2023 Braze Inspiration Guide

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Table of Contents

Introduction ………………….…….………………….………………….……………………….…………………. 3
Key Channels You Need to Know ……………….………………………………….…….… 4
Campaign Inspiration to Drive Business Growth

• Activation Campaigns ………………….………………….…………………..……………….….. 5

• Monetization Campaigns ………………….………………….………………….…………….. 21
• Retention Campaigns ………………….………………….…………………………….….….…… 34
Conclusion ………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………………….… 61
Methodology ………………….………………….………………….………………….……………………….… 62

It’s no understatement to say we’ve entered How to Use This Guide
a whole new era of customer engagement.
Between the rise of new channels, rapidly We recommend you think of this guide as a library of inspirational customer engagement
shifting customer expectations, and unstable use cases you can delve into when brainstorming new marketing campaigns. While we
macroeconomic conditions, even the welcome you to read the whole guide, it is also formatted so you can easily skip to specific
savviest brands are struggling to keep up. pages based on the goals you have set.

To help brands get (and stay) ahead of the Follow these steps each time you need to whip up a campaign idea:
curve, we’ve put together a collection of
1 Determine if your goal is to activate, monetize or retain customers for your use case and
50 inspirational use cases that can be easily
visit the relevant section in this guide for the goal you choose.
customized to fit your unique needs and
address your unique challenges. These 2 Once you're in the relevant section for your goal, look for use cases that fit the channels
examples are inspired by real campaigns you have or new ones that you want to explore.
by Braze customers and they show what’s 3 Visit Benchmarks to help you hypothesize and validate performance goals by channel or
possible for brands looking to activate, to help you decide on the channel you want to utilize.
monetize, and retain their customers.
4 Once you launch your campaign, test and learn to continue to improve performance
over time. Take advantage of Sage AI by Braze if you need help with this one!

Key Channels

The classic. Over half the Short text messages (with visual
Messaging Channels global population uses email. components, in the case of MMS)
sent natively to mobile devices.
You Need to Know
Whether you send messages via one or WhatsApp Mobile Push
many channels, there are a few messaging A popular messaging app used by Alerts that pop up on a smartphone’s
channels that might not be as familiar to over 2 billion users every month. home screen, sent from a mobile app.
even the most sophisticated marketing
teams. Before we dive into the campaigns,
IAM (In-App Messages) Content Cards
here’s a list of the key channels you can use
Messaging served up when users Persistent messages that live
to power your campaigns. are actively using your mobile app. natively in your app or website.

Web Push IBM (In-Browser Messages)

Looking to dig deeper Urgent notifications designed to Notifications that are delivered
into specific channels? reach web users with short bursts as a user browses, shops, or
of information, even if they’re not streams on your website.
Visit Benchmarks, an interactive tool currently on your website.
powered by Braze, Snowflake, and Looker,
for access to live, industry-by-industry data
on message engagement, app retention, iOS Live Activities Paid Ads

user acquisition, and purchasing behavior. Persistent, interactive notification Digital ads across leading social and
experiences displayed on the iPhone ad networks (think Facebook, TikTok,
Lock Screen, displaying up-to-date and Google), broadening the reach of
content to users without them even your customer engagement efforts.
having to unlock their phone.


Understanding Activation

Understanding Growth Pro Tip

Levers: Activation Remember, activation is much
more than just an onboarding
flow! It’s about creating the
At Braze, we believe that activation—that is the process of taking a foundation for a sustainable
newly-acquired user from sign-up to their first actions—is arguably
the most important component in driving sustainable growth.

It's the only lifecycle stage that touches 100% of acquired customers,
so it's an essential time for brands to make a good first impression.
When brands get activation right, they unlock future opportunities for
engagement, loyalty, and success. And the first step to improving
your activation strategy is focusing on three key areas:

1 Setup: This might be when your user creates an account, opts

into push, or adds a preferred payment method

2 Aha Moment: A customer’s first positive experience with your

brand, centered around your core value proposition

3 Habit Generation: When a customer starts establishing a pattern

of engagement with your brand, app, or website

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Account Creation
Campaigns Campaigns targeted at
account creation that are
triggered by app usage see a
A user is actively browsing but hasn’t created an
account on your website or app, limiting their ability to
take advantage of your products and services.
uplift over the baseline.

Campaign Solution
Encourage these anonymous users to sign up by
leveraging in-product messages (e.g. in-app messages,
in-browser messages, and Content Cards) that
emphasize the bene ts of having an account and allow
users to directly enter their contact details. During the
account creation process, make sure to encourage
users to share information about their interests or
preferences so they can receive personalized
messages in the future.

Window shoppers are converted to known users, who
can then be engaged by your brand to build stronger
relationships over time.

Suggested Channels

IAM IBM Content Cards

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Pro Tip
Problem Leverage pre-built message
templates and dynamic
A user signs up, but doesn’t actively engage with your
personalization features to
app or website, making it dif cult to demonstrate your easily create a memorable,
value or understand what your user wants. always-on campaign.

Campaign Solution
Use the out-of-product messaging channels your user
has opted into (like email, push, or SMS) to deliver a
welcome message that clearly states what your
product does and encourages users to explore high-
value features.

You get to set expectations, communicate value
propositions, and establish a relationship with your
user. It also brings new users back inside your app/
website to start getting more value from your brand.

Suggested Channels

Email Mobile Push Web Push

SMS/MMS WhatsApp

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Message and Data

Opt-In Campaigns
Your engagement efforts are hindered by low
channel opt-in rates and/or a lack of access to Pro Tip
essential data. Create messaging that touts
exclusive offers from opting into
Campaign Solution your different channels. This will
not only help drive sign-ups
Set expectations about the types of messages users
but also that critical first
will receive to demonstrate the value of subscribing
to your messaging channels and/or sharing relevant
information. Additionally, you can also provide
incentives for opting in.

