state, we should see to it that the
private sector also implements the policy of reservation for the SCs, the STs and
the OBCs. This is one point.

The second serious issue is this. The Minister should take note of it. What
is happening to the Scheduled Castes Special Component Plan and the Tribal Sub
Plan? Earlier, the Planning Commission was there. The Planning Commission was
giving directives to the State Governments and the Central Ministries for earmarking
separate funds for the Scheduled Castes Special Component Plan and the Tribal Sub
Plan. Now there is no Planning Commission. Now the NITI Aayog is in vogue.
...(Interruptions)... You are adding to the list of the Scheduled Castes. But how
do you ensure that the Central Ministries and the Central Departments earmark
adequate funds for the Tribal Sub Plan? I want to know this from you. How do
you ensure that the State Governments earmark funds for the Scheduled Castes
Special Component Plan and the Tribal Sub Plan? The Ministry must take note of
this. There are certain State Governments which enacted State legislations to ensure
this. As the Central Government, are you going to bring a Central legislation to
ensure that the Scheduled Castes Special Component Plan and the Tribal Sub Plan
are there? It is a very serious issue.

The other issues are atrocities and discrimination against dalits. I am not going
into all the issues. I am raising one pointed issue. It is about discrimination in the
institutions of higher learning whether it is the IITs or the Central Universities.
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills487

What happened in the Hyderabad Central University should open our eyes to the
harsh reality that the Indian society and the nation is facing. Rohith Vemula’s death
is not a simple suicide. It is really an institutional murder. A bright scholar was
forced to take that extreme step. Why should such a thing happen in our country?
On the one hand, we claim that we are a civilised nation and we are a civilised
society. On the other hand, our children, our young boys and girls are subjected
to such extreme hardships that they take the extreme step of committing suicide.
Why should it happen? There is a demand to bring a Rohith Act to fight and end
discrimination against dalits in the institutions of higher learning. I want to know
whether the Government will apply its mind to it and whether the Government will
consider this issue.

Now I come to other important issues. We have the National Commission

for Scheduled Castes. We have the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.
But what is the power that these National Commissions have got? These are all
statutory bodies. But they do not have statutory powers. What for do we have these
Commissions? I am putting this question to you. Even their Annual Reports are not
submitted regularly in Parliament. Why? Why should it be like that? The Human
Rights Commission has statutory powers. Why can’t the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes or the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes have statutory
powers? As Government, you will have to think on this issue. It is a serious issue.
Finally, this is a Bill which adds some more communities from different States to
the list of Scheduled Castes, but there is a demand that Dalit Christians be treated
as Dalits. ...(Interruptions)... Dalit Muslims want to be treated as Dalits. They also
want reservation. ...(Interruptions)... Listen. ...(Interruptions)... Don’t interrupt. If you
have answer, you tell me. ...(Interruptions)... If you have any answer, I will listen
to you. ...(Interruptions)... So, what I am saying is that Dalit Christians and Dalit
Muslims do want reservation, but there is a Supreme Court ceiling. The Supreme
Court has put a ceiling that reservation should not exceed 50 per cent. Now, SCs
and STs account for 22.5 per cent. OBCs account for 27 per cent. Total is 49.5
per cent. That is the reservation. In Tamil Nadu, there is reservation up to 69 per
cent. It is in the Ninth Schedule. If that can happen in Tamil Nadu, why can’t it
happen in other States and why can’t it happen at national level? If the Supreme
Court has put that ceiling, the Centre should have the political will to review that
Supreme Court order. You ask for a review and open it up. So, these are very
vital issues to address the concerns of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
in our country. Now, we are passing this Bill, but passing this Bill will not help.
It should be followed up with sincere, committed and concrete measures by the
Government. That is the big challenge, but that is the big question I raise before
the Government. Thank you.
488 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills


Minister, I hope you can reply on the issue of Annual Report of the National
Commission for Scheduled Castes and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.
That is a very important thing. I hope you will get the information and inform the

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: जवाब के साथ बोलूं या अभी बोल दूं ?


it and tell.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, हमने एससी कमीशन की रिपोर्ट को संसद में सब्मिट किया है ।


Now, Shri Jesudasu Seelam.

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM (Andhra Pradesh): Sir, I would like to say a few
things on the Bill. This basically deals with inclusion of certain communities in the
States of Chhattisgarh, Haryana, West Bengal and modification in some respects and
removal of area restrictions in Kerala and exclusion of certain communities from
the list of Scheduled Castes in Odisha. All the four aspects have been brought in
this small amendment which is under Article 341. We have been coming up with
inclusions, exclusions, modifications and area restrictions. But, while the area restriction
in Kerala is corrected, I agree with a lot of my colleagues that the area restrictions
throughout the country also need to be taken note of. Since it is in the State, the
State Government has taken interest saying that in northern part of Kerala, this
community is in Scheduled Tribes and in southern part, it is in Scheduled Castes;
so, uniformity should be maintained. That is the recommendation of the Kerala
Government. But, if X community, which is Scheduled Caste in a State, goes to
another State and it is not listed in the list of Scheduled Castes in that State, then
the problem comes up. That State Government is not taking it up. The original
State to which that person belongs should take it up. But, these are not being taken
up, creating a lot of hardship. That is why I urge the hon. Minister to take it up.
They have the statistics. There are communities which are listed as Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes, which are really facing social backwardness. That is why I
request that this anomaly should immediately be corrected. For instance, recently
some Scheduled Caste people residing in Madhya Pradesh came to us, the Forum
of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes MPs and made a representation. They
also appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Welfare of the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes of which I am privileged to be a Member. So, we
have recommended to the Government this case.
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills489

The hon. Minister has already said that he has laid the Reports of the Commission
on the Table of the House. But what we want is, not merely by laying, we need to
discuss and act upon the Reports of the National Commissions for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes; and also the National Commission for Backward Classes. What
they do is, they do a lot of work. They submit the reports to the Ministry; and
the Ministry lays the reports on the Table of the House. But it is never discussed
and never acted upon. I am specifically drawing the attention of the hon. Minister
that these reports should be discussed in the House. The Chair should protect our
interests and the Chair should convey to the Business Advisory Committee about it.


the procedure is only Members can raise that issue.

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: The Action Taken Report also should be laid on
the Table of the House. ...(Interruptions)... That is why they are delaying.

I urge upon the Government to take necessary action on each of those

recommendations and come back to the House. It is not merely laying the reports
on the Table of the House. The report itself doesn't mean anything unless it is acted
upon. So, the reports of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes and the National Commission for Backward Classes have been periodically
submitted; and they have done a lot of good work.

So, I request the hon. Minister, through you, that necessary action on those
reports should be taken. Also the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee
on the Welfare of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes need to be discussed.
I am a Member of this Committee. We have gone to many places. We have called
the CMDs of 14 nationalised banks; and reviewed the percentage of lending to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. I am really very, very sad to say that .01
per cent is the percentage of lending. If you are not spending equivalent percentage
of funds in proportion to the population, at least, there should be some substantial
money lending. Otherwise, if there is no money, it is only talkism and tokenism.
Gone are the days when the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the OBCs took
interest in typewriting, shorthand, knitting and sewing. All those things have become
things of the past. Now there are sufficient number of educated among the SC/ST
and OBCs, and they should be given sufficient financial aid o start the business on
their own, and tie up with industrial houses to start earning something. I am happy
that some of the banks have come forward. The Secretary, Financial Services is
working out a scheme. I hope the Minister would take cognizance of it. This is a
step initiated by the UPA Government. I congratulate the hon. Minster for Social
Justice that he has taken it forward and started a Venture Capital Fund. But there
490 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shri Jesudasu Seelam]

are certain problems and we have discussed it with the Minister. I hope he will be
able to address those issues.

Also, Sir, there is a Credit Guarantee Scheme initiated by the UPA Government,
and it has been taken up by the present Government. There are certain difficulties.
The Minister is aware of those difficulties. I hope he will address them. Sir, why
there is a demand for inclusion, we must try to find the root-cause for this. The
demand for inclusion is two-fold. Now, this is the reality. There are more number of
regional parties. There are more number of political reasons. At the time of elections,
they promised to garner the votes. But more and more members of Scheduled Castes
included hitherto in OBCs are competing to be included in the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes.

Sir, I would like to know as to what is the criteria. Under Article 341, the
Presidential orders were proclaimed. Six times they were done because in each
State certain communities were identified; they are scheduled. There is a list. They
are listed State-wise. They are subjected to the social backwardness because of the
heinous practice of untouchability. Earlier, it was physical untouchability. Now, it is a
practice in different forms of untouchability. So, those communities are listed saying
that these are socially backward for centuries. So, that is the criteria for listing under
the List of Scheduled Castes. So, they have to be really gone through. In recent
times, at least for the last 30-40 years what happened is, certain communities, which
are not hitherto subjected to that heinous practice of the untouchability, are included
for sought to be included for various reasons. I am not finding faults. Somehow,
it has happened. Even now, I think we need to correct those imbalances. I request
that there is a conference and a relook at the criteria needs to be evolved by the
Registrar General. There should not be this sort of tendency on the part of the
communities listed in OBCs to be included in Scheduled Castes because it is unfair.
There are certain cases. I know for sure as to what happened in some Southern
States. Prejudice still continues with the result that in one State, MLA tickets are
given to the untouchable Scheduled Castes which are included later. So, this is not
fair. This is not in the spirit of which should reflect it in the Constitution.

Secondly, Sir, the religion is a basis of reservation. In this country, we have

seen that Dalits, to whichever religion they belonged, were subjected to the social
disability. For instance, those Scheduled Castes who embraced Sikhism, casteism still
followed. That is why the reservation facility was extended to Dalits who have gone
to Sikhism. And, similarly, those Dalit communities who have gone to Bhuddhism,
were experiencing this caste discrimination. So, they are included in the List of
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills491

Scheduled Castes. Similarly, Sir, if the religious communities like Christians, Muslims
or those Dalits who even after the conversion are subjected to social discrimination,
definitely have a Fundamental Right to be included in the Scheduled Castes. So, a
Commission was asked to look into these issues. Justice Ranganath Misra Commission
has gone into these details, travelled widely, and recommended that the reservation
for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be religiously neutral. It should
not be based on religion. That is why I urge the Government to take up that
recommendation. If you feel that even after conversion to a particular religion, if a
person subjected to social discrimination based on caste, you need to put him back
in the List of Scheduled Castes. So, I think that is the point Mr. Raja has made.

