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Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Cambridge O Level
Arabic 3180
For examination from 2020
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2022 v1
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge University Press & Assessment. Cambridge
University Press & Assessment is a department of the University of Cambridge.
Cambridge University Press & Assessment retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered centres are
permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission to centres
to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a centre.
Question 1.........................................................................................................................................................................6
Example Candidate Response – high..............................................................................................................................6
Example Candidate Response – middle..........................................................................................................................7
Example Candidate Response – low...............................................................................................................................8
Question 2......................................................................................................................................................................10
Example Candidate Response – high.............................................................................................................................10
Example Candidate Response – middle.........................................................................................................................12
Example Candidate Response – low..............................................................................................................................14
Question 3......................................................................................................................................................................16
Example Candidate Response – high............................................................................................................................16
Example Candidate Response – middle........................................................................................................................19
Example Candidate Response – low.............................................................................................................................22
Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge O Level Arabic 3180, and to
show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and
assessment objectives.
In this booklet, candidate responses have been chosen from the November 2020 series to exemplify a range of
For each question, the response is annotated with a clear explanation of where and why marks were awarded or
omitted. This is followed by examiner comments on how the answer could have been improved. In this way, it is
possible for you to understand what candidates have done to gain their marks and what they could do to improve their
answers. There is also a list of common mistakes candidates made in their answers for each question.
This document provides illustrative examples of candidate work with examiner commentary. These help teachers
to assess the standard required to achieve marks beyond the guidance of the mark scheme. Therefore, in some
circumstances, such as where exact answers are required, there will not be much comment
The questions and mark schemes used here are available to download from the School Support Hub. These files are:

November 2020 Question Paper 2

November 2020 Mark Scheme 2

Past exam resources and other teaching and learning resources are available on the School Support Hub:

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How to use this booklet

This booklet goes through the paper one question at a time, showing you the high-, middle- and low-level response for
each question. The candidate answers are set in a table. In the left-hand column are the candidate answers, and in
the right-hand column are the examiner comments.

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 Overall, the candidate’s

choice of expressions throughout
this piece of translation is

2 This is translated correctly

here, whereas a few candidates
missed this idiom in this series.

3 Here, the candidate identifies

2 that Eid should be written with a
capital letter but this is missed in
3 the first line.
Examiner comments are
Answers are by real candidates in exam alongside the answers. These
conditions. These show you the types of answers for explain where and why marks
each level. Discuss and analyse the answers with your were awarded. This helps you
learners in the classroom to improve their skills. to interpret the standard of
Cambridge exams so you can
help your learners to refine their
exam technique.
How the candidate could have improved their answer
The candidate could benefit from practising good connectors such as ‘when’ and ‘where’ and how to use them
appropriately in context. For example, in the fifth line, the candidate started a new sentence instead of carrying on by
saying ‘where we used to go to famous markets …, etc’. They were not awarded a tick/point here but it was rounded
up (29/3 = 9.66) to 10 marks.
This section explains how the candidate could
have improved each answer. This helps you to
interpret the standard of Cambridge exams and
helps your learners to refine their exam technique.

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

• Some candidates in this exam struggled with translating certain expressions from the text, such as point 7 in the
mark scheme ‘‫’تقالیدنا العریقة‬, point 11 ‘‫ ’والوقت والتعب‬and point 13 ‘‫’مجموعات کبیرة‬.
• Many candidates did not translate point 17 in the mark scheme (‫ )منزلته و شخصیته‬correctly. Most of the time, it was
only partially translated, and not all those who did translate it in full were correct. The word ‘‫ ’منزلته‬was translated out
of context by many candidates, and was read as ‘house’.
• Other common errors by the weaker candidates in this exam were translating certain basic words, towards the
end of the text, incorrectly; especially the words ‘‫ ’الظرف‬and ‘‫ ‘عنوان‬.’‫ ’الظرف‬was translated as a ‘folder’ and ‘‫ ’عنوان‬was
translated as ‘a place where a person lives’, giving an explanation to the word ‘address’ rather than translating the
word directly into English.
Lists the common mistakes candidates made
Often candidates were not in answering each question. This will help your
awarded marks because they misread or learners to avoid these mistakes and give them the
misinterpreted the questions. best chance of achieving the available marks.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 1

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 Overall, the candidate’s choice

of expressions throughout this piece
1 of translation is successful.

