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International Journal of Scientific Research in _______________________________ Research Paper .

Multidisciplinary Studies E-ISSN: 2454-9312

Vol.3, Issue.8, pp.1-6, August (2017) P-ISSN: 2454-6143

Implementation of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in Solar thermal Cooking

Yakoob Kolipak1*, A.M.K. Prasad2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, OU College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, OU College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

*Corresponding Author: [email protected], Tel: +91-98498-58096

Available online at: www.isroset.org

Received 12 Jul 2017, Revised 29th Jul 2017, Accepted 15th Jul 2017, Online 30th Aug 2017

Abstract— Energy consumption for cooking is unavoidable, though there is continuously increasing the fuel price as well as
scarcity of exhausting fossil fuels. Because cooking is the prime priority of human life all over the world. Cooking contributes
a major part in sharing of total primary energy consumption in India. Hence it needs an alternative energy source for this
purpose. Solar cookers are the best substitute for, heating, cooking and pasteurizing applications. In this work a review has
been made to study the existing literature in the field of solar cookers with the latent heat storage system using a particular

Keywords—Cooking, Solar thermal, Thermal Energy Storage, Phase change material


Energy requirements for cooking in the countries like India Solar cookers are broadly classified as (1) Solar cookers
and China are very high, particularly due to the large without storage and (2) Solar cookers with storage. The solar
population. In India about 47% of the energy comes from cookers without storage are again divided into (a) Direct
wood for the cooking application, and this value is higher cooking (b) Indirect cooking. And the solar cookers with
than 75% in many African countries, such as Mali or storage are divided into (i) Sensible heat storage type (ii)
Burkina Faso, it reaches up to 95% [1]. Approximately Latent heat storage type.
34000 and 140,000 solar cookers are used in India and China
respectively [2]. In the present review an attention is given to solar cooker
with latent heat of storage type because to solve the
Cooking by using solar energy is the best substitute over problems related to cooking, like cooking at off sunshine
wood and fuel all over the world. Since solar energy is the hours, cooking at shed and to make cooking as convenient as
most promising alternative energy which is available freely domestic cooking stoves.
and abundantly. It is free of pollution and as well high
nutritional value of the cooked food [3]. Solar cooking is the 2.1 Solar Cooker With Latent Heat Of Storage
process of heating food up to boiling temperature of water,
and being kept at that temperature for a particular period of Domanski et al. [7] in the year 1995 developed a solar
time depending upon the characteristics of the food. The cooker and investigated for whether cooking is possible
Mass flow rate of the gas is 2-3 more at the beginning [4]. during off sunshine hours using Phase change materials
As per the principle of Lof [5-6], maximum cooking energy (PCMs).They developed a cylindrical shaped cooking unit
is required during the sensible heating period, and less heat with a two concentric aluminum (0.0015-m thick), vessel
is required for physical and chemical changes. Boiling with gap between inner and outer walls, and are connected
temperature of food, consumes 20% of heat, the vaporization together at their tops using four screws. The annular gap is
of water consumes, 35% of heat and 45% of heat goes as filled with 1.1 kg of stearic acid (melting temperature 69 oC;
convection losses from cooking vessels. latent heat of fusion 202.5kJ/kg; thermal conductivity 0.172
W/moC for the cooking pot is slow, and more time is
required for cooking the evening meal. The model is as
shown in figure 1.

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Sharma et al. [10] in the year 2005 developed a solar cooker

using evacuated tube solar collector (ETSC) with Erythritol
(melting temperature 118oC; latent heat of fusion
339.8kJ/kg;thermal conductivity 0.326 W/moC; density 1300
kg/m3 )as Phase change material (PCM) for heat storage
.They reported that the heat can be stored whenever sun
energy is available and can be used for cooking during off
sun shine time. And cooking is possible for two times a day
i.e. at noon and at evening time. And during the evening,
Fig 1. Solar cooker schematic diagram cooking rate is faster than noon due to use of PCM storage
heat energy. The solar cooking unit is as shown in figure4.
Buddhi and Sahoo [8] in the year19997 designed and tested
a box type solar cooker by using commercial grade stearic
acid (melting temperature 69oC; latent heat of fusion
202.5kJ/kg; thermal conductivity 0.172 W/moC for liquid;
Density848kg/m3) as a Phase Change Material to store latent
heat. Phase change material was filled below the absorber
plate. The authors reported that, during the mode of PCM
discharge, the heat transfer rate is very slow from PCM to
the Cooking pot. And the time required for evening cooker is
more as shown in figure 2.

Fig4.Solar cooker based on ESTC with PCM unit

Hussein et al. [11] in the year of 2008 reported a novel

indoor cooker by using wickless heat pipe of elliptical cross
section kept at outdoor, flat plate solar collector with an
integrated indoor PCM thermal storage and a cooking unit.
Fig 2.Box type solar cooker
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (melting temperature 89.8 0
C, latent heat of fusion 134 kJ/kg) is used as the PCM inside
Sharma et al. [9] in the year 2000 developed a cylindrical the indoor cooking unit of the cooker. Different experiments
PCM storage unit for box solar cooker with three reflectors have been carried out on solar cooker and results found have
for night cooking. Acetamide (melting temperature 82oC; reported that present solar cooker can be successfully used
latent heat of fusion 263kJ/kg; thermal conductivity 0.5 for cooking three times meals as well to keep food warm at
W/moC; density998 kg/m3) is filled in the cylindrical night and in the early morning. The arrangement of solar
storage unit and it was concluded that by using 4.0kg of cooker is shown in figure 5.
acetanilide, cooking can be done up to 8:pm and due the rate
of heat transfer from PCM to cooking vessel is high due to
this cooking can be faster. The model is as shown in Figure

Fig 3. Box type solar cooker with PCM storage

Fig 5. Solar cooker (By Hussein et.al 2008)

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Muthusivagami et al [12] in the year 2009 presented a novel INR 10,000/m2 of solar collector. The solar collector is
concept of solar cooker which is under experimental shown in figure 8.
investigation by using PCM-A- 164. Thermic fluid is
selected as the heat transfer fluid to exchange the heat
between the collector and the cooking unit. PCM A-164
filled in 1 m long; 22 mm diameter tubes will be made as a
heat exchanger to store the energy during sunshine hours and
to retrieve the energy during off-sunshine hours.
Oil will be circulated below the finned hot plate to keep the
surface temperature around 140–150.8oC. The concept
diagram is shown in figure 6.

Fig 8.Solar collector with integrated heat storage (By IIT Bombay 2014)


Fig 6. Solar Cooker (muthusivagami et.al 2009)

Kedare et al. [13] in the year 2014 submitted the project

named as Arun Dish based solar system to the Ministry of
New & Renewable Energy Government of India. The project
concludes that, it can prepare 2,000 to 3,000 meals on a clear Fig 9. Paraffin Wax in PCM Box
sunny day and it can save average fuel of 40 to 50 kg LPG
on a clear sunny day. It is also reported that the project is In the present work Paraffin wax is used as a Phase change
more suitable for community use. Arun solar cooker is Material (PCM) For paraffin wax boiling point is 370 o C.
shown in figure 7. The maximum temperature attained in the present work is
156 o C.

Paraffin wax is a white or colorless soft solid derivable from

petroleum, coal or oil shale, that consists of a mixture of
hydrocarbon molecules containing between twenty and forty
carbon atoms. It is solid at room temperature and begins to
melt above approximately 37 °C (99 °F); its boiling point is
>370 °C (698 °F). Common applications for paraffin wax
include lubrication, electrical insulation, and candles; dyed
paraffin wax can be made into crayons. It is distinct from
kerosene, another petroleum product that is sometimes
called paraffin.
Fig 7. Arun dish based solar cooker (By IIT Bombay 2014)
Paraffin candles are odorless, and bluish-white in color.
Rane et al. [14-15] in the year 2014have reported, solar Paraffin wax was first created in 1830 in Germany, and
collector with absorber integrated heat storage that generates marked a major advancement in candle making technology,
steam at 2 to 3 bar. The size of solar collector is 1.7 m2 and as it burned more cleanly and reliably than tallow candles,
its weight is about 40 kg. Using steam, 28 kg rice was and was cheaper to produce. In chemistry, paraffin is used
cooked in the first week of January 2017 at IIT Bombay. synonymously with alkane, indicating hydrocarbons with the
However, boiling water was initially used, which was general formula CnH2n+2. The name is derived from Latin
collected from other solar collector. Using cold water in the parum ("barely") + affinis, meaning "lacking affinity" or
beginning, 12 kg rice per clear sunny day can be cooked. "lacking reactivity", referring to paraffin's unreactive nature.
This solar collector is non - seasonal tracking type and costs

