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Avatar The Last Airbender PaHI

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Longago, the four Nations livedtogether in harmony:Water Tribes,EarthKingdom,FireNation,
and Air Nomads. Then,everything changed when the FireNation attacked. On!Ythe Avatar,
master of all four elements, could stop their ruthless conquest. But when the world needed
him most, he vanished.
A hundredyears havepassed and the FireNation is nearingvictoryin the war.Kotara and Sokka,
a sister and brother from the Southern Water Tribe,discovera young Airbendernamed Aang
trapped in the ice near their village.When they realizethat he's the new Avatar, they agree to
help him in his quest to stop the FireNation and restore balance.AlthoughAang's airbending
skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's readyto save the world.
Playas the heroes ofT earn Avatar-Aang, Katara, SoRRa,and Toph-traveling across the Four
Nations to help Aang master the elements and bring peace to the world.
There are two ways to play the game. You can play a single Challenge, which taRes about
45 minutes. Towin, you must worR together to complete the Challenge's unique Objective
before any Hero's Strength is lowered to 0, or before you run out of time.
You can also play a Journey, facing a series of seven Challenges and five story Encounters.
To win, you must defeat Fire Lord Ozai in the final Challenge. You'll learn more about both
ways to play later in these instructions. But in either case, you'll get started the same way .

to lear~ how to ~lay,
or continue reading

. ___________
• • these instructions.

Meet TeamAvatar
The current incarnation of the Avatar and the last surviving Air Nomad,
Aang is a master of airbending at just 12 years old. His specialty is evasive
maneuvering and a defensive style, although he can summon powerful
bursts of air to attacR enemies or aid an escape.

The only Waterbender in the Southern Water Tribe, Katara is driven by
her belief in the Avatar, standing up for what's right, and mastering her
bending. She can adapt to any situation, supporting her friends or leading
the charge herself.

As Katara's older brother, SoRRais always thinRing ahead and watching out
for enemies. He pushes himself to be a strong, reliable warrior, and liResto
thinR outside the box with his clever attacRs and trusty boomerang.

Although born into a protective noble family, Toph prefers to get her feet dirty.
She always tacRles issues-and enemies-head on. As a blind Earthbender,
she uses her connection to the earth to unleash large attacRs and blocR
incoming damage.
Flre Nation Fire Nation
Dal LI
Bender (2) Soldier (2) Agent (2)

Azula Mai Ty Lee Prince Zul:to

Admiral Zhao Combustion Man

14 Enemy Movers
Long Feng

(Insert Into Bases)

Fire Lord Ozai

Book of Challenges
□ □
3 Enemy Strength Cubes

Book of Challenges Clip

Journey Tracker 8 Enemy Cards 12 Wound Cards 9 Ally Cards

4 Hero Mat Clips 2 Journey Tracker Clips 0000 4 White Lotus Tokens

-·,_,- .... ...

..~,....-,-,, --•... ...._--

__ ..,._.,._..,..,,.........,_.
__ ,, ......
88 Action Cards
(22 per Hero)
4 Hero Mats
15 Encounter Cards

Aang Katara Sol:tl:t.i

4 Acrylic Hero Movers

{Insert into Bases)
Water (3)

Earth (3)


12 Element Tiles
10 Objective Tokens
6 Challenge Tokens
♦ Place the Book of Challenges in the middle of the play • ---------""•
area. For your first game, open the Book to Escape
Prince Zulrn (pages 2-3). Challenges are played
directly on the Book.

Afrerthe Escape Prince Zuho Challenge,you may

continue on a Journey, as explained on pages
13 14. Or, instead,you may play any single
Challenge, as explained on page 19.

