Integration of Business and Manufacturin

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Integration of Business and Manufacturing Processes through Industrial Machinery

as a Service Approach

Virgilio Gilart-Iglesias, Francisco Maciá-Pérez, Diego Marcos-Jorquera,

Francisco J. Mora-Jimeno and Juan A. Gil-Martínez-Abarca
Computer Science Department
University of Alicante
San Vicente del Raspeig. Spain
{vgilart, pmacia, dmarcos,fjmora, gil}

Abstract— In manufacturing organizations is difficult to reach manufacturing lower level two processes were proposed [5],
the requirements of the new business models (agile and a physical normalization process that provides industrial
dynamic adaptation to changes) due to technological and machinery of computation and communication capacities
conceptual constraints between elements located at different
levels of the organization, which prevents the integration of and, a middleware normalization process that show
business and manufacturing processes. In this paper, a new industrial machinery as a services container that provides
industrial machinery model that achieves this integration has the appropriate infrastructure, in terms of middleware
been proposed. This model, named IMaaS, shows the services, to the application services. This work focuses on
industrial machinery as a set of business processes, removing the detailed description of the process that removes the
the conceptual constraints, and exposed as services, removing conceptual constraints, the service normalization process.
technology constraints.
The remaining of this paper is organised as follows:
Keywords-BMP, SOA, Manufacturing Processes section II focuses on service normalization process; section
III describes a test scenario to validate the proposal; finally,
I. INTRODUCTION in section IV, conclusions are exposed.
The new business models, oriented to mass
customization, claim to the organizations new production
models, more dynamics and flexible, that may become To remove existing conceptual constraints, the Service
adapted, in agile way, to the environment changes due to the Normalization Process shows the industrial machinery as
market demand [1]. In order to respond to the needs of the part of BPMS through the Industrial Machinery BPM
new business models, a new paradigm named BPM Pattern. The pattern functionality is exposed as services by
(Business Process Management) has emerged [2]. means of SOA paradigm and WS technologies, allowing
However, to achieve the viability of the new business that manufacturing processes can be modified in an agile
models in the manufacturing organizations is a complex and flexible manner, aligning them with the changes in the
process, because there is not a full integration due to strategic business objectives.
physical, technological and conceptual constraints and the A. Industrial Machinery BPM Pattern
lack of standards in production devices [3].
To develop the pattern, a process divided into two phases
The main and most novelties integration proposals of has been defined. In the first phase, a categorization of the
business and manufacturing processes are focused on using business processes included in the industrial machinery has
of SOA paradigm and WS technologies in the production been made, showing the industrial machinery as a set of
levels [3] [4]. However, these proposals focus on achieve business processes (Industrial Machinery Business
the technological integration, but do not take into account Processes Map). This model has been divided in three
the conceptual integration of both processes, avoiding an levels. At level 1, the business processes that execute the
integral management according to the requirements of new activities of higher abstraction level of industrial machinery
business models. In order to achieve such full integration, in have been considered. Level 2 is composed by the business
this paper a model, called Industrial Machinery as a Service processes that make up the business processes defined in the
(IMaaS), is proposed. This model adapts, both conceptually level 1, and can be divided, in reiterative way, in another
and technologically, the manufacturing processes and its processes included in the level 2. In the level 3, basic
management to the field of business processes, showing activities are included. These activities encapsulate the
industrial machinery as part of a BPMS and technologically lowest behaviour level of the industrial machinery, and
supported by the SOA paradigm. therefore, the behaviour closer to the mechanical
To remove technological constraints on the functionality of industrial machinery.
Deployment Service which exposes the functionality that
permits deploying new services on the industrial machinery.


To validate the integration capability (conceptual and
technological) of proposed model, we have deployed a SOA
scenario based on Match-Maker pattern, which includes
different business and manufacturing processes used in
manufacturing organizations. To implement a prototype
several elements were used or developed: a scaled model of
an industrial plant constructed by the Staudinger GmbH
company; several embedded devices Lantronix XPort which
dotting the machinery of computing and communication
capacity necessary to support the WS-* middleware; an
UDDI registry (Apache jUDDI v3) that contains the
necessary information to consume the services offered;
Intalio BPMS Community Edition version 6.0; and we have
Figure 1. Industrial machinery service model. developed a Eclipse plugg-in to discover, upgrade and
deploy services automatically in the industrial machinery.
In the second phase, once defined the Industrial For the experiments, we have focused on the storage
Machinery Business Processes Map, the elements that allow process, carried out by IMaaS intelligent warehouse prototype
achieving the necessary principles of the BPM paradigm [2], (StoreRawMaterial and GetRawMaterial), and its
in order to get an integral management together with the integration with dependent business processes like inventory
remaining organization processes, have been defined. These management, order management and production planning.
elements are: Discovery System, Execution Processes
System and Monitoring and Control System. IV. CONCLUSIONS
B. Converging with SOA Approach In this paper, an industrial machinery model has been
The objective of this phase is to expose the functionality proposed, allowing an integrated management according to
defined in the conceptual model of BPM as a service by the requirements of new business models. In particular, the
obtaining a technological vision of the model similar to the process that eliminates the conceptual constraints through
items located on the upper levels of the organization (fig. 1). services normalization has been further developed.
This approach distinguished three different kinds of services
in the application layer of industrial machinery: Process ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Services, Application Services and Management Services. This work was supported in part by the Vicerrectorado de
Process Services are orchestrated services that expose the Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, University of
higher level functionality of the industrial machinery. These Alicante (Proyectos de investigación emergentes 2010:
services are divided in: Production Services which represent Sistema de gestión de procesos integral en entornos
industrial machinery core business processes and Support manufactureros. Aplicación a la fabricación ágil).
Services which encapsulate the necessary business logic in
order to assure the execution of Production Services. REFERENCES
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