Lesson 1 - Origin and Evolution of The Solar System

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LESSON 1: Origin and Evolution of the Solar System

Introduction: This lesson explains different theories about the origin and evolution of the
solar system. These theories were grouped and categorize according to the scenarios happened
in some planets, and other celestial bodies in the outer space including the solar system billion
years ago. It includes the topics related to these two groups of theories namely the catastrophe
theories and the evolutionary theories.

Think about it!

Did you know how old is the solar system?

The formation of the solar system began 4.6 billion years

ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a
giant molecular cloud. Most of the collapsing mass
collected in the center, forming the sun, while the rest
flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the
planets, moons, asteroids, and other small solar system
bodies formed.


 Recall about the origin and evolution of the solar system.

 Compare the different theories about the origin and evolution of the
solar system.
 Identify which theory best explains the origin and the evolution of the
solar system.

There are two types of theories that attempt to explain the origin of the solar system.
One group of theories is called the catastrophe theories. In these theories the solar system
arises from a catastrophe such as the near collision of a star with the sun.

 Catastrophic Theories

• Catastrophic theory is a theory of the formation of the solar system that involves an
unusual incident such as the collision of the Sun with another star.
• The first catastrophic theory - says that a comet pulled material from the Sun to form
the planets - was proposed by Buffon in 1745. Other close encounter hypothesis have
been proposed too.

• Encounter Hypothesis (Buffon – 1745) - another star passed so close to the sun that its
gravity caused a tidal bulge to pull away from the sun and form the planets.
Figure 1. Encounter Hypothesis

However, there are two major problems for a theory of this type. One is that hot gas
expands, not contracts. So lumps of hot gas would not form planets. The second is that
encounters between stars are extremely rare, so rare as to be improbable in the lifetime of the
Universe (15 billion years).

• Catastrophic origins for solar systems would be quite rare (relative to evolutionary
origins) due to the unusual nature of the catastrophic incident.

A second group of theories is called evolutionary theories. In these theories the solar
system forms out a single rotating cloud of gases owing to the mutual gravitational attraction of
all particles.

List of Evolutionary Theories:

 The solar nebula theory

In this theory, the whole Solar System starts as a large cloud of gas that contracts under
self-gravity. Conservation of angular momentum requires that a rotating disk form with a large
concentration at the center (the proto-Sun). Within the disk, planets form.

Over the past 30 years a paradigm has arisen — a model that has wide acceptance and is
the basis of thinking about contingent matters. This is the Solar Nebula Theory (SNT). In the
1960s it became clear that many features of meteorites were interpretable in terms of
condensation from a hot vapor, encouraging the view that early solar system material had been
in a hot gaseous form. In addition, in the 1960s victor Safronov was working on planet
formation from diffuse material and in a seminal paper translated into english (Safronov 1972)
he summarized this work. . Driven by these twin developments a new Solar Nebula Theory
(SNT) quickly took off as a major research activity. It was believed that new knowledge and
approaches should enable the original problems of Laplace's nebula theory to be solved.

Activity 1. Nebular Theory

Direction: Answer the following.

1. Define Nebular Theory.

2. List the six stages of the nebular theory in order from beginning to end.

3. What force causes the gas cloud (also called a nebula) to begin to contract?

4. As the nebula begins to shrink and spin, what else does it begin to do?
 The Fisionbegins
5. What Theoryto take shape in the center?

One day our sun burst open, and planets and moons shot out at high speeds and went
to their respective places, then stopped, and started orbiting the sun, as the moons began
orbiting the planets.

 The Capture Theory

The "capture theory" says that our planets and moons were wandering around in space
and the planets were captured by the gravity of our sun, and the moons were captured by the
planets. The Capture Theory (CT) (Woolfson 1946) actually predated the advent of the Solar
Nebula Theory by several years but its arrival was largely unnoticed.

The basis of the Capture Theory, as first presented, is illustrated in figure 6:

Which shows a point-mass model, an early one of its kind, in
which interpoint forces simulated the effects of gravity, gas pressure
and viscosity. It depicts a tidal interactions between the sun and a
diffuse cool protostar, of mass 0.15 M⊙ and radius 15 AU. As Jeans
had deduced, the protostar distorts and eventually a filament of
material escapes from the tidal tip. The model was too coarse to show
filament fragmentation, but individual mass points were captured by
the Sun. This model, which involved mechanisms analyzed by Jeans,
was free of all the criticism that had been raised against the original
tidal model. The angular momentum of the planetary orbits comes
from the protostar-Sun orbit and the range of perihelia given by the
model, up to 38 AU, matches that of planetary orbital radii. Since the material is cold it satisfies
the chemical constraints. The orbital planes are close to the Sun-protostar orbital plane
although, due to protostar spin throwing material slightly out of the plane, there would be
some variation of inclinations.

