Fist Tactics
Fist Tactics
Fist Tactics
Created By: Kameron Watson
How the hell did I get here? I’m writing this 2 months into the FIST ULTRA JAM
and I never thought I’d ever actually have a RPG book by the end of it. Like, this
is the real deal. The words I write RIGHT NOW are tangible on this page and you are
reading them (Or you just skipped past this Foreword and after skimming the book a
few times feel like you owe it to me to actually read this part). That’s freaking
crazy. It’s so surreal to me! I’m so happy you’re here to read this silly book of
mine. It’s a dream come true and I can’t thank you enough for checking this out.
Tell your friends about it and tell me what you think.
This project started when I got laid off from my engineering job. I was
despondent, separated from comfort, and disgusted by writing yet another fruitless
job application. My buddy EJ turned me on to this “FIST” game and, coincidentally,
there just so happened to be a new edition AND a game jam to go along with it! What
the hell, I thought. I wanted to try making my own thing, I love FIST, and I found
myself abundant with free time.
I won’t lie, this all started as a joke. “Let's take FIST, a rules-light
roleplaying game and turn it into a crunchy, rules-heavy wargame.” It’s a MEME. The
bastardization of a beautiful roleplaying game made convoluted and fittingly obtuse.
This is a game about militant organizations, black sites, and conspiracies. Of
course the game should be made more complex. But after a month of writing and
revisions I found things fitting in more easily than I expected. FIST ULTRA made for
an excellent base to make a miniatures wargame. I can only hope I did justice to the
works of those excellent CLAYMORE folks. And if any of you bozos are reading this.
Thank you. FIST is amazing and it helped me in some rough spots. To say it's one of
my most treasured RPGs would be an understatement. Hell I spent the past 2 months
making a cool ass mod for it! Of course I love it! And you should too. Go buy a copy
for you and your friends. It’s wicked good stuff.
The second month was throwing this all together in a publishing program,
creating layouts and art and rewriting things to make it all work. And goodness I
really want to talk about the artists and the people who helped. All the book layout
stuff and pixel work, that’s me. But I’m dumb, so who cares. The cool folks are all
the artists who contributed to this project. The proofreaders who made my nonsense
legible. And my friends who told me to keep going, who told me that I could complete
this, and those friends who are probably reading this now. These people donated
their time and talents to make this game as cool as can be. I love you all, and not
a minute goes by I don’t feel blessed to have worked with you. Thank you.
And finally a thanks to you. Thank you for checking out my little passion
project. This is a first time thing for me, so expect it to be a little rough around
the edges. Some of the paint is still wet, the pipes make ungodly noises, and the
walls are made of cardboard. It’s a first edition after all. But I’m not gonna ask
you to ignore the man behind the curtain here. Instead I’m gonna ask you to join
him! Start pulling levers and spinning wheels! Ignore the warning lights and sirens.
Rip out the wires and slam the accelerator. Please, BREAK. MY. GAME. And then tell
me about how you beat the shit out of my baby. Rub my face in the dirt you scuffed
up. Show me what I can do better next time, as I was only able to do so much. But
even if you make me lick my wounds, I’ll sleep happily enough knowing someone gave
my game an honest try.
□ At least 2 six sided die (d6).
□ Ruler.
□ Player tokens or Miniatures. Any will do: paper cutouts, space marines,
meeples, go crazy.
□ A map or terrain pieces. Models from a hobby shop are recommended but the
unsung heroes of cans, popsicle sticks, and left over packaging material
work just as well.
Each Operative has 2 inherent • SPEED (SPD): How many inches your
ATTRIBUTES that determines their operative can move on the
health and damage resistance. battlefield during their turn.
SPEED is derived from 5 plus or
• HIT POINTS (HP): Your Operative’s minus the operative’s REFLEX
health. All Operatives start with score. Most Operatives start at 5
6 MAX HP. This is how much damage SPEED.
they can take before they are
taken out of play.
TRAITS are special little things that make your Operative stand out
among the typical mercenary crowd. Every Operative starts with 1 TRAIT. In
this section you will find 72 TRAITS taken from the main FIST: ULTRA EDITION
book (pg. 39-66) that I believe are a best fit for a FIST: TACTICS game. Don’t
let that stop you from using the full list from the main book or others. Just
expect to make some changes to them, and get confirmation with all players at
the table that your TRAIT makes sense or feels balanced enough.