Being able to reach your customers in a way that
feels relevant to them can help boost conversions,
purchases, and retention.
Boost in conversion rates for
opt-in campaigns when
using in-app messaging,
compared to the

Suggested Channels


Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Preference Pro Tip

Campaigns Use survey templates in your
in-app and in-browser
messages to quickly provide
users a frictionless way to
Without data on your users’ preferences and share their input.
motivations, it’s hard to create messaging that resonates,
leading to low engagement and high unsubscribe rates.

Campaign Solution
Send surveys via in-product channels like in-app
messages to motivate users to provide additional
information about their preferences and goals. Be clear
about how you will use the data and how it will improve
their experience.

With more relevant, nuanced user data, you can create
the kinds of personalized brand experiences that drive
higher engagement, stronger monetization, and
better retention.

Suggested Channels


Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Free Trial
Users aren’t aware of your free trial option, or you need
Pro Tip
to drive sign-ups for a new offering.
To keep the friction as low as
possible for free trial sign-ups,
Campaign Solution consider whether to require users to
Reach out to your users on the channels they value share credit card information up
most with messaging that highlights what you have to front and be clear about how

offer. Experiment with content, channels, and timing to long the trial will last.

create the most effective and conversion-driving

messages possible.

Sending campaigns
When users sign up for a free trial, they get a chance to
based on specific user
see what makes you special—and hopefully convert to
actions drives
a paid subscription when the trial is over.

higher free trial sign-up
conversions, compared
to the baseline.
Suggested Channels

IAM IBM Content Cards

Paid Ads Mobile Push Email

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

App Rating
Campaigns Pro Tip
Use customer data to segment
individuals by brand affinity, net
Problem promoter score (NPS), and
activity level to encourage
Your app’s discoverability is suffering in increasingly
the best (and most
crowded app stores.
relevant) ratings.

Campaign Solution
Send highly-targeted messages asking your most
engaged users to rate and review your app, triggered
by high-value customer actions (such as a purchase).
Using customer data to identify which customers are
more satis ed and what each customer is most happy
with can create a powerful funnel to encourage
additional positive reviews.

Positive ratings boost your placement in app stores
as well as showcase proof your product is valuable to
real people.

Suggested Channels

IAM Mobile Push

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

App Download Pro Tip

Campaigns Looking to drive your customers
to carry out a key conversion like
downloading your app?
Problem Consider using triggered
messages based on
You need to drive web users to your mobile app so
customer actions.
they can get even more value out of your products.

Campaign Solution
Take advantage of the messaging channels at your
disposal to nudge active web users to download your
app. Consider highlighting personalized app bene ts
based on their current behavior and patterns.

Drive stronger engagement and stickiness by
motivating your audience to take advantage of your
valuable mobile offering.

Higher conversion rate when
Suggested Channels
triggered messages are sent
based on customer actions,
Email Content Cards Paid Ads
compared to baseline.

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Onboarding Pro Tip

Campaigns Leverage customer journey
orchestration capabilities to turn
your one-off onboarding campaigns
into cohesive messaging flows
Problem that adjust as each user
progresses through
New users don’t know where to start, let alone all that their journey.
your product has to offer.

Campaign Solution
Build a dedicated onboarding flow that walks your
audience through your product’s features and value,
powered by in-app and in-browser messages, an inbox
of pinned Content Cards, and high-impact out-of-
product channels like email and WhatsApp. By helping
users get comfortable and fully explore your app and/or
website, you’ll set them up for deeper engagement and
a stronger relationship with your brand.

A good onboarding experience proves your brand’s
value right away by driving customers to your best
content and stickiest features.

Suggested Channels


Email Content Cards IBM

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Double Opt-In Pro Tip

Campaigns Enrich your double opt-in messages
with content that reinforces the
value of the products and/or
Problem services you offer in order
to increase the odds
You're seeing high unsubscribe rates or low recipients convert.
engagement amongst your SMS or email audiences.

Campaign Solution
After users express intent to opt-in to SMS or email,
send a message that requires an action in order to
con rm an opt-in. By leveraging this kind of triggered
messaging, you’ll ensure you’re following key
compliance best practices or regulatory requirements.

By building a healthy subscriber list, you’ll reach
customers who are highly engaged and avoid wasting
sends on less engaged customers.

Suggested Channels


Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Abandoned Pro Tip

Onboarding Keep in touch with users
throughout onboarding via

Campaigns cross-channel messaging to

ensure they share the
information needed to
provide an exceptional
Problem brand experience.

Users haven’t completed onboarding, leading to incomplete

profiles that affect your ability to serve up highly relevant,
personalized experiences.

Campaign Solution
Re-engagement messages tailored to where the user
dropped off can provide a key opportunity to get them back
on track. By deep linking them directly to where they stopped
engaging with the onboarding flow, you can provide a clear
path toward completion (and long-term engagement).

Abandoned onboarding campaigns can both bring users
back to your app/website and make it possible to gather
actionable data to boost the impact of your onboarding
and better address user needs going forward.

Suggested Channels

Email Mobile Push Web Push

WhatsApp SMS/MMS

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Acquisition Pro Tip

Campaigns Take advantage of a first-party
data syncing feature like Braze
Audience Sync to align your
Problem paid ads with your direct
You want to improve the ROI of your paid ads, customer messaging.

but you’re not sure who to target to make the most

of these campaigns.

