Course - Note - 2 - Dang Gia Vung - RA6127378
Course - Note - 2 - Dang Gia Vung - RA6127378
Course - Note - 2 - Dang Gia Vung - RA6127378
- Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business
Transactions (1997):
Bribery of a foreign public official is a criminal offense.
Allows for facilitating or expediting payments.
The Protection of Intellectual Property
- Refers to property that is the product of intellectual activity, such as computer software, a
screenplay, a music score.
Patent: inventor’s exclusive rights for a defined period.
Copyrights: exclusive legal rights of authors, composers, playwrights, artists, and publishers.
Trademarks: officially registered designs and names used to differentiate products.
- World Intellectual Property Organization.
- Product liability involves holding a firm and its officers responsible when a product causes
injury, death, or damage.
Can be much greater if a product does not conform to safety standards.
Criminal and civil laws apply.
Raises ethical issues when doing business abroad.
4. What are the managerial implications?
Two broad implications:
- Political, economic, and legal systems of a country raise important ethical issues that have implications
for international business.
- Political, economic, and legal environments of a country clearly influence the attractiveness of that
country as a market or investment site.
A country with democratic political institutions, market-based economic system, and strong legal
system clearly more attractive to do business in.
QUESTION 1: Free market economies stimulate greater economic growth, whereas state-directed economies
stifle growth. Discuss.
- For the free market economies, as it encourages free and fair competition between private producers,
the economy will become more competitive and efficient. The entrepreneurs have the right to the
profits generated by their efforts by searching a better ways to serve the customer needs (new products,
efficient production process, better marketing and after sales service, efficiently managing their
businesses) major positive impacts on economic growth.
- In state-directed economies, state-owned enterprises have little incentives to control cost and be
efficient because they cannot go out for business. As the private ownership are prohibited in command
economy, there was no motivation for individuals to look for better ways to serve the customer needs,
that why no dynamism and innovation in this kind of economy.
QUESTION 2: A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress. Discuss.
A democratic political system is a good condition for sustained economic progress due to following reasons:
- Emphasize on accountability and transparency governments, which can led to better governances and
reduce corruptions, create a conducive environments for economic growth.
- Stronger protection of Property rights and well-established rule of law.
- Foster an environment of political and intellectual freedom, then encourage the innovation and creativity
- Prioritize on education and human capital development, which is essential for economic progress
However, the effectiveness of democracy to the sustained economic progress still depend on the quality of
institution, rule of law and the policies pursued by elected leaders
QUESTION 3: Read the Management Focus feature titled Did Walmart Violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act? What is your opinion? If you think it did, what do you think the consequences will be for Walmart?
For this case, Walmart de Mexico took advantages on the laxity of the legal system in Mexico to pursuit their
business purposes by wide-spread bribery for local government with the cover-up of top executives at Walmart.
It could help Walmart to compass their business, however, they could receive the negative perspective from
customers or even the boycott from them. Moreover, the stock of Walmart could be also affected.