Commerce - Bba - Bba Semester I Cbcs 2019 Pattern

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

Faculty of Commerce and Management

Structure for Three Years Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Degree Programme (Choice Based Credit System - CBCS) with effect from
June 2019.

1. Preamble
The programme structure of BBA is basically designed to create right understanding and
awareness regarding various business systems. This course will cultivate desired business
acumen amongst the students. This program is designed with specific objectives of
developing skills, aptitude and awareness amongst the students as to prevailing business
system that governs various types of business organizations. The course structure is divided
into three parts which are interlinked in a systematic manner so as to maintain a right flow
and consistency in teaching –learning process and method of evaluation for every topic as
mentioned in the syllabus.

The present program will develop entrepreneurial attitude and ability to think independently
and take rational and appropriate decisions at various levels of management. It also aims to
develop professional and managerial attitude and to develop managerial leadership amongst
the youth.

Programme Objectives

BBA is a professional program inculcating managerial and entrepreneurial attitude amongst

the learners and helps them to become a successful business leader. It is basically a leadership
development program for enhancing leadership abilities, cultivating rational business vision.

1. To develop right understanding about the business environment and different types of
2. To develop leadership aptitude to work independently and in the organized group.
3. To cultivate desired qualities of as effective a manger capable of taking decisions and
communicating effectively with different types of publics
4. To develop a right understanding regarding various financial institutions and agencies
governing aspects of business the business.

1. Introduction :-
The degree shall be titled as Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) under the
Faculty of Commerce and Management.
First Year B.B.A. w.e.f. the academic year 2019-2020, Second Year B.B.A. w.e.f.
2020-2021 and Third Year B.B.A w.e.f. 2021-2022.

2. Eligibility:-

 A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Degree course in Bachelor of
Business Administration - shall have passed 12 the Std. Examination (H.S.C. 10


+2) from any stream with English as passing subject and has secured 40% marks
at 12thstd.
 Three Years Diploma Course after S.S.C. i.e. 10thStandard of Board of
Technical Education conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its
 Two Years Diploma in Pharmacy after H.S.C., of Board of Technical Education
conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.

3. Rules of A.T.K.T. and Standard of Passing

 A student shall be allowed to keep term for the Second Year, if he/she has a backlog
of not more than four theory heads of total number of subjects of the First Year
examination, which consist of First & Second Semester.
 A student shall be allowed to keep term for the Third Year, if he/she has no backlog
of First year & if he/she has a backlog of not more than four theory heads of total
number of subjects of the Second year examination, which consist of Third &
Fourth Semester.
Standard of Passing – The programme shall be a full time course and the duration of
the programme shall be of three years divided into six Semesters. A candidate is required to
obtain 40% marks in Internal Assessment, Projects and Semester end SPPU examination.
There will be separate passing for SPPU examination.

4. Specialization Subjects – The student has to select one specialization subject in the
Second Year and student will study eight papers –
Specialization Electives –Marketing , Finance , Human
Resource and Services
5. Medium of instructions - Medium of instruction shall be in English only.

6 . Teaching Workload - As per prescribed guidelines under the commerce and

management faculty.

7. Method of Evaluation and Evaluation Criteria: - 1. Internal Assessment 2. Projects

Examination 3. University
Examination (SPPU) 70 marks
1. Instructions for teachers for internal Assessment for 30 Marks - The purpose of
internal evaluation is to assess the depth of
knowledge, understanding and awareness. For this purpose a teacher is expected to
use different evaluation methods in order to have rational and objective assessment of the
learners and available resources

The class work will carry 30 marks in each course. Internal Evaluation includes continuous
evaluation of a student by adopting variety of techniques, Assignments, Presentation, Internal
examination, Group discussions etc. There shall be two small projects for internal evaluation as


compulsory part of assessment (Semester I and II)
2. Projects- Business Exposure (Semester III& IV) there will be viva voce examination of 50
marks and written Report on Industrial visits , interviews of successful industry/Business experts
,case studies, presentations on learning outcome etc. Visits and interviews shall be arranged
under the supervision of the subject teacher.