For the lists below, roll 3D6. The first die determines if the Even or
Odd Trait list is used, the second die determines the ten’s place, and the
third die determines the one’s place. The end of the TRAIT’S description
lists any equipment you get and/or ATTRIBUTE adjustment.
E11. ACCOUNTANT: If you notice and O13. LINK: Touching someone’s skin bonds
correct an inconsistency in your FIST their soul to yours. At the start of the
TACTICS game, like lost HP that was game, pick an Operative or Guard on the
never marked, models moving more than field. Add your MAX HP’s together to make
their allotted SPEED, or a WAR DIE your new shared HP pool. Anytime either
someone forgot they had, gain a WAR DIE. target takes DAMAGE it is subtracted
Coffee Thermos (+1D6 HP, one use), -2 from the shared pool. If either target
CREATIVE. is the victim of a TAKEDOWN, their
original MAX HP is removed from the pool
O11. JANITOR: You can clean up any mess (until they are resuscitated). +1
in minutes and always have the supplies REFLEXIVE.
on hand to do so. Treat all TAKEDOWN
checks as if you rolled an ULTRA. Mop E14. ASSASSINATION: Once per mission,
(MELEE: 3 DAMAGE), +1 FORCEFUL. you may instantly kill up to three weak
enemies (3 HP or less) while in the
E12. AKIMBO: You can wield any two INFILTRATION PHASE. You can treat up to
weapons at once, but your accuracy is three VIOLENT TAKEDOWN actions as if you
decreased: when an attack lands, roll rolled 7+. Wrist blade (MELEE: 3
DAMAGE for both weapons, then drop one DAMAGE), +1 REFLEXIVE.
die from the total. Two SMGs (RANGED:
1D6 DAMAGE each), +1 FORCEFUL. O14. LISTEN: You have incredibly
sensitive and specific hearing, but a
O12. LIMBS: You have many appendages tumultuous relationship with the rest of
(additional arms, spider-like legs, your senses. Your RANGE is doubled, but
tentacles, etc.) PICKUP action is you take 1 DAMAGE anytime a piece of
incidental (free). And roll twice and equipment is used within half of your
take the best result on PUSH, LOOT, and RANGE. +2 REFLEXIVE.
PARKOUR actions. Many knives (MELEE:
1D6+1 DAMAGE), +1 REFLEXIVE. E15. BOUNCE: When you deal DAMAGE to an
enemy in a successful MELEE ATTACK, you
E13. ARMORED: You are fused with a can make a free PUSH action as an
cumbersome suit of power armor that you incidental against them. Kinetic
cannot remove. Once per mission, you can gauntlet (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), +1
completely ignore any amount of DAMAGE FORCEFUL.
dealt to you. Power armor (2 ARMOR,
cannot be unequipped), -2 REFLEXIVE.
O15. LUSH: You prefer to fight at least body. You gain 1D6 HP and the body’s
half in the bag. Spend an action to tip model is removed from play. Chainsaw
back your liquor bottle and take +2 to (MELEE: 1D6+1 DAMAGE), -2 CREATIVE.
your next FORCEFUL roll. Liquor bottle
(one use), +1 WAR DIE. O22. MURDER: You’re followed by a
heckling murder of crows that you can
E16. BUDDY: You and another Operative control. You gain a new action, CROWS.
who possesses the BUDDY trait are best You choose one target within your RANGE
friends. When you work together, you (LINE OF SIGHT optional) and swarm them
become an unstoppable force of nature. with crows. They will automatically take
Add +1 to all checks as long as your 1 DAMAGE before the crows fly off. +1
BUDDY is within your RANGE. If your TACTICAL.
BUDDY dies your MAX HP is immediately
halved by grief (rounded down). +2 E23. CHEF: You can cook a good meal in
FORCEFUL. almost any situation. When you need to
cook an exquisite meal, spend an action
O16. MASCOT: You are the beautifully and roll +CREATIVE and choose one effect
fragile glue which bolsters the team’s on a success, and two effects on an
spirit and binds them together. Your MAX ULTRA.
HP is irrelevant—for the purposes of [+1 to your next roll],
play, it is always equal to 1. As long [Heal 1D6+CRE HP].
as you are alive, your remaining MAX HP Meat cleaver (1D6 DAMAGE), +1 WAR DIE.
is divided as evenly as possible and
added onto the MAX HP of every other O23. NUMBERS: All numbers have meaning.
player (e.g. a 6 MAX HP MASCOT in a At the beginning of each mission, roll
four-player team grants 1, 2, and 2 MAX 1D6. Once per mission, you may replace
HP to the other three players). any number with the number rolled. +1
Extravagant costume (1 ARMOR), -2 TACTICAL.