Then coming to the urge for the people to get into the Scheduled Castes List,
the State is offering certain positive discrimination. On that aspect also, we need to
draw the attention of the Government to the Reservation Act because, so far, the
reservations are based on the Government orders. There is no codified Act. So, the
UPA Government has brought an Act and got that passed in Rajya Sabha. But since
there were certain anomalies, it was referred back. We need to take care of that.


two other Members to speak from your side. Please conclude.

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: Another two minutes, Sir. Reservation in promotions

has been in vogue in this country since 1955. Now this House passed the Reservation
in Promotions for S.Cs and S.T.s Bill, but because of certain observations of the
Supreme Court in M. Nagraj case, we tried to remove those hurdles. But that could
not be taken up again because the Lok Sabha got dissolved and the Bill elapsed.

The third thing is that the three Congress-I ruled States of Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka and Telangana implemented the Sub Plan for the Scheduled Castes and
the Scheduled Tribes which was proposed by the UPA Government. I urge that the
remaining States also should do that and population equivalent percentage of Plan
funds should be spent on the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes so as to
remove the gaps in Developmental Indices between these members and the rest of
the members of the society.


you. Your time is over.

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: Sir, this is very important. The Central Government
itself should bring the legislation. The UPA had prepared it. Sir, some hon. Members
have raised the backlog issue. It is Rajiv Gandhiji who insisted that untill 50 per
cent of the vacancies was filled, no further recruitments should be done. I think we
492 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shri Jesudasu Seelam]

need to take up those measures which have already been initiated. Even at the time
of the UPA, we had initiated the 93rd Amendment for reservation in educational
institutions belonging to the private sector. That is still pending. So, we request
the Government to bring in all those legislative measures so that there can be real
empowerment of this section of the society. The Government is celebrating the 125th
Birth Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar, and it has committed several things. We urge
upon them to take some action and prove their credibility to people. Otherwise, simply
by just tokenism and mere talks, the S.C. and S.T. members of the community are
not going to be taken away. I request them to sincerely implement it. The necessary
background work had been done by the UPA Government. Whatever you have to
do is, take it forward and see to it that those Bills are passed. This is all I wanted
to say. Thank you very much.

महंत शम्भु�सादजी तुंदिया (गुजरात): वाइस चेयरमैन सर, मैं संविधान (अनुसूचित जातियां)
आदे श (संशोधन) िवधेयक, 2016 पर अपना समर्थन दे ने के लिए खड़ा हु आ हूं । सर, भारत की
जातीय व्यवस्था के आधार पर दलितों के उत्थान के लिए सूचियां दी गई हैं । पिछले 60 सालों से
इस व्यवस्था के आधार पर समाज को इसका लाभ मिल रहा है । अब लाभ कम मिला है या ज्यादा
मिला है , अगर हम इस बात पर चिन्ता जताएंगे, तो वह अलग-अलग पार्टी का िवषय बन जाएगा।

हमारे आदरणीय मं �ी जी आज जो संविधान संशोधन विधेयक लेकर आए हैं , मैं उसके समर्थन
में खड़ा हु आ हूं । इस सदन में मुझसे बहु त ही वरिष्ठ और अनु भवी सदस्यों ने अपना मत रखा है ।

(उपसभापति महोदय पीठासीन हु ए)

सर, मैं जिस पार्टी से आता हूं , उस पार्टी की एक पंचनिष्ठा है । उस पंचनिष्ठा में पांचवीं
निष्ठा, सामाजिक समरसता है ।

''पथ का अंतिम लक्ष्य नहीं है सिंहासन चढ़ते जाना

सब समाज को लिए साथ में आगे है बढ़ते जाना।''

हम सब इस सू� को लेकर चलें। आज लोकतं� के आधार पर हमारे �धान मं �ी, आदरणीय

नरे ं� भाई मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में सरकार चल रही है और पूरे दे श और पूरे िवश्व में डा. बाबा
साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी की 125वीं जन्म जयन्ती मनाई जा रही है । उनको शतकोटि नमन करते हु ए
और उनके सम्मुख �द्धा सुमन अर्पित करते हु ए, हमने पंचतीर्थ का बहु त अच्छा विकास करने का
संकल्प लिया है । चाहे उनकी जन्मभूमि महू हो, 26 अलीपुर रोड हो, नागपुर की दीक्षाभूमि हो,
इंदू मिल की चैत्य भूमि हो, डा. बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर का मूल गांव अम्बावाडे गांव हो, वहां पर
भी राष्ट्रीय स्मारक बनाने की बहु त ही बड़ी योजनाएं बनाई गई हैं ।

सर, यहां जो बातें मुझसे पहले मे रे िम� रख रहे थे, मैं सुन रहा था। मैं भी दलित समाज से
आता हूं , मैं एक हिन्दू भी हूं और मे रा एक बहु त ही बड़ा धार्मिक स्थान भी है । यहां मे रे से पहले
बोलने वाले �द्धेय सम्माननीय सदस्यगण, डी. राजा जी और सीलम साहब ने कहा कि रं गनाथ
मि�ा आयोग की रिपोर्ट है , सच्चर कमे टी की रिपोर्ट है । मगर दलित समाज में यह छु आछू त
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills493

का जो मानदं ड है , जो हमारे ऊपर कलंक है , तो बंधारण में आरक्षण के लिए एक ही मापदं ड

रखा गया है — अस्पृश्यता, untouchability. सर, जो दलित धर्मान्तरित होता है , वह क्यों होता
है और कैसे होता है ? वह untouchability के कलंक से मुक्त होने के लिए धर्मान्तरित होता है
और वह दू सरे धर्मों में जाता है । डा. बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर ने बंधारण में स्पष्ट रूप से कहा
है कि जहां पर अस्पृश्यता का कलंक है , उस कलंक के लिए आरक्षण की व्यवस्था दी गई है ।
महोदय, मैं इस सदन के माध्यम से यह कहना चाहूं गा कि यह अस्पृश्यता का कलंक सिर्फ हिन्दू
समाज में ही है । यह बौद्ध समाज में कहीं पर दिखाई दे ता है , सिख समाज में कहीं पर दिखाई
दे ता है , लेकिन मुस्लिम समुदाय और ईसाई समुदाय में यह अस्पृश्यता का कलंक हमें दिखाई
नहीं दे रहा है । आरक्षण का मापदं ड सिर्फ एक ही है — अस्पृश्यता। तो जैसा मे रे मि�ों ने कहा,
वैसे मैं भी अपनी बात रखना चाहूं गा कि जो आरक्षण आज चला आ रहा है , उसमें किसी और
को हिस्सेदार न बनाया जाए।

सर, आदरणीय मं �ी जी आज जो विधेयक लेकर आए हैं , उनके इस िवधेयक को मैं समर्थित

करता हूं । जितनी भी जातियां हैं , यहां मे रे मि� कह रहे थे कि दलित समाज में माइ�ेशन हो रहा
है । माइ�ेशन जहां भी होता है , जिस भी राज्य से दू सरे राज्य में जाते हैं , तो उनको सर्टिफिकेट
मिलने में बहु त सी दिक्कतें आती हैं , तो उसमें सुधार लाना चाहिए। हमारी सरकार में दलितों के
लिए यहां जितनी भी योजनाएं लाकर आदरणीय नरे ं� भाई ने जो पहल रखी है , तो ये दे श के
पहले ऐसे �धान मं �ी हैं , जिन्होंने यह कहा है कि मैं डा. बाबा साहे ब अम्बेडकर जी का भक्त
हूं और उनके दिए गए अधिकार के आधार पर एक छोटे घर से आया हूं और यहां �धान मं �ी
बना हूं । आज तक किसी ने भी विगत 60 सालों से ऐसा नहीं कहा है । पहली बार इस दे श को
एक ऐसा �धान मं �ी मिला है , जिसने दिल खोल कर मन की बात कही है और दलितों के �ति
अपने �द्धा-सुमन अर्पित िकए हैं ।

सर, हमारा तो ध्येय है — सभी समाजों को साथ में लेकर समरस समाज का निर्माण करना।
सर, मे रा समय कम है , मगर मैं एक बात कहना चाहता हूं । मैं गुजरात से आता हूं । गुजरात
में जूनागढ़, गिरनार नाम से एक गांव है । वहां पर आज से सदियों पहले वैष्णव समाज में एक
परमनिष्ठ भक्त हु ए, जिनका नाम नरसिंह मे हता था। उनका एक गान था, जोकि हमारे राष्ट्रपिता
महात्मा गांधी जी का भी बहु त ही ि‍�य गान था-

'वैष्णवजन तो तेने कहिए जे पीड़ पराई जाने रे '।

यह जो भजन है , उसे गाने वाले महात्मा नरसिंह दास जी दलित समाज के बीच में जाकर
बैठते थे। जब वे दलित समाज के बीच में जाकर बैठते थे, तो उस समय के उस समाज ने
उनका तिरस्कार किया था। उस तिरस्कार के बावजूद भी वे वहां भजन-कीर्तन करने के लिए,
सत्संग के लिए, समाज के सुधार के लिए जाते रहे , बार-बार जाते रहे । तब जाकर, ये जो हमारे
समाज के निर्माण की बातें हैं , वहां से शुरू हु ईं। हमारी पार्टी के आद्यस्थापक पंडित दीनदयाल
जी और आदरणीय श्यामा �साद मुखर्जी जी, जो कि वंदनीय हैं , उनके सू� दिए गए हैं - एकात्म
मानववाद और समरस समाज का निर्माण। सर, हम यह करने जा रहे हैं । तो मैं अपने सभी मि�ों
से यह आ�ह करूं गा, विनती करूं गा कि हमारी जो समरसता की कल्पना है , उसको साकार
होने में आप सब सहयोग दें । आदरणीय मं �ी जी जिस बिल में संशोधन लेकर आए हैं , उसका
पूरे दिल से सम्मान के साथ, आदर के साथ, समर्थन करते हु ए मैं अपनी बात को पूर्ण करता हूं ।
494 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

5.00 p.m.

