2019 MANUAL Raspberry Pi v.2
2019 MANUAL Raspberry Pi v.2
2019 MANUAL Raspberry Pi v.2
Setting up your Raspberry Pi
In order to use your Raspberry Pi, you will need the following equipment:
Please let your TA know if you do not have any of the above equipment.
1. Insert the SD card loaded with Raspbian into the port on the bottom of the pi.
2. Connect the mouse and keyboard to the USB ports.
3. Connect the HDMI end of the cable to your pi, and the DVI end to a monitor at your station.
4. Plug in your power supply into the Raspberry Pi
a. Note: It is recommended that you plug into the wall to prevent a lack of power.
Model by Fritzing
Setting up internet on your Raspberry Pi:
Your Raspberry Pi may already be configured to use the internet. If not, here’s how:
2. Connect to the EC_GUEST_WIFI from the wifi settings in the top right corner of the desktop.
a. Connect to the network, and then disconnect by right clicking on the network.
3. Register the device
a. Register the device at this link on a separate computer: https://eccampusman.etown.edu/registration/GameRegister.jsp
b. Use your regular login and register the device.
i. Note: By using this, you will be put on the EC_GUEST_WIFI on the pi.
ii. You should now be able to use the internet wirelessly. Register the eth0 MAC Address to use Ethernet.
The pins:
When you are hooking up wires to the Raspberry Pi, you will need to utilize the pins. Go to https://pinout.xyz/ in order to see what pin is which. This website will be
helpful for both labs one and two. The numbers next to the pins are the names of the physical pin locations. Next to that tells you the purpose of that pin, whether it’s
a GPIO pin or power, for example. Hovering over the pins on the website will tell you the pin number for WiringPi.
Elizabethtown College
Raspberry Pi Lab #1 - MOTION SENSOR
by Daniel Esteves, 2017 – Modified by Lauren Cugliotta, 2019
This shouldn't take much time, but expect it to be a time consuming process in the future, since more libraries, more time to check all.
For the beginning, we are going to use scripts in C and/or Python. If you are not used to it, don't worry. The goal is to make you dig and find solutions, not learn a new language.
This example I'm going to demonstrate uses Python.
If sudo python doesn’t open a prompt like this one, return to the start of 2.1. If it didn’t work after doing so, let the TA know.
Enter exit() to quit Python.
With led.py file open on terminal using nano, copy the following (This turns on and off an LED depending on motion sensor):
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #importing the RPi.GPIO module
import time #importing the time module
GPIO.cleanup() #to clean up at the end of your script
led_pin = 37 #select the pin for the LED
motion_pin = 35 #select the pin for the motion sensor
def init():
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #to specify which pin numbering system
GPIO.setup(led_pin,GPIO.OUT) #declare the led_pin as an output
GPIO.setup(motion_pin,GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #declare the motion_pin as an input
def main():
while True:
if value!=0: #to read the value of a GPIO pin
GPIO.output(led_pin,GPIO.HIGH) #turn on led
time.sleep(2) #delay 2ms
print "LED on" #print information
GPIO.output(led_pin,GPIO.LOW) #turn off led
time.sleep(2) #delay 2ms
print "LED off" #print information
To Exit nano, press Ctrl+X, it will ask if you are sure, Press “Y” and enter for the led.py name.
Run the code by entering
sudo python ./led.py
This should load a screen, but wait... the pins are not connected... Lets fix this!
(1) Check the LED.PY file. Try to understand exactly what each line does. For example, Why are led_pin= 37 and motion_pin= 35 if they are side-by-side?(https://pinout.xyz/).
(2) Using the same format, try to create a new project. You don't need to make anything too fancy, just use something from the sensor kit or something else from the lab. An
example would be to make the photoresistor to trigger the LED, like a sustainable energy saving device. Of course, if you can integrate it to the Phoenix Contact NanoPLC, it
is a plus. You may look online for tutorials for cool stuff to do, but, please, DO NOT just copy and paste the information. Try to understand exactly what you are doing.
