Method Statement For Tree Felling (Excluding Portion A) I05
Method Statement For Tree Felling (Excluding Portion A) I05
Method Statement For Tree Felling (Excluding Portion A) I05
Document History
I01 1 Nov 2022 First issue PYE VHK Issue for consent
I03 14 Dec 2022 Third issue PYE VHK Issue for consent
I05 23 Feb 2022 Fifth issue PYE VHK Issue for consent
Submitted in
Included in this
Document Name Package Rev Comment
20/2/ Section 4.2.4 was not included. Please clarify 23/2/ The method to determine the working space is
2023 2023 described in Section 4.5, item 2, 3, 4.
statement. Please review if it is realistic estimation. If 5.3 The size of stockpiling area is revised. The
affirmative, please [propose the angle and height of actual size shall suit site condition. Felled trees
stockpiling to be adopted. will be delivered away at an appropriate
frequency to ensure additional capacity is
5.4 1m earth bund will be constructed as barrier of always available. Section 4.6 and Appendix A is
working area. Please provide width of earth bund and updated accordingly.
warning signage required to installation.
5.4 Width of earth bund shall be 1m. Section 4.6
is updated accordingly.
20/2/ Protection measures did not mention in Sectoin 4.4. 23/2/ The action regarding existing graves is updated
2023 Please clarify. 2023 in Section 4.3
Comment Letter Ref: IC reference:SWL/DA/91823/0266-VES, dated 14 Feb 2023, Construction Method Check Certificate is certified
This document contains confidential information of Paul Y. Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. and
shall not be copied or amended without approval of the Project Manager
Content Page
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
1. Introduction
This Method Statement of Tree Felling for the entire site area excluding Portion A establishes
and maintains a standard approach to carry out tree felling, transplanting, and retaining for this
project. Details of the procedures contained herein may be reviewed periodically and modified
based on the actual site conditions. A layout plan is provided in Appendix A.
2. Scope of Works
This method statement shall comply with Contract Specification Part A, General Requirement
Clause 2.1.1. Prior to commencement of works, reference shall be made to Underground
Utilities Detection Report and Tree Survey Report to be aware of utility hazards and to identify
the proposed felling, retaining, or transplant of trees on site. Trees to be retained and
transplanted shall be carried out prior to works described in this method statement. This will be
addressed in separate submission according to the approved TPRP report. The disposal of
materials shall be referred to the Yard Waste Management Plan. All works will be performed in
accordance with GS and Contract Specification.
Tree felling for Portion A has been included in separate Method Statement submission: NENTX-
Commencement of tree felling shall be subject to the approval status of Tree Preservation and
Reservation Proposal (TPRP).
Detail of haul road, site formation and temporary slope design shall be submitted separately.
3. Reference
Reference shall be made to General Specification and Contract Specification Part A Clause 2.1,
and Clause 3.2. Other related documents related to the work including but not limited to:
4. Sequence of Works
4.1 Setting Out
Setting out shall be carried out to define the site boundary and the area of trees to be removed
based on approved TPRP. Before commencement usage of plant or machinery Supervisor shall
locate and point out the site boundary to workers on site.
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
4.2 Equipment
The usage of equipment is subject to the actual site condition. For the typical equipment list
please refer to Appendix B. The equipment not included in the list will seek approval from IC/ER
before using. All equipment should be checked before using. Refer to Appendix B for the
equipment list.
Trees to be retained and transplanted (if any) will be clearly addressed on site according to
the approved TPRP reports before any tree felling activities to be carried out. A A4 sized
lamination paper with clear indication will be labeled on the tree with strings if the tree(s) are
to be retained or required to be transplanted. Transplant and retaining detail will be updated
separately according to TPRP approval.
All protection works will be carried out prior to tree felling works. The detail and location of
trees with special interest shall be updated
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
separately. Trees adjacent to the area granted tree felling approval shall be protected. These
trees shall be firstly identified by the setting out of the tree removal site boundary and further
located and pointed out by Supervisor to workers.
Before commencement of tree felling, site entrances shall be fenced off with clear labels to
indicate tree felling work in progress.
1. Review the tree survey report to identify the locations, height and size of trees and
communicate the information to Supervisor and / or excavator operator. Identify any trees or
vegetation which requires transplant or retraining. Fence off the area to avoid causing
damage to the other trees, other than the target trees.