♦ Place one cube on the topmost space of each Enemy

Strength track on the left page of the Book. In a two•
player game, place them on the spaces marked "2P" Placing Enemy Movers:
instead. 1. The color and shape of the
♦ Takethe Enemy movers for the Challenge, as indicated symbol indicates the color and
shape of the mover.
by the Enemy Strength tracks. Then place one on each
2. The number indicates how
matching space of the Book. many there are. If there's no
number, there's only one.
♦ Place one Element tile on each matching space on
3. The name on the track matches
the right page of the Book. Keep the extra Element the name on the mover.
tiles nearby.
4. Place the mover(s) on the
♦ Place the 12 Wound cards in a face-up stack to the matching symbol(s) on the
right page of the Book.
left of the Book.
♦ Mixup the six Challenge tokens and place them face
down to the right of the Book.
♦ Shuffle the eight Enemy cards and place them in a
face-down stack below the Challenge tokens.
Example Setup for Two Players

♦ I

Rt_.. .. SOMW$,IWI~

lkttM.tlSolcl~Pd"'"""""-l ♦

i.-&"'-'"Nw>'1~!,pl1<100.-2 ♦


.-..,.~1,y-~,:,,...,_,w .....

~ :c:..:K..;.,"':=:~o::
tpi,N,,-,:hi,1-~1!w°"""t:trhb ••'--------"'"
.._notr..t..c:nh11c-y'1~-aff.a A~tr tl1r 6(1Hl1
...,, ....... """"1- ai-.-to--,-IIWMy.

Gl~~=!~i..c I
,nd,,_-,h11ttkl,c,IIW,? ~.ilhcfnl....,..I
r...... _ .... ,. '-1otoo,. .. 1-1.

♦ Each player chooses a Hero and taResthe matching mat, clip, mover, mover base,White
Lotus toRen, and 22 Action cards. Your cards have a Hero symbol in the bottom left
that matches the symbol in the top right of your Hero mat. Return any unused Hero
components to the game box.

♦ Placeyour Hero mat in front of you showing the side matching the number of players in
your game. (One side is for two or three players, and the other is for four players.) Slide
your clip onto the topmost Strength number along the left edge.

♦ TaReyour 10 starting cards, marRed with an {3 in

the bottom right, and shuffle them. Place them in a
face-down decRto the left of your mat, and draw five GLIDER
Place Aang on top of
cards from your decR to form your hand. any Air tile.
Note:Ifyou areplayinga more difficult singleChallenge,
or you are further into a Journey,you may have more
cardsinyour startingdeck, as explainedlater.Otherwise, Hero Starting Card
you can returnyour remaining 12 Action cards to the Symbol Symbol
game box for now.
♦ Place your White Lotus to Ren face down above the Challenge to Rens.Place your Hero
mover on any starting space (outlined in green) on the right page of the BooR. Movers
cannot share a space.

♦ Read the Challenge's Introduction, Objective, Bonus Objectives, and Special Rules
aloud. Complete any special setup, such as placing Objective toRens. (There is no
special setup for Escape Prince Zui{o.)

♦ '1m • 11.

: t
• Determine Hero Order: Mix up and revealWhite Lotus tokens.

• First Hero'sTurn:They do actions usingcardsfrom their hand (pages6-9).

• EndTurn:Redrawhand, flip White Lotustoken, flip a Challengetoken (page 10).
• Other Heroes'Turns:Take turns as above,in order of White Lotus tokens.
• EnemyTurn: Flipan Enemycard and all Enemiesdo an action (page 11).

Start of Round
A Challenge is played over several rounds.At the start of each round, mix up the White Lotus
tokens, arrange them in a column next to the Book, then flip them all face up. Each Hero will
take a turn in the order of the tokens, from top to bottom. After all Heroes have gone, the
Enemies will take a turn.

Do the following any number of times, in any order:

• Do a BasicAction on your mat by discardingthat number of cards from your hand.

• Playan Action card from your hand to do its action. Then discardthe card.
After doing actions, complete the steps for ending your turn, as explained on page 10.

Each Hero can do three Basic Actions, as
·---------------,. Your Hero's Basic
Actions are shown on
shown on your Hero mat. Not all Heroes
the right side of your
have the same Basic Actions. Each Basic mat. Not all Heroes
Action has an icon and a number below the have the same Basic
Actions. Additionally,
icon, which indicates the number of cards
each Hero has a unique
required to do that action. ability explained at the
bottom of their mat.
To do a Basic Action, discard the number of This Is available to use
cards shown from your hand, ignoring any whenever the ability
actions on those cards. You may discard specifies.
Move 1 space in any direction, including
diagonally. You cannot stop in a space with
a Hero or Enemy, or an impassable space
(outlined in red). If you do several Basic Action
Moves in a row, you may Move through other
Heroes. You cannot Move through Enemies or
impassable spaces.
Heroes may Move through and stop on spaces
with any number of tiles ortoRens, including
Element tiles. If you move into a space with a
Fire tile, it does 1 damage to you. Katara cannot Move into the impassable space or
the space with an Enemy. She can Move in any other
Whenever damage is done to a Hero, lower direction. If she does a Move 2 action, or two Basic
your Strength by that amount on the Strength Action Moves, she can Move through Aang's space
to the space past him.
tracR of your Hero mat.

Something is close to you if it is on your space

or on any of the eight spaces surrounding

yours. Tiles and toRens under your Hero mover
are considered close to you. Many actions
refer to close Heroes, Enemies,tiles, or to Rens.
A Close AttacR action does 1 damage to
an Enemy close to you. Lower the Enemy's
Strength by 1 on their Strength tracR.

~ RANGE ATTACK Toph can damage either one of the Enemies close
Do 1 damageto an Enemythat is not close to you to her. She cannot damage the Enemy who is not
in a straight line that passesthrough the center close to her.
of the space(s) between you. You may Range
AttacR through tiles, toRens, and other Heroes, RANGE ATTACK EXAMPLE
but not through Enemiesor impassable spaces.

To Interact with something, it must be close
to you (on your space or on a space next to
yours). The effect of an Interact action is unique
to each Challenge, as explained in the BooR of

Aang can damage either one of the Enemies in a

straight line from him, Including through Katara.
He cannot damage the Enemy close to him, the
Enemy not In a straight line from him, or the Enemy
through another Enemy.
Instead of discarding cards for Basic Actions, you may play an Action card to do what it
says. You may do any or all parts of an Action card, but each part must be done in order.
After playing a card for its action, discard the card.
Many Action cards allow you to Move and AttacR just Ii Re Basic Actions, and often in
more powerful ways. These actions are followed by a number to indicate their effect. For
example, Move 3 allows a Hero to Move up to 3 spaces, and Close AttacR 2 does 2 damage
to a single Enemy close to you.


Damage all Enemies on spaces close to you. The
listed number after Burst AttacR is the damage
done to each Enemy.

Increase your Strength by the listed number.
You may only Heal yourself, unless an action
saysotherwise. Your Strength may never exceed
the topmost number on your Hero mat.

DRAW CARDS Katara can damage all the Enemies close to her. She
Add the listed number of Action cards from cannot damage the Enemy who Is not close to her.
the top of your decRto your hand. You may use
those cards this turn. If you ever need to draw HEAL CARD EXAMPLE
a card and your decR is empty, shuffle your
discard pile to reform your decR.


When you place an Element tile, you may ta Re C~!Alttli.liolurd.
a matching tile from any space in the BooR, or 1ott..111h-.:hH...tl

one of the extra tiles Rept nearby during setup.

When you remove an Element tile, you may
taRe it off any space and add it to the supply
near the BooR. (See Element Tiles on page 11
for more details.)


Do one of the Basic Actions on your Hero mat
without discarding any cards.

• ~tDtl,.tEno,my.
Other ActionDetails
• Hero actions are optional, and may be done to any degree. For example, with a Move 2
action, you can Move 2 spaces, 1 space, or not Move at all.
• An entire card is considered one "action," even if it consists of multiple parts.
• Hero actions can never damage other Heroes. Enemies cannot damage other Enemies,
unless an action says otherwise.
• When any Hero, Enemy, tile, or token moves, it may not leave and return to the same
space within one action (i.e. double back).
• Any number of tiles and tokens may be on the same space. Heroes and Enemies may
move through that space, and any one may stop on it.
• Wound cards can't be discarded to do Basic Actions, but can be at any other time you
are required to discard.


When moving "away," each space moved to must When moving "toward" something, each space
be further than the previous space. In this example, moved to must be closer than the previous space.
the Bender can do the action "Move 2 away from In this example, the Bender can "Move 2 toward"
the closest Hero" In any way shown. Actions where Aang In any way shown. If an Enemy's Move action
something moves away will specify a Hero, Enemy, does not specify a direction (for example, Move 2),
or space(s) to move away from. they Move toward the closest Hero.

Something has "moved through" a space if it
touched that space during the action. When the
Water tile moves from Katara's space to Aang's
space, as shown, it moves through four spaces,

...... ______________________________
_ including the ones it started and stopped on .
EnemyStrengthand Defeat
Whenever you damage an Enemy, lower the cube down that Enemy's Strength track in
the Book. If there are multiple Enemies of the same type, they share one Strength track.
Any time you damage an Enemy, the Strength is lowered for all Enemies of that type.
To defeat an Enemy, you must lower their Strength to 0. When an Enemy is defeated,
remove all movers of that type from the Book. If an Enemy has an oo instead of a O at
the bottom of their track, they cannot be defeated, and remain until the Challenge ends.

When you finish doing actions, do the following in order:
♦ If you have any cards left in your hand, choose any that you want to keep for the next
round, and discard the rest.

♦ Draw from your deck until you have five cards in your hand. If you ever need to draw
a card and your deck is empty, shuffle your discard pile to reform your deck.

♦ Flip your White Lotus token face down.

♦ Flip one of the Challenge tokens face up. If you flip the Draw symbol, all Heroes draw
a card. If you flip a Special Rule symbol, follow the matching instructions in the Book.
If you flip a blank, do nothing. Leavethe token face up. If all Challenge tokens are now
face up, follow the instructions below.

Challenge ToRen Draw Symbol Special Rules Symbols BlanR

(Face Down)

When all six Challenge tokens are face up, take one of the blank Challenge tokens and place
it on the highest empty space of the Challenge track in the Book. After placing the to~en,
if all the spacesof the traclt are full, the Challenge ends and the Heroes lose. Otherwise,
flip all remaining Challenge tokens face down and mix them up.
Then it's the next Hero's turn, in order of the White Lotus tokens. After all Heroes have
taken a turn, the Enemies do actions.
·-------------------------------· ELEMENT TILES
• Heroes and Enemies can do actions that move Element tiles.
However, tiles never move automatically-only when actions say
they do.
• Tiles may be placed, moved through, or stop on any space that is
not impassable.Any number of Element tiles (and/or other toltens)
can be in the same space.
Earth • When you place an Element tile, you may talte one from any
space, or talte a tile that was ltept aside during setup. Tiles you
remove during a Challenge may also be placed this way.
• Fire tiles do 1 damage to a Hero when one moves into the
Fire other's space, unless a Hero is moving the Fire tile. Fire tiles are
not considered Enemies.
• The numbers on Element tiles are only used for Encounters
(pages 14-17). While playing a Challenge, leave the tiles
Air number side down.

