PR1 Q4 Week3toWeek4
PR1 Q4 Week3toWeek4
PR1 Q4 Week3toWeek4
Most research design techniques has advantages and limitations. Perhaps the
most interesting and challenging of these is the method of observation and interview.
Finding answers to your questions is possible through these theoretically based data-
collection methods. Obtaining data through these methods requires you to perform
necessary skills or strategies and to follow the right procedure.
After going through this learning activity sheet, you are able and expected to:
1. Collects data through observation and interview (CS_RS11-IVd-f-1)
2. Infers and explain patterns and themes from data (CS_RS11-IVd-f-2)
3. Relate the findings with pertinent literature (CS_RS11-IVd-f-
1 The Observation Method
What’s In?
Learning activity sheet provided you the actual collection of data in a
qualitative research. Such research involves different choices of techniques
and was dependent on the actual needs of your research. You also tend to
understood why qualitative research design, sampling and data analysis are
sometimes inconsistent or opposing research findings because of its
methodology – how research is designed and carried out.
What’s New?
Find a spot nearby where you can conduct a 10 minute uninterrupted observation. As part of
What is happening within the location?
Ambience, atmosphere, environment
Physical characteristics of the setting
How you are feeling and how you think this might influence what you are observing and reco
The aim of the activity is to develop a set of notes that describe the scene as much as possib
Source: data/assets/pdf_file/0004/681025/Participant-
What is it?
Using the baseline information gathered, focus on rectifying any
misconceptions regarding observation as a purposeful data-gathering tool.
One way to do this is to outline the characteristics and the steps of an
effective observation protocol through facilitated discussion.
6. Slowly withdraw.
-After observation, slowly withdraw by thanking the participants for their
1. The researcher has lived with one tribal group in Mt. Province for one
summer time. In her stay there, she observed the paganism of people in
the place. She spent two hours a day teaching the tribal people
Christian practices to overcome their paganism.
3. The researcher writing his observation report used several pages for
the descriptive part of his report. He limited his reporting only to describing
every person, event, thing, and place involved in the observation.
2 Interview Method
What’s In?
What is it?
Steps in Conducting an Interview (Denzin 2013; Bernard2013; Rubin 2012)
Advantages Disadvantages
Group Activity: Make atleast 10 questions for qualitative research that related to your
Braceros, E.L. 2016. Practical Research 1.. Rex Bookstore. Manila, Philippines.
Crewell, JW. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing among five
traditions. Thousand oaks, ca: Sage publication, n.d. data/assets/pdf_file/0004/681025/Participant-