2. Before felling of trees, determine whether there is sufficient space for felling of tree
using an excavator and if the impact from the falling of tree will result in collateral damage or
risk to workers/ operator.
3. For tree felling work in proximity of existing vehicle roads or structures, the felling of
trees shall be controlled by the excavator such that it falls in the opposite direction of the
concerned area. Signalman or banksman should direct the traffic at the existing vehicle road
as necessary to ensure no road users are nearby when felling of trees.
4. Site supervisor shall determine the fatal zone and fence off the area, and counter
check by the safety team. The size of the fatal zone or working space shall be a minimum 4
meters’ distance around where the tree will land when it is pushed over by the excavator.
5. The maximum tree trunk diameter at Landfill Area has been identified to be maximum
600mm, and the maximum height to be 16 meters. Further review will be carried out if trees
are found exceeding the identified size under the TPRP reports at different areas. For trees
with max 600mm tree trunk dia. and max. height of 16m, excavator or bulldozers will be used
to push over the tree.
6. Workers will standby outside the working space to watch out for any intrusion from
nearby site users.
7. Tree felled and vegetation removed shall be sorted and placed separately at the
stockpiling area. Firstly, tree trunks will be felled and removed from its roots using the tree
grabbing machine, eliminating any risk from manual cutting by labourers. The detail of tree
grabbing machine is attached in Appendix E. The tree trunks will be placed in the stockpiling
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
area separated from shrub and root. Then tree roots and shrub will be sorted out from the
soil and placed separately from tree trunks. The trunks shall be delivered to Y Park and
shrub and root shall be delivered to landfill under trip ticket system.
8. All branches and limbs will be cut (if necessary) into smaller pieces and to be dumped
off-site by excavator and grab lorry on the same day unless special circumstances.
Site Supervisor shall determine if flat surface for stockpiling is available, or if the trees to be
felled are located on steep slope, and subsequently form temporary earth bund to prevent felled
trees from rolling or free movement. The earth bund of approximately 1m high and 1m width
would act as a rigid barrier separating the trimmed tree pieces and any site staff or labourers.
Warning signs should be displayed at prominent location to remind site staff and labourers from
staying on the same side with the felled trees.
Stockpiling location shall be situated on a flat surface. Refer to Appendix A for the tentative
location of the temporary storage area. The exact size of the stockpiling area shall be
determined on site. Felled trees will be delivered out of site on a regular basis, and the frequency
of delivery will be adjusted to ensure the stockpiling area always have sufficient capacity to
safely handle additional felled trees. Once felled trees are transported from its original position
to the stockpiling area by bulldozer or excavator, tree cutting device mounted excavator will be
used to trim and cut trees trunks to max. 6m length, or according to further transportation’s
maximum allowable carrying length.
Stockpiling of felled trees shall be limited to 1.5m high and at an angle equal or less than 30
degrees. Stockpiling area should be fenced off. All staff or labourers shall be restricted from
entering the fenced off stockpiling area. The stockpile shall be strictly handled by plants.
Bulldozer and excavator will be used to transport felled trees to the stockpiling location, and
grab lorry will be used to remove stockpiles out of site.
For felled trees to be delivered to Y Park for reused or recycled purpose, trip ticket system will
be used. Cutting of branches will be carried out at the storage area to minimize the C&D material
disposal. Tree trunks will be trimmed to appropriate shape and size according to Y Park
admission requirement, i.e. trunks of <= 6m long. Branches with tree twigs and leaves attached
to tree trunks will also be accepted to Y Park. Diseased trees will be removed and cut into
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
5. Safety
The Risk Assessment and Safe Working Procedure attached in Appendix C has been prepared
for all general activities. Specific safety procedures and precautions have been developed for
all site operatives to follow. The Construction Team leader, Superintendent together with the
Registered Safety Officer(RSO) will oversee the implementation and make adjustments
accordingly to the actual site operations, in order to ensure a safe and amicable working
environment is maintained.
5.1 Site Specific Safety Induction Training Course
All workers will attend the Site Specific Safety Induction Course conducted by the Safety Officer.
