Send Up Biology SSCI Version 1
Send Up Biology SSCI Version 1
Send Up Biology SSCI Version 1
Version No.
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Dr. A. Q. Khan School & College,
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Name of Candidate _____________
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Sign. of Candidate ____________
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Dr. A. Q. Khan School & College, Safari-1
Send-up Examination December, 2021
Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks: 53
Note: Answer any six parts from Section ‘B’ and attempt any five parts from Section-C. Attempt any two
questions from Section ‘D’ on the separately provided answer book. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
Q.2 Attempt any SIX parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. Be brief and to
the point. (6x3=18)
i. Briefly explain division of labour among multicellular organisms.
ii. Write a deduction on “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria”.
iii. Distinguish between ratio and proportion.
iv. Define co-factor with their types.
v. What is energy of activation? Write two ways to lower the energy of activation?
vi. Enzymes are called biological catalyst explain.
vii. What are the symptoms of malaria?
viii. Define unicellular organization with example.
Q.3 Attempt any FIVE parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks . Be brief and to
the point. (5x3=15)
i. Explain ADP_ATP cycle.
ii. Define transpiration pull and correlate it with adhesion and cohesion theory.
iii. Explain the role of sugar in opening and closing of stomata .
iv. (a) The deficiency of which vitamin result in scurvy. Also mention the symptoms.
(b) Write down the metabolic function of lipid.
v. (a) Differentiate between chemical digestion and emulsification.
(b) what happens to intestine due to the deficiency of fibre.
vi. Complete the following table :-
Diseases Symptoms
vii. Briefly explain the role of photosynthetic pigment in photosynthesis.
SECTION D (Marks 20)
Note: Attempt any TWO parts from the following. A l parts carry equal marks . (2x10=20)
Q.4 a. Explain the phenomena of translocation with reference to pressure flow mechanism.
b. Briefly explain mechanism of enzyme action. (4)
Q.5. a .What is the importance of redox reaction . (2)
b. Outline the mechanism of respiration while defining Glycolysis, Krebcycle and electron
transport chain. (5+3)
Q.6 a. “A mosquito can get plasmodium by biting a malarial patient”. Explain how Ronald
Ross proved the deduction. (5)
b. Describe the process of digestion in small intestine with diagram. (5)