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Paraffin wax is mostly found as a white, odorless, tasteless,

waxy solid, with a typical melting point between about 46
and 68 °C (115 and 154 °F),[16] and a density of around
900 kg/m3.[17] It is insoluble in water, but soluble in ether,
benzene, and certain esters. Paraffin is unaffected by most
common chemical reagents but burns readily.[18] Its heat of
combustion is 42 kJ/g.

Fig 12. Model of PCM box lid (absorber plate)

Fig.10. The hydrocarbon C31H64 is a typical component of paraffin wax.
The data related to comparison of various Phase change
Paraffin wax is an excellent electrical insulator, with a material (PCM) s is shown in below table 1.
resistivity of between 1013 and 1017 ohm meter.[19] This is Table 1. Summary of review with present work
better than nearly all other materials except some plastics
(notably Teflon). It is an effective neutron moderator and Reference PCM tested Maximum
was used in James Chadwick's 1932 experiments to identify Temperature
the neutron [20][21]. (o C)
Domanski et al. Stearic acid & 95
Paraffin wax is an excellent material for storing heat, with a Magnesium Nitrate
specific heat capacity of 2.14–2.9 J g−1 K−1 (joules per gram Hexa-Hydrate
Kelvin) and a heat of fusion of 200–220 J g−1.[22] This Budhi and Sahoo Stearic acid 122
property is exploited in modified drywall for home building Sharma et al Acetamide 127
material: a certain type of wax (with the right melting point) Sharma et al Erythritol 138
is infused in the drywall during manufacture so that it melts Hussein et al Magnesium Nitrate 140
during the day, absorbing heat, and solidifies again at night, Hexa Hydrate
releasing the heat.[23] Paraffin wax phase-change cooling Muthusivagami PCM-A-164 140
coupled with retractable radiators was used to cool the et.al
electronics of the Lunar Rover [24]. Wax expands Kedare Water 170
considerably when it melts and this allows its use in wax Rane et al ----- 130
element thermostats for industrial, domestic and, Present work Paraffin Wax 156
particularly, automobile purposes [25] [26].

The cross-section of the iron box is about 420mm x 420mm

x 100mm. and thickness of the iron is about 1mm. 8 Holes
are drilled on the side of the box of about 5mm diameter to
close the top surface of the box with absorber plate.

Fig.13.Temperature (Vs) Time for PCM, cooker, Electronics

Fig 11. Model of PCM box

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 3(8), Aug 2017

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Author(S) Profile(S)
Mr.Yakoob Kolipak pursed B.Tech, Mechanical
Engineering from Kakatiya Institute of
Technology&Science, Warangal (affiliated to
Kakatiya University) in 1998. He pursed
M.Tech. from JNTU, Hyderabad in 2003.He is
pursuing PhD in Osmania University. He is a
Life member of ISTE since 2005.He has 14
years of teaching experience.

Prof. (Dr.) AMK Prasad obtained B.Tech

degree from Government Engineering College,
Ananthapur in 1977, M.Tech from PSG College
of Technology Coimbatore in 1979 and Ph.D
from Osmania University. He joined as a
Lecturer in Mechanical
EngineeringDepartment,University College of
Engineering(UCE),Osmania University(OU) in 1979 and served 35
years in various positions and retired as Senior Professor in
2014.He served as HOD for 2 years and also as a Chairman, Board
of Studies(Global) for 2 years . And also he served as Chairman,
BOS (Autonomous), UCE, OU for 2 years. He published more than
110 national and international research papers. He have conducted
11 small scale industries management assistance programs
sponsored by SIDBI.He was also expert member for quality
assurance of Kalwakurthy Lift Irrigation Project, Kollapur,
Mahaboobnagar District, Telangana. He was appointed as a Expert
Committee Member for AMVI, APSCHE, A.P, Hyderabad, Also
committee member for recruitments like JNTU, AU,IIIT, Rajiv
Gandhi Technology University, Hyderabad, Geetam University,
BRAHMOS etc.,. He was Life Member of ISTE.

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