Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes An Invisible Risk Fac

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Undiagnosed type 2 diabetes: an invisible risk factor

There are diseases that puzzle doctors. Patients with conventional models of type 2 diabetes care do not seem
these diseases often remain undiagnosed for years to work as well in adolescents and young adults as they
and some will die without an accurate diagnosis. The do in older adults. People who develop type 2 diabetes
diagnosis of patients with mysterious diseases, many of at a younger age have complications that progress
which are rare diseases, can entail a long, complex, and more rapidly, and are often more severe, underscoring
detailed process that requires specialist knowledge and the urgency of prompt diagnosis and care adapted to

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investigations. Patients and families often have a sense the pathophysiological, behavioural and psychosocial
of relief upon receiving a diagnosis. A diagnosis can characteristics of a young population.
reduce uncertainty and fear and is essential to ensure Furthermore, the ONS report indicates that people
appropriate medical treatment (if available), support, from Black and Asian ethnic groups had more than
and health-care coverage. It also offers opportunities for double the prevalence of prediabetes and undiagnosed Published Online
March 6, 2024
connecting with a community with shared experiences type 2 diabetes than White, Mixed, and other ethnic https://doi.org/10.1016/
and for advocacy. groups. Data from the International Diabetes Federation S2213-8587(24)00072-X

In contrast, the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is indicates that nearly half of those with diabetes (both For the ONS Report see https://
substan­ tially more straightforward. Yet, recent type 1 and type 2) living in low-income and middle- populationandcommunity/
figures from the UK Office for National Statistics income countries (LMICs) remain undiagnosed. Since healthandsocialcare/
(ONS) estimate that 30% (approximately 1 million) nearly 80% of individuals with diabetes live in LMICs, riskfactorsforprediabetesand
of the adults living with type 2 diabetes in England these data reflect an enormous burden of disease. undiagnosedtype2diabetesin
between 2013 and 2019 were undiagnosed. The Unacceptably high rates of undiagnosis, or delayed For the CDC National Diabetes
ONS data indicate that 7–10% of adults in England diag­nosis, are also seen in other diseases that have Statistics Report see https://
had type 2 diabetes and around one in nine adults become very common at a global level. Of more than statistics-report/index.html
(5∙1 million people) had with prediabetes. These figures 700 000 people aged over 65 years estimated to live For more on early-onset type 2
suggest that a shockingly high number of people are with dementia in England, only 459 000 people have diabetes see Review
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2023;
unaware of their condition, have no access to support or a recorded diagnosis, according to 2023 NHS data in 11: 768–82
treatment, and are therefore at high risk of preventable primary care settings. Notably, the reported rates of diag­ For data from the International
Diabetes Federation see https://
health complications. nosis point to substantial regional variation: in some idf.org/about-diabetes/diabetes-
England is not alone in reporting high rates of towns and districts the rates are below 50%, whereas facts-figures/
undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. In the USA, according to in others the rates are above 80% or even 90% This For the NHS data on dementia
see https://digital.nhs.uk/data-
the National Diabetes Statistics Report from the Centres variation is not explained by increases in the prevalence and-information/publications/
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 29∙7 million of dementia in more deprived areas. statistical/primary-care-
people (including 29∙4 million adults) were living Rare diseases go undiagnosed for extended periods of
with diabetes in 2021. Of those, 8∙7 million (28%) of time; this is often attributed to the complexity of such
adults were undi­agnosed, corresponding to 3∙4% of all diseases and little knowledge and awareness of them
adults in the USA. among health-care professionals. However, the issues
As if those figures were not sufficiently alarming, the pre­cluding diagnosis of non-communicable diseases
ONS also reports that younger adults with type 2 diabetes are of a different nature. There is a range of structural
were more likely to be undiagnosed than older adults issues that can prevent patients from seeking or obtain­
(50% of those aged 16–44 years with type 2 diabetes ing a dia­ gnosis, especially for those from resource-
were undiagnosed compared to 27% of those aged constrained settings. In the case of type 2 diabetes, which
75 years and over). Although young people are often is often referred to as a silent disease, many people do
considered to be at low risk of developing type 2 diabetes, not have symptoms. Education, screening for high-risk
this is not necessarily the case. A Review published in individuals, and public health messaging are therefore
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology summarised evidence essential. Only by understanding and addressing the
showing that cases of early-onset type 2 diabetes are barriers to diagnosis can effective treatment be offered.
rapidly increasing worldwide. To compound this problem, ■ The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

www.thelancet.com/diabetes-endocrinology Vol 12 April 2024 215

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