E24. COMMANDO: You're a real life action
E21. BUILDER: Given enough time, the hero. You deal +1 DAMAGE during any fight
right materials, and relative safety, where enemies within your RANGE
you can build any common structure outnumber you. But you take a -2 DAMAGE
(guaranteed to be sound, sturdy, and penalty when an ally is within your
reliable) without rolling the dice. Once RANGE. Rocket launcher (RANGED: 1D6+2
per game, As an action create a DAMAGE), +1 FORCEFUL.
structure no larger than 2” long by 2”
wide that blocks LINE OF SIGHT starting O24. PAINLESS: You cannot feel pain, and
from a spot within your RANGE and LINE being hurt will never cause you to flinch
OF SIGHT. -1 CREATIVE. or stop what you’re doing. The first time
you reach 0 HP during the mission,
O21. MIMIC: You can shapeshift, but only regain 1D6 HP. Wrist and ankle weights
into inanimate objects. Once per (1 ARMOR), -2 REFLEXIVE.
mission, spend an action to transform
into an inanimate object (no bigger than E25. CRUEL: Merely shooting, burning, or
your model). While transformed you stabbing someone is never enough for
automatically succeed all DETECTION you—without fail, you always double down
checks. This transformation breaks if and twist the knife. While dealing
you take DAMAGE or use an action. +2 MAX DAMAGE, you may reroll any dice which
HP. show up as 1. Micro-blade stiletto
E22. CANNIBAL: Your power grows when you
feast upon human flesh. As an action you
can dine on any unconscious or dead
O25. PARKOUR: You can easily swing, E32. DETONATOR: As an action you can
jump, and free-run across rooftops and explode, once. Doing so kills you,
rafters without rolling the dice. If messily, destroys nearby structures, and
it’s something really precarious you can deals 2D6 DAMAGE to everyone within your
still do it, but you’ll drop one of your RANGE. Bomb suit (2 ARMOR), +1 FORCEFUL.
items. You can treat all PARKOUR checks
as if you rolled a 7+, at the cost of O32. PREPPER: You are perpetually
dropping something on your equipment awaiting the moment when the world goes
list. Baseball bat (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), to shit. You’ve learned how to stretch
+1 REFLEXIVE. the most use out of everything,
including canned goods. You gain an
E26. CUT: When someone damages you, and additional +1 HP whenever you heal from
you're wielding a cutting weapon, you eating HRP’s. Hatchet (MELEE: 3 DAMAGE),
may roll DAMAGE to counter theirs. On a +1 TACTICAL.
mismatch, they hurt you as usual and
your damage roll means nothing, but on a E33. DIRTY: You fight using underhanded
tie, you are unscathed... and your and dishonorable methods. When you
opponent is revealed to have been cut in trick-attack an enemy, roll DAMAGE twice
half, killing them instantly. Katana and take the higher result. Pocket sand
(MELEE: 1D6+1 DAMAGE), +1 REFLEXIVE. (RANGED: +1 to attack rolls vs. sand
victim, one use), +1 FORCEFUL.
O26. PATHETIC: You are entirely
unintimidating and almost universally O33. PUPPETMASTER: When this Operative
pitied. Enemies often underestimate you. is set to be activated, Once per mission
Once per mission, before you take you can instead give up that Operative’s
damage, you may look into an enemy’s activation to activate a model of your
eyes and nullify it as long as they are choice. Friendly Operative, Enemy
within RANGE and LINE OF SIGHT. Box of Operative, or Guard, even if they’ve
tissues (hides a pistol inside, RANGED: already activated, and control them
1D6 DAMAGE), -1 FORCEFUL. instead. Once deactivated they cannot be
activated again until the next round.
E31. CYBORG: You have Strappy leather harness (1 ARMOR),
augmented ultrahuman +1 FORCEFUL.
agility. You can reroll
one damage die—dealing E34. FASHIONABLE: You may
or receiving—once per combine multiple pieces of
round. Cyborg body-sized armor and wear them
exoskeleton (1 ARMOR), all at once to gain their
+1 REFLEXIVE. cumulative ARMOR score. Leather
jacket (1 ARMOR), -2 REFLEXIVE.