Elizabethtown College
Raspberry Pi Lab #2 – Anolog toDigital, and PHOTORESISTOR
by Daniel Esteves 2017, Modified by Lauren Cugliotta, 2019
Also known as light-dependent resistor (LDR), the photoresistor adjusts its resistance according to the light
received from the environment. It works not only with sunlight, but also with artificial light. Now lets see how
we can integrate it to the real world.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
ALWAYS do this before messing with Terminal. It updates the libraries and commands.
This shouldn't take much time, but expect it to be a time consuming process in the future, since more libraries, more time to check all.
For this Lab, we will be using WiringPi to run a C script. It works pretty much like rpi.gpio, from the last lab, but uses C.
If you are wondering what is GIT, it is a version control system to track changes on your
files and computer. Here is the link to the creators website: https://git-scm.com
After downloading GIT, you will be able to get WiringPi using this command:
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
To build WiringPi
cd wiringPi
After you enter this command, nano will prompt so you can edit res.c. For this example, the code used can be seen below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <wiringPiSPI.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define SPI_CHANNEL 0
#define SPI_SPEED 100000 //
return adcValue;
if(wiringPiSetup() == -1)
fprintf (stdout, "Unable to start wiringPi: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1 ;
pinMode(CS_MCP3208, OUTPUT);
printf("\n\nMCP3208 channel output.\n\n");
adc1Value = read_mcp3208_adc(adc1Channel);
printf("adc0 Value = %04u", adc1Value);
printf("\tVoltage = %.3f\n", ((3.3/4096) * adc1Value));
return 0;
To Exit nano, press Ctrl+X, it will ask if you are sure, Press “Y” and Enter for the res.c name.
Compile the code by entering:
gcc -Wall -o app res.c -lwiringPi
Run the code with this command:
sudo ./app
It should display this screen:
Check the res.c file. Make the prompt, instead of displaying “MCP3208 channel output.”, display “Lab 2 – Student name” on the prompt screen. Also, before each line of “adc0 Value = …”
display the counting number. The output should be something like:
Using the same res.c file, instead of showing values, trigger a LED to turn on if the voltage is lower or equal to 2V. This will require a little more work and you may want to check out this
page( https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/functions/ ). You can also make something else, other than trigger a LED, but check out with the TA beforehand to see if it is ok.
Elizabethtown College
Raspberry Pi Lab #3 – ARM ASSEMBLY CODE
by Daniel Esteves 2017, Modified by Lauren Cugliotta, 2019
This lab is intended to introduce you to the ARM Architecture/Assembly Code. ARM has become the main processor for gadgets like Smart Phones, Tablets and the best one: Raspberry
Pi. Lets go over some examples
This is the code for the “Hello World” file
string: .asciz "\nHello World!\n"
.global main
.extern printf
push {ip, lr}
ldr r0, =string
bl printf
pop {ip, pc}
To assemble, link and run files on ARM assembly code we need Terminal.
Lets start typing the traditional:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
You can use your favorite text editor in Terminal, but for this tutorial I will use nano.
Create the assembly1.s file by typing
sudo nano assembly1.s
With nano opened you can type the Hello World example from above.
Close the file by Pressing Control+X and when prompted if you would like to save the changes, press Y and save the file with the same name (assembly1.s).
Now that we have the file done, lets assemble it.
as –g –o assembly1.o assembly1.s
The file is now assembled and linked. You can now run it by entering
By doing the example you now know how to assemble an ARM assembly code program. Write a program that does the following:
(1) Move the integer 13 to the Register R1
(2) Move the integer 25 to the Register R2
(3) Put the sum of Register R1 and R2 to Register R3
(4) Move the value of R3 to R0
You will need to add the lines in the end of the file. This is called a system call and is needed to return the right value.
MOV R7, #1
If you did everything right, in terminal you can enter
echo $?
A call that outputs stored arguments
Giving the answer to the sum: