LecPPT1 - Nuclear Engineering Basics
LecPPT1 - Nuclear Engineering Basics
LecPPT1 - Nuclear Engineering Basics
• Neutorn Interaction
Advantages of using neutron, neutron moderation, fission chain
reaction, thermalisation of neutrons, fast neutrons, prompt and
delayed neutrons, fission products. (4 hrs)
• Energy Release
Mass energy equivalence, mass defect, binding energy, energy
release in fission & fusion, thermonuclear reaction, fusion bomb.
(4 hrs)
• Reactor Materials
Fissile & fertile materials, cladding & shielding materials,
moderators, coolants. (4 hrs)
• Reactor Technology
Basic principles, fuel assembly, neutron balance, reactor
kinetics, reactor coefficients, reactor stability, excess reactivity,
Xenon poisoning, burnable absorbers, reactivity control, heat
balance, production& transfer of heat to the coolant, structural
(10 hrs)
• Nuclear Reactors
Types of nuclear reactors, pressurized water reactors, boiling
water reactors, CANDU type reactors, gas cooled & liquid metal
cooled reactors, fast breeder reactors. (6 hrs)
• Safety Considerations & Waste Disposal
Hazards, plant site selection, safety measures incorporated
in; plant design, accident control, disposal of nuclear waste.
(4 hrs)
• Health Physics & Radio-isotopes
Radiation: units, hazards, prevention, preparation of radio-
isotopes & their use in medicine, agriculture & industry.
(2 hrs)
Reference Books:
• M. M. El-Wakel, Nuclear Power Engineering, McGraw Hill
• Shultis and Faw, Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and
Engineering, CRC Press
• Stephenson, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, McGraw Hill
• Murray, R. L., Nuclear Energy, Butterworth-Heinemann
• Vaidyanathan G., Nuclear Reactor Engineering, S Chand
Energy: Key to Our Future
• Energy is the single most important
commodity for humanity.
• Without enough energy, production will stop,
economy will fall and the civilization will
• The most widely utilized form of energy for
industry and for domestic use is electricity.
Fossil Fuels: Causing Irreversible
Damage to our World
• Everyone agrees that the use of fossil fuels is
causing irreparable and irreversible damage to
our environment.
• Many modern diseases (such as
Cardiovascular Disorders, Cancer, High Blood
Pressure) are partially caused by Fossil Fuel
Pollution in the Environment.
• With the present consumption of fossil fuels,
the world’s energy needs will not be met
sufficiently in 30 years.
Renewable Energy: Inefficient Usage
• Renewable energy sources for electricity are
diverse, from solar, tidal and wave energy to
hydro, geothermal and biomass-based power
• Apart from hydro power in the few places
where it is very plentiful, none of these
renewable energy sources are suitable,
intrinsically or economically, for large-scale
base-load power generation.
Nuclear Energy: the Only Feasible
Solution to Our Energy Problems
NPCIL Tamil Nadu PHWR 220 × 2 440
Narora NPCIL PHWR 220 × 2 440
100 × 1
Rajasthan NPCIL Rajasthan PHWR 200 x 1 1,180
220 × 4
Maharasht BWR PHWR 160 x 2
Tarapur NPCIL 1,400
ra 540 × 2
Total 7,480
Under construction plants and reactors
Operat capacity Expected Commercial
Power station State Type Units (MW)
or Operation
Madras 500 ×
Bhavini Nadu PFBR 500 2020
(Kalpakkam) 1
IPHWR7 700 ×
Kakrapar Unit 4 NPCIL Gujarat 00 700 2022
IPHWR7 700 ×
Gorakhpur NPCIL Haryana 00 1,400 2025
Total 6,000
Nuclear power generation capacity
Total nuclear electricity
Fiscal Year Capacity factor
2008–09 14,921 GW·h 50%
2009–10 18,798 GW·h 61%
2010–11 26,472 GW·h 71%
2011–12 32,455 GW·h 79%
2012–13 32,863 GW·h 80%
2013–14 35,333 GW·h 83%
2014–15 37,835 GW·h 82%
2015–16 37,456 GW·h 75%
2016–17 37,674 GW·h 80%
2017–18 38,336 GW·h 70%
2018–19 37,813 GW·h 70%
2019–20 (Mar–Sep) 24,026 GW·h 86%
Nuclear Power Plants Don’t Blow Up!!
• The biggest myth about nuclear power plants is
that they blow up.
• Until today, 301 nuclear incidents have occurred
and not once has a nuclear reactor blown up
including Chernobyl
• Just as a poorly constructed bridge can cause
death and destruction, poorly constructed
nuclear power plants can be dangerous.
• However, the physics of nuclear reactions doesn't
allow for power plants to blow up. A nuclear
reaction will stop immediately if the necessary
conditions are not met.
Atomic Explosions can Only Happen
with Nuclear Bombs
• As soon as a nuclear reactor starts going
critical, its nuclear control rods can easily be
lowered in which case the nuclear reaction
will stop immediately. A nuclear fission
reaction takes place only when it is forced.
• Most nuclear reactor designs (fuel rod and
control rod assembly) will stop working
immediately when they overheat.
• The only way a nuclear explosion can take
place is through a nuclear bomb.
Nuclear Power Plants Can be
Considered as Green Energy