2 This has been translated

correctly here, whereas a few
2 candidates missed this term.
3 Here, the candidate identifies
4 that Eid should be written with a
capital letter but this is missed in the
first line.

5 .4 The candidate does not

translate the beginning of the
phrase ‫کنا نذهب الی االسواق الشهیرة‬

5 Here, the candidate translates

‫ منزلته و شخصیته‬well. Many candidates
did not translate this correctly.

6 6 Overall, this is a good


Total mark awarded =

10 out of 10

How the candidate could have improved their answer

The candidate could benefit from practising good connectors such as ‘when’ and ‘where’ and how to use them
appropriately in context. For example, in the fifth line, the candidate started a new sentence instead of carrying on by
saying ‘where we used to go to famous markets …, etc’. They were not awarded a tick here but it was rounded up
(29/3 = 9.66) to 10 marks.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments

1 A tick is not awarded here

because the translation is
incomplete. It should be ‘Eid came
and gone’. In marking, half points
are not awarded.
2 Again here ‫ والوقت و التعب‬is only
partially translated, so no point is
3 The rest of this sentence is well
3 translated; hence three points are

4 4 Here, the word ‘status’ in ‘his

status and personality’ is missed.
5 6
5 The candidate incorrectly
trranslates ‫ وبورق مزخرف المع‬here as

7 6 Here the candidate incorrectly

translates ‫ فیها مناظر متنوعة‬as
‘differently shape’ which is not
correct, and the grammar is also

7 The last three lines have been

translated well.

Total mark awarded =

6 out of 10

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• The candidate should have kept to the original text and translating the terms in full. A point cannot be awarded for
a partially translated term. For example, in line one and line two, out of the first four points in the mark scheme,
the candidate was awarded only one point for ‘exchanged their congrats’. The other three terms were not fully
translated. This continued to be the case for this candidate throughout the text until the last three lines which were
translated in full.
• Translating certain expressions within the context of the text, and not just providing a literal translation of some
words or expressions, especially where there is a slight similarity between the spelling of certain words, but they
have completely different meanings: e.g., ‫ منزلته‬was translated as ‘house’.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low Examiner comments

1 The candidate misses the word

‘Eid’ here. ‘Gift cards’ on its own is
not accepted.

2 The candidate is not translating

what is in the text, but is writing a
composition with little reference to
1 the text.
3 In the whole piece of
translation, the candidate is
awarded only a few points for
3 translating some words from the
text, but the ideas are not delivered

4 Here, the candidate mentions

‘sizes’ but not in the correct context.
5 5 A point is awarded here for
using the correct term ‘social media’
6 however this is mentioned in the
first line of the Arabic text.

6 Here, the candidate means

to say ‘in the past’ but uses an
incorrect translation, so no point is
awarded. The last two lines of the
Arabic text are not touched on.

Total mark awarded =

2 out of 10

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• The candidate should have followed the Arabic text in its details and translating it into English. Instead, the
translation took the shape of writing a composition about celebration and gift cards; most of it was made up.
Knowing special idioms related to celebrations, like Eid, would also have also helped.
• In the whole piece of translation, the candidate was awarded only few points for translating few random words or
expressions from the text, but the ideas overall were not delivered successfully.
• The candidate could benefit from learning how to link sentences and ideas to be coherent.
• If the candidate had translated the last two lines of the text.

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

• Some candidates in this exam struggled with translating certain expressions from the text, such as point 7 in the
mark scheme ‫تقالیدنا العریقة‬, point 11 ‫ والوقت والتعب‬and point 13 ‫مجموعات کبیرة‬.
• Many candidates did not translate point 17 in the mark scheme (‫ )منزلته و شخصیته‬correctly. Most of the time, it was
only partially translated, and not all those who did translate it in full were correct. The word ‫ منزلته‬was translated out
of context by many candidates, and was read as ‘house’.
• Other common errors by the weaker candidates in this exam were translating certain basic words, towards the
end of the text, incorrectly; especially the words ‫ الظرف‬and ‫ عنوان‬.‫ الظرف‬was translated as a ‘folder’ and ‫ عنوان‬was
translated as ‘a place where a person lives’, giving an explanation to the word ‘address’ rather than translating the
word directly into English.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 2

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 This is a very good translation.

