Ansys Applications Overview
Ansys Applications Overview
Ansys Applications Overview
1. Mechanical
2. Mechanical APDL
3. Autodyn
4. Aqwa
6. Material Designer
7. Additive
8. Sherlock
1. Fluent
2. CFX
4. BladeModeler
5. CFD-Post
6. Polyflow
7. Forte
8. Chemkin-
10. EnSight
Ansys Electronics
1. Icepak
Ansys Optical
1. Speos
2. Speos for NX
5. Speos HPC
2. DesignModeler
3. Meshing
4. IC Engine
Ansys Simulation
1. Ansys ACT
2. Ansys Minerva
4. DesignXplorer
5. optiSLang
7. System Coupling
8. Workbench
3d Design Products
1. SpaceClaim
2. Ansys Discovery
Mechanical APDL
As you become more adept at the language, you will begin to recognize
applications for APDL in yourown environment.
Target Audience
Mechanical Engineers, including
Automotive Engineers, Materials
Engineers, Aerospace Engineers,
Engineers, Structural Engineers, and
many other subdisciplines.
Teaching Method
Lectures and hands-on workshops to
give you the knowledge and
confidence you will need to apply
what you have learned to your own
The Mechanical APDL Theory Reference (p. 1) presents theoretical
descriptions of many elements, commands, and procedures in
Mechanical APDL and related products (p. 3). It is available to any
customer who wants to better understand how the program uses input
data to calculate output, and how to interpret various element and
command results.
This reference does not present all theory relating to finite element
analysis. If you require the theory behind the basic finite element
method, many third-party sources for the topic are available. If you
need theory information beyond what is presented here, consult the
indicated bibliographic reference, run a simple test problem to try the
feature of interest, or contact your Ansys Support Distributor for more
Ansys Mechanical
• For descriptions of all ACT API objects, methods, and properties, see
the ACT API Reference Guide.
Then the relation between the hydrostatic pressure, the local density
(or specific volume) and local
material and ideally should not require dynamic data to build up the
relationship. However , in practice,
the only practical way of obtaining data on the behavior of the material
at high strain rates is to carry
given in extensive tabular form and in that case the analytic form
chosen can be considered as an
interpolation relationship.
This form of equation of state ( Tillotson 1962 [1], Allen 1967 [2]) was
derived to provide an accurate
shock, but also its expansion and change of phase in cases where the
shock energy has been sufficient to melt or vaporize the material.
The pressure range can be so large that the "low pressure" regime of
this form of equation of state
and results from normal laboratory experiments cover only the "low
pressure" region.
Computers have been used to solve fluid flow problems for many years.
Numerous programs have been
There are a number of different solution methods that are used in CFD
codes. The most common, and
the one on which CFX is based, is known as the finite volume technique.
1.1.1. Dimensions
(L), mass (M), time (T), temperature (Q) and chemical amount (A).
When you use the thermal energy model, the CFX-Solver directly
computes the static enthalpy.
General changes in enthalpy are also used by the solver to calculate
thermodynamic properties
such as temperature. T o compute these quantities, you need to know
how enthalpy varies with
changes in both temperature and pressure. These changes are given by
the general differential
relationship Equation 1.7 (p. 28):
Ansys Chemkin-Pro
Chapter 1: Introduction
Currently, only Ansys Miner va can submit jobs to DCG. All other client
applications that submit jobs to HPC resources, such as Ansys
Workbench, will continue to use Ansys Remote Solve Manager (RSM).
Ansys Energico
The Ansys icing groups' services include, but are not limited to:
Ansys Fluent
• Basic Fluid Flow(p. 1), describes the governing equations and physical
models used by Ansys Fluent to compute fluid flow (including periodic
flow, swirling and rotating flows, compressible flows, and inviscid
• Pollutant Formation (p. 337), describes the models for the formation
of NOx and soot.
• Eulerian Wall Films (p. 793), describes the Eulerian wall film model.
• Modeling Fuel Cells (p. 835), describes the fuel cell modules.
• Modeling Magnetohydrodynamics (p. 871), describes the methods for
flow in an electromagnetic field.
