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Set ALPHA Real Estate Review Center

Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

-- Special and Technical Knowledge --

NAME: ______________________________________________ SET: _____________

SCHOOL: ____________________________________________ APPLICATION NO.: __________

INSTRUCTION: Encircle the right letter that corresponds to the answer to the
question. After filling out this test booklet, transfer all your answers to your
answer sheet.


1. A developer decided to go on a rent-to-own scheme for their condominium units.

Under the Rent Control Act, the monthly rental increase will be subject to –
a. Not to exceed 7% per year
b. No limit of increase
c. Percentage lease
d. Decision of the developer
2. The following shall be allowed for the refund under RA#6552, except
a. Reservation deposit
b. Downpayment
c. Brokers professional fee paid
d. Amortization paid
3. In case Joan failed to pay her monthly amortizations after payment of 20
months, her right under Maceda law shall be-
a. Grace period of 30 days
b. Grace period of 60 days
c. Refund of 50% of payments made
d. 3 months notice
4. The following is not covered by Maceda law, except
a. Industrial lots
b. Sales to tenants under RA#384
c. Commercial lots
d. Residential lots
5. For a bank or financing institution to sell the property under extrajudicial
foreclosure, the provision of _____ should be included in the mortgage
a. Extrajudicial foreclosure provision
b. Pactum Alienado
c. Automatic Foreclosure
d. Special power of attorney
6. House and lot for rent when sold is classified as –
a. Capital Asset
b. Ordinary Asset
c. Fixed Asset
d. Movable Asset
7. A contract of sale like a contract of lease, to be registered with the Registry
of Deeds should be
a. Duly signed by all parties
b. In legal paper size
c. In public instrument
d. Stamped paid by the BIR
8. The Land Registration Authority is the agency of the government charged with
the execution of laws relative to the registration of lands and it is under the
supervision of –
a. The Department of Agrarian Reform
b. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources
c. The Department of Interior and Local Government
d. The Department of Justice

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ALPHA Real Estate Review Center
Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

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9. A large national tenant that occupies space in a shopping center is often

referred to as –
a. Discount tenant
b. Supermarket
c. Department Store
d. Anchor Tenant
10. Law requiring planting of trees
a. PD 957
b. PD 953
c. PD 935
d. PD 975
11. A type of housing project provided for average income earners –
a. Socialized Housing
b. Economic Housing
c. Medium Housing
d. Open Market Housing
12. A traffic impact assessment is required for projects of –
a. 10 hectares and above
b. 20 hectares and above
c. 30 hectares and above
d. 40 hectares and above
13. The minimum area per unit of a row-house in a socialized housing project
per BP#220
a. 18 sqm
b. 28 sqm
c. 22 sqm
d. 36 sqm
14. The following are key shelter agencies, except –
15. Law that requires the form of a public instrument should be duly notarized
to be registered –
a. PD 957
b. PD 1529
c. PD 947
d. PD 953
16. In a contract to sell by a corporation, the instrument must include the
following, except
a. The firm has legal right to own in the Philippines in case ownership is
to be transferred
b. Contract is duly authorized by proper Board Resolutions of the Directors
c. Financial Statements of the Corporation
d. Board Resolution authorizing the officer to represent and sign in behalf
of the corporation
17. The Real Estate Brokers complaint for non-payments of commission by the
developer shall be filed with –
c. Regular Court
d. Supreme Court
18. Added value inherent on a lot bounded by two streets
a. Through lot added value
b. Social Value
c. Plottage Value
d. Corner influence
19. In Baguio City, amendments of the master deed of a condominium project shall
be decided by the majority of the unit owners and should be –
a. Approved by HLURB and Municipal Engineer
b. Approved by HLURB and Municipal Council

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c. Approved by HLURB and City Engineer

