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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(4): 1628-1635, 2020 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080456

Effectiveness of Using the Project-Based Learning

Model in Improving Creative-Thinking Ability
Sri Rahayu Ningsih*, Disman, Eeng Ahman, Suwatno, Ari Riswanto

Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

Received May 30, 2019; Revised February 27, 2020; Accepted March 12, 2020

Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract To facilitate students’ learning, the task of abilities to develop, and broadly must be able to provide
the teacher is not only to provide subject matter but also to stimuli for the development of society at large (Kozma,
explain the practical benefits to students, pursued 2005; Fägerlind & Saha, 2016). With the provision of
dynamically by giving students to engage actively to education obtained at school, graduates are expected to
explore the opportunity, problems and challenges by enable themselves to develop strong abilities and
project-based learning to gain deeper and contextual enthusiasm for the achievement of qualified human
knowledge. To verify the extent to which, the development through the education process (Samir & Lutz,
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model is carried out to 2017). The teacher plays an important role in producing
examine students' contextual abilities. The purpose of this quality graduates, a concept which is known with teacher
study is to investigate the effectiveness of using the educator (Le Cornu, 2015). Among key responsibilities
project-based learning model in improving the ability to they hold is regulating the environment and learning
think creatively on economic subjects at high-school strategies that enable students to gain experience and
students in West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. understanding of information obtained from discoveries
The method was quasi experiments by classifying the that students do (for overview, see, Savery, 2015). Hence,
respondents to the experimental class and the control class. schools must try to bring out the creative thinking abilities
The data was collected from a sample of 79 students. The of students (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 2003). Students are
results showed that there were differences in creative expected to be able to face increasingly rapid competition.
thinking between the use of project-based learning models In this case, the problem is that many students just rely on
in the experimental class compared with the use of temporary abilities. This means that the ability only
expository methods in the control class. These findings appears when students get something from a teacher or
demonstrated that project-based learning has the potential person who is considered capable. Students can
to provide interesting and relevant learning experiences implement the results of their work from what is obtained
for students. Theoretically, this finding confirms about the without wanting to give a little innovation or give a little
need for teachers to evaluate the results of student touch of creative thinking (de Souza Fleith, 2000;
performance products during the project-based learning Grigorenko & Sternberg, 1997).
process. The findings practically emphasize the focus of Based on observations made, it was found that most
learning with project-based learning and other meaningful teacher in classroom context in Indonesian case from the
tasks, by giving students the opportunity to work beginning of the study did not provide information about
autonomously in constructing knowledge and for make the objectives of the learning that must be achieved by
products. students (see for instance, Kusumawardhani, 2017;
Yanuarti & Treagust, 2016). Students are only given an
Keywords Creative-Thinking Ability, Project-Based explanation of the material which then works on the
Learning, Quasi Experiments questions. Students look uncomfortable in class because
they are afraid to work on the questions on the board. The
reality that occurs in the field is economic learning at the
level of secondary education which has been characterized
1. Introduction by learning that is more dominated by the teacher than
students (teacher centered) (Aljughaiman & Mowrer‐
Education must be able to develop students' talents and Reynolds, 2005), where students are more focused on
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(4): 1628-1635, 2020 1629