O31. POCKET: You can fit
pretty much anything into O34. QUANTUM: If one of your
your personal pocket fellow operatives was to take
dimension (and retrieve it at damage, this operative can swap places
will) as long as you have free with them on the map and take the damage
appendages with which to do so. Your instead. Quantum stabilizer suit (2
pocket-space might be accessed through a ARMOR), +1 CREATIVE.
bottomless bag, a door that follows you
between rooms, or a wormhole you can E35. FATALITY: Once per mission, you may
summon with a wish. You have no HOLD describe the creative and brutal
limit. You can use the PICK UP action to finishing move you perform on an enemy
hide a body within your pocket. -1 with less than 3 HP. Kunai chain
O35. RADIOACTIVE: When you aren’t E43. FIGHTER: Your study of hand-to-
wearing your treated bandages, radiation hand, the basis of all combat, has made
bursts forth from your body. Once per your body itself into a lethal weapon.
mission you can remove your bandages and Your Unarmed MELEE ATTACK now deals 1D6
deal 2D6 DAMAGE to everyone within RANGE DAMAGE. Once per mission, you may launch
at the cost of losing 1 HP yourself, per a special, unarmed super attack which
target. -2 FORCEFUL. deals 1D6+2 DAMAGE. Flashy outfit (1
E36. FATE: You are able to manipulate
the threads of chance, perhaps through O43. SEER: Once per session, reroll any
careful study of reality’s emergent dice roll (yours or enemy) and choose
properties or by some connection to the your preferred roll. +1 CREATIVE.
divine. When you would roll a WAR DIE,
roll two instead and use either one as E44. FLOW: You live in the moment and
your result. If you roll doubles, use can be like water, moving with the
both. -2 TACTICAL. currents of reality. Whenever you roll a
failure, mark down a plus sign — you can
O36. RELOAD: When you’re about to attack have up to three. Anytime you roll dice
with a ranged weapon, you can choose to you can spend any amount of plus signs
dig in your heels, slam in another mag, to add that much to your roll. Staff
and unload a whole clip. Once per (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), -2 TACTICAL.
activation, when you make a RANGED
ATTACK you can choose to double the O44. SKELETON: You have no flesh. You
DAMAGE you deal, but any DAMAGE you take count as having 2 ARMOR, but take +1
is doubled until the start of your next DAMAGE from MELEE ATTACKS. Ownerless
Activation. Grenade (1D6 DAMAGE, one femur (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), -2 FORCEFUL.
use), +1 REFLEXIVE.
E45. FLURRY: Once per mission, you may
E41. FIELD: Once per mission, you may enter a “flurry state” where you may
project a bubble of solid psionic force choose to instantly roll DAMAGE against
2” in diameter which is centered on you anyone who deals damage to you. Doing so
and provides anyone inside 3 ARMOR ends the state and causes you to take
against outside attacks. If you take 1D6 DAMAGE from overexertion. Energy
damage the field immediately dissipates. drink (+1D6 HP, one use), +2 REFLEXIVE.
O45. SMOKER: You are addicted to
O41. RUNNER: You possess ultrahuman nicotine. As an action, you light up a
speed. Once per mission you can take an cigarette to calm your nerves, giving
additional MOVE action for free. +1 you +2 to your next REFLEXIVE roll.
REFLEXIVE. Cigarette case (one use), +1 WAR DIE.
E42. FIEND: You utilize amphetamines to E46. FORAGE: Once per mission you can
enhance your focus. Spend an action to spend an action to roll on the LOOT
pop some pills and take +2 to your next table for free to acquire a new item.
TACTICAL roll. Pill bottle (one use), +1 Machete (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), +1
O42. SAWBONES: You’re a doctor, but you O46. SNIPER: As long as you don’t take a
don’t have a medical license. Once per MOVE action on your turn, you can make
mission, you can revive a dead operative RANGED ATTACKS with 3D6 and take the
you are ENGAGED with at the cost of an highest of the two dice. If you succeed
ACTION. However they lose one of their you deal the MAX DAMAGE with your
traits in the process. Bone saw (MELEE: weapon. Sniper rifle (RANGED: 1D6+2
1D6+1 DAMAGE), -2 MAX HP. DAMAGE), +1 DAMAGE with ranged weapons.
