Activity 11: Bjective Aterial Equired
Activity 11: Bjective Aterial Equired
Activity 11: Bjective Aterial Equired
1. On rotating OA through 90º, OA1 = 1 × i = _________.
2. On rotating OA through an angle of 180°, OA2 = 1 × __ × __ = ______.
3. On rotation of OA through 270º (3 right angles), OA3 =
1 × _______ × ______× ______ = ______.
4. On rotating OA through 360º (4 right angles),
This activity may be used to evaluate any integral power of i.
42 Laboratory Manual
Activity 14
To find the number of ways in which three Cardboard sheet, white paper
cards can be selected from given five sheets, sketch pen, cutter.
1. Take a cardboard sheet and paste white paper on it.
2. Cut out 5 identical cards of convenient size from the cardboard.
3. Mark these cards as C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5.
1. Select one card from the given five cards.
2. Let the first selected card be C1. Then other two cards from the remaining
four cards can be : C2C3, C2C4, C2C5, C3C4, C3C5 and C4C5.Thus, the possible
selections are : C1C2C3 , C1C2C4, C1C2C5,C1C3C4, C1C3C5, C1C4C5. Record
these on a paper sheet.
3. Let the first selected card be C2. Then the other two cards from the remaining
4 cards can be : C1C3, C1C4, C1C5, C3C4, C3C5, C4C5.Thus, the possible
selections are: C2C1C3 , C2C1C4, C2C1C5,C2C3C4, C2C3C5, C2C4C5. Record
these on the same paper sheet.
4. Let the first selected card be C 3. Then the other two cards can be :
C1C2, C1C4, C1C5, C2C4, C2C5, C4C5.Thus, the possible selections are : C3C1C2,
C3C1C4, C3C1C5,C3C2C4, C3C2C5, C3C4C5. Record them on the same paper
5. Let the first selected card be C4. Then the other two cards can be : C1C2,
C1C3, C2C3, C1C5, C2C5, C3C5 Thus, the possible selections are: C4C1C2,
C4C1C3,C4C2C3, C4C1C5, C4C2C5, C4C3C5. Record these on the same paper
6. Let the first selected card be C5. Then the other two cards can be: C1C2,
C 1 C 3 , C 1 C 4 , C 2 C 3 , C 2 C 4 , C 3 C 4 Thus, the possible selections are:
C5C1C2,C5C1C3, C5C1C4, C5C2C3, C5C2C4, C5C3C4. Record these on the same
paper sheet.
7. Now look at the paper sheet on which the possible selectios are listed. Here,
there are in all 30 possible selections and each of the selection is repeated
thrice. Therefore, the number of distinct selection = 30 ÷ 3 = 10 which is
same as 5C3.
1. C1C2C3 , C2C1C3 and C3C1C2 represent the _______ selection.
2. C1C2C4, _____________, ____________ represent the same selection.
3. Among C2C1C5 , C1C2C5, C1C2C3, ________ and ________ represent the
same selection.
4. C2C1C5 , C1C2C3, represent _______ selections.
5. Among C3C1C5, C1C4C3, C5C3C4, C4C2C5, C2C4C3, C1C3C5
Activities of this type can be used in understanding the general formula for
finding the number of possible selections when r objects are selected from
Mathematics 49
Activity 18
To demonstrate that the Arithmetic Coloured chart paper, ruler, scale,
mean of two different positive sketch pens, cutter.
numbers is always greater than the
Geometric mean.
1. From chart paper, cut off four rectangular pieces of dimension a × b (a > b).
2. Arrange the four rectangular pieces as shown in figure. 18.
1. ABCD is a square of side (a + b) units.
2. Area ABCD = (a + b)2 sq. units.
3. Area of four rectangular pieces = 4 (ab) = 4ab sq. units.
4. PQRS is a square of side (a – b) units.
5. Area ABCD = Sum of the areas of four rectangular pieces + area of square
a +b
or 2 > ab
a +b
∴ > ab , i.e., A.M. > G.M.
Take a = 5cm, b = 3cm
∴ AB = a + b = ________ units.
Mathematics 59
Activity 2
To verify that for two sets A and B, Paper, different coloured pencils.
n (A×B) = pq and the total number of
relations from A to B is 2pq, where
n(A) = p and n(B) = q.
1. Take a set A1 which has one element (say) a1, and take another set B1, which
has one element (say) b1.
2. Take a set A2 which has two elements (say) a1 and a2 and take another set B3,
which has three elements (say) b1 , b2 and b3.
3. Take a set A3 which has three elements (say) a1, a2 and a3, and take another
set B4, which has four elements (say) b1 , b2 , b3 and b4.
1. Represent all the possible correspondences of the elements of set A1 to the
elements of set B1 visually as shown in Fig. 2.1.
2. Represent all the possible correspondences of the elements of set A2 to the
elements of set B3 visually as shown in Fig. 2.2.
14 Laboratory Manual
1. The number of arrows, i.e., the number of elements in cartesian product
(A1 × B1) of the sets A1 and B1 is _ × _ and the number of relations is 2 .
The result can be verified by taking other sets A4, A5, ..., Ap, which have elements
4, 5,..., p, respectively, and the sets B5, B6 , ..., Bq which have elements 5, 6,..., q,
respectively. More precisely we arrive at the conclusion that in case of given set A
containing p elements and the set B containing q elements, the total number of
relations from A to B is 2pq, where n(A×B) = n(A) n(B) = pq.
Mathematics 15
Activity 6
To distinguish between a Relation Drawing board, coloured drawing
and a Function. sheets, scissors, adhesive, strings,
nails etc.
1. Take a drawing board/a piece of plywood of convenient size and paste a
coloured sheet on it.
2. Take a white drawing sheet and cut out a rectangular strip of size
6 cm × 4 cm and paste it on the left side of the drawing board (see Fig. 6.1).
a a
b b
c c
a a
1 1
b b
2 2
c c
b b
2 2
c c
3. Fix three nails on this strip and mark them as a, b, c (see Fig. 6.1).
4. Cut out another white rectangular strip of size 6 cm × 4 cm and paste it on
the right hand side of the drawing board.
5. Fix two nails on the right side of this strip (see Fig. 6.2) and mark them as
1 and 2.
1. Join nails of the left hand strip to the nails on the right hand strip by strings
in different ways. Some of such ways are shown in Fig. 6.3 to Fig. 6.6.
2. Joining nails in each figure constitute different ordered pairs representing
elements of a relation.
1. In Fig. 6.3, ordered pairs are ____________.
These ordered pairs constitute a ___________ but not a _________.
2. In Fig. 6.4, ordered pairs are __________. These constitute a _______ as
well as ________.
3. In Fig 6.5, ordered pairs are _______. These ordered pairs constitute a
________ as well as ________.
4. In Fig. 6.6, ordered pairs are ________. These ordered pairs do not represent
______ but represent ________.
Mathematics 25
Such activity can also be used to demonstrate different types of functions such
as constant function, identity function, injective and surjective functions by
joining nails on the left hand strip to that of right hand strip in suitable manner.
In the above activity nails have been joined in some different ways.
The student may try to join them in other different ways to get more
relations of different types. The number of nails can also be changed
on both sides to represent different types of relations and functions.
26 Laboratory Manual