SHRI RIPUN BORA (Assam): Respected Deputy Chairman, Sir, first of all, I
thank you for giving me this opportunity to take part in a discussion on such a
very important and sensitive issue and that too at a very historic moment when our
country is going to celebrate the 125th Birth Anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Sir, there is no question of opposing this Bill. I only want to put forward some
suggestions to the hon. Minister. First of all, simply, inclusion of some castes or
tribes in the list of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes List will not solve the
problem. Our main problem is to give priority to them and implement it completely
in letter and spirit. Sir, here, I want to draw the attention of the hon. Minister that
on the one hand, we are including some castes in the list of Scheduled Castes,
but, on the other hand, we are taking quite opposite stand in the Budget. So far
as the Budget of 2016-17 is concerned, we have seen that the fund for the welfare
of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has been tremendously curtailed in
comparison to the Budget of the UPA Government. So, Sir, now, my suggestion and
submission is that since we are going to give the status of Scheduled Castes to some
more castes, it should give equal opportunity to other Scheduled Castes and for that,
sufficient provision be made in the Budget. Here, Sir, I want to quote from point
no.2 of the Financial Memorandum, “It is not possible to estimate with any degree
of precision, the likely expenditure which would have to be incurred on this account
due to non-availability of the caste-wise data.” It is very surprising. Sir, this Bill
has come under a series of scrutiny. Normally, when the State Government submits
the proposal, they must have given the detailed data and the Registrar General of
India never approaches this without the detailed data. So, it is very unfortunate that
the caste-wise data is not yet available because of which the adequate fund or a
financial provision could not be made. I would request the hon. Minister to clarify
this matter in his reply.

Sir, my third point is that so far the backlog is concerned, we have seen that
in the Central Government as well as in the State Government also, thousands and
thousands of posts are lying vacant. So, there should be some mandatory provision.
There should be strict accountability in respect of Central Government as well as
in the State Government. There should be some regulatory provisions, regulatory
measures; some accountability provisions and time-bound targets to fulfill the backlog.
I hope the hon. Minister will consider this also.

Last one is that since I am coming from Assam, I must mention about a very,
very long-standing issue of Assam, though it is not related to Scheduled Caste, it
is related to Scheduled Tribes, Sir, that is inclusion of six tribes of Assam, namely,
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills495

Koch-Rajbongshis, Tia Ahoms, tea tribes, Morans, Motoks and Chutiyas. For the last
two decades, this matter is lying pending here on one pretext or the other. Sir, you
will be surprised to know that during the time of our former President, Dr. Shankar
Dayal Sharma, the Koch-Rajbongshis was given the Scheduled Tribes status by a
Presidential Ordinance. But, unfortunately, thereafter, no Bill was passed and it was
not made an Act. So far the tea tribes community of Assam is concerned, all these
tea tribes community people have migrated from Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and
undivided Bihar. When the British came to Assam and established the tea gardens,
they took these labourers to Assam as tea garden workers. What happened is, these
communities are getting Scheduled Tribe status in Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and
Bihar, but only in Assam have they been deprived of getting the Scheduled Tribe’s
status. In this regard, I would like to draw the attention of the Government to the
fact that during the last Lok Sabha elections, in 2014, the present Prime Minister,
Shri Narendra Modi, made a commitment that if the NDA Government came to
power, within six months, these six communities would be enlisted in the Scheduled
Tribes List. But those six months are not yet over. Now, the Assembly Elections
are concluded in Assam. Three months before the Assembly Elections, the BJP,
the Government and the Tribal Affairs Minister also went to Assam and made the
commitment again that within six months, these communities would be brought under
the Scheduled Tribes List.

Now, I would like to know from the hon. Minister that whether in his reply
he would kindly assure that during the coming Monsoon Session of Parliament the
Bill would be brought, including these six communities of Assam in the List, for
giving them the 'Scheduled Tribe' status. Thank you, Sir.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Ripun Bora. I can’t but congratulate
you. In spite of being the Maiden Speech, you were very precise, concise and to
the point. He did not resort to verbosity or any flippancy. He made his points very
clearly. I congratulate you. I think, others too should emulate him.

Hon. Minister, as a last point, he mentioned a very relevant point that in other
States, like Madhya Pradesh and Bihar, certain communities are already Scheduled
Tribes but not in Assam. He has requested you to reply on that. You have to reply
to that. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI PRAVEEN RASHTRAPAL (Gujarat): Sir, what about my name?

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No; your name is not there in the list. From the
Congress Party, there were only three names and they have spoken. (Interruptions)
I was repeatedly saying about Mr. Chairman’s direction that once discussion started
... (Interruptions)... What can I do? I am guided by the direction of Mr. Chairman.
496 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: उपसभापति महोदय, माननयी 11 सदस्यों ने इस संशोधन विधेयक

पर अपने विचार व्यक्त किए हैं और जो विचार व्यक्त किए गए हैं , उनसे ऐसा लगता है कि
सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मं �ालय पर पूर्णरूपेण चर्चा हु ई है । अब आप मुझे कितना समय
दें गे, यह तो आप ही तय करें गे।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: As much as you want.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: ठीक है ।

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: नहीं सर, 15 मिनट। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Your Minister is controlling you! I am not controlling

you. (Interruptions)

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: सर, ये मं �ी को निर्देश दें तो मुझे बुरा नहीं लगता, लेकिन जब सुबह
ये आपको निर्देश दे रहे थे, उस समय मुझे बुरा लग रहा था। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: और आप रोज़ दे ते हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I will not go by any direction other than that of
Mr. Chairman. No other direction.

SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH: And the rules and procedures.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Constitution and the rules and procedures.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: माननीय उपसभापति महोदय, सबसे पहले माननीय शमशेर सिंह
डु लो साहब ने अपने विचार व्यक्त किए। उन्होंने सामान्यत: नरें � मोदी साहब की नीति और नीयत
पर �श्न खड़े किए और यह कहा कि उनके समय में उनकी सरकार ने बहु त से काम किए थे।
उन्होंने कुछ लम्बे उदाहरण भी ि‍दए। अगर मैं यह कहूं कि अनु सूचित जाति के वर्ग के समक्ष जो
समस्याएं आज िवद्यमान हैं , उनके लिए कौन दोषी है तो सीधा-सीधा उत्तर सामने आता है कि
दे श की आज़ादी के बाद किस राजनैतिक दल का 60 साल से अधिक समय पंचायत से लेकर
कें� सरकार तक राज रहा, तो वहीं जाकर निगाहें टिकती हैं । मैं आलोचनात्मक तरीके से बहु त
सारे उदाहरण दे सकता हूं , लेकिन दे ना नहीं चाहूं गा। मैं यह जरूर कहना चाहूं गा कि नरे ं� मोदी
साहब की सरकार अर्थात वर्तमान सरकार अनु सूचित जाति वर्ग के हित संरक्षण के �ति �तिबद्ध
है - आज से नहीं है , जब से हमारा जनसंघ बना था, तब से है । मैं आपको एक उदाहरण दे ना
चाहूं गा। सन् 1954 में जनसंघ की राष्ट्रीय �तिनिधि सभा का एक सम्मेलन इंदौर में हु आ था।
उसमें हमने यह �स्ताव किया था, आप उसे पढ़ लें वह तो लिखा हु आ है - मैं कोई आज उसे
बोल रहा हूं , ऐसा नहीं है । उसमें यह लिखा था कि हम भारत के संविधान का सम्मान करते हैं ,
अम्बेडकर जी का सम्मान करते हैं और छु आछू त को अभिशाप मानते हैं , संवध
ै ानिक �ावधानों को
लागू कराने के लिए हम गांव-गांव, गली-गली में जाएंगे और उन �ावधानों को लागू करने का
�यास करें गे। जहां-जहां, जब-जब हमें अवसर मिला, चाहे राज्य सरकार के रूप में या भारत
सरकार के रूप में , हमने वह करके दिखाया है । अम्बेडकर जी से संबंधित जो मानबिन्दु हैं , उन
पांच �मुख स्थानों को पंचतीर्थ का दर्जा भी मोदी साहब की सरकार ने दिया। 1991 में पटवा जी
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills497

मध्य �दे श सरकार में मुख्य मं �ी थे और मैं राज्य मं �ी था। अम्बेडकर जी की जन्मस्थली पर भव्य
स्मारक बनाने का निर्णय उन्होंने लिया और मुझे कहा कि वहां दो समितियां हैं , उन्हें राज़ी करो।
वे दोनों समितियां राज़ी नहीं हुईं। वहां कलेक्टर की अध्यक्षता में एक कमेटी बनायी गयी और वहां
स्मारक बनाने का निर्णय लिया। उसके बाद 14 अ�ैल, 1991 को अम्बेडकर साहब की जयंती के
दिन अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी के हाथों उसका भूमि पूजन करवाया। मैं �त्यक्ष में वहां उपस्थि‍त
था, पटवा जी उसकी अध्यक्षता कर रहे थे। वहां पर वातावरण खराब करने की बहु त अिधक
कोशिश की गयी थी और जो वातावरण खराब करने की कोशिश की गयी थी, उसमें उधर और
इधर बैठे हु ए कुछ लोगों की पार्टी के लोग थे। वे यह कह रहे थे कि ऐसा क्यों कर रहे हैं ? वह
मध्य �दे श का मामला था, उनकी जन्मभूमि मे रे जन्म स्थान से सवा सौ किलोमीटर दू र थी, हमने
अपना कर्तव्य समझा और वह काम किया। फिर शिक्षा भूमि, दीक्षा भूमि, परिनिर्वाण भूमि, अंतिम
संस्कार भूमि-इन सब पर भव्य स्मारक बनाने का काम हमने किया। अधोसंरचना के साथ-साथ
जो भावनात्मक सम्मान दे ना चाहिए, उस दृष्टिकोण से भी सामाजिक जागरूकता लाने के लिए
यह सब काम हमने किया है । महोदय, अमरा साबले साहब ने बहु त सारी बातें यहां बतायीं। बहु त
सारे माननीय सदस्यों ने यह कहा कि कुछ जातियों को अनु सूचित जाति की लिस्ट में शामिल
कर लीजिए। उससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है , यह बात अभी तक के अनु भव से दिखायी दे ती है ।