E51. GROUND: You know how to cut through O54. STONER: You function much better
the noise, for better or for worse. while high. Spend an action to enjoy
Once per mission, you may plant your favorite strain. Choose a bonus:
yourself firmly. All allies within 3” [+1D6 HP],
around you gain +2 to all checks and [+2 to your next roll].
deal +2 more DAMAGE. This effect lasts Personal stash (one use), +1 WAR DIE.
as long as you aren’t moved or
take any actions. Pump-action E55. HEX: You can place any
shotgun (RANGED: 1D6+1 DAMAGE), -1 being under a hex,
CREATIVE. depriving them of good luck.
Choose one Operative on the enemy team
O51. SNEAK: You can use REFLEXIVE or NPC on the field. Until one of you
instead of CREATIVE for DETECTION dies, both targets will roll -2 on all
checks. Sneaking suit (1 ARMOR), +1 checks (does not apply for DAMAGE or
double vs. Guards), +1 CREATIVE.
E52. HARVEST: When you would deal a
killing blow with a melee weapon, you O55. STUBBORN: You're one tough son of a
may roll 1D6 to attempt to harvest an bitch, and not even God can keep you
internal organ before death. On a 4 or down for long. You can spend a WAR DIE
above, consume it, and choose to a) gain to treat any failed roll as if you
a WAR DIE, or b) heal for 1D6 HP. On a 3 rolled 7+ instead. Special cigar (+1D6
or below, your killing blow doesn’t HP, one use), -2 CREATIVE.
land. Bloody axe (MELEE: 1D6 DAMAGE), +1
REFLEXIVE. E56. HIGHLANDER: When you kill an enemy
roll 1D6. On “even” you gain a new
O52. SOAK: You know how to grin and bear random TRAIT, but not the stat bonus or
it. When you take damage, you may roll a item. Ancient longsword (MELEE: 1D6+1
WAR DIE and subtract that much from the DAMAGE), +1 FORCEFUL.
DAMAGE taken. Kinetic shock shield (2
ARMOR, equip as SHIELD), -2 REFLEXIVE. O56. TELEKINETIC: Extend your PICKUP and
DROP ACTIONS to use your full RANGE. You
E53. HATE: Something about you just rubs can pick up and move things outside of
people the wrong way, and you don’t mind your LINE OF SIGHT with a successful
that at all. Choose one Operative on the +TACTICAL check. +1 CREATIVE.
enemy team, or NPC on the field. All
ATTACKS and TAKEDOWNS made against that E61. HOLY: You may be a god, an angel, a
operative are treated as if you rolled a pious believer, or a power-drunk zealot—
7+. -1 CREATIVE. whatever your relationship is to the
divine, choose a conceptual domain to
O53. STATUESQUE: You’re made of which you belong (such as balance, love,
something hard: stone, metal, gems, etc. or war). Once per mission can draw 2”x2”
Once per mission, you can reflect any max diameter circle on the field. No
projectile back at the attacker. Tough Guards can cross it or see through it.
exterior (2 ARMOR), +1 FORCEFUL. Bow of solid light (RANGED: 1D6+CRE
DAMAGE, +1 DAMAGE vs. Guards).
E54. HEAVYWEIGHT: You can tear through
most inanimate obstacles with ease. Once O61. TELEPORT: You can teleport yourself
per mission the Operative can break (and any items you are wearing or
through a door or wall, permanently holding) to a safe location within your
leaving a hole in its place. The hole line of sight at will. If you want to
can be no bigger than 1” thick on the teleport to somewhere you can’t see,
map. Break-action shotgun (RANGED: 1D6+1 roll +TACTICAL. Flare gun (RANGED: 1D6
E62. HYBRID: You are genetically E65. ILLUSION: Use Creative for
spliced with an animal of your DETECTION checks. Get the MIND
choice. You gain +1 to an TRICK ability for free. Whip
attribute that you feel makes (1D6 DAMAGE), +1 CREATIVE.
sense for your animal.
Unfortunately, all armor is O65. WITTY: If you deliver a
1 point less effective due to clever (or cheesy) one-liner
its incorrect fit. Animal that makes the other players
feed (+1D6 HP, one use), +1 laugh, groan, or cheer after
to chosen attribute. overcoming a particularly
difficult challenge, your HP is
O62. TRIPPER: You are a refilled to maximum. +1 CREATIVE.
