Recreation, Physical Fitness Activity 2 Done - WA
Recreation, Physical Fitness Activity 2 Done - WA
Recreation, Physical Fitness Activity 2 Done - WA
B. Directions: Write your answers to the questions on the lines provided. (10 points each).
Cardiovascular Endurance: is the ability of our heart and lungs to work together to
provide oxygen to our body that it need when doing physical activities such as
running, swimming or cycling that can help improve cardiovascular endurance.
Muscular strength: is the maximum amount of force of our muscle or group of
muscles can exert against resistance in a single effort like weightlifting and other
exercises that use to increase muscular strength.
Muscular Endurance: is also the ability of our muscle or group of muscle to
repeatedly exert force against resistance in a long period of time like rowing and
Flexibility: refers to the range of motion available in a joint or group of joints. It
improved when we are doing some stretching exercises that help us prevent
injuries and improve our performance when doing physical activities.
Body Composition: refers to the ratio of lean mass to fat mass in our body. It is
often associated with improving our athletic performance and lower risk of chronic
Physical Wellness: This dimension involves in taking care of our physical body
through regular exercises, have a balance diet, and do a regular medical check up
as well as a good amount of sleep.
Emotional Wellness: It refers to how we understand our feelings and how we cope
up effectively with stress. It is important for us to pay attention also to self-care,
relaxation, stress reduction, and the development of our inner self.
Intellectual Wellness: This involves having an open mind when getting new ideas
and knowledges like being participative in school, cultural and community
Social Wellness: It is about relating and connecting with other people in different
places. It is building a healthy and supportive relationships as well as fostering
good connections with the people around you.
Spiritual Wellness: This dimension involves seeking meaning and purpose in
human existence. It seek alignment between values and actions, exploring the
beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life like meditation.
Occupational Wellness: It is about getting personal satisfaction and enrichment
from our own’s work. It allows us to explore various career options that help us
pursue our desired work.
Environmental Wellness: This dimension involves recognizing our responsibility to
care for the environment and taking action to protect it like recycling, conserving
energy, and enjoying nature.
Financial Wellness: It involves the process of learning and how to successfully
manage our financial expenses. It is being financially prepared for the future and
understanding others financial values, needs, and circumstances.
In order for me to achieve wellness is by taking care of my well-being. When taking care of it I must
attend all the dimensions of it such as my physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and other
wellnesses. I believe by having a commitment and passion in doing it I will achieve wellness.