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4. What is Hadoop? How big data problems are handled by Hadoop system.
Hadoop is a single data platform infrastructure that is more simplified, efficient,
and runs on affordable commodity hardware.
Hadoop is designed to handle the three V’s of Big Data: volume, variety,
velocity. First lets look at volume, Hadoop is a distributed architecture that scales
cost effectively.
In other words, Hadoop was designed to scale out, and it is much more cost
effective to grow the system. As you need more storage or computing capacity,
all you need to do is add more nodes to the cluster. Second is variety, Hadoop
allows you to store data in any format, be that structured or unstructured data.
This means that you will not need to alter your data to fit any single schema
before putting it into Hadoop. Next is velocity, with Hadoop you can load raw
data into the system and then later define how you want to view it.
Because of the flexibility of the system, you are able to avoid many network and
processing bottlenecks associated with loading raw data. Since data is always
changing, the flexibility of the system makes it much easier to integrate any
Hadoop will allow you to process massive amounts of data very quickly. Hadoop
is known as a distributing processing engine which leverages data locality.
That means it was designed to execute transformations and processes where the
data actually exists. Another benefit of value is from an analytics perspective,
Hadoop allows you load raw data and then define the structure of the data at the
time of query. This means that Hadoop is quick, flexible, and able to handle any
type of analysis you want to conduct.
Organizations begin to utilize Hadoop when they need faster processing on large
data sets, and often find they save the organization some money too. Large users
of Hadoop include: Facebook, Amazon, Adobe, EBay, and LinkedIn. It is also in
use throughout the financial sector and the US government. These organizations
are a testament to what can be done at internet speed by utilizing big data to its
fullest extent
Figure: The key structure in column family stores is similar to a spreadsheet but has
two additional attributes. In addition to the column name, a column family is used to
group similar column names together. The addition of a timestamp in the key also
allows each cell in the table to store multiple versions of a value over time.
Graph Store Architectural Pattern:
A graph store is a system that contains a sequence of nodes and relationships that,
when combined, create a graph. a graph store has three data fields: nodes,
relationships, and properties. Some types of graph stores are referred to as triple stores
because of their node-relationship-node structure
Graph nodes are usually representations of real-world objects like nouns. Nodes can
be people, organizations, telephone numbers, web pages, computers on a network, or
even biological cells in a living organism. The relationships can be thought of as
connections between these objects and are typically represented as arcs (lines that
connect) between circles in diagrams.
Graph stores are important in applications that need to analyze relationships between
objects or visit all nodes in a graph in a particular manner (graph traversal). Graph
stores are highly optimized to efficiently store graph nodes and links, and allow you to
query these graphs. Graph databases are useful for any business problem that has
complex relationships between objects such as social networking, rules-based engines,
creating mashups, and graph systems that can quickly analyze complex network
structures and find patterns within these structures.