Siemens SGT750 Data
Siemens SGT750 Data
Siemens SGT750 Data
With maximized uptime, top-class performance, and a low with different rating options due to excellent part load
environmental footprint offering the customer high lifetime capability. When running on lower load the maintenance
profitability, the SGT-750 industrial gas turbine is a perfect intervals will be extended, low emissions can be guaran-
choice for the oil and gas industry as well as industrial teed while the efficiency still is kept over 40%.
power generation.
The SGT-750 has a track record of successful performance
The modular and flexible engine enables onshore or offshore after years in operation and verified results in various appli-
applications, mechanical drive or heat and power. cations. Units are sold for use in both power generation
It combines a robust, reliable design with high efficiency and compressor applications such as pipelines and liquefied
and low emissions. The SGT-750 offers broad flexibility natural gas (LNG).
Power generation: 39.8 MW(e)
Mechanical drive: 34.0 / 41.0 MW(e)
Maximized uptime
High efficiency
Low emissions
SGT-750 core engine with a free high-speed power Power generation package – O&G mechanical drive package for on- or
turbine also available as single lift offshore applications – also as single lift
41 MW version 34 MW version
Fuel Natural gas, dual fuel, liquid fuel; options available for other gases within specification
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Exhaust mass flow 115.4 kg/s 115.4 kg/s 107.5 kg/s Note: All combined cycle is based on 2 pressure, no reheat.
Dimensions exclude inlet filter housing and exhaust stack. For power
Exhaust temperature 468 °C (875 °F) 452 °C (845°F) 439 °C (821°F) generation, AC generator is included. For mechanical drive, driven
equipment is excluded.
NOX emissions2 <9 ppmvd <9 ppmvd <9 ppmvd
¹)Value shown indicates 100%-design speed of drive shaft
Maintenance interval (TBO) 34 kOH / 68 kOH 45 kOH / 90 kOH
²)NOX emissions at 15% O2 on fuel gas (with DLE)
Siemens combined SCC-750 1 × 1 SCC-750 2 × 1 Power generation package Mechanical drive package
cycle power plant
Approx. 175,000 kg (385,809 lb) 76,000 kg (167,551 lb)
Net power output 51.55 MW(e) 103.74 MW(e) weight
Net plant efficiency 53.25% 53.58% Length 20.3 m (66.6 ft) 12.8 m (40.4 ft)
Net heat rate 6,760 kJ/kWh 6,718 kJ/kWh Width 4.8 m (15.8 ft) 4.3 m (14.1 ft)
Number of gas turbines 1 2 Height 4.1 m (13.5 ft) 4.1 m (13.5 ft) E-mail:[email protected]