Campaign Solution
Leverage customer pro le data data to target lookalike
audiences based on existing high-value customers.
You can also dynamically suppress ads to users who have
already converted and target users for ads based on their
unique browsing and buying behavior.

Re ning your target audience makes your ad spend more
effective and ef cient, supporting stronger marketing
performance through decreased customer acquisition
costs and driving higher customer lifetime value.

Suggested Channels

Paid Ads

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Anonymous User
Of anonymous users
A signi cant chunk of your web users take actions on never receive messages
your site, but don’t log on—for example, they might from brands they
make a purchase, but check out as a guest. engage with.*

Campaign Solution
Leverage web channels to highlight the value of a
relationship with your brand and encourage your
anonymous users to engage more consistently. For
example, you can use an IBM to start capturing info on
the user to build their pro le.

80% of anonymous users receive no messages at all.
By engaging these users, you can increase
engagement and monetization—and even convince
reluctant users to create an account.

Suggested Channels

Content Cards IBM Web Push *Source: Know Your Audience: Converting
Anonymous Users in a Cookie-Free World

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Initial Value Pro Tip

Campaigns Timing matters! Campaigns that
leverage send-time optimization
tools early in the relationship
Problem with customers can drive loyalty
and higher lifetime value.
Your users have completed onboarding, but they haven’t
made their rst big move—like making a purchase or
signing up for a subscription.

Campaign Solution
Move beyond onboarding by sending targeted, behavior-
based messaging that encourages users to carry out that
rst valuable action. Further personalize content based on
each user’s pro le, preferences, and actions.

By sending messages tailored to each customer, you can
deepen their engagement, help them make their way
through the lifecycle, and set them on a path for long-
term loyalty.

Higher conversion rates when
Suggested Channels
send-time optimization tools
Email SMS/MMS Web Push WhatsApp are used, compared to
the baseline.
IBM Content Cards Mobile Push IAM

Activation Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Referral Action-based referral

campaigns have a

higher conversion rate,
compared to the baseline
You need more cost-effective ways to grow your base for this use case.
of loyal customers.

Campaign Solution
Encourage satis ed existing customers to promote
your product to their friends and family via a referral
program. Rewards make the process pay off for both
sides—you gain customers and existing ones have new
incentives to spread the word.

A larger audience is built using the timeless power of
word of mouth, growing your customer base in a more
targeted and less expensive way—plus, users referred
by a connection tend to be more valuable customers
over the long haul.

Suggested Channels

Email SMS/MMS WhatsApp

Content Cards IBM IAM


Understanding Monetization

Understanding Growth
Levers: Monetization
What is monetization? It’s all about how your brand drives revenue and
profitability, and how certain customer actions line up to those goals.

Customer engagement plays a crucial role when it comes to a brand’s

monetization strategy. Simply put, the more users who continue
engaging, the more opportunities you have to monetize them. But
customers aren’t going to spend more with your brand just because
you’re messaging them. You have to provide real value, whether it’s a
spot-on recommendation, a frictionless way to order lunch, or
workout reminders that keep them motivated.

Not only is monetization essential to driving sustainable growth, but

it can also have a domino effect across your activation and retention
strategies. That makes it all the more important to get it right.

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Discount & Sale 93%

Increase in purchase
Campaigns conversion rate on flash
sale campaigns when the
message contains a
Problem deep link, compared
You’re having a big sale and need effective ways to let to baseline.
your customers know.

Campaign Solution
Send a cohesive, cross-channel promotional campaign
that engages recipients across different channels and
platforms. You can also use Content Cards to create a
promotional inbox to store these offers until the user
makes a purchase or the offer expires.

Giving customers the opportunity to take advantage of
sales leads to more conversions—and more revenue.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Web Push SMS/MMS

Content Cards Paid Ads Mobile Push WhatsApp

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Payment Option Pro Tip
Campaigns With AMP for Email, marketers
can build rich, interactive
message experiences allowing
recipients to make purchases
Signi cant fees charged by app stores and other without leaving the inbox.
third-party platforms are cutting into your brand’s pro ts.

Campaign Solution
Leverage out-of-app messaging channels, like email and
SMS, to encourage your new and existing customers to
pay for purchases and subscriptions directly on your
web page or other non-app properties instead of
through app stores, avoiding app store or platform fees.
Check the terms and conditions of relevant app stores/
platforms to see what payment options are allowed.

Encouraging direct out-of-app payments makes it
possible for your brand to sidestep fees, boost revenue,
and pass along cost savings to your audience.

Suggested Channels

Email SMS/MMS WhatsApp

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Seasonal Campaigns and

Promotions Canvas steps that utilize

our Automatic Distribution
Optimization feature see a
Your always-on campaigns are stellar, but you’re ready
to launch more timely promotions.
uplift in conversion rates,
compared to the
Campaign Solution baseline.
Build a promotional calendar around regional, national,
and global holidays and events to inform relevant sales
and messaging. Make these messages sing by
personalizing them with behavioral data, deep linking
to relevant pages in your app/website, and leveraging
time-sensitive promotion codes.

By using regional, national, and global holidays and
events as a jumping off point for promotional
campaigns, you can effectively drive conversions over
a speci c period.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Web Push WhatsApp

Paid Ads Mobile Push SMS/MMS Content Cards

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Abandoned Cart
Campaigns 27%
Higher conversions for
abandoned cart messages
Problem containing pictures,
compared to the baseline
Your customers are abandoning the checkout flow
for this use case.
before they complete a transaction—and that
indecision is impacting your bottom line.

Campaign Solution
Send automated reminders to users who have not
nished their transactions to bring them back into the
checkout flow. Leverage A/B testing to determine the
ideal timing windows for these messages and use
personalized messages and special offers to nudge
recipients to come back and complete their purchase.