After all Heroes taRe a turn, all Enemies do actions. Enemy actions worR Ii Re Hero actions,
as described previously, or are explained on Enemy cards.
To start the Enemy turn, flip over the next Enemy card and do the actions from top to
bottom. Starting with the first type of Enemy, as shown by the symbol(s), all Enemies
of that type do the action, one at a time. If there are multiple movers of one type, you
choose the order each mover does the action. Ignore Enemies that have been removed.
Most Enemy actions say which Heroes they affect. If they don't, or if multiple Heroes could
be affected, the action affects the Hero closest to that Enemy. If multiple Heroes are equally
close, the Heroes choose which one is affected.
When Enemies Move toward a Hero, or move a Hero toward them, the movement stops
either at the listed number of spaces, or when they are close to that Hero-whichever
comes first. When Enemies move Heroes or Fire tiles toward each other, the movement
stops if one moves into the other's space. Fire tiles can only move once per Enemy card (not
per mover). If an Enemy action could move anything several different ways, following
these rules, the Heroes choose.
After all Enemies do their actions, discard the Enemy card. Then start the next_round by
mixing up the White Lotus toRens.
Enemy attacks damage Heroes in the same way Hero attacks damage Enemies. When you
are damaged, lower the clip down the Strength track on your mat. If you Move through
a Fire tile, or an Enemy moves a Fire tile through your space, lower your Strength by 1.
If any Hero's Strength reaches O, the Challenge ends and the Heroes lose.

The first time in a Challenge that a Hero's Strength reaches 4 or lower, they take one Wound
card from the stack and place it face down on top of their deck. Wound cards cannot be
discarded to do Basic Actions, but can be discarded in any other way. This includes actions
on Hero's Action cards, Enemy actions, Challenge Special Rules, and when ending your turn.

al GI
~ zm
" l-
Elementof Cl1t111y
After Katara moves a Water tile
through a Hero or Enemy. she may
place them on top of that tile.

At any time, if the Challenge's Objective is complete, the Challenge ends immediately and
the Heroes win! This can happen in the middle of a round or the middle of a Hero's turn.
If any Hero's Strength reaches 0, or if a Challenge token is placed on the last space of the
Challenge track, the Challenge ends immediately and the Heroes lose.
Whether you won or lost the Escape Prince Zulto Challenge, you may continue Team
Avatar's adventures by playing a Journey. A Journey is a series of Challenges alternating
with story Encounters and ending with a final battle against Fire Lord Ozai. How well you
face each Challenge and Encounter will affect the skills, experience, and allies you'll have
in the final battle. To win a Journey, you must defeat Fire Lord Ozai.

Preparefor YourJourney

Encounter Cards

♦ Place the Journey Tracker above the Book of Challenges, and slide a clip onto each
Start space: 0 for Team Avatar Experience and 20 for Fire Nation Dominance.

♦ Take the 15 Encounter cards and place them in a stack nearby with the pictures facing
up. Make sure they are in numerical order with The King of Omashu (Card 1) on top.

After EachChallenge
If you won the Challenge, Team Avatar gains 1 experience for each empty space on the
Challenge track in the Book. Move the clip on the Journey Tracker and check for rewards, as
explained on page 14.
If you won, you also lower Fire Nation Dominance by objective
Removeall Soldiersand Benders.
the number next to the Objective. If you completed Bon«s
any Bonus Objectives before the Challenge ended, Oefeiit2111 -1 ♦
Soldiersand Benders.
lower PrinceZull:o's to 00. -2 ♦
lower Dominance for these as well. Move the clip
on the Journey TracRer and checR for rewards, as Mi4:niMIUUI¥
explained on page 14.
If you lost the Challenge, don't adjust the Journey Tracker or gain any rewards. Instead, all
the Heroes can remove all the Wounds from their decks, discard piles, and hands,.returning
them to the stacR.
Whether you won or lost the Challenge, read the "After
the Battle" options in the BooRof Challenges. Together,
After the Battle
Chooseone to continueyourJourney:
Will youvisitkyoshl ffi Will yousnealtInto
W Island,a secludedplace IIQlthe Fire Nationso that
choose where Team Avatar should go next. Usually this 11.nownfor warriOf' wome:n Aang may spealt with Avatar
andgiant elephantRoiflsh? Roll:u
at the flu: Temple?
will be an Encounter, as explained on page 14. Tum to pages4-5. Turn to pagH 6-7.
.. -=:.
.. a. Whenever a clip reaches a green space (1, 10, or 20 on Team Avatar
■■ -1!1