For course on Project work (Semester V&VI) there will be Written Report of 100 marks at SPPU
level Student shall complete a computer course relevant to specialization subject -The Fees /
Expenses towards computer course will be borne by the students. Appropriate allocation of
project work (Internship / Hands on experience is essential) shall be arranged by the students
under the guidance of the teacher and all the expenses will be borne by the students.
3. External Examination: - There will be written Examination of 70 marks and 3 hrs duration
for every course at the end of each Semester.
Setting of Question Papers
1. A candidate shall have to answer the questions in all the subjects in English
2. The question papers shall be framed so as to ensure that no part of the syllabus
is left out of study by a candidate.
3. The question paper shall be balanced in respect of various topics outlined in the
4. The question papers shall have a combination of long, short answer and MCQ
type questions.

8. University terms (Backlog)

a) A student shall be allowed to keep term for the Second Year, if he/she has a
backlog of not more than four theory heads of total number of subjects of the
First Year examination, which consist of First & Second Semester.

b) A student shall be allowed to keep for the Third Year, if he/she has no backlog
of First Year & if he/she has a backlog of not more four theory heads of total
number of subjects of the Second Year examination, which consist of Third &
Fourth Semester.

9. Restructuring of courses –Equivalence and Transitory Provision

The University will conduct examination of old course for next three academic years
from the date of implementation of new course.
The candidate of old course will be given three chances to clear his subjects as per the
old course and thereafter he will have to appear for the subjects under new course as per
the equivalence given to old course.


10. Structure of Transcript :-


11 Scheme of Credits - CC- Core Course , DSE – Discipline Specific elective , CCT- Core Course Tutorials , AECC – Ability
Enhancement Compulsory Courses , SEC- Skill Enhancement Courses.

Total - 132 Credits for Three years Programme

Sr. Semester CC – DSE – CCT- AECC- SEC – Lectures + Project

No. Credit credit Credit credit Credit +add on courses=
Total Credits

1 I 12 8 4 12+8 +2=22
2 II 12 8 12 +8 +2=22
3 III 12 8 2 12+8 +2=22
4 IV 12 8 2 12+8 +2=22
5 V 12 10 12 +10=22
6 VI 12 10 12+10=22
Total 72 36 16 2 6 72+36+16+2+6=132

– Discipline Specific Elective ( DSE) - Specialization – 1. Marketing , 2. Finance , 3. Human Resource 4. Services

12 . Skill Enhancement Course ( 30 hours) Add on courses - Per year students must complete one add on course of 30 hours per
semester or 60 hours per year a suggestive list of courses given
List of suggestive Skill Enhancement Courses


Sr. No Add on courses Sr. No Add on courses

1 Basic managerial skills 11 Certificate course in selected computer software

2 Communication skills for managers 12 Port management

3 Tally and computer based accounting 13 Packing and material handling

4 Basic course in economic system 14 Carrying and forwarding activities

5 Vedic mathematics 15 Personality and soft skills development

6 Basic course in Environmental awareness 16 International etiquettes and mannerisms

7 Recent trends in costing and standers 17 Foreign language

8 Certificate course in marketing environment 18 Yoga and meditation


9 Certificate course in analysis and presentation of data 19 Ground and sports management

10 Environmental awareness 20 Value Education and Gender Equality


Savitribai Phule Pune University SPPU

- Bachelors of Business Administration - BBA - Syllabus structure

Pattern 2019

Semester I Semester II

Course Credits Course Title Course Credits Course Title

Code Type Code Type
101 3 CC Principles of Management 201 4 CCT Business Organization and
102 4 CCT Business Communication Skills System
103 3 CC Business Accounting 202 3 CC Principles of Marketing
104 3 CC Business Economics – Micro 203 3 CC Principles of Finance
105 3 CC Business Mathematics 204 3 CC Basics of cost accounting
106 4 CCT Business Demography
205 3 CC Business Statistics
1 2( 30 hours) SEC Skill Enhancement Course ( 30
hours)- 206 4 CCT Fundamentals of computers
2 2( 30 hours) SEC Skill Enhancement Course ( 30


