PH.D Regulation 2022 PDF
PH.D Regulation 2022 PDF
PH.D Regulation 2022 PDF
Ref: Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor approval Dtd.04/12/2023
2. Disciplines:
Admission to Ph.D. program will be made under the following
Faculties, covering a wide spectrum of disciplines:
3.3. Ph.D. in Basic Sciences:
3.4. Candidates who are in a regular service and are, working in Institution /
Company are eligible as part-time research scholars in accordance with the
procedure laid down by the Academy and by submitting NOC from their
authorities of concerned institution/company.
4.2 The women candidates and Persons with more than 40% disability
may allowed a relaxation of up to two years for Ph.D in the
maximum duration. In addition, the women candidates may be
provided Maternity /Leave /Child Care leave once in the entire
duration for Ph.D up to 240 days.
4.3 Extension beyond the above limits will be governed by the relevant
clauses as stipulated by the Academy / Ordinances of the Academy.
5. Procedure of Admission:
3) Applications for the Ph. D. program shall be made in the prescribed
forms, which will be available on the Academy website. The duly
filled application forms should be submitted to the Registrar, Sri
Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur on or before the
last date as specified in the notification.
4) The applicants will have to appear for the Ph.D. Entrance Test
organized by the Academy.
6.1. The Supervisor for any proposed work by the research scholar shall be
selected / allotted as per UGC (Minimum standards and procedure for awards
of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations 2023 by Academy as indicated hereunder.
6.1.1 The Supervisor (Research Guide) shall have one of the following
minimum qualifications:
i. Faculty willing to be Research Supervisor / Guide should have
completed one year of service after the award of Ph.D., degree.
ii. Candidate should be working at one of the constituent colleges
iii. Ph.D., should not be from the University that is in the black-
listed group.
iv. The problem domain is selected by the student and the working
domain of the guide should match as for as possible.
v. There is no bar on designation or position held.
vi. If the guide attains superannuation/leaves the institute, the
guide will not be eligible to continue as Guide and the students
under him/her may be transferred to available guides in the
Institution/Department irrespective of regular allotment.
(a) If the students and guide are agreeable, the faculty can continue
as `co-guide', with the main guide being selected/allotted from
among the eligible guides of the University with
subjected/decision to approval from the authorities of the
(b) Faculty members recognized as a Ph.D guide shall permitted to
accept fresh Ph.D students up to 57 years of age, beyond which
fresh registration is not allowed, for such guides shall not be
permitted in Engineering, MCA and Basic Science discipline (In
additional to that, faculty members will be eligible to continue to
guide students up to the age of 60 years and those who are
completed third DC meeting. The same Guide shall be continued
even after 60 age) and in Medical and Dental discipline a Ph.D
guide shall permitted to accept fresh Ph.D students up to 65
years of age, beyond which fresh registration is not allowed, (In
additional to that, faculty members will be eligible to continue to
guide students up to the age of 68 years and those who are
completed third DC meeting. The same Guide shall be continued
even after 65 age)
6.7 A candidate cannot work under a supervisor who is his/her kith and kin
(defined as per Academy order).
6.8 The candidates who have been intimated about their selection for Ph.D.
Program shall have to report to the Director (Research Programmes)
through the supervisor and concerned authorities of the institutions in
the form of NOC after paying the prescribed fees.
6.9 The admitted candidates have to pay the prescribed tuition fee every
semester to Academy
7. Fees.
The candidates selected for admission to Ph.D. program have to pay
Tuition/other fees as notified by the Academy on or before the last date
of every year up to thesis submission (final soft copy). Late fees will be
applicable to those who fail to pay the fees within the stipulated time.
8. Course Work:
8.1 The credits assigned to the Ph.D. course work shall be a minimum of
Twelve (12) credits and maximum of Sixteen (16) credits.
8.2 All the candidates admitted to the Ph.D. programme are required to
complete the course work prescribed by the Academy with in the
maximum of two year as per UGC Regulations.
8.3 The candidate shall have minimum of 80% attendance during the
course work for full time research scholar.
8.4 At the end of the course work, the Academy will conduct Pre-Ph.D.
Course Work Examination.
8.5 The candidates have to obtain a minimum of 50% of marks in each
8.8 a) The candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme (under Full-
time and Part-time scheme) should give a minimum of two (2) Open
House Seminars during the programme in addition to that
candidates should appear Doctoral Committee Meeting once in 6
months, should submit half yearly progress reports for evaluation
(six half yearly reports for full-time candidate with a minimum of 3
satisfactory reports and all eight half yearly, reports for part-time
candidates with minimum of 4 satisfactory reports)
8.9 All the scholars should complete their research work and submit
thesis to the university within six / eight years from the date of
registration. However further extension will be given from six
months to one year on the request of candidate, and recommendation
of the guide as approved by AC with prescribed Penalty.