Being able to automatically recapture potential
purchases beyond the browsing stage results in
higher sales with minimal effort.

Suggested Channels

Email Mobile Push Web Push

Paid Ads SMS/MMS

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Higher conversion rate when
you utilize recurring upsell
You need ways to help customers discover premium
campaigns, compared to the
versions of products and relevant add-ons in order to
baseline for this use case.
drive larger order sizes.

Campaign Solution
Leverage in-product messages to highlight relevant
upgrades and add-ons before a customer completes
check-out. Showcase premium items in out-of-
product messages (e.g. email) with deep links to make
purchasing easy.

Drive more expensive purchases and see higher
customer lifetime value (LTV), boosting your
company’s bottom line.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Web Push SMS/MMS

Content Cards Paid Ads Mobile Push WhatsApp

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Flash Sale/
Limited Time
Offer Campaigns 25X
Higher conversion rates over
a 72-hour period by brands
Problem using Content Cards,
compared to the baseline
Conversions are stagnating and your company needs to
for this use case.
spike sales quickly in order to meet its business goals.

Campaign Solution
Use time-sensitive messaging campaigns to spotlight
short-term discounts, sales, and special offers to
recipients. Segment your audience based on their
channel preferences to ensure that users are noti ed
about flash sales on the channels they use most.

Effectively drive immediate purchases by emphasizing
high interest, short-term offers.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM Content Cards SMS/MMS

Web Push IBM Mobile Push WhatsApp

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Subscription 4.6X
Higher conversion rates on free
Campaigns to paid campaigns that use the
Intelligent Selection feature,
compared to the baseline
Problem for this use case.
Free trial users aren’t converting to paid subscribers at
the rate you need to sustain your business.

Campaign Solution
Leverage visual messaging that illustrates the
advantages of upgrading to a premium experience.
Consider triggering these messages when users
encounter gated content or features, or when they hit
retention milestones. Personalize using data to spotlight
relevant features that will complement their activity.

Recurring revenue via subscriptions is a steady income
driver that can help your company grow and exceed
growth goals.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM Content Cards SMS/MMS

Web Push IBM Mobile Push WhatsApp

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Renewal 3.6X
Higher subscription renewal
Campaigns rates when leveraging
in-app messages,
compared to the baseline
Problem for this use case.
Your subscribers haven’t yet renewed their paid
subscription to your brand’s service, potentially leading to
reduced revenue.

Campaign Solution
Target subscribers before their current subscription
expires with messaging that highlights incentives to
re-enroll or auto-enroll. Automatically trigger campaigns
when users approach the end of their current subscriptions
and take advantage of deep linking within reminder
messages to ensure frictionless renewals.

A seamless renewal process leads to more renewed
subscriptions and drives increased customer lifetime value.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM Content Cards

Web Push IBM Mobile Push

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Af liate Highlight
Conversion uplift when
Some of your best products are hidden in your app or
utilizing in-app messages,
website—and you’re missing out on opportunities to
compared to baseline.
monetize your users’ attention.

Campaign Solution
Show off the big brands and product exclusives on your
platform by leveraging rich channels like email, Content
Cards, and more to put a spotlight on key offerings.

You can boost revenue by effectively showcasing what
you offer to customers—or by charging third-party
vendors for the right to have their products highlighted
on your app or website via a Content Card, in-app
message, and more.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Content Cards

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

You want to help customers discover new products they
might be interested in to drive higher lifetime value.

Campaign Solution
Leverage data on each users’ past purchases and
browsing activity to send personalized product
recommendations to your customers. Draw on a
recommendation engine to make intelligent
suggestions for items frequently bought together or
services that add clear value.
Pro Tip
Value Make your cross-sell
Targeted cross-sell recommendations increase messaging highly relevant by
customer lifetime value by driving purchases without dynamically personalizing
adding extra steps to the buying journey.
content in real time.

Suggested Channels

Email WhatsApp Web Push SMS/MMS

Content Cards Mobile Push IAM IBM

Monetization Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Price Drop
Your customers aren’t aware of key changes in product
availability or price that might motivate buying decisions,
cutting into opportunities for additional purchases.

Campaign Solution
Tap into behavioral data to identify speci c items that
users have favorited or otherwise engaged with, then
use this information to trigger messages when these
items go on sale, come back into stock, or have other Pro Tip
status changes.
Use Connected Content to
Value seamlessly pull dynamic
content into your
Interested customers return to your app or site to take
messages in real time.
advantage of new deals, complete un nished purchases,
or secure desired products before they’re out of stock.

Suggested Channels

Email Mobile Push Web Push SMS/MMS


Understanding Retention

Understanding Growth
Levers: Retention
What is retention? Essentially, it’s creating the kind of long-term
relationship with your customer that drives sustainable growth over
the long haul. To optimize for retention, it’s important to understand
it’s an output metric—and to achieve a certain output, brands must
optimize the input. In the case of retention, the input is activation,
engagement, and monetization.

In general, we see four ways to increase engagement,

and thus boost retention:

1 Add use cases to engage customers at more stages

of the customer lifecycle

2 Increase the frequency of product use

3 Increase the number of features being used

4 Increase the intensity of each use of the product

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Loyalty Enrollment
Campaigns 77%
Lift in conversion rates for
loyalty campaigns utilizing
Competition is erce, so you need an effective way deep linking, compared
to motivate your customers to stick with you over to the baseline for
the long haul. this use case.

Campaign Solution
Leverage cross-channel messages to encourage
enrollment in your company’s loyalty and reward
programs. Loyalty program membership reinforces
the value of your product offering and bolsters users’
personal investment in your brand via discounts,
referrals, and exclusive access.