Semester III Semester IV
Course Credits Course Title
Code Type Course Credits Course Title
301 3 CC Family Business Management. Code Type
302 3 CC Supply Chain Management. 401 3 CC Entrepreneurship Development
303 3 CC Event Management.
304 3 CC Business Economics (Macro) 402 3 CC Import and Export Procedure.
305 3 DSE Specialization I - Theory 403 3 CC Managerial Economics
306 3 +2 =5 DSE Specialization II - 50 marks 404 3 CC International Business
Theory & 50 marks external - 405 3 DSE Specialization III – Theory
(Exposure & cases ) marks
Examination at College level 406 3 +2 =5 DSE Specialization IV 50 Theory Paper
3 2 AECC Ability Enhancement & 50 marks external – Exposure &
Compulsory Course ( 30 Cases – Examination at College Level
hours) 4 2( 30 SEC Skill Enhancement Course ( 30
Environmental Awareness hours) hours)-


Semester V Semester VI
Course Credits Course Title Course Credits Course Title
Code type Code Type
501 3 CC Research Methodology 601 3 CC Essentials of Ecommerce
502 3 CC Agri Business Management. 602 3 CC Management Information
503 3 CC Business Ethics
603 3 CC Business Planning and Project
504 3 CC Strategic Management. Management
505 4 DSE Specialization V – Theory 604 3 CC Management of Creativity
and Tutorial
605 4 DSE Specialization - VII - Theory
506 2+4 =6 DSE Specialization VI - 50 and Tutorial
marks project SPPU Viva + 606 6 DSE Specialization IV –total 100
Computer training (60 marks - Project 20 marks
hours ) presentation and Cases (and 80
marks for Internship- Project
(60 Hours ) - SPPU Viva


The subject wise Revised Syllabus for F.Y. BBA Program

Principles of Management
Course Code 101
Credit -3
Depth of the course- Reasonable working knowledge
Program Objectives
 To understand basic concept regarding org. Business Administration
 To examining how various management principles
 To develop managerial skills among the students

Unit No. Unit Title Contents Purpose & Skills to be develop

1 Nature of 1.1Meaning & Importance ,Functions1.2 Role of Managers1.3 Basic aspects of management thinking
management Management &
as an Art, Science, Profession and a Social Develop ability of managerial thinking and cultivate
System 1.4Concept of Management, Administration, business acumen
Organization &Universality of Management
2 Evolution of 2.1 Concept of Managerial Thoughts To understand different approaches to management
management 2.2 Contribution of Frederick Taylor, Elton thoughts and philosophy
thoughts Mayo, Henry Fayol and Peter Drucker &
2.3 Indian Management ethos (Indian )anddifferent Styles for Ability to understand approaches to philosophy of
example (J.R.D Tata, Dhirubhai Ambani, N. R. Narayana Murthy, management thinking
Verghese Kurien)…


3. Major managerial 3.1 Forecasting: Meaning, Need Types, Methods, To understand the importance of functions of
Functions Advantages ,merits ,Disadvantages 3.2 Planning: Meaning, Need management and their roles
Types, methods, Advantages, merits, Disadvantages &
3.3 Organizing: Meaning, Concept, Delegation of Ability to organize various programmes and events
Authority: Meaning, Importance Decentralization:
Concepts, Meaning And, Importance
3.4 Decision Making :Types, Process, and Techniques Directions
nature and principles and
3.5 Motivation: Meaning, Importance, Nature,
Principles, and Theories3.6 Controlling :Meaning, Needs,
Process, Techniques

4. Recent trends in 4.1 Management of change , management of crises, To know what are the themes in modern
Management Total Quality Management management and changes in the business
(TQM): Meaning, Merits, &
Demerits,stress management .(Principles ,concepts merits ) To learn about new systems and trends in modern
4.2Knowledge Management: management
Meaning, Merits, Demerits4.3 Outsourcing:
Meaning, Merits, Demerits


Teaching Methodology

Teaching Innovative methods to be used Project Expected Outcome


13 Study the role and functions of How an organizations manages its activities and To develop managerial effectiveness through managerial
different mangers functions thinking Knowledge of effective

