1205 CIRED2011 Final
1205 CIRED2011 Final
1205 CIRED2011 Final
1 734
3 authors, including:
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Paper 1205
The use of on-line methods to detect and localise partial Partial Discharge in underground cables is very often
discharge in underground cables has become more difficult to accurately detect and locate than in other
increasingly common as coupling and signal processing electrical assets such as associated switchgear. This is
techniques have improved. However, the use of on-line because the source of the activity can be up to several
PD detection has often been limited in environments kilometres from the detecting sensor and high levels of
prone to high levels of conducted and radiated electrical noise can be induced in the cable earth.
noise such as industrial processing plants. The level of
electrical noise interference in these environments can Partial discharge activity in solid high voltage insulation
often exceed those of cable PD by more than an order of induces small high frequency currents in the earth of the
magnitude. The problem of reliable PD detection is electrical system. These impulses travel through the
compounded by the fact that the frequency components of equipment earth to the substation earth. In cables,
the interference are often similar to those of partial detection of these signals relies on the cable sheath being
discharge in cable. isolated from the substation switchgear, such that the PD
signals pass exclusively through the cable earth
In order to be effective, it is very important that a connection. Using a High Frequency Current
permanently installed PD monitoring system does not Transformer (HFCT) they can be detected as they pass
interpret such noise signals as discharge whilst reliably along the cable earth sheath where the HFCT is coupled.
detecting genuine discharge when it occurs.
Figure 1 below shows the coupling point of a HFCT
This paper describes the use of high resolution data sensor around the earth sheath of all three phases of an
acquisition and wavelet signal processing for the 11kV XLPE cable circuit.
automated detection and quantification of PD in
electrically noisy circuits.
Partial Discharge (PD) monitoring and trending is
becoming of increasingly important to Utilities and
private networks needing to better understand the
condition of their assets, to target maintenance and to
increase network reliability. With advances in technology
constantly improving the accuracy of PD detection and
classification it is becoming an important tool for asset Figure 1: HFCT coupled to cable sheath
condition assessment in MV and HV cable systems. The HFCT is a passive transducer with a transfer function
of approximately 5.0V/A and a fairly flat frequency
Paper 1205
response between 50kHz and 20Mhz. PD monitoring channels. This method is effective if a
suitable noise channel can be set up but this is difficult
Signals picked up by the HFCT are routed back to the PD and unreliable. It can be used to discriminate against
monitor via a series of switching multiplexers and low some types of noise interference during switchgear PD
loss coax cables, all shielded so as to minimise any detection but it is of very little value in cable PD
radiated noise from the environment. detection.
High resolution sampling and Signal Processing
By digitally sampling and recording PD signals from the
Noise interference is induced in HV cables from radiated sensors, powerful processing algorithms can be applied to
and conducted sources. Long cables are particularly the data to identify the PD. In order to do this effectively
prone to radiated interference from RF radio and signals should be sampled at sufficiently high resolution
communication sources. These noise sources are often in and for PD in cables a sampling rate of at least
the form of modulated carrier waves. In industrial 100MSamples/sec is required. If small PD are to be
environments noise is very often introduced into the detected in high noise levels, a good dynamic range is
earthing system by large electrical plant, rotating necessary and the sampling voltage resolution should be
machines, thyristor switching etc. These noise sources are at least 12 bits.
generally in the form of transients often in regular
patterns. Sampling at such a high resolution gives rise to a lot of
sampled data for every power cycle and the challenge is
SIGNAL PROCESSING to reliably identify the very small portions of this data
that include partial discharge. Wavelet analysis is a
There are a number of techniques that can be employed to
powerful tool for identifying PD pulses in very large data
process the raw signal to identify partial discharge.
sets [1] and has been used by IPEC in the development of
Level Triggering a PD recognition and classification algorithm, DeCIFer
In quiet environments the background electrical noise for this purpose. The output of the wavelet analysis
induced in the earth sheath of the cable will be minimal includes transients resulting from PD and noise sources
and any Partial Discharge activity in the system will so a rule based expert system is then used to classify
create pulses that are higher than the noise. Level pulses as either noise or PD and quantify those that are
Triggering above the noise would then be the simplest identified as PD.
way to remove all signals other than the actual PD pulses.
In practice this approach is not practical as noise levels
are rarely sufficiently low. If used the system will either
only detect very high levels of PD or it is likely to In 2009 IPEC installed a permanent substation
incorrectly classify noise as PD. monitoring system to monitor for Partial Discharge on 54
33kV feeder circuits of the largest steel manufacturing
Frequency Gating plant in Taiwan. The Advanced Substation Monitor
Although near its source discharge pulses are very high (ASM) installed was running the DeCIFer algorithm to
frequency, when detected at the end of an HV cable the eliminate background noise and identify and classify any
frequency components have are typically in the range PD on the monitored assets. The 33kV system consists of
0.5MHz and 5MHz. This makes it possible to use XLPE cables fed from GIS switchgear at the primary
Frequency Gating to eliminate signals that fall outside substation, where the monitoring system and transducers
this bracket and class those within it as PD. were installed.
Paper 1205
Paper 1205
region and, as joints are commonly the weak points in Upon re-energisation of the circuit no Partial Discharge
MV circuits, this was suspected to be the source of the was detected, closing the loop and confirming that the
discharge. Partial Discharge had been detected and removed. In
industrial networks the cost of an outage can be
Planned replacement work was conducted to remove the significant, it was confirmed by the customer that this
suspect joint. This was shipped to an independent failure could have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
laboratory in the UK for analysis. in lost production.
[1] Mingyou Hu, 1998, “A new technique for extracting
partial discharge signals in on-line monitoring with
wavelet analysis”, Proc of 1998 Int Sym on Elec Ins
Figure 6: Evidence of PD found Matls, 677-680.
“Due to poor workmanship during the making of the [2] ERA Technology, Cobham Technical Services, 2009
joint, when the red and black insulating sleeves were “Examination of 33kV Cable Joint”, Report
shrunk over the insulating tubing, excessive use of mastic Number:2009-0614, Project Number: 7F0574101
prevented full insulator shrinkage leaving a small gap at
the position at the change in diameter. At working
voltage this gap allowed discharge to occur which would
have continued until failure” [2]