 The Accretion Theory

A pile of space dust and rock chunks pushed together into our planet, and another pile
pushed itself into our moon. Then the moon got close enough and began encircling the earth. In
1944, soviet planetary scientist Otto Schmidt suggested a new kind of dualistic theory. It was
known as from the telescopic observations that cool dense clouds occur in the galaxy and
Schmidt argued that a star passing through one of these clouds would acquire a dusty-gas
envelope. Schmidt believed from energy condensation that, for two isolated bodies, material
from one body could not be captured by the other and so he introduced a third body nearby,
another star, to remove some energy.

The need for the third body made the model rather implausible but, as Lyttleton
proposed capture of material by an accretion mechanism first suggested by Bondi and Hoyle
(1944) and illustrated in figure3:

The cloud material moves relative to the star at

speed v, greater than the escape speed. Deflected
interacting streams, such as at point G, lose their
component of velocity perpendicular to the original
direction of motion and the residual speed can then be
less than the escape speed. Streams of material arriving
at point G cancel their velocity components perpendicular to the axis. Lyttleton used
parameters for the model that gave the mass and angular momentum of captured material
compatible with that of the planets, although no process was suggested for producing planets
from the diffuse envelope. However, Lyttleton's parameters were implausible.

 The Planetary Collision Theory

Our world collided with a small planet, and the explosion threw off rocks which became
the moon, and then it began orbiting us. It Says that small chunks of material gradually got together
and formed our planet. Then more chunks formed our moon, which began circling us. This idea is pretty
far out also. The planets, moons, and asteroids are all in carefully arranged orbits. The meteors fly fast in
linear motion.The basic Capture Theory gives planets formed from cold material, in direct almost
coplanar orbits of the right dimensions and accompanied by natural satellites. However, there
were problems with the original model. Dorman and Woolfson (1971) reported that, according
to their model, terrestrial planets would have gone too close to the Sun and so have been
disrupted. The first orbital round-off calculations by Dorman and Woolfson (1974) were two-
dimensional but later they explored a three-dimensional scenario. They found, as expected,
reducing orbital inclinations but they also found other, unexpected, orbital behavior. Due to the
medium's gravitational influence the eccentric orbits precessed in a complex way.

The original inclined orbits did not intersect in space but, because of differential
precession, pairs of orbits did occasionally intersect. Strong interactions could occur if planets
arrived together near a point of intersection. A tidal interaction between a proto-Uranus and
proto-Jupiter was previously described, but Dorman and Woolfson (1977) considered much
stronger interactions where either one or other of the planets was ejected from the solar
system or where there was a direct collision. Straightforward calculations showed that
characteristic times for strong interactions were similar to those for orbital round-off. The
possible outcomes for the planetary satellites were that they could leave the solar system, go
into independent heliocentric orbits, or be retained or captured by one or other of the B
fragments. Thus, in one computational model the Earth fragment captured a satellite of A into a
very stable orbit with an eccentricity of 0.4. The capture readily occurred in the presence of
other bodies that removed energy from the Earth-satellite (Moon) system.

 Stellar Collision Theory

Our planets, moons, and suns spun off from the collision between stars. It says that two
stars collided, and produced our planets and moons. But they would not then pause and circle
one of the suns which was waiting placidly to receive them. They would either be hurled away
from the sun or crash back into it.
The evolution of a collapsing dark cool cloud within which turbulent energy steadily
increased. The collision of turbulent gas elements gave compressed hot regions that cooled
much faster than they re-expanded. If the free-fall time of the cool dense region was less than
the coherence time for the whole cloud, during which matter was completely redistributed
within it, then a star could form. Producing stars this way, with subsequent accretion to form
more massive stars, gave spin rates for different classes of stars similar to those observed.
Additionally, the rate of star formation and the variation of the masses of formed stars with
time agreed with observations from young clusters.
The predicted mass index of stars, that gives the stellar mass distribution, also agreed
with observation. Given at least one star-forming model that explains solar spin in the context
of the spin characteristics of all stars, it is reasonable for a dualistic theory to confine itself to
the problem of planetary orbital angular momenta.

 Gas Cloud Theory

It says gas clouds were pulled in from outer space by our sun’s gravity; then they paused, formed
themselves into planets and moons, and began circling one another. But gas does not clump, and linear
motion toward the sun would not change into circular motion around it.

Activity 1.1. Solar System Evolution

Direction: Research more about the Solar Nebula Theory and answer the following.

1. Compare and contrast an evolutionary type theory with a catastrophic type theory.

2. How does the Solar Nebula Theory account, in general terms, for the solar system’s
formation? Is it an evolutionary or catastrophic theory?

3. How is the Solar Nebula Theory tested?

4. How common should planets be according to the Solar Nebula Theory?

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