d. Approved by HLURB and City Council
20. Acceptable mode of compliance of Sec 18 of RA 7279 like: development of new
settlement; slum area upgrading; participate as financier or developer; joint
venture program with LGU consisting of 20% of total development cost of the
main project or 20% of the new project area; purchase of socialized housing
bonds of Pag-ibig; Home Guarantee Corporation zero bonds, HGC special series
a. HGC Bond
b. Community Mortgage Program
c. Settlement Improvement Relocation Program
d. Zonal Improvement Program
21. Person A purchased a property from person B. The transaction agreement
contained terms and conditions to be undertaken by person B on the property,
the transaction is called –
a. Valid transaction
b. Conditional Sale
c. Absolute Sale
d. Option Sale
22. The partnership between the landowner and the developer wherein the former
contributes his raw land while the latter undertakes and finances all the costs
to convert the land into a finished homesite is called –
a. Partnership
b. Corporation
c. Joint Venture
d. Agreement
23. A form of Condominium project that has its own recreational facilities like
beaches, Golf course, club houses, etc.
a. Tourism
b. Commercial
c. Resort
d. Condominium
24. The following are survey that can be conducted except
a. Public land survey
b. Government land survey
c. Cadastral land surveyor; other land surveys
d. Scenario Survey
25. Where the lender has some complete control over the project and the income
from the same either part or all of which is assigned to him to amortize the
project for a certain period of time
a. Straight Loan
b. Conditional Loan
c. Turnkey loan
d. Time Loan
26. The Statute of Frauds applies only to:
a. Partial fulfilled contract
b. Completely fulfilled contract
c. Executory contracts
d. None of the above
27. For Residential and Commercial Condominium Projects, the minimum building
parking slot requirement shall be:
a. one for every 4 studio units
b. based on the National Building Code of the Philippines
c. 1 storey of the building is equal to 6 parking slots
d. 1 parking slot per 1 condominium unit
28. A lease contract providing that the lessee can stay in the premises for as
long as he wants and for as long as he can pay the rentals and its increases:
a. Perpetual Lease
b. Sublease
c. Long term lease
d. None of the above

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29. For PD 957 development, the following are the number of saleable lots in
order the developer must provide ALL facilities in the project, EXCEPT
a. 1,000 – 1,499
b. 2,000 – 2,499
c. 2,500 – 2,999
d. none of the above
30. After a deed of absolute sale was made, signed and notarized, when should
the documentary stamp tax on sale of real property be paid?
a. within 24 hours
b. within 30 days from date of notarization
c. within 10 days after close of the month
d. within 5 days after close of the month
31. It is also called Bench Mark (BM) which are established and connected by
lines of levels.
a. Moving points
b. Permanent points
c. Positive points
d. Temporary points
32. A sale cannot be extinguished by –
a. Transfer of residence of the principal or agent
b. Expiration of the authority
c. Revocation of the agency by the principal
d. Death, insanity, civil interdiction or insolvency of principal or agent
33. When is publication not necessary whenever there are amendments to the
application of registration?
a. When there is substantial change in boundaries
b. When there is joinder, substitution, or discontinuance of parties allowed
by the court
c. When there is inclusion of additional land
d. When there is a major inclusion of land
34. Not under Public land survey symbols
a. Ap; H; F;Si;Sc; Msc; Li; Mli; Mic; Fli
b. Pld; Pls; Nr; Mr; Pr; Csd; Con; Ccs
c. RI; Ac; Gss; Ng; Tb; Ts; Tsi; Tsc
d. Ipb; Ips; Psc; Cad; Fib; MI; Ms
35. A law that stipulates that all documents not registered under the Spanish
mortgage law or Torrens system may be recorded in the land record of province
or city where the land lies.
a. Act No. 3350, Dec 8, 1926
b. Act No. 3341, Dec 7, 1926
c. Act No. 3344, Dec 8, 1926
d. Act No. 3355, Dec 7, 1926
36. It embraces the art of open space design, building design and road and
pathways design –
a. Socialized housing plan
b. Site planning
c. Contour planning
d. Table survey planning
37. Setback from the property line as provided in PD#1096 (National Building
Code of the Philippines) that provides on residential dwelling units to have
direct access to public space, yard street or alley and it should not occupy
more than 90% of a corner lot or 80% of an inside/inner lot.
a. 2.0 m
b. 6.0 m
c. 4.0 m
d. 8.0 m
38. When verifying a property title in a proposed joint venture subdivision
project development, the developer should check/verify that the said property
is –

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a. Alienable, Disposable, Free from Liens and Free from Encumbrance