Paper Publications & Presentations:
a. Prior to the submission of thesis, the candidate should
publish at least two (2) research papers in peer reviewed
journals indexed in SCOPUS / Web of Science/ UGC Care list
in the subject of his/her research work and make two (2)
paper presentations in conferences/seminars, and produce
evidence for the same in the form of reprints and
presentation certificates respectively.
8.13 The Principal / Head of the Institution / Signing Authority for the
Industry on the recommendation of the supervisor may grant four (4)
weeks leave to the part-time scholars during a calendar year for
research related study. The women candidates may be provided
Maternity leave/child care leave once in the entire duration of Ph.D.
programme for up-to 240 days.
The scholars shall submit the half yearly progress reports regularly
during DC meetings
8.15 All the Ph.D. scholars should maintain a Log book, duly signed by the
Guide and Head of the department and Institution, and should be
made available at the time of inspection and examination.
8.16 No candidate shall be allowed to submit the thesis in less than three
(3) years (full-time) and four (4) years (part-time) from the date of
registration. The Vice-Chancellor may, however, relax this condition
by six (6) months in exceptional cases where strong claim is made by
the candidate for completion of the research work duly certified by
the Supervisor, after obtaining the opinion of a Committee of two
external experts.
' Contd...13
Faculty of Basic Sciences & Science and Technology:
Paper — I : Research Methodology and Publication Ethics /Mathematics
Paper — II : Syllabus related to the research discipline of the candidate
Paper — III : Syllabus related to the research discipline of the candidates
Paper — IV : Syllabus related to the research discipline of the candidates
Paper — V : Syllabus related to the research discipline of the candidates
Marks obtained
Grade Point Grade Performance
91.00 - 100 10 O Outstanding
81.00 - 90.99 9 A+ Excellent
71.00 - 80.99 8 A Good
61.00 - 70.99 7 B Average
50.00 - 60.99 6 P Pass
Less than 50 00 F Fail
Absent 00 F Fail
If the candidate fails in a paper, he/she has to re-appear only in that paper.
c) All the Ph.D. Scholars before submitting their Ph.D. thesis to the
Academy should submit the soft copy of the thesis work in a CD for
plagiarism check to the Office of the Director, Research Programmes in
the following prescribed format:
13. Submission of Thesis:
ii. A candidate may utilize for thesis, contents or any work which might
have been already published on the subject, but has not submitted the
whole or any substantial part thereof for which a degree has been
conferred on anyone by this Academy or any other University.
iii. The thesis in all subjects shall be written and submitted only in
iv. After receiving the report of plagiarism, candidate shall apply to the
Director, Research Programmes in prescribed form for submission of
a. The candidate has to submit the thesis along with the following:
b. Three (3) bound copies of thesis
c. Three (3) copies of synopsis
d. Two (2) CDs of thesis
e. A proper receipt showing that the prescribed fees has been paid
as notified by the Academy
f. A certificate from the Director Research Programmes to the
effect that the candidate has successfully presented the second
open house seminar.
g. Reprints of the papers published or letter of acceptance of
publication with approved manuscripts, if any, during the
research programme. Reprints of the papers should be appended
in the thesis.
h. No Dues Certificate' duly certified by the:
14. Examination.
) The Guide of the candidate shall normally be the member of the Board
of the Examiners.
d) Each Examiner shall state in clear terms whether the thesis should be:
a. Accepted,
b. Revised with minor modification, should include in soft copy
(CD) only,
c Revised with major corrections and re-submitted for fresh
evaluation (Examiner is expected to suggest specific guidelines
for revision and these suggestions may be informed to the guide
and to the candidate before defense) or
d. Rejected (reasons to be given by the Examiners).
After the thesis has been approved by all the examiners, an open viva-voce
defense exam will be held on a suitable date.
The thesis defense is open and shall be conducted by the Board consisting of
the following members:
The Board members shall sign the report of the thesis Defense (External
Examiner + Supervisor + Dean)
If the report of the thesis defense is not satisfactory, the candidate will be
given maximum two opportunities to defend himself/herself within one year
of the first thesis defense examination.
The thesis shall be the joint property of the Scholar, Supervisor and Sri
Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education for the purpose of Intellectual
Property Rights.
A copy of every Doctoral thesis along with electronic version for which a
degree has been awarded shall be placed in the Academy / Institution Library
with inscription "thesis approved for the award of the Degree of Doctor of
Prior to the actual award of the Ph.D. degree, the degree-awarding Sri
Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education shall issue a provisional
certificate to the effect that the Ph.D. is being awarded in accordance
with the provisions of these Regulations.
By Order
1). The Principal, Sri Siddhartha Medical College
2). The Principal, Sri Siddhartha Dental College
3). The Principal, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
4). The Principal, SSMCRC, T-Begur.
Copy to :
1) Office of the Chancellor, for kind information
2) PA to Vice-Chancellor / PA to The Registrar / PA to COE
3) The Director (Research & Development Cell)
4) The Coordinator (Research Programmes)
5) The Finance Officer, SSAHE
6) Office Copy / Guard file.