Basic Calculus Reviewer - LIMITS
Basic Calculus Reviewer - LIMITS
Basic Calculus Reviewer - LIMITS
A common method of finding limits is using a table with columns. Taking values from the left and values from the right.
( From the left: negative side or left side of number line towards c value // From the right: positive side or right side of
number line towards c value )
For this topic, it simply states that the tables are necessary to find the correct answer. Although substituting c can work
for most equations when finding the limit of a function, it does not work everytime. In example 1-2 it shows when it
does. And in example 3-4 is when it doesn’t.
HOWEVER! There are cases where the limit of a function cannot be found.
Such as this:
Limits of Polynomial, Rational, and Radical Functions
( )
For this topic, it's just applying the things we know about limits to different functions.
Keep in mind that using the table is still a better way of accurately finding the limit of a function, however the
video does provide good insight on how to solve these equations.
Same case as the last topic, but I shall provide the specific formulas for these functions.
Good luck!