�ी शमशे र सिंह डु लो: सर, मे रा एक प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डर है ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I will allow you after he speaks.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: हमने यह अनु भव किया कि वास्तव में आज जो लोग अुनसूचित
जाति में सम्मिलित हैं , उनके साथ अन्याय हो रहा है , अत्याचार हो रहा है , उनका शोषण हो
रहा है , उनका शोषण हो रहा है , उत्पीड़न हो रहा है । आर्थिक दृष्टि से, सामाजिक दृष्टि से,
शैक्षणिक दृष्टि से, राजनैतिक दृष्टि से और धार्मिक दृष्टि से उन्हें जो सम्मान मिलना चाहिए, वह
नहीं मिल रहा है । वह सम्मान दिलाने की दृष्टि से हमने ये सब कार्य�म किए हैं । इसके साथ-साथ
अभी-अभी The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities)
Amendment Act संसद ने पास किया है , इस सदन ने भी किया है और लोक सभा ने भी किया
है । 26 जनवरी, 2016 से वह कानू न लागू हो गया और 14 अ�ैल, 2016 से, माननीय अम्बेडकर
जी की जयंती से उसके नियम भी लागू हो गए हैं । हमने यह �ावधान किया है कि अब इन वर्गों
के लोगों को जो �ताड़ित करे गा, उसको कठोर दं ड तो मिलेगा ही, इसके साथ ही साथ पीडि़त
परिवार को राहत भी मिलेगी और संरक्षण भी मिलेगा। हमने �ावधान किया है कि अगर किसी
अनु सूचित जाति, अनु सूचित जनजाति वर्ग के व्यक्ति के बारे में सामने वाले को मालूम है और
वह जाति सूचक शब्द का उपयोग करके गाली-गलौज करता है , उसका मुंह काला कर दे ता है ,
मूंछ काट दे ता है , सिर मंुडन कर दे ता है , जूतों की माला पहना कर घुमाता है , दू ल्हे को घोड़ी
पर बैठकर बारात नहीं निकालने दे ता है , वोट डालने से रोकता है , चुनाव लड़ने से रोकता है ,
िनर्वस्त्र करके ज़लील करने का �यास करता है , इन सब अपराधों के लिए पहले करने का �यास
करता है , इन सब अपराधों के लिए पहले जो नियम, कानू न, कायदे थे, वे इसमें समाहित नहीं
थे। हमने इस �कार के अपराधों को भी इसमें समाहित किया है और कठोर दं ड की व्यवस्था
की है । ...(व्यवधान)... पहले नियम था कि 10 वर्ष से से अिधक की सजा जिस धारा के अंतर्गत
होने का �ावधान है , उस में ही Atrocity Act लागू होता था, परन्तु अब सभी धाराओं में — चाहे
498 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत]

वह छह महीने की सजा वाला �ावधान हो या 20 साल वाली सजा का �ावधान हो, उन सभी
धाराओं में -चाहे वह छह महीने की सजा वाला �ावधान हो या 20 साल वाली सजा का �ावधान
हो, उन सभी धाराओं में Atrocity Act भी लागू होगा। हमने यह �ांतिकारी कदम भी उठाया है ।
इसकी लम्बे समय से मांग की जा रही थी। जब 1989 में यह कानून बना था और इसमें खामियां
दिखीं थीं, उसी समय से लगातार इसके बारे में सुझाव आ रहे थे। हमने इसकी खामियों को
खत्म करने की कोशिश की है , अच्छा होता कि आप हमारे इस काम की सराहना करते। अभी
भी, मैं अापसे िनवेदन करूं गा कि आप जहां भी जाएं, इस कानू न की सरहना करें और लोगों में
जागृति लाने का काम करें या अपराध करने वाले अपराध नहीं करें और अगर किसी के साथ
अपराध हो, तो वह उन �ावधानों का लाभ लेने की भी कोशिश करे ।

�ी िवशम्भर �साद िनषाद जी ने इस बिल का समर्थन किया है , परन्तु उनका वही पुराना
संशोधन है , जो उन्होंने �ाइवेट बिल के रुप में �स्तुत किया था और इसी सदन ने उसको
अस्वीकृत कर दिया था। ...(व्यवधान)... उन्होंने उन्हीं बातों का उल्लेख किया है , परन्तु आज वे
थोड़े से उस बिल से अलग हटकर भी बोल रहे थे। वे मुझे यह कह रहे थे कि हमें तो केवल
grammatical सुधार करना है , कौमा, मा�ा का सुधार करना है , इतना ही कहा है । ...(व्यवधान)...
�ीमान् जी, आप अपना बिल पढिए। आपने कहा कि इन 17 जातियों को ...(व्यवधान)... आज
अमें डमें ट है और वह बिल था, अापने यह कहा है कि आज वे जातियां ओबीसी की �ेणी में हैं ,
इनको ओबीसी की �ेणी से अनु सूचित जाित की �ेणी में कर दो। अगर स्पेलिंग की mistake
सुधारनी हो या कोई पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखना हो या कोई grammatical mistake हो, अगर
इस �कार का कोई �स्ताव राज्य सरकार के माध्यम से आएगा, तो हम उस पर विचार करें गे।
आपने जो अमें डमें ट दिया है , वह ओबीसी वर्ग की �ेणी में आने वाली जातियों को एस.सी. में
मिलाने का है । इस बात के लिए आर.जी.आई. ने दो बार इन्कार कर िदया है । जब एक बार
आर.जी.आई. इन्कार करता है , तो हम उसको राज्य सरकार के पास टिप्पणी के लिए वापस
भेजते हैं । एक बार एक राज्य सरकार ने इसको िवद्ड्रॉ ही कर लिया था और दू सरी सरकार ने
इसे फिर से भेजा। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): बीएसपी की सरकार थी। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: मैं किसी सरकार का नाम नहीं ले रहा हूं , वैसे सरकार तो सरकार
ही होती है । ...(व्यवधान)... एक सरकार ने विद्ड्रॉ किया और दू सरी सरकार ने फिर से �स्ताव
भेजा। अब इसी पर मत भिन्नता दिख रही है । इसी मत भिन्नता के कारण आर.जी.अाई. को बल
मिला। जो बैग �ाउं ड अनु सूचित जातियां आदे श 1950 का था, उसके आधार पर उसने निरस्त
किया था, परन्तु इसके कारण और बल मिला, तो उन्होंने दू सरी बार भी इन्कार कर दिया।
दू सरी बार इन्कार करने के बाद हम इस �कार को कोई संशोधन स्वीकार नहीं कर पाते हैं ।
यह केवल इस सरकार ने नियम बनाया है , ऐसा नहीं है । यह नियम तो 1950 से और 1955 से
लागू है । इस बीच में सभी पार्टीज की, सभी विचारधाराओं की सरकार रही है । किसी के समर्थन
से सरकार चल रही थी या किसी की खुद की पार्टी की सरकार थी। यहां जो बैठे हैं , मे रे ख्याल
से सभी राजनीतिक दलों के विचारों के समर्थन से दे श में सरकार चल चुकी है । उन सरकारों
के समय भी इसी नियम के अनु सार इसका ही अनु पालन होता रहा है । अगर हम भी अनु पालन
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills499

कर रहे हैं , तो कोई गलती नहीं कर रहे हैं । इसलिए RGI के निर्णय के खिलाफ हम निर्णय लेने
की स्थिति में नहीं हैं । इसलिए मैं आपसे भी यह निवेदन करना चाहूं गा कि आप अपने अमें डमें ट
को वापस ले लें, तो ज्यादा अच्छा होगा। यहां पर के. सी. त्यागी जी ने बहु त सारी बातें कही
हैं , 18 लोगों की आत्महत्या की बात कही है । मुझे भी मालूम है , है दराबाद की उस यूनिवर्सिटी
की मे रे पास नामज़द जानकारी है । वहां पर रोहित से पहले 11 लोगों ने आत्महत्या की है । 2006
से लेकर अब तक वहां 11 अात्महत्याएं हु ई हैं । इनमें 3 छा� SC के थे, दो छा� ST के थे,
3 OBC के थे, 3 जनरल थे। अगर आप लोग अन्यथा न लें, तो मैं पूछना चाहूं गा कि जिस समय
वहां आत्महत्याएं हु ई थीं, उस समय कितने राजनीतिक दलों के नेता वहां दे खने गए थे या उस
पीडि़त परिवार के लिए राहत दिलाने की कोशिश की थी? ...(व्यवधान)... वहां कोई नहीं गया,
तो क्यों नहीं गया? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी के. सी. त्यागी: अगर आप यह सवाल उठाना चाहते हैं , तो मैं पूछता हूं कि SC, ST के
लिए इतना दर्द होता, तो ...(व्यवधान)... आप क्यों नहीं जाते? ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी उपसभापति: त्यागी जी।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, मैं तो कहना ही नहीं चाहता था, मुझे इसलिए यह कहना
पड़ा... आपने पहले भी दे खा कि मैं रे लेवट
ें मै टर से भिन्न कहीं जाता ही नहीं हूं । त्यागी साहब ने
नाम लेकर कहा है । मैं उनका आदर-सम्मान करता हूं । उन्होंने कहा कि मुझे पीड़ा हो रही है कि
आप मान नहीं रहे हैं । मैं ने इस कारण से स्पष्टीकरण दिया है , नहीं तो मैं नहीं दे ता। मैं ने पहले
भी कोई स्पष्टीकरण नहीं दिया है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी नीरज शे खर: कहीं कुछ हो जाए, ये कभी नहीं जाते। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Rapolu, please sit down. ...(Interruptions)...

Listen to the Minister.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: वीर सिंह जी ने अपने विचार व्यक्त किए और बहु त अच्छी जानकारी
व बहु त अच्छे सुझाव भी िदए। उन्होंने मागं भी की कि आबादी बढ़ रही है और आबादी के
मान से आरक्षण का �ावधान होना चाहिए। इस दृिष्टकोण को ध्यान में रखकर �यास करने की
आवश्यकता है । हम भी विचार-विमर्श करते हैं । यदि आप लोग भी इस �कार का वातावरण बनाने
का �यास करें गे, तो जो आबादी बढ़ी है , SC की 16.8 के आसपास पहुं ची है । हम उस पर कुछ
करने की कोशिश कर पाएंगे। इसके साथ-साथ दू सरे राज्यों में भी एक राज्य की जाति को वही
लाभ मिलना चाहिए। मैं इस आवश्यकता पर यह निवेदन करना चाहता हूं कि सभी राज्य ऐसे
हैं , जहां एक जाति सारे �दे शों में अनु सूचित जाति की �ेणी में नहीं आती है । किसी �दे श के
दो जिलों में SC की �ेणी में आती है , कहीं दो जिलों में ST में है , कहीं दो जिलों मे OBC में
है और वे की वे जातियां किसी जिले में कुछ भी नहीं हैं । इस कारण से अगर राज्य करना चाहे
और ऐसा वातावरण बने और राज्यों की तरफ से कोई �स्ताव आए, तो िनश्चित रूप से उस पर
विचार करने की दृष्टि से हमें बल मिलेगा। मैं यह बताना चाहूं गा कि हर राज्य में 3, 4 जिलों
में कोई SC में है , 3, 4 जिलों में OBC में है , 3, 4 जिलों में दे श में तो है ही और within the
state अगर यह सब हो जाए, तो वातावरण आगे बढ़ेगा, हमको भी कुछ रास्ता मिलेगा। फिर यह
जाति के सर्टिफिकेट की बात है , तो सर्टिफिकेट बनाने के लिए राज्यों ने अलग-अलग �ि‍�या तय
500 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत]

कर रखी है । वैसे तरीका तो एक ही है , परं तु अलग-अलग �ि‍�या तय की है और दिक्कत यह
आ गई है कि सु�ीम कोर्ट में फर्जी जातियों को लेकर रिट दायर हु ई थी, तो माननीय उच्चतम
न्यायालय ने एक बार फैसला दे दिया और यह कह िदया कि 1950 की जो अनु सूचित जातियों
की लिस्ट है और जो उनका बैक�ाउं ड है , उसके आधार पर ही वह बनाई जाएगी। फिर भी
अलग-अलग राज्यों में अलग-अलग �ावधान किए गए हैं , जैसे मध्य �दे श, छत्तीसगढ़ और कुछ
अन्य राज्यों ने अपने यहां अलग-अलग �ावधान किए हैं कि अगर बच्चा पढ़ने के लिए स्कू ल
में �वेश लेता है , तो टीचर ही उसका फार्म भरें गे। वे तहसीलदार या एसडीएम के पास जाएंगे,
तहसीलदार या एसडीएम �माण-प� बना कर स्कू ल वालों को दे गा और स्कू ल वाले ही उसे उस
बच्चे के पेरेंट्स को दे दें गे। अब पेरेंट्स को कहीं जाने-आने की आवश्यकता नहीं है । यह भी तय
किया गया है कि minimum within 7 days and maximum within 15 days में इस �कार
की व्यवस्था कर ली जाएगी। ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी उपसभापति: गहलोत जी, आपको और कितने मिनट चाहिए?