Drive more customers to join your loyalty program,
engage more seriously, and spend more with your brand.

Suggested Channels

Email WhatsApp Web Push SMS/MMS

Content Cards Mobile Push IAM IBM

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Product Launch 4.9X

Campaigns Higher conversions when
messages are triggered
based on user behaviors,
compared to baseline.
Your team spent months preparing and launching a
new feature, product, or service, and now you need to
convince your audience to take advantage of it.

Campaign Solution
Leverage cross-channel messaging to highlight new
products, features, and services and the value they
provide for your users. Consider triggering messages
when a given user takes an action or views a product
that suggests that your new offering would be a good
t for them.

The more features or services a customer uses, the
more likely they’ll stick around for the long haul,
supporting deeper relationships and helping your
brand meet its business goals.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Content Cards

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

App Update 3.9X

Campaigns Higher conversions rates
when email is used for app
update campaigns,
Problem compared to the baseline
Some users fail to update to the newest version of your for this use case.
mobile app, keeping them from accessing key usability
updates and new features.

Campaign Solution
Use cross-channel messaging to communicate the value
of these free updates and how simple it is to install them.
By informing users that there is an update available while
they’re already on their mobile device, you’ve removed
barriers and made the process as simple as one or
two clicks.

Keeping apps up-to-date simpli es the work required of
your support team and allows you to take advantage of
new features and functionality on iOS and Android.

Higher conversion rates
when in-app messages are
Suggested Channels used for app update
Email IAM Content Cards Mobile Push

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Brand Values
Campaigns Pro Tip
Make sure you have something
concrete and meaningful to say.
Problem Customers are wary of false
You want to develop a stronger relationship with your promises and hollow marketing
customers by showing them what your company like greenwashing.

stands for.

Campaign Solution
Deliver clear statements about what matters to your
company by leveraging messaging channels like email
and in-app messages to effectively communicate your
corporate values. Done right, this outreach can help
customers see your brand as a three-dimensional
entity with strong values—just make sure it represents
the real actions you’re taking and isn’t all talk.

Create more human connections with customers and
drive stronger engagement, revenue, and brand loyalty
over the long haul.

Suggested Channels


Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

General Education Pro Tip

Campaigns Take advantage of A/B/n testing
to determine top-performing
copy, creative, timing, and
Problem other essential elements
You want to stay top-of-mind with customers as well as of these campaigns.
demonstrate your company’s value and expertise.

Campaign Solution
Boost habit-forming behavior and make your company
an integral part of your customer’s digital life by surfacing
relevant content to users via cross-channel messaging.
Trigger these messages based on user behavior—or
inactivity milestones—to create automated touchpoints
that enhance each customer’s holistic perception of your
product’s value.

Increase engagement and retention by educating your
customers about your product and helping them use it
as effectively as possible.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Mobile Push

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Reward & Perk Recurring milestone

campaigns see a

uplift in conversion rates,
compared to the baseline
Your company needs to strengthen loyalty and
for this use case.
reward power users in order to create valuable
long-term relationships.

Campaign Solution
Use customer data (e.g. time spent in-app, purchase
amounts, or social mentions) to target top-tier users
with dynamic messages that include a reward for
staying active. Leverage deep links to make it easier
for these customers to leave positive reviews or share
content on social media.

Engaged users can be your most effective advocates,
spreading the word of your company beyond
traditional marketing channels.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM Content Cards SMS/MMS

Web Push Mobile Push IBM WhatsApp

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Uplift in conversion rates
for newsletters utilizing
Your brand struggles to get customers to return regularly
Liquid personalization,
to your app or website—and that struggle is reflected in
compared to the baseline
your retention rates.
for this use case.
Campaign Solution
Consistent outreach through newsletters can bolster
relationships by providing users with relatable and
actionable content. A solid content strategy is essential
here: You want to capture eyeballs, but basing it on user
data gives you signi cantly more leverage.

If they’re personalized and provide real, concrete value,
recurring campaigns like email newsletters can provide
users with a compelling reason to engage more
frequently while also driving conversions.

Suggested Channels


Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Product Feedback/
Net Promoter Score Pro Tip

(NPS) Campaigns Using custom keywords in

your SMS messages makes
your requests for additional
information feel personal
and important.
You want to make meaningful improvements to the
customer experience—but you can’t, because you don’t
know what your users do and don’t like about what
you're offering.

Campaign Solution
Use feedback surveys—promoted by or contained within
your cross-channel messages—following key engagement
moments (e.g. post-onboarding, after rst purchase) to
capture details about what your customers love about your
brand, as well as what they want to see improved.

Bolstering your insight into customer opinions makes it
easier to take a data-driven approach to prioritizing future
enhancements that keep customers coming back.

Suggested Channels

Email WhatsApp SMS/MMS IAM IBM

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Product Adoption
Campaigns 6.5X
Increased conversions
for recurring campaigns
Problem deployed through Content
Even after onboarding, some of your users aren’t Cards, compared to
discovering and using key features of your product, baseline.
putting their continued engagement at risk.

Campaign Solution
Highlight the value of your core functionality via
personalized cross-channel messages and introduce
additional features or components in a measured way,
building on each other as recipients adopt them.
Segment messages speci cally to users who haven’t
begun using a given feature to avoid irrelevant outreach.

Helping users adopt—and establish habits around—key
features allows you to position your business as essential.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Content Cards

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Communication 34%
Campaigns Uplift in conversions
for API-triggered
messaging vs. those
without API triggers.
You need to let customers know about critical
information related to your product or offering (e.g.
weather updates, credit card expiration), even if they’re
not currently using your app or website.