The first two lines are translated
well. The candidate uses passive
voice verb for ‘was hanging’ as an
alternative, which shows high ability,
and it works well in Arabic.
2 The candidate uses a synonym
for what is in the mark scheme
3 to refer to ‘represented’, which is
4 acceptable.

3 This is another example of

the candidate’s high ability when
5 referring to ‘was drawn’ using the
passive voice.

4 The candidate translates

‘added Adam’ as ‫‘ثم قال أدم‬then Adam
said’. The point is awarded because
it is close enough.

5 The rest of this first paragraph

matches the mark scheme.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments

6 Here,‫ بال شک‬is not awarded

8 7 a point because the correct
translation is ‫من الواضح‬.

7 The translation of ‘masterpiece’

as ‫ تحفة‬is quite accurate. Many
9 candidates did not translate this
term correctly.

8 The spelling of ‫ یرید‬for ‘he

wishes’ is incorrect but it does
10 not change the meaning of the
translation; hence a point is

9 The candidate crosses off ‫لدیه‬

for ‘has had’, which is what is in
the mark scheme (point 32) and
uses ‫‘ عاش‬had lived’. The point is
awarded here because the meaning
of the sentence has not changed.

10 Overall, this is a very good

piece of translation, and the
candidate scores full mark as a
result of rounding up
39/2 = 19.5 = 20 marks.

Total mark awarded =

20 out of 20

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• Occasionally, the candidate used other synonyms to those in the mark scheme which worked well overall.
• Candidates are advised to keep to the text as much as possible.
• This candidate was not awarded one tick for point 23 in the mark scheme, whereby ‘it was clearly’ was translated
as ‘no doubt’. But, due to rounding up (39 ticks/2 = 19.5 = 20 marks), a full mark was awarded.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments

1 The candidate does not

translate ‘was hanging’, therefore,
no point is awarded.

2 The candidate uses ‫ االطفال‬as

1 an alternative to ‫الطلبة‬, therefore, no
point is awarded.

3 The point is not awarded for

the colloquial word used to refer to
‘terrifying monster’ because it does
not give the correct meaning.
4 The candidate uses an
4 incorrect spelling for the verb
‘was drawn’, which confuses the
meaning, therefore, no point is
5 awarded.

6 5 Here, ‘as seen’ (from an

aeroplane) is missed out, therefore,
no point is awarded.
6 The point is not awarded for
‫ االستاذة هدی‬because it does not
include ‫مدرسة الرسم‬.

7 The term ‘masterpiece’ is

translated by giving an explanation
rather than using the term itself.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle, continued Examiner comments

8 Points 30–34 in the mark

scheme are translated giving an
overall concept rather than the
exact details of the original text,
summing up the idea. In addition
9 to this, there are spelling and
structural mistakes, therefore, no
points are awarded.
9 The candidate uses ‫و في الصباح‬
instead of ‫ في هذه اللحظة‬giving a very
different time phrase.

10 In the last two lines, the

candidate relies slightly on using
colloquial language, but it does not
hinder the meaning; therefore, the
points are awarded.

Total mark awarded =

11 out of 20

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• The candidate could have been awarded a higher mark by paying closer attention to small details in the original
• The use of some dialectal words, and sometimes incorrect spellings, led to lower performance.
• Points 30–34 in the mark scheme (The brilliant use of colours reflects a person who had exciting experiences and
many accomplishments), were missed out completely.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low Examiner comments

1 The first sentence is given the

benefit of doubt and is awarded a
point because the candidate only
touches on the idea or translation
by saying ‫الرسم جدید کان علی الجدار‬. So,
there is ‫ جدید‬,‫ الرسم‬and the idea
‫ علی الجدار‬gives the meaning of ‫معلقة‬.
There is no mention of ‘in the Art

2 The verb ‘stood’ is not

translated successfully, so no point
2 is awarded for ‘students’ on its own.

3 The rest of this paragraph is

3 distorted in terms of spelling and
grammar which is not referring to
what is in the text.

4 The candidate mentions ‫صورة‬

6 but translates ‘park’ incorrectly and
therefore a point is not awarded.
However, 2 points are awarded for
7 the literal translation of ‘aeroplane’
and ‘Adam said’.