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: सर, आज आप मं �ी जी पर बहु त मे हरबान हैं ।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, उन्होंने कहा कि जाति के आधार पर जनगणना होनी चाहिए,
जैसे हर 10 साल में जनगणना होती है । पिछली बार अलग से जाति के आधार पर जनगणना
करवाई गई है , लेकिन अभी उसका िडक्लेरे शन बाकी है । उस दिशा में हम कुछ �यास कर रहे हैं ।

एक माननीय सदस्य ने कहा कि बैकलागॅ पूरा नहीं हो रहा है , यह बात सही है । उत्तर
�दे श के लिए वीर सिंह जी ने कहा कि बहन मायावती जी ने वहां बैकलॉग को पूरा किया था,
पर आज की स्थिति में वहां पर भी बैकलॉग है । इसके लिए हमने �यास किया है और भारत
सरकार के मं �ालयों को भी लिखा है , साथ ही राज्य सरकार को भी लिखा है । हमने यह �यास
किया है , जिससे पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में इस बार हर राज्य में बैकलॉग में कमी आई है । हमने
रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करने का �यास किया है । भारत सरकार के मं �ालयों ने भी इसी �कार
के �यास किए हैं । अनेक मं �ालयों की जानकारी मे रे पास आई है । अगर आप समय दें गे, तो मैं
आंकड़ों सहित वह जानकारी दे ने के लिए तैयार हूं । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी मुख्तार अब्बास नक़वी: सर, इन्हें किसी और दिन समय दे दीजिए।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: मुझे नक़वी जी कह रहे थे कि कहीं आप पर भी राधा मोहन जी का

असर तो नहीं पड़ रहा है , लेकिन आपने मुझे कह िदया कि पूरा जवाब दो, इसलिए मैं जवाब दे ने
लगा। अगर आप कहते, तो मैं केवल रे लेवट
ें मै टर पर ही बोलकर अपनी बात समाप्त कर दे ता।

�ी उपसभापति: आप ऐसा ही कीजिए। जो रे लेवट

ें है , वही बात कीजिए और अपनी बात
खत्म कीजिए।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: क्या आपको पूरी बात नहीं सुननी है ?

�ी के. सोम�साद जी ने भी इस बिल का समर्थन किया है । दिलीप तिर्की साहब ने जो मांग

की है , उस पर निश्चित रूप से हमारा मं �ालय विचार कर रहा है । आरजीआई ने उसके लिए येस
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills501

कर दिया है । इस सवाल को हमने एसएसी कमिशन के पास भेजा है , अगर एससी कमिशन की
रिपोर्ट येस में आएगी, तो अगली बार हम उसको भी बिल के रूप में यहां लाने की कोशिश करें गे।

सीलम साहब ने भी बहु त सारी बातें कही हैं । उन्होंने जो कठिनाई बताई है , उस कठिनाई
को दू र करने के लिए हम �यास कर रहे हैं । एक माननीय सदस्य ने ऐसा कहा है कि हम
आयोग की रिपोर्ट पेश नहीं करते हैं । मैं सदन को बताना चाहता हूं कि 2013-14 तक आयोग की
जितनी भी रिपोर्ट्स थीं, वे सब हमने पिछले स� में सब्मिट कर दी हैं । जहां तक चर्चा करवाने
का सवाल है , अगर आप मांग करें गे और इधर से स्वीकृति मिल जाएगी, तो हम चर्चा करने के
िलए तैयार हैं । हम सुओ मोटो �यास करने की बात भी करें गे, परन्तु अब यह सदन की सम्पत्ति
हो गई है । जब �तिवेदन सदन के पटल पर रख दिया जाता है , तो वह सदन की सम्पत्ति हो
जाता है । ...(व्यवधान)...

SHRI D. RAJA: You check your facts. Not all the reports have been submitted.
And they say because of Action Taken Reports, it is getting delayed. I argued in
a Committee meeting. It is Annual Report, not Biannual Report. You must submit

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: ऐक्शन टे कन के बारे में मैं आपको अलग से लिखित में जानकारी
दे दूं गा।

SHRI D. RAJA: No, no. You check your facts.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सीलम साहब ने रं गनाथ मि�ा कमे टी की बात कही है । मैं इस
िवषय पर पहले ही बोल चुका था, इसलिए आज उस पर बोलने की आवश्यकता महसूस नहीं
करता, फिर भी मैं एक निवेदन करना चाहता हूं । परन्तु फिर भी मैं यह निवेदन करना चाहता
हूं कि सु�ीम कोर्ट ने एक बार नहीं, अनेक बार और सरकार ने 1948 में भी, 1952 में भी और
1956 में भी इस �कार के विषयों पर विचार किया हर सरकार ने उसको असहमति दे दी, अर्थात्
धर्मान्तरित ि‍�श्चियन और मुिस्लम जब धर्म परिवर्तन कर लेता है , तो वहां छु आछू त का वातावरण
नहीं होता है और एससी का दर्जा संविधान में उन्हीं जातियों को मिला है , जिनके साथ छु आछू त
का वातावरण है । इस बात को सबने सहमति दी। उसमें आपकी भी सरकार थी अभी तक सु�ीम
कोर्ट के निर्णय के बंधन में भी यह हम लागू करने की स्थिति में नहीं हैं । जहां तक आपने कहा
कि ऋण दे ना चाहिए, तो 'जनधन योजना' के माध्यम से, 'मु�ा योजना' के माध्यम से और 'Stand
Up India' तथा 'Start Up India' में जो उद्यमिता के क्षे� में ऋण सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने की
कोशिश की गई है , BICCI के साथ भी एक कां�ेस करके इस दिशा में आगे बढ़ने का �यास
किया है । �धान मं �ी जी ने एक निर्णय लि‍या है कि दे श की जो बैंकों की सवा लाख शाखाएं
हैं , हर शाखा को कम से कम दो एससी वर्ग के लोगों को लोन दे ना ही पड़े गा। ...(व्यवधान)...
उसमें एससी प्लस महिला और इसके साथ ही साथ 500 करोड़ रुपये के Venture Capital Fund
का भी हमने �ावधान किया है । ...(व्यवधान)...

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: No, no. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay, okay. ...(Interruptions)... हो गया। ...(व्यवधान)...

I think, Mr. Minister, now, you can try to conclude. ...(Interruptions)...
502 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, आपने एक आदे श दिया था। �ी रिपुन बोरा ने एक मांग की
थी। वे पांच-छ: जातियां हैं । हालाकि
ं उन्होंने तो उनको अनु सूचित जनजाति में मिलाने को कहा है ,
परन्तु अनु सूचित जनजाति या अनु सूचित जाति में मिलाने के लिए अगर सम्बन्धित राज्य सरकार
�स्ताव भेजेगी, तो हम जरूर विचार करें गे। ...(व्यवधान)... अगर एससी के बारे में है , तो RGI की
ू पूर्वक विचार करें गे। ...(व्यवधान)...
रिपोर्ट और एससी कमिशन की रिपोर्ट के बाद हम सहानु भति

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. ...(Interruptions)... Very good! ...(Interruptions)...

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, अंत में िनवेदन करता हूं संविधान (अनु सूचित जातियां) आदे श
(संशोधन) िवधेयक, जो लोक सभा द्वारा पारित किया गया है , उसे उसी रूप में इस सदन में
भी पारित किया जाए।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. ...(Interruptions)... All right. ...(Interruptions)...

What is it, Mr. Tapan? ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Tapan, what is your point?

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: That I will tell. ...(Interruptions)... You allow me;
I will tell. ...(Interruptions)... If you allow me, I will tell. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I have allowed you. ...(Interruptions)... I am asking

you why you are standing up. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, my point is this. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Put your question. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: I will be pointing out only on the relevant issues.
मं �ी जी बार-बार relevant-relevant कई दफे बोल चुके हैं । मैं सिर्फ relevant issue ही बोलूंगा।
थोड़ी िवसंगतियों को सुधारने के लिए यह बिल लाया गया है । हम लोग इसका समर्थन भी करते
हैं , लेकिन कुछ विसंगतियां रह गई हैं । यह सवाल इस चर्चा के दौरान उठा। हम यह मानते हैं
कि अलग-अलग स्टेट्स में एससी/एसटी की definition दू सरी-दू सरी कम्युनिटी में होती हैं । कभी
स्टेट के अन्दर और जिले के अन्दर भी ऐसा होता है , लेकिन मान लीजिए मैं बंगाल का हूं , I
am from SC community. I am given the SC certificate on the basis that I have
been a Bengali in the Bengal State. अभी काम करने के लिए मैं असम गया, तो मेरा SC
status चला गया। Is this as per the Constitutional spirit of reservation? मैं कहता हूं कि
उस स्टेट के अन्दर िडफर कर सकता है ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That he said already. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: But I am also an Indian citizen. I have a

constitutional right to go to any corner of the country for my job or any other
purpose. The moment I go there, I lose my status of SC or ST, whatever it may
be. इस तरीके से चाय बागान के maximum workers झारखं ड से असम में pull किए गए थे।
They are not getting SC/ST status. ...(Interruptions)...
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills503

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That he has already replied. ...(Interruptions)... He


SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: One minute! ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Tapan, he has already replied to that point.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: No, Sir. He has not replied. ...(Interruptions)... He
replied that यह reality है , एससी/एसटी की जो definition है , State to State, sometimes
district to district, differ कर रही है । It is not a question of difference. A Bengali
Namasudra has been rehabilitated in Uttarakhand and he is not considered as SC.
A Bengali Namasudra. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: But the State Government should ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: ...who was rehabilitated in Dandkaranya, he has lost
his ST status. This is a serious constitutional impropriety. I want to know whether
the Government will respond to correct it.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Tapanji, the State Government should take it up.
...(Interruptions)... You made your point. ...(Interruptions)... You made your point. It
is very clear.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: No, I have not made my point. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Even I understood it. ...(Interruptions)... That means

everybody understood it. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Migration has become a reality throughout the
country. ...(Interruptions)... You must respond to that. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Seelam, put the question only. ...(Interruptions)...
What is your question?