Campaign Solution
Leverage out-of-product messaging channels (e.g.
push noti cations, SMS) for time-sensitive
communications to keep users up-to-date on essential
information and changes.

Sending prompt, proactive updates draws users back to
your app or website, gives them the information they
require to make decisions that meet their needs, and
builds trust in your relationship.

Suggested Channels

Email Web Push IAM IBM

Mobile Push WhatsApp SMS/MMS

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Order Tracker/ API-triggered fulfillment

Ful llment messaging campaigns are

Campaigns 2.4X
more effective at driving
users to your app/website,
compared to the baseline
When customers don’t know the status of their recent for this use case.
purchase, they become frustrated and contact your
support team, weakening your relationship and
increasing the support burden.

Campaign Solution
Update users on their order or delivery status, with
messages timed at important milestones like when a
product is shipped or a courier has picked up their item.
These real-time tracking noti cations extend the bond
of trust between your company and the customer.

Real-time tracking builds trust with customers and
provides another way to engage post-purchase.

Suggested Channels

Email iOS Live Activities SMS/MMS

Web Push Mobile Push WhatsApp

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Event Attendance
Campaigns Pro Tip
Consider using geofences
to provide nuanced,
Problem location-based targeting
You want to engage users ahead of and after events to for these kinds of
ensure they take advantage of the in-person experiences campaigns.
and opportunities you have to offer.

Campaign Solution
Encourage event attendance via cross-channel
messaging campaigns using location targeting to reach
customers where they are. Inviting users to relevant
physical events makes them feel special, especially when
you show you know them with personalized messaging.

Encouraging users to attend live events or visit brick-
and-mortar locations deepens brand awareness and
creates new customer engagement opportunities.

Suggested Channels
Uplift in app usage when
location or geofencing is
Paid Ads Web Push
used vs. not.
Content Cards Mobile Push IBM WhatsApp

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Milestone/ Using
in-app messaging for

Anniversary milestone and anniversary

campaigns results in a

higher conversion rate,
compared to the baseline
Your brand is focused on increasing the average lifetime of for this use case.
your user base and you need ways to acknowledge loyal
customers that will bolster their relationship with your brand.

Campaign Solution
Congratulate users who are actively engaged when they
reach usage milestones with your product/services.
Recognizing these milestones with hyper-personalized
outreach to celebrate their achievements right when they
happen make these communications even more powerful.

Bolster customer retention by building in these automated
usage reminders, which encourage continued engagement
and support stronger relationships over the long haul.

Suggested Channels


Content Cards Mobile Push

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Loyalty Member 6.7X

Campaigns Higher loyalty campaign
conversion rates with the
Braze platform’s Intelligent
Problem Selection feature, compared
Users aren’t redeeming their loyalty points and are to the baseline for this
missing out on key rewards, reducing the impact of the use case.
time and energy put into running your loyalty program.

Campaign Solution
When users reach key points milestones or hit
redemption opportunities, highlight them with
personalized messaging powered by loyalty program
data, giving these users more compelling reasons to
engage and deepen their connection with your brand.

By linking directly to redemption opportunities, you can
ensure customers are able to leverage their rewards while
positioning the program as a valuable addition to your
core business.

Suggested Channels

Email WhatsApp SMS/MMS

Content Cards IAM IBM

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Community 4.3X
Building Campaigns More app sessions, like
community engagements,
with custom event campaign
triggers, compared to
Your company needs ways to build community among
customers in order to reinforce engagement and loyalty.

Campaign Solution
Identify power users in your customer base and send
personalized messages nudging them to join your brand’s
online groups and/or in-person community events.

By giving them the opportunity to compare experiences
and grow their understanding of your business, these
campaigns can provide these users with a better
customer experience and drive stronger loyalty over time.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Content Cards

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Lapsing User Liquid

Campaigns personalization is

Problem 15%
more effective at driving
Some of your users are engaging less frequently, raising
lapsing users back to
the risk that they churn altogether.
your app, compared
Campaign Solution to baseline.

Create segments of lapsing users based on engagement

data so you can reach out to them with tailored content
that supports more frequent—and deeper—engagement.
Customize these messages with information about each
users’ historical activity and purchases to highlight the
value they get from your offering.

By providing users who are drifting away with concrete
reasons to come back, you can more effectively sustain
growth and see stronger revenue over time.

Suggested Channels

Email Paid Ads Web Push

Mobile Push SMS/MMS WhatsApp

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Win-back campaigns

Win-Back with images are

Campaigns 26X
more effective at driving users
back to your app or website,
Problem compared to the baseline
Customer attrition is eating away at your user base, and for this use case.
generic marketing isn’t enough to bring them back.

Campaign Solution
Leverage the user data at your disposal to lure back
lapsed users with personalized re-engagement
messages. Use a combination of owned messaging
channels and social advertising to reach them where
they’re active and consider using promotion codes to
provide clear value and drive future conversions.

You can re-engage lapsed users and bring them back
into the funnel, which is more cost-effective than
acquiring new users.

Suggested Channels

Email Paid Ads Web Push

Mobile Push SMS/MMS WhatsApp

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Campaigns Pro Tip
Use catalog data and AI-powered

Problem recommendation engines to

dynamically personalize
Your users leave your app or website when they don’t
messages with relevant
see anything suf ciently relevant or interesting to them.
Campaign Solution
Use the data you have on user behaviors and
preferences to surface relevant content in real time to
draw them back to your app/website.

By personalizing content recommendations, you can
boost engagement, retention, and your bottom line.

