Misc-973 AHP PMAY-2018
Misc-973 AHP PMAY-2018
Misc-973 AHP PMAY-2018
Published by Authority
© Govt. of Haryana
No. 203-2018/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 (AGRAHAYANA 15, 1940 SAKA)
The 6th December, 2018
No. T&CP/Misc-973/2018/7/20/2018-2TCP.— The Governor of Haryana is pleased to notify a
comprehensive ‘Affordable Housing Policy (PMAY) 2018’ under the provisions of Section 9A of the Haryana
Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975 and any other corresponding statue governing development
of group housing colonies on the subject.
The policy, of which the details are given in Annexure-A below, has been concurred by the Finance
Department vide their UO No.01/81/2009-5FD-III/31119 dated 14.11.2018 and approved by the Council of Ministers
in its meeting held on 15.11.2018.
This policy shall come into effect from the date of its notification. The Director Town and Country Planning,
Haryana, is hereby directed to effectively implement this policy to facilitate creation of additional affordable housing
stock in the urban areas of the State.
(i) This policy shall be known as ‘Affordable Housing Policy (PMAY) 2018’. All references to ‘policy’ in
this document shall imply ‘Affordable Housing Policy (PMAY) 2018 (AHP-PMAY 2018)’.
(ii) This policy is intended to encourage the planning and completion of ‘Group Housing Projects’ wherein
apartments of ‘pre-defined size’ are made available at ‘pre-defined rates’ within a ‘Targeted time-
frame’ as prescribed under the present policy to ensure increased supply of ‘Affordable Housing’ in the
residential sectors falling in municipal limits predominantly to the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna
(PMAY) beneficiaries as identified by Department of Urban Local Bodies, Haryana (DULB). This
policy shall accordingly be co-terminus with the PMAY scheme of Govt of India and shall end with the
end of PMAY scheme.
(iii) Depending upon the category of project and the category of beneficiaries in the project, various
financial benefits are available under the PMAY scheme. The colonizer shall go through the scheme
documents before formulating the project proposal and shall also coordinate with the Mission Director,
State Urban Development Authority, Haryana to ensure optimum benefits under the PMAY scheme to
the project as well as to the allottees. The colonizer shall also hand-hold and guide its allottees to enable
them to avail relevant benefits under the PMAY scheme.
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(iv) All such projects shall be required to be necessarily completed within 2 years from the approval of
building plans or grant of environmental clearance, as applicable and whichever is later, irrespective of
validity period of the licence. This date shall be referred to as the ‘date of commencement of project’
for the purpose of this policy. The validity of licences shall be restricted to the said 2 years period from
the date of commencement of project.
(i) The licences under this policy shall be granted only in the residential sectors falling within municipal
limits of all development plans.
Note: For the purpose of this policy, a residential sector of which, at least 75% area falls within municipal
limits, shall be considered to be a residential sector falling within municipal limits, for grant of licence
under this policy and the decision of Director in this regard shall be final.
(i) Targeted towards identified PMAY beneficiaries, this policy shall be applicable only in such towns, on
any given date, where at least 150 identified PMAY beneficiaries exist as per the list/database
maintained by DULB. Provided that the left over (less than 150 in no.) identified beneficiaries may be
adjusted in the EWS housing stock to be created by Housing Board, Haryana, in various towns of
Haryana. However, in case EWS housing stock is not available, then applications under this policy
shall be invited.
Note: a. A dynamic list of such identified PMAY beneficiaries shall be maintained by DULB, which
shall also be regularly updated by DULB, by including new identified beneficiaries or by
excluding such beneficiaries to whom allotments are made under any prevailing PMAY scheme
in the State from time-to-time, by various State agencies.
b. Any town, where the beneficiaries list gets exhausted on account of allotment to such identified
beneficiaries of the town on a given date, shall get automatically struck off the list of town where
the present policy is applicable.
c. The availability of identified PMAY beneficiaries in such dynamic list/ database, on any given
date, shall be considered as final for the purpose of considering the eligibility of any town under
the present policy.
(ii) The maximum area for which such projects can be allowed in such residential sector within municipal
limits shall be granted subject to availability of sufficient area
a. within the overall 15 acre limit for AHP 2013 in a sector; and,
b. for such residential sectors other than that of FDP GMUC 2031; within the all-inclusive 40%
limit prescribed for a residential sector for Group Housing, AHP 2013 projects and DDJAY
projects; and,
c. for such residential sectors of FDP GMUC 2031;within the all-inclusive limit prescribed for a
residential sector for Group Housing and AHP 2013 projects as well as,
d. such area, that is left-over after consideration of the pending licence applications of Group
Housing, AHP 2013 projects and DDJAY projects.
(iii) The mechanism as being followed for grant of licence as per the policy parameters prescribed vide
memo no PF-27/2017/8/26/2017-2 TCP dated 10.10.2017, shall be followed for grant of licence under
the present policy, after ascertaining the availability of area in a given sector against the criteria
prescribed under para 2(ii) above.
(iv) The licencee shall allot at-least 60% of the dwelling units under such projects to the identified PMAY
beneficiaries only and shall submit an undertaking to this effect at the time of submission of licence
application under this policy.