5 No point is awarded for ‫قالت هدی‬

on its own because it is incomplete
8 and missing ‫مدرسة الرسم‬.

6 The candidate does not use the

negation for ‘unknown’; instead, the
opposite to the intended meaning is

7 The rest of this paragraph is

distorted, and the candidate does
not stick to the text.

8 In this last paragraph, only

2 points are awarded for ‫معلم تاریخ‬
and ‫رسم هذا فی صباح‬. The rest of
the translation is incomplete. For
example, there is no mention that
the history teacher entered the
room. Although the candidate
mentions ‫ ابني صغیر‬no age is given
(should be ‘my three-year-old son’),
so no point is awarded because the
translation is not inclusive.

Total mark awarded =

4 out of 20

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• There are many spelling and grammar errors throughout the translation, which often hindered the meaning.
• The candidate could benefit from practicing reading and writing in Arabic.
• The candidate could also have improved by adhering to the small details in the text and not missing a part of a

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

• Many candidates did not translate point 17 in the mark scheme, so no point was awarded for this.
• Point 21 (Miss Hoda, the Art teacher) was not translated in full by some candidates. They only translated ‘Miss
Hoda’; therefore no point was awarded.
• Translating point 24 (masterpiece), proved to be challenging for a number of candidates in this paper.
• Many candidates either missed translating points 30–34 in the mark scheme (The brilliant use of colours reflects a
person who had exciting experiences and many accomplishments); or paraphrased this sentence with little or no
success. Only the more able candidates translated this part of the text correctly.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 3

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 This response is accurate, so

1 full marks are awarded.
Mark for Q3 = 2 out of 2

2 The candidate’s initial response

2 does not include one of the
points, but it is inserted to give the
full answer; hence 2 marks are
Mark for Q4 = 2 out of 2

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments

3 This response covers the two

points needed for the marks to be
Mark for Q5 = 2 out of 2

4 The candidate responds well

and shows a good understanding of
the reading text.
Mark for Q6 = 2 out of 2

5 5 Another good response to the

question. The candidate even adds
a little extra explanation which does
not contradict the answer.
6 Mark for Q7 = 1 out of 1

6 The response is very clear and

covers the two points needed.
Mark for Q8 = 2 out of 2
7 The candidate locates the
answer from the text. The response
is coherent and uses the correct
grammatical structure.
Mark for Q9 = 2 out of 2

8 The candidate lists all three

points. Many other candidates in
this series missed one or more
Mark for Q10 = 3 out of 3

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments

9 Here is an example where

the candidate gives an extra
explanation to the answer just to
add clarification. The actual mark
scheme provides the essential
information sufficient for the
candidate to be awarded the marks.
Mark for Q11 = 2 out of 2

10 This is an excellent response

which requires some manipulation
in order to give the correct answer.
If the candidate had mentioned
‫ذکراه‬, no mark would have been
awarded because this would have
referred to the ‫العطر‬.
Mark for Q12 = 1 out of 1

11 The candidate only selects

three words, as instructed in the
question, and gives their meanings
correctly. The answers are very
clear. Such response shows that the
candidate is very confident. Some
candidates gave answers to all
five words, so the best three were
Mark for Q13 = 6 out of 6

Total mark awarded =

25 out of 25

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• Full marks were awarded. However, this candidate sometimes added extra or unnecessary information in the
answer. By doing so, the candidate risked giving some information which could contradict the correct answer.
• In the response to Question 4, the candidate added extra information which happened to be the response to
Question 5. It would have been helpful if this had been deleted from the response to Question 4, when the
candidate responded to Question 5 and realised that piece of information was for the following question.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments

1 The second part of this answer

is incorrect. The text does not
1 mention that this person works in
the royal palace.
Mark for Q3 = 1 out of 2

2 The candidate misses

answering the first part of the
question and, as a result, is
awarded 1 mark.
Mark for Q4 = 1 out of 2

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle, continued Examiner comments

3 The grammatical structure in

3 this response is not free of errors.
The answer should have been
picked up directly from the text
rather than paraphrased. However,
the meaning is there, so full marks
4 are awarded.
Mark for Q5 = 2 out of 2