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: The hon. Minister has quoted the Soosai judgement
of the Supreme Court. The substance of the judgement is that if there is social
discrimination even after conversion to Islam or Christianity, it should be given to
them. After the judgement, Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission went round the
country, came up with empirical evidence and concluded that since even after the
conversion, they suffer social discrimination, this should be made religion-neutral. I
would like the hon. Minister ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I got it. ...(Interruptions)...

504 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: It is the fundamental right...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: It is clear. ...(Interruptions)... I understood it.


SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM: I would request the hon. Minister not to mislead
the House. ...(Interruptions)... सु�ीम कोर्ट में मामला है । ...(व्यवधान)... आपको reply दे ना
है । ...(व्यवधान)... कृपया आप इसका reply दीजिए। ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Mr. Raja, you have already spoken.
...(Interruptions)... Then why do you want to speak again? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: You asked me to put the question.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Put the question. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: I made it clear that we support the Bill.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What is your question?

SHRI D. RAJA: The Leader of the House is present. ...(Interruptions)... The

Minister did not reply to my question. ...(Interruptions)... So I am asking the question.
What about the Government’s stand in extending the policy of reservation to the
private sector? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: This is not relevant to this. ...(Interruptions)... Sit

down. ...(Interruptions)... That is not relevant to this. ...(Interruptions)... That is not
relevant to this. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: Why not? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Why not? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is a different subject. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: Sir, you are a Professor. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is a different subject. ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: Sir, I know that it is a different subject. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Then why do you raise it? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI D. RAJA: It is related to Scheduled Castes. That is why I am asking it.

...(Interruptions)... Let the Minister respond to it. ...(Interruptions)... The Leader of
the House is present. ...(Interruptions)...
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills505


SHRI D. RAJA: I also asked one more question. The Planning Commission
is not there. The NITI Aayog is there. How will you ensure the earmarking of
funds for the Scheduled Castes Special Component Plan and the Tribal Sub Plan?

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Hussain Dalwai, what is your question?


�ी हु सैन दलवई (महाराष्ट्र): सर, महाराष्ट्र में Kaikadi समाज है , वह सबसे नीचे का समाज
है । वह दलितों से भी बहु त गरीब है और नीचे है । उसको कुछ डिस्ट्रिक्ट्स में रिजर्वेशन मिलता
है , लेकिन कुछ डिस्ट्रिक्ट्स में नहीं िमलता है । महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने आपको इस संबंध में लेटर
लिखा है , उन्होंने आपसे विनती की है कि उसको पूरे महाराष्ट्र में एससी का दर्जा िदया जाए
और एससी को मिलनी वाली सारी सहू लियतें उसको दी जाएं।

दू सरी मांग यह है कि Khatik समाज को दलित करके एससी में लिया गया है , लेकिन मुस्लिम
Khatik को इसमें नहीं लिया गया है । क्या आप इसके बारे में भी विचार करें गे?

SHRI RIPUN BORA: I only want to clarify it ...(Interruptions)... Hon. Minister

has said that if the proposal comes from the State Government, he will consider
that. Actually, that is not the fact. The proposal was already there. ...(Interruptions)...
A number of discussions were held. Hon. Prime Minister, during his last visit to
Assam, said, “He is getting the proposal from the Assam Government and he will
do it.” We have already sent the proposal. ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Minister, would you like to respond to this?
क्या आप इनको रिप्लाई दे सकते हैं ? अगर आप दे ना चाहते हैं , तो दे दीजिए। आपकी मर्जी।
You can give.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: आप कहें गे, तो मैं जवाब दे दूं गा।

�ी उपसभापति: दे दीजिए, इम्पॉर्टें ट सब्जेक्ट है ।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: महाराष्ट्र की Kaikadi जाति के संबंध में महाराष्ट्र सरकार का �स्ताव
आया है । उसको हमने आरजीआई के पास विचार करने के लिए भेजा है । जब आरजीआई का
�तिवेदन आ जाएगा, उसके बाद उसे हम एससी आयोग के पास भेजेंगे और जब एससी आयोग
की रिपोर्ट भी सकारात्मक आएगी तो फिर हम उसके आगे यहां तक आएंगे। ...(व्यवधान)... मैं ने
असम का बोला है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: He says that the State Government has already
recommended and discussions were held. So, your requirement is already over.
506 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: मे रे पास इस �कार का या इस आशय का किसी भी राज्य का

कोई �स्ताव पेंडिंग नहीं है ।


�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: मुझे जो बताना था, वह मैं ने बताया कि ये दो �स्ताव थे, जो
आरजीआई और एससी कमीशन के पास हैं , इनके अलावा कोई �स्ताव हमारे पास विचाराधीन
नहीं है और राज्य सरकारों से कुछ आया नहीं है । ...(व्यवधान)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Now, the question is that ...(Interruptions)...

What happened? ...(Interruptions)...

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: Sir, my point has not been replied to.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is up to the Minister. He may or may not.

...(Interruptions)... It is up to him. ...(Interruptions)... Tapanji, it is up to the Minister.

SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN: I have raised a question of Constitutional propriety.

I understood his point and accept his point. I raised the issue of Constitutional
propriety. In a State, the moment an SC moves out of a State for earning his
livelihood, he loses his status. For how long will it continue? ...(Interruptions)...
Reply is ‘okay’. ...(Interruptions)... What is that? ...(Interruptions)... What do you
think? ...(Interruptions)...

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Don’t get angry. ...(Interruptions)... That is correct.

He is ready. ...(Interruptions)... It is up to the Minister to answer or not to answer.
...(Interruptions)... He is ready to answer. You sit down. ...(Interruptions)... The Chair
cannot compel him to answer, but he is ready to answer. On his own, he is ready.
मं �ी जी, आपके पास इनका कोई रिप्लाई है , तो आप बोलिए।

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: महोदय, इस संबंध में उच्चतम न्यायालय ने दो बार निर्णय दिया
है कि अगर एक राज्य की कोई जाति का व्यक्ति किसी अन्य राज्य में जाता है और अगर उस
राज्य में उसकी जाति अनु सूचित जाति में लिस्टेड नहीं है , तो वहां उसको लाभ नहीं मिलेगा,
किन्तु भारत सरकार की सेवाओं में वह दे श के किसी भी हिस्से में जाएगा और वह उस जाति
में है , तो उसे उसका लाभ मिलेगा। सु�ीम कोर्ट के निर्णय के तारतम्य में और सु�ीम कोर्ट ने
ै ानिक �ावधानों को ध्यान में रखकर जो निर्णय लिया है , वह हमारे लिए बंधनकारी है ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The Supreme Court has given that verdict. So, that’s
all. ...(Interruptions)... Tapanji, you got a good reply. Sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
Mr. Tapan Kumar Sen, please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You got a reply. Sit
down. ...(Interruptions)...
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills507

Now, the question is:

That the Bill further to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order,
1950, as passed by Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration.

The motion was adopted.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: We shall now take up Clause-by-Clause consideration

of the Bill. Clause 2 stands part of the Bill. There is one Amendment (No.1) by
Shri Vishambhar Prasad Nishad. Are you moving?

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: मान्यवर, मं �ी जी ने हमें स्पष्टीकरण िदया नहीं है । मं �ी जी ने

कहा कि अगर पर्यायवाची जातियां हैं , जैसे मल्लाह है , तो उसकी पर्यायवाची जाति निषाद है ,
मांझी है । इसी तरह इन्होंने पाई और मा�ा की बात कही है । उत्तर �दे श में तुरैहा 1950 की सूची
में 66 नम्बर पर है , लेकिन अगर उसे कोई तुरहा लिख दे ता है , तो कहते हैं कि तुम बैकवर्ड
क्लास के हो।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: So, you want a clarification.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: हमने इस बात पर जोर िदया था, लेकिन मं �ी जी ने इसका
उत्तर नहीं िदया।

�ी उपसभापति: उत्तर नहीं िदया?

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: इसके अलावा, हम यह कहना चाहते हैं कि उत्तर �दे श सरकार
ने वर्ष 2004 से लेकर 2016 तक समाजवादी पार्टी की सरकार ने कें� सरकार को छ: बार
�स्ताव भेजा। वहां भारतीय जनता पार्टी की सरकार रही, बीएसपी की सरकार रही और कां�ेस
की सरकार रही, लेकिन किसी ने इसका समर्थन नहीं किया, अगर किसी ने इसका समर्थन किया
तो केवल समाजवादी पार्टी ने किया। इसलिए हम चाहते हैं कि दू ध का दू ध और पानी का पानी
हो जाए कि इन्हें ये अनु सूचित जाित में शामिल करने के पक्ष में हैं या नहीं?

�ी उपसभापति: मैं समझ गया। मं �ी जी, आप बोलिए, आपको इसके बारे में क्या कहना है ?

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: सर, मैं ने पहले भी इस बात का जवाब दिया था कि वे जो �ाइवेट
में बर्स बिल लाए थे, वह ओबीसी कम्युनिटी में आने वाली जातियों को एससी में मिलाने का था
और आज जो संशोधन दिया है , वह भी उसी बात के लिए है । इसमें कोई grammatical सुधार
करने के िलए या पर्यायवाची शब्द जोड़ने के लिए या spelling mistake को ठीक करने के लिए
उत्तर �दे श सरकार से कोई �स्ताव नहीं है । वे उत्तर �दे श सरकार से �स्ताव भिजवाएंगे तो
हम विचार करें गे।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: He is very, very positive.

�ी नीरज शे खर: उत्तर �दे श सरकार से क्या मतलब है ?