memorizing formulas for all types or characteristics of Ammermueller (2007) explains that immigrants from
subject matter, especially in economics. To facilitate underdeveloped countries are more likely to be less
students’ learning, the task of the teacher is not only to standardized on international programs. Learning only
provide subject matter but also to explain the benefits and delivers students to the level of understanding, but not yet
philosophy of the lesson to students. Learning should not at the level of applying the knowledge gained in the cases
only emphasize subject matter alone, but must be pursued it faces. As a result, students can only work as exemplified
dynamically where students are actively given the by their teacher. Consequently, if the problems faced are
opportunity to explore problems and challenges in the real different in presentation, students have difficulty in
world in order to gain deeper and contextual knowledge. completing the tasks (Lubis & Manurung, 2010). The
In the field of education, this kind of strategy refers to constructivist approach reminds us that learning is not
project-based learning model. To verify the extent to limited to an important theoretical idea. Constructivism
which, the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model is provides the opportunity for students to construct their
carried out in a developing country, and is able to develop own knowledge, which means training students to think
students' contextual abilities, the purpose of this study is and be responsible for their thoughts (Trianto, 201).
to identify the effectiveness of using the project-based Moreover, Sugilar (2013) asserts that with the foundation
learning model in improving the ability to think creative of constructivism, students will be able to improve
on economic subjects, high-school students in West creative thinking skills.
Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Quasi
experiments were chosen as the method in this study so 2.2. Project-Based Learning
that they were divided into two groups of respondents,
namely the experimental class and the control class. One effort to improve students' analytical skills is by
using an interesting learning model, helping students to
understand material concepts and helping students connect
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses concepts that they already have with the real world. One
of the appropriate learning models for this is the
2.1. Creative Thinking Ability Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model (Mihardi et al.,
2013; Chu et al., 2010). The PjBL model has the great
Data from International Association for the Evaluation potential to provide a more interesting and meaningful
of Educational Achievement (IEA) (Mullis et al., 2007) learning experience for students. This model is one of the
showed that student’s reading literacy achievement in developments of constructivist learning theory, where
developing countries, including Indonesia, is lagging humans as learners must build their own knowledge in the
behind and getting lower scores than developed countries. context of their experiences. In project-based learning,
This ability is not only related to functional literacy, but students become more active in learning. The teachers
also with critical literacy related to the deepening of evaluate the results of the students' performance products,
information and creative thinking, where students are able including outcomes that are able to be displayed from the
to analyze well and critically on various information and results of the project being worked on (Helle et al., 2006).
contextual conditions. As a result, students are less able to Project-based learning has the potential to provide
provide original and innovative ideas. Students tend to be interesting and relevant learning experiences for students.
more receptive to information than to provide idea that The focus of learning lies in the principles and concepts of
can solve the problem at hand. To find the facts and a scientific discipline, involving students in investigating
concepts themselves and realize the ideas they have that problem-solving and other meaningful tasks, giving
can be applied directly in everyday life. There are so students the opportunity to work autonomously in
many learning models that are applied only to the delivery constructing knowledge and for making products. The
of material. The teacher need to give students the Project-Based Learning model requires students to
opportunity to make a project or work where students can actively explore real-world challenges and problems. Thus
express or demonstrate creative thinking skills in their students must first analyze the problems that occur around
economic knowledge to overcome problems that exist in them. This will increase the thinking power and ability of
their daily lives (Vulpe & Dinaofiiun, 2011). In fact, students in the classroom, such as the ability to analyze.
education schools in West Bandung Regency, West Java The Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model is learning
Province, Indonesia is generally considered to still not that is based on constructivist theory (Chu et al., 2011).
support the growth and development of students' creative Participating students can improve their ability to think
thinking abilities. The use of learning mostly tends to be creatively and solve problems (Tretten & Zachariou,
an activity of memorizing facts and the rest is not related 1995). The results of Tretten & Zachariou’s (1995) study
to the daily lives of students. Hence, students have showed a positive effect of The Project-Based Learning
difficulty connecting what has been and has just learned (PjBL) on low-ability students, namely by increasing the
about the environment and experience in their lives. use of creative thinking skills, including synthesis,
1630 Effectiveness of Using the Project-Based Learning Model in Improving Creative-Thinking Ability