psychedelics enthusiast. When you
have some time to relax, you can drop a E66. INJECTION: You are addicted to an
tab to expand your consciousness and experimental serum that increases your
take +2 to your next CREATIVE roll. Acid combat ability. Gain a new action
tab (one use), +1 WAR DIE. INJECT. Each time you inject yourself
your MAX HP decreases by 3 but your next
E63. HYPNOSIS: You are locked in a attack deals Double DAMAGE. At the end
permanent state of self-hypnosis which of a mission, your MAX HP returns to its
maximizes your efficiency but suppresses normal amount. Automatic injection suit
your sense of self. Any time you roll (2 ARMOR), -1 REFLEXIVE.
the dice to do something risky, you can
reroll one die (use the new result even O66. WIZARD: You are an arrogant meddler
if it's lower). Nutrient slurry (+2D6 in the arcane otherworld, and many
HP, one use), -2 CREATIVE. mischievous sorceries have taken up
residence in your head. Once per
O63. TURRET: You have a portable mini mission, you may roll 1D6, gesture
turret that you can deploy on the wildly, and unleash a torrent of magic
battlefield without spending an action or upon any target:
rolling dice. The turret has 3 MAX HP 1. Caster becomes a small animal for the
and 1 ARMOR, and uses your RANGE. When remainder of the mission and can’t be
an ally deals DAMAGE to an enemy within activated.
the Turret’s RANGE and LINE OF SIGHT, it 2. Target can negate the DAMAGE from one
can deal an additional 1D6+TAC DAMAGE. attack.
Gain Mini-turret (RANGED: 1D6+TAC 3. Deal 2D6 DAMAGE to all within RANGE
DAMAGE), +1 TACTICAL. of caster.
4. Target heals to MAX HP
E64. ICEBREAKER: You know how to get the 5. Target falls asleep for the remainder
party started. Your first attack deals of the mission and can’t be activated.
Double DAMAGE. If it's the first attack 6. Both target and caster disintegrate
of the game you gain a WAR DIE. Tactical You may spend one WAR DIE to reroll
battleaxe (MELEE: 1D6+1 DAMAGE), +2 the result, and spend more to reroll as
FORCEFUL. many times as you like. Magic missile
launcher (1D6 DAMAGE), +2 CREATIVE.
O64. WALLBANG: You can shoot any form of
ammunition through solid matter as
though it were air. You ignore LINE OF
SIGHT requirements for RANGED ATTACKS.
Laser sight (attach to weapon for +1 on
attack rolls), +1 REFLEXIVE.
Sanctioned Company Resources In-lieu of Payment or “SCRIP” (¤) is the
life blood of SQUAD operations. It’s used to stock your operatives with all
the equipment, genetic modifications, and the spiritual guides needed to help
them complete (and potentially survive) the dangerous operations and missions
performed in FIST TACTICS.
All SQUADS start with a SCRIP amount decided by the mission to buy
TRAITS and EQUIPMENT before deploying for a Mission.
TRAP. Potent Potassium. On use, pick any
spot within the Operative’s RANGE and
LINE OF SIGHT and place a token there.
Any model that becomes ENGAGED with the
token slips and falls, ending their turn
immediately and removes the BANANA
token. Two uses.
ITEM. The “Ol’ Reliable” of stealth
ITEM. Good news, this pocket-sized light
can light up to 25,000 Lumens! Bad news, it
only lasts for a brief second. Choose up to
3 Operatives and/or Guards within RANGE and
LINE OF SIGHT to get flashed… by the light.
These targets are blinded and cannot be
activated until next round. One use.
ITEM. Choose a 3”x3” spot within RANGE
and LINE OF SIGHT. All models within
that range take 1D6 DAMAGE. IMMEDIATELY
TRAP. Guards go crazy for this thing. Place a
token within RANGE and LINE OF SIGHT of your
Operator. If a token enters a Guard’s RANGE,
they must stop their current task and take the
shortest path to become ENGAGED with the token.
They ignore DECEPTION checks. The first guard to
activate while ENGAGED with the token removes
it, and all other transfixed guards return to
their posts. One use.
RANGED WEAPON. Its name rings through
your head, “HEAVY MACHINE GUN”. Made
with a wooden stock and a heavy metallic
slug of a body, it allows an Operative
RANGED WEAPON. The feeding ramp is polished. The
slide's reinforced. The thumb safety is extended
MELEE WEAPON. This grants 1 ARMOR that
stacks with whatever body armor the
operative has in their equipment list.
Grants +1 to PUSH actions (both on the
roll and distance).
ITEM. Choose a 3”x3” spot within RANGE
and LINE OF SIGHT. For the remainder of
the mission, smoke emanates within that
spot and blocks LINE OF SIGHT. Two
• Guards can hear through walls. • When in doubt, just throw a bunch
of scatter terrain on a grid build
• Walls or surfaces, no matter how off of that.
high, block LINE OF SIGHT.
