Panel Solar Series 72
Panel Solar Series 72
Panel Solar Series 72
310 W TO 335 W
72-Cell High Wattage Modules
SunEdison introduces the next generation of high performance solar
modules based on innovative Continuous Cz (CCz) monocrystalline cells
and industry leading PID-free technology. Best-in-class efficiency coupled
with durability and superior design elements provide products with
maximum long-term investment performance. At the same time
the F-series minimizes cost incurred throughout the products
lifecycle, such as installation expense and overall operation
and maintenance.
•• 17.1% module efficiency with positive power tolerance
•• PID-free: multi-MPPT transformerless inverter compatible
•• Tariff-free: not subject to U.S. countervailing or antidumping tariffs
•• Based on SunEdison’s proprietary CCz technology
•• Higher return on investment with more watts-per-module
Module Efficiency (%) 15.8 16.1 16.4 16.7 16.9 17.1 800 W/m2
Maximum Power Point 36.2 36.6 37.0 37.3 37.7 37.9 6
Current (A)
600 W/m2
Voltage Vmpp (V)
Maximum Power Point 8.57 8.63 8.68 8.72 8.77 8.85 4
400 W/m2
Current Impp (A)
200 W/m2
For more information about SunEdison’s Silvantis modules, please visit
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