Suggested Channels


Mobile Push Content Cards

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Streak Campaigns 71%
Uplift in conversions
Problem when a campaign is
You want to reinforce positive user habits to keep triggered by app usage,
engagement high, but aren’t sure how to nudge compared to baseline.
them effectively.

Campaign Solution
Send targeted, personalized messages calling out
notable engagement streaks (e.g. “You’ve meditated for
seven straight days!”), effectively gamifying future
engagement and giving users another reason to
come back tomorrow. 56%
Higher conversions when
a campaign is triggered
Maintaining high engagement levels builds brand by custom events,
loyalty and helps drive additional interactions and sales. compared to baseline.

Suggested Channels

Email Web Push Mobile Push

Content Cards IAM IBM

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Gami cation Pro Tip

Campaigns Leverage in-app messages with
custom HTML to seamlessly
include dynamic and engaging
interactive elements that
Users aren’t in the habit of using your product
drive conversions.
regularly—and simple noti cations aren’t motivating
them to take action.

Campaign Solution
Gamify the customer experience by adding quizzes,
competitive features, and other interactive elements
to your messaging. Consider using zero- and rst-
party to build personalized messaging campaigns to
drive users to participate.

Interactive games and features can motivate users to
take speci c and repeated actions, deepening their
connection with your brand and supporting stronger
retention over time.

Suggested Channels


Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Abandoned Intent
Higher conversions when
leveraging custom event
Some of your users are abandoning goals you have for
triggers, compared
them on your website or app, interrupting your ability to
to baseline.
build the kinds of brand relationships that drive stronger
retention and revenue.

Campaign Solution
Nudge users back on track by creating contextual
messaging with user-speci c information, discounts, or
exclusive content. One smart approach: Email and push
noti cations can reach users after they’ve left your site or
app, and transition them back to their place in your flow.

Personalizing the experiences you offer users based on
their past behavior is an effective way to entice them to
return to your app or website.

Suggested Channels

Email Web Push Mobile Push

Content Cards IAM IBM

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Social Activity
Higher conversions with
API-triggered messaging,
Campaigns compared to baseline.

You need ways to continuously encourage user
engagement beyond your traditional messaging strategies.

Campaign Solution
Highlight customers’ social activity to build a sense of
community and confidence around your brand. Social
proof is key to increasing user engagement, since people
are more likely to participate in an activity if they see their
friends doing it.

Social proof optimizes conversion rates by raising
confidence through the experiences and actions
of other users.

Suggested Channels

Email Mobile Push Web Push

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Live Update Pro Tip

iOS Live Activities are only currently
Campaigns available on Apple mobile devices,
so consider using other related use
cases (e.g. order tracker/fulfillment
campaigns) to reach users on
desktop and Android
You want to keep your users updated with essential devices.
information without overloading them—or your team.

Campaign Solution
By leveraging Apple’s iOS Live Activities, brands can
keep users in the loop when it comes to delivery orders,
sports scores, election results, and more. The live-
updating nature of this powerful new channel means
that status changes and notable updates can be
communicated in an ongoing way, rather than requiring
a stream of granular messages.

Users get persistent up-to-date content without even
having to unlock their phone, keeping you top of mind.

Suggested Channels

iOS Live Activities

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Pro Tip
Problem Coordinate your social media
Your brand is looking to communicate its long-term posts with your direct messaging
value to engaged customers in fun, memorable ways. to drive more users to engage with
their year-in-review—and share it

Campaign Solution with their friends, too.

Remind customers of why they love your brand with a

personalized year-in-review. Leverage behavioral data to
individually customize each message and consider using
deep links to drive them back to activities they’ve
previously enjoyed.

This kind of outreach is a great way to communicate
long-term connection, drive engagement, and spur
social sharing.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Mobile Push

Retention Use Case Effort Level 1 2 3

Campaigns Pro Tip
Keep these messages focused on
Problem concrete benefits and savings that
consumers have experienced—
Competition is erce, and customers may not remember these campaigns on work if
all the ways you’re different from rival businesses if you the value is tangible.
don’t nd ways to remind them.

Campaign Solution
Personalize messages with information about how each
customer has bene tted from your product. Depending
on your brand and your business model, that might mean
highlighting how they’ve saved money with your service,
how much time you’ve spent playing your games, or how
you always deliver their favorite sandwich on time.

Even dedicated users can deepen their appreciation of
your brand and engage more deeply with what you can
offer with the right messaging approach.

Suggested Channels

Email IAM IBM Content Cards


Now that your creative juices are flowing, it’s time to put what
you’ve learned into practice. There are so many ways to improve
the effectiveness of your messaging, from dynamic personalization
to AI-powered experimentation to new marketing channels. Keep
this guide handy during your next brainstorming session or take it
out when it’s time to bring an existing campaign to the next level.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Ready to take these campaigns to the next level?

Check out Test and Learn:

Driving Value with Smart
Optimization for a look at how
successfully leveraging data and
testing can dramatically improve
your marketing performance.


The analysis contained in this report was compiled from Braze campaign Statistics included herein represent average campaign performance
data gathered between May 2022 and May 2023, drawn from more than based on the foregoing data. These statistics do not represent, and should
1,900 companies across 50+ different verticals. As part of the analysis, not be construed as a guarantee of, any future campaign performance.
data quality standards were applied to limit data to metrics in which there
were sufficient data for comparison. There are at least five companies
and 1,000 users in every row metric that was included in the analysis.


• When “conversion criteria” is mentioned in the report, we are referring to the event that defines that Due to limitations on what information can be gathered
specific campaign’s conversion rate; typically these campaigns drive users to complete this event. from these metrics, as well as brand-to-brand variances
regarding data tracking on an aggregate level, there
• When “tags” are mentioned in the report, we are referring to any tag set by the brand that indicates a may be messages corresponding to each category that
certain type of campaign or message. are missing from this data pull.