GOAL: Operatives start in the Orange START/EVAC zone at the top of the map
and must collect the MCGUFFIN (Orange Star) in the center. After the MCGUFFIN
is collected they must return to the EVAC zone at the top of the map.
• Purple markers are security doors that require a successful PUSH or HACK
action to bypass.
• The Blue stars are Guard emplacements. The Blue lines and diamonds are
patrol routes. Guards that spawn on these routes will spend their turn
moving along the route, moving from node to node along each linear path.
GOAL: Teams start in either Orange zone on the opposing sides of the map and
must eliminate all opposing Operatives.
• Guards are optional for this mission type. This map serves as a basic
layout for a competitive skirmish match for at least 2 players.
Great! You’ve got your squad Once all players have finished
created, kitted out, pumped full of their turns, it’s the Guard’s turn.
questionable substances, and you’ve Here all players go around the table,
got a mission full of objectives and activating guards one at a time. Once
obstacles, now… how do you play? all the guards have been activated,
Quick summary. This is a game of the Guard turn is over and the round
super stealthy spies trying to ends. Starting a new round!
overcome guards, traps, and maybe
even rival spies. ACTIVATION
TURN ORDER In order for a player to control
an operative in their squad, it must
In general there is a Player be activated. This is more of a
turn, where players control their formality, but it means you as a
operatives and then a Guard turn, player have chosen which operative
where players control the NPC you want to control during your turn.
elements of a mission. For SOLO/COOP Once an operative is activated, you
missions, Players always go first. can only perform actions with that
Then the Guards. model. After all desired actions have
been made with the model, the player
For COMPETITIVE missions, all relays they’ve finished that
players roll 2D6 and compare totals operative’s turn, “deactivating”
at the start of a mission. Whoever them. Deactivated operatives cannot
scored the highest (including highest be controlled again until the next
individual die in the case of ties) round.
goes first. Turn order rotates around
the table in a fashion deemed most Then the next player activates
desirable by the players at the their model following the turn order
table. But a good default is to just rotation. This activation rotation
go counter-clockwise. continues until all player’s
operatives have been activated. Then (or replaced with a token if the
it’s the Guard turn. model is fragile) and can no longer
be activated.
Guards and enemy Operatives
Let's say you want your cannot be attacked during the
operative to interact with someone or INFILTRATION PHASE, only the ALARM
something on the game board. To do PHASE.
that, they need to be a valid target.
Valid Targets are within LINE OF HEIGHT & HIGH GROUND
SIGHT and within RANGE.
Maps can be built with different
LINE OF SIGHT means an heights in mind. Anything from
uninterrupted line can be drawn from multiple storied buildings, to
the base of your operative’s model to spiraling excavation pits. For FIST:
the model/token of your target. Any TACTICS the height your operative is
terrain piece that obscures a model at should be a tactical
breaks LINE OF SIGHT and prevents the consideration.
model from being targeted. Unlike
other war games this system doesn’t Operatives that are higher in
use partial cover. If a model is elevation than their target gain +2
obscured, even by the slightest to their ATTACK rolls. Operatives
amount, it’s assumed in the fiction of that are lower in elevation than
the game that the character is doing their target make ATTACK rolls at -2.
everything they can to not be seen.
Elevation does not affect LINE OF
Unless otherwise stated by a SIGHT unless your Operative is on top
TRAIT, EQUIPMENT, POWER, or any of the wall/surface the target is
miscellaneous ability available, an ENGAGED with. For example, if the map
operative can only have ONE target at was a 2D plane, and a wall separated
a time. your target from your operative, they
could not be targeted. UNLESS your
ATTACKS Operative climbed on top of the wall.
From top down on this 2D plane your
Attacking allows your operative models would look ENGAGED.
to remove a guard or enemy operative
from play. First you determine if For instances where play is
your operative is performing a MELEE meant to take place in an enclosed
or RANGED ATTACK, and if successful space with a roof: Players should
you roll their weapon’s damage dice agree upon a limit to the height an
and subtract the total from the Operative can climb, or what walls
target's HP. Operatives without a can or cannot be climbed over.
MELEE WEAPON can use martial arts, In situations where models are
dealing 1D3 DAMAGE. However, an pushed over the edge or fall from a
Operative cannot make a RANGED ATTACK high height: they take 1 DAMAGE for
without a RANGED WEAPON in their each inch after the first that it
inventory. would take them to reach the floor.