Ansys Forte
For direct-injection engines, Ansys Forte also sets a new standard for
accuracy in the representation of fuel-spray droplet breakup and
vaporization. For example, true multi-component fuel vaporization
models can now work hand-in-hand with multi-component chemistry
models. In addition, new approaches to representing the gas-transport
part of the spray reduce the sensitivity of the spray model to the grid.
These advances together with better chemistry allow more accurate
simulations at reduced computational cost, and without the
intervention of expert calibration.
Ansys Forte builds on models and sub-models that have been well
validated against experimental data over a broad range of conditions
and over many years by engine-simulation experts. This manual
describes the model assumptions and solution techniques employed.
The Ansys Forte User's Guide provides end-user instructions for model
inputs and for the mechanics of using the Ansys Forte Simulate user
• Multi-block structured
• Unstructured hexahedral
• Unstructured tetrahedral
Ansys ICEM CFD provides a direct link between geometry and analysis.
In Ansys ICEM CFD, you can input geometry in almost any format,
whether a commercial CAD design package, third-party universal
database, scan data, or point data. Beginning with a robust geometry
module that supports the creation and modification of surfaces, curves
and points, Ansys ICEM CFD’ s open geometry database offers the
flexibility to combine geometric information in various formats for
mesh generation. The resulting structured or unstructured meshes,
topology , inter-domain connectivity , and boundary conditions are
then stored in a database where they can easily be translated to input
files formatted for a particular solver.
Ansys Icepak.
Ansys Icepak uses the Fluent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver
engine for thermal and fluidflow calculations. The solver engine
provides complete mesh flexibility , and allows you to solve complex
geometries using unstructured meshes. The multigrid and pressure-
based solver algorithms provide robust and quick calculations.
Ansys Icepak provides many features that are not available in other
commercial thermal and fluid-flow analysis packages. These features
include the following:
• Anisotropic conductivity
See guides.
Ansys Minerva
Ansys Minerva brings together the people, processes, and data involved
in product engineering. This simple web-based solution enables you to
organize, track, share, and visualize simulation data, collaborate with
team members, and kick off simulation workflows and other processes
when a product is being designed, improved, or re-engineered.
The Ansys Model Fuel Library (MFL) is a library of detailed and validated
reaction mechanisms for over 60 fuel components, which are relevant
to combustion simulations in a wide variety of industrial and
commercial applications. The fuel components can be used to
represent gaseous or liquid fuel combustion for petroleum-derived or
alternative fuels. Gaseous components address natural gas, synthetic
gas, biofuels, and blends. For liquid fuels, the fuel components can be
used in formulating surrogates for a wide range of real-world fuels,
including gasoline, diesel, jet-fuel, alternative fuels, fuel blends, and
The current Model Fuel Library offering is encrypted for use with Ansys
software, including ChemkinPro, Reaction Workbench, Energico, Forte,
and Fluent (starting with version 16.0). With the Model Fuel Library, it
is possible to model most real fuels by either exactly representing the
chemical properties of the fuel or by formulating an appropriate
surrogate. We recommend using Ansys Chemkin-Pro/Reaction
The .inp file associated with an MFL mechanism includes both the
species thermodynamic data and the reaction mechanism. Ansys Fluent
provides a check box to indicate that the thermodynamic data is
included in this way (see The Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism
Dialog Box for Volumetric Kinetics in the Fluent User's Guide).
Ansys Motion
In Ansys Motion analysis, systems can contain both rigid and flexible
components. In the following figure, a flexible plate is mounted in a
rigid base. The base of the plate is connected to a slotted component
with a Joint. A Slot Joint Load drives the base up and down, producing
changes in the shape of the flexible plate.
Multi-body Dynamic Motion Analysis can use both rigid and flexible
bodies (using nodal bodies), plus component mode synthesis (CMS)
(using modal bodies). Flexible bodies and contact surfaces are meshed.
• Models may consist of rigid bodies, modal bodies, and nodal bodies
• Multibody Dynamics
Ansys Motion does have some limitations at this time. See Limitations
of Ansys Motion (p. 59)for more information.