4 This is an insufficient response

and does not give enough meaning.
This is a two-mark question and
requires two pieces of information in
5 the answer in order to be awarded
both marks.
Mark for Q6 = 0 out of 2
Mark for Q7 = 1 out of 1

6 5 The first response is

paraphrased, and a mark is
awarded despite the spelling
mistake in ‫توستخدم‬. The second part
of the answer is wrong, so no mark
is awarded.
Mark for Q8 = 1 out of 2

6 Two ideas were needed to be

awarded full marks but only one is
Mark for Q9 = 1 out of 2

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle, continued Examiner comments

7 Despite the spelling mistake

7 in the first response, a mark is
awarded because the answer is
correct. However, the use of the
negation in the second point leads
to giving an incorrect answer, so no
mark is awarded.
Mark for Q10 = 2 out of 3
8 The candidate is very concise
in this response and does not
expand enough or give the full
9 answer in order to be awarded 2
Mark for Q11 = 1 out of 2

9 This response is incorrect.

This is mentioned in the reject
column in the mark scheme. This
is an example of when using
10 incorrect grammar (using the wrong
possessive or attached pronoun),
leads to an incorrect answer.
Mark for Q12 = 0 out of 1

10 This response is good. The

explanation is clear and the
grammar is correct. However the
explanation in (iii) is partly correct
and only is awarded 1 mark.
Mark for Q13 = 5 out of 6

Total mark awarded =

15 out of 25

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• The candidate sometimes gave only one response to the question when two pieces of information were required in
order to be awarded both marks.
• The candidate could have benefited from checking the number of marks for each question on the question paper in
order to realise that the answer given was not enough. This was the case with Questions 4, 6, 9, and 11. So, either
the candidate did not realise two pieces of information were required, or the candidate did not know the second
answer to the question.
• The answer would have been improved if the spelling and grammar had been more correct. In Question 12, for
example, the incorrect use of the attached or possessive pronouns led to giving an incorrect answer, so no mark
was awarded.

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low Examiner comments

1 The candidate starts well

1 in identifying both points to this
Mark for Q3 = 2 out of 2

2 The candidate either does not

understand the question or does not
comprehend the reading text. The
answer given is not coherent, so no
mark is awarded.
Mark for Q4 = 0 out of 2

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low, continued Examiner comments

3 This candidate shows lack of

3 comprehension of the middle part of
the reading text.
Mark for Q5 = 0 out of 2
Mark for Q6 = 0 out of 2

4 The answer is incorrect.

4 Mark for Q7 = 0 out of 1

5 The candidate identifies one of

the responses here, but overall it is
5 still not clear if the candidate has
understood the reading text in full.
Mark for Q8 = 1 out of 2

6 6 The candidate gives a good

and clear response and 2 marks are
Mark for Q9 = 2 out of 2

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low, continued Examiner comments

7 7 The candidate says that the

statement is not correct, but only
gives one reason and therefore only
2 marks are awarded.
Mark for Q10 = 2 out of 3
Mark for Q11 = 2 out of 2

8 8 The answer here is incorrect,

so no mark is awarded.
Mark for Q12 = 0 out of 1

9 9 The candidate makes little or

no attempt at answering Question
13, so no mark is awarded.
Mark for Q13 = 0 out of 6

Total mark awarded =

9 out of 25

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• The responses give a clear indication that the candidate did not understand the reading text.
• The candidate could have improved by working harder at locating the answers from the first two paragraphs. There
is no response to Question 6 which indicates the candidate has found some questions very challenging.
• The candidate could benefit from extended reading and being able to explain the meaning of certain words or
expression using own words.

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

• Question 1 was a two-mark question, and many candidates did not answer the second part of the question
correctly. The first woman to use the perfume was ‘one of the important women in the royal palace’. Many
candidates answered by saying ‘she used to work in the royal palace’ and this answer was wrong.
• Question 12 was challenging for many candidates in this exam, and only the more capable candidates were able
to use the correct grammar and were awarded the mark. The response needed an adjustment to the possessive
pronoun. If the candidate used the singular possessive pronoun ‘his’ instead of ‘their’, the meaning changed, and
no mark was awarded.
• In Question 13, the high performing candidates picked three words from the list and gave their meanings. Many
other candidates explained the meaning of all five given words. This may have been an indication that they were
not very confident of their answers, especially when each answer has 2 marks in this question.

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