b. Alienable, Disposable, Commercial and Free from Encumbrance
c. Inalienable, Disposable, Free from Liens and Institutional
d. Alienable, Cannot be alienated, Free from Liens and Free from
39. Which of the following acts effectively transfers title to property?
a. Possession of the buyer of the property
b. Registration of the instrument of sale
c. Execution of the Deed of Sale
d. Execution of Contract of Sale
40. Gilar Realty 2 developer decided to go on t rent to own scheme for their
Condominium units. Under the Rental Control Act of 2009, the monthly rental
increase will be subject to –
a. Not to exceed 5% per year
b. Not to exceed 10% per year
c. Not to exceed 7% per year
d. No limit of increase
41. If the contract of sale was executed with consent but was vitiated with
fraud, undue influence, or error on the seller, it is considered –
a. Void
b. unenforceable
c. Valid
d. Voidable
42. Private Deed Restrictions are oftentimes enforced through the –
a. zoning variance
b. zoning board
c. housing cooperative
d. homeowner’s association
43. An instrument use to determine the horizontal direction of a line direction
of a magnetic needle is called - reference to the
a. Sextant
b. Hour Glass
c. Compass
d. Tripod & Tape
44. Sec. 7, Art XII (National Economy and Patrimony) of the Philippine
Constitution the phrase "Save in cases of hereditary succession", what kind of
transferee of private land does it refers to?
a. The National Government
b. An heir on succession and inheritance under the Philippine law
c. A humanitarian institution
d. The state of deceased
45. Which of the following statements is true?
a. After a free patent application is granted and the corresponding
certificate of title is issued, the land ceased to be part of the public
domain and become private property over which the Director of Lands had
neither control nor jurisdiction
b. When a free patent title s issued to an applicant and the sea water moves
toward the estate of the title holder, the invaded property does not become
foreshore land
c. Lands acquired under free patent or homestead patent cannot be alienated
or encumbered within a period of 10 years from its issuance
d. It is an ordinary civil remedy
46. To be a valid contract of lease between the lessor-owner and the lessee,
there should be –
a. A Meeting of minds between the parties
b. A written contract of lease duly notarized
c. A written contract of lease signed by both parties
d. A written contract of lease
47. What is the "Mirror Doctrine"?

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ALPHA Real Estate Review Center
Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

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a. The execution of a Notarized Deed of Sale is equivalent to delivery of

the property
b. Entry of involuntary transactions in the day book of the Register of
Deeds is sufficient notice to all persons even if the owner's duplicate
certificate of title is not presented
c. All persons dealing with property covered by the Torrens System are not
required to go beyond what appears on the face of the title
d. The Torrens Title is indefeasible, unassailable, and imprescriptible
48. Who may apply for registration?
a. Those who have acquired ownership of private lands by prescription
b. Those who have occupied abandoned river beds formed by reason of
accession or accretion in opposition to the owner of the riparian owner
c. Those who have been in open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious
possession and occupation of forest land
d. Those who sold lands to private persons
49. Which of the following is not included under the effects of voluntary
dissolution of a condominium corporation?
a. The corporation shall be deemed to hold a power of attorney from all
members to sell their separate interest in the project
b. Liquidation of the corporation shall be effected by the sale of the
entire project subject to the rights of individual condominium creditors
c. Liquidation of the corporation shall be by the sale of the entire project
with priority on rights of individual condominium creditors
d. The liquidation shall be partial subject to interest of creditors
50. Refers to a fund proponent requirement/when an ECC is issued by DENR for its
project or undertaking and to be used to support the activities of the
multipartite monitoring team.
a. Guarantee Fund
b. Environmental Monitoring Fund
c. Contingency Fund
d. Monitoring Fund
51. A change in actual use of property reported to the assessor shall take
effect beginning:
a. The next month after reassessment
b. The next quarter after reassessment
c. Immediately upon reassessment
d. 90 days after reassessment-to be made within
52. A director of the homeowner’s association may simply be removed for causes
provided in the bylaws by:
a. Petition signed by simple majority of homeowners in good standing
b. Complaint filed with the DHSUD
c. 2/3 vote of all members in good standing
d. At least half of the members of the association
53. The following are the effects of involuntary dissolution of a condominium
corporation, except
a. Common area held by the corporation shall be transferred pro-indiviso and
in proportion to respective interest of the members of the corporation
b. The transfer shall be deemed full liquidation of the interest of the unit
c. Common area held by the corporation shall be transferred in proportion to
respective interest of the unit owners
d. The transfer shall be deemed partial liquidation of the interest of the
members in the corporation
54. Association members provided proxy shall not be valid for more than:
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 5 years
55. Under PD 957 the owner or developer shall deliver the title of the lot or
unit to the buyer upon:
a. Full payment of the lot or unit