evaluation, predicting, and reflecting back up by 46% project-based learning can improve students' creative
while high-ability students rise to 76% (Horan et al., 1996) thinking skills. Based on this, the hypothesis proposed is
The ability to think creatively can be developed by that there are differences in creative thinking skills
adopting the regional economic potential in learning. Ideal between students who were treated with project-based
learning is learner-oriented learning (student centered), learning in the experimental class and those who did not
students will try to construct their own knowledge and be receive treatment in the control class. In other words, this
actively involved in finding information (Permendiknas hypothesis assumes that project-based learning will likely
No. 22 of 2006). One of the lessons that are expected to be be able to improve students' creative thinking skills.
able to overcome these problems is through the
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) approach. The focus of
this learning model lies in the concepts and core principles 3. Research Methodology
of a study discipline, involving students in investigating
problem-solving and other meaningful tasks, giving This research method uses experiments. Experimental
students the opportunity to work autonomously to research according to Taniredja and Mustafiah (2011) is a
construct their own knowledge, and to minimize it in real systematic and logical method to answer a question. The
products (Bell, 2010; Snyder & Snyder, 2008; Mills & researchers used something as stimuli, treatments, or
Treagust, 2003). empirical conditions, then observes the effects or changes
caused by deliberate and reasonable manipulations. The
exploratory design in this study is quasi experimental,
2.3. Effects of Project-Based Learning on Creative
which helps researchers to see the causal relationship of
Thinking Abilities
various situations that exist because it is a variation of
Some previous studies have analyzed the relationship classic speculative research (Prasetyo & Jannah, 2005).
between Project-based learning and students' creative This study was divided into two groups of students,
thinking abilities with different theoretical and practical namely the empirical class group with the project-based
approaches and methods.Nunn et al. (2016) tested PjBL learning model and the control group through expository
with students' critical abilities by dividing students in learning. In accordance with the type of research design
teams to undertake projects throughout the semester, and used, the design in this study is the non-equivalent
students' written work on the same project and linking it pre-test-post-test control group design. There are two
to students' critical abilities. In the comparative study groups of the experimental group and the control group.
design, Anazifa and Djukri (2017) presented an analysis The instrument's testing in this study were student
between problem-based learning and project based learning outcomes in the form of objective tests or
learning, and found that there are differences in the multiple-choice tests to see students' creative-thinking
influence of project-based learning and problem-based ability learning economics. This research is on economic /
learning on student creativity. This study shows that PjBL accounting subjects with the subject of financial
affects student creativity at a 95% confidence level. statements (worksheets). The instrument used in the study
However, this study did not specifically use the analysis can be explained as follows: For pretest and posttest use
of the effect of PjBL on student creativity. Uziak (2016) multiple choice questions to measure the level of student
further stated that project-based learning has been widely understanding. There are 50 multiple choice questions
regarded as an effective and innovative method for used in this study. Students are also confronted with a
education, including technical education, where the PjBL financial statement in the form of a balance sheet as a
allows students to practice professional engineering guide for working on certain multiple choice questions.
openly. The findings of Uziak (2016) highlight The PjBL application in this study is located here. Some
project-based learning as the best effort to meet industry examples of multiple choice questions are as follows:
needs. 1) The following are not activities at the summary stage
By linking project-based learning and creative thinking, in the accounting process, with choices (a) compiling
it has been put into practice in computer science courses a residual list, (b) keeping an adjusting journal, (c)
on the design and implementation of learning platforms. compiling worksheet, (d) making a profit balance
With an experimental-control design, the study of loss, (e) keeping a closing journal entries
Gunawan et al. (2017) analyzed the effect of virtual 2) The stage after posting to the ledger is (a) adjustment,
media-assisted models on student creativity, and found (b) balance sheet preparation, (c) journal entry, (d)
that increased creativity in the experimental class was arrange worksheet, (e) preparation of a trial balance
higher than the control class. The study of Sari et al. (2017) 3) The data source for making a trial balance is (a)
with the experimental and control class design, found initial balance sheet, (b) proof of transaction, (c)
there were significant differences in creative thinking balances in the ledger, (d) journal entry, (e)
skills both in fluency, flexibility, novelty, and detail transaction
between the two classes. The final findings state that Meanwhile, PjBL and creative thinking use a
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(4): 1628-1635, 2020 1631