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: मान्यवर, 6 बार उत्तर �दे श सरकार भेज चुकी है । ...(व्यवधान)...

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: नहीं भेजा है । ...(व्यवधान)...

508 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

�ी उपसभापति: संजीव कुमार जी, प्लीज़ ...(व्यवधान)... िवशम्भर �साद निषाद जी, सुनिए।
मं �ी जी ने आश्वासन दिया है कि उत्तर �दे श सरकार �स्ताव भेजे, वे उस पर consider करें गे।
आपको और क्या चाहिए? Are you moving your amendment?

Clause 2 – Amendment of Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: सर, मैं उनके आश्वासन को नहीं मानता हूं इसलिए मैं अपना
अमें डमें ट मूव करता हूं ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay, you move it.

�ी िवशम्भर �साद निषाद: महोदय, मैं �स्ताव करता हूं :

कि पृष्ठ 2, पंक्ति 16 के पश्चात् निम्नलिखित अंत:स्थापित किया जाए, अर्थात—

''(च) भाग 18 - उत्तर �दे श में ,-

(i) �विष्टि 18 के स्थान पर रखें -

''18. बेलदार, बिन्द''

(ii) �विष्टि 36 के स्थान पर रखें -

''36. गोंड गोडि़या, कहार, कश्यप, बाथम''

(iii) �विष्टि 53 के स्थान पर रखें —

''53. मझवार, मल्लाह, केवट, मांझी, निषाद, मछु वा''

(iv) �विष्टि 59 के स्थान पर रखें -

''59. पासी, तरमाली, भर, राजभर''

(v) �विष्टि 65 के स्थान पर रखें -

''65. िशल्पकार, कुम्हार, �जापति''

(vi) �विष्टि 66 के स्थान पर रखें -

''66. तुरैहा, तुरहा, धीमर, धीवर''

The question was put and the motion was negatived.

Clause 2 was added to the Bill.

Clause 1, the Enacting Formula and the Title were added to the Bill.

�ी थावर चन्द गहलोत: महोदय, मैं �स्ताव करता हूं :

कि विधेयक को पारित किया जाए।

The question was put and the motion was adopted.

Government [28 April, 2016] Bills509

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Shrimati Nirmala Sitharaman to move the Industries

(Development and regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015.

The Industries (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015


I move:
That the Bill further to amend the Industries (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1951, as passed by Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration.

The question was proposed.

�ी नीरज शे खर (उत्तर �दे श): सर, मैं एक चीज़ कहना चाहता हूं । आपको शायद कुछ
कन्फ्यूज़न होता है । मैं संजीव कुमार नहीं हूं , नीरज शेखर हूं । संजीव कुमार जी यहां बैठते हैं ।

�ी उपसभापति: ठीक है , sorry ...(व्यवधान)... One more addition to the list. अभी तो
पांच हो गए हैं । ...(व्यवधान)...

SOME HON. MEMBERS: Sir, please take it up tomorrow.

�ी नीरज शे खर: सर, इसे कल लीजिए। ...(व्यवधान)... सर, सदन में कोई नहीं है , फिर
भी बिल लिया जा रहा है ।

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: She has already moved it. उन्होंने मूव कर दिया है ।
Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu. Are you speaking? Otherwise, I will call the next
speaker, Mr. Rangasayee Ramakrishna.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Talangana): I am speaking.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Then, you speak.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: Respected Deputy Chairman, Sir, in

this environment of decreasing business confidence, lowering industrial production
and lowering manufacturing in India, we are going to have a small amendment to
the beautiful piece of 1951, the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act. In
that Act, in the First Schedule, at the heading of the 26, keeping the times and
the industrial process of the times in view, 'fermentation industries' was mentioned.
As the times grew, as the law is evolutionary and the industrial processes are also
evolutionary, in 1997, a tussle between Bihar Distillery versus Union of India came
before the hon. Supreme Court of India. The Supreme Court asked the potable
alcohol fermentation to be handled by the State Governments wherein the industrial
alcohol fermentation would be with the Union Government. That has necessitated,
but even after that, the times have changed. There is a lot of improvement in the
510 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu]

biotechnology and micro biology. The fermentation based food processing and other
industrial needs have grown. This latest piece, as decided by the Union Cabinet
in 2015, is now having only one small addition of a phrase, that is, fermentation
industries other than potable alcohol. Sir, fermentation itself is making of spirit.
Fermentation itself is a chemical reaction. Fermentation itself is chemical conversion
of sugars, carbohydrates into acids, gases, ethanol and alcohol. The food processing
is having the preservation technique in the fermentation. It will be producing lactic
acid so as to make some pickles or yogurt.


Likewise, we are used to have the acetic acid. We are very much used to have
the citric acid. We are used to have, in a very large quantity, the ethanol. These
are all by fermentation.

At this juncture, with this enactment, I appreciate that this enactment transfers the
authority to regulate potable alcohol to the State Governments. This is welcome. But,
at the same time, keeping the growing bio technology and the micro biology-based,
fermentation based, food processing needs and food processing industrial units, I call
upon the Union Government to broadly look at the needs of addition in the headings
so as to address to the modern requirements based on the advanced technologies.
You are just confining to the same basic word of fermentation with small addition
of other than potable alcohol. But, the hon. Supreme Court has already dealt with
it elaborately. Law Commission of India on its own, suo motu, in its 158th Report,
elaborately studied and advised. But, based on that, what are the larger ramifications
that we are going to come across and what sort of litigations that will be before the
courts has to be kept in mind while making the enactment. This small piecemeal
enactment is going to be shown towards federalism, co-operative federalism. Federalism
itself is the basis of co-operation. At the same time, the industrial production shall
ensure such modern environment. For that, modern technologies on the fermentation
involving biotechnology, microbiology and all other advanced technologies shall be
kept in mind while making the addition to this beautiful piece of 1951. Anyhow,
since this is going to empower the State Governments with their right to regulate
the potable alcohol, we welcome the Amendment and we support the Bill. Thank
you very much.

SHRI RANGASAYEE RAMAKRISHNA (Karnataka): Sir, I rise to support this

Bill. It is a very simple Bill which is in pursuance of a decision of the Supreme
Court and which was then examined in depth by the Law Commission. So, we are
accepting the Law Commission's Report and we are including fermentation industries,
other than potable alcohol, in the IDR Act, 1951, by substituting the Heading 26.
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills511

6.00 p.m.
Now industries engaged in the manufacture of alcohol meant for potable purposes
shall be under the total and exclusive control of States in all respects. The Central
Government will continue formulting policies and regulating foreign collaboration
for all products of fermentation industries including industrial alcohol and potable
alcohol. Now this Amendment is simple. There is no problem in that. But I wanted
to participate in this debate to focus on a very larger issue. The larger issue is that
ever since the British days and ever since the Constitution came into force, the
Central Excise Duty is applicable to all the industries. But for the alcohol industry,
the power rests with the State Government. Now this has led to a situation where
most of the political lobbies in the States are, actually, in the control of the alcohol
manufacturers. This is the only country in which we have given a very interesting
status to the consumption of alcohol. We do not encourage healthier liquors like
beer or wine and a lot of encouragement is there, directly or indirectly, for spurious
liquors. And this is causing undue harm to the health of the nation, and particularly,
the womenfolk all over the country are in total distress. Every now and then, this
becomes a big issue. Now, for instance, currently in Tamil Nadu, one of the major
issues in the electoral struggle is whether there should be prohibition or not. I had
been the Excise Secretary in the State Government and I have seen bootleggers,
actually, wanting to promote prohibition because that way their business interests
will be further increased by this partial type of prohibition. I think it is high time
that we regulate the whole process of the consumption of alcohol and encourage
only health drinks and totally ban spurious liquors.

This will be in the interest of the public health of the nation as well as in the
interest of, particularly, the women folk.

With these words, I support the Bill. Thank you.

SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH (Odisha): I thank you for giving me this opportunity
to speak on this Bill. I myself and my party — BJD — support the industrial
(Development and Regulation) Bill, 2015. I rather congratulate and thank the
Government that it took 20 years after the verdict of the Supreme Court to amend
this Act.

Although the Constitution of India clearly defines the role and jurisdiction of
the Center and the States, certain issues keep cropping up and in such situations
the onus of interpretation falls on courts. This Bill also flows from such a court
judgment. In 1997, the hon. Supreme Court had asked for a clear demarcation of
powers between the Center and the States in the matter of regulating potable alcohol
and the other types of alcohol used for industrial purposes.
512 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shri Bhupinder Singh]

Now, through this amendment to the First Schedule of the original Act, it has
been provided that the States would exclusively regulate potable alcohol while the
alcohol, other than potable, would be regulated by the Centre. In fact, this is a
very minor but an important amendment. I am saying so because some States take
unilateral decision to ban alcohol in their respective States. In that case, alcohol used
for industrial purposes also falls in jeopardy. So, a clear-cut demarcation of power
was much needed. Moreover, alcohol is a sensitive issue for masses and especially
with regard to potable alcohol the State Governments should have the final say.
The State Government is always in a better position to assess the ground impact of
alcohol consumption. So, it should be free to frame its policies accordingly.

Thus, while supporting this Bill, I would urge upon the Government to bring
about further transparency as far as the Center-State jurisdiction is concerned in other
matters as well. Our party is a strong votary of a solid federal framework. And this
is precisely the underlying spirit of the Constitution also. The present Government
also talks, eloquently, about co-operative federalism. So, it must not falter on this
count. Decisions should not be taken because of political exigencies.

Secondly, I am also a bit surprised that why it took us about 20 years to

implement a judgment of the Supreme Court! It is a poor reflection on the efficacy
of our executive.

With these words, I support the bill. Thank you.

SHRIMATI NIRMALA SITHARAMAN: Sir, this is a minor amendment to the

Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951. The Bill presented before this
House is as passed by the Lok Sabha.