13 Empirical management thoughts Preparing charts of management thinkers and Learning about the management philosophy over the period od
profile presentations on major management time

12 Situation analysis , Business games Implementing planning process in an org ,analysis How to plan and organize an activity and motivate the group
Case study of different decision and failure of different org
and decision

12 Developing applications of Develop a program for management of change To Develop understanding regarding new systems of
management of change and crises and case study on resistance to change and management
Installing quality management preparing the checklist
system for a group Developing quality manual
Case study on majors to reduce Project on stress reduction methods



Subject Internal Evaluation External Evaluation Suggested Add on Course

Unit – I I Quiz on concept importance of mgt 25% MCQ Decision making and leadership skills
II Presentation on role of management in society and organization Short notes 35%
III GD on importance of management as profession Long answers 40%

Unit – II I Presentation on contribution of management thinkers

II case study on different approaches to mgt
III posters on contributions of Indian management thinkers to
management discipline
Unit – III MCQ on managerial functions
II situation analysis how management fails or succeed
III presentations on different types of decisions and case study on
factors affecting decision making
Unit – IV MCQ on various new trends in management
II case study on application of total quality management in an
organization and compare two different intuitions.
III Case study on management of change and crises
IV situation analysis of determinants of stress
Total – 30 70


Suggested references

Sr. No. Title of the Book Author/s Publication Place

Management Concepts and Strategies J.S. Chandan Vikas Publishing House New Delhi
Pvt. Ltd.
Principles of Management Harold Koontz , Heinz McGraw hill companies New Delhi
Weihrich , A.
Management A Global and Entrepreneurial Heinz Weihrich , Mark V. McGraw hill companies McGraw hill companies
Perspective Cannice , Harold Koontz
Management – 2008 Edition Robert Kreitner , Biztantra – Management New Delhi
MamataMohapatra For Flat World
Introduction to Management John R. Schermerhorn Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
Principles of Management P.C. Tripathi , P.N. reddy McGraw hill companies New Delhi
Management Text and Cases R. Satya Raju , A. PHI learning Pvt. Ltd New Delhi
Management (Multi-Dimensional Approach H. R. Appannaiah , G. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai
) Dinakar , H.A. Bhaskara


Business Communication Skills –
Course Code: 102
Credit 4
Depth of the syllabus - Reasonable knowledge of the communication
Program objectives
1 To understand what is the role of communication in personal and business world
2. To understand system and communication and their utility
3. To develop proficiency in how to write business letters and other communications required in business

Unit Unit Title Contents Purpose & Skills to be develop

1 Concept of Role of Communication in social and economic system To understand the basic purpose of communication.
Communication and Need for effective communication, meaning and definition, &
Introduction to Principles of effective communication, Barriers to Ability to understand and comprehend the meaning of
Communication communication and over comings different forms of communication

2 Methods and types of Written communication, forms of written communication. To understand how to write effective messages and different
Communication Qualities ,difficulties in written communication , Constraints types of communication,
in developing effective written communication &
Merits and Limitations of written communication Qualities, Ability to write meaningful and concise and effective messages
difficulties in written communication , Constraints in
developing effective written communication

3. Business Concept ,need and functions of Business .Correspondence , To understand how to make effective Business
Correspondence Types of Business letters ,Layout Drafting of business ,letters Correspondence
Sales , Orders sales circulars and business promotion letters Ability to write precise business letters and understanding
written methods& types of communication about business correspondence

4. Analysis of different Fax communication ,voice mail ,emails ,tele conferencing , 1.To understand how modern technology effects businesses
Media of communication through social media and media based communication is working in present


Communication context.
2. Effects of new media on business is affecting on
interpersonal relations and groups
Ability to use different formats of social communication and
technology based communication effectively


Teaching Methods

Teaching Innovative methods to be AV Applications Project Expected Outcome

Hours used

Unit I - Role Play Films on communication Life without communication Ability to understand implication of effective
11 communication
Unit II - Paraphrasing \,praise Films on understanding written How to write effective message , To develop an appropriate understanding role
13 writing complete the communication Story writing and utility of written communication in life
sentence and interpretation
of given sentences