questionnaire with a Likert scale. Student questionnaire The purpose of this creative thinking response
responses to the project-based learning model on the questionnaire is to find out students' responses to learning
concept of financial statements (worsheet),which was by applying a project-based learning model. This
conducted by responding to questions raised with a range questionnaire contains 12 questions, where students are
of answers from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) asked to carefully consider each question in relation to
according to a Likert scale. The purpose of this response subject matter that uses a project-based learning model.
questionnaire is to determine students' responses to Students are asked to make choices about questions that are
learning by applying a project-based learning model, in already available by providing a checklist (√) in the scale
which this questionnaire contains 12 questions, and column, with the answers to be given are considered to best
students are asked to carefully consider each item in reflect students' opinions.
relation to subject matter using the project-based learning Experimental respondents were examined using PjBL
model. while control respondents were examined using
Examples of questions are such as the Project-based conventional lectures
Learning Model (PjBL) makes teaching and learning The instrument trial results show the results of
activities more interesting and enjoyable, the PjBL model validities' tests on 70 questions obtained by a validity
implemented motivates me to be more active in learning, number of 50 questions or around 71%, which are used as
THE PBL model motivates me to further highlight instruments representing research indicators to measure
creativity in implementing a project, and the PjBL student students' creative-thinking skills in economic learning.
worksheet helps me design a project. Next, the calculation of the reliability of the problem is
As for the creative thinking questionnaire as an indicator calculated using the even and odd cleavage method. Based
of the ability to think creatively, it is done by giving blank on the reliability test, it shows that the level of reliability
entries to be filled in accordance with responses between 1 according to the odd method reaches 0.936, when
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The ability to compared with the Pearson 0.329 table it has reliable
think creatively is indicated by several indicators, namely criteria with a very high category. Likewise, the even
students are able to have smooth thinking, flexible thinking, method reaches 0.967 compared to the Pearson 0.329
original thinking, elaborative thinking, and evaluative table which has reliable criteria with a very towering
thinking. Each indicator was measured by some items. category. The research hypothesis test is based on pre-test
Smooth thinking is proxied with 5 items, namely asking and data values Normalized Gain (N-Gain). According to
lots of questions, answering with a number of answers if Sugiyono (2008), for independent samples (uncorrelated
there are questions, working faster than other friends, doing he has a provision, if both data are normally distributed
more than other friends, and quickly seeing the mistakes and the variance is homogeneous, it is proceed with the t
and weaknesses of an object or situation. test (t test).
Flexible thinking is measured by 4 items, namely giving
various interpretations of a picture, story or problem,
applying a concept or principle in different ways, giving 4. Results
consideration or discussing something always that has a
different position or contrary to the majority of the group, The results as seen in Table 1 show the explorative
and if given a problem, usually thinking of a variety of thinking ability of the experimental class and the control
different ways to solve it. class. First for the experimental class with 40 students.
Original thinking is measured by 4 items, namely The posttest mean score (m = 22.32; S.D = 3.856) was
thinking about problems or things that have never been higher than the pretest value (m = 41.15; S.D = 3.945).
thought of by others, questioning old ways and trying to The normality test shows that the pretest data is normally
think of new ways, giving new ideas in solving problems distributed (0.536> 0.05), and the posttest data is also
and after hearing or reading ideas, working to get new normally distributed (0.598> 0.05). Statistical tests also
settlement. showed an increase in the ability to think creatively in the
Elaborative thinking is measured by 4 items, namely experimental class, as indicated by the results of the
searching for a deeper meaning to the answer or problem N-gain in the experimental class 0.65. On the basis of a
solving by taking detailed steps, developing/enriching gain index range of 0.50 <g <0.70, this increase reveals
other people's ideas, tendency to give broad and satisfying differences in students' creative thinking abilities between
answers, able to build interrelationships between concepts. before and after treatment in the experimental class using
Evaluative thinking is measured by 4 items, namely the Project Based Learning model with an increase in the
giving consideration on the basis of one's own point of moderate category. Second is for the control class. The
view, analyzing problems / solutions critically by always posttest results showed an average value (m = 34.54; S.D=
asking "why?", Having (rational) reasons that can be 3.215) which was higher than the average pretest value
accounted for to reach a decision, and determining (m=20.34; S.D = 3.552). The normality and homogeneity
opinions and holding on to it. tests revealed statistically acceptable results both in the
1632 Effectiveness of Using the Project-Based Learning Model in Improving Creative-Thinking Ability

pretest (0.526> α = 0.05), and post-test (0.788> α = 0.05). meaningful tasks, as well as giving students the
Statistical tests also showed an increase in creative opportunity to work independently in learning and making
thinking skills in the control class in the low category (g= products.
0.48 ≤0.50).
Table 2. Creative thinking ability in Experiment-Control Classes
Table 1. Research design and Reliability Testing
ExperimentalClass ControlClass
Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test Statistical Testing
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
Experiment Class 01 X1 03
Descriptive Statistics
Control Class 02 - 04
N 40 40 39 39
Odd Method Reliability 0.936
Min. 18 36 12 29
Even Method Reliability 0.967
Max . 39 57 28 45
Note:01=Pre-testexperimentalclassgroup; 02=Pre-testcontrolclassgroup;
03=Post-testExperimentalClassGroup; 04=Post-testcontrolclassgroup; Mean 22.32 41.15 20.34 34.54
Std. Dev 3.856 3.945 3.552 3.215
This finding was justified by the opinions of respondents Normality (Sig *) 0.536 0.598 0.975 0.484
who stated that Project-Based Learning (PjBL) made
teaching and learning activities more interesting and Homogeneity (Sig**) 0.512 0.512 0.526 0.788
enjoyable, and motivated students to be more active in Increased ability:
learning. This shows that PjBL can increase student
motivation to further demonstrate creativity in Average Score 21.12 39.16 19.92 33.34
implementing a project and completing schoolwork. In Enhancement 17.98 13.42
addition, students also feel motivated to produce work or
N-Gain 0.65 0.48
products that have been learned during Project-based
Learning. This is obtained from students' responses that the N-Gain Index: g > 0.70 (high); 0.50 < g < 0.70 (moderate); g ≤ 0.50 (low)
PjBL model activities encourage them to produce valuable
Table 3. Post-test results in Experiment-Control Classes
products. In addition, to improve student understanding,
student worksheets can also be given to students to help Posttest
them to easily design projects and understand learning. Statistical Testing
Experiment Control
Student responses reveal that student worksheets help them
in designing a project. In addition, the response also Descriptive Statistics
emphasized the need to create worksheets that were N 40 39
adapted to the PjBL model to make them easier to
understand. Min 39 27
This finding underscores the importance of Max 52 44
encouragement for students to learn to foster creative
Mean 40.15 34.55
attitudes, and is not merely limited to textual learning.
Learning not only emphasizes subject matter, but must be Std.Dev 3.316 3.215
pursued dynamically where students are actively given the
Normality (Sig *) 0.581 0.467
opportunity to explore problems and challenges in the real
world to gain deeper and contextual knowledge. The Homogeneity (Sig*) 0.388
findings confirm that this kind of strategy which refers to Increased ability:
the project-based learning model, empirically influences to
improve students' ability to solve the project creatively. Enhancement 17.97
Theoretically, this finding confirms the argument of Helle N-Gain 0.64
et al. (2006) about the need for teachers to evaluate the
results of student performance products during the N-Gain Index: g > 0.70 (high); 0.50 < g < 0.70 (moderate); g ≤ 0.50
project-based learning process. This evaluation can
encourage students to display the results of the project For the ability to think creatively, the test showed a
being worked on (Helle et al., 2006). The results show that difference in creative thinking skills between the
project-based learning has the potential to provide experimental class students (m= 40.15) and the control
interesting and relevant learning experiences for students. class (m= 34.55). The results also showed that there was an
This is because the focus of project-based learning lies in ability to think creatively in the experimental class in the
the principles and concepts of scientific disciplines, which moderate category (g= 0.50 <0.64 <0.70) which was higher
involve students in investigating problem solving and other than the increase in the control class in the low category
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(4): 1628-1635, 2020 1633