(v) The applications for licence received under this policy should be made in the format as prescribed in
Rule 3 of the Haryana Development and Regulations of Urban Areas Rules, 1976 and the said Rules
shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis for processing of the application under this policy.
3. MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM AREA FOR SUCH PROJECT: The minimum and maximum area for such projects
shall be 1 acre and 5 acres respectively.
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(i) Planning Parameters: The planning parameters for the projects allowed under this policy are as
(a) Min. and Max. density permitted: 750 ppa (min) & 900ppa (max)
(b) Maximum FAR allowed: 225
(c) Maximum Ground Coverage allowed: 50%
(d) Maximum area under Commercial Use: 4% of the Net Planned Area at
175 FAR.
(e) Minimum Area under organized Open Space: 15% of the Net Planned Area
(f) Occupancy Norm (for density calculations): 5 persons per flat
(g) An additional component of population density, FAR and commercial area is provided
beyond what is allowed in group housing colonies to ensure the viability of such projects
(ii) Type of Apartment and Area under such Apartments:
a. The apartments of pre-defined size-rangeshall be allotted at a pre-defined rate to ensure
provision of affordable housing under this policy.
b. The carpet area of the apartments shall range from 28sqm to 60sqm in size.
c. The term "carpet area" shall mean the net usable covered floor area bound within the walls of
the apartment but excluding the area covered by the walls and any balcony which is approved
free-of-FAR, but including the area forming part of kitchen, toilet, bathroom, store and built-in
cupboard/ almirah/ shelf, which being usable covered area shall form part of the carpet area.
d. Though there is no binding to provide separate EWS category flats, the colonizers are
encouraged to formulate their projects with appropriate number of EWS flats for allottment as
per the PMAY-EWS guidelines, to derive maximum benefits under the PMAY scheme.
(iii) Parking Norms:
a. The parking space shall be provided at the rate of half Equivalent Car Space (ECS) for each
dwelling unit.
b. Only one two-wheeler parking site shall be earmarked for each flat, which shall be allotted only
to the flat-owners. The parking bay of two-wheelers shall be 0.8m x 2.5m unless otherwise
specified in the zoning plan.
c. No car parking shall be allotted to any apartment owner in such projects.
d. The balance available parking space, if any, beyond the allocated two-wheeler parking sites, can
be earmarked as free-visitor-car-parking space.
e. Additional parking norms and parameters, if any, can be specified in the zoning plan.
(iv) Public Health Services:
a. Under this policy, high density projects shall get created over relatively much smaller land
pockets, wherein, provisioning/ integration of public health infrastructure may remain a major
challenge. Depending upon their size, many of such projects shall remain beyond the ambit of
‘environmental clearance laws’. Accordingly, the developer shall be required to submit a project
report along with the licence application, in which a plan for arranging connection for water
supply, sewerage, storm water drainage and electricity from the concerned Public/State agencies
shall be submitted along with a comfort-letter/ letter-of-intent from the concerned Public/State
agency. The Developer shall be required to enter into an agreement with the concerned
Public/State agency, for deriving the public health services, failing which the licence application
shall not be considered favourably.
b. The provision for Sewerage Treatment Plant and dual piping system for recycling of treated
water for flushing purposes shall be mandatory in such projects.
c. The completion of the colony shall be allowed only after the colony stands connected to the
basic minimum public health services, viz., water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage and
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(v) Community Sites: The coloniser shall be required to provide the following community sites in any such
project, which shall form part of the common areas and facilities as defined under the Haryana
Apartment Ownership Act:
a. One built-up Community Hall of not less than 1000sqft.
b. One built-up Anganwadi-cum Creche of not less than 1000 sqft area.
c. No other community sites shall be required to be provided in such project.
(vi) Maintenance of colony after completion of project: A commercial component of 4% is being allowed in
the project to enable the coloniser to maintain the colony free-of-cost for a period of five years from the
date of grant of occupation certificate, after which the colony shall stand transferred to the “association
of apartment owners” constituted under the Haryana Apartment Ownership Act 1983, for maintenance.
The coloniser shall not be allowed to retain the maintenance of the colony either directly or indirectly
(through any of its agencies) after the end of the said five years period. Engaging any agency for such
maintenance works shall be at the sole discretion and terms and conditions finalised by the “association
of apartment owners”constituted under the Apartment Ownership Act 1983.
(i) Allotment Rate: The allotment rate for the apartment units approved under such projects shall be as
Sr. Residential Sectors falling in Municipal Maximum allotment rate on Additional recovery against
No. limits of following towns per sqft carpet area basis balcony of min 5ft clear
a. Gurugram and Faridabad Rs.3,500/- per sq. ft. Rs. 500 per sqft against all
balcony area in a flat adding
b. Panchkula, Pinjore-Kalka, Sonipat, Rs.3,000/- per sq. Ft. upto and limited to 100 sqft,
Panipat & Sohna
as permitted in the approved
c. Karnal, Ambala, Hisar, Yamunanagar, Rs.2,500/- per sq. ft. building plans.
Rohtak, Kurukshetra, Bhadurgarh, Bawal,
Rewari, Palwal, Hodel, Dharuhera &
Chandigarh: A. K. SINGH,
The Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,
Town and Country Planning Department.
8462—C.S.—H.G.P., Pkl.