• When “campaign name” is mentioned in the report, we are referring to any naming convention set by The use cases listed on the following pages are the
the brand that indicates a certain type of campaign or message. campaign types that could be analyzed specifically by
that campaign type. There are use cases in this guide
• When “filters” or “audiences” are mentioned in the report, we are referring to the criteria set by the that do not fit specific campaign criteria, therefore were
brand which limits campaign sends to specific recipients.
analyzed against standard campaign benchmarks.

• When presenting an uplift, it is in comparison to a baseline of conversions for the campaign type, in
aggregate, compared to conversions for the campaign type that include the applicable feature type.


Referral Campaigns Free Trial Campaigns Message and Data Opt-in Campaigns

Referral campaigns are defined as those which encourage Free trial campaigns give potential customers the ability to Opt-in campaigns have a common goal of getting users to
loyal customers to bring newcomers into the app, site, or test the waters before making a commitment. Data were subscribe to brand communications on various or share user
brand experience. Data were pulled for this metric by pulled for this metric by analyzing campaigns with keywords data. Data were pulled for this metric by analyzing campaigns
analyzing campaigns with the keyword “refer” in the name. related to “trial” in the name (i.e. “free,” “demo,” etc.). whose conversion criteria was related to the keyword “opt-in.”

Loyalty Enrollment Campaigns App Update Campaigns Abandoned Intent Campaigns

Loyalty enrollment campaigns encourage customers to App update campaigns focus on getting users to Abandon intent campaigns use context of past on-site
sign-up for a loyalty or rewards program. Data were pulled upgrade to the latest version of a mobile app. Data were or in-app actions to drive conversions on various criteria,
for these campaigns using keywords in the conversion pulled for this metric by analyzing campaigns whose such as completing a certain action or transaction. Data
criteria that were set on the campaign, such as “loyalty,” conversion criteria indicated app version upgrades. were pulled for these campaigns by analyzing messages
“reward,” “signup,” or “frequent.” triggered by user actions indicating abandonment, such
as “quit” or “discard”.

Abandoned Cart Campaigns Upsell Campaigns Discount & Sale Campaigns

Abandoned cart campaigns send automated reminders Upsell campaigns use context from past purchases or These campaigns highlight upcoming/ongoing non-
to individuals who have not finished an online transaction. activity to drive sales of a higher-end, more expensive seasonal sales to drive additional purchases/ revenue.
Data were pulled for these campaigns by analyzing product. Data were pulled for this metric by analyzing Data were pulled by analyzing campaigns with copy
messages triggered by events containing keywords campaigns tagged with the keyword “upsell” that also using keywords indicating a sale, such as “discount,”
similar to “abandon” and drove users to complete a drove recipients to purchase. and also drove recipients to purchase.
purchase or financial transaction.


Flash Sale Campaigns Upgrade/Premium Campaigns Subscription Renewal Campaigns

Highly time-sensitive campaigns highlight short-term sales/ Upgrade campaigns are designed to encourage recipients to These messages are sent to subscribers who are not
discounts with the goal of driving immediate purchases by upgrade their existing subscriptions to a higher tier or to go auto-enrolled ahead of the sunset of their current
recipients. Data were pulled by analyzing campaigns with from making ad-hoc purchases to paying for a premium subscription with the goal of encouraging them to
copy that used keywords indicating a sale, such as “discount,” experience. In our data, these campaigns were classified as re-enroll. In our data, these campaigns were classified
and also drove recipients to purchase within 3 days. those which drive to subscription upgrades. Upgrade/premium as those which drive to subscription renewals.
campaigns can include free to paid subscription campaigns,
but can also cover other subscription upsell use cases.

Continue-Your-Streak Campaigns Order Tracker/Fulfillment Campaigns Milestone/Anniversary Campaigns

Continue-your-streak campaigns use customer behavioral Fulfillment campaigns let customers know about the Milestone campaigns use customer behavioral data to
data to trigger outreach when a user reaches or approaches status of an order or delivery in order to provide peace of trigger messages that congratulate customers for reaching
predetermined engagement streaks (e.g. five straight days of mind and a better customer experience. Data for this key brand or time-related milestones, with the goal of
tracking calories) to encourage them to keep up their current metric were pulled by analyzing campaigns with message encouraging stronger brand loyalty. To analyze this dataset,
engagement level and build brand loyalty. We measured this copy containing keywords indicating an order update. we looked at campaigns tagged as being associated with
by analyzing campaigns filtered to send only to users who “milestone” keywords such as “streak” or “anniversary”.
had completed a certain number of actions, such as a
session start or game play, within a certain number of days.

Lapsing User Campaigns Newsletter Campaigns Win-Back Campaigns

Lapsing user campaigns are targeted at customers who Newsletter campaigns are recurring messages—usually Win-back campaigns are targeted at customers who have
have seen their engagement levels decline, with the goal emails—that contain updates, educational information, and stopped engaging, with the goal of nudging them to start
of nudging them to engage more frequently/deeply in other high-interest information to customers in order to keep engaging again. To analyze win-back campaign
the future. To analyze this metric, we looked at campaigns the messenger’s brand front of mind and encourage performance, we looked at the likelihood of a user logging
tagged as lapsing user or reactivation campaigns. retention. To analyze newsletter performance, we looked at a session in the app after receiving a campaign tagged
the likelihood of a user logging a session after receiving a with the “win-back” keyword or a variation on it.
campaign tagged with the “newsletter” keyword.

Get in touch to learn more

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