7 X 25MW-MGT30
7 X 25MW-MGT30
7 X 25MW-MGT30
7 x 25 MW (MGT-30 Mobile)
POWER PLANT Summarized
Technical Proposal
Section 2 – Scope of Works.............................................................................3
A. Main Equipment.........................................................................................3
1 Gas turbine and Auxiliaries..................................................................................3
Gas Turbine..................................................................................................................3
2 Electrical Equipment for Each GTG.....................................................................5
3 Instrumentation and Control Equipment for GTG Package..............................5
B. Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument and Control Balance of Plant........6
1 Mechanical BOP Equipment.................................................................................6
2 Electrical BOP Equipment....................................................................................6
3 Instrumentation and Control BOP Equipment....................................................6
C. Supply of First Fillings, Spare Parts, Tools, Miscellaneous.................7
D. Engineering and Design Services............................................................7
E. Packing, Transportation, Offloading at site............................................7
F. Warehousing and Preservation................................................................7
G. Civil Work...................................................................................................8
H. Installation Works......................................................................................8
I. Test and Commissioning..........................................................................8
J. Project Management.................................................................................8
Section 3- The Owner Scope of Works......................................................................8
A. Mechanical.................................................................................................9
B. Electrical...................................................................................................10
C. Instrumentation and Control..................................................................10
D. Civil...........................................................................................................10
Section 5 – Exclusions from Scope of Works..............................................................10
Section 6- Option.............................................................................................................11
Section 7 – Assumptions................................................................................................11
The gross power output of proposed GTG unit at the generator terminal at ISO conditions
of 15°C, 60% relative humidity and 1013 mbar pressure with standard fuel gas (100%
methane) consumption and without gas turbine inlet and outlet pressure drop is 22 MW.
PROPANE AFRICA scope of work shall cover the supply, erection, commissioning of
seven (7) Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) unit with relevant auxiliary equipment for outdoor
installation, based on EPCF (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Finance)
The scope of work will consist of seven (7) mobile gas turbines generators type MGT-
30 as well as relevant auxiliary systems as mentioned below:
Heavy Duty, axial flow, single shaft gas turbine fitted on a common base with its
accessories built for weatherproof conditions, the enclosure is provided with thermal and
acoustical insulation, heating and ventilation.
Gas Turbine
Multi stages, single shaft axial flow compressor
Control systems and instrumentation (local) for mechanical and electrical BOP
I&C software
Scope includes transportation of supplied equipment to the warehouse at the plant site.
F. Warehousing and Preservation
Included in the scope is to store and preserve the equipment and materials supplied under
this contract, at site, with due observation of the recommendations of the suppliers /
G. Civil Work
The civil works included in the contract shall consist of the design, detailing, supply of
material and full construction works of the various foundations, structures, buildings, etc.
Seven (7) outdoor gas turbine generator type MGT-30 package with relevant
auxiliaries system foundations
Electrical and control modules foundations (as applicable)
Transformers foundations with oil collecting pit and fire wall with fence and
access door for step-up and unit transformers
Pipe racks ,trenches and sleepers (if applicable based on designed)
Cable racks, trenches and duct bank system (if applicable based on designed)
Emergency Diesel Generator package foundation
Mobilization and demobilization
Soil exchange and improvement
H. Installation Works
Included in the scope is installation of the equipment, systems and units supplied under this
The standard site testing, commissioning, performance testing, pre-trial tests and trial run
testing of the units and equipment as per manufacturer standard practice, and delivery of the
test certificates.
J. Project Management
Natural Gas*
Intake Air
B. Electrical
Summarized technical proposal Page 9 of 11 Rev. 0
Gas Power Plant
7 x 25 MW (MGT-30)
Technical Proposal
- LV bushing of main transformers 33/11kV.
- Terminals of telephone lines at the site boundary
- LV Terminals of electrical powers for construction period to be provided by the
owner at the site boundary
Mechanical battery limits will be followed.
Input /output terminals of control system marshaling cabinets in PROPANE
AFRICA boundary limit for interface with systems provided by others (if
D. Civil
All items not explicitly listed under scope of work are excluded from EPC scope at this
B. Civil
Demolition work
Excavation in rock
Well digging
Flood control system
Tree planting and irrigation
Section 6- option
HV Substation
Special tools for routine maintenance (not including tools for major overhaul)
Three (3) years spare parts, based on manufacturer standard
Substation civil work with relevant control building
CCTV for power plant boundary fence
Plant boundary fence or wall and entrance gate and shelter
Sheltered parking
Open parking inside the site
Section 7 – Assumptions
Site Conditions
The design of the air intake filter system is based on the following site conditions: The
average relative humidity is below 85%, the dust loading of the environmental air is below
0.5 mg/m3 as typical ambient condition and below 700 mg/m 3 during sand storms. No salt,
coal or cement stocks and no chemical, petrochemical or ore handling industries shall be
nearby the site.
Civil design against earthquake will be done according to the "Iranian code of practice for
seismic resistant design of buildings", Standard No. 2800.