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b. Turnover of the lot or unit

c. Occupancy of the lot or unit
d. Payment of the registration fees for issuance of the title
56. Joan bought a house and lot in a subdivision and real estate tax and
assessment on the house and lot shall be paid by the developer.
a. Until the buyer occupies the house
b. For as long as title has not pass to the buyer
c. Until there is proper turnover of the house
d. Until buyer has paid at least 50% off on installment
57. In case of violation by the developer, DHSUD may impose administrative fines
for violations of PD 957 not exceeding:
a. P 5,000.00
b. P 10,000.00
c. P 20,000.00
d. P 50,000.00
58. The subdivision and condominium buyers protective decree became effective
a. 1972
b. 1976
c. 1981
d. 1986
59. For a rowhouse under PD 957, the minimum lot frontage is
a. 3 meters
b. 3.5 meters
c. 4 meters
d. 5 meters
60. For a rowhouse under BP 220, the minimum lot frontage is
a. 3 meters
b. 3.5 meters
c. 4 meters
d. 5 meters
61. It is a public way intended to be used as pedestrian access to property
referred to as a Pathwalk and shall have a minimum width of *
a. 3 meters
b. 3.5 meters
c. 4 meters
d. 2 meters
62. The board of the association may be dissolved through a process of:
a. Signed petition of at least 2/3 of the association members
b. Petition of the DHSUD
c. Meeting of at least a simple majority of members
d. Signed petition of at least a simple majority of association members
63. Association members provided proxy shall not be valid for more than:
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 5 years
64. A person who, intentionally or by gross negligence, violates any provision
of the Magna Carta governing homeowners shall be punished with:
a. Fine of not less than P 20,000.00 but not more than P 50,000.00
b. Fine of not less than P5,000.00 but not more than P 50,000.00
c. Fine of not more than P 1000,000.00 nor less than P 5,000.00
d. Fine of not less than P 10,000.00 and not more than P 100,000.00
65. Upon failure to present his or her DHSUD certificate of registration a real
estate broker selling condominium project shall be issued by a monitoring
personal and served a:
a. Cease-and-desist order
b. Notice of violation
c. Notice of reported alleged violation
d. Notice of revocation

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ALPHA Real Estate Review Center
Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

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66. Where there is a failure to elect a new set of directors for the homeowner’s
association the incumbent shall be allowed to continue in hold over capacity
but in no case shall exceed:
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. 3 years
67. A structure either freestanding or part of another building containing
inurnment of cremated human remains:
a. Ossuary
b. Niche
c. Vault
d. Columbarium
68. Failure to follow Sec. 18 or PD 957 on mortgage of a lot or unit in a
project, the mortgage shall be:
a. Whole mortgage is void
b. Mortgage over the subject lot or unit is void
c. Mortgage over the whole project is void
d. Mortgage remain valid
69. In case a developer mortgaged the project without approval from DHSUD, and a
buyer complained, the mortgage shall be:
a. Void as to the lot of the complaining buyer
b. Valid but subject to administrative fine from DHSUD
c. Void as to the whole mortgage
d. Voidable at the instance of the DHSUD
70. The following may make an announcement of a project before issuance of the
license to sell:
a. Developer or Owner or Operator
b. Real estate broker
c. Real estate salesperson
d. Developer and real estate broker
71. Real estate broker who wish to engage in the practice of real estate service
with respect to project required to register with DHSUD shall register with:
a. DHSUD head office
b. DHSUD regional field office where the project he or she sells is located
c. Field office of DHSUD in the region where principal office of the real
estate broker is located
d. DHSUD regional office where he is residing
72. An organization of homeowner’s association created to a purse to common
goals that are beneficial to the interest of the members thereof:
a. Association
b. Federation
c. Homeowners union
d. Federation
73. Under HLURB Memorandum Circular No. 10, series of 2015, a provisional
accreditation to any developer of socialized housing who have not developer or
constructed at least:
a. 500 housing units
b. 1,000 housing units
c. 1,500 housing units
d. 2,000 housing units
74. This refers to the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations to Govern
Sections 3, 18, 20 of RA 7279, as amended by RA 10884, known as the Balanced
Housing Development Program Amendments:
a. HLURB Board Resolution No. 965 Series of 2017
b. HLURB Board Resolution No. 966 Series of 2017
c. HLURB Board Resolution No. 967 Series of 2017
d. HLURB Board Resolution No. 968 Series of 2017
75. It is the country's major and leading organization of housing and real
estate developers in the Philippines:
a. Chamber of Real Estate Builders Association

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Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

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b. National Real Estate Association