Experience and 15 or 5 on Fire Nation Dominance), all Heroes get to
-=•-· add a new, more powerful Action card to their decR.
.i.■:!ili■ TaRe your Hero's remaining Action cards from the game box, shuffle
them, and draw two. Then choose one to add to your decR, and return
the others to the game box. Your new card will remain in your decR for

Thl5 tum,dlsca«looly 1 ca,d
the duration of the Journey. • todo•ach 8a$1CN;non.

11111 GAIN AN ALLY CARD Action Card

.. -=:..
■■ -ll Whenever a clip reaches a purple space (15 on Team Avatar Experience
and 19 or O on Fire Nation Dominance), the Heroes gain a new Ally.
11:~1 TaRethe Ally cardsfrom the game box,shuffle them, and draw two. Thentogether,
!II■-=■ choose one to join Tearn Avatar, and return the others to the game box. Allies
•• 11.
provide a special power that can be used once per Challenge.

.. 1:;li
At the start of each Challenge, place all your Allies face up near the BooR.
On any Hero's turn, they may flip an Ally card face down to use their power.
•■ -1111

There is no limit to the number of Allies you can use at once. Face-down Allies any card from their
hand discard pllc)
•• 11. can't be used again in that Challenge, but they'll be available to use again in
.. 11:.
the next Challenge. AllyCard


.. -=:.
Whenever a clip reaches a gray space (5 on Team Avatar Experience and 10 on Fire Nation
Dominance), all Heroes may remove one card from their decR, discard pile, or hand. If you
remove a Wound, return it to the stacR. If you remove a Basic Action card, return it to the
game box .
■■ m'1'1
■■ Eb'!II

•• 1a...
' ,,
, , ,

111~1 Encounters
.. -=:.
if"r~ After most Challenges,you'll be directed to an Encounter. Encounters are tests ofT earn Avatar's
::!!: memory, dexterity, and logic using the Element tiles. They provide another opportunity to
11!~1 gain experience, lower Fire Nation Dominance, or remove Wounds .
.. -=:.
If the "After the Battle" option you choose tells you to go to an Encounter, ta Rethe Encounter
!.i=.'tcard indicated, read the introduction, and flip the card over. Complete the type of Encounter
ii:'?-1listed: Recovering, Uprising, or Focusing, as explained on pages 15-17. Each Encounter has
■■ liii■ a different way to win, as written on the card. After you complete the Encounter, whether
if"r~you won or lost, read the Epilogue. Then continue your Journey with the next Challenge, as
IL·!I=explained on page 18.
Use memory and deduction to match the numbers on pairs of tiles. Heroes may not talR
or communicate with each other during this Encounter.

Mix up all twelve Element tiles with the number
sides down. Arrange them into a 3x4 grid. It
doesn't matter which tiles are where. Choose
any Hero to taRe the first turn.

♦ Flip any two tiles face up. If the numbers match,
collect both tiles and set them aside in the
team's Collection. If they don't match, flip those
tiles face down again.

♦ Remove any one tile from the grid, flipping it

face up and setting it aside in a Removed area.
This tile cannot be used to match or collect tiles.

Example: After flipping two tiles, ♦ Now it's the next Hero's turn.
you collect a pair of 3s.
Continue taRing turns until the team collects the
required pairs, as listed on the Encounter card, or
until you run out of tiles. Continue taRing turns
until you collect the required pairs, as listed on
the Encounter card, or until you run out of tiles.
ChecR the pairs you collected to see if you won
the Encounter, and gain the rewards listed. Then
continue your Journey.