Unit III- Demonstrations of layout Analysis of real life business Writing letters for different To develop proficiency for different purposes for
13 of good business letters situations situations different organizations
analysis of good business Case study of Analysis different
letters of different forms correspondence
Drafting of good business

Unit IV Demonstrations hands on Analysis of implications and Projects To develop proficiency in effectives uses of
- 11 experience utility of different forms of various media of communication
social media , case study
To communicate interact effectively by using
different forms of social media
Total 48


Evaluation methods

Internal Evaluation External Tutorial /Project

Method of evaluation 25%MCQ Communication skills for
I MCQ on concept factures and definition Short notes 35% managers
Presentation \- on application of communication in day to day business Long answers 40%

I Group Discussions on appropriate methods of communication at different situations

II – Case study on written communication-
Errors in message building and interpretation of message
I Developing appropriate formats
Drafting of appropriate Business letters
II- cautions in uses of metaphors and idioms and phrases

I GD on selecting right media

II preparation of charts on different media of communication
III – case study on usages of social media
Communication etiquettes’

Marks 30 Marks-70



Sr. No. Title of the Book Author/s Publication Place

1 Business Communication Meenakshi Raman , Oxford New Delhi
Prakash Singh
2 Business Communication Homai Pradhan , N.S. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai
3 Business Communication R.K. Madhukar Vikas Publishing House New Delhi
4 Business Communication and personality BiswajitDas Excel Books New Delhi
Development .ipswwtaSatpathy
5 Business Communication – Concepts , Cases P.D Chaturvedi , Dorling Kindersley New Delhi
and applications MukeshChaturvedi
6 Business Communication – Connecting at HorySankarMukerjee Oxford New Delhi
7 Business Communication Today Courtland L. Bovee , John Pearson New Delhi
V. Thill , Abha Chatterjee
8 Hand Book of internal Communication Eileen Scholes Infinity Books New Delhi

Web reference
Sr. Lectures Films Animation PPTs Articles Sources
By R. Chandran IIT Film byJ. A film on By Matt 1. Importance of 1. UK Essay
Kanpur Balkru communication Setter communication 2. Zen growth
barrier skills essay
2Importance of
and effective


Business Accounting –
Code No. 103

Credit – 3
Depth of the syllabus Reasonable working knowledge
Program objectives
To develop right understanding regarding role and importance of monetary and financial transactions in business
To cultivate right approach towards classifications of different transactions and their implications
TO develop proficiency preparation of basic financial as to how to write basis accounting statement - Trading and P&L

Unit No. Unit Title Contents Purpose & Skills to be develop

1 Financial Definition and Scope, objectives, Accounting To understand role and importance of accounting in Business
Accounting- concepts, principles and conventions. Classification of and how accounting concept can be implemented in business
accounts &
Computation ability in business ability to distinguished between
various accounting concepts and practices

2 Accounting Problems on To understand how to record different financial transactions

Transactions Voucher system; Accounting Process, Journals, and their financial implications
and Final Ledger, Cash Book , subsidiary books ,Trial Balance &
Accounts preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Ability to write different accounting tractions and prepare basic
financial tractions
Proprietorship(Trading and Profit & Loss Account and
Balance Sheet )

3. .Bank Meaning, importance and preparation of Bank To understand the kind of accounting relationship between
Reconciliation Reconciliation Statement customer and bank
Statements &
Ability to write necessary set of entries in books of accounts and in
cash book and compare them with bank statement to understand
their implications and effect


4 Computerized Role of computers and Financial application, Ability to understand growing importance of software
Accounting Accounting Software packages and to know how to use software and to write books of
Ability to use software like tally for writing of accounts


Teaching Methodology

Teaching Innovative methods to be used AV Applications Project Expected Outcome


11 Appling accounting concepts in real life Importance of accounting of business and To learn about
business Role of accounting in business nonprofit organizations importance of acc. In
Ability to distinguish between accounting business
tractions and real life business

15 Using practical situations for writing Writing ledger and cash book Developing model of Journals and model Ability to distinguish
Transactions books of accounts between different
And applying accounting concepts Preparing flow chart of accordance of tractions and its nature
different situations different tractions

