Assignment 14

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CS 315: Computer Networks Lab

Spring 2023-24, IIT Dharwad

April 04, 2024

Lab Instructions
● Login to the Ubuntu OS on your machine. The login credentials are as follows:
○ Username: user
○ Password: 123456
● Mark your attendance in the attendance sheet before leaving the lab.
● Handle the lab resources with utmost care.
● Please go through the following exercises in today’s lab.
● It is recommended that you complete all the following exercises during the lab slot itself.
● If you face any difficulties, please feel free to seek help online or from your peers or TAs.
● After finishing all exercises, please carry your solutions with you (via email/pen drive) for
future reference, and delete the files from the desktop.


The ns-3 simulator is a discrete-event network simulator targeted primarily for research and
educational use. The ns-3 project, started in 2006, is an open-source project developing ns-3.

In brief, ns-3 provides models of how packet data networks work and perform, and provides a
simulation engine for users to conduct simulation experiments. Some of the reasons to use ns-3
include to perform studies that are more difficult or not possible to perform with real systems, to
study system behavior in a highly controlled, reproducible environment, and to learn about how
networks work.

This tutorial aims to introduce new ns-3 users to the system in a structured way. New users
sometimes struggle to glean essential information from detailed manuals and convert it into
working simulations. In this tutorial, we will build some example simulations, introducing and
explaining key concepts and features as we go.

This assignment includes basic lessons in installation, compilation and some examples of running
the ns-3 scripts. In general, follow the instructions in the assignment for a quick start.

System requirement: The ns-3 is more friendly with Linux OS. If you don’t have Linux, you can
use virtual machines (VMs).
NS-3 Installation Instructions:

The installation steps of NS-3 for different OS is available here:

Step 1: Open a Terminal

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install g++ python3 python3-dev pkg-config sqlite3 cmake python3-setuptools git
qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 python3-gi python3-
gi-cairo python3-pygraphviz gir1.2-gtk-3.0 ipython3 openmpi-bin openmpi-common openmpi-doc
libopenmpi-dev autoconf cvs bzr unrar gsl-bin libgsl-dev libgslcblas0 wireshark tcpdump sqlite
sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 libclang-dev llvm-dev automake
python3-pip libxml2 libxml2-dev libboost-all-dev

Step 2:
After installing the required packages, download the NS-3.36.1 on this link and unzip it.

$ wget
$ tar -xvf ns-allinone-3.36.1.tar.bz2

Step 3: Go to the above folder and input these commands consecutively after each command
finishes executing:
$ cd ns-allinone-3.36.1/
$ ./ --enable-examples --enable-tests

Building NetAnim and Running a Simulation

1. To build NetAnim, the qmake package will be utilized in the following process:

a. Go to the NetAnim directory pasting these commands in the terminal:

cd <ns folder name> (ex: cd ns-allinone-3.36.1)
cd <netanim folder name> (ex: cd netanim-3.108)

b. Clean make files using the command:

make clean

c. Make NetAnim using the commands:


d. Test the NetAnim installation by pasting the following command in the terminal, while within
the netanim directory:

2. If NetAnim opens, congratulations! NetAnim is now installed.

3. Building and Running simulation procedures:

a. Copy a .cc file to the scratch directory in the ns-3.36.1 directory.

(Ex: You can get some default examples in the folder “ns-3.36.1/examples/” folder. We will review
some examples in the “ns-3.36.1/examples/tutorial/” folder. However, ns-3 allows only running an
experiment script from the “ns-3.36.1/scratch” folder. So you need to copy the examples (.cc files
from the tutorial folder) to the “ns-3.36.1/scratch” folder.)

b. Edit the copied .cc file to include the netanim library files by pasting in the following code to
the code:
#include "ns3/netanim-module.h”
c. Instantiate the animation interface into the code.
d. Exit the scratch directory by using the following command in the terminal:
cd ../
e. Paste the following commands to the terminal:
./ns3 run scratch/
f. Run NetAnim by entering the netanim directory in the terminal and use the code:
g. Select the created xml file and run the resulting simulation by following these procedures:
i. Click on the folder icon in the top left side, shown below.
ii. Go into the ns-3.36.1 folder and select the xml file you built.
iii. Run the simulation by pressing the play icon.

In this lab, create a simple topology of two nodes – Node1 and Node2, separated by a point-to-
point link. Setup a UdpClient on Node1 and UdpServer on Node2. Start the client application, and
measure the transmission and receiving rate of each node while varying the latency of the link.
(this can be referenced from the code available in “ns-3.36.1/examples/tutorial/” location)


Based on the above topology, you need to add some lines of the code to the such that you
can able to visualize the transmission and receiving of the packets in the Netanim tool. The details
of the usage of the Netanim tool are mentioned in the above document for the reference.
1. Submit the code after updating the lines for the Netanim.
2. Attach a screenshot of the animator tool after uploading your XML file
3. Attach a screenshot of the statistics (or Stats, i.e. available in the animator tool) obtained
after running your XML file.


In this section, you will familiarize yourself with the flow monitor module available in the NS-3.
The Flow Monitor module's goal is to provide a flexible system to measure the performance of
network protocols. The module uses probes installed in network nodes to track the packets
exchanged by the nodes, and it will measure several parameters. Packets are divided according
to the flow they belong to, where each flow is defined according to the probe’s characteristics
(e.g., for IP, a flow is defined as the packets with the same {protocol, source (IP, port), destination
(IP, port)} tuple. The statistics collected for each flow can be exported in XML format. Moreover,
the user can access the probes directly to request specific stats about each flow.

Based on the above code you have used to solve in part -1, you need to add a few lines of code
to it to obtain the flow data rate in terms of each node's transmission and receiving rate and the
mean delay(in ms).
1. Submit your code after updating the lines for the flow monitor.
2. Attach a screenshot of the results obtained after executing the code.

Note: On compiling the above code, you will obtain another xml file other than that used in Part-
1. To obtain the results of transmission and receiving rate after adding the code of flow monitor,
first copy the python file “” from this “ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-
3.36.1/src/flow-monitor/examples” location to this “ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1” location. After
that, you can use this command “python3 part-2_file_name.xml” to
obtain the results.

Submission Details
● Write your answers in a single doc/tex file, and submit its PDF named after your IIT
Dharwad roll number, which contains all answers (with screenshots). Also, submit your
code with and

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