Example: You remove an Air tile,

and flip it face up.
Use dexterity and judgment to stacRtiles. Push your lucRto stacR higher for greater rewards.
But if any tiles fall, the Heroes gain nothing.

TaReany six Element tiles to use for this Encounter (the type doesn't matter). Set the other
six tiles aside. Choose any Hero to taRe the first turn.

♦ TaReone tile and place it upright (on its narrow side)
on top of the stacR. On the first turn, place it directly
on the playing surface.

♦ Now it's the next Hero's turn.

Continue taRing turns until the team agrees to stop

stacRing, or any tile falls. ChecR how many tiles you
stacRed and gain the rewards listed. If any tiles fell, gain
no rewards. Then continue your Journey.

Example: You stack the fifth tile and

no tiles fall. You decide to stop the If this Encounter proves
Encounter and lower Fire Nation difficult, try new techniques.
Dominance equal to the reward listed Rotating the tiles by a half
on the Encounter card. turn may give better balance.
Use logic and deduction to pair up tiles so that your side is higher. Heroes may talk and
help each other during this Encounter.

Mix up all twelve Element tiles with the numbers face down. Arrange them into two lines,
with Air and Water tiles in one line and Earth and Fire tiles in the other. The line with Air
and Water tiles is considered "your side" for this Encounter. Then flip over any two tiles-it
doesn't matter which lines they are in. Choose any Hero to take the first turn.

♦ Flip any one tile face up.

♦ Choose one tile on your side (the

Air and Water line), and one tile on ♦
the other side. These two tiles will
be paired against each other. You
do not have to choosea tile youjust
flipped. Either or both tiles can be
face up or face down.

♦ Set the two tiles aside in a conflict.

Those tiles cannot be chosen for
another conflict.

♦ Now it's the next Hero's turn.

Continue taking turns until every tile

is in a conflict. Then flip all the tiles
face up. If the tile on your side (Air or
Example Setup Example: You
Water) is higher than the tile it was
flip over an Air
paired against, you've overcome that
tile to reveal
conflict! If the tile on your side is lower, a 2.
or the numbers are the same, you lost
the conflict. Check the conflicts to see
if you won the Encounter, and gain the
rewards listed. Then continue your
Example: You choose to pair the face-
down Air tile, which you lrnow Is a 3,
against the face-up Earth 2 tile. You
trnow you'll overcome this conflict!
C"ntinuingthe J"urney
After each Encounter, the card will direct you to your next Challenge. Return the Encounter
card to the stacR and choose whether to continue right away, or save your progress for later.
If you continue, clear all the pieces from the BooR so you can set up the next Challenge,
following the setup steps on pages 4-5. All Heroes reset their Strength to the topmost
number on their mat and shuffle their Action cards. Be sure to include your decR, hand,
and discard pile from the previous Challenge, as well as any new Action cards you gained
from rewards. If the team has any Allies, place them all face up next to the BooR.
When you decide to stop playing, you can save your progress using the BooR of Challenges
clip. Slide the clip onto the BooR to marR your next Challenge, or onto the Encounter card
where you'll begin next time. Leave the clips on the Journey TracRer in place, to ReeptracR
of Team Avatar Experience and Fire Nation Dominance.
When you put the game away, store the Action cards that maRe up your decR (including
ones gained from rewards) separately from other cards. Similarly, Reep any Allies you've
gained on your Journey separate from those you haven't yet.


A2Ula and her new loyal followers. the Oal LI, confront
Aang and Katara In the Crystal Catacombs beneath Ba
Sing Se. Zultojoins A2ulaand the DalLI In their attempt
to bring down TeamAvatar.