12 Interpretation of bank passbook and its Lesson on Preparing BR. With imaginary data Ability to prepare and
statement How to write bank reconciliations. interpret bank
Comparative analysis of bank pass book Statement from YouTube reconciliation statement
and statement and their interpretation

10 NIL To Understand how various Film on silent features of tally accounting Appling software basic
tractions are recorded while using As business software financial statement and
software and what cautions are converting row
need to be taken while recording financial data into well
transactions. written financial data


Evaluation Method

Unit No Internal Evaluation External Evaluation Suggested Add on Course

I MCQ on various aspects of accounting Presentations on accounting and 25%MCQ Tally and computer based
its importance in business Short notes 35% accounting
Long answers 40%
II Practical problems on how to write different accounting tractions and
maintaining books of accounts

III Practical problems on Bank Reconciliation

IV Demonstrations and hands on of experience regarding application of

Tally and other accounting software

30 70

Sr. No. Title of the Book Author/s Publication Place

1 Advance Accounting Vou- I S.N. Maheshwari & S.K. Vikas Publication New Delhi
2 Advance Accounting Vou- I M.C. Shukla , T.C. Grewal , S.C S. Chand New Delhi
3 Accountancy (Vol- I ) S. Kr. Paul Central Educational Kolkata
Enterprises (P).
4 Accounting (text and Cases ) Robert N. Anthony , David F. McGraw Hill New Delhi
Hawkins , Kenneth A. Merchant Companies
5 Advanced Accountancy( Volume – I) R.L. Gupta , M. Radhaswamy Sultan Chand & New Delhi


Business Economics – Micro
Course Code: 104
Credit - 3
Depth of the syllabus - Reasonable knowledge of the Business Economics
Program Objectives -
1. To understand role of economics as it influences society and business
2. To study how different decisions are taken in relation to price demand and supply
3. To develop right understanding regarding Monopoly, perfect competition, revenue Etc

Unit No. Unit Title Contents Purpose & Skills to be develop

1 Concept of Business
Importance of economics in life, scope, forms of economy Role and purpose of economics in society and economic
economics. economic activities, economic problems , circular flow of &
economy Meaning and definition of business economics, Ability to think in prudent manner
scope of Business Economics Importance of economics in
life, forms of economy, central problems of economics,
market forces in solving economic problems, 5 sector flow
of income and expenditure
2 Demand and supply Concept of demand supply 1.To understand how the concept of demand and supply
analysis Concept of demand, determinants of demand, individual works in particular economy
demand, market demand, Law of demand, elasticity of 2.To study implications of different aspects of demand and
demand, types of elasticity of demand. Practical supply
implementation of elasticity of demand. Methods of &
measuring elasticity of demand. Concept of supply, Ability to examine implications of changes in demand and
determinants of supply, elasticity of supply. supply on economics and ability to select right alternatives in
a given situation


3. Revenue and cost Concept and types of revenue 1.To understand role and function of revenue in different
analysis Importance of revenue , methods of calculation of revenue economic decision
Interrelationship between marginal , total, and average 2. To examine what factors determine revenue and cost
revenue &
Concept of cost definition and importance of cost ,typology Ability to comprehend the concept of cost and calculation of
of cost analysis of cost revenue and cost and Production.

4 Pricing under various Concept of market and competition To understand concept of market and different forces
market conditions affecting completion of market under different economic
Meaning of market, types of markets - perfect competition, circumstances
Monopoly, monopolistic competition, duopoly, and &
oligopoly. Price and output determination in different Ability to understand market forces governing economic
market conditions. Concept of Total Revenue, Average situations
Revenue and Marginal Revenue, Methods of measuring
TR, AR and MR, interrelationship between TR, AR and

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Innovative methods to be AV Applications Project Expected Outcome

hours used
10 Situation analysis Film on role of economics in Understands the importance of To understand different facets of economics
evaluation of different life economics in life and importance of prudent thinking
alternatives selection of
right options
13 Case studies on Films on fluctuations in Case studies on demand and To understand variation in demand and
Market Situation analysis economy and market and their supply analysis , supply. How it affects the different
and impact on social life Examining market trends and economic situations and various factors of
Market analysis their impact on market supply production