c. Philippine Contractors Association
d. Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Inc.
76. The administrative law that extended the Rent Control Act of 2009.
a. HUDCC Resolution No. 1 Series of 2017
b. HUDCC Resolution No. 2 Series of 2017
c. HUDCC Resolution No. 3 Series of 2017
d. HUDCC Resolution No. 4 Series of 2017
77. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in
the _____ or in a major daily newspaper of general circulation in the
a. Official Gazette
b. Official Gazzette
c. Official Gazzete
d. Ex-official Gazzette
78. A real estate appraiser was found liable by the PRBRES. He may appeal the
decision of the PRBRES to the PRC commission.
a. Within 15 days from receipt of decision
b. Within 30 days from receipt of decision
c. Within 15 days from date of decision
d. Within 60 days from date of decision
79. Which of the following best describes economic opportunity?
a. circumstances favorable to improvement of an individual’s material
welfare in relation to his ability.
b. the chance, right or power to make fundamental choices in life usually by
the free exercise of one’s judgment and use of one’s resources.
c. knowledge, skills, character of the population and the process of
obtaining development through schooling, training, etc.
d. the public nominally governs itself in accordance with the principle of
equality of rights, opportunity and treatment.
80. What is identified as multi-unit structure or property in which persons hold
fee simple title to individual units and an individual interest in common
a. Subdivision
b. Townhouses
c. Condominium
d. Apartment
81. Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (REBAP) has around
1,200 active members spread in 27 chapters in the country. PAREB means
a. Philippine Association of Real Estate Board
b. Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers
c. Philippine Association of Real Estate Brokerage
d. Philippine Association of Real Estate Brokers Association
82. Prior to the professional regulation commission, the same was referred to as
a. Office of the board examiners
b. Professional regulation authority
c. Professional board of examiners
d. Office of the professional board of examiners
83. The real estate service profession was welcomed by the PRC as an added
profession on
a. 2009
b. 2008
c. 2010
d. 2011
84. There are four sectors categorized under the PRC for the various
professions, which one is not a sector?
a. Medical and health
b. Business, education and management
c. Engineering
d. Vocational technology

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ALPHA Real Estate Review Center
Real Estate Broker Mock Exam - April 6, 2024

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85. A new word defined as by definition, means "reflecting or characterized by

both local and global considerations".
a. Highflier
b. Illuminati
c. Global
d. Glocal
86. The date when (BARMM) is created, replacing the (ARMM) after Republic Act
No. 11054.
a. January 25, 2019
b. December 24, 2019
c. Feb 14, 2019
d. August 11, 2020
87. Bangsamoro Organic Law was "deemed ratified" on 2019 thus the creation of
BARMM. The acronym BARMM means?
a. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
b. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region at Muslim Mindanao
c. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region on Muslim Mindanao
d. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
88. The regional center of Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).
a. Tabuk
b. Mountain Province
c. Baguio
d. Ifugao
89. PAG-IBIG Fund requires all Home Applications to submit their MSVS. MSVS
stands for___________________.
a. Membership Simulated Verification Sheet
b. Membership Status Verification Slip
c. Mandatory Status Verification Slip
d. Mandatory Status or Voluntary Status
90. What is the basis for the assessment of real property in the Philippines,
regardless of where the property is located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses
a. Assessment levels
b. Classifying the property
c. Assessing the property
d. Actual use of the property
91. Identify the innovative and effective method of selling real estate that
involves the public sale of any property, most certainly including those that
are non-distressed, through open cry, competitive bidding.
a. Foreclosure
b. Auction
c. Forced Sale
d. Defaults
92. Complex Subdivisions is defined as _____.
a. Subdivision scheme for a rolling terrain
b. Subdivision with streets and open spaces provision
c. Subdivision scheme where the resulting blocks are more or less
rectangular in shape
d. Subdivision scheme where the resulting blocks are more or less
rectangular in shape
93. Which is the proportional increase and decrease adjustment of price
indicated as a provision in a contract?
a. Indemnity clause
b. Escalation clause
c. Balance clause
d. Contract clause
94. Fractional Interest is involved in the sale of either limited ownership,
rights to user and occupy a residential or hotel rooms?
a. Joint Tenancy
b. Leasehold
c. Timeshare

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d. Co-ownership
95. It is a security interest of the property lender which may entail
restrictions on the use or disposal of the property.
a. Interest
b. Mortgage
c. Foreclosure
d. Principal
96. What is the MINIMUM lot area in the square feet for a single detached type
of housing in a socialized housing project?
a. 592.01
b. 775.00
c. 688.89
d. 516.67
97. What mandatory provision is required for duplex and single-attached unit?
a. Garage
b. Partition wall
c. Sidewalk
d. Firewall
98. The following are the elements of a contract, EXCEPT.
a. Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract
b. Consent of the contracting parties
c. Restrictive covenants
d. Cause of the obligation which is establish
99. Lease contract may be terminated, EXCEPT when the ________.
a. lessor need it for his personal use
b. lessor did not pay for the real property tax
c. lessee violated in non-payment of rental
d. lease period expired
100. Which refers to the exclusive control of the occupant over the agreed
particular area and sleeping quarters?
a. Tenement Unit
b. Dwelling Unit
c. Housing Unit
d. Dormitory

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