I am glad that the Members who have participated in the discussion have really
gone into the details of the Bill. I would very quickly recall, this is something
which the Supreme Court had broadly indicated in its judgment in 1997. Since then,
at different times, different actions were taken. However, because there were some
cases which were pending, actually speaking, since 2008, this has gone through a
lot of waiting.
(MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair)

In 2012, there was a Cabinet Note circulated, opinions were gathered from different
Ministries. However, the Bill couldn’t be placed in time. As a result, as soon as
this Government came in, we picked it up because this is a matter which had been
considered by the Cabinet, and the Cabinet had moved a Note and the judgement
Government [28 April, 2016] Bills513

had come from the Supreme Court. It was necessary for us to act. Therefore, from
2014 onwards, we have started working, and it was placed in the Lok Sabha in
2015, and it was duly passed. Very quickly, what it does is to just amend Entry 26
in the First Schedule of this Act, from what it read as, “Fermentation Industries”
to now read as “Fermentation Industries (Other Than Potable Alcohol)”. It is this
amendment which has now become necessary. A few responses may be just in time
and appropriate because Members have raised certain issues, which I would certainly
like to respond. Hon. Member, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu had raised this issue of
-- we should keep this in mind – litigations which might come in the future. I just
want to draw his attention to the Act itself, the Bill which has been placed before
this House wherein under Clause 2, there is Section 29E. That entire paragraph has
been inserted only to keep in mind any possibility of a future litigation that might
arise which is a very legitimate point that the Member has raised. I am not sure
that I need to spend time of this valuable House reading that paragraph.

SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH: That Clause is there.

SHRIMATI NIRMALA SITHARAMAN: That is what I am saying; Section 29E

which is there definitely does take care of the concern which you have raised.

Then, hon. Member, Shri Ramakrishna spoke on this Bill. I am also grateful
to Shri Rapolu who did support the Bill and as did Shri Ramakrishna. But, he
said, ‘while this amendment is simple, there is a larger issue that he would want
to address’. I certainly would want to answer as much as I can. In that matter,
Central Excise Duty governs all industries, but in alcohol industry alone, this power
is with the States and that is leading to a lot of ambiguity. I would want to draw
his attention to the fact that during the consultation which happened, the Department
of Revenue had given its viewpoint on it, and I just want to assure the Member
here that the input which has come from the Department of Revenue duly addresses
his concern. I just would want to read that line which has been given from by the
Finance Ministry in response to the Note. It says, “This expression 'potable alcohol'
is not familiar to the revenue. It is the Excise Department that uses its nomenclature
while imposing excise duty. As a result, does potable alcohol get taxed under the
State, thus, the Centre does not have an excise duty." All this gets covered under
the very way the Excise Department has responded saying, “Potable, non-potable,
other than potable are not expressions that they use. They look at levying Central
Excise Duty on ethyl alcohol and other spirits de-natured of any strength”. So, for
them it doesn’t matter whether you are talking about potable or non-potable. They
only go looking at that particular description. Therefore, I suppose, hon. Member,
Shri Ramakrishna should have clarity now as this has been further explained. I am
514 Government [RAJYA SABHA] Bills

[Shrimati Nirmala Sitharaman]

also grateful to the BJD Member, Bhupinder Singhji who supported this amendment.
I, too, fully take his point that co-operative federalism can better work with greater
execution and better execution of many of these Acts. With these words, I suppose,
I have addressed the questions and concerns raised by the hon. Members.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Now, the question is:

That the Bill further to amend the Industries (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1951, as passed by Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration.

The motion was adopted.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: We shall, now, take up clause-by-clause consideration

of the Bill. In Clause 2, there is one Amendment (No.3) by the Minister.

Clause 2 – Insertion of new section 29E.


(3) That at page 2, line 3, for the figure "2015", the figure "2016" be substituted.

The question was put and the motion was adopted.

Clause 2, as amended, was added to the Bill.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: On Clause 3, there is one Amendment No.4 by

Shri T. Subbarami Reddy. He is absent.

Clause 3 was added to the Bill.

Clause 1 – Short title.

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: On Clause 1, there is one Amendment (No. 2) by

Shrimati Nirmala Sitharaman.


(2) That at page 1, line 3, for the figure "2015", the figure "2016" be substituted.

The question was put and the motion was adopted.

Clause 1, as amended, was added to the Bill.


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: On the Enacting Formula, there is one Amendment

(No.1) by Shrimati Nirmala Sitharaman.
Special [28 April, 2016] Mentions 515


(1) That at page 1, line 3, for the word "Sixty-sixth", the figure "Sixty-seventh"
be substituted.

The question was put and the motion was adopted.

The Enacting Formula, as amended, was added to the Bill.

The Title was added to the Bill.


That the Bill, as amended, be passed.

The question was put and the motion was adopted


MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Shri Ahmed Patel is not present.

Demand to enact a legislation to protect the interests of consumers from

being misguided by celebrity endorsement of consumer products

SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Goa): Sir, the issue widely discussed in the
country is how far the celebrities who endorse the products of various companies in
electronic media, print media, radio or in public hoardings should be held liable as
regards genuineness of the respective products, and be punished for misrepresentation,
falsehood, cheating etc.

In this connection, claims being made by certain individuals regarding magical

or divine treatment with respect to their recommendations, advice, astrological or
otherwise, as regards marriages, business, health-related problems, studies, foreign
visits etc., also need to be probed into by concerned Government Departments,
agencies or Ministries.

Question arises whether a celebrity or other individual can really be deemed to

know about the products they advertise, particularly, items like electronic, electric
products, motor vehicles, medical equipments and the like.

Therefore, it is neither possible that celebrities can be expected to have a thorough

knowledge of the products that they endorse, nor can it be said that it is not necessary

*Laid on the Table.

516 Special [RAJYA SABHA] Mentions

[Shri Shantaram Naik]

that those who endorse the products should be detached from any responsibility and
that they should not be considered to have any responsibility towards the society.

The Government, therefore, should enact a special legislation to protect the

consumers' interest in this regard so that consumers are not taken for a ride.

Further, illiterate and semi-literate easily fall prey to the preachings and advice
given by "Godmen" and persons claiming to have astrological solutions to all the
problems and, therefore, society needs to be protected from such persons.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Telangana): Sir, I associate myself with

the Special Mention made by Shri Shantaram Naik.

�ी हु सैन दलवई (महाराष्ट्र): महोदय, मैं स्वयं को इस विशे ष उल्लेख के साथ सं बद्ध
करता हूं ।


Demand to take necessary steps to give special category

status to the State of Odisha

SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH (Odisha): Sir, Odisha is one of the most backward
States and ranks third in the country in terms of Scheduled Tribes population and
eleventh in terms of Scheduled Castes population. Despite its best efforts, the State
lags behind in various infrastructure developments such as roads, rail network,
irrigation facilities, electrification, healthcare and education. Besides the Kalahandi-
Bolangir-Koraput (KBK) region comprising 8 districts, another 10 districts needing
special attention in terms of development, have been covered under the Western
Odisha Development Council by the State Government out of State's own resources.
The State is chronically drought-prone, flood-prone and also affected by coastal
area-related natural calamities quite frequently. The existing criteria laid down by
the Union Government for conferment of ‘Special Category Status’ were stipulated
long back. The Union Finance Minister in his Budget Speech of 2014 had stated
in the House that he would propose new criteria for determining backwardness of
a State and reflect them in future planning and devolution of funds. Since 1979,
several Motions, Resolutions, adopted in Odisha Legislative Assembly demanding the
Union Government to declare the State as a ‘Special Category State’ and Memoranda
from Chief Ministers of Odisha have been sent to the Centre. The Raghuram Rajan
Committee has also recognised the State as one of the most backward States.
Special [28 April, 2016] Mentions 517

I, on the behalf of the people of Odisha, therefore, strongly demand to immediately

set up a high power Committee or a Group of Ministers to revise the criteria for
determining the backwardness of States and confer ‘Special Category Status’ to Odisha
on the lines of the State of Bihar given recently.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Telangana): Sir, I associate myself with

the Special Mention made by Shri Bupinder Singh.

SHRI DILIP KUMAR TIRKEY (Odisha): Sir, I too associate myself with the
Special Mention made by Shri Bupinder Singh.

उपसभाध्यक्ष (डा सत्यनारायण जटिया): �ी मोती लाल वोरा, उपस्थि‍ति नहीं हैं ।

Demand to give attention to demands of women farmers of

Marathwada and Vidarbha in Maharashtra

SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI (Maharashtra): Sir, recently more than 500 women
farmers and widows of farmers who had committed suicide in regions like Marathwada
and Vidarbha gathered in Nagpur to protest against the failed promises and policies
of the Government. The police used force to break the peaceful protest and even
resorted to lathicharge to disperse the crowd which caused injuries to many women.

The demands raised by these women were completely legitimate. It is a common

knowledge now that various parts of Maharashtra have been reeling under severe
drought for two consecutive years. This has forced more than 1,000 farmers within a
year and within Marathwada alone to commit suicide. The relief from the Government
has come too little and too late. But the problem is more systemic. It is not just once
that agriculture has suffered immensely, but even in the past also the Vidarbha and
Marathwada regions have been rocked by rampant cases of suicide. The Government
is always caught off guard and then comes up with ad hoc temporary measures
instead of trying to find a permanent solution.

In this regard, the women farmers raised very pertinent demands of

implementation of the recommendations of the Swaminathan Report, for having
ownership titles for the land they till and for waiver of huge agricultural loans.
The Government needs to pay heed to their demands rather than using force to
suppress their voice. Thank you.

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU (Telangana): Sir, I associate myself with

the issue raised by the hon. Member.

SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Goa): Sir, I too associate myself with the issue.
518 Special [RAJYA SABHA] Mentions

उपसभाध्यक्ष (डा. सत्यनारायण जटिया): �ी विवेक गुप्ता-उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ी पी. एल.
पुनिया- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ी अनिल दे साई- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ी �वीण राष्ट्रपाल-उपस्थित नहीं
हैं ; �ी विजय जवाहरलाल दर्डा- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ी राजीव चं�शेखर- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ीमती
कनक लता सिंह- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ; �ी संजय राउत- उपस्थित नहीं हैं ।

SHRI ANANDA BHASKAR RAPOLU: Sir, please allow Shri Shantaram Naik
to read out the Special Mention.

उपसभाध्यक्ष (डा. सत्यनारायण जटिया): सदन शु�वार, दिनांक 29 अ�ैल, 2016 को 11:00
बजे तक के लिए स्थगित किया जाता है ।

The House then adjourned at eighteen minutes past

six of the clock till eleven of the clock on
Friday, the 29th April, 2016.
Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance —
Imposition of Central Excise Duty on Gold Jewellery by Government
leading to resentment among jewellers in country (pages 444-464)

Government Bills — Passed

The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (pages
The Industries (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015 (pages

Special Mentions — Laid on the Table

Demand to enact a legislation to protect the interests of consumers from
being misguided by celebrity endorsement of consumer products (pages
Demand to take necessary steps to give special category status to the State
of Odisha (pages 516-517)
Demand to give attention to demands of women farmers of Marathwada
and Vidarbha in Maharashtra (pages 517-518)
Published under Rule 260 of Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in
the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and Printed by DRV Grafix Print
41, Institutional Area, D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058

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