13 Case studies , analysis of a Animation and graphics on cost Examination of various cost sheet 1.To understand how the revenue is
particular economic and revenue ascertainments and revenue statement calculated for different situations and factors
decisions comparative determined revenue.
analysis of revenue and 2. To know the system of determination and
cost decisions factors consider in cost determination
12 Preparation of graphics for Films on monopoly and its Case studies To understand how pricing determination is
different market situations effect Empirical analysis and projection affected by different market players and
Analysis of market Films on perfect competitions of market trends forces and its impact on market and society
different market forces
affecting demand and
supply of various products

Unit Internal Evaluation External Evaluation

I I- MCQ on concept meaning 25%MCQ

II- presentation on role of economic in society Short notes 35%
III- Presentations on life without economic Long answers 40%
II- Practical problems on various demand and supply as they influence market
III - model illustrations explaining practical illustrations practical demand and supply
III I practical problems on computation of revenue
II illustrations on explaining different types of revenue
Case study on impact on change in cost structure

IV I MCQ on monopoly and perfect competition

II real life situations on monopolistic pricing
III Illustrations on impact of variations in equilibrium of firm on pricing under different circumstance

30 70


Suggested references

Sr. Title of the Book Author/s Publication Place

1 Business Economics Andrew Gillespie Oxford Press New Delhi
2 Business Economics Rob Dransfield Vikas Publishing House Noida – New Delhi
3 Business Economics – Theory and Dr. D.D. Chaturvedi , Dr. S. International Book House New Delhi
Applications L. Gupta Pvt. Ltd.
4 Economics for management – Text and Cases S,K. Sarangi Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai

5 Economics Principles and Applications N. Gregory Mankiw Cengage Learning India Pvt. New Delhi


Business Mathematics
Course Code – 105
Credit 3
Depth of knowledge - Reasonable working knowledge
Program objectives
To develop appropriate understanding as how to use mathematic like computation interest, profit etc
To cultivate right understanding regaining numerical aptitude
To develop logical approach towards analytical approach data

Unit No. Unit Title Contents Purpose & Skills to be develop

1 Numerical Methods for Time and distance To understand how to apply the concept of interest and
Business Managers Stock and shares methods of calculation of interest
Commission ,brokerage ,premium , Banking and taxation &
Simple and compound interest Matrix and Determinant To develop Mathematical competence for various interest
related transactions and other activities
2 Numerical Methods for Profit and loss Ability to examine concept of discount in different business
Business Managers Time and work , Percentages ,Ratio and proportion , situations
Averages Permutation And Combination

3. Volume and surface area of solids , Calendar , Ability to apply the various concepts in business situations
Numerical Methods for Summation of series , Divisibility
Business Managers Matrix and Determinant
4 Data interpretation , Algorithm Ability to develop the skills for data interpretation and
Numerical Methods for Log and antilog , inferences.
Business Managers Linear Programming Problem


Teaching Methodology
Teaching Projects and classroom practice
13 Impact of interest of profits and how loan helps business solvency

12 To develop appropriate model for estimation of profit. Applying ratio to interpreted and evaluate Financial data collection of 5 years reports of
various companies for analysis

12 Problems related with mensuration of solids

11 Analyzing for different situations with multiple number of parameters


Evaluation methods

Internal Evaluation External Evaluation

1 Basic mathematical aspects reading Interest , 20% MCQ , and 40%

II. Practical problems marks for 3 marks each
40% are for 4 marks
each problem
Computations on various financial transactions and other transactions

Mathematical aspects related with Geometry and progression

Data interpretation

30 70


Suggested references

Title Author Publisher

1 Arithmetic for business students Harvey,J.H. Cassell,London
Dr. Amarnath Dikshit & Dr.
2 Business Mathematics
Jinendra Kumar Jain.
3 Business Mathematics – Padmalochan Hazarika Sultan chand & sons, Delhi
New Literature publishing company,
4 Business Mathematics Bari
5 Operations Research V.K. Kapoor Sultan chand & sons