The Safety Officer will explain all necessary health and safety requirement and the use of PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment).
path) of the excavator needs to be fenced off and restricted from entering. Operators should
strictly follow the plant’s limit of the ground surface angle it is allowed to operate.
All electrical services shall be installed and repaired only by registered electricians. Cables will
be protected and secured out of the way to avoid damage to the cables as well as tripping
hazards. All hand held electrical apparatus will be 110V.
6. Environmental
The following environmental measures will be implemented in the aspect of noise control, dust
control, waste and construction refuse, water pollution during the construction phases. The
following environmental mitigation measures, those stated in Particular Specification and
relevant management plans/proposals will also be incorporated and strictly followed.
Dust control shall be implemented for the stockpiled of fallen trees. The stock pile shall
be removed as soon as possible, or otherwise covered by canvas to protect them from
exposure to weather and deterioration.
Haul road shall be monitored regularly and kept wet to prevent buildup of dust. All
vehicles leaving sites shall go through designated wheel wash bay where site staff shall
be stationed to wash off dust with hoses.
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
6.4 Water
A Sandbag or earth bund will be applied to divert the surface runoff to site drainage for
treatment before discharge.
Submersible pump will be deployed for wastewater diversion in accordance to the
correspondence temporary drainage plan
Channel would be cleaned regularly to ensure efficiency of U-channel
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
Appendix A
Layout Plan
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
Appendix B
Equipment List
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
Equipment list
Appendix C
施工工序(Working Sequences) 危害類別 Risk Identification (在方格內劃上“”號 Put a Tick on the appropriate box) 影響Affect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i ii iii iv
人 物 吊 程 埋 超 惡 機 樓 交 扭 壓 跣 絆 夾 割 剌 擊 爆 體 窒 固 遇 釋 磨 噪 吸 眼 異 火 視 觸 中 肺 對鄰 其 工 公 環 資
體 體 具 序 碼 重 劣 械 面 剪 傷 傷 倒 倒 傷 傷 傷 傷 炸 溫 息 體 溺 放 輪 音 入 睛 物 警 野 電 暑 塵 他 人 眾 境 產
下 下 拆 出 失 吊 天 倒 倒 升 上 淹 有 爆 致 有 灼 入 不 或 埃 危害
墮 墮 斷 錯 誤 運 氣 塌 塌 降 升 沒 毒 裂 失 害 傷 眼 清 熱 沉
台 氣 聰 物 衰 着
倒 體 資 竭 病
1 General
2 Working on slope edge
3 Tree Felling by Excavator
4 Removal of tree stump
5 Removal of Debris
Legend: Risk Identification:(1) Fall of person(2)Falling Object(3)Failure of Lifting gear(4)Wrong working sequence (5)Wrong rigging method(6)Overload(7)Adverse Climate (8)Overturning of machinery (9)Collapse of structural floor(10) Collapse of scissor platform
(11)Sprain & Strain(12)Crushing(13)Slipping(14)Trip(15)Abrasion(16)Laceration(17)Puncturewound (18) Hit Injury(19)Expolsion(20)Increase body temperature(21)Asphyxiation(22)Entrapment by a free flowing of solid(23)Downing(24)Exposure toxic gas(25)Disintegration of abrasive wheel
(26)Loss hearing(27)Breath in harmful substance(28)Eye burn(29)Things get into eyes(30)Fire(31)Poor eye sight(32)Electric shock(33)Heat Stoke(34)Pneumoconiosis(35)Affect works nearby(36)Other; Affect:(i)Workers(ii)Public(iii)Environmental(iv)Asset
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Temporary Works Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_030 Revision : 1
Works Description 工程敘述: Tree Felling
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
1. General Adverse weather W, A 3 4 12 1 nd
Prohibit to work if the weather is bad and unstable e.g. 1x2=2 Foreman
thunderstorm and rainstorm
Keep contact with the Observatory to receive the most
updated information.
Evacuate all workers to the designated gathering points
during thunderstorm (within 5km), No.8 signal, or black
rainstorm signal is hoisted
Heat stroke W, A 3 2 6 3r Maintain sufficient shelters to avoid long hours of 1x2=2 Foreman
outdoor work and take rest in a cool place at certain
Provide sufficient drinking water to worker.
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Biological hazard (e.g. bees and W, A 4 2 8 2n Keep away honeycomb and dense woodland to avoid 1x2=2 Foreman
snakes) bitten by a snake / bee.
Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, safety helmet,
gloves, and boots
Fire hazard W, A 2 5 10 1 Designated smoking zone would be set up far from 1x4=4 Foreman
storage area.
Suitable fire extinguishers should be provided at
storage of branches and limbs.
Tool box talk training for fire hazard should be
conducted to remind site workers.
Remove the flammable substances away from
working area.
Housekeeping should be properly maintained.
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
1. Excavator working at slope edge Falling person W, A 2 4 8 2n Provide fencing or barriers at slope edge 1x2=2 Foreman
Display the warning sign to remind workers
Provide & maintain safe access to the workplaces and
enforce to use
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Falling objects W, A 2 4 8 2n Plastic hoarding / rock catch fence should be provided for 1x2=2 Foreman
sensitive area.
Display the warning sign to remind other workers
Implementation of “Sentry Clearance Confirmation” to
avoid person(s) and /or vehicles are to enter breaking zone
Collapse of Excavator W, A 2 4 8 2n Excavator is only allowed to sit completely on ground and 1x2=2 Foreman
at an allowable angle. The allowable angle should be
clearly displayed at the side of plant.
Ensure excavator at least 1m from slope edge. Operator
Prohibit to lifting operation.
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Struck by Excavator W, A 2 4 8 2n Fatal zone (i.e. swing path) of excavator needs to be fenced 1x2=2 Foreman
off and anyone restricted from entering
Workers should be worn reflective vest at site.
Banksmen shall be arranged for traffic control.
Struck by plant and vehicle W, A 2 4 8 2n Limitation of vehicle speed (8 km/hr.) displayed. 1x2=2 Foreman
Separation of access for vehicles and workers
Workers should be worn reflective vest at site.
Banksmen shall be arranged for traffic control.
Noise caused by hydraulic breaker W, A 2 2 4 3r Carry out noise assessment and established noise zone. 1x2=2 Safety Officer
Ear protector must be used by worker. Foreman
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Eye Injury W, A 2 2 4 3r Eye protectors must be used by worker during 1x2=2 Foreman
breaking work
Hit by lifting objects W, A 3 2 6 3 r
Do not stand between fixed objects and the 1x2=2 Foreman
suspended load.
Do not stand under a suspended load.
2. Tree Felling by Excavator Felling objects W, A 4 2 8 2 Fence off the workplace and implement the in/ out system. 1x2=2 Foreman
Warning sign should be displayed to remind workers.
No worker is allowed to entry the tree felling area.
Excavator operator should properly stay in the cab during
tree felling works.
Tree felling direction should always be away from
working plants and people.
Supervisor oversee whole tree felling operation and would
ensure no people entering working area.
Communication between supervisor and plant operator by
walkie talkie.
Tree material should not be stored higher than 1.5m
stockpiling area.
Earth bund should be formed to prevent the trimmed tree
rolling away.
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Collapse of Excavator/ Bulldozer W, A 4 2 8 2 Excavator is only allowed to sit completely on ground and 1x2=2 Foreman
at an allowable angle. The allowable angle should be
clearly displayed at the side of plant.
Prohibit to lifting operation.
Banksman/ signal man should be provided.
Excavator tracks should be perpendicular to the slope and
positioned at least 1m from the edge.
Bulldozer shall be used for transporting the tree material
from felling area to the stockpiling area.
Eye injury W, A 4 2 8 2 Wear eye protectors 1x2=2 Foreman
3. Removal of tree stump Collapse of Excavator/ Dozer W, A 4 2 8 2 Excavator is only allowed to sit completely on ground and 1x2=2 Foreman
at an allowable angle. The allowable angle should be
clearly displayed at the side of plant.
Prohibit to lifting operation.
Banksman/ signal man should be provided.
Excavator tracks should be perpendicular to the slope and
positioned at least 1m from the edge.
Dozer shall be used for transporting the tree material
from felling area to the stockpiling area.
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
4. Removal of Debris Felling objects W, A 4 2 8 2 Fence off the workplace and implement the in/ out 1x2=2 Foreman
Warning sign should be displayed to remind workers.
No worker is allowed to entry the tree felling area.
Supervisor oversee whole tree felling operation and
would ensure no people entering working area.