(g= 0.50 <0.47 <0.70) (Table 3). This shows that the economic field to overcome the problems that exist in their
Project Based Learning model is able to improve the ability daily lives. In addition, the need to provide opportunities
to think creatively. This finding is supported by students' for flexible and creative thinking is also supported by
responses which state that they will provide various encouragement from educational stakeholders that learning
interpretations of a picture, story or problem, and are should not only bring students to the level of understanding,
willing to apply a concept or principle in different ways. In but encourage students to apply the knowledge gained in
addition, the response also shows that students giving the cases they face (Ammermueller, 2007). This is so
consideration or discussing something always have a students can not only work as exemplified by their teacher.
different position with the majority of groups. This shows Here, the context of project-based learning, which is
that providing opportunities for students to give different supported by providing opportunities for students to
opinions will improve students' creative thinking skills due express their ideas and thoughts, is more likely to increase
to the many alternative thoughts and ideas available. This is student understanding and offer more solutions for students
also supported by the response that if they are given a to solve daily problems and school assignments. This
problem, they will think of different kinds of ways to solve prevents the emergence of difficulties faced by students
it. In the context of learning, freedom of speech in class can when they face different problems in class presentations
make them more inclined to answer questions or (Lubis & Manurung, 2010).
assignments given by the teacher in a new, easier way. Table 4 shows the results of the t-test scores from the
Theoretically, these findings empirically confirm a post-test in the control and experimental classes. Testing
variety of previous literary arguments. Vulpe and with Levene's Test found a significance value of 0.000
Dinaofiiun (2011) state that teachers need to give students <0.05. This means that there are differences in students'
the opportunity to create projects where students can creative thinking skills between the experimental class
express or demonstrate creative thinking skills. This and the control class.
includes giving the opportunity to make projects in the
Table 4. Independent Samples Testing in Experiment-Control Classes
Levene's Test for Equality
t-test for equality of means
Model Variances of Variances
F Sig. t DF Sig. (2-tailed)

Creative Thinking Equal variances assumed 0.955 0.257 6.883 77 0.000

(Experiments-Controls) Equal variances not assumed - - 6.876 73.643 0.000
1634 Effectiveness of Using the Project-Based Learning Model in Improving Creative-Thinking Ability

These findings confirm students' responses to original problem-solving and other meaningful tasks, giving
thinking. In the experimental class, students responded students the opportunity to work autonomously in
well to several questionnaire items. When it comes to constructing knowledge and for making products.
thinking about problems or things that nobody else has
thought of, students respond that they like to put forward
examples of actual events about the material being studied,
and like to propose examples of the material being studied
during discussions with peers. In addition, in terms of REFERENCES
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