6 Operations Research Dr. S. D. Sharma Sultan Chand & Sons.

7 Operations Research Dr. J. K. Sharma – Sultan Chand & Sons.

Dr.Anwar Shaikh,
8 Business mathematics Prof.R.G.Gurav, Prof.Tawade, Success Publication,Pune
Prof. Vaibhav Joshi


Business Demography
Code: 106
Credit 4

Depth of the course - Reasonable working knowledge

Program objectives
1. To give proper understanding regarding concept of demography in modern economic setup
2. To study how population and structure changes affecting quality of life and business
3. To develop clarity of concept regarding social economic process and urbanization and its impact on society

Unit No. Unit Title Contents Purpose Skills to be develop

1 Concept of Meaning, importance and need of demography. Studies Growing importance of modern economics and society.
demography Study of demography. As an essential discipline of social
economic change ,Scope and components of Demography To Develop Rational understanding of demography, analysis
Factors affecting mortality, fertility rate, Methods to and effects on society
calculate fertility and mortality rate.

2 Distribution of Density and population distribution To understand how population growth influences aspects
population and Concept of over and under population on society
population growth Method of assessment of population growth
To develop understanding regarding growth process and
social economic changes
3. Population as Importance of human resource as development of the nation To understand importance in modern and socio economic
resources Concept of literacy and its importance in modern society statues and to learn about role of literacy in economic
Concept of sex ratio age and sex pyramid development
Concept of working and dependent population
Ability to examine implications of changes in population


4 Urbanization and its Concept of urbanization factors affecting urbanization. and To understand the various determinants of urbanization
implications rural population , Features and importance and migration
Urbanization. Behavioral and demographic Structure and
various factors responsible for urbanization Ability to understand how urbanization affects the resource
allocation and resource planning

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Innovative methods to be used AV Applications Project Expected Outcome


12 Analysis of censes reports Films on population explosion Mapping of various components of Ability to understand the
Examining the tends in Demography components of demography. Factors
population curve governing of a particular economics
Case study on impact on changes in and government.
demographic structure Socio economic changes as a
outcome of demographic changes
12 Analysis of trends in variation A film on population explosion A study of demographic changes in Ability to examine how
population and its impact on A film on topography India demographic changes - influences
budget ,economic planning and Difference provinces in India different aspects of policy
social development formulation and social development

12 Designing of population Project on examining population NIL To learn about implications of

pyramid change as a determinant changes in population and structure
Developing charts of A film on relation on literary and of population on economy and
implications of changes in sex development society
ratio of economy on society


12 Prepare charts and Study of Case studies on urbanization and Study of particular factor of Equal and unequal Distribution of
urbanization taken place from sustainability and problems of over production in district or state and resources and factors of production
last two decades exploitation of recourses their effects on various sectors and its impact on society
With its effects on business

Evaluation Methods

Subject Internal Evaluation External Evaluation Tutorial /Project

Unit – I I MCQ on meaning concept and applications of demography 25% MCQ

II profile preparation on regional Short notes 35%
III Interpretation of data Long answers 40%

Unit – II MCQ on density of population various aspects of population

II Application based questions on measuring assessment of population of method
III analysis of particular aspect of censes report
Unit – III Presentation on HR Development in growth
II Presentation on role of literacy on growth
III Interpretation of statistical data
Unit – IV I GD on effects of urbanization on society
II quiz on Urbanization on society III Poster or exhibitions on urbanization of society

Total – 30 70


Suggested references

Sr. No. Title of the Book Author/s Publication Place

The Methods and uses of anthropological Alaka M. Basu Columbia university press
The demographic dividend – A new David E. Bloom, David
perspective on the Economic consequences Canning
of Population Change
The Continuing Demographic Transition G.W. Jones ,R.M.Douglas
Demographics :A casebook for business and Hallie .JKintner ,,Thomas
Government W.Merrick
Population , Ethnicity and Nation Building By Calvin C.Goldscheider
Population Dynamics :A new Economic C.Y. Cyrus Chu Oxford


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