This means Operatives can fall 1”
If a target’s HP is dropped to 0 without taking damage.
their model is put down on its side
Operatives can perform any two of the following actions once they’ve
been activated. These actions may require rolling 2D6 and adding one of the
operative’s four ATTRIBUTES.
Action Description
Choose an empty spot within 1” of your Operative and place
something on the ground. Dropping an item or body is an incidental
and does not cost you an action. Go ahead! Drop your entire
inventory in one turn! NO CONSEQUENCES!
When trying to disarm a TRAP or disable some kind of security,
pick an applicable target within RANGE and LINE OF SIGHT and roll
• 6-: You are unsuccessful and the target remains unaffected. Do not
remove the target’s token.
• 7+: You’ve successfully disarmed the target! Remove its token from
• ULTRA: You not only disarm it. If it's a trap you can pick it up
and add it to your list of EQUIPMENT (If you have the HOLD for
Spend an action to use an ITEM, TRAP, or whatever non-passive
ITEM piece of gear is within your EQUIPMENT list. The item descriptions
will tell you how to use them.
• 6-: This guard was packing light and you don’t find anything you
can use.
• 7+: Lucky lucky! The guard has one item from the rollable table on
• ULTRA: The guard has two items from the rollable table on pg.33.
Operatives can move up to their SPEED value on their turn. This
movement can be broken up, for example an operative with a SPEED of
5 can move 2” then perform an action and then move a remaining
distance of 3”.
Models are able to move through allied models but cannot end
MOVE their movement within the same space or overlapping another model.
In case this happens, adjust the base of the model so that its base
is adjacent to the touched model.
If a model was to move within ENGAGED range (1”) of another
enemy model it must stop its movement. The model can’t move again
until the start of its activation.
Action Description
When trying to cross a gap or climb up a vertical surface that
is longer than half your SPEED you must PARKOUR. You cannot style
farther than your MAX SPEED value. PARKOUR does not use any
movement and can be used in conjunction with the Move action.
Designate a location within the player’s MAX SPEED value and roll
• 6-: The operative does not make the jump. If leaping horizontally
the operative only moves 1” along the linear path of their jump.
PARKOUR If leaping vertically the operative falls back to where they
started. In either case they take 1 DAMAGE per 1” the model would
fall, after the first.
• 7+: The Operative sticks the landing and is successful with their
hardcore parkour.
• ULTRA: The operative not only sticks the landing but carries some
momentum with them. The operative can move half their SPEED value
for free.
When ENGAGED with a dropped item, spend an action to pick it up
and add it to your EQUIPMENT list.
When ENGAGED with a body, spend an action to pick it up. While
PICKUP holding a body you cannot perform any actions other than DROP and
MOVE. Your speed is reduced by 1”.
When ENGAGED with an unconscious body, spend an action to
resuscitate them. Allowing that model to be activated again.
Something in the way? Like a security door? Guard? Enemy
operative? Big piece of terrain? Just push it out of the way!
Target an operative, guard, or piece of terrain no bigger than 1”
x1” you are ENGAGED with and roll +FORCEFUL!
• 6-: It’s like it's bolted to the floor! The target of your push
doesn’t move an inch.
• 7+: You don’t skimp on protein! You push the target half your MAX
SPEED in a direction of your choice.
• ULTRA: You not only push your target half your MAX SPEED in a
direction of your choice, they also drop an item where they
originally stood!
• 6-: You miss, or the guard absorbs the hit, either way no damage
is done and the guy’s still awake.
• 7+: You are silent and deadly. The guard’s body goes down
without a sound. Lay the guard’s model on its side (or replace
it with a token) within 1” of your operative.
• ULTRA: You not only take out the guard, their body is removed
from play entirely! Remove the model from the game board. No
“body” if there is nobody, eh?
• 6-: The Guard sees the Operative and immediately triggers the
ALARM phase!
• 7+: The guard does not see the Operative and spends its movement
going back to its post or patrol route.
• ULTRA: You ride that adrenaline high and gain +1 WAR DIE for
your SQUAD.
During the ALARM phase, Guards can spend an action to attack
anyone within their RANGE. They roll +2D6:
After the mission’s complete it’s time to head back home soldier. Either
with a coffee or in a coffee tin. This section gives an overview on how to
score missions and award SCRIP for longer campaigns.