Communication between supervisor and plant operator
by walkie talkie.
Failure of lifting gear W, A 4 2 8 2 All lifting gears shall have valid certificates and 1x3=3 Gray Crane
checked for its condition before use. Operator
Ensure the safe working load of the lifting gears are
sufficient to lift the loads Foreman/Gang
Collapse of lifting appliance W, A 4 2 8 2 The mats (have 3times size of outrigger float) shall be 1x5=5 Crane
used underlying the outriggers. Operator
All outriggers should be fully extended. The lifting
capacity should be certified if the outrigger could not
be fully extended.
Ensure the safe working load of the gray lorry, with
reference to the working radius, is sufficient to lift the
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION
Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
Hit by lifting objects W, A 3 2 6 3r Do not stand between fixed objects and the 1x2=2 Foreman
suspended load.
Do not stand under a suspended load.
Height of tree + 4m
Height of tree + 4m
Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting,
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。
2. Tree Felling by Excavator 使用 Tree felling is only allowed for maximum tree size of 16m height
and 600mm in trunk diameter, larger trees shall be further
reviewed before felling 樹木倒下的最大尺寸為 16 米高和 600
Provide fencing or barriers at workplace 在工地設置欄河或水碼
Fatal zone determined by the site supervisor and counterchecked
by the safety team to avoid any trespass 致命區域需由工地主管
Set up stockpiling area on flat surfaces and not more than 1.5m
height 設置儲樹區在平地, 高度不低於 1.5m 的存放區
Earth bund will be formed temporarily next to the tree felling area
and also the stockpiling area in order to prevent the trimmed tree
pieces rolling away 樹木砍伐區和堆放區旁邊將臨時形成土堤,
Place excavator on stable flat ground 挖掘機應設置在穩定的平坦
Earth bund will be formed temporarily next to the tree felling area,
stockpiling area or slope crest where necessary, as determined by
site supervisor, in order to prevent the trimmed tree pieces rolling
away 現場主管應判斷樹木砍伐區, 堆放區, 和斜坡頂旁邊有沒
Grab lorry will not be used for transporting the tree material from
felling area to the stockpiling area, dozer and excavator will be
used instead 將不會使用夾斗貨車將樹木材料從採伐區運輸到
When felling tree near existing vehicle road, Site Supervisor shall
instruct excavator operator to fell tree in the direction
perpendicularly away from the road 在車道附近砍伐樹木時,現
3. Removal of tree stump 移除樹 Excavator is only allowed to sit completely on ground and at an
樁 allowable angle. The allowable angle should be clearly displayed at
the side of plant. Prohibit to lifting operation 挖掘機只能以允許
Prohibit to lifting operation 禁止吊運
Excavator tracks should be perpendicular to the slope and positioned at
least 1m from the edge. 挖掘機履帶應垂直於斜坡,距離邊沿至
少 1m
Banksman/ signal man should be provided.提供交通督導員/訊號員
Dozer shall be used for transporting the tree material from felling
area to the stockpiling area. 使用推土機將木材從採伐區運到堆
4. Removal of Debris 清除雜物 Fence off the workplace and implement the in/ out system. 隔離
Warning sign should be displayed to remind workers 應展示警告
No worker is allowed to entry the tree felling area. 塌樹區不准任
Supervisor oversee whole tree felling operation and would ensure
no people entering working area. 主管監督整個砍伐作業,並確
Communication between supervisor and plant operator by walkie
Lifting gears shall have valid certificates and checked before use 起
Ensure the safe working load of the lifting gears are sufficient to lift
the loads 確保起重設備的安全工作載荷足以提升負載
The mats (have 3times size of outrigger float) shall be used underlying the outriggers.
支腿下方應墊墊子(支腿浮子尺寸的 3 倍)支撐腳下方應墊墊
木(支撐腳與墊木的尺寸為 3 倍)。
All outriggers should be fully extended. The lifting capacity
should be certified if the outrigger could not be fully extended.
Ensure the safe working load of the gray lorry, with reference
to the working radius, is sufficient to lift the loads 確保夾斗貨
Do not stand under a suspended load 不要站在懸吊的負載下
Note: Do not conduct this work unless you have been trained in its safe work
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
Appendix D
Contact List
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension
Appendix E
8. no oli leaking