3. Check the check box in the Loaded column next to Ansys Motion.
All of the features of the app are now available in your Workbench
Ansys Polyflow
You can create your geometry and mesh using GAMBIT (see the
GAMBIT documentation for details).
Once your mesh is created, you can read it into Ansys Polydata and set
up the simulation. In Ansys Polydata, you will define the physical
models, material properties, boundary and process conditions,
numerical parameters, and so on. When you have completed the
problem definition, you will save it to a data file, which can be used to
run Ansys Polyflow.
When you have completed your calculation in Ansys Polyflow, you can
use the graphical postprocessor CFD-Post to examine your results.
Other postprocessing packages that can be used to examine Ansys
• blow molding
• Extrusion
License-Specific Capabilities
– Crystallization
– Optimization
– Internal FSI
– Residual stress
– Radiation
– Porous media
– Reacting flow
– Pmesh
– UDFs
– Sub-models
User's Guide:
– Blow molding
– Thermoforming
– Link to Mechanical
– Temperature
– Shell contact
• Pro—(equivalent to Premium).
Ansys Polymat
Ansys Polystat
Ansys Reaction
Ansys Remote Solve Manager (RSM) provides the central framework for
configuring and monitoring job submission to HPC resources. Whether
jobs are submitted to a cluster or to a Cloud portal, RSM's integrated
environment and tools enable you to easily connect to existing IT
infrastructure, providing you with seamless access to powerful
compute resources when needed.
• Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC). If you are not using a third-party job
scheduler such as Microsoft HPC or LSF , you can use the built-in Ansys
RSM Cluster (ARC) system that is provided with every RSM installation.
An ARC operates in the same way that a commercial cluster does,
running Ansys applications in local or distributed mode, but uses its
own scheduling capability rather than that of a third-party job
• Job Monitoring. View the status of submitted jobs, view job logs, and
troubleshoot failed jobs directly from the Workbench, or using the RSM
Job Monitoring application.
– For information about monitoring jobs using the RSM Job Monitoring
application, see RSM Job Monitoring (p. 185) in the RSM User's Guide.
Scripting Introduction
Key Usage Concepts
Additional Resources
A complex vehicle subsystem, the tire plays a crucial role in vehicle ride
and handling performance, affecting accelerating, braking, cornering,
and other maneuvers. Simulations using a robust, accurate tire model
help engineers to predict the mechanical response of vehicles under
various operating conditions.
Ansys TurboGrid
Rotor 37
Steam Stator
Radial Compressor
Axial F an
Tandem Vane
• Vista CCD, Vista CPD, Vista RTD, and Vista AFD are 1-D blade design
tools. They are available on Windows only . For details, see Vista CCD
(p. 91), Vista CPD(p. 119), Vista RTD(p. 155), and Vista AFD(p. 71).
• Turbo Setup system: a tool for rapidly creating the workflows needed
for the analysis of centrifugal compressors. For details, see Turbo
Setup(p. 43).
The subject of this user's guide is Vista CCD. Vista CCD is a program for
the preliminary design of centrifugal compressors. It can be used in an
iterative fashion to create a 1D design. The resulting geometry can be
passed to BladeGen or BladeEditor. Vista CCD can be used to model an
existing compressor and, if known, its measured performance at single
operating points. An accurate 1D model can provide insight into the
performance of the machine that goes beyond the test measurements.
Being able to simulate these distortions and stresses during the design
of the part will help prevent failed builds and lead to better designs for
additive manufacturing.
Target Users
Simulation Goals
• Clear the Additive Prep license check box in SpaceClaim, perform your
work in Mechanical, and then go back into SpaceClaim to enable
Additive Prep for your next session. Additive Prep license Options are
accessible in SpaceClaim by clicking File> SpaceClaim Options > License
and then checking/unchecking Additive Prep.
Beginning with release 2020 R1, the naming convention for test cases
has been standardized. (The test case numbers remain the same.) The
names all begin with "VM", followed by a two-string sequence
identifying the product/application. VM-WB-MECH-004 identifies a
Verification Manual test case for WorkBench Mechanical, while VM-
EXD-MECH-014 is a Verification Manual test case for an Explicit
Dynamics mechanical simulation.