Lower Prince Zulw's Strength to 00, and defeat all Dal Li
Agents.-1 ♦

Removeall Wells. -1 ♦
Lower Azula's Strength to 00. -1 ♦


ril Setup:Randomlyplacethe numberedObjective
L.LJtoRens on the matching spaces. number side up.
~~ Heroes can Interact with Wells to Heal. After
., Interacting, do a Healaction equal to the Well's
number,then removethe Well.
When Prince Zuko or Azula do Attack actions on Enemy
cards (not Challengetoli:ens),add 1 to each Attacli:.

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After- the Battle
Choose one to continue your Journey:
if.ilUprising: Will
W you attempt
to lower FireNation
hosting II secret
dance party?
Co to Encountet" 10.
.,_ . -· .
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Instead of playing a Journey, you may play any single Challenge in the Book. Choose which
one you want to play, setting it up as explained on pages 4-5. In addition, each Hero starts
with more Action cards in their deck based on the Challenge's difficulty.
After taking your 10 starting cards, shuffle your remaining 12 Action cards. Draw and
choose a certain number of cards to add to your deck, as listed below, according to the
Challenge's difficulty shown in the Book. Shuffle your chosen cards into your deck before
drawing your hand of five cards.

,,,~, ,,~,,,,
• •
Difficulty 0 Difficulty 1 Difficulty 2

No extra cards. Draw two, choose one. Draw three, choose two.

Difficulty 3 Difficulty 4 • Difficulty 5

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Draw four, choose two. Draw five, choose three. Draw six, choose four.

• •
When playing a single Challenge, don't use the Journey Tracker or any Encounter cards or
Allycards. To win the game, complete the Challenge's Objective before any Hero's Strength
reaches 0, or before a Challenge token is placed on the last space of the Challenge track.
·--·--1 -·

What do I do if a card or the Book of Challenges would break a rule in the instructions?
Do what the card or special rule says. The text on game components takes precedence over
these instructions.

If a Hero or Enemy moves when an Element tile is underneath them, does the tile move too?
The tile doesn't automatically move with them, unless a specific ability says it does.

Can my Hero do a Range Attack if an Enemy is close to me?

You cannot damage an Enemy close to you with a Range Attack. However, you may Range
Attack a different Enemy if one is close to you.

Can we continue playing after winning a Challenge, so we can get the Bonus Objectives?
No. The Challenge ends immediately when you complete its Objective. If you want to get the
Bonus, besure to complete its requirement before (or at the same time as) the Objective.

If my Strength reaches 4 again in the same Challenge, because I Healed and then took more
damage, do I take another Wound?
No. You only take one Wound this way per Challenge.

Can we gain multiple Action card rewards from one Challenge?

Yes. If the Heroes reached multiple spaces of the same color on the Journey Tracker,
complete the steps to gain that reward for each matching space you reached.

What does "remove" a card mean?

Take it out of your deck for the rest of the game or the duration of the Journey. If it's a
Wound, return it to the stack. If it's a Basic Action card, return it to the game box.

If my Action card says to Heal, can I Heal another Hero?

No. You can only Heal another Hero if the card specifically says so.

Can multiple Element tiles be on the same space?

Yes. Any number of tiles and tokens can share a space with one mover. However, only one
mover (Hero or Enemy) can stop on a space.

Can I move back and forth between two spaces?

No. When anything moves, it may not leave and return to the same space within one action
(i.e. double back). However, you may do another action on the same turn that returns to
spaces from a previous action.

Do Enemies damage other Enemies? Do Heroes damage other Heroes?

No. Enemies and Fire tiles cannot damage Enemies, unless specified by a Challenge's Special
Rules. Heroes can never damage other Heroes, even by moving a Fire tile through their space.

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Game by ©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

~Hali Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender and all related titles,
logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
TM & © 2023 FUNKO,LLC. FUNKOCAMES'wis a registered trademark

of Funko Games. All rights reserved.
This game was designed by the element bending team at Prospero Hall.
funkogames.com Art by: Patrick "Spaz" Spazlante, Felicia Cano, Kiersten Hale, Jody Tseng and Scott Vigil


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