Assignment 3 (Questions and Comments)
Assignment 3 (Questions and Comments)
Assignment 3 (Questions and Comments)
1) The study focuses on carbon risk reduction as a key variable. Are there other
environmental, social, or governance (ESG) factors that could equally influence firm value?
3. The impact of environmental, social, and governance disclosure on firm value:
The role of CEO power by Yiwei Li, Mengfeng Gong, Xiu-Ye Zhang, Lenny Koh
This research suggests that transparent ESG practices, especially in companies with strong
CEO leadership, can enhance overall firm value. This is important, because stakeholders,
including investors, customers, and employees, increasingly value transparency and ethical
business practices. Thus, transparency on ESG aspects can contribute to long-term business
success and positive stakeholder relationships.
1) Can you briefly explain about the methodology used in this paper?