• Error trapping
• Simple installation
After installation the Aqwa programs appear on the Start Menu under
ANSYS. AqwaGS starts the Aqwa Graphical Supervisor. The program can
be run from here or you can create an icon on the desktop.
To exit the AGS choose File → Exit from the main toolbar, or click the
cross in the top right corner.
Information for Workbench Users
This help document refers to the original Aqwa solver modules, which
are described in detail through the Aqwa Reference Manual. These
modules correspond to the Analysis Systems and Analysis Types
available through the Workbench interface as follows:
The Reference Manual defines the input data format for the above
programs. Most of the input information is applicable to more than one
program. When the information relates to only one program, this is
made clear in the text.
The manual also contains details of certain topics common to all the
Users set up problems for parallel processing in exactly the same way
as they do for serial processing, and the processing of results (for
example, plotting, saving) are also performed in the usual way.
• Euler Multi-Material
Although the joins between unstructured parts are parallelized you are
strongly advised to avoid the use of unstructured parts in combination
with joins in parallel analyses.
Coupled calculations are parallelized between the Euler Ideal Gas and
Euler multi-material solver and structured and unstructured Lagrange
and Shell solvers.
This manual shows you how to create and use your own user
subroutines in Autodyn. Topics covered include:
Readers, with the exception of the CAPRI interface, do not require the
CAD system to be present to import geometry files. These interfaces
however, are not associative, nor bi-directionally parametric.
CAD Readers
Geometry Export
Introduction (p. 3)
Cure Simulation
Each workshop has a link to the project file required for that workshop.
The use of that project file is described in the workshop document. A
solved project file can be downloaded with the second link.
• Importing selected design points that have been evaluated in DPS into
the Ansys Workbench project for further analysis or review
If you have never used a parametric solid modeler, you will find the
Ansys DesignModeler application easy to learn and use. If you are an
experienced user in parametric modeling, the Ansys DesignModeler
application offers you the functionality and power you need to convert
2D sketches of lines, arcs, and splines into 3D models.
You can use these results at any time during the development of the
product without requiring additional simulations to test a new
Available Tools
You can also use extensions to integrate external optimizers into the
DesignXplorer workflow. For more information, see Performing an
Optimization with an External Optimizer(p. 200).
DesignXplorer Theory
Theory References
DesignXplorer Beta
Beta features have not been fully tested and validated. Ansys, Inc. may ,
at its discretion, fully release, change, or withdraw beta features in
future revisions. It makes no commitment to doing so on any particular
schedule. Ansys, Inc. makes no commitment to resolve defects
reported against beta features.
However, your feedback will help us improve the quality of the product.
Beta features are not subject to the Ansys Class 3 error reporting
system. Ansys, Inc. does not guarantee that input files used with beta
features will run successfully from version to version of the software,
nor with the final released version of the features. You may need to
modify the input files before running them on other versions.
What is DesignXplorer?
Parameters Correlation
Design of Experiments
Response Surface
Custom + Sampling
Ansys Discovery
You can create and modify geometry using direct modeling technology ,
define simulations, and interact with results in real-time.
• Monitor solutions
Discovery offers three stages depending on what you want to do. You
can move between stages at any time to access functionality that may
be limited to a given stage.
DM_ Modeling
See pdf.
Engineering Data
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
Legal Notices
See Doc
See Doc
LS-D YNA User's Guide
The LS-DYNA Workbench system takes the power of the LS-DYNA solver
and wraps it up into the familiar and easy to use environment of Ansys
Workbench and Ansys Mechanical. This unlocks the power
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
optiSLang Tutorials
See Doc
Command Reference
Named quickref
See Doc
See Doc
See Doc
The Sherlock Theory Guide explains the theory and methods behind
Sherlock's failure analysis predictions.
See Doc
See Doc
Discovery SpaceClaim
The Online Help (F1) and Video Help (F3) are provided to help you
become productive with SpaceClaim as quickly as possible.
See Docs
Statistics on Structures (sos) Tutorials
See Docs
See Docs
See Docs
See